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Joel Grunbaum
2022-06-01 be527d670c50d6bbac90aec41cd87366e16515e4
search: Joel Grunbaum (author)
2022-06-01 Joel Grunbaum
Added input argument for reliability testing
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2022-06-01 Joel Grunbaum
Fixed and updated servers
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2022-06-01 Joel Grunbaum
Compiler optimisations breaking things
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2022-06-01 Joel Grunbaum
checks for server conductibility if user is root
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2022-05-31 Joel Grunbaum
Further update to listen for any traffic. Need to refine to returning DNS o...
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2022-05-31 Joel Grunbaum
Initial support for reachability
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2022-05-23 Joel Grunbaum
fixup formatting
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2022-05-23 Joel Grunbaum
Count number of errors recorded and print in error column
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2022-05-23 Joel Grunbaum
Fixed typo in error checking
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2022-05-23 Joel Grunbaum
Fix alignment with clang-format
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2022-05-23 Joel Grunbaum
Allow for dev build and release build
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2022-05-23 Joel Grunbaum
Check if sending was successful
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2020-10-24 Joel Grunbaum
Updated README with link to AUR
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2020-10-24 Joel Grunbaum
Changed license to MIT
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2020-10-23 Joel Grunbaum
renamed shadowed variable
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2020-10-23 Joel Grunbaum
added more DNS servers
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2020-10-22 Joel Grunbaum
removed accidentally committed file
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2020-10-22 Joel Grunbaum
reordered makefile for linking compatibility, cast const to remove warning
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2020-10-21 Joel Grunbaum
Added GPLv3 license
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2020-10-21 Joel Grunbaum
Updated README for windows sockets
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2020-10-21 Joel Grunbaum
Moved headers into main folder as project has a simple structure
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2020-10-21 Joel Grunbaum
Added README and help to program
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2020-10-21 Joel Grunbaum
change artifact name and added penalty for failed connections
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2020-10-21 Joel Grunbaum
Added threading, progress and some comments, nearly done
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2020-10-20 Joel Grunbaum
Specify number of serves and hosts, test and sort servers
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2020-10-19 Joel Grunbaum
Added list for dns servers and hostnames
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2020-10-19 Joel Grunbaum
Added server list
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2020-10-19 Joel Grunbaum
calculating request time as struct timespec
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2020-10-18 Joel Grunbaum
fixed cast warnings
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2020-10-18 Joel Grunbaum
trying to make include and source directories
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2020-10-18 Joel Grunbaum
added command line arguments
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2020-10-18 Joel Grunbaum
Buf is passed in so can be read separately, removed functions from header
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2020-10-18 Joel Grunbaum
fixed memory leaks
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2020-10-18 Joel Grunbaum
added gitignore
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2020-10-18 Joel Grunbaum
Added some more DNS record types
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2020-10-18 Joel Grunbaum
Removed pointer reference for memcpy and freeing memory
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2020-10-18 Joel Grunbaum
split dns into own file and printing into own function
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2020-10-18 Joel Grunbaum
dns records fetched and printing
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2020-10-16 Joel Grunbaum
Finished copying gist code
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2020-10-16 Joel Grunbaum
initial commit
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