mirror of https://github.com/Chizi123/Reddit-wallpaper-fetcher.git

Joel Grunbaum
2021-08-27 a03b71fd0ca338372854e8978235e681bf0d8da7
search: Joel Grunbaum (author)
2021-08-27 Joel Grunbaum
output subreddit to data.txt
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2021-08-27 Joel Grunbaum
Check for no time, meaning cant fetch json
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2021-08-27 Joel Grunbaum
Quoting strings for safety
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2021-02-02 Joel Grunbaum
jq raw input to try and avoid errors
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2021-01-11 Joel Grunbaum
only made wallpaper dir not conifg
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2021-01-11 Joel Grunbaum
make folder if doesnt exist
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2020-12-15 Joel Grunbaum
Added support for image galleries
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2020-12-11 Joel Grunbaum
recover incase json is stuffed and has no latest time
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2020-12-10 Joel Grunbaum
added quoted to make shellcheck happy
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2020-12-10 Joel Grunbaum
fixed resizing to largest length, cropping in centre not top left
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2020-12-10 Joel Grunbaum
reize before cropping to keep as much in crop as possible
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2020-12-07 Joel Grunbaum
Added resizing
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2020-12-05 Joel Grunbaum
Added readme
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2020-12-05 Joel Grunbaum
disabled testing
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2020-12-05 Joel Grunbaum
Added license
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2020-12-05 Joel Grunbaum
Added conf and renamed files, allowed loud running
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2020-12-03 Joel Grunbaum
Setup defaults
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2020-12-03 Joel Grunbaum
Changed querying to jq instead of grep, names images
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2020-12-01 Joel Grunbaum
Fixed timing and downloading of latest image
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2020-11-01 Joel Grunbaum
initial commit
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