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Joel Grunbaum
2020-05-19 107e6585331e9494b0e3cb689c209a2516eb3c3e
search: Joel Grunbaum (committer)
2020-05-19 Joel Grunbaum
Compression benchmark script, easily expandable
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2020-05-18 Joel Grunbaum
Swapped if for ternaries inline
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2020-05-18 Joel Grunbaum
Backups in array now for easier addition and removal of backends
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2020-04-05 Joel Grunbaum
wrote autoclicker
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2020-04-05 Joel Grunbaum
added files to backup as well as chunks
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2020-03-31 Joel Grunbaum
Fixed prune order
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2020-03-29 Joel Grunbaum
better string comparison
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2020-03-29 Joel Grunbaum
inplace sed
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2020-03-22 Joel Grunbaum
Add some final instructional comments and timezone variable
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2020-03-21 Joel Grunbaum
Added comments and own repo
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2020-03-21 Joel Grunbaum
changes to chroot
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2020-03-21 Joel Grunbaum
basic arch install script for vm
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2020-03-21 Joel Grunbaum
Create VGPU with GVT-g for vm
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2020-03-21 Joel Grunbaum
Added manual sync option
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2020-02-15 Joel Grunbaum
show IOMMU groups and backup work script
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2019-08-24 Joel Grunbaum
fixed naming issue
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2019-08-24 Joel Grunbaum
added overviews
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2019-08-24 Joel Grunbaum
initial commit
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