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Joel Grunbaum
2020-10-05 0c962c57156f8df515359e7ea919b48742a56632
search: Joel Grunbaum (author)
2020-10-05 Joel Grunbaum
Added Nyan cat to mode line to show progress in file
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2020-10-05 Joel Grunbaum
Added jetbrains darcula theme
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2020-10-05 Joel Grunbaum
Removed newline from end of snippets
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2020-10-05 Joel Grunbaum
Added versions control status to mode line
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2020-09-21 Joel Grunbaum
Diminish flyspell and eldoco, remove org-journal
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2020-07-11 Joel Grunbaum
added rss feeds and async export
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2020-06-20 Joel Grunbaum
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
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2020-06-20 Joel Grunbaum
set planuml execution mode
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2020-06-20 Joel Grunbaum
Added automatic font alternatives and EXWM mode
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2020-06-17 Joel Grunbaum
changed journal publishing settings
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2020-06-01 Joel Grunbaum
Added solarized theme to switcher
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2020-05-31 Joel Grunbaum
Added new theme, org latex spellcheck, journaling hooks not static-blog
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2020-04-01 Joel Grunbaum
back to disqus, fixed org company symbols
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2020-03-20 Joel Grunbaum
Missed some headers for comment
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2020-03-19 Joel Grunbaum
Small tweaks to config and add description for every heading
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2020-02-24 Joel Grunbaum
lots of small changes, plus intro of org-static-blog
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2019-11-21 Joel Grunbaum
Allow emacs to work with ipython notebooks
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2019-11-14 Joel Grunbaum
Added writegood mode, matlab and mips modes
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2019-09-17 Joel Grunbaum
Added GGtags/Ctags, commented out Racket and window, fixed plantuml paths
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2019-09-17 Joel Grunbaum
New snippet to add header to org files
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