% LocalWords: Bluechiip RFID FPGA Venturers venturer Dux IB Bellevue Storeman % LocalWords: Verilog QEMU KVM LXC ASX VHDL Termux Altera RPN \input{info} \usepackage[scale=0.8]{geometry} \begin{document} \recipient{Software Development Expressions of Interest}{Optiver, Sydney} \date{\today} \opening{Dear Sir or Madam,} \closing{Yours Sincerely,} % \enclosure[Attached]{cirriculum vit\ae{}} \makelettertitle{} I am very excited to apply for a Software Development internship at Optiver. I think it would be great to be able to work and learn about the challenges faced by a multinational trading firm. I am finishing my Bachelor of Science in 2020 at the University of Melbourne, majoring in Electrical Systems. There, I am also completing a Concurrent Diploma of Computing. I intend to continue with my education with a Masters of Engineering in 2021. In these, I have been exposed to a wide range of problems which have presented me with the opportunities to develop my technical, interpersonal and communication skills which I hope should help with a placement at Optiver. I have experience programming in C and Java solving problems at systems and user levels. I have also some experience with programming hardware in Verilog and VHDL. I have also played with various open server and enterprise level technologies in my own time, particularly virtualisation and containerisation. I have found my academic and personal experiences useful in employment, where I develop embedded systems. I hope to be able to further my understanding of performance constrained computing through an internship with Optiver. I believe that a position with Optiver would offer some fantastic opportunities I would be unable to experience anywhere else. The constraints faced from algorithmic trading fascinate me, particularly due to the emphasis placed on, and potential gain from, marginal improvements in performance. I look forward to hearing from you. \makeletterclosing{} \newpage{} \end{document}