% LocalWords: Bluechiip RFID FPGA Venturers venturer Dux IB Bellevue Storeman % LocalWords: Verilog QEMU KVM LXC ASX VHDL Termux Altera RPN \input{info} \usepackage[scale=0.82]{geometry} \usepackage{multicol} \begin{document} \makecvtitle{} \section{Summary} I am an Electrical Engineering Masters student with a flair for solving unusual problems in teams. I am fascinated by computing at scale and the challenges faced with serving a global consumer base. I have a strong background in teamwork and collaboration, often directing and managing the group, and enjoy finding interesting solutions for difficult problems. \section{Education} % \cventry{year--year}{Degree}{Institution}{City}{\textit{Grade}}{Description} % arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty \cventry{2021--2022}{Masters of Electrical Engineering with Business}{University of Melbourne}{Melbourne}{}{} \cventry{2018--2020}{Bachelor of Science, Major Electrical Systems}{University of Melbourne}{Melbourne}{}{} \cventry{2019--2020}{Diploma of Computing}{University of Melbourne}{Melbourne}{}{} \cventry{2019}{Bachelor Exchange}{University of Edinburgh}{Edinburgh}{}{} \cventry{2017}{Certificate III Business Management}{Scouts Australia Institute of Training}{}{}{} \cventry{2015--2017}{IB Diploma Program}{Wesley College}{Melbourne}{}{Subjects: English, French, Economics, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry.\newline{} Dux of Physics.} \section{Experience} %\subsection{Work} \cventry{2018--}{Student Technician}{Bluechiip Limited}{}{}{Bluechiip Ltd is an ASX listed developer of temperature and identification tracking solutions for rugged environments. Duties have included assisting engineers in R\&D, basic laboratory operations and prototyping and testing products. \\ Notable achievements include: \begin{itemize} \item Assisted in quality control of ID tags intended for internal and external use. \item Ran an investigation RFID tags and readers as a potential compliment or competition to our tags. \item Repaired an existing VHDL FPGA code base from a non-compiling, abandoned state. \item Modified Linux kernel drivers for an embedded device to alter the display bit-depth and enable communication with 4G radios. \item Creating new relationships with potential suppliers to purchase of goods for internal evaluation. \end{itemize}} \cventry{2017}{Storeman}{Bramble \& Hedge}{}{}{Bramble \& Hedge is a confectionery company. As a Christmas Casual, my duties included the wrapping and packaging of nougat for distribution.} \cventry{2015--2016}{Storeman}{Bellevue Architectural}{}{}{Bellevue Architectural is an importer of high quality architectural door and cabinet furniture. My duties included the organisation of the warehouse and packaging of door furniture.} %\subsection{Volunteering} \cventry{2009--2017}{Group member}{Scouts}{}{}{During my membership with the Scouts, I developed various personal attributes.\newline{} Notable examples include: \begin{itemize} \item Awarded the Queen Scout Award, the highest award in for Venturer Scouts (aged 15-18) and the Scout Medallion in Scouts. \item Chairing my Venturer Scout unit. \item Assistant leader to the local cub pack (aged 8-10) for a period of two years. \item Numerous leadership courses, both for myself and supporting others. \item Planning and running of various camps, both for self interest and for the wider scouts community. \end{itemize}} \section{Projects} \cventry{}{Automated Arch Linux build program}{}{}{}{A script I wrote to automatically build packages from the AUR (Arch User Repository), and to assemble them into a repository. The script has a simple configuration file which enables package signing, should that be required. The feature I'm particularly proud of is the ability to build packages in parallel, allowing the script to run much quicker at the cost of system resources.} \cventry{}{Contribution to Termux package library}{}{}{}{Termux is an open source terminal environment for android with its own build and packaging system. I have added and maintained some packages for the program, working within its unique build environment and tooling.} \cventry{}{Simplified C compiler}{}{}{}{A project I completed on exchange at the University of Edinburgh to write a C to MIPS assembly compiler. The assignment was guided but the vast majority of implimentation details were self-implimented.} \cventry{}{Soft CPU on an FPGA}{}{}{}{A project for a university subjects to implement a CPU on an FPGA. This was a great experience to learn the fundamentals of hardware design and assembly programming while being guided along the way.} \cventry{}{Administration of a home server}{}{}{}{I have created and maintain of a number of websites for my own use. I host on my own server and utilise various cloud providers. Through this, I have experimented with different web servers, virtualisation, docker, DNS configuration and Linux administration.} \section{Skills} \begin{multicols}{2} \begin{itemize} \item Microsoft Office suite \item Linux systems administration \item Programming in C, Java, Verilog, MATLAB \item Typesetting with \LaTeX{} \item Virtualisation with QEMU/KVM \item Containerisation with Docker and LXC \item Inventory management \item Leadership of small teams \item Self education \item Fast trialling and prototyping \item Communication of technical problems \item Interfacing with external entities \end{itemize} \end{multicols} % \section{Awards} % \cventry{2017}{Queen Scout}{\newline{} Scouts Australia}{}{}{Highest award for Venturer Scouts} % \cventry{2017}{Dux of IB Physics}{\newline{} Wesley College}{}{}{} % \cventry{2017}{High Distinction}{\newline{} Australian Mathematics Competition}{}{}{} \section{References} References and transcripts available on request. % \cventry{}{Scott Turner}{\newline{} Engineering Manager}{Bluechiip Limited}{}{Email: Scott.Turner@bluechiip.com} \end{document}