% LocalWords: Bluechiip RFID FPGA Venturers venturer Dux IB Bellevue Storeman % LocalWords: Verilog QEMU KVM LXC ASX VHDL Termux Altera RPN \input{info} \usepackage[scale=0.8]{geometry} \begin{document} \recipient{Consulting Summer Vacationer Program}{Deloitte Melbourne} \date{\today} \opening{Dear Sir or Madam,} \closing{Yours Sincerely,} % \enclosure[Attached]{cirriculum vit\ae{}} \makelettertitle{} I am very excited to apply for the Consulting Summer Vacationer Program at Deloitte. I think it would be great to be able to work and learn about the challenges faced by a multinational consulting firm. I am a Master's of Electrical Engineering with Business student, finishing in 2022. In 2020, I completed my Bachelor of Science and a Diploma of computing, also from the University of Melbourne. During these courses, I was exposed to a wide range of problems and have been tasked with finding creative solutions within constraints, which skills I believe would assist me at Deloitte. In addition to technical skills from university, I am used to working within teams on technical challenges, both at university and in the workspace. Often these challenges have required me to coordinate with teammates to research new information and work towards a solution to the given task. I have found that a technical background and communication training has enabled me to approach problems from an unconventional perspective, often providing innovative solutions. Additionally, I have found myself increasingly interested in the decisions making of large organisations, analysing choices and predicting outcomes. I believe that a position with Deloitte would offer me opportunities that I would be unable to experience elsewhere. The size, scale and influence of Deloitte amazes and inspires me, due to its reach, client base and potential for impact. Being one of the ``Big 4'' accounting firms, Deloitte's reach is unparalleled and has the potential to direct the course of global economics. It is with knowledge of this ability, that I take want to take this opportunity to intern with you. I look forward to hearing from you. \makeletterclosing{} \newpage{} \end{document}