From 5ddac8bd2392ec5b64392e8750d725029bf5aa79 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chizi123 <>
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2018 12:49:41 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] removed themes folder

 semanticdb/!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!semantic.cache | 19958 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 19,840 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-)

diff --git "a/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Program Files\041Emacs 26.1\041share\041emacs\04126.1\041lisp\041semantic.cache" "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Program Files\041Emacs 26.1\041share\041emacs\04126.1\041lisp\041semantic.cache"
index 4798282..974504e 100644
--- "a/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Program Files\041Emacs 26.1\041share\041emacs\04126.1\041lisp\041semantic.cache"
+++ "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Program Files\041Emacs 26.1\041share\041emacs\04126.1\041lisp\041semantic.cache"
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
             ("put" code nil nil [15471 15511])
             ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [15512 15657])
             ("self-insert-uses-region-functions" variable nil nil [15690 16550])
-            ("hard-newline" variable (:default-value (propertize "

+            ("hard-newline" variable (:default-value (propertize "

 " (quote hard) t (quote rear-nonsticky) (quote (hard)))) nil [16552 16685])
             ("newline" function
                (:user-visible-flag t
@@ -828,13 +828,13 @@
             ("messages-buffer" function nil nil [362507 362794])
             ("bad-packages-alist" variable
                (:constant-flag t
-                :default-value (quote ((semantic semantic-version "\\`2\\.0pre[1-3]\\'" "The version of `semantic' loaded does not work in Emacs 22.

-It can cause constant high CPU load.

-Upgrade to at least Semantic 2.0pre4 (distributed with CEDET 1.0pre4).") (CUA-mode t nil "CUA-mode is now part of the standard GNU Emacs distribution,

-so you can now enable CUA via the Options menu or by customizing `cua-mode'.


-You have loaded an older version of CUA-mode which does not work

-correctly with this version of Emacs.  You should remove the old

+                :default-value (quote ((semantic semantic-version "\\`2\\.0pre[1-3]\\'" "The version of `semantic' loaded does not work in Emacs 22.

+It can cause constant high CPU load.

+Upgrade to at least Semantic 2.0pre4 (distributed with CEDET 1.0pre4).") (CUA-mode t nil "CUA-mode is now part of the standard GNU Emacs distribution,

+so you can now enable CUA via the Options menu or by customizing `cua-mode'.


+You have loaded an older version of CUA-mode which does not work

+correctly with this version of Emacs.  You should remove the old

 version and use the one distributed with Emacs."))))
                 nil [363743 365169])
             ("bad-package-check" function (:arguments ("package")) nil [365171 365676])
@@ -920,14 +920,14 @@
                 nil [2984 3334])
             ("mode-line-eol-desc-cache" variable nil nil [3336 3373])
             ("mode-line-eol-desc" function nil nil [3375 4254])
-            ("mode-line-default-help-echo" variable (:default-value "mouse-1: Select (drag to resize)

-mouse-2: Make current window occupy the whole frame

+            ("mode-line-default-help-echo" variable (:default-value "mouse-1: Select (drag to resize)

+mouse-2: Make current window occupy the whole frame

 mouse-3: Remove current window from display") nil [4282 4822])
             ("mode-line-front-space" variable (:default-value (quote (:eval (if (display-graphic-p) " " "-")))) nil [4824 5109])
             ("put" code nil nil [5110 5162])
             ("mode-line-mule-info-help-echo" function (:arguments ("window" "_object" "_point")) nil [5164 5616])
-            ("mode-line-mule-info" variable (:default-value (\` ("" (current-input-method (:propertize ("" current-input-method-title) help-echo (concat (\, (purecopy "Current input method: ")) current-input-method (\, (purecopy "

-mouse-2: Disable input method

+            ("mode-line-mule-info" variable (:default-value (\` ("" (current-input-method (:propertize ("" current-input-method-title) help-echo (concat (\, (purecopy "Current input method: ")) current-input-method (\, (purecopy "

+mouse-2: Disable input method

 mouse-3: Describe current input method"))) local-map (\, mode-line-input-method-map) mouse-face mode-line-highlight)) (\, (propertize "%z" (quote help-echo) (quote mode-line-mule-info-help-echo) (quote mouse-face) (quote mode-line-highlight) (quote local-map) mode-line-coding-system-map)) (:eval (mode-line-eol-desc))))) nil [5618 6540])
             ("put" code nil nil [6556 6606])
             ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [6607 6656])
@@ -951,25 +951,25 @@
             ("mode-line-mode-menu" variable (:default-value (make-sparse-keymap "Minor Modes")) nil [10378 10487])
             ("mode-line-major-mode-keymap" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (bindings--define-key map [mode-line down-mouse-1] (\` (menu-item "Menu Bar" ignore :filter (\, (lambda (_) (mouse-menu-major-mode-map)))))) (define-key map [mode-line mouse-2] (quote describe-mode)) (define-key map [mode-line down-mouse-3] mode-line-mode-menu) map)) nil [10489 10880])
             ("mode-line-minor-mode-keymap" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map [mode-line down-mouse-1] (quote mouse-minor-mode-menu)) (define-key map [mode-line mouse-2] (quote mode-line-minor-mode-help)) (define-key map [mode-line down-mouse-3] mode-line-mode-menu) (define-key map [header-line down-mouse-3] mode-line-mode-menu) map)) nil [10882 11272])
-            ("mode-line-modes" variable (:default-value (let ((recursive-edit-help-echo "Recursive edit, type C-M-c to get out")) (list (propertize "%[" (quote help-echo) recursive-edit-help-echo) "(" (\` (:propertize ("" mode-name) help-echo "Major mode

-mouse-1: Display major mode menu

-mouse-2: Show help for major mode

-mouse-3: Toggle minor modes" mouse-face mode-line-highlight local-map (\, mode-line-major-mode-keymap))) (quote ("" mode-line-process)) (\` (:propertize ("" minor-mode-alist) mouse-face mode-line-highlight help-echo "Minor mode

-mouse-1: Display minor mode menu

-mouse-2: Show help for minor mode

+            ("mode-line-modes" variable (:default-value (let ((recursive-edit-help-echo "Recursive edit, type C-M-c to get out")) (list (propertize "%[" (quote help-echo) recursive-edit-help-echo) "(" (\` (:propertize ("" mode-name) help-echo "Major mode

+mouse-1: Display major mode menu

+mouse-2: Show help for major mode

+mouse-3: Toggle minor modes" mouse-face mode-line-highlight local-map (\, mode-line-major-mode-keymap))) (quote ("" mode-line-process)) (\` (:propertize ("" minor-mode-alist) mouse-face mode-line-highlight help-echo "Minor mode

+mouse-1: Display minor mode menu

+mouse-2: Show help for minor mode

 mouse-3: Toggle minor modes" local-map (\, mode-line-minor-mode-keymap))) (propertize "%n" (quote help-echo) "mouse-2: Remove narrowing from buffer" (quote mouse-face) (quote mode-line-highlight) (quote local-map) (make-mode-line-mouse-map (quote mouse-2) (function mode-line-widen))) ")" (propertize "%]" (quote help-echo) recursive-edit-help-echo) " "))) nil [11274 12284])
             ("put" code nil nil [12285 12331])
             ("mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)) (menu-map (make-sparse-keymap "Toggle Line and Column Number Display"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [size-indication-mode] (quote (menu-item "Display Size Indication" size-indication-mode :help "Toggle displaying a size indication in the mode-line" :button (:toggle . size-indication-mode)))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [line-number-mode] (quote (menu-item "Display Line Numbers" line-number-mode :help "Toggle displaying line numbers in the mode-line" :button (:toggle . line-number-mode)))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [column-number-mode] (quote (menu-item "Display Column Numbers" column-number-mode :help "Toggle displaying column numbers in the mode-line" :button (:toggle . column-number-mode)))) (define-key map [mode-line down-mouse-1] menu-map) map)) nil [12333 13277])
             ("column-number-indicator-zero-based" variable (:default-value t) nil [13279 13665])
             ("mode-line-percent-position" variable (:default-value (quote (-3 "%p"))) nil [13667 14457])
             ("put" code nil nil [14458 14515])
-            ("mode-line-position" variable (:default-value (\` ((:propertize mode-line-percent-position local-map (\, mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map) mouse-face mode-line-highlight help-echo "Size indication mode

-mouse-1: Display Line and Column Mode Menu") (size-indication-mode (8 (\, (propertize " of %I" (quote local-map) mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map (quote mouse-face) (quote mode-line-highlight) (quote help-echo) "Size indication mode

-mouse-1: Display Line and Column Mode Menu")))) (line-number-mode ((column-number-mode (column-number-indicator-zero-based (10 (\, (propertize " (%l,%c)" (quote local-map) mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map (quote mouse-face) (quote mode-line-highlight) (quote help-echo) "Line number and Column number

-mouse-1: Display Line and Column Mode Menu"))) (10 (\, (propertize " (%l,%C)" (quote local-map) mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map (quote mouse-face) (quote mode-line-highlight) (quote help-echo) "Line number and Column number

-mouse-1: Display Line and Column Mode Menu")))) (6 (\, (propertize " L%l" (quote local-map) mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map (quote mouse-face) (quote mode-line-highlight) (quote help-echo) "Line Number

-mouse-1: Display Line and Column Mode Menu"))))) ((column-number-mode (column-number-indicator-zero-based (5 (\, (propertize " C%c" (quote local-map) mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map (quote mouse-face) (quote mode-line-highlight) (quote help-echo) "Column number

-mouse-1: Display Line and Column Mode Menu"))) (5 (\, (propertize " C%C" (quote local-map) mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map (quote mouse-face) (quote mode-line-highlight) (quote help-echo) "Column number

+            ("mode-line-position" variable (:default-value (\` ((:propertize mode-line-percent-position local-map (\, mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map) mouse-face mode-line-highlight help-echo "Size indication mode

+mouse-1: Display Line and Column Mode Menu") (size-indication-mode (8 (\, (propertize " of %I" (quote local-map) mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map (quote mouse-face) (quote mode-line-highlight) (quote help-echo) "Size indication mode

+mouse-1: Display Line and Column Mode Menu")))) (line-number-mode ((column-number-mode (column-number-indicator-zero-based (10 (\, (propertize " (%l,%c)" (quote local-map) mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map (quote mouse-face) (quote mode-line-highlight) (quote help-echo) "Line number and Column number

+mouse-1: Display Line and Column Mode Menu"))) (10 (\, (propertize " (%l,%C)" (quote local-map) mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map (quote mouse-face) (quote mode-line-highlight) (quote help-echo) "Line number and Column number

+mouse-1: Display Line and Column Mode Menu")))) (6 (\, (propertize " L%l" (quote local-map) mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map (quote mouse-face) (quote mode-line-highlight) (quote help-echo) "Line Number

+mouse-1: Display Line and Column Mode Menu"))))) ((column-number-mode (column-number-indicator-zero-based (5 (\, (propertize " C%c" (quote local-map) mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map (quote mouse-face) (quote mode-line-highlight) (quote help-echo) "Column number

+mouse-1: Display Line and Column Mode Menu"))) (5 (\, (propertize " C%C" (quote local-map) mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map (quote mouse-face) (quote mode-line-highlight) (quote help-echo) "Column number

 mouse-1: Display Line and Column Mode Menu")))))))))) nil [14517 16636])
             ("put" code nil nil [16637 16686])
             ("mode-line-buffer-identification-keymap" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map [mode-line mouse-1] (quote mode-line-previous-buffer)) (define-key map [header-line down-mouse-1] (quote ignore)) (define-key map [header-line mouse-1] (quote mode-line-previous-buffer)) (define-key map [mode-line mouse-3] (quote mode-line-next-buffer)) (define-key map [header-line down-mouse-3] (quote ignore)) (define-key map [header-line mouse-3] (quote mode-line-next-buffer)) map)) nil [16688 17421])
@@ -2150,7 +2150,7 @@
             ("subregexp-context-p" function (:arguments ("regexp" "pos" "start")) nil [151602 153512])
             ("split-string-default-separators" variable
                (:constant-flag t
-                :default-value "[ 	

+                :default-value "[ 	

                 nil [153534 153887])
             ("split-string" function (:arguments ("string" "separators" "omit-nulls" "trim")) nil [154149 157265])
@@ -2327,12 +2327,12 @@
             ("whitespace-tab-regexp" variable (:default-value "\\(	+\\)") nil [23203 23889])
             ("whitespace-trailing-regexp" variable (:default-value "\\([	 \302\240]+\\)$") nil [23892 24345])
             ("whitespace-space-before-tab-regexp" variable (:default-value "\\( +\\)\\(	+\\)") nil [24348 24630])
-            ("whitespace-indentation-regexp" variable (:default-value (quote ("^	*\\(\\( \\{%d\\}\\)+\\)[^

-	]" . "^ *\\(	+\\)[^

+            ("whitespace-indentation-regexp" variable (:default-value (quote ("^	*\\(\\( \\{%d\\}\\)+\\)[^

+	]" . "^ *\\(	+\\)[^

 ]"))) nil [24633 25140])
-            ("whitespace-empty-at-bob-regexp" variable (:default-value "\\`\\(\\([ 	]*

+            ("whitespace-empty-at-bob-regexp" variable (:default-value "\\`\\(\\([ 	]*

 \\)+\\)") nil [25143 25400])
-            ("whitespace-empty-at-eob-regexp" variable (:default-value "^\\([ 	

+            ("whitespace-empty-at-eob-regexp" variable (:default-value "^\\([ 	

 ]+\\)\\'") nil [25403 25642])
             ("whitespace-space-after-tab-regexp" variable (:default-value (quote ("	+\\(\\( \\{%d,\\}\\)+\\)" . "\\(	+\\) \\{%d,\\}"))) nil [25645 26123])
             ("whitespace-big-indent-regexp" variable (:default-value "^\\(\\(?:	\\{4,\\}\\| \\{32,\\}\\)[	 ]*\\)") nil [26125 26657])
@@ -2385,46 +2385,46 @@
                 nil [55114 55861])
             ("whitespace-report-text" variable
                (:constant-flag t
-                :default-value (quote (" Whitespace Report


- Current Setting                       Whitespace Problem


- empty                    []     []  empty lines at beginning of buffer

- empty                    []     []  empty lines at end of buffer

- trailing                 []     []  SPACEs or TABs at end of line

- indentation              []     []  >= `tab-width' SPACEs at beginning of line

- indentation::tab         []     []  >= `tab-width' SPACEs at beginning of line

- indentation::space       []     []  TABs at beginning of line

- space-before-tab         []     []  SPACEs before TAB

- space-before-tab::tab    []     []  SPACEs before TAB: SPACEs

- space-before-tab::space  []     []  SPACEs before TAB: TABs

- space-after-tab          []     []  >= `tab-width' SPACEs after TAB

- space-after-tab::tab     []     []  >= `tab-width' SPACEs after TAB: SPACEs

- space-after-tab::space   []     []  >= `tab-width' SPACEs after TAB: TABs


- indent-tabs-mode =

- tab-width        = 


-" . " Whitespace Report


- Current Setting                       Whitespace Problem


- empty                    []     []  empty lines at beginning of buffer

- empty                    []     []  empty lines at end of buffer

- trailing                 []     []  SPACEs or TABs at end of line

- indentation              []     []  TABs at beginning of line

- indentation::tab         []     []  >= `tab-width' SPACEs at beginning of line

- indentation::space       []     []  TABs at beginning of line

- space-before-tab         []     []  SPACEs before TAB

- space-before-tab::tab    []     []  SPACEs before TAB: SPACEs

- space-before-tab::space  []     []  SPACEs before TAB: TABs

- space-after-tab          []     []  >= `tab-width' SPACEs after TAB

- space-after-tab::tab     []     []  >= `tab-width' SPACEs after TAB: SPACEs

- space-after-tab::space   []     []  >= `tab-width' SPACEs after TAB: TABs


- indent-tabs-mode =

- tab-width        = 


+                :default-value (quote (" Whitespace Report


+ Current Setting                       Whitespace Problem


+ empty                    []     []  empty lines at beginning of buffer

+ empty                    []     []  empty lines at end of buffer

+ trailing                 []     []  SPACEs or TABs at end of line

+ indentation              []     []  >= `tab-width' SPACEs at beginning of line

+ indentation::tab         []     []  >= `tab-width' SPACEs at beginning of line

+ indentation::space       []     []  TABs at beginning of line

+ space-before-tab         []     []  SPACEs before TAB

+ space-before-tab::tab    []     []  SPACEs before TAB: SPACEs

+ space-before-tab::space  []     []  SPACEs before TAB: TABs

+ space-after-tab          []     []  >= `tab-width' SPACEs after TAB

+ space-after-tab::tab     []     []  >= `tab-width' SPACEs after TAB: SPACEs

+ space-after-tab::space   []     []  >= `tab-width' SPACEs after TAB: TABs


+ indent-tabs-mode =

+ tab-width        = 


+" . " Whitespace Report


+ Current Setting                       Whitespace Problem


+ empty                    []     []  empty lines at beginning of buffer

+ empty                    []     []  empty lines at end of buffer

+ trailing                 []     []  SPACEs or TABs at end of line

+ indentation              []     []  TABs at beginning of line

+ indentation::tab         []     []  >= `tab-width' SPACEs at beginning of line

+ indentation::space       []     []  TABs at beginning of line

+ space-before-tab         []     []  SPACEs before TAB

+ space-before-tab::tab    []     []  SPACEs before TAB: SPACEs

+ space-before-tab::space  []     []  SPACEs before TAB: TABs

+ space-after-tab          []     []  >= `tab-width' SPACEs after TAB

+ space-after-tab::tab     []     []  >= `tab-width' SPACEs after TAB: SPACEs

+ space-after-tab::space   []     []  >= `tab-width' SPACEs after TAB: TABs


+ indent-tabs-mode =

+ tab-width        = 


                 nil [55864 58074])
             ("whitespace-report-buffer-name" variable
@@ -2442,37 +2442,37 @@
             ("whitespace-font-lock-keywords" variable nil nil [63295 63416])
             ("whitespace-help-text" variable
                (:constant-flag t
-                :default-value " Whitespace Toggle Options                  | scroll up  :  SPC   or > |

-                                            | scroll down:  M-SPC or < |

- FACES                                      \\__________________________/

- []  f   - toggle face visualization

- []  t   - toggle TAB visualization

- []  s   - toggle SPACE and HARD SPACE visualization

- []  r   - toggle trailing blanks visualization

- []  l   - toggle \"long lines\" visualization

- []  L   - toggle \"long lines\" tail visualization

- []  n   - toggle NEWLINE visualization

- []  e   - toggle empty line at bob and/or eob visualization

- []  C-i - toggle indentation SPACEs visualization (via `indent-tabs-mode')

- []  I   - toggle indentation SPACEs visualization

- []  i   - toggle indentation TABs visualization

- []  C-t - toggle big indentation visualization

- []  C-a - toggle SPACEs after TAB visualization (via `indent-tabs-mode')

- []  A   - toggle SPACEs after TAB: SPACEs visualization

- []  a   - toggle SPACEs after TAB: TABs visualization

- []  C-b - toggle SPACEs before TAB visualization (via `indent-tabs-mode')

- []  B   - toggle SPACEs before TAB: SPACEs visualization

- []  b   - toggle SPACEs before TAB: TABs visualization



- []  T - toggle TAB visualization

- []  S - toggle SPACE and HARD SPACE visualization

- []  N - toggle NEWLINE visualization


-      x - restore `whitespace-style' value


-      ? - display this text


+                :default-value " Whitespace Toggle Options                  | scroll up  :  SPC   or > |

+                                            | scroll down:  M-SPC or < |

+ FACES                                      \\__________________________/

+ []  f   - toggle face visualization

+ []  t   - toggle TAB visualization

+ []  s   - toggle SPACE and HARD SPACE visualization

+ []  r   - toggle trailing blanks visualization

+ []  l   - toggle \"long lines\" visualization

+ []  L   - toggle \"long lines\" tail visualization

+ []  n   - toggle NEWLINE visualization

+ []  e   - toggle empty line at bob and/or eob visualization

+ []  C-i - toggle indentation SPACEs visualization (via `indent-tabs-mode')

+ []  I   - toggle indentation SPACEs visualization

+ []  i   - toggle indentation TABs visualization

+ []  C-t - toggle big indentation visualization

+ []  C-a - toggle SPACEs after TAB visualization (via `indent-tabs-mode')

+ []  A   - toggle SPACEs after TAB: SPACEs visualization

+ []  a   - toggle SPACEs after TAB: TABs visualization

+ []  C-b - toggle SPACEs before TAB visualization (via `indent-tabs-mode')

+ []  B   - toggle SPACEs before TAB: SPACEs visualization

+ []  b   - toggle SPACEs before TAB: TABs visualization



+ []  T - toggle TAB visualization

+ []  S - toggle SPACE and HARD SPACE visualization

+ []  N - toggle NEWLINE visualization


+      x - restore `whitespace-style' value


+      ? - display this text


                 nil [63419 64905])
             ("whitespace-help-buffer-name" variable
@@ -2922,20 +2922,20 @@
             ("inhibit-local-variables-suffixes" variable nil nil [121975 122251])
             ("inhibit-local-variables-ignore-case" variable (:default-value t) nil [122323 122429])
             ("inhibit-local-variables-p" function nil nil [122431 123241])
-            ("auto-mode-interpreter-regexp" variable (:default-value (purecopy "#![ 	]?\\([^ 	

-]*/bin/env[ 	]\\)?\\([^ 	

+            ("auto-mode-interpreter-regexp" variable (:default-value (purecopy "#![ 	]?\\([^ 	

+]*/bin/env[ 	]\\)?\\([^ 	

 ]+\\)")) nil [123243 123761])
             ("magic-mode-alist" variable nil nil [123763 124297])
             ("put" code nil nil [124298 124345])
-            ("magic-fallback-mode-alist" variable (:default-value (purecopy (\` ((image-type-auto-detected-p . image-mode) ("\\(PK00\\)?[P]K" . archive-mode) ((\, (let* ((incomment-re "\\(?:[^-]\\|-[^-]\\)") (comment-re (concat "\\(?:!--" incomment-re "*-->[ 	

-]*<\\)"))) (concat "\\(?:<\\?xml[ 	


-]*<" comment-re "*" "\\(?:!DOCTYPE[ 	



-]*" comment-re "*\\)?" "[Hh][Tt][Mm][Ll]"))) . mhtml-mode) ("<!DOCTYPE[ 	

-]+[Hh][Tt][Mm][Ll]" . mhtml-mode) ("<\\?xml " . xml-mode) ((\, (let* ((incomment-re "\\(?:[^-]\\|-[^-]\\)") (comment-re (concat "\\(?:!--" incomment-re "*-->[ 	

-]*<\\)"))) (concat "[ 	

+            ("magic-fallback-mode-alist" variable (:default-value (purecopy (\` ((image-type-auto-detected-p . image-mode) ("\\(PK00\\)?[P]K" . archive-mode) ((\, (let* ((incomment-re "\\(?:[^-]\\|-[^-]\\)") (comment-re (concat "\\(?:!--" incomment-re "*-->[ 	

+]*<\\)"))) (concat "\\(?:<\\?xml[ 	


+]*<" comment-re "*" "\\(?:!DOCTYPE[ 	



+]*" comment-re "*\\)?" "[Hh][Tt][Mm][Ll]"))) . mhtml-mode) ("<!DOCTYPE[ 	

+]+[Hh][Tt][Mm][Ll]" . mhtml-mode) ("<\\?xml " . xml-mode) ((\, (let* ((incomment-re "\\(?:[^-]\\|-[^-]\\)") (comment-re (concat "\\(?:!--" incomment-re "*-->[ 	

+]*<\\)"))) (concat "[ 	

 ]*<" comment-re "*!DOCTYPE "))) . sgml-mode) ("%!PS" . ps-mode) ("# xmcd " . conf-unix-mode))))) nil [124347 125890])
             ("put" code nil nil [125891 125947])
             ("magic-mode-regexp-match-limit" variable (:default-value 4000) nil [125949 126091])
@@ -2961,7 +2961,7 @@
             ("hack-local-variables-confirm" function (:arguments ("all-vars" "unsafe-vars" "risky-vars" "dir-name")) nil [140827 143697])
             ("hack-local-variable-regexp" variable
                (:constant-flag t
-                :default-value "[ 	]*\\([^][;\"'?()\\ 	

+                :default-value "[ 	]*\\([^][;\"'?()\\ 	

 ]+\\)[ 	]*:[ 	]*")
                 nil [143699 143786])
             ("hack-local-variables-prop-line" function (:arguments ("handle-mode")) nil [143788 147066])
@@ -3382,9 +3382,37 @@
       :lastmodtime '(23525 29503 0 0)
       :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 4800 . 4801) (symbol 4765 . 4782) (open-paren 4764 . 4765)))
     (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [1048 1065])
+            ("subr-x" include nil nil [1085 1102])
+            ("file-notify--library" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (cond ((featurep (quote inotify)) (quote inotify)) ((featurep (quote kqueue)) (quote kqueue)) ((featurep (quote gfilenotify)) (quote gfilenotify)) ((featurep (quote w32notify)) (quote w32notify))))
+                nil [1105 1525])
+            ("cl-defstruct" code nil nil [1527 1853])
+            ("file-notify--watch-absolute-filename" function (:arguments ("watch")) nil [1855 2155])
+            ("file-notify-descriptors" variable (:default-value (make-hash-table :test (quote equal))) nil [2157 2474])
+            ("file-notify--rm-descriptor" function (:arguments ("descriptor")) nil [2476 3031])
+            ("file-notify-handle-event" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [3138 3690])
+            ("file-notify--pending-event" variable nil nil [3769 3945])
+            ("file-notify--event-watched-file" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [3947 4227])
+            ("file-notify--event-file-name" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [4229 4552])
+            ("file-notify--event-file1-name" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [4605 4989])
+            ("file-notify--event-cookie" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [5033 5193])
+            ("file-notify-callback" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [5320 11050])
+            ("file-notify-add-watch" function (:arguments ("file" "flags" "callback")) nil [11223 15446])
+            ("file-notify-rm-watch" function (:arguments ("descriptor")) nil [15448 16528])
+            ("file-notify-valid-p" function (:arguments ("descriptor")) nil [16530 17472])
+            ("filenotify" package nil nil [17899 17920]))          
       :file "filenotify.el"
+      :pointmax 17950
       :fsize 17949
-      :lastmodtime '(23525 29508 0 0))
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29508 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 1102 . 1103) (symbol 1067 . 1084) (open-paren 1066 . 1067)))
     (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
       :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
@@ -3508,9 +3536,292 @@
       :lastmodtime '(23525 29517 0 0)
       :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 1097 . 1098) (symbol 1062 . 1079) (open-paren 1061 . 1062)))
     (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("put" code nil nil [1197 1239])
+            ("mouse" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1241 1348])
+            ("mouse-yank-at-point" variable nil nil [1350 1489])
+            ("mouse-drag-copy-region" variable nil nil [1491 1744])
+            ("mouse-1-click-follows-link" variable (:default-value 450) nil [1746 3177])
+            ("mouse-1-click-in-non-selected-windows" variable (:default-value t) nil [3179 3521])
+            ("mouse--down-1-maybe-follows-link" function (:arguments ("_prompt")) nil [3523 5941])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [5943 6027])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [6028 6119])
+            ("minor-mode-menu-from-indicator" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("indicator"))
+                nil [6175 7428])
+            ("mouse-minor-mode-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [7430 7662])
+            ("mouse-menu-major-mode-map" function nil nil [7664 8256])
+            ("mouse-menu-non-singleton" function (:arguments ("menubar")) nil [8258 8713])
+            ("mouse-menu-bar-map" function nil nil [8715 10927])
+            ("mouse-major-mode-menu" function (:arguments ("event" "prefix")) nil [10929 11295])
+            ("mouse-popup-menubar" function (:arguments ("event" "prefix")) nil [11297 11722])
+            ("mouse-popup-menubar-stuff" function (:arguments ("event" "prefix")) nil [11724 12186])
+            ("mouse-minibuffer-check" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [12227 12538])
+            ("mouse-delete-window" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("click"))
+                nil [12540 12838])
+            ("mouse-select-window" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("click"))
+                nil [12840 13264])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [13266 13345])
+            ("tear-off-window" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("click"))
+                nil [13346 13731])
+            ("mouse-delete-other-windows" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [13733 13867])
+            ("mouse-split-window-vertically" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("click"))
+                nil [13869 14699])
+            ("mouse-split-window-horizontally" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("click"))
+                nil [14701 15524])
+            ("mouse-drag-line" function (:arguments ("start-event" "line")) nil [15526 21541])
+            ("mouse-drag-mode-line" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start-event"))
+                nil [21543 22984])
+            ("mouse-drag-header-line" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start-event"))
+                nil [22986 23686])
+            ("mouse-drag-vertical-line" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start-event"))
+                nil [23688 23921])
+            ("mouse-resize-frame" function (:arguments ("frame" "x-diff" "y-diff" "x-move" "y-move")) nil [23924 25378])
+            ("mouse-drag-frame" function (:arguments ("start-event" "part")) nil [25380 38806])
+            ("mouse-drag-left-edge" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start-event"))
+                nil [38808 39015])
+            ("mouse-drag-top-left-corner" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start-event"))
+                nil [39017 39240])
+            ("mouse-drag-top-edge" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start-event"))
+                nil [39242 39446])
+            ("mouse-drag-top-right-corner" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start-event"))
+                nil [39448 39674])
+            ("mouse-drag-right-edge" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start-event"))
+                nil [39676 39886])
+            ("mouse-drag-bottom-right-corner" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start-event"))
+                nil [39888 40123])
+            ("mouse-drag-bottom-edge" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start-event"))
+                nil [40125 40338])
+            ("mouse-drag-bottom-left-corner" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start-event"))
+                nil [40340 40572])
+            ("mouse-select-region-move-to-beginning" variable nil nil [40574 40948])
+            ("mouse-set-point" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event" "promote-to-region"))
+                nil [40950 41819])
+            ("mouse-last-region-beg" variable nil nil [41821 41855])
+            ("mouse-last-region-end" variable nil nil [41856 41890])
+            ("mouse-last-region-tick" variable nil nil [41891 41926])
+            ("mouse-region-match" function nil nil [41928 42220])
+            ("mouse--drag-start-event" variable nil nil [42222 42258])
+            ("mouse-set-region" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("click"))
+                nil [42260 44782])
+            ("mouse-set-region-1" function nil nil [44784 45238])
+            ("mouse-scroll-delay" variable (:default-value 0.25) nil [45240 45747])
+            ("mouse-scroll-min-lines" variable (:default-value 1) nil [45749 46199])
+            ("mouse-scroll-subr" function (:arguments ("window" "jump" "overlay" "start")) nil [46201 47633])
+            ("mouse-selection-click-count" variable nil nil [47635 47673])
+            ("mouse-selection-click-count-buffer" variable nil nil [47675 47722])
+            ("mouse-drag-region" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start-event"))
+                nil [47724 48601])
+            ("mouse-posn-property" function (:arguments ("pos" "property")) nil [48603 49646])
+            ("mouse-on-link-p" function (:arguments ("pos")) nil [49648 52112])
+            ("mouse-fixup-help-message" function (:arguments ("msg")) nil [52114 52903])
+            ("mouse-drag-track" function (:arguments ("start-event")) nil [52905 56655])
+            ("mouse--drag-set-mark-and-point" function (:arguments ("start" "click" "click-count")) nil [56657 57023])
+            ("mouse-skip-word" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [57076 58178])
+            ("mouse-start-end" function (:arguments ("start" "end" "mode")) nil [58180 60877])
+            ("mouse-set-mark-fast" function (:arguments ("click")) nil [60961 61177])
+            ("mouse-undouble-last-event" function (:arguments ("events")) nil [61179 61852])
+            ("mouse-set-mark" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("click"))
+                nil [61927 62424])
+            ("mouse-kill" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("click"))
+                nil [62426 62833])
+            ("mouse-yank-at-click" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("click" "arg"))
+                nil [62835 63603])
+            ("mouse-yank-primary" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("click"))
+                nil [63605 64318])
+            ("mouse-kill-ring-save" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("click"))
+                nil [64320 64618])
+            ("mouse-save-then-kill-posn" variable nil nil [64853 64891])
+            ("mouse-save-then-kill-delete-region" function (:arguments ("beg" "end")) nil [64893 66374])
+            ("mouse-save-then-kill" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("click"))
+                nil [66376 69821])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [69825 69876])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [69877 69931])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [69932 69987])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [69988 70048])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [70049 70099])
+            ("mouse-secondary-overlay" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (let ((ol (make-overlay (point-min) (point-min)))) (delete-overlay ol) (overlay-put ol (quote face) (quote secondary-selection)) ol))
+                nil [70101 70382])
+            ("mouse-secondary-click-count" variable nil nil [70384 70422])
+            ("mouse-secondary-start" variable nil nil [70516 70550])
+            ("mouse-start-secondary" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("click"))
+                nil [70552 71195])
+            ("mouse-set-secondary" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("click"))
+                nil [71197 71820])
+            ("mouse-drag-secondary" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start-event"))
+                nil [71822 75051])
+            ("mouse-yank-secondary" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("click"))
+                nil [75053 75601])
+            ("mouse-kill-secondary" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [75603 76506])
+            ("mouse-secondary-save-then-kill" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("click"))
+                nil [76508 80416])
+            ("secondary-selection-exist-p" function nil nil [80418 80603])
+            ("secondary-selection-to-region" function nil nil [80605 81405])
+            ("secondary-selection-from-region" function nil nil [81407 81837])
+            ("mouse-buffer-menu-maxlen" variable (:default-value 20) nil [81841 82102])
+            ("mouse-buffer-menu-mode-mult" variable (:default-value 4) nil [82104 82592])
+            ("mouse-buffer-menu-mode-groups" variable (:default-value (mapcar (lambda (arg) (cons (purecopy (car arg)) (purecopy (cdr arg)))) (quote (("Info\\|Help\\|Apropos\\|Man" . "Help") ("\\bVM\\b\\|\\bMH\\b\\|Message\\|Mail\\|Group\\|Score\\|Summary\\|Article" . "Mail/News") ("\\<C\\>" . "C") ("ObjC" . "C") ("Text" . "Text") ("Outline" . "Text") ("\\(HT\\|SG\\|X\\|XHT\\)ML" . "SGML") ("log\\|diff\\|vc\\|cvs\\|Annotate" . "Version Control") ("Threads\\|Memory\\|Disassembly\\|Breakpoints\\|Frames\\|Locals\\|Registers\\|Inferior I/O\\|Debugger" . "GDB") ("Lisp" . "Lisp"))))) nil [82594 83404])
+            ("mouse-buffer-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [83406 83886])
+            ("mouse-buffer-menu-map" function nil nil [83888 87035])
+            ("mouse-buffer-menu-alist" function (:arguments ("buffers")) nil [87037 88081])
+            ("mouse-buffer-menu-split" function (:arguments ("title" "alist")) nil [88083 88836])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [88839 88924])
+            ("font-menu-add-default" function nil nil [88946 89254])
+            ("x-fixed-font-alist" variable (:default-value (list (purecopy "Font Menu") (cons (purecopy "Misc") (mapcar (lambda (arg) (cons (purecopy (car arg)) (purecopy (cdr arg)))) (quote (("fixed" "fixed") ("6x10" "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--10-*-*-*-c-60-iso8859-1" "6x10") ("6x12" "-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--12-*-*-*-c-60-iso8859-1" "6x12") ("6x13" "-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-*-*-*-c-60-iso8859-1" "6x13") ("7x13" "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-*-*-*-c-70-iso8859-1" "7x13") ("7x14" "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-c-70-iso8859-1" "7x14") ("8x13" "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-*-*-*-c-80-iso8859-1" "8x13") ("9x15" "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--15-*-*-*-c-90-iso8859-1" "9x15") ("10x20" "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--20-*-*-*-c-100-iso8859-1" "10x20") ("11x18" "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--18-*-*-*-c-110-iso8859-1" "11x18") ("12x24" "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--24-*-*-*-c-120-iso8859-1" "12x24") ("") ("clean 5x8" "-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--8-*-*-*-c-50-iso8859-1") ("clean 6x8" "-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--8-*-*-*-c-60-iso8859-1") ("clean 8x8" "-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--8-*-*-*-c-80-iso8859-1") ("clean 8x10" "-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--10-*-*-*-c-80-iso8859-1") ("clean 8x14" "-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-c-80-iso8859-1") ("clean 8x16" "-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--16-*-*-*-c-80-iso8859-1") ("") ("sony 8x16" "-sony-fixed-medium-r-normal--16-*-*-*-c-80-iso8859-1") ("lucidasanstypewriter-12" "-b&h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-sans-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1") ("lucidasanstypewriter-bold-14" "-b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans-*-140-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1") ("lucidasanstypewriter-bold-24" "-b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans-*-240-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1"))))) (cons (purecopy "Courier") (mapcar (lambda (arg) (cons (purecopy (car arg)) (purecopy (cdr arg)))) (quote (("8" "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--*-80-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("10" "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--*-100-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("12" "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("14" "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--*-140-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("18" "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--*-180-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("24" "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--*-240-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("8 bold" "-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-80-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("10 bold" "-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-100-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("12 bold" "-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("14 bold" "-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-140-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("18 bold" "-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-180-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("24 bold" "-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-240-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("8 slant" "-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal--*-80-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("10 slant" "-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal--*-100-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("12 slant" "-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal--*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("14 slant" "-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal--*-140-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("18 slant" "-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal--*-180-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("24 slant" "-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal--*-240-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("8 bold slant" "-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--*-80-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("10 bold slant" "-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--*-100-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("12 bold slant" "-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("14 bold slant" "-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--*-140-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("18 bold slant" "-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--*-180-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1") ("24 bold slant" "-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--*-240-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1"))))))) nil [89256 93536])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [93538 93591])
+            ("mouse-select-font" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [93593 93974])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [93976 94023])
+            ("mouse-set-font" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("fonts"))
+                nil [94025 94872])
+            ("mouse-appearance-menu-map" variable nil nil [94874 94912])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [94913 94980])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [94991 95097])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [95098 95169])
+            ("w32-use-w32-font-dialog" variable nil nil [95170 95202])
+            ("w32-fixed-font-alist" variable nil nil [95203 95232])
+            ("mouse-appearance-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [95234 98012])
+            ("mouse-drag-and-drop-region" variable nil nil [98042 98744])
+            ("mouse-drag-and-drop-region-cut-when-buffers-differ" variable nil nil [98746 99175])
+            ("mouse-drag-and-drop-region-show-tooltip" variable (:default-value 256) nil [99177 99613])
+            ("mouse-drag-and-drop-region-show-cursor" variable (:default-value t) nil [99615 100010])
+            ("mouse-drag-and-drop-region" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit region)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [100012 100311])
+            ("mouse-drag-and-drop-region" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [100313 111604])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [111642 111692])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [111693 111736])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [111737 111786])
+            ("mouse--strip-first-event" function (:arguments ("_prompt")) nil [111788 111877])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [111879 111956])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [111957 112035])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [112037 112083])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [112156 112234])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [112235 112312])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [112313 112361])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [112362 112440])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [112441 112518])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [112643 112695])
+            ("if" code nil nil [112696 112792])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [112836 113094])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [113314 113381])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [113382 113441])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [113508 113571])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [113572 113629])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [113630 113694])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [113695 113752])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [113753 113824])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [113825 113904])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [113905 113988])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [113989 114060])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [114061 114122])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [114123 114196])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [114197 114268])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [114269 114317])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [114318 114391])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [114392 114460])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [114461 114510])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [114511 114587])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [114588 114651])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [114652 114696])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [114697 114772])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [114773 114823])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [114824 114885])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [114886 114929])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [114930 115007])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [115008 115059])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [115060 115125])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [115126 115171])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [115172 115255])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [115256 115310])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [115311 115378])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [115379 115425])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [115426 115507])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [115508 115561])
+            ("mouse" package nil nil [115563 115579]))          
       :file "mouse.el"
+      :pointmax 115604
       :fsize 115609
-      :lastmodtime '(23525 29514 0 0))
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29514 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
     (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
       :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
@@ -3618,9 +3929,208 @@
       :lastmodtime '(23525 29510 0 0)
       :unmatched-syntax nil)
     (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("syntax" include nil nil [10482 10499])
+            ("cl-lib" include nil nil [10519 10536])
+            ("font-lock" customgroup
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :value (quote ((jit-lock custom-group))))
+                nil [10573 10815])
+            ("font-lock-faces" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [10817 10923])
+            ("font-lock-extra-types" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [10925 11047])
+            ("font-lock-maximum-size" variable (:default-value 256000) nil [11070 12126])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [12127 12186])
+            ("font-lock-maximum-decoration" variable (:default-value t) nil [12188 13318])
+            ("font-lock-verbose" variable nil nil [13320 13633])
+            ("font-lock-comment-face" variable (:default-value (quote font-lock-comment-face)) nil [14307 14398])
+            ("font-lock-comment-delimiter-face" variable (:default-value (quote font-lock-comment-delimiter-face)) nil [14400 14520])
+            ("font-lock-string-face" variable (:default-value (quote font-lock-string-face)) nil [14522 14610])
+            ("font-lock-doc-face" variable (:default-value (quote font-lock-doc-face)) nil [14612 14700])
+            ("font-lock-keyword-face" variable (:default-value (quote font-lock-keyword-face)) nil [14702 14793])
+            ("font-lock-builtin-face" variable (:default-value (quote font-lock-builtin-face)) nil [14795 14886])
+            ("font-lock-function-name-face" variable (:default-value (quote font-lock-function-name-face)) nil [14888 14996])
+            ("font-lock-variable-name-face" variable (:default-value (quote font-lock-variable-name-face)) nil [14998 15106])
+            ("font-lock-type-face" variable (:default-value (quote font-lock-type-face)) nil [15108 15205])
+            ("font-lock-constant-face" variable (:default-value (quote font-lock-constant-face)) nil [15207 15316])
+            ("font-lock-warning-face" variable (:default-value (quote font-lock-warning-face)) nil [15318 15429])
+            ("font-lock-negation-char-face" variable (:default-value (quote font-lock-negation-char-face)) nil [15431 15599])
+            ("font-lock-preprocessor-face" variable (:default-value (quote font-lock-preprocessor-face)) nil [15601 15716])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [15718 15810])
+            ("font-lock-keywords" variable nil nil [15841 21692])
+            ("font-lock-keywords-alist" variable nil nil [21694 22298])
+            ("put" code nil nil [22299 22354])
+            ("font-lock-removed-keywords-alist" variable nil nil [22356 22756])
+            ("font-lock-keywords-only" variable nil nil [22758 22909])
+            ("font-lock-keywords-case-fold-search" variable nil nil [22911 23148])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [23149 23214])
+            ("font-lock-syntactically-fontified" variable nil nil [23216 23435])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [23436 23499])
+            ("font-lock-syntactic-face-function" variable (:default-value (lambda (state) (if (nth 3 state) font-lock-string-face font-lock-comment-face))) nil [23501 23918])
+            ("font-lock-syntactic-keywords" variable nil nil [23920 25141])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [25142 25255])
+            ("font-lock-syntax-table" variable nil nil [25257 25450])
+            ("font-lock-mark-block-function" variable nil nil [25452 25718])
+            ("font-lock-fontify-buffer-function" variable (:default-value (function font-lock-default-fontify-buffer)) nil [25720 25891])
+            ("font-lock-unfontify-buffer-function" variable (:default-value (function font-lock-default-unfontify-buffer)) nil [25893 26116])
+            ("font-lock-fontify-region-function" variable (:default-value (function font-lock-default-fontify-region)) nil [26118 26614])
+            ("font-lock-unfontify-region-function" variable (:default-value (function font-lock-default-unfontify-region)) nil [26616 26853])
+            ("font-lock-inhibit-thing-lock" variable nil nil [26855 27103])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [27104 27169])
+            ("defvar-local" code nil nil [27171 27504])
+            ("defvar-local" code nil nil [27506 27544])
+            ("font-lock-face-attributes" variable nil nil [28036 28070])
+            ("save-buffer-state" function (:arguments ("body")) nil [27745 27996])
+            ("defvar-local" code nil nil [28106 28147])
+            ("font-lock-specified-p" function (:arguments ("mode")) nil [28184 28571])
+            ("font-lock-initial-fontify" function nil nil [28573 29135])
+            ("font-lock-mode-internal" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [29137 29560])
+            ("font-lock-add-keywords" function (:arguments ("mode" "keywords" "how")) nil [29562 33303])
+            ("font-lock-update-removed-keyword-alist" function (:arguments ("mode" "keywords" "how")) nil [33305 34393])
+            ("font-lock-remove-keywords" function (:arguments ("mode" "keywords")) nil [35191 37903])
+            ("font-lock-support-mode" variable (:default-value (quote jit-lock-mode)) nil [38247 39926])
+            ("fast-lock-mode" variable nil nil [39928 39951])
+            ("lazy-lock-mode" variable nil nil [39952 39975])
+            ("jit-lock-mode" variable nil nil [39976 39998])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [40000 40061])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [40062 40125])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [40126 40171])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [40172 40233])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [40234 40297])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [40298 40343])
+            ("font-lock-turn-on-thing-lock" function nil nil [40345 41667])
+            ("font-lock-turn-off-thing-lock" function nil nil [41669 42028])
+            ("font-lock-after-fontify-buffer" function nil nil [42030 42352])
+            ("font-lock-after-unfontify-buffer" function nil nil [42354 42890])
+            ("font-lock-extend-after-change-region-function" variable nil nil [45542 46292])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [46293 46368])
+            ("font-lock-fontify-buffer" function (:arguments ("interactively")) nil [46370 47350])
+            ("font-lock-unfontify-buffer" function nil nil [47352 47437])
+            ("font-lock-fontify-region" function (:arguments ("beg" "end" "loudly")) nil [47439 47749])
+            ("font-lock-unfontify-region" function (:arguments ("beg" "end")) nil [47751 47980])
+            ("font-lock-flush-function" variable (:default-value (function font-lock-after-change-function)) nil [47982 48146])
+            ("font-lock-flush" function (:arguments ("beg" "end")) nil [48148 48506])
+            ("font-lock-ensure-function" variable (:default-value (lambda (_beg _end) (unless font-lock-fontified (font-lock-default-fontify-buffer) (unless font-lock-mode (setq font-lock-fontified nil))))) nil [48508 49014])
+            ("font-lock-ensure" function (:arguments ("beg" "end")) nil [49016 49325])
+            ("font-lock-default-fontify-buffer" function nil nil [49327 50081])
+            ("font-lock-default-unfontify-buffer" function nil nil [50083 50422])
+            ("font-lock-dont-widen" variable nil nil [50424 50627])
+            ("font-lock-beg" variable nil nil [50630 50652])
+            ("font-lock-end" variable nil nil [50653 50675])
+            ("font-lock-extend-region-functions" variable (:default-value (quote (font-lock-extend-region-wholelines font-lock-extend-region-multiline))) nil [50676 51983])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [52114 52177])
+            ("font-lock-extend-region-multiline" function nil nil [52179 52948])
+            ("font-lock-extend-region-wholelines" function nil nil [52950 53441])
+            ("font-lock-default-fontify-region" function (:arguments ("beg" "end" "loudly")) nil [53443 55446])
+            ("font-lock-extra-managed-props" variable nil nil [55889 56102])
+            ("font-lock-default-unfontify-region" function (:arguments ("beg" "end")) nil [56104 56475])
+            ("font-lock-after-change-function" function (:arguments ("beg" "end" "old-len")) nil [56533 57680])
+            ("jit-lock-start" variable nil nil [57682 57705])
+            ("jit-lock-end" variable nil nil [57706 57727])
+            ("font-lock-extend-jit-lock-region-after-change" function (:arguments ("beg" "end" "old-len")) nil [57728 61204])
+            ("font-lock-fontify-block" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [61206 62328])
+            ("font-lock-prepend-text-property" function (:arguments ("start" "end" "prop" "value" "object")) nil [62762 63691])
+            ("font-lock-append-text-property" function (:arguments ("start" "end" "prop" "value" "object")) nil [63693 64619])
+            ("font-lock-fillin-text-property" function (:arguments ("start" "end" "prop" "value" "object")) nil [64621 65254])
+            ("font-lock--remove-face-from-text-property" function (:arguments ("start" "end" "prop" "value" "object")) nil [65256 66516])
+            ("font-lock-apply-syntactic-highlight" function (:arguments ("highlight")) nil [67120 68451])
+            ("font-lock-fontify-syntactic-anchored-keywords" function (:arguments ("keywords" "limit")) nil [68453 69502])
+            ("font-lock-fontify-syntactic-keywords-region" function (:arguments ("start" "end")) nil [69504 71314])
+            ("font-lock-comment-start-skip" variable nil nil [71411 71526])
+            ("font-lock-comment-end-skip" variable nil nil [71528 71634])
+            ("font-lock-fontify-syntactically-region" function (:arguments ("start" "end" "loudly")) nil [71636 73372])
+            ("font-lock-apply-highlight" function (:arguments ("highlight")) nil [73467 74991])
+            ("font-lock-fontify-anchored-keywords" function (:arguments ("keywords" "limit")) nil [74993 76405])
+            ("font-lock-fontify-keywords-region" function (:arguments ("start" "end" "loudly")) nil [76407 78796])
+            ("font-lock-compile-keywords" function (:arguments ("keywords" "syntactic-keywords")) nil [78874 80712])
+            ("font-lock-compile-keyword" function (:arguments ("keyword")) nil [80714 81592])
+            ("font-lock-eval-keywords" function (:arguments ("keywords")) nil [81594 81850])
+            ("font-lock-value-in-major-mode" function (:arguments ("values")) nil [81852 82205])
+            ("font-lock-choose-keywords" function (:arguments ("keywords" "level")) nil [82207 82595])
+            ("font-lock-refresh-defaults" function nil nil [82597 83173])
+            ("font-lock-major-mode" variable nil nil [83175 83273])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [83274 83324])
+            ("font-lock-set-defaults" function nil nil [83326 85988])
+            ("font-lock-comment-face" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class grayscale) (background light)) :foreground "DimGray" :weight bold :slant italic) (((class grayscale) (background dark)) :foreground "LightGray" :weight bold :slant italic) (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :foreground "Firebrick") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :foreground "chocolate1") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light)) :foreground "red") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark)) :foreground "red1") (((class color) (min-colors 8) (background light)) :foreground "red") (((class color) (min-colors 8) (background dark)) :foreground "yellow") (t :weight bold :slant italic)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [86113 86950])
+            ("font-lock-comment-delimiter-face" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((default :inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [86952 87129])
+            ("font-lock-string-face" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class grayscale) (background light)) :foreground "DimGray" :slant italic) (((class grayscale) (background dark)) :foreground "LightGray" :slant italic) (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :foreground "VioletRed4") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :foreground "LightSalmon") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light)) :foreground "RosyBrown") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark)) :foreground "LightSalmon") (((class color) (min-colors 8)) :foreground "green") (t :slant italic)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [87131 87812])
+            ("font-lock-doc-face" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit font-lock-string-face)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [87814 87965])
+            ("font-lock-keyword-face" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class grayscale) (background light)) :foreground "LightGray" :weight bold) (((class grayscale) (background dark)) :foreground "DimGray" :weight bold) (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :foreground "Purple") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :foreground "Cyan1") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light)) :foreground "Purple") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark)) :foreground "Cyan") (((class color) (min-colors 8)) :foreground "cyan" :weight bold) (t :weight bold)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [87967 88639])
+            ("font-lock-builtin-face" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class grayscale) (background light)) :foreground "LightGray" :weight bold) (((class grayscale) (background dark)) :foreground "DimGray" :weight bold) (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :foreground "dark slate blue") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :foreground "LightSteelBlue") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light)) :foreground "Orchid") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark)) :foreground "LightSteelBlue") (((class color) (min-colors 8)) :foreground "blue" :weight bold) (t :weight bold)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [88641 89340])
+            ("font-lock-function-name-face" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :foreground "Blue1") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :foreground "LightSkyBlue") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light)) :foreground "Blue") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark)) :foreground "LightSkyBlue") (((class color) (min-colors 8)) :foreground "blue" :weight bold) (t :inverse-video t :weight bold)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [89342 89893])
+            ("font-lock-variable-name-face" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class grayscale) (background light)) :foreground "Gray90" :weight bold :slant italic) (((class grayscale) (background dark)) :foreground "DimGray" :weight bold :slant italic) (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :foreground "sienna") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :foreground "LightGoldenrod") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light)) :foreground "DarkGoldenrod") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark)) :foreground "LightGoldenrod") (((class color) (min-colors 8)) :foreground "yellow" :weight light) (t :weight bold :slant italic)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [89895 90656])
+            ("font-lock-type-face" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class grayscale) (background light)) :foreground "Gray90" :weight bold) (((class grayscale) (background dark)) :foreground "DimGray" :weight bold) (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :foreground "ForestGreen") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :foreground "PaleGreen") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light)) :foreground "ForestGreen") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark)) :foreground "PaleGreen") (((class color) (min-colors 8)) :foreground "green") (t :weight bold :underline t)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [90658 91352])
+            ("font-lock-constant-face" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class grayscale) (background light)) :foreground "LightGray" :weight bold :underline t) (((class grayscale) (background dark)) :foreground "Gray50" :weight bold :underline t) (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :foreground "dark cyan") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :foreground "Aquamarine") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light)) :foreground "CadetBlue") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark)) :foreground "Aquamarine") (((class color) (min-colors 8)) :foreground "magenta") (t :weight bold :underline t)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [91354 92093])
+            ("font-lock-warning-face" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit error)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [92095 92229])
+            ("font-lock-negation-char-face" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t nil)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [92231 92377])
+            ("font-lock-preprocessor-face" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit font-lock-builtin-face)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [92379 92550])
+            ("font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit bold)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [92552 92722])
+            ("font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit bold)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [92724 92897])
+            ("font-lock-match-c-style-declaration-item-and-skip-to-next" function (:arguments ("limit")) nil [97738 99767])
+            ("cpp-font-lock-keywords-source-directives" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "define\\|e\\(?:l\\(?:if\\|se\\)\\|ndif\\|rror\\)\\|file\\|i\\(?:f\\(?:n?def\\)?\\|mport\\|nclude\\)\\|line\\|pragma\\|undef\\|warning")
+                nil [100392 100638])
+            ("cpp-font-lock-keywords-source-depth" variable (:constant-flag t) nil [100893 101075])
+            ("cpp-font-lock-keywords" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (let* ((directives cpp-font-lock-keywords-source-directives) (directives-depth cpp-font-lock-keywords-source-depth)) (list (quote ("^#[ 	]*\\(?:error\\|warning\\)[ 	]+\\(.+\\)" 1 font-lock-warning-face prepend)) (quote ("^#[ 	]*\\(?:import\\|include\\)[ 	]*\\(<[^>\"
+]*>?\\)" 1 font-lock-string-face prepend)) (quote ("^#[ 	]*define[ 	]+\\([[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_$]*\\)(" (1 font-lock-function-name-face prepend) ((lambda (limit) (re-search-forward "\\(?:\\([[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*\\)[,]?\\)" (or (save-excursion (re-search-forward ")" limit t)) limit) t)) nil nil (1 font-lock-variable-name-face prepend)))) (quote ("^#[ 	]*\\(?:elif\\|if\\)\\>" ("\\<\\(defined\\)\\>[ 	]*(?\\([[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*\\)?" nil nil (1 font-lock-builtin-face prepend) (2 font-lock-variable-name-face prepend t)))) (list (concat "^\\(#[ 	]*\\(?:" directives "\\)\\)\\>[ 	!]*\\([[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*\\)?") (quote (1 font-lock-preprocessor-face prepend)) (list (+ 2 directives-depth) (quote font-lock-variable-name-face) nil t)))))
+                nil [101077 102884])
+            ("font-lock" package nil nil [102887 102907]))          
       :file "font-lock.el"
+      :pointmax 102936
       :fsize 102935
-      :lastmodtime '(23525 29508 0 0))
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29508 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 28070 . 28071) (symbol 27608 . 27625) (open-paren 27607 . 27608) (close-paren 10536 . 10537) (symbol 10501 . 10518) (open-paren 10500 . 10501)))
     (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
       :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
@@ -4247,9 +4757,25 @@
       :lastmodtime '(23525 29502 0 0)
       :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 1067 . 1068) (symbol 1032 . 1049) (open-paren 1031 . 1032)))
     (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("obarray-default-size" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value 59)
+                nil [968 1072])
+            ("obarray-make" function (:arguments ("size")) nil [1074 1319])
+            ("obarray-size" function (:arguments ("ob")) nil [1321 1406])
+            ("obarrayp" function (:arguments ("object")) nil [1408 1525])
+            ("obarray-get" function (:arguments ("ob" "name")) nil [1587 1725])
+            ("obarray-put" function (:arguments ("ob" "name")) nil [1727 1867])
+            ("obarray-remove" function (:arguments ("ob" "name")) nil [1869 2021])
+            ("obarray-map" function (:arguments ("fn" "ob")) nil [2023 2136])
+            ("obarray" package nil nil [2138 2156]))          
       :file "obarray.el"
+      :pointmax 2182
       :fsize 2183
-      :lastmodtime '(23525 29514 0 0))
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29514 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
     (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
       :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
@@ -4347,7 +4873,19203 @@
     (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
       :file "widget.el"
       :fsize 3916
-      :lastmodtime '(23525 29521 0 0)))
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29521 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("ansi-color" include nil nil [3956 3977])
+            ("cl-lib" include nil nil [3978 3995])
+            ("button" include nil nil [3996 4013])
+            ("man" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [4015 4114])
+            ("Man-notify" variable nil nil [4116 4135])
+            ("Man-filter-list" variable nil nil [4137 4742])
+            ("Man-uses-untabify-flag" variable (:default-value t) nil [4744 4845])
+            ("Man-sed-script" variable nil nil [4846 4941])
+            ("Man-fontify-manpage-flag" variable (:default-value t) nil [4943 5062])
+            ("Man-overstrike" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:inherit bold))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [5064 5189])
+            ("Man-underline" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:inherit underline))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [5191 5321])
+            ("Man-reverse" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:inherit highlight))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [5323 5453])
+            ("Man-ansi-color-map" variable (:default-value (let ((ansi-color-faces-vector [default Man-overstrike default Man-underline Man-underline default default Man-reverse])) (ansi-color-make-color-map))) nil [5455 5703])
+            ("Man-notify-method" variable (:default-value (if (boundp (quote Man-notify)) Man-notify (quote friendly))) nil [5770 6848])
+            ("Man-width" variable nil nil [6850 7306])
+            ("Man-frame-parameters" variable nil nil [7308 7529])
+            ("Man-downcase-section-letters-flag" variable (:default-value t) nil [7531 7995])
+            ("Man-circular-pages-flag" variable (:default-value t) nil [7997 8138])
+            ("Man-section-translations-alist" variable (:default-value (list (quote ("3C++" . "3")) (quote ("3X11" . "3")) (quote ("1-UCB" . "")))) nil [8140 8779])
+            ("Man-header-file-path" variable (:default-value (let ((arch (with-temp-buffer (when (eq 0 (ignore-errors (call-process "gcc" nil (quote (t nil)) nil "-print-multiarch"))) (goto-char (point-min)) (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position))))) (base (quote ("/usr/include" "/usr/local/include")))) (if (zerop (length arch)) base (append base (list (expand-file-name arch "/usr/include")))))) nil [8819 9473])
+            ("Man-name-local-regexp" variable (:default-value (concat "^" (regexp-opt (quote ("NOM" "NAME"))) "$")) nil [9475 9729])
+            ("manual-program" variable (:default-value "man") nil [9731 9841])
+            ("Man-untabify-command" variable (:default-value "pr") nil [9843 9953])
+            ("Man-untabify-command-args" variable (:default-value (list "-t" "-e")) nil [9955 10122])
+            ("Man-sed-command" variable (:default-value "sed") nil [10124 10237])
+            ("Man-awk-command" variable (:default-value "awk") nil [10239 10352])
+            ("Man-coding-system" variable nil nil [10510 10720])
+            ("Man-mode-hook" variable nil nil [10722 10818])
+            ("Man-cooked-hook" variable nil nil [10820 10952])
+            ("Man-name-regexp" variable (:default-value "[-[:alnum:]_\302\255+][-[:alnum:]_.:\302\255+]*") nil [10954 11089])
+            ("Man-section-regexp" variable (:default-value "[0-9][a-zA-Z0-9+]*\\|[LNln]") nil [11091 11220])
+            ("Man-page-header-regexp" variable (:default-value (if (string-match "-solaris2\\." system-configuration) (concat "^[-[:alnum:]_].*[ 	]\\(" Man-name-regexp "(\\(" Man-section-regexp "\\))\\)$") (concat "^[ 	]*\\(" Man-name-regexp "(\\(" Man-section-regexp "\\))\\).*\\1"))) nil [11222 11558])
+            ("Man-heading-regexp" variable (:default-value "^\\([[:upper:]][[:upper:]0-9 /-]+\\)$") nil [11560 11686])
+            ("Man-see-also-regexp" variable (:default-value "\\(SEE ALSO\\|VOIR AUSSI\\|SIEHE AUCH\\|V\303\211ASE TAMBI\303\211N\\|VEJA TAMB\303\211M\\|VEDERE ANCHE\\|ZOBACZ TAK\305\273E\\|\304\260LG\304\260L\304\260 BELGELER\\|\345\217\202\347\205\247\\|\345\217\202\350\247\201 SEE ALSO\\|\345\217\203\350\246\213 SEE ALSO\\)") nil [11688 11987])
+            ("Man-first-heading-regexp" variable (:default-value "^NAME$\\|^[ 	]*No manual entry fo.*$") nil [12203 12397])
+            ("Man-reference-regexp" variable (:default-value (concat "\\(" Man-name-regexp "\\(\342\200\220?

+[ 	]+" Man-name-regexp "\\)*\\)[ 	]*(\\(" Man-section-regexp "\\))")) nil [12399 12611])
+            ("Man-apropos-regexp" variable (:default-value (concat "\\[\\(" Man-name-regexp "\\)\\][ 	]*(\\(" Man-section-regexp "\\))")) nil [12613 12801])
+            ("Man-synopsis-regexp" variable (:default-value "SYNOPSIS") nil [12803 12959])
+            ("Man-files-regexp" variable (:default-value "FILES\\>") nil [12961 13191])
+            ("Man-include-regexp" variable (:default-value "#[ 	]*include[ 	]*") nil [13193 13310])
+            ("Man-file-name-regexp" variable (:default-value "[^<>\", 	

+]+") nil [13312 13432])
+            ("Man-normal-file-prefix-regexp" variable (:default-value "[/~$]") nil [13434 13553])
+            ("Man-header-regexp" variable (:default-value (concat "\\(" Man-include-regexp "\\)" "[<\"]" "\\(" Man-file-name-regexp "\\)" "[>\"]")) nil [13555 13764])
+            ("Man-normal-file-regexp" variable (:default-value (concat Man-normal-file-prefix-regexp Man-file-name-regexp)) nil [13766 13921])
+            ("Man-hyphenated-reference-regexp" variable (:default-value (concat "\\(" Man-name-regexp "\\)\\((\\(" Man-section-regexp "\\))\\)?")) nil [14019 14206])
+            ("Man-switches" variable nil nil [14208 14442])
+            ("Man-specified-section-option" variable (:default-value (if (string-match "-solaris[0-9.]*$" system-configuration) "-s" "")) nil [14444 14622])
+            ("Man-support-local-filenames" variable (:default-value (quote auto-detect)) nil [14624 14897])
+            ("man-imenu-title" variable (:default-value "Contents") nil [14899 15050])
+            ("Man-original-frame" variable nil nil [15100 15127])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [15128 15176])
+            ("Man-arguments" variable nil nil [15177 15199])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [15200 15243])
+            ("put" code nil nil [15244 15283])
+            ("Man--sections" variable nil nil [15285 15311])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [15312 15355])
+            ("Man--refpages" variable nil nil [15356 15382])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [15383 15426])
+            ("Man-page-list" variable nil nil [15427 15453])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [15454 15497])
+            ("Man-current-page" variable nil nil [15498 15525])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [15526 15572])
+            ("Man-page-mode-string" variable (:default-value "1 of 1") nil [15573 15611])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [15612 15662])
+            ("Man-sysv-sed-script" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "// {	s/_//g

+	s/_//g

+        s/o+/o/g

+        s/+o/o/g

+	:ovstrk

+	s/\\(.\\)\\1/\\1/g

+	t ovstrk

+	}

+/\\[[0-9][0-9]*m/ s///g")
+                nil [15664 15910])
+            ("Man-berkeley-sed-script" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "// {	s/_//g\\

+	s/_//g\\

+        s/o+/o/g\\

+        s/+o/o/g\\

+	:ovstrk\\

+	s/\\(.\\)\\1/\\1/g\\

+	t ovstrk\\

+	}\\

+/\\[[0-9][0-9]*m/ s///g")
+                nil [15912 16182])
+            ("Man-topic-history" variable nil nil [16184 16236])
+            ("Man-mode-syntax-table" variable (:default-value (let ((table (copy-syntax-table (standard-syntax-table)))) (modify-syntax-entry 46 "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry 95 "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry 58 "w" table) table)) nil [16238 16539])
+            ("Man-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (suppress-keymap map) (set-keymap-parent map (make-composed-keymap button-buffer-map special-mode-map)) (define-key map "n" (quote Man-next-section)) (define-key map "p" (quote Man-previous-section)) (define-key map "n" (quote Man-next-manpage)) (define-key map "p" (quote Man-previous-manpage)) (define-key map "." (quote beginning-of-buffer)) (define-key map "r" (quote Man-follow-manual-reference)) (define-key map "g" (quote Man-goto-section)) (define-key map "s" (quote Man-goto-see-also-section)) (define-key map "k" (quote Man-kill)) (define-key map "u" (quote Man-update-manpage)) (define-key map "m" (quote man)) (define-key map "
" (quote man-follow)) (easy-menu-define nil map "`Man-mode' menu." (quote ("Man" ["Next Section" Man-next-section t] ["Previous Section" Man-previous-section t] ["Go To Section..." Man-goto-section t] ["Go To \"SEE ALSO\" Section" Man-goto-see-also-section :active (cl-member Man-see-also-regexp Man--sections :test (function string-match-p))] ["Follow Reference..." Man-follow-manual-reference :active Man--refpages :help "Go to a manpage referred to in the \"SEE ALSO\" section"] "--" ["Next Manpage" Man-next-manpage :active (> (length Man-page-list) 1)] ["Previous Manpage" Man-previous-manpage :active (> (length Man-page-list) 1)] "--" ["Man..." man t] ["Kill Buffer" Man-kill t] ["Quit" quit-window t]))) map)) nil [16541 18304])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [18317 18480])
+            ("Man-xref-button-action" function (:arguments ("button")) nil [18482 18763])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [18765 18865])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [18868 19183])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [19185 19563])
+            ("Man-init-defvars" function nil nil [19655 22416])
+            ("Man-make-page-mode-string" function nil nil [22418 22649])
+            ("Man-build-man-command" function nil nil [22651 23738])
+            ("Man-translate-cleanup" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [23741 24161])
+            ("Man-translate-references" function (:arguments ("ref")) nil [24163 25528])
+            ("Man-support-local-filenames" function nil nil [25530 26896])
+            ("Man-default-man-entry" function (:arguments ("pos")) nil [27017 30523])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [30712 30741])
+            ("Man-completion-cache" variable nil nil [30743 30981])
+            ("Man-man-k-use-anchor" variable (:default-value (memq system-type (quote (gnu gnu/linux gnu/kfreebsd)))) nil [30983 31511])
+            ("Man-parse-man-k" function nil nil [31513 33169])
+            ("Man-completion-table" function (:arguments ("string" "pred" "action")) nil [33171 36417])
+            ("man" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("man-args"))
+                nil [36434 38770])
+            ("man-follow" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("man-args"))
+                nil [38787 39045])
+            ("Man-start-calling" function (:arguments ("body")) nil [39047 41610])
+            ("Man-getpage-in-background" function (:arguments ("topic")) nil [41612 43363])
+            ("Man-update-manpage" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [43365 44304])
+            ("Man-notify-when-ready" function (:arguments ("man-buffer")) nil [44306 45874])
+            ("Man-softhyphen-to-minus" function nil nil [45876 46208])
+            ("Man-fontify-manpage" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [46210 48673])
+            ("Man-highlight-references" function (:arguments ("xref-man-type")) nil [48675 49904])
+            ("Man-highlight-references0" function (:arguments ("start-section" "regexp" "button-pos" "target" "type")) nil [49906 50701])
+            ("Man-cleanup-manpage" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("interactive"))
+                nil [50703 51970])
+            ("Man-bgproc-filter" function (:arguments ("process" "string")) nil [51972 52948])
+            ("Man-bgproc-sentinel" function (:arguments ("process" "msg")) nil [52950 56452])
+            ("Man-page-from-arguments" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [56454 56709])
+            ("bookmark-make-record-function" variable nil nil [56837 56875])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [56877 59363])
+            ("Man-build-section-alist" function nil nil [59365 59792])
+            ("Man-build-references-alist" function nil nil [59794 61033])
+            ("Man-build-page-list" function nil nil [61035 62171])
+            ("Man-strip-page-headers" function nil nil [62173 63048])
+            ("Man-unindent" function nil nil [63050 64348])
+            ("Man-next-section" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n"))
+                nil [64448 65011])
+            ("Man-previous-section" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n"))
+                nil [65013 65326])
+            ("Man-find-section" function (:arguments ("section")) nil [65328 65690])
+            ("Man--last-section" variable nil nil [65692 65722])
+            ("Man-goto-section" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("section"))
+                nil [65724 66308])
+            ("Man-goto-see-also-section" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [66311 66629])
+            ("Man-possibly-hyphenated-word" function nil nil [66631 67324])
+            ("Man--last-refpage" variable nil nil [67326 67356])
+            ("Man-follow-manual-reference" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("reference"))
+                nil [67358 68602])
+            ("Man-kill" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [68604 68701])
+            ("Man-goto-page" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("page" "noerror"))
+                nil [68703 69684])
+            ("Man-next-manpage" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [69687 70080])
+            ("Man-previous-manpage" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [70082 70484])
+            ("Man-view-header-file" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [70509 70952])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [70979 71091])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [71092 71155])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [71156 71216])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [71217 71281])
+            ("Man-default-bookmark-title" function nil nil [71283 71608])
+            ("Man-bookmark-make-record" function nil nil [71610 71884])
+            ("Man-bookmark-jump" function (:arguments ("bookmark")) nil [71901 72552])
+            ("Man-init-defvars" code nil nil [72612 72630])
+            ("man" package nil nil [72632 72646]))          
+      :file "man.el"
+      :pointmax 72669
+      :fsize 72699
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29513 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "ansi-color.el"
+      :fsize 25013
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29502 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("button" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit link)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [2213 2307])
+            ("button-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map [(control 109)] (quote push-button)) (define-key map [mouse-2] (quote push-button)) (define-key map [mode-line mouse-2] (quote push-button)) (define-key map [header-line mouse-2] (quote push-button)) map)) nil [2309 2920])
+            ("button-buffer-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map [9] (quote forward-button)) (define-key map "	" (quote backward-button)) (define-key map [backtab] (quote backward-button)) map)) nil [2922 3246])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3282 3317])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3318 3362])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3363 3403])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3404 3439])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3505 3542])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3543 3619])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3689 3723])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3819 3858])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3920 3973])
+            ("button-category-symbol" function (:arguments ("type")) nil [4534 4804])
+            ("define-button-type" function (:arguments ("name" "properties")) nil [4806 6444])
+            ("button-type-put" function (:arguments ("type" "prop" "val")) nil [6446 6585])
+            ("button-type-get" function (:arguments ("type" "prop")) nil [6587 6718])
+            ("button-type-subtype-p" function (:arguments ("type" "supertype")) nil [6720 6948])
+            ("button-start" function (:arguments ("button")) nil [6995 7241])
+            ("button-end" function (:arguments ("button")) nil [7243 7474])
+            ("button-get" function (:arguments ("button" "prop")) nil [7476 7882])
+            ("button-put" function (:arguments ("button" "prop" "val")) nil [7884 8853])
+            ("button-activate" function (:arguments ("button" "use-mouse-action")) nil [8855 9685])
+            ("button-label" function (:arguments ("button")) nil [9687 9941])
+            ("button-type" function (:arguments ("button")) nil [9943 10035])
+            ("button-has-type-p" function (:arguments ("button" "type")) nil [10037 10205])
+            ("button--area-button-p" function (:arguments ("b")) nil [10207 10386])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [10388 10479])
+            ("make-button" function (:arguments ("beg" "end" "properties")) nil [10511 11439])
+            ("insert-button" function (:arguments ("label" "properties")) nil [11441 11908])
+            ("make-text-button" function (:arguments ("beg" "end" "properties")) nil [11947 14158])
+            ("insert-text-button" function (:arguments ("label" "properties")) nil [14160 14845])
+            ("button-at" function (:arguments ("pos")) nil [14881 15271])
+            ("next-button" function (:arguments ("pos" "count-current")) nil [15273 15839])
+            ("previous-button" function (:arguments ("pos" "count-current")) nil [15841 16848])
+            ("push-button" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("pos" "use-mouse-action"))
+                nil [16870 18202])
+            ("forward-button" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n" "wrap" "display-message"))
+                nil [18204 19728])
+            ("backward-button" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n" "wrap" "display-message"))
+                nil [19730 20234])
+            ("button" package nil nil [20237 20254]))          
+      :file "button.el"
+      :pointmax 20280
+      :fsize 20279
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29503 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cus-face" include nil nil [4464 4483])
+            ("wid-edit" include nil nil [4484 4503])
+            ("custom-versions-load-alist" variable nil nil [4505 4540])
+            ("recentf-exclude" variable nil nil [4557 4581])
+            ("condition-case" code nil nil [4602 4660])
+            ("condition-case" code nil nil [4662 4721])
+            ("put" code nil nil [4723 4767])
+            ("put" code nil nil [4768 4816])
+            ("custom-add-to-group" code nil nil [4817 4886])
+            ("emacs" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [4915 5015])
+            ("editing" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5070 5143])
+            ("convenience" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5145 5232])
+            ("files" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5234 5301])
+            ("wp" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5303 5434])
+            ("text" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5436 5582])
+            ("data" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5584 5662])
+            ("abbrev" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5664 5783])
+            ("matching" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5785 5871])
+            ("emulations" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5873 5993])
+            ("external" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5995 6073])
+            ("comm" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [6075 6193])
+            ("processes" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [6195 6299])
+            ("programming" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [6301 6391])
+            ("languages" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [6393 6484])
+            ("lisp" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [6486 6661])
+            ("c" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [6663 6863])
+            ("tools" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [6865 6930])
+            ("applications" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [6932 7010])
+            ("calendar" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7012 7100])
+            ("mail" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7102 7184])
+            ("news" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7186 7301])
+            ("games" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7303 7379])
+            ("development" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7381 7469])
+            ("docs" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7471 7549])
+            ("extensions" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7551 7634])
+            ("internal" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7636 7736])
+            ("maint" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7738 7855])
+            ("environment" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7857 7939])
+            ("hardware" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7941 8043])
+            ("terminals" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [8045 8123])
+            ("unix" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [8125 8227])
+            ("i18n" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [8229 8398])
+            ("x" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [8400 8463])
+            ("frames" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [8465 8557])
+            ("tex" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [8559 8705])
+            ("faces" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [8707 8775])
+            ("help" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [8777 8848])
+            ("multimedia" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [8850 8947])
+            ("local" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [8949 9014])
+            ("customize" customgroup
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :value (quote ((widgets custom-group))))
+                nil [9016 9145])
+            ("custom-faces" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [9147 9239])
+            ("custom-browse" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [9241 9340])
+            ("custom-buffer" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [9342 9441])
+            ("custom-menu" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [9443 9538])
+            ("alloc" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [9540 9669])
+            ("undo" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [9671 9779])
+            ("mode-line" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [9781 9858])
+            ("editing-basics" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [9860 9942])
+            ("display" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [9944 10033])
+            ("execute" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [10035 10110])
+            ("installation" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [10112 10189])
+            ("dired" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [10191 10256])
+            ("limits" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [10258 10325])
+            ("debug" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [10327 10397])
+            ("keyboard" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [10399 10473])
+            ("menu" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [10475 10542])
+            ("dnd" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [10544 10622])
+            ("auto-save" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [10624 10704])
+            ("processes-basics" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [10706 10797])
+            ("mule" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [10799 10870])
+            ("windows" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [10872 10986])
+            ("custom-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map widget-keymap) (define-key map [remap self-insert-command] (quote Custom-no-edit)) (define-key map "
" (quote Custom-newline)) (define-key map " " (quote scroll-up-command)) (define-key map [33554464] (quote scroll-down-command)) (define-key map "" (quote scroll-down-command)) (define-key map "" (quote Custom-set)) (define-key map "" (quote Custom-save)) (define-key map "q" (quote Custom-buffer-done)) (define-key map "u" (quote Custom-goto-parent)) (define-key map "n" (quote widget-forward)) (define-key map "p" (quote widget-backward)) map)) nil [11013 11661])
+            ("custom-mode-link-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map custom-mode-map) (define-key map [down-mouse-2] nil) (define-key map [down-mouse-1] (quote mouse-drag-region)) (define-key map [mouse-2] (quote widget-move-and-invoke)) map)) nil [11663 11969])
+            ("custom-field-keymap" variable (:default-value (let ((map (copy-keymap widget-field-keymap))) (define-key map "" (quote Custom-set)) (define-key map "" (quote Custom-save)) map)) nil [11971 12211])
+            ("widget-put" code nil nil [12213 12288])
+            ("custom-split-regexp-maybe" function (:arguments ("regexp")) nil [12306 12618])
+            ("custom-variable-prompt" function nil nil [12620 13179])
+            ("custom-menu-filter" function (:arguments ("menu" "widget")) nil [13181 13732])
+            ("custom-prefix-list" variable nil nil [13750 13848])
+            ("custom-unlispify-menu-entries" variable (:default-value t) nil [13850 13997])
+            ("custom-unlispify-remove-prefixes" variable nil nil [13999 14355])
+            ("custom-unlispify-menu-entry" function (:arguments ("symbol" "no-suffix")) nil [14357 15339])
+            ("custom-unlispify-tag-names" variable (:default-value t) nil [15341 15484])
+            ("custom-unlispify-tag-name" function (:arguments ("symbol")) nil [15486 15678])
+            ("custom-prefix-add" function (:arguments ("symbol" "prefixes")) nil [15680 15858])
+            ("custom-guess-name-alist" variable (:default-value (quote (("-p\\'" boolean) ("-flag\\'" boolean) ("-hook\\'" hook) ("-face\\'" face) ("-file\\'" file) ("-function\\'" function) ("-functions\\'" (repeat function)) ("-list\\'" (repeat sexp)) ("-alist\\'" (alist :key-type sexp :value-type sexp))))) nil [15872 16594])
+            ("custom-guess-doc-alist" variable (:default-value (quote (("\\`\\*?Non-nil " boolean)))) nil [16596 17109])
+            ("custom-guess-type" function (:arguments ("symbol")) nil [17111 17913])
+            ("custom-browse-sort-alphabetically" variable nil nil [17944 18110])
+            ("custom-browse-order-groups" variable nil nil [18112 18408])
+            ("custom-browse-only-groups" variable nil nil [18410 18565])
+            ("custom-buffer-sort-alphabetically" variable (:default-value t) nil [18582 18762])
+            ("custom-buffer-order-groups" variable (:default-value (quote last)) nil [18764 19062])
+            ("custom-menu-sort-alphabetically" variable nil nil [19079 19236])
+            ("custom-menu-order-groups" variable (:default-value (quote first)) nil [19238 19533])
+            ("custom-sort-items" function (:arguments ("items" "sort-alphabetically" "order-groups")) nil [19535 20634])
+            ("custom-commands" variable (:default-value (quote ((" Apply " Custom-set t "Apply settings (for the current session only)." "index" "Apply") (" Apply and Save " Custom-save (or custom-file user-init-file) "Apply settings and save for future sessions." "save" "Save") (" Undo Edits " Custom-reset-current t "Restore customization buffer to reflect existing settings." "refresh" "Undo") (" Reset Customizations " Custom-reset-saved t "Undo any settings applied only for the current session." "undo" "Reset") (" Erase Customizations " Custom-reset-standard (or custom-file user-init-file) "Un-customize settings in this and future sessions." "delete" "Uncustomize") (" Help for Customize " Custom-help t "Get help for using Customize." "help" "Help") (" Exit " Custom-buffer-done t "Exit Customize." "exit" "Exit")))) nil [20809 21723])
+            ("Custom-help" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [21725 21861])
+            ("custom-reset-menu" variable (:default-value (quote (("Undo Edits in Customization Buffer" . Custom-reset-current) ("Revert This Session's Customizations" . Custom-reset-saved) ("Erase Customizations" . Custom-reset-standard)))) nil [21863 22284])
+            ("custom-options" variable nil nil [22286 22362])
+            ("custom-command-apply" function (:arguments ("fun" "query" "strong-query")) nil [22364 22986])
+            ("Custom-set" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_ignore"))
+                nil [22988 23294])
+            ("Custom-save" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_ignore"))
+                nil [23296 23928])
+            ("custom-reset" function (:arguments ("_widget" "event")) nil [23930 24157])
+            ("Custom-reset-current" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_ignore"))
+                nil [24159 24518])
+            ("Custom-reset-saved" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_ignore"))
+                nil [24520 24945])
+            ("custom-reset-standard-variables-list" variable nil nil [25367 25416])
+            ("custom-reset-standard-faces-list" variable nil nil [25417 25462])
+            ("custom-reset-standard-save-and-update" function nil nil [25716 26884])
+            ("Custom-reset-standard" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_ignore"))
+                nil [26886 27801])
+            ("custom-prompt-variable" function (:arguments ("prompt-var" "prompt-val" "comment")) nil [27831 29609])
+            ("customize-set-value" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("variable" "value" "comment"))
+                nil [29626 30396])
+            ("customize-set-variable" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("variable" "value" "comment"))
+                nil [30413 31659])
+            ("customize-save-variable" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("variable" "value" "comment"))
+                nil [31676 33155])
+            ("customize-push-and-save" function (:arguments ("list-var" "elts")) nil [33440 34106])
+            ("customize" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [34123 34435])
+            ("customize-mode" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("mode"))
+                nil [34452 35118])
+            ("customize-read-group" function nil nil [35120 35520])
+            ("customize-group" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("group" "other-window"))
+                nil [35537 36337])
+            ("customize-group-other-window" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("group"))
+                nil [36354 36559])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [36576 36624])
+            ("customize-option" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("symbol"))
+                nil [36641 37106])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [37123 37197])
+            ("customize-option-other-window" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("symbol"))
+                nil [37214 37760])
+            ("customize-changed-options-previous-release" variable (:default-value "25.3") nil [37762 37893])
+            ("customize-package-emacs-version-alist" variable nil nil [37971 39311])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [39328 39384])
+            ("customize-changed-options" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("since-version"))
+                nil [39401 41753])
+            ("customize-package-emacs-version" function (:arguments ("symbol" "package-version")) nil [41755 43022])
+            ("customize-version-lessp" function (:arguments ("version1" "version2")) nil [43024 43883])
+            ("customize-face" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face" "other-window"))
+                nil [43900 45189])
+            ("customize-face-other-window" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face"))
+                nil [45206 45669])
+            ("custom-unsaved-options" function nil nil [45671 46269])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [46271 46322])
+            ("customize-unsaved" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [46339 46655])
+            ("customize-rogue" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [46672 47348])
+            ("customize-saved" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [47364 47956])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [47958 48018])
+            ("apropos-regexp" variable nil nil [48019 48042])
+            ("customize-apropos" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("pattern" "type"))
+                nil [48059 49811])
+            ("customize-apropos-options" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("regexp" "ignored"))
+                nil [49828 50045])
+            ("customize-apropos-faces" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("regexp"))
+                nil [50062 50240])
+            ("customize-apropos-groups" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("regexp"))
+                nil [50257 50439])
+            ("custom-prompt-customize-unsaved-options" function nil nil [50456 50803])
+            ("custom-buffer-style" variable (:default-value (quote links)) nil [50818 51205])
+            ("custom-buffer-done-kill" variable nil nil [51207 51363])
+            ("custom-buffer-indent" variable (:default-value 3) nil [51365 51486])
+            ("custom-get-fresh-buffer" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [51488 52402])
+            ("custom-buffer-create" function (:arguments ("options" "name" "_description")) nil [52419 52867])
+            ("custom-buffer-create-other-window" function (:arguments ("options" "name" "_description")) nil [52884 53446])
+            ("custom-reset-button-menu" variable (:default-value t) nil [53448 53677])
+            ("custom-buffer-verbose-help" variable (:default-value t) nil [53679 53830])
+            ("Custom-buffer-done" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_ignore"))
+                nil [53832 54001])
+            ("custom-button" variable nil nil [54003 54081])
+            ("custom-button-mouse" variable nil nil [54083 54173])
+            ("custom-button-pressed" variable nil nil [54175 54269])
+            ("custom-search-field" variable (:default-value t) nil [54271 54418])
+            ("custom-raised-buttons" variable (:default-value (not (equal (face-valid-attribute-values :box) (quote (("unspecified" . unspecified)))))) nil [54420 55039])
+            ("custom-buffer-create-internal" function (:arguments ("options" "_description")) nil [55041 59332])
+            ("customize-browse" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("group"))
+                nil [59372 60704])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [60706 60880])
+            ("custom-browse-visibility-action" function (:arguments ("widget" "_ignore")) nil [60882 61016])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [61018 61204])
+            ("custom-browse-group-tag-action" function (:arguments ("widget" "_ignore")) nil [61206 61371])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [61373 61566])
+            ("custom-browse-variable-tag-action" function (:arguments ("widget" "_ignore")) nil [61568 61739])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [61741 61922])
+            ("custom-browse-face-tag-action" function (:arguments ("widget" "_ignore")) nil [61924 62087])
+            ("custom-browse-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote (("   " "space") (" | " "vertical") ("-\\ " "top") (" |-" "middle") (" `-" "bottom"))))
+                nil [62089 62242])
+            ("custom-browse-insert-prefix" function (:arguments ("prefix")) nil [62244 62851])
+            ("widget-put" code nil nil [63175 63227])
+            ("widget-put" code nil nil [63228 63465])
+            ("widget-put" code nil nil [63466 63525])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [63560 63869])
+            ("custom-magic-faces" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [63903 64019])
+            ("custom-invalid" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color)) :foreground "yellow1" :background "red1") (t :weight bold :slant italic :underline t)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [64021 64241])
+            ("custom-rogue" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color)) :foreground "pink" :background "black") (t :underline t)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [64243 64450])
+            ("custom-modified" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((min-colors 88) (class color)) :foreground "white" :background "blue1") (((class color)) :foreground "white" :background "blue") (t :slant italic)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [64452 64741])
+            ("custom-set" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((min-colors 88) (class color)) :foreground "blue1" :background "white") (((class color)) :foreground "blue" :background "white") (t :slant italic)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [64743 65030])
+            ("custom-changed" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((min-colors 88) (class color)) :foreground "white" :background "blue1") (((class color)) :foreground "white" :background "blue") (t :slant italic)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [65032 65315])
+            ("custom-themed" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((min-colors 88) (class color)) :foreground "white" :background "blue1") (((class color)) :foreground "white" :background "blue") (t :slant italic)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [65317 65602])
+            ("custom-saved" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :underline t)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [65604 65729])
+            ("custom-magic-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((nil "#" underline "UNINITIALIZED, you should not see this.") (unknown "?" italic "UNKNOWN, you should not see this.") (hidden "-" default "HIDDEN, invoke \"Show\" in the previous line to show." "group now hidden, invoke \"Show\", above, to show contents.") (invalid "x" custom-invalid "INVALID, the displayed value cannot be set.") (modified "*" custom-modified "EDITED, shown value does not take effect until you set or save it." "something in this group has been edited but not set.") (set "+" custom-set "SET for current session only." "something in this group has been set but not saved.") (changed ":" custom-changed "CHANGED outside Customize." "something in this group has been changed outside customize.") (saved "!" custom-saved "SAVED and set." "something in this group has been set and saved.") (themed "o" custom-themed "THEMED." "visible group members are set by enabled themes.") (rogue "@" custom-rogue "NO CUSTOMIZATION DATA; not intended to be customized." "something in this group is not prepared for customization.") (standard " " nil "STANDARD." "visible group members are all at standard values."))))
+                nil [65731 68156])
+            ("custom-magic-show" variable (:default-value (quote long)) nil [68158 68418])
+            ("custom-magic-show-hidden" variable (:default-value (quote (option face))) nil [68420 68768])
+            ("custom-magic-show-button" variable nil nil [68770 68930])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [68932 69203])
+            ("widget-magic-mouse-down-action" function (:arguments ("widget" "_event")) nil [69205 69407])
+            ("custom-magic-value-create" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [69409 71937])
+            ("custom-magic-reset" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [71939 72144])
+            ("custom-button" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((type x w32 ns) (class color)) :box (:line-width 2 :style released-button) :background "lightgrey" :foreground "black")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [72172 72472])
+            ("custom-button-mouse" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((type x w32 ns) (class color)) :box (:line-width 2 :style released-button) :background "grey90" :foreground "black") (t :inverse-video t)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [72474 72954])
+            ("custom-button-unraised" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit underline)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [72956 73127])
+            ("setq" code nil nil [73129 73221])
+            ("setq" code nil nil [73223 73314])
+            ("custom-button-pressed" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((type x w32 ns) (class color)) :box (:line-width 2 :style pressed-button) :background "lightgrey" :foreground "black") (t :inverse-video t)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [73316 73624])
+            ("custom-button-pressed-unraised" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((default :inherit custom-button-unraised) (((class color) (background light)) :foreground "magenta4") (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "violet")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [73626 73950])
+            ("setq" code nil nil [73952 74074])
+            ("custom-documentation" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t nil)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [74076 74206])
+            ("custom-state" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "lime green") (((class color) (background light)) :foreground "dark green")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [74208 74452])
+            ("custom-link" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit link)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [74454 74582])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [74584 75065])
+            ("custom-convert-widget" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [75067 75428])
+            ("custom-notify" function (:arguments ("widget" "args")) nil [75430 75762])
+            ("custom-redraw" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [75764 76359])
+            ("custom-redraw-magic" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [76361 76735])
+            ("custom-show" function (:arguments ("widget" "value")) nil [76737 77021])
+            ("custom-load-widget" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [77023 77141])
+            ("custom-unloaded-symbol-p" function (:arguments ("symbol")) nil [77143 77621])
+            ("custom-unloaded-widget-p" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [77623 77790])
+            ("custom-toggle-hide" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [77792 78251])
+            ("custom-toggle-parent" function (:arguments ("widget" "_ignore")) nil [78253 78398])
+            ("custom-add-see-also" function (:arguments ("widget" "prefix")) nil [78400 79302])
+            ("custom-add-parent-links" function (:arguments ("widget" "initial-string" "_doc-initial-string")) nil [79304 80180])
+            ("custom-comment" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((type tty)) :background "yellow3" :foreground "black") (((class grayscale color) (background light)) :background "gray85") (((class grayscale color) (background dark)) :background "dim gray") (t :slant italic)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [80243 80632])
+            ("custom-comment-tag" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "gray80") (((class color) (background light)) :foreground "blue4") (((class grayscale) (background light)) :foreground "DimGray" :weight bold :slant italic) (((class grayscale) (background dark)) :foreground "LightGray" :weight bold :slant italic) (t :weight bold)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [80665 81116])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [81118 81339])
+            ("custom-comment-create" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [81341 81752])
+            ("custom-comment-hide" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [81754 81852])
+            ("custom-comment-show" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [81955 82072])
+            ("custom-comment-invisible-p" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [82074 82252])
+            ("custom-variable-tag" variable
+               (:default-value (\` ((((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "light blue" :weight bold) (((min-colors 88) (class color) (background light)) :foreground "blue1" :weight bold) (((class color) (background light)) :foreground "blue" :weight bold) (t :weight bold)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [82289 82663])
+            ("custom-variable-button" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :underline t :weight bold)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [82665 82795])
+            ("custom-variable-default-form" variable (:default-value (quote edit)) nil [82797 82980])
+            ("custom-variable-documentation" function (:arguments ("variable")) nil [82982 83615])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [83617 85187])
+            ("custom-variable-type" function (:arguments ("symbol")) nil [85189 86014])
+            ("custom-variable-value-create" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [86016 91504])
+            ("custom-toggle-hide-variable" function (:arguments ("visibility-widget" "_ignore")) nil [91506 92599])
+            ("custom-tag-action" function (:arguments ("widget" "args")) nil [92601 92794])
+            ("custom-tag-mouse-down-action" function (:arguments ("widget" "args")) nil [92796 93022])
+            ("custom-variable-state" function (:arguments ("symbol" "val")) nil [93024 94680])
+            ("custom-variable-state-set" function (:arguments ("widget" "state")) nil [94682 94984])
+            ("custom-variable-standard-value" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [94986 95079])
+            ("custom-variable-menu" variable (:default-value (\` (("Set for Current Session" custom-variable-set (lambda (widget) (eq (widget-get widget :custom-state) (quote modified)))) (\,@ (when (or custom-file init-file-user) (quote (("Save for Future Sessions" custom-variable-save (lambda (widget) (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) (quote (modified set changed rogue))))))))) ("Undo Edits" custom-redraw (lambda (widget) (and (default-boundp (widget-value widget)) (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) (quote (modified changed)))))) ("Revert This Session's Customization" custom-variable-reset-saved (lambda (widget) (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) (quote (modified set changed rogue))))) (\,@ (when (or custom-file init-file-user) (quote (("Erase Customization" custom-variable-reset-standard (lambda (widget) (and (get (widget-value widget) (quote standard-value)) (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) (quote (modified set changed saved rogue)))))))))) ("Set to Backup Value" custom-variable-reset-backup (lambda (widget) (get (widget-value widget) (quote backup-value)))) ("---" ignore ignore) ("Add Comment" custom-comment-show custom-comment-invisible-p) ("---" ignore ignore) ("Show Current Value" custom-variable-edit (lambda (widget) (eq (widget-get widget :custom-form) (quote lisp)))) ("Show Saved Lisp Expression" custom-variable-edit-lisp (lambda (widget) (eq (widget-get widget :custom-form) (quote edit))))))) nil [95081 97273])
+            ("custom-variable-action" function (:arguments ("widget" "event")) nil [97275 97935])
+            ("custom-variable-edit" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [97937 98111])
+            ("custom-variable-edit-lisp" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [98113 98323])
+            ("custom-variable-set" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [98325 100092])
+            ("custom-variable-mark-to-save" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [100094 101813])
+            ("custom-variable-state-set-and-redraw" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [101815 102013])
+            ("custom-variable-save" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [102015 102212])
+            ("custom-variable-reset-saved" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [102214 103359])
+            ("custom-variable-mark-to-reset-standard" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [103361 104810])
+            ("custom-variable-reset-standard" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [104812 105256])
+            ("custom-variable-backup-value" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [105258 105728])
+            ("custom-variable-reset-backup" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [105730 106766])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [106804 107045])
+            ("custom-visibility" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :height 0.8 :inherit link)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [107047 107195])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [107233 108126])
+            ("custom-face-edit-value-create" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [108128 109573])
+            ("custom-face-edit-value-visibility-action" function (:arguments ("widget" "_ignore")) nil [109575 109853])
+            ("custom-face-edit-fix-value" function (:arguments ("_widget" "value")) nil [109855 110051])
+            ("custom-face-edit-convert-widget" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [110053 110400])
+            ("custom-face-edit" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (widget-convert (quote custom-face-edit)))
+                nil [110402 110520])
+            ("custom-face-edit-deactivate" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [110522 111076])
+            ("custom-face-edit-activate" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [111078 111552])
+            ("custom-face-edit-delete" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [111554 112116])
+            ("custom-face-edit-attribute-tag" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [112119 112474])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [112510 114875])
+            ("custom-face-tag" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit custom-variable-tag)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [114908 115023])
+            ("custom-face-default-form" variable (:default-value (quote selected)) nil [115025 115227])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [115229 116771])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [116773 117201])
+            ("custom-face-all" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (widget-convert (quote custom-face-all)))
+                nil [117203 117318])
+            ("custom-filter-face-spec" function (:arguments ("spec" "filter-index" "default-filter")) nil [117320 118447])
+            ("custom-pre-filter-face-spec" function (:arguments ("spec")) nil [118449 118640])
+            ("custom-post-filter-face-spec" function (:arguments ("spec")) nil [118642 118792])
+            ("custom-face-widget-to-spec" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [118794 119206])
+            ("custom-face-get-current-spec" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [119208 119732])
+            ("custom-toggle-hide-face" function (:arguments ("visibility-widget" "_ignore")) nil [119734 120777])
+            ("custom-face-value-create" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [120779 125203])
+            ("custom-face-menu" variable (:default-value (\` (("Set for Current Session" custom-face-set) (\,@ (when (or custom-file init-file-user) (quote (("Save for Future Sessions" custom-face-save))))) ("Undo Edits" custom-redraw (lambda (widget) (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) (quote (modified changed))))) ("Revert This Session's Customization" custom-face-reset-saved (lambda (widget) (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) (quote (modified set changed))))) (\,@ (when (or custom-file init-file-user) (quote (("Erase Customization" custom-face-reset-standard (lambda (widget) (get (widget-value widget) (quote face-defface-spec)))))))) ("---" ignore ignore) ("Add Comment" custom-comment-show custom-comment-invisible-p) ("---" ignore ignore) ("For Current Display" custom-face-edit-selected (lambda (widget) (not (eq (widget-get widget :custom-form) (quote selected))))) ("For All Kinds of Displays" custom-face-edit-all (lambda (widget) (not (eq (widget-get widget :custom-form) (quote all))))) ("Show Lisp Expression" custom-face-edit-lisp (lambda (widget) (not (eq (widget-get widget :custom-form) (quote lisp)))))))) nil [125205 126743])
+            ("custom-face-edit-selected" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [126745 126955])
+            ("custom-face-edit-all" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [126957 127152])
+            ("custom-face-edit-lisp" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [127154 127360])
+            ("custom-face-state" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [127362 128381])
+            ("custom-face-state-set" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [128383 128535])
+            ("custom-face-action" function (:arguments ("widget" "event")) nil [128537 129061])
+            ("custom-face-set" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [129063 129756])
+            ("custom-face-mark-to-save" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [129758 130506])
+            ("custom-face-state-set-and-redraw" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [130508 130694])
+            ("custom-face-save" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [130696 130865])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [130898 130983])
+            ("custom-face-reset-saved" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [130985 131838])
+            ("custom-face-standard-value" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [131840 131932])
+            ("custom-face-mark-to-reset-standard" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [131934 133532])
+            ("custom-face-reset-standard" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [133534 133857])
+            ("widget-face-prompt-value-history" variable nil nil [133883 133980])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [133982 134618])
+            ("widget-face-sample-face-get" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [134620 134749])
+            ("widget-face-notify" function (:arguments ("widget" "child" "event")) nil [134751 135004])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [135031 135612])
+            ("custom-hook-convert-widget" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [135614 136042])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [136081 136402])
+            ("custom-group-link-action" function (:arguments ("widget" "_ignore")) nil [136404 136501])
+            ("custom-group-tag-faces" variable nil nil [136535 136793])
+            ("custom-group-tag-1" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((default :weight bold :height 1.2 :inherit variable-pitch) (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "pink") (((min-colors 88) (class color) (background light)) :foreground "red1") (((class color) (background light)) :foreground "red")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [136795 137129])
+            ("custom-group-tag" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((default :weight bold :height 1.2 :inherit variable-pitch) (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "light blue") (((min-colors 88) (class color) (background light)) :foreground "blue1") (((class color) (background light)) :foreground "blue") (t :weight bold)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [137131 137502])
+            ("custom-group-subtitle" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :weight bold)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [137504 137640])
+            ("custom-group-doc-align-col" variable (:default-value 20) nil [137642 137680])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [137682 138419])
+            ("custom-group-sample-face-get" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [138421 138588])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [138590 138744])
+            ("custom-group-visibility-create" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [138746 138906])
+            ("custom-group-members" function (:arguments ("symbol" "groups-only")) nil [138908 139287])
+            ("custom-group-value-create" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [139289 147473])
+            ("custom-group-menu" variable (:default-value (\` (("Set for Current Session" custom-group-set (lambda (widget) (eq (widget-get widget :custom-state) (quote modified)))) (\,@ (when (or custom-file init-file-user) (quote (("Save for Future Sessions" custom-group-save (lambda (widget) (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) (quote (modified set))))))))) ("Undo Edits" custom-group-reset-current (lambda (widget) (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) (quote (modified))))) ("Revert This Session's Customizations" custom-group-reset-saved (lambda (widget) (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) (quote (modified set))))) (\,@ (when (or custom-file init-file-user) (quote (("Erase Customization" custom-group-reset-standard (lambda (widget) (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) (quote (modified set saved)))))))))))) nil [147475 148676])
+            ("custom-group-action" function (:arguments ("widget" "event")) nil [148678 149193])
+            ("custom-group-set" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [149195 149422])
+            ("custom-group-mark-to-save" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [149424 149678])
+            ("custom-group-state-set-and-redraw" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [149680 149976])
+            ("custom-group-save" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [149978 150151])
+            ("custom-group-reset-current" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [150153 150391])
+            ("custom-group-reset-saved" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [150393 150642])
+            ("custom-group-reset-standard" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [150644 150929])
+            ("custom-group-mark-to-reset-standard" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [150931 151226])
+            ("custom-group-state-update" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [151228 151821])
+            ("custom-file" variable nil nil [151881 153719])
+            ("custom-file" function (:arguments ("no-error")) nil [153721 154223])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [154273 154333])
+            ("custom-save-all" function nil nil [154350 155764])
+            ("customize-save-customized" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [155781 156780])
+            ("custom-save-delete" function (:arguments ("symbol")) nil [156833 158136])
+            ("sort-fold-case" variable nil nil [158138 158161])
+            ("custom-save-variables" function nil nil [158184 161109])
+            ("custom-save-faces" function nil nil [161111 162959])
+            ("custom-menu-nesting" variable (:default-value 2) nil [163005 163114])
+            ("custom-face-menu-create" function (:arguments ("_widget" "symbol")) nil [163116 163319])
+            ("custom-variable-menu-create" function (:arguments ("_widget" "symbol")) nil [163321 163739])
+            ("widget-put" code nil nil [163788 164010])
+            ("custom-group-menu-create" function (:arguments ("_widget" "symbol")) nil [164012 164306])
+            ("custom-menu-create" function (:arguments ("symbol")) nil [164323 165283])
+            ("customize-menu-create" function (:arguments ("symbol" "name")) nil [165300 165753])
+            ("easy-menu-define" code nil nil [165788 166196])
+            ("tool-bar-map" variable nil nil [166198 166219])
+            ("custom-tool-bar-map" variable nil nil [166407 166478])
+            ("Custom-no-edit" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_pos" "_event"))
+                nil [166502 166698])
+            ("Custom-newline" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("pos" "event"))
+                nil [166700 167296])
+            ("Custom-goto-parent" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [167298 167696])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [167698 167773])
+            ("Custom-mode-hook" variable nil nil [167775 167888])
+            ("custom-state-buffer-message" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [167890 168096])
+            ("custom--initialize-widget-variables" function nil nil [168098 169015])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [169017 170596])
+            ("put" code nil nil [170598 170637])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [170639 170704])
+            ("cus-edit" package nil nil [170720 170739]))          
+      :file "cus-edit.el"
+      :pointmax 170767
+      :fsize 170766
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29504 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "cus-face.el"
+      :fsize 13238
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29504 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("xml-undefined-entity" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "?")
+                nil [3142 3223])
+            ("xml-default-ns" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote (("" . "") ("xml" . "") ("xmlns" . ""))))
+                nil [3225 3424])
+            ("xml-entity-alist" variable (:default-value (quote (("lt" . "&#60;") ("gt" . ">") ("apos" . "'") ("quot" . "\"") ("amp" . "&#38;")))) nil [3426 3614])
+            ("xml-entity-expansion-limit" variable (:default-value 20000) nil [3616 3953])
+            ("xml-parameter-entity-alist" variable nil nil [3955 4040])
+            ("xml-sub-parser" variable nil nil [4042 4129])
+            ("xml-validating-parser" variable nil nil [4131 4210])
+            ("xml-node-name" function (:arguments ("node")) nil [4212 4646])
+            ("xml-node-attributes" function (:arguments ("node")) nil [4648 4764])
+            ("xml-node-children" function (:arguments ("node")) nil [4766 4900])
+            ("xml-get-children" function (:arguments ("node" "child-name")) nil [4902 5268])
+            ("xml-get-attribute-or-nil" function (:arguments ("node" "attribute")) nil [5270 5488])
+            ("xml-get-attribute" function (:arguments ("node" "attribute")) nil [5490 5727])
+            ("xml-entity-value-re" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "\\(?:\"\\(?:[^%&\"]\\|" xml-pe-reference-re "\\|" xml-reference-re "\\)*\"\\|'\\(?:[^%&']\\|" xml-pe-reference-re "\\|" xml-reference-re "\\)*'\\)"))
+                nil [9510 9748])
+            ("xml-att-def-re" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "\\(?:\\s-*" xml-name-re "\\s-*" xml-att-type-re "\\s-*" xml-default-decl-re "\\)"))
+                nil [9247 9374])
+            ("xml-default-decl-re" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "\\(?:#REQUIRED\\|#IMPLIED\\|" "\\(?:#FIXED\\s-+\\)*" xml-att-value-re "\\)"))
+                nil [9054 9190])
+            ("xml-att-type-re" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "\\(?:CDATA\\|" xml-tokenized-type-re "\\|" xml-notation-type-re "\\|" xml-enumerated-type-re "\\)"))
+                nil [8829 8976])
+            ("xml-enumerated-type-re" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "\\(?:" xml-notation-type-re "\\|" xml-enumeration-re "\\)"))
+                nil [8621 8729])
+            ("xml-enumeration-re" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "\\(?:(\\s-*" xml-nmtoken-re "\\(?:\\s-*|\\s-*" xml-nmtoken-re "\\)*\\s-+)\\)"))
+                nil [8430 8565])
+            ("xml-notation-type-re" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "\\(?:NOTATION\\s-+(\\s-*" xml-name-re "\\(?:\\s-*|\\s-*" xml-name-re "\\)*\\s-*)\\)"))
+                nil [8177 8308])
+            ("xml-tokenized-type-re" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "\\(?:ID\\|IDREF\\|IDREFS\\|ENTITY\\|" "ENTITIES\\|NMTOKEN\\|NMTOKENS\\)"))
+                nil [7980 8100])
+            ("xml-att-value-re" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "\\(?:\"\\(?:[^&\"]\\|" xml-reference-re "\\)*\"\\|" "'\\(?:[^&']\\|" xml-reference-re "\\)*'\\)"))
+                nil [7405 7560])
+            ("xml-reference-re" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "\\(?:" xml-entity-ref "\\|" xml-char-ref-re "\\)"))
+                nil [7208 7295])
+            ("xml-pe-reference-re" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "%\\(" xml-name-re "\\);"))
+                nil [7097 7162])
+            ("xml-entity-or-char-ref-re" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "&\\(?:#\\(x\\)?\\([0-9a-fA-F]+\\)\\|\\(" xml-name-re "\\)\\);"))
+                nil [6940 7058])
+            ("xml-entity-ref" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "&" xml-name-re ";"))
+                nil [6884 6938])
+            ("xml-char-ref-re" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "\\(?:&#[0-9]+;\\|&#x[0-9a-fA-F]+;\\)")
+                nil [6779 6845])
+            ("xml-nmtokens-re" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat xml-nmtoken-re "\\(?: " xml-name-re "\\)*"))
+                nil [6638 6716])
+            ("xml-nmtoken-re" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat xml-name-char-re "+"))
+                nil [6537 6592])
+            ("xml-names-re" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat xml-name-re "\\(?: " xml-name-re "\\)*"))
+                nil [6431 6503])
+            ("xml-name-re" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat xml-name-start-char-re xml-name-char-re "*"))
+                nil [6316 6391])
+            ("xml-name-char-re" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "[-0-9.[:word:]:_\302\267\314\200-\315\257\342\200\277-\342\201\200]"))
+                nil [6205 6268])
+            ("xml-name-start-char-re" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "[[:word:]:_]"))
+                nil [6029 6086])
+            ("xml-syntax-table" variable (:default-value (let ((table (make-char-table (quote syntax-table) (quote (3))))) (dolist (c (quote (32 9 13 10))) (modify-syntax-entry c " " table)) (modify-syntax-entry (quote (65 . 90)) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry (quote (97 . 122)) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry (quote (192 . 214)) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry (quote (216 . 246)) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry (quote (248 . 767)) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry (quote (880 . 893)) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry (quote (895 . 8191)) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry (quote (8204 . 8205)) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry (quote (8304 . 8591)) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry (quote (11264 . 12271)) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry (quote (12289 . 55295)) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry (quote (63744 . 64975)) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry (quote (65008 . 65533)) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry (quote (65536 . 983039)) "w" table) table)) nil [10404 11748])
+            ("xml-parse-file" function (:arguments ("file" "parse-dtd" "parse-ns")) nil [11784 12593])
+            ("xml-parse-region" function (:arguments ("beg" "end" "buffer" "parse-dtd" "parse-ns")) nil [12610 13816])
+            ("xml--parse-buffer" function (:arguments ("parse-dtd" "parse-ns")) nil [14005 15063])
+            ("xml-maybe-do-ns" function (:arguments ("name" "default" "xml-ns")) nil [15065 16466])
+            ("xml-parse-tag" function (:arguments ("parse-dtd" "parse-ns")) nil [16468 17314])
+            ("xml-parse-tag-1" function (:arguments ("parse-dtd" "parse-ns")) nil [17316 21679])
+            ("xml-parse-string" function nil nil [21681 23935])
+            ("xml-parse-attlist" function (:arguments ("xml-ns")) nil [23937 25613])
+            ("xml-skip-dtd" function nil nil [25803 25965])
+            ("xml-parse-dtd" function (:arguments ("_parse-ns")) nil [25967 32849])
+            ("xml--entity-replacement-text" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [32851 34170])
+            ("xml-parse-elem-type" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [34172 35169])
+            ("xml-substitute-special" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [35211 36824])
+            ("xml-substitute-numeric-entities" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [36826 37454])
+            ("xml-debug-print" function (:arguments ("xml" "indent-string")) nil [37507 37818])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [37820 37858])
+            ("xml-escape-string" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [37860 38642])
+            ("xml-debug-print-internal" function (:arguments ("xml" "indent-string")) nil [38644 39647])
+            ("xml" package nil nil [39649 39663]))          
+      :file "xml.el"
+      :pointmax 39686
+      :fsize 39692
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29522 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 9749 . 9750) (symbol 5930 . 5946) (open-paren 5929 . 5930)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("term-file-prefix" variable (:default-value (purecopy "term/")) nil [902 1354])
+            ("term-file-aliases" variable (:default-value (quote (("apollo" . "vt100") ("vt102" . "vt100") ("vt125" . "vt100") ("vt201" . "vt200") ("vt220" . "vt200") ("vt240" . "vt200") ("vt300" . "vt200") ("vt320" . "vt200") ("vt400" . "vt200") ("vt420" . "vt200")))) nil [1356 1940])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1942 2014])
+            ("help-xref-stack-item" variable nil nil [2016 2045])
+            ("face-name-history" variable nil nil [2047 2228])
+            ("font-selection" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2399 2481])
+            ("face-font-selection-order" variable (:default-value (quote (:width :height :weight :slant))) nil [2484 3266])
+            ("face-font-family-alternatives" variable (:default-value (mapcar (lambda (arg) (mapcar (quote purecopy) arg)) (quote (("Monospace" "courier" "fixed") ("Monospace Serif" "Courier 10 Pitch" "Consolas" "Courier Std" "FreeMono" "Nimbus Mono L" "courier" "fixed") ("courier" "CMU Typewriter Text" "fixed") ("Sans Serif" "helv" "helvetica" "arial" "fixed") ("helv" "helvetica" "arial" "fixed"))))) nil [3440 5433])
+            ("face-font-registry-alternatives" variable (:default-value (mapcar (lambda (arg) (mapcar (quote purecopy) arg)) (if (featurep (quote w32)) (quote (("iso8859-1" "ms-oemlatin") ("gb2312.1980" "gb2312" "gbk" "gb18030") ("jisx0208.1990" "jisx0208.1983" "jisx0208.1978") ("ksc5601.1989" "ksx1001.1992" "ksc5601.1987") ("muletibetan-2" "muletibetan-0"))) (quote (("gb2312.1980" "gb2312.80&gb8565.88" "gbk" "gb18030") ("jisx0208.1990" "jisx0208.1983" "jisx0208.1978") ("ksc5601.1989" "ksx1001.1992" "ksc5601.1987") ("muletibetan-2" "muletibetan-0")))))) nil [5479 6543])
+            ("face-list" function nil nil [6718 6819])
+            ("make-face" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face"))
+                nil [6821 7522])
+            ("make-empty-face" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face"))
+                nil [7524 7786])
+            ("copy-face" function (:arguments ("old-face" "new-face" "frame" "new-frame")) nil [7788 9039])
+            ("facep" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [9219 9368])
+            ("check-face" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [9371 9525])
+            ("face-id" function (:arguments ("face" "_frame")) nil [9706 10048])
+            ("face-equal" function (:arguments ("face1" "face2" "frame")) nil [10050 10467])
+            ("face-differs-from-default-p" function (:arguments ("face" "frame")) nil [10470 11183])
+            ("face-nontrivial-p" function (:arguments ("face" "frame")) nil [11186 11530])
+            ("face-list-p" function (:arguments ("face-or-list")) nil [11533 11962])
+            ("face-x-resources" variable (:default-value (mapcar (lambda (arg) (cons (car arg) (cons (purecopy (car (cdr arg))) (purecopy (cdr (cdr arg)))))) (quote ((:family (".attributeFamily" . "Face.AttributeFamily")) (:foundry (".attributeFoundry" . "Face.AttributeFoundry")) (:width (".attributeWidth" . "Face.AttributeWidth")) (:height (".attributeHeight" . "Face.AttributeHeight")) (:weight (".attributeWeight" . "Face.AttributeWeight")) (:slant (".attributeSlant" . "Face.AttributeSlant")) (:foreground (".attributeForeground" . "Face.AttributeForeground")) (:distant-foreground (".attributeDistantForeground" . "Face.AttributeDistantForeground")) (:background (".attributeBackground" . "Face.AttributeBackground")) (:overline (".attributeOverline" . "Face.AttributeOverline")) (:strike-through (".attributeStrikeThrough" . "Face.AttributeStrikeThrough")) (:box (".attributeBox" . "Face.AttributeBox")) (:underline (".attributeUnderline" . "Face.AttributeUnderline")) (:inverse-video (".attributeInverse" . "Face.AttributeInverse")) (:stipple (".attributeStipple" . "Face.AttributeStipple") (".attributeBackgroundPixmap" . "Face.AttributeBackgroundPixmap")) (:bold (".attributeBold" . "Face.AttributeBold")) (:italic (".attributeItalic" . "Face.AttributeItalic")) (:font (".attributeFont" . "Face.AttributeFont")) (:inherit (".attributeInherit" . "Face.AttributeInherit")))))) nil [12160 14052])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [14055 14150])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [14152 14266])
+            ("set-face-attribute-from-resource" function (:arguments ("face" "attribute" "resource" "class" "frame")) nil [14268 14977])
+            ("set-face-attributes-from-resources" function (:arguments ("face" "frame")) nil [14980 15343])
+            ("make-face-x-resource-internal" function (:arguments ("face" "frame")) nil [15346 15942])
+            ("face-name" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [16126 16218])
+            ("face-all-attributes" function (:arguments ("face" "frame")) nil [16221 16687])
+            ("face-attribute" function (:arguments ("face" "attribute" "frame" "inherit")) nil [16689 18503])
+            ("face-attribute-merged-with" function (:arguments ("attribute" "value" "faces" "frame")) nil [18505 19093])
+            ("face-attribute-specified-or" function (:arguments ("value" "body")) nil [19096 19377])
+            ("face-foreground" function (:arguments ("face" "frame" "inherit")) nil [19379 20435])
+            ("face-background" function (:arguments ("face" "frame" "inherit")) nil [20437 21493])
+            ("face-stipple" function (:arguments ("face" "frame" "inherit")) nil [21495 22515])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [22518 22566])
+            ("face-underline-p" function (:arguments ("face" "frame" "inherit")) nil [22569 23022])
+            ("face-inverse-video-p" function (:arguments ("face" "frame" "inherit")) nil [23025 23459])
+            ("face-bold-p" function (:arguments ("face" "frame" "inherit")) nil [23462 23981])
+            ("face-italic-p" function (:arguments ("face" "frame" "inherit")) nil [23984 24488])
+            ("face-documentation" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [24664 25086])
+            ("set-face-documentation" function (:arguments ("face" "string")) nil [25089 25277])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [25280 25327])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [25328 25383])
+            ("set-face-attribute" function (:arguments ("face" "frame" "args")) nil [25564 33275])
+            ("make-face-bold" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face" "frame" "_noerror"))
+                nil [33277 33728])
+            ("make-face-unbold" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face" "frame" "_noerror"))
+                nil [33731 34131])
+            ("make-face-italic" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face" "frame" "_noerror"))
+                nil [34134 34591])
+            ("make-face-unitalic" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face" "frame" "_noerror"))
+                nil [34594 34999])
+            ("make-face-bold-italic" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face" "frame" "_noerror"))
+                nil [35002 35499])
+            ("set-face-font" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face" "font" "frame"))
+                nil [35502 35928])
+            ("set-face-background" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face" "color" "frame"))
+                nil [36134 36603])
+            ("set-face-foreground" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face" "color" "frame"))
+                nil [36606 37075])
+            ("set-face-stipple" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face" "stipple" "frame"))
+                nil [37078 37683])
+            ("set-face-underline" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face" "underline" "frame"))
+                nil [37686 38455])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [38457 38570])
+            ("set-face-inverse-video" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face" "inverse-video-p" "frame"))
+                nil [38573 39146])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [39148 39269])
+            ("set-face-bold" function (:arguments ("face" "bold-p" "frame")) nil [39271 39687])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [39689 39760])
+            ("set-face-italic" function (:arguments ("face" "italic-p" "frame")) nil [39763 40199])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [40201 40276])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [40279 40335])
+            ("invert-face" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face" "frame"))
+                nil [40338 41138])
+            ("crm-separator" variable nil nil [41324 41346])
+            ("read-face-name" function (:arguments ("prompt" "default" "multiple")) nil [41362 44220])
+            ("x-bitmap-file-path" variable nil nil [44279 44306])
+            ("face-valid-attribute-values" function (:arguments ("attribute" "frame")) nil [44308 46997])
+            ("face-attribute-name-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((:family . "font family") (:foundry . "font foundry") (:width . "character set width") (:height . "height in 1/10 pt") (:weight . "weight") (:slant . "slant") (:underline . "underline") (:overline . "overline") (:strike-through . "strike-through") (:box . "box") (:inverse-video . "inverse-video display") (:foreground . "foreground color") (:background . "background color") (:stipple . "background stipple") (:inherit . "inheritance"))))
+                nil [47000 47770])
+            ("face-descriptive-attribute-name" function (:arguments ("attribute")) nil [47773 47920])
+            ("face-read-string" function (:arguments ("face" "default" "name" "completion-alist")) nil [47923 48938])
+            ("face-read-integer" function (:arguments ("face" "default" "name")) nil [48941 49558])
+            ("read-face-attribute" function (:arguments ("face" "attribute" "frame")) nil [49719 52060])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [52062 52108])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [52109 52200])
+            ("read-face-font" function (:arguments ("face" "frame")) nil [52202 52574])
+            ("read-all-face-attributes" function (:arguments ("face" "frame")) nil [52577 53005])
+            ("modify-face" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face" "foreground" "background" "stipple" "bold-p" "italic-p" "underline" "inverse-p" "frame"))
+                nil [53007 53952])
+            ("read-face-and-attribute" function (:arguments ("attribute" "frame")) nil [53954 54743])
+            ("list-faces-sample-text" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
+                nil [54914 55077])
+            ("help-xref-stack" variable nil nil [55206 55230])
+            ("list-faces-display" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("regexp"))
+                nil [55231 58266])
+            ("describe-face" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face" "frame"))
+                nil [58269 62402])
+            ("face-attr-construct" function (:arguments ("face" "_frame")) nil [62680 63270])
+            ("face-spec-set-match-display" function (:arguments ("display" "frame")) nil [63273 65075])
+            ("face-spec-choose" function (:arguments ("spec" "frame" "no-match-retval")) nil [65078 66573])
+            ("face--attributes-unspecified" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (apply (quote append) (mapcar (lambda (x) (list (car x) (quote unspecified))) face-attribute-name-alist)))
+                nil [66753 66912])
+            ("face-spec-reset-face" function (:arguments ("face" "frame")) nil [66914 67987])
+            ("face-spec-set" function (:arguments ("face" "spec" "spec-type")) nil [67989 70092])
+            ("face-spec-recalc" function (:arguments ("face" "frame")) nil [70094 71807])
+            ("face-spec-set-2" function (:arguments ("face" "frame" "face-attrs")) nil [71809 72263])
+            ("face-attr-match-p" function (:arguments ("face" "attrs" "frame")) nil [72265 73339])
+            ("face-spec-match-p" function (:arguments ("face" "spec" "frame")) nil [73341 73536])
+            ("face-default-spec" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [73538 73726])
+            ("face-user-default-spec" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [73728 74011])
+            ("defined-colors" function (:arguments ("frame")) nil [74269 74727])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [74728 74772])
+            ("defined-colors-with-face-attributes" function (:arguments ("frame")) nil [74774 75399])
+            ("readable-foreground-color" function (:arguments ("color")) nil [75401 75828])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [75830 75900])
+            ("color-defined-p" function (:arguments ("color" "frame")) nil [75902 76569])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [76570 76616])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [76618 76685])
+            ("color-values" function (:arguments ("color" "frame")) nil [76687 77606])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [77608 77648])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [77650 77717])
+            ("display-color-p" function (:arguments ("display")) nil [77719 78121])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [78122 78168])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [78170 78240])
+            ("display-grayscale-p" function (:arguments ("display")) nil [78242 78675])
+            ("read-color" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("prompt" "convert-to-RGB" "allow-empty-name" "msg"))
+                nil [78677 81542])
+            ("face-at-point" function (:arguments ("thing" "multiple")) nil [81544 82550])
+            ("faces--attribute-at-point" function (:arguments ("attribute" "attribute-unnamed")) nil [82552 84085])
+            ("foreground-color-at-point" function nil nil [84087 84245])
+            ("background-color-at-point" function nil nil [84247 84405])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [84576 84621])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [84622 84715])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [84716 84810])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [84811 84865])
+            ("x-display-name" variable nil nil [84866 84889])
+            ("x-handle-named-frame-geometry" function (:arguments ("parameters")) nil [84891 85786])
+            ("x-handle-reverse-video" function (:arguments ("frame" "parameters")) nil [85789 86795])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [86797 86847])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [86848 86914])
+            ("x-create-frame-with-faces" function (:arguments ("parameters")) nil [86916 88117])
+            ("face-set-after-frame-default" function (:arguments ("frame" "parameters")) nil [88119 89516])
+            ("tty-handle-reverse-video" function (:arguments ("frame" "parameters")) nil [89518 90194])
+            ("tty-create-frame-with-faces" function (:arguments ("parameters")) nil [90197 90956])
+            ("tty-find-type" function (:arguments ("pred" "type")) nil [90958 91523])
+            ("tty-setup-hook" variable nil nil [91525 91757])
+            ("tty-run-terminal-initialization" function (:arguments ("frame" "type" "run-hook")) nil [91759 93332])
+            ("tty-set-up-initial-frame-faces" function nil nil [93438 93595])
+            ("basic-faces" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [93766 93841])
+            ("default" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t nil)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [93843 93975])
+            ("bold" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :weight bold)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [93977 94056])
+            ("italic" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((supports :slant italic)) :slant italic) (((supports :underline t)) :underline t) (t :slant italic)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [94058 94423])
+            ("bold-italic" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :weight bold :slant italic)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [94425 94532])
+            ("underline" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((supports :underline t)) :underline t) (((supports :weight bold)) :weight bold) (t :underline t)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [94534 94724])
+            ("fixed-pitch" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :family "Monospace")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [94726 94830])
+            ("fixed-pitch-serif" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :family "Monospace Serif")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [94832 94960])
+            ("variable-pitch" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((type w32)) :family "Arial" :foundry "outline") (t :family "Sans Serif")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [94962 95442])
+            ("shadow" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color grayscale) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :foreground "grey50") (((class color grayscale) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :foreground "grey70") (((class color) (min-colors 8) (background light)) :foreground "green") (((class color) (min-colors 8) (background dark)) :foreground "yellow")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [95444 95882])
+            ("link" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :foreground "RoyalBlue3" :underline t) (((class color) (background light)) :foreground "blue" :underline t) (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :foreground "cyan1" :underline t) (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "cyan" :underline t) (t :inherit underline)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [95884 96351])
+            ("link-visited" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((default :inherit link) (((class color) (background light)) :foreground "magenta4") (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "violet")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [96353 96603])
+            ("highlight" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :background "darkseagreen2") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :background "darkolivegreen") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light)) :background "darkseagreen2") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark)) :background "darkolivegreen") (((class color) (min-colors 8)) :background "green" :foreground "black") (t :inverse-video t)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [96605 97147])
+            ("region" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :background "blue3") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light) (type gtk)) :distant-foreground "gtk_selection_fg_color" :background "gtk_selection_bg_color") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light) (type ns)) :distant-foreground "ns_selection_fg_color" :background "ns_selection_bg_color") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :background "lightgoldenrod2") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark)) :background "blue3") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light)) :background "lightgoldenrod2") (((class color) (min-colors 8)) :background "blue" :foreground "white") (((type tty) (class mono)) :inverse-video t) (t :background "gray")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [97309 98235])
+            ("secondary-selection" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :background "yellow1") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :background "SkyBlue4") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light)) :background "yellow") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark)) :background "SkyBlue4") (((class color) (min-colors 8)) :background "cyan" :foreground "black") (t :inverse-video t)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [98237 98785])
+            ("trailing-whitespace" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color) (background light)) :background "red1") (((class color) (background dark)) :background "red1") (t :inverse-video t)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [98787 99064])
+            ("line-number" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit (shadow default))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [99102 99513])
+            ("line-number-current-line" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit line-number)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [99515 100064])
+            ("escape-glyph" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((background dark)) :foreground "cyan") (((type pc)) :foreground "magenta") (t :foreground "brown")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [100066 100496])
+            ("homoglyph" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((background dark)) :foreground "cyan") (((type pc)) :foreground "magenta") (t :foreground "brown")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [100498 100706])
+            ("nobreak-space" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color) (min-colors 88)) :inherit escape-glyph :underline t) (((class color) (min-colors 8)) :background "magenta") (t :inverse-video t)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [100708 100968])
+            ("nobreak-hyphen" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((background dark)) :foreground "cyan") (((type pc)) :foreground "magenta") (t :foreground "brown")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [100970 101189])
+            ("mode-line-faces" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [101191 101308])
+            ("mode-line" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color) (min-colors 88)) :box (:line-width -1 :style released-button) :background "grey75" :foreground "black") (t :inverse-video t)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [101310 101606])
+            ("mode-line-inactive" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((default :inherit mode-line) (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :weight light :box (:line-width -1 :color "grey75" :style nil) :foreground "grey20" :background "grey90") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :weight light :box (:line-width -1 :color "grey40" :style nil) :foreground "grey80" :background "grey30")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [101608 102146])
+            ("mode-line-highlight" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color) (min-colors 88)) :box (:line-width 2 :color "grey40" :style released-button)) (t :inherit highlight)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [102148 102422])
+            ("mode-line-emphasis" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:weight bold))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [102424 102667])
+            ("mode-line-buffer-id" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:weight bold))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [102669 102852])
+            ("header-line" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((default :inherit mode-line) (((type tty)) :inverse-video nil :underline t) (((class color grayscale) (background light)) :background "grey90" :foreground "grey20" :box nil) (((class color grayscale) (background dark)) :background "grey20" :foreground "grey90" :box nil) (((class mono) (background light)) :background "white" :foreground "black" :inverse-video nil :box nil :underline t) (((class mono) (background dark)) :background "black" :foreground "white" :inverse-video nil :box nil :underline t)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [102854 104190])
+            ("header-line-highlight" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit highlight)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [104192 104334])
+            ("vertical-border" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((type tty)) :inherit mode-line-inactive)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [104336 104501])
+            ("window-divider" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :foreground "gray60")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [104503 104971])
+            ("window-divider-first-pixel" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :foreground "gray80")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [104973 105390])
+            ("window-divider-last-pixel" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :foreground "gray40")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [105392 105805])
+            ("internal-border" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t nil)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [105807 105944])
+            ("minibuffer-prompt" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((background dark)) :foreground "cyan") (((type pc)) :foreground "magenta") (t :foreground "medium blue")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [105946 106441])
+            ("setq" code nil nil [106443 106554])
+            ("fringe" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color) (background light)) :background "grey95") (((class color) (background dark)) :background "grey10") (t :background "gray")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [106556 106868])
+            ("scroll-bar" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t nil)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [106870 107008])
+            ("border" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t nil)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [107010 107139])
+            ("cursor" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((background light)) :background "black") (((background dark)) :background "white")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [107141 107591])
+            ("put" code nil nil [107593 107625])
+            ("mouse" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t nil)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [107627 107753])
+            ("tool-bar" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((default :box (:line-width 1 :style released-button) :foreground "black") (((type x w32 ns) (class color)) :background "grey75") (((type x) (class mono)) :background "grey")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [107755 108045])
+            ("menu" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((type tty)) :inverse-video t) (((type x-toolkit))) (t :inverse-video t)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [108047 108291])
+            ("help-argument-name" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit italic)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [108293 108415])
+            ("glyphless-char" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((type tty)) :inherit underline) (((type pc)) :inherit escape-glyph) (t :height 0.6)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [108417 108691])
+            ("error" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((default :weight bold) (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :foreground "Red1") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :foreground "Pink") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light)) :foreground "Red1") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark)) :foreground "Pink") (((class color) (min-colors 8)) :foreground "red") (t :inverse-video t)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [108693 109223])
+            ("warning" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((default :weight bold) (((class color) (min-colors 16)) :foreground "DarkOrange") (((class color)) :foreground "yellow")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [109225 109459])
+            ("success" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((default :weight bold) (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light)) :foreground "ForestGreen") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :foreground "Green1") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark)) :foreground "Green") (((class color)) :foreground "green")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [109461 109880])
+            ("read-multiple-choice-face" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:inherit underline :weight bold))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [109882 110071])
+            ("tty-menu-enabled-face" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :foreground "yellow" :background "blue" :weight bold)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [110097 110269])
+            ("tty-menu-disabled-face" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color) (min-colors 16)) :foreground "lightgray" :background "blue") (t :foreground "white" :background "blue")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [110271 110517])
+            ("tty-menu-selected-face" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :background "red")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [110519 110666])
+            ("paren-showing-faces" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [110668 110803])
+            ("show-paren-match" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color) (background light)) :background "turquoise") (((class color) (background dark)) :background "steelblue3") (((background dark) (min-colors 4)) :background "grey50") (((background light) (min-colors 4)) :background "gray") (t :inherit underline)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [110805 111271])
+            ("show-paren-match-expression" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit show-paren-match)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [111273 111508])
+            ("show-paren-mismatch" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color)) (:foreground "white" :background "purple")) (t (:inverse-video t))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [111510 111701])
+            ("x-font-regexp" variable nil nil [112077 112103])
+            ("x-font-regexp-head" variable nil nil [112104 112135])
+            ("x-font-regexp-weight" variable nil nil [112136 112169])
+            ("x-font-regexp-slant" variable nil nil [112170 112202])
+            ("x-font-regexp-weight-subnum" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value 1)
+                nil [112204 112244])
+            ("x-font-regexp-slant-subnum" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value 2)
+                nil [112245 112284])
+            ("x-font-regexp-swidth-subnum" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value 3)
+                nil [112285 112325])
+            ("x-font-regexp-adstyle-subnum" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value 4)
+                nil [112326 112367])
+            ("let" code nil nil [112450 113668])
+            ("x-resolve-font-name" function (:arguments ("pattern" "face" "frame")) nil [113671 114758])
+            ("font-list-limit" variable (:default-value 100) nil [114760 114875])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [114876 114928])
+            ("faces" package nil nil [114930 114946]))          
+      :file "faces.el"
+      :pointmax 114971
+      :fsize 114970
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29507 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("setq" code nil nil [1132 1168])
+            ("command-line-processed" variable nil nil [1170 1255])
+            ("initialization" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1257 1338])
+            ("initial-buffer-choice" variable nil nil [1340 2311])
+            ("inhibit-startup-screen" variable nil nil [2313 2566])
+            ("defvaralias" code nil nil [2568 2628])
+            ("defvaralias" code nil nil [2629 2691])
+            ("startup-screen-inhibit-startup-screen" variable nil nil [2693 2743])
+            ("inhibit-startup-echo-area-message" variable nil nil [3043 4097])
+            ("inhibit-default-init" variable nil nil [4099 4229])
+            ("inhibit-startup-buffer-menu" variable nil nil [4231 4395])
+            ("command-switch-alist" variable nil nil [4397 4665])
+            ("command-line-args-left" variable nil nil [4667 4751])
+            ("defvaralias" code nil nil [4753 4988])
+            ("internal-make-var-non-special" code nil nil [4989 5026])
+            ("argi" variable nil nil [5028 5080])
+            ("internal-make-var-non-special" code nil nil [5081 5118])
+            ("command-line-functions" variable nil nil [5120 5574])
+            ("command-line-default-directory" variable nil nil [5576 5744])
+            ("command-line-x-option-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote (("-bw" 1 x-handle-numeric-switch border-width) ("-d" 1 x-handle-display) ("-display" 1 x-handle-display) ("-name" 1 x-handle-name-switch) ("-title" 1 x-handle-switch title) ("-T" 1 x-handle-switch title) ("-r" 0 x-handle-switch reverse t) ("-rv" 0 x-handle-switch reverse t) ("-reverse" 0 x-handle-switch reverse t) ("-reverse-video" 0 x-handle-switch reverse t) ("-fn" 1 x-handle-switch font) ("-font" 1 x-handle-switch font) ("-fs" 0 x-handle-initial-switch fullscreen fullboth) ("-fw" 0 x-handle-initial-switch fullscreen fullwidth) ("-fh" 0 x-handle-initial-switch fullscreen fullheight) ("-mm" 0 x-handle-initial-switch fullscreen maximized) ("-ib" 1 x-handle-numeric-switch internal-border-width) ("-g" 1 x-handle-geometry) ("-lsp" 1 x-handle-numeric-switch line-spacing) ("-geometry" 1 x-handle-geometry) ("-fg" 1 x-handle-switch foreground-color) ("-foreground" 1 x-handle-switch foreground-color) ("-bg" 1 x-handle-switch background-color) ("-background" 1 x-handle-switch background-color) ("-ms" 1 x-handle-switch mouse-color) ("-nbi" 0 x-handle-switch icon-type nil) ("-iconic" 0 x-handle-iconic) ("-xrm" 1 x-handle-xrm-switch) ("-cr" 1 x-handle-switch cursor-color) ("-vb" 0 x-handle-switch vertical-scroll-bars t) ("-hb" 0 x-handle-switch horizontal-scroll-bars t) ("-bd" 1 x-handle-switch) ("--border-width" 1 x-handle-numeric-switch border-width) ("--display" 1 x-handle-display) ("--name" 1 x-handle-name-switch) ("--title" 1 x-handle-switch title) ("--reverse-video" 0 x-handle-switch reverse t) ("--font" 1 x-handle-switch font) ("--fullscreen" 0 x-handle-initial-switch fullscreen fullboth) ("--fullwidth" 0 x-handle-initial-switch fullscreen fullwidth) ("--fullheight" 0 x-handle-initial-switch fullscreen fullheight) ("--maximized" 0 x-handle-initial-switch fullscreen maximized) ("--internal-border" 1 x-handle-numeric-switch internal-border-width) ("--geometry" 1 x-handle-geometry) ("--foreground-color" 1 x-handle-switch foreground-color) ("--background-color" 1 x-handle-switch background-color) ("--mouse-color" 1 x-handle-switch mouse-color) ("--no-bitmap-icon" 0 x-handle-no-bitmap-icon) ("--iconic" 0 x-handle-iconic) ("--xrm" 1 x-handle-xrm-switch) ("--cursor-color" 1 x-handle-switch cursor-color) ("--vertical-scroll-bars" 0 x-handle-switch vertical-scroll-bars t) ("--line-spacing" 1 x-handle-numeric-switch line-spacing) ("--border-color" 1 x-handle-switch border-color) ("--smid" 1 x-handle-smid) ("--parent-id" 1 x-handle-parent-id))))
+                nil [5852 9036])
+            ("command-line-ns-option-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote (("-NSAutoLaunch" 1 ns-ignore-1-arg) ("-NXAutoLaunch" 1 ns-ignore-1-arg) ("-macosx" 0 ignore) ("-NSHost" 1 ns-ignore-1-arg) ("-_NSMachLaunch" 1 ns-ignore-1-arg) ("-MachLaunch" 1 ns-ignore-1-arg) ("-NXOpen" 1 ns-ignore-1-arg) ("-NSOpen" 1 ns-handle-nxopen) ("-NXOpenTemp" 1 ns-ignore-1-arg) ("-NSOpenTemp" 1 ns-handle-nxopentemp) ("-GSFilePath" 1 ns-handle-nxopen) ("-name" 1 x-handle-name-switch) ("-title" 1 x-handle-switch title) ("-T" 1 x-handle-switch title) ("-r" 0 x-handle-switch reverse t) ("-rv" 0 x-handle-switch reverse t) ("-reverse" 0 x-handle-switch reverse t) ("-fn" 1 x-handle-switch font) ("-font" 1 x-handle-switch font) ("-ib" 1 x-handle-numeric-switch internal-border-width) ("-g" 1 x-handle-geometry) ("-geometry" 1 x-handle-geometry) ("-fg" 1 x-handle-switch foreground-color) ("-foreground" 1 x-handle-switch foreground-color) ("-bg" 1 x-handle-switch background-color) ("-background" 1 x-handle-switch background-color) ("-itype" 0 x-handle-switch icon-type t) ("-i" 0 x-handle-switch icon-type t) ("-iconic" 0 x-handle-iconic icon-type t) ("-cr" 1 x-handle-switch cursor-color) ("-vb" 0 x-handle-switch vertical-scroll-bars t) ("-hb" 0 x-handle-switch horizontal-scroll-bars t) ("-bd" 1 x-handle-switch) ("--name" 1 x-handle-name-switch) ("--title" 1 x-handle-switch title) ("--reverse-video" 0 x-handle-switch reverse t) ("--font" 1 x-handle-switch font) ("--internal-border" 1 x-handle-numeric-switch internal-border-width) ("--foreground-color" 1 x-handle-switch foreground-color) ("--background-color" 1 x-handle-switch background-color) ("--mouse-color" 1 x-handle-switch mouse-color) ("--icon-type" 0 x-handle-switch icon-type t) ("--iconic" 0 x-handle-iconic) ("--cursor-color" 1 x-handle-switch cursor-color) ("--vertical-scroll-bars" 0 x-handle-switch vertical-scroll-bars t) ("--border-color" 1 x-handle-switch border-width))))
+                nil [9038 11990])
+            ("before-init-hook" variable nil nil [11993 12103])
+            ("after-init-hook" variable nil nil [12105 12521])
+            ("emacs-startup-hook" variable nil nil [12523 12630])
+            ("term-setup-hook" variable nil nil [12632 12947])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [12949 13065])
+            ("inhibit-startup-hooks" variable nil nil [13067 13266])
+            ("keyboard-type" variable nil nil [13268 13489])
+            ("window-setup-hook" variable nil nil [13491 13938])
+            ("initial-major-mode" variable (:default-value (quote lisp-interaction-mode)) nil [13940 14109])
+            ("init-file-user" variable nil nil [14111 14758])
+            ("site-run-file" variable (:default-value (purecopy "site-start")) nil [14760 16031])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [16033 16105])
+            ("mail-host-address" variable nil nil [16107 16305])
+            ("user-mail-address" variable (:default-value (or (getenv "EMAIL") (concat (user-login-name) "@" (or mail-host-address (system-name))))) nil [16307 16729])
+            ("auto-save-list-file-prefix" variable (:default-value (cond ((eq system-type (quote ms-dos)) (concat user-emacs-directory "auto-save.list/_s")) (t (concat user-emacs-directory "auto-save-list/.saves-")))) nil [16731 17484])
+            ("emacs-basic-display" variable nil nil [17486 17518])
+            ("init-file-debug" variable nil nil [17520 17548])
+            ("init-file-had-error" variable nil nil [17550 17646])
+            ("normal-top-level-add-subdirs-inode-list" variable nil nil [17648 17700])
+            ("no-blinking-cursor" variable nil nil [17702 17733])
+            ("pure-space-overflow" variable nil nil [17735 17820])
+            ("pure-space-overflow-message" variable (:default-value (purecopy "Warning Warning!!!  Pure space overflow    !!!Warning Warning

+(See the node Pure Storage in the Lisp manual for details.)

+")) nil [17822 17998])
+            ("tutorial-directory" variable (:default-value (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name "tutorials" data-directory))) nil [18000 18236])
+            ("normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path" function nil nil [18238 19990])
+            ("normal-top-level-add-to-load-path" function (:arguments ("dirs")) nil [19992 20761])
+            ("normal-top-level" function nil nil [20763 30539])
+            ("tty-long-option-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote (("--name" . "-name") ("--title" . "-T") ("--reverse-video" . "-reverse") ("--foreground-color" . "-fg") ("--background-color" . "-bg") ("--color" . "-color"))))
+                nil [30647 30873])
+            ("tool-bar-images-pixel-height" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value 24)
+                nil [30875 30965])
+            ("cl-defgeneric" code nil nil [30967 31308])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [31309 31405])
+            ("cl-defgeneric" code nil nil [31407 31745])
+            ("tty-handle-args" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [31747 34494])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [34496 34590])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [34591 34650])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [34651 34695])
+            ("server-name" variable nil nil [34697 34717])
+            ("server-process" variable nil nil [34718 34741])
+            ("startup--setup-quote-display" function (:arguments ("style")) nil [34743 37718])
+            ("command-line" function nil nil [37720 59239])
+            ("x-apply-session-resources" function nil nil [59241 60320])
+            ("initial-scratch-message" variable (:default-value (purecopy ";; This buffer is for text that is not saved, and for Lisp evaluation.

+;; To create a file, visit it with \\[find-file] and enter text in its buffer.


+")) nil [60322 60730])
+            ("fancy-startup-text" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (\` ((:face (variable-pitch font-lock-comment-face) "Welcome to " :link ("GNU Emacs" (\, (lambda (_button) (browse-url ""))) "Browse") ", one component of the " :link (\, (lambda nil (if (eq system-type (quote gnu/linux)) (\` ("GNU/Linux" (\, (lambda (_button) (browse-url ""))) "Browse")) (\` ("GNU" (\, (lambda (_button) (browse-url ""))) "Browse"))))) " operating system.


+" :face variable-pitch :link ("Emacs Tutorial" (\, (lambda (_button) (help-with-tutorial)))) "	Learn basic keystroke commands" (\, (lambda nil (let* ((en "TUTORIAL") (tut (or (get-language-info current-language-environment (quote tutorial)) en)) (title (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents (expand-file-name tut tutorial-directory) nil) (search-forward ".") (buffer-substring (point-min) (1- (point)))))) (if (string= en tut) "" (concat " (" title ")"))))) "

+" :link ("Emacs Guided Tour" (\, (lambda (_button) (browse-url ""))) "Browse") "	Overview of Emacs features at

+" :link ("View Emacs Manual" (\, (lambda (_button) (info-emacs-manual)))) "	View the Emacs manual using Info

+" :link ("Absence of Warranty" (\, (lambda (_button) (describe-no-warranty)))) "	GNU Emacs comes with " :face (variable-pitch (:slant oblique)) "ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY

+" :face variable-pitch :link ("Copying Conditions" (\, (lambda (_button) (describe-copying)))) "	Conditions for redistributing and changing Emacs

+" :link ("Ordering Manuals" (\, (lambda (_button) (view-order-manuals)))) "	Purchasing printed copies of manuals

+" "

+                nil [60905 63689])
+            ("fancy-about-text" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (\` ((:face (variable-pitch font-lock-comment-face) "This is " :link ("GNU Emacs" (\, (lambda (_button) (browse-url ""))) "Browse") ", one component of the " :link (\, (lambda nil (if (eq system-type (quote gnu/linux)) (\` ("GNU/Linux" (\, (lambda (_button) (browse-url ""))) "Browse")) (\` ("GNU" (\, (lambda (_button) (describe-gnu-project))) "Display info on the GNU project."))))) " operating system.

+" :face (variable-pitch font-lock-builtin-face) "

+" (\, (lambda nil (emacs-version))) "

+" :face (variable-pitch (:height 0.8)) (\, (lambda nil emacs-copyright)) "


+" :face variable-pitch :link ("Authors" (\, (lambda (_button) (view-file (expand-file-name "AUTHORS" data-directory)) (goto-char (point-min))))) "	Many people have contributed code included in GNU Emacs

+" :link ("Contributing" (\, (lambda (_button) (info "(emacs)Contributing")))) "	How to contribute improvements to Emacs

+" "

+" :link ("GNU and Freedom" (\, (lambda (_button) (describe-gnu-project)))) "	Why we developed GNU Emacs, and the GNU operating system

+" :link ("Absence of Warranty" (\, (lambda (_button) (describe-no-warranty)))) "	GNU Emacs comes with " :face (variable-pitch (:slant oblique)) "ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY

+" :face variable-pitch :link ("Copying Conditions" (\, (lambda (_button) (describe-copying)))) "	Conditions for redistributing and changing Emacs

+" :link ("Getting New Versions" (\, (lambda (_button) (describe-distribution)))) "	How to obtain the latest version of Emacs

+" :link ("Ordering Manuals" (\, (lambda (_button) (view-order-manuals)))) "	Buying printed manuals from the FSF

+" "

+" :link ("Emacs Tutorial" (\, (lambda (_button) (help-with-tutorial)))) "	Learn basic Emacs keystroke commands" (\, (lambda nil (let* ((en "TUTORIAL") (tut (or (get-language-info current-language-environment (quote tutorial)) en)) (title (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents (expand-file-name tut tutorial-directory) nil) (search-forward ".") (buffer-substring (point-min) (1- (point)))))) (if (string= en tut) "" (concat " (" title ")"))))) "

+" :link ("Emacs Guided Tour" (\, (lambda (_button) (browse-url ""))) "Browse") "	See an overview of Emacs features at"))))
+                nil [63691 66849])
+            ("fancy-splash-screen" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [66852 66971])
+            ("fancy-splash-image" variable nil nil [66973 67170])
+            ("splash-screen-keymap" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (suppress-keymap map) (set-keymap-parent map button-buffer-map) (define-key map "" (quote scroll-down-command)) (define-key map [33554464] (quote scroll-down-command)) (define-key map " " (quote scroll-up-command)) (define-key map "q" (quote exit-splash-screen)) map)) nil [67173 67545])
+            ("fancy-splash-insert" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [67616 69012])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [69014 69083])
+            ("fancy-splash-image-file" function nil nil [69085 69564])
+            ("fancy-splash-head" function nil nil [69566 70584])
+            ("fancy-startup-tail" function (:arguments ("concise")) nil [70586 73725])
+            ("exit-splash-screen" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [73727 73836])
+            ("fancy-startup-screen" function (:arguments ("concise")) nil [73838 75269])
+            ("fancy-about-screen" function nil nil [75271 76029])
+            ("fancy-splash-frame" function nil nil [76031 76627])
+            ("use-fancy-splash-screens-p" function nil nil [76629 77444])
+            ("normal-splash-screen" function (:arguments ("startup" "concise")) nil [77447 79953])
+            ("normal-mouse-startup-screen" function nil nil [79955 81761])
+            ("normal-no-mouse-startup-screen" function nil nil [81763 85892])
+            ("normal-about-screen" function nil nil [85894 87355])
+            ("startup-echo-area-message" function nil nil [87357 87554])
+            ("display-startup-echo-area-message" function nil nil [87556 88820])
+            ("display-startup-screen" function (:arguments ("concise")) nil [88822 89274])
+            ("display-about-screen" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [89276 89522])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [89524 89569])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [89570 89627])
+            ("command-line-1" function (:arguments ("args-left")) nil [89629 106773])
+            ("command-line-normalize-file-name" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [106775 107507]))          
+      :file "startup.el"
+      :pointmax 107534
+      :fsize 107565
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29518 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("xterm-mouse-debug-buffer" variable nil nil [1493 1530])
+            ("xterm-mouse-translate" function (:arguments ("_event")) nil [1532 1645])
+            ("xterm-mouse-translate-extended" function (:arguments ("_event")) nil [1647 1940])
+            ("xterm-mouse-translate-1" function (:arguments ("extension")) nil [1942 3787])
+            ("xt-mouse-epoch" variable nil nil [4045 4072])
+            ("xterm-mouse-position-function" function (:arguments ("pos")) nil [4114 4384])
+            ("xterm-mouse-truncate-wrap" function (:arguments ("f")) nil [4386 5016])
+            ("xterm-mouse-utf-8" variable nil nil [5018 5299])
+            ("xterm-mouse--read-coordinate" function nil nil [5301 6076])
+            ("xterm-mouse--read-number-from-terminal" function (:arguments ("extension")) nil [6655 6990])
+            ("xterm-mouse--read-event-sequence" function (:arguments ("extension")) nil [7349 9052])
+            ("xterm-mouse--set-click-count" function (:arguments ("event" "click-count")) nil [9054 9500])
+            ("xterm-mouse-event" function (:arguments ("extension")) nil [9502 12658])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [12675 13790])
+            ("xterm-mouse-tracking-enable-sequence" function nil nil [13792 15234])
+            ("xterm-mouse-tracking-enable-sequence" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "[?1000h[?1002h[?1005h[?1006h")
+                nil [15236 16531])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [16533 16672])
+            ("xterm-mouse-tracking-disable-sequence" function nil nil [16674 16936])
+            ("xterm-mouse-tracking-disable-sequence" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "[?1006l[?1005l[?1002l[?1000l")
+                nil [16938 17094])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [17096 17237])
+            ("xterm-mouse--tracking-sequence" function (:arguments ("suffix")) nil [17239 17555])
+            ("turn-on-xterm-mouse-tracking-on-terminal" function (:arguments ("terminal")) nil [17557 19144])
+            ("turn-off-xterm-mouse-tracking-on-terminal" function (:arguments ("terminal")) nil [19146 20540])
+            ("xt-mouse" package nil nil [20542 20561]))          
+      :file "xt-mouse.el"
+      :pointmax 20589
+      :fsize 20588
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29522 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [1159 1176])
+            ("bookmark" include nil nil [1177 1196])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1198 1312])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1313 1368])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1369 1430])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1431 1507])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1508 1622])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1623 1691])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1692 1759])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1760 1814])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1815 1879])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1880 1945])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1946 2010])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [2011 2076])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [2077 2136])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [2137 2204])
+            ("xwidget-insert" function (:arguments ("pos" "type" "title" "width" "height" "args")) nil [2206 2708])
+            ("xwidget-at" function (:arguments ("pos")) nil [2710 3056])
+            ("browse-url" include nil nil [3160 3181])
+            ("image-mode" include nil nil [3182 3203])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-browse-url" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("url" "new-session"))
+                nil [3261 3987])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "g" (quote xwidget-webkit-browse-url)) (define-key map "a" (quote xwidget-webkit-adjust-size-dispatch)) (define-key map "b" (quote xwidget-webkit-back)) (define-key map "r" (quote xwidget-webkit-reload)) (define-key map "t" (lambda nil (interactive) (message "o"))) (define-key map "
" (quote xwidget-webkit-insert-string)) (define-key map "w" (quote xwidget-webkit-current-url)) (define-key map "+" (quote xwidget-webkit-zoom-in)) (define-key map "-" (quote xwidget-webkit-zoom-out)) (define-key map (kbd "SPC") (quote xwidget-webkit-scroll-up)) (define-key map (kbd "DEL") (quote xwidget-webkit-scroll-down)) (define-key map [remap scroll-up] (quote xwidget-webkit-scroll-up)) (define-key map [remap scroll-up-command] (quote xwidget-webkit-scroll-up)) (define-key map [remap scroll-down] (quote xwidget-webkit-scroll-down)) (define-key map [remap scroll-down-command] (quote xwidget-webkit-scroll-down)) (define-key map [remap forward-char] (quote xwidget-webkit-scroll-forward)) (define-key map [remap backward-char] (quote xwidget-webkit-scroll-backward)) (define-key map [remap right-char] (quote xwidget-webkit-scroll-forward)) (define-key map [remap left-char] (quote xwidget-webkit-scroll-backward)) (define-key map [remap previous-line] (quote xwidget-webkit-scroll-down)) (define-key map [remap next-line] (quote xwidget-webkit-scroll-up)) (define-key map [remap beginning-of-buffer] (quote xwidget-webkit-scroll-top)) (define-key map [remap end-of-buffer] (quote xwidget-webkit-scroll-bottom)) map)) nil [4047 5916])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-zoom-in" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5918 6066])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-zoom-out" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [6068 6218])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-scroll-up" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [6220 6392])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-scroll-down" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [6394 6571])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-scroll-forward" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [6573 6756])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-scroll-backward" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [6758 6944])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-scroll-top" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [6946 7141])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-scroll-bottom" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7143 7376])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [7586 7659])
+            ("xwidget-log" function (:arguments ("msg")) nil [7660 7855])
+            ("xwidget-event-handler" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7857 8382])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-callback" function (:arguments ("xwidget" "xwidget-event-type")) nil [8384 9828])
+            ("bookmark-make-record-function" variable nil nil [9830 9868])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [9869 10190])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-bookmark-make-record" function nil nil [10192 10508])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-last-session-buffer" variable nil nil [10511 10558])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-last-session" function nil nil [10560 10792])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-current-session" function nil nil [10794 10989])
+            ("xwidget-adjust-size-to-content" function (:arguments ("xw")) nil [10991 11326])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-activeelement-js" variable (:default-value "

+function findactiveelement(doc){


+   if(doc.activeElement.value != undefined){

+      return doc.activeElement;

+   }else{

+        // recurse over the child documents:

+        var frames = doc.getElementsByTagName('frame');

+        for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++)

+        {

+                var d = frames[i].contentDocument;

+                 var rv = findactiveelement(d);

+                 if(rv != undefined){

+                    return rv;

+                 }

+        }

+    }

+    return undefined;




+") nil [11329 12349])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-insert-string" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [12351 13262])
+            ("xwidget-xwbl" variable nil nil [13264 13285])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-begin-edit-textarea" function (:arguments ("xw" "text")) nil [13286 13564])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-end-edit-textarea" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [13566 13952])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-show-element" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("xw" "element-selector"))
+                nil [13954 14496])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-show-named-element" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("xw" "element-name"))
+                nil [14498 15246])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-show-id-element" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("xw" "element-id"))
+                nil [15248 15716])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-show-id-or-named-element" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("xw" "element-id"))
+                nil [15718 16267])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-adjust-size-to-content" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [16269 16436])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-adjust-size-dispatch" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [16438 16817])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-adjust-size-to-window" function (:arguments ("xwidget" "window")) nil [16819 17071])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-adjust-size" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("w" "h"))
+                nil [17073 17308])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-fit-width" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [17310 17578])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-auto-adjust-size" function (:arguments ("window")) nil [17580 17904])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-adjust-size-in-frame" function (:arguments ("frame")) nil [17906 18092])
+            ("eval-after-load" code nil nil [18094 18230])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-new-session" function (:arguments ("url")) nil [18232 18969])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-goto-url" function (:arguments ("url")) nil [18972 19185])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-back" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [19187 19375])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-reload" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [19377 19566])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-current-url" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [19568 19879])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-get-selection" function (:arguments ("proc")) nil [19913 20123])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-copy-selection-as-kill" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [20125 20322])
+            ("xwidget-get" function (:arguments ("xwidget" "propname")) nil [20452 20668])
+            ("xwidget-put" function (:arguments ("xwidget" "propname" "value")) nil [20670 20973])
+            ("xwidget-view-list" variable nil nil [21034 21060])
+            ("xwidget-list" variable nil nil [21086 21107])
+            ("xwidget-delete-zombies" function nil nil [21139 21463])
+            ("xwidget-cleanup" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [21465 21892])
+            ("xwidget-kill-buffer-query-function" function nil nil [21894 22234])
+            ("when" code nil nil [22236 22514])
+            ("xwidget" package nil nil [22516 22534]))          
+      :file "xwidget.el"
+      :pointmax 22560
+      :fsize 22559
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29522 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("pp" include nil nil [1272 1285])
+            ("cl-lib" include nil nil [1305 1322])
+            ("bookmark" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1741 1833])
+            ("bookmark-use-annotations" variable nil nil [1836 1985])
+            ("bookmark-save-flag" variable (:default-value t) nil [1988 2840])
+            ("bookmark-old-default-file" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "~/.emacs-bkmrks")
+                nil [2843 2952])
+            ("bookmark-file" variable nil nil [2999 3067])
+            ("bookmark-default-file" variable (:default-value (if bookmark-file bookmark-file (locate-user-emacs-file "bookmarks" ".emacs.bmk"))) nil [3069 3335])
+            ("bookmark-version-control" variable (:default-value (quote nospecial)) nil [3338 3912])
+            ("bookmark-completion-ignore-case" variable (:default-value t) nil [3915 4060])
+            ("bookmark-sort-flag" variable (:default-value t) nil [4063 4323])
+            ("bookmark-automatically-show-annotations" variable (:default-value t) nil [4326 4478])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-use-header-line" variable (:default-value t) nil [4480 4689])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-inline-header-height" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value 2)
+                nil [4691 4861])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-marks-width" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value 2)
+                nil [4863 5009])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-file-column" variable (:default-value 30) nil [5011 5268])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-toggle-filenames" variable (:default-value t) nil [5271 5465])
+            ("bookmark-menu-bookmark" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:weight bold))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [5467 5610])
+            ("bookmark-menu-length" variable (:default-value 70) nil [5612 5748])
+            ("bookmark-search-delay" variable (:default-value 0.2) nil [5803 5937])
+            ("bookmark-menu-heading" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:inherit font-lock-type-face))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [5939 6112])
+            ("or" code nil nil [6210 6258])
+            ("or" code nil nil [6314 6383])
+            ("bookmark-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "x" (quote bookmark-set)) (define-key map "m" (quote bookmark-set)) (define-key map "M" (quote bookmark-set-no-overwrite)) (define-key map "j" (quote bookmark-jump)) (define-key map "g" (quote bookmark-jump)) (define-key map "o" (quote bookmark-jump-other-window)) (define-key map "i" (quote bookmark-insert)) (define-key map "e" (quote edit-bookmarks)) (define-key map "f" (quote bookmark-insert-location)) (define-key map "r" (quote bookmark-rename)) (define-key map "d" (quote bookmark-delete)) (define-key map "l" (quote bookmark-load)) (define-key map "w" (quote bookmark-write)) (define-key map "s" (quote bookmark-save)) map)) nil [6800 7848])
+            ("bookmark-alist" variable nil nil [7942 9289])
+            ("bookmarks-already-loaded" variable nil nil [9291 9412])
+            ("bookmark-file-coding-system" variable nil nil [9414 9519])
+            ("bookmark-current-bookmark" variable nil nil [9549 9730])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [9732 9787])
+            ("bookmark-alist-modification-count" variable nil nil [9790 9904])
+            ("bookmark-search-size" variable (:default-value 16) nil [9907 10012])
+            ("bookmark-current-buffer" variable nil nil [10015 10266])
+            ("bookmark-yank-point" variable nil nil [10269 10419])
+            ("bookmark-quit-flag" variable nil nil [10422 10512])
+            ("with-buffer-modified-unmodified" function (:arguments ("body")) nil [10548 10873])
+            ("bookmark-name-from-full-record" function (:arguments ("bookmark-record")) nil [11057 11239])
+            ("bookmark-all-names" function nil nil [11242 11415])
+            ("bookmark-get-bookmark" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record" "noerror")) nil [11418 12120])
+            ("bookmark-get-bookmark-record" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record")) nil [12123 12598])
+            ("bookmark-set-name" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record" "newname")) nil [12601 12778])
+            ("bookmark-prop-get" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record" "prop")) nil [12780 12984])
+            ("bookmark-prop-set" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record" "prop" "val")) nil [12986 13351])
+            ("bookmark-get-annotation" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record")) nil [13353 13538])
+            ("bookmark-set-annotation" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record" "ann")) nil [13540 13721])
+            ("bookmark-get-filename" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record")) nil [13724 13908])
+            ("bookmark-set-filename" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record" "filename")) nil [13911 14106])
+            ("bookmark-get-position" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record")) nil [14109 14302])
+            ("bookmark-set-position" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record" "position")) nil [14305 14509])
+            ("bookmark-get-front-context-string" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record")) nil [14512 14727])
+            ("bookmark-set-front-context-string" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record" "string")) nil [14730 14950])
+            ("bookmark-get-rear-context-string" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record")) nil [14953 15165])
+            ("bookmark-set-rear-context-string" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record" "string")) nil [15168 15385])
+            ("bookmark-get-handler" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record")) nil [15388 15574])
+            ("bookmark-history" variable nil nil [15576 15650])
+            ("bookmark-completing-read" function (:arguments ("prompt" "default")) nil [15653 16910])
+            ("bookmark-maybe-historicize-string" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [16913 17294])
+            ("bookmark-make-record-function" variable (:default-value (quote bookmark-make-record-default)) nil [17296 18287])
+            ("bookmark-make-record" function nil nil [18289 18955])
+            ("bookmark-store" function (:arguments ("name" "alist" "no-overwrite")) nil [18957 20403])
+            ("bookmark-make-record-default" function (:arguments ("no-file" "no-context" "posn")) nil [20405 21970])
+            ("bookmark-file-format-version" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value 1)
+                nil [24788 24929])
+            ("bookmark-end-of-version-stamp-marker" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "-*- End Of Bookmark File Format Version Stamp -*-
+                nil [24932 25106])
+            ("bookmark-alist-from-buffer" function nil nil [25109 25771])
+            ("bookmark-upgrade-version-0-alist" function (:arguments ("old-list")) nil [25774 26496])
+            ("bookmark-upgrade-file-format-from-0" function nil nil [26499 27194])
+            ("bookmark-grok-file-format-version" function nil nil [27197 27667])
+            ("bookmark-maybe-upgrade-file-format" function nil nil [27670 28182])
+            ("bookmark-insert-file-format-version-stamp" function (:arguments ("coding")) nil [28185 28845])
+            ("bookmark-maybe-message" function (:arguments ("fmt" "args")) nil [28899 29082])
+            ("bookmark-minibuffer-read-name-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map minibuffer-local-map) (define-key map "" (quote bookmark-yank-word)) map)) nil [29102 29286])
+            ("bookmark-set-internal" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("prompt" "name" "overwrite-or-push"))
+                nil [29288 32285])
+            ("bookmark-set" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("name" "no-overwrite"))
+                nil [32303 33674])
+            ("bookmark-set-no-overwrite" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("name" "push-bookmark"))
+                nil [33691 35068])
+            ("bookmark-kill-line" function (:arguments ("newline-too")) nil [35071 35396])
+            ("bookmark-annotation-name" variable nil nil [35441 35625])
+            ("bookmark-default-annotation-text" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name")) nil [35628 36190])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [36193 36306])
+            ("bookmark-edit-annotation-text-func" variable (:default-value (quote bookmark-default-annotation-text)) nil [36307 36516])
+            ("bookmark-edit-annotation-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map text-mode-map) (define-key map "" (quote bookmark-send-edited-annotation)) map)) nil [36518 36764])
+            ("bookmark-insert-annotation" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record")) nil [36766 37061])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [37063 37311])
+            ("bookmark-send-edited-annotation" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [37314 38122])
+            ("bookmark-edit-annotation" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record")) nil [38125 38515])
+            ("bookmark-buffer-name" function nil nil [38518 39357])
+            ("bookmark-yank-word" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [39360 39907])
+            ("bookmark-buffer-file-name" function nil nil [39909 40480])
+            ("bookmark-maybe-load-default-file" function nil nil [40483 41214])
+            ("bookmark-maybe-sort-alist" function nil nil [41217 41538])
+            ("bookmark-after-jump-hook" variable nil nil [41541 41687])
+            ("bookmark--jump-via" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record" "display-function")) nil [41689 42626])
+            ("bookmark-jump" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("bookmark" "display-func"))
+                nil [42644 43826])
+            ("bookmark-jump-other-window" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("bookmark"))
+                nil [43844 44171])
+            ("bookmark-jump-noselect" function (:arguments ("bookmark")) nil [44174 44566])
+            ("bookmark-handle-bookmark" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record")) nil [44568 47174])
+            ("define-error" code nil nil [47176 47211])
+            ("define-error" code nil nil [47212 47322])
+            ("bookmark-default-handler" function (:arguments ("bmk-record")) nil [47324 48820])
+            ("bookmark-relocate" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("bookmark-name"))
+                nil [48837 49838])
+            ("bookmark-insert-location" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("bookmark-name" "no-history"))
+                nil [49856 50285])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [50302 50355])
+            ("bookmark-location" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record")) nil [50357 50925])
+            ("bookmark-rename" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("old-name" "new-name"))
+                nil [50943 52438])
+            ("bookmark-insert" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("bookmark-name"))
+                nil [52456 53220])
+            ("bookmark-delete" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("bookmark-name" "batch"))
+                nil [53238 54444])
+            ("bookmark-time-to-save-p" function (:arguments ("final-time")) nil [54447 55022])
+            ("bookmark-write" function nil nil [55040 55258])
+            ("bookmark-save" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("parg" "file"))
+                nil [55276 56847])
+            ("bookmark-write-file" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [56852 58931])
+            ("bookmark-import-new-list" function (:arguments ("new-list")) nil [58934 59400])
+            ("bookmark-maybe-rename" function (:arguments ("full-record" "names")) nil [59403 59990])
+            ("bookmark-load" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("file" "overwrite" "no-msg"))
+                nil [60008 62646])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-hidden-bookmarks" variable nil nil [62752 62795])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map special-mode-map) (define-key map "v" (quote bookmark-bmenu-select)) (define-key map "w" (quote bookmark-bmenu-locate)) (define-key map "2" (quote bookmark-bmenu-2-window)) (define-key map "1" (quote bookmark-bmenu-1-window)) (define-key map "j" (quote bookmark-bmenu-this-window)) (define-key map "" (quote bookmark-bmenu-this-window)) (define-key map "f" (quote bookmark-bmenu-this-window)) (define-key map "
" (quote bookmark-bmenu-this-window)) (define-key map "o" (quote bookmark-bmenu-other-window)) (define-key map "" (quote bookmark-bmenu-switch-other-window)) (define-key map "s" (quote bookmark-bmenu-save)) (define-key map "k" (quote bookmark-bmenu-delete)) (define-key map "" (quote bookmark-bmenu-delete-backwards)) (define-key map "x" (quote bookmark-bmenu-execute-deletions)) (define-key map "d" (quote bookmark-bmenu-delete)) (define-key map " " (quote next-line)) (define-key map "n" (quote next-line)) (define-key map "p" (quote previous-line)) (define-key map "" (quote bookmark-bmenu-backup-unmark)) (define-key map "u" (quote bookmark-bmenu-unmark)) (define-key map "m" (quote bookmark-bmenu-mark)) (define-key map "l" (quote bookmark-bmenu-load)) (define-key map "r" (quote bookmark-bmenu-rename)) (define-key map "R" (quote bookmark-bmenu-relocate)) (define-key map "t" (quote bookmark-bmenu-toggle-filenames)) (define-key map "a" (quote bookmark-bmenu-show-annotation)) (define-key map "A" (quote bookmark-bmenu-show-all-annotations)) (define-key map "e" (quote bookmark-bmenu-edit-annotation)) (define-key map "/" (quote bookmark-bmenu-search)) (define-key map [mouse-2] (quote bookmark-bmenu-other-window-with-mouse)) map)) nil [62798 64472])
+            ("put" code nil nil [64553 64600])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-surreptitiously-rebuild-list" function nil nil [64736 64995])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-list" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [65013 66960])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [66977 67024])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [67040 67087])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-set-header" function nil nil [67089 67805])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [67807 70187])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-toggle-filenames" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("show"))
+                nil [70190 70806])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-show-filenames" function (:arguments ("force")) nil [70809 72228])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-hide-filenames" function (:arguments ("force")) nil [72231 73581])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-ensure-position" function nil nil [73584 74116])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-bookmark" function nil nil [74119 74407])
+            ("bookmark-show-annotation" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name-or-record")) nil [74410 74999])
+            ("bookmark-show-all-annotations" function nil nil [75002 75921])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-mark" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [75924 76298])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-select" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [76301 77292])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-any-marks" function nil nil [77295 77666])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-save" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("parg"))
+                nil [77669 77934])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-load" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [77937 78218])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-1-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [78221 78426])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-2-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [78429 78792])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-this-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [78795 78940])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-other-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [78943 79189])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-switch-other-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [79192 79471])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-other-window-with-mouse" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [79473 79814])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-show-annotation" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [79817 80029])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-show-all-annotations" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [80032 80189])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-edit-annotation" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [80192 80404])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-unmark" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("backup"))
+                nil [80407 81004])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-backup-unmark" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [81007 81273])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-delete" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [81276 81710])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-delete-backwards" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [81713 82091])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-execute-deletions" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [82094 83040])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-rename" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [83043 83277])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-locate" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [83280 83483])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-relocate" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [83485 83769])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-filter-alist-by-regexp" function (:arguments ("regexp")) nil [83798 84134])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-search" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [84152 85046])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-goto-bookmark" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [85048 85285])
+            ("bookmark-menu-popup-paned-menu" function (:arguments ("event" "name" "entries")) nil [85339 86359])
+            ("menu-bar-bookmark-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap "Bookmark functions"))) (bindings--define-key map [load] (quote (menu-item "Load a Bookmark File..." bookmark-load :help "Load bookmarks from a bookmark file)"))) (bindings--define-key map [write] (quote (menu-item "Save Bookmarks As..." bookmark-write :help "Write bookmarks to a file (reading the file name with the minibuffer)"))) (bindings--define-key map [save] (quote (menu-item "Save Bookmarks" bookmark-save :help "Save currently defined bookmarks"))) (bindings--define-key map [edit] (quote (menu-item "Edit Bookmark List" bookmark-bmenu-list :help "Display a list of existing bookmarks"))) (bindings--define-key map [delete] (quote (menu-item "Delete Bookmark..." bookmark-delete :help "Delete a bookmark from the bookmark list"))) (bindings--define-key map [rename] (quote (menu-item "Rename Bookmark..." bookmark-rename :help "Change the name of a bookmark"))) (bindings--define-key map [locate] (quote (menu-item "Insert Location..." bookmark-locate :help "Insert the name of the file associated with a bookmark"))) (bindings--define-key map [insert] (quote (menu-item "Insert Contents..." bookmark-insert :help "Insert the text of the file pointed to by a bookmark"))) (bindings--define-key map [set] (quote (menu-item "Set Bookmark..." bookmark-set :help "Set a bookmark named inside a file."))) (bindings--define-key map [jump] (quote (menu-item "Jump to Bookmark..." bookmark-jump :help "Jump to a bookmark (a point in some file)"))) map)) nil [86650 88243])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [88260 88315])
+            ("if" code nil nil [88377 88530])
+            ("bookmark-load-hook" variable nil nil [88582 88671])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [88715 88797])
+            ("bookmark-exit-hook" variable nil nil [88798 88860])
+            ("bookmark-exit-hook-internal" function nil nil [88862 89089])
+            ("unless" code nil nil [89091 89173])
+            ("bookmark-unload-function" function nil nil [89175 89326])
+            ("run-hooks" code nil nil [89329 89360])
+            ("bookmark" package nil nil [89362 89381]))          
+      :file "bookmark.el"
+      :pointmax 89409
+      :fsize 89408
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29503 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 1322 . 1323) (symbol 1287 . 1304) (open-paren 1286 . 1287)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "image-mode.el"
+      :fsize 48347
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29511 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("5x5" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [166 1107])
+            ("5x5-crack-randomly" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1109 1207])
+            ("5x5-crack-mutating-current" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1209 1325])
+            ("5x5-crack-mutating-best" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1327 1437])
+            ("5x5-crack-xor-mutate" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1439 1575])
+            ("5x5-crack" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1577 1947])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1949 2040])
+            ("ada-add-extensions" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [2171 2457])
+            ("ada-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [2459 2556])
+            ("if" code nil nil [2558 2654])
+            ("if" code nil nil [2782 2877])
+            ("ada-header" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [3008 3110])
+            ("if" code nil nil [3112 3208])
+            ("ada-find-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [3339 3475])
+            ("if" code nil nil [3477 3573])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3687 3756])
+            ("add-log-current-defun-function" variable nil nil [3758 4013])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [4015 4076])
+            ("add-log-full-name" variable nil nil [4078 4243])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [4245 4293])
+            ("add-log-mailing-address" variable nil nil [4295 4656])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [4658 4712])
+            ("prompt-for-change-log-name" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [4714 4811])
+            ("find-change-log" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [4813 5902])
+            ("add-change-log-entry" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [5904 7205])
+            ("add-change-log-entry-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [7207 7471])
+            ("change-log-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [7473 7899])
+            ("add-log-current-defun" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [7901 8422])
+            ("change-log-merge" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [8424 8825])
+            ("if" code nil nil [8827 8940])
+            ("ad-redefinition-action" variable (:default-value (quote warn)) nil [9067 9721])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [9723 9775])
+            ("ad-default-compilation-action" variable (:default-value (quote maybe)) nil [9777 10326])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [10328 10387])
+            ("ad-enable-advice" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [10389 10515])
+            ("ad-disable-advice" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [10517 10644])
+            ("ad-add-advice" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [10646 11708])
+            ("ad-activate" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [11710 12791])
+            ("defadvice" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [12793 14967])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [14969 15013])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [15015 15065])
+            ("if" code nil nil [15067 15160])
+            ("align" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [15262 16084])
+            ("align-regexp" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [16086 17894])
+            ("align-entire" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [17896 18272])
+            ("align-current" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [18274 18702])
+            ("align-highlight-rule" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [18704 19164])
+            ("align-unhighlight-rule" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [19166 19291])
+            ("align-newline-and-indent" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [19293 19498])
+            ("if" code nil nil [19500 19595])
+            ("push" code nil nil [19699 19756])
+            ("allout-auto-activation-helper" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [19758 19941])
+            ("allout-setup" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [19943 20267])
+            ("allout-auto-activation" variable nil nil [20269 20933])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [20935 20989])
+            ("put" code nil nil [20991 21113])
+            ("put" code nil nil [21115 21207])
+            ("put" code nil nil [21209 21323])
+            ("put" code nil nil [21325 21382])
+            ("put" code nil nil [21384 21442])
+            ("put" code nil nil [21444 21508])
+            ("put" code nil nil [21510 21580])
+            ("put" code nil nil [21582 21723])
+            ("put" code nil nil [21725 21846])
+            ("put" code nil nil [21848 21967])
+            ("put" code nil nil [21969 22109])
+            ("put" code nil nil [22111 22252])
+            ("put" code nil nil [22254 22319])
+            ("put" code nil nil [22321 22422])
+            ("put" code nil nil [22424 22494])
+            ("put" code nil nil [22496 22562])
+            ("allout-mode-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [22564 22670])
+            ("allout-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [22672 35665])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [35667 35714])
+            ("outlineify-sticky" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [35716 35992])
+            ("if" code nil nil [35994 36091])
+            ("push" code nil nil [36227 36292])
+            ("allout-widgets-setup" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [36294 36519])
+            ("allout-widgets-auto-activation" variable nil nil [36521 37055])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [37057 37127])
+            ("put" code nil nil [37129 37252])
+            ("allout-widgets-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [37254 38271])
+            ("if" code nil nil [38273 38378])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [38497 38550])
+            ("ange-ftp-reread-dir" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [38552 38947])
+            ("ange-ftp-hook-function" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [38949 39035])
+            ("if" code nil nil [39037 39175])
+            ("animate-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [39293 39684])
+            ("animate-sequence" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [39686 40050])
+            ("animate-birthday-present" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [40052 40367])
+            ("if" code nil nil [40369 40466])
+            ("push" code nil nil [40582 40645])
+            ("ansi-color-for-comint-mode-on" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [40647 40757])
+            ("ansi-color-process-output" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [40759 41348])
+            ("if" code nil nil [41350 41455])
+            ("push" code nil nil [41599 41662])
+            ("antlr-show-makefile-rules" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [41664 42518])
+            ("antlr-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [42520 42616])
+            ("antlr-set-tabs" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [42618 42814])
+            ("if" code nil nil [42816 42916])
+            ("appt-add" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [43033 43397])
+            ("appt-activate" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [43399 43595])
+            ("if" code nil nil [43597 43690])
+            ("apropos-read-pattern" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [43798 44151])
+            ("apropos-user-option" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [44153 44655])
+            ("apropos-variable" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [44657 44957])
+            ("apropos-local-variable" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [44959 45266])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [45268 45312])
+            ("apropos-command" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [45314 46077])
+            ("apropos-documentation-property" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [46079 46239])
+            ("apropos" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [46241 46920])
+            ("apropos-library" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [46922 47215])
+            ("apropos-value" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [47217 47859])
+            ("apropos-local-value" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [47861 48137])
+            ("apropos-documentation" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [48139 48855])
+            ("if" code nil nil [48857 48956])
+            ("archive-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [49067 49592])
+            ("if" code nil nil [49594 49694])
+            ("array-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [49796 52881])
+            ("if" code nil nil [52883 53059])
+            ("push" code nil nil [53183 53242])
+            ("artist-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [53244 60927])
+            ("if" code nil nil [60929 61026])
+            ("asm-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [61157 61885])
+            ("if" code nil nil [61887 61983])
+            ("auth-source-cache-expiry" variable (:default-value 7200) nil [62103 62270])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [62272 62331])
+            ("if" code nil nil [62333 62439])
+            ("push" code nil nil [62581 62650])
+            ("auth-source-pass-enable" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [62652 62760])
+            ("if" code nil nil [62762 62879])
+            ("autoarg-mode" variable nil nil [62987 63121])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [63123 63168])
+            ("autoarg-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [63170 64253])
+            ("autoarg-kp-mode" variable nil nil [64255 64552])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [64554 64602])
+            ("autoarg-kp-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [64604 65029])
+            ("if" code nil nil [65031 65130])
+            ("autoconf-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [65261 65366])
+            ("if" code nil nil [65368 65469])
+            ("auto-insert" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [65586 65791])
+            ("define-auto-insert" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [65793 66097])
+            ("auto-insert-mode" variable nil nil [66099 66400])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [66402 66454])
+            ("auto-insert-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [66456 66874])
+            ("if" code nil nil [66876 66981])
+            ("put" code nil nil [67122 67182])
+            ("put" code nil nil [67184 67249])
+            ("put" code nil nil [67251 67306])
+            ("update-file-autoloads" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [67308 67853])
+            ("update-directory-autoloads" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [67855 68671])
+            ("batch-update-autoloads" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [68673 68927])
+            ("if" code nil nil [68929 69079])
+            ("auto-revert-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [69196 69955])
+            ("turn-on-auto-revert-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [69957 70172])
+            ("auto-revert-tail-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [70174 71099])
+            ("turn-on-auto-revert-tail-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [71101 71340])
+            ("global-auto-revert-mode" variable nil nil [71342 71671])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [71673 71732])
+            ("global-auto-revert-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [71734 72760])
+            ("if" code nil nil [72762 72890])
+            ("if" code nil nil [73031 73132])
+            ("mouse-avoidance-mode" variable nil nil [73234 73477])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [73479 73530])
+            ("mouse-avoidance-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [73532 74672])
+            ("if" code nil nil [74674 74779])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [74910 74978])
+            ("bat-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [74980 75279])
+            ("if" code nil nil [75281 75377])
+            ("put" code nil nil [75485 75540])
+            ("battery" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [75542 75772])
+            ("display-battery-mode" variable nil nil [75774 76091])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [76093 76146])
+            ("display-battery-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [76148 76635])
+            ("if" code nil nil [76637 76736])
+            ("benchmark-run" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [76880 77314])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [77316 77370])
+            ("benchmark-run-compiled" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [77372 77708])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [77710 77773])
+            ("benchmark" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [77775 78086])
+            ("if" code nil nil [78088 78197])
+            ("if" code nil nil [78328 78474])
+            ("bibtex-initialize" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [78599 79313])
+            ("bibtex-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [79315 81984])
+            ("bibtex-search-entry" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [81986 82731])
+            ("if" code nil nil [82733 82830])
+            ("bibtex-style-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [82981 83085])
+            ("if" code nil nil [83087 83196])
+            ("if" code nil nil [83323 83420])
+            ("binhex-begin-line" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "^:...............................................................$")
+                nil [83535 83702])
+            ("binhex-decode-region-internal" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [83704 83947])
+            ("binhex-decode-region-external" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [83949 84093])
+            ("binhex-decode-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [84095 84207])
+            ("if" code nil nil [84209 84306])
+            ("blackbox" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [84427 89389])
+            ("if" code nil nil [89391 89498])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [89609 89652])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [89654 89696])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [89698 89753])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [89755 89804])
+            ("bookmark-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "x" (quote bookmark-set)) (define-key map "m" (quote bookmark-set)) (define-key map "M" (quote bookmark-set-no-overwrite)) (define-key map "j" (quote bookmark-jump)) (define-key map "g" (quote bookmark-jump)) (define-key map "o" (quote bookmark-jump-other-window)) (define-key map "i" (quote bookmark-insert)) (define-key map "e" (quote edit-bookmarks)) (define-key map "f" (quote bookmark-insert-location)) (define-key map "r" (quote bookmark-rename)) (define-key map "d" (quote bookmark-delete)) (define-key map "l" (quote bookmark-load)) (define-key map "w" (quote bookmark-write)) (define-key map "s" (quote bookmark-save)) map)) nil [89806 90694])
+            ("fset" code nil nil [90696 90729])
+            ("bookmark-set" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [90731 91915])
+            ("bookmark-set-no-overwrite" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [91917 93199])
+            ("bookmark-jump" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [93201 94133])
+            ("bookmark-jump-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [94135 94277])
+            ("bookmark-relocate" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [94279 94595])
+            ("bookmark-insert-location" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [94597 94862])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [94864 94917])
+            ("bookmark-rename" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [94919 95528])
+            ("bookmark-insert" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [95530 95940])
+            ("bookmark-delete" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [95942 96436])
+            ("bookmark-write" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [96438 96563])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [96565 96628])
+            ("bookmark-save" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [96630 97407])
+            ("bookmark-load" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [97409 98337])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-list" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [98339 98607])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [98609 98656])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [98658 98705])
+            ("bookmark-bmenu-search" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [98707 98834])
+            ("menu-bar-bookmark-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap "Bookmark functions"))) (bindings--define-key map [load] (quote (menu-item "Load a Bookmark File..." bookmark-load :help "Load bookmarks from a bookmark file)"))) (bindings--define-key map [write] (quote (menu-item "Save Bookmarks As..." bookmark-write :help "Write bookmarks to a file (reading the file name with the minibuffer)"))) (bindings--define-key map [save] (quote (menu-item "Save Bookmarks" bookmark-save :help "Save currently defined bookmarks"))) (bindings--define-key map [edit] (quote (menu-item "Edit Bookmark List" bookmark-bmenu-list :help "Display a list of existing bookmarks"))) (bindings--define-key map [delete] (quote (menu-item "Delete Bookmark..." bookmark-delete :help "Delete a bookmark from the bookmark list"))) (bindings--define-key map [rename] (quote (menu-item "Rename Bookmark..." bookmark-rename :help "Change the name of a bookmark"))) (bindings--define-key map [locate] (quote (menu-item "Insert Location..." bookmark-locate :help "Insert the name of the file associated with a bookmark"))) (bindings--define-key map [insert] (quote (menu-item "Insert Contents..." bookmark-insert :help "Insert the text of the file pointed to by a bookmark"))) (bindings--define-key map [set] (quote (menu-item "Set Bookmark..." bookmark-set :help "Set a bookmark named inside a file."))) (bindings--define-key map [jump] (quote (menu-item "Jump to Bookmark..." bookmark-jump :help "Jump to a bookmark (a point in some file)"))) map)) nil [98836 100283])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [100285 100340])
+            ("if" code nil nil [100342 100476])
+            ("browse-url-browser-function" variable (:default-value (quote browse-url-default-browser)) nil [100601 101164])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [101166 101227])
+            ("browse-url-of-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [101229 101578])
+            ("browse-url-of-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [101580 101839])
+            ("browse-url-of-dired-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [101841 101975])
+            ("browse-url-of-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [101977 102096])
+            ("browse-url" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [102098 102800])
+            ("browse-url-at-point" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [102802 103096])
+            ("browse-url-at-mouse" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [103098 103382])
+            ("browse-url-xdg-open" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [103384 103631])
+            ("browse-url-netscape" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [103633 104442])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [104444 104493])
+            ("browse-url-mozilla" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [104495 105298])
+            ("browse-url-firefox" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [105300 106037])
+            ("browse-url-chromium" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [106039 106342])
+            ("browse-url-galeon" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [106344 107141])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [107143 107190])
+            ("browse-url-emacs" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [107192 107342])
+            ("browse-url-gnome-moz" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [107344 107988])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [107990 108040])
+            ("browse-url-mosaic" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [108042 108743])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [108745 108792])
+            ("browse-url-cci" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [108794 109541])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [109543 109587])
+            ("browse-url-conkeror" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [109589 110402])
+            ("browse-url-w3" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [110404 110888])
+            ("browse-url-w3-gnudoit" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [110890 111192])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [111194 111245])
+            ("browse-url-text-xterm" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [111247 111667])
+            ("browse-url-text-emacs" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [111669 112362])
+            ("browse-url-mail" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [112364 113075])
+            ("browse-url-generic" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [113077 113478])
+            ("browse-url-kde" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [113480 113687])
+            ("browse-url-elinks" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [113689 114055])
+            ("if" code nil nil [114057 114162])
+            ("push" code nil nil [114254 114308])
+            ("bs-cycle-next" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [114310 114512])
+            ("bs-cycle-previous" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [114514 114724])
+            ("bs-customize" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [114726 114825])
+            ("bs-show" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [114827 115453])
+            ("if" code nil nil [115455 115544])
+            ("bubbles" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [115662 116266])
+            ("if" code nil nil [116268 116367])
+            ("put" code nil nil [116521 116655])
+            ("put" code nil nil [116657 116718])
+            ("bug-reference-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [116720 117032])
+            ("bug-reference-prog-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [117034 117187])
+            ("if" code nil nil [117189 117300])
+            ("if" code nil nil [117441 117559])
+            ("put" code nil nil [117699 117757])
+            ("put" code nil nil [117758 117829])
+            ("put" code nil nil [117830 117899])
+            ("put" code nil nil [117900 117964])
+            ("put" code nil nil [117966 118105])
+            ("byte-compile-disable-warning" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [118107 118481])
+            ("byte-compile-enable-warning" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [118483 118841])
+            ("byte-force-recompile" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [118843 119042])
+            ("byte-recompile-directory" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [119044 119782])
+            ("put" code nil nil [119783 119836])
+            ("byte-compile-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [119838 120235])
+            ("compile-defun" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [120237 120454])
+            ("byte-compile" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [120456 120637])
+            ("display-call-tree" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [120639 121321])
+            ("batch-byte-compile-if-not-done" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [121323 121551])
+            ("batch-byte-compile" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [121553 122004])
+            ("batch-byte-recompile-directory" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [122006 122450])
+            ("if" code nil nil [122452 122653])
+            ("if" code nil nil [122793 122932])
+            ("put" code nil nil [123072 123129])
+            ("if" code nil nil [123131 123276])
+            ("if" code nil nil [123419 123531])
+            ("put" code nil nil [123657 123720])
+            ("put" code nil nil [123722 123783])
+            ("put" code nil nil [123785 123848])
+            ("if" code nil nil [123850 123957])
+            ("if" code nil nil [124100 124230])
+            ("calendar-hebrew-list-yahrzeits" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [124373 124657])
+            ("if" code nil nil [124659 124802])
+            ("if" code nil nil [124931 125032])
+            ("if" code nil nil [125172 125317])
+            ("if" code nil nil [125443 125564])
+            ("if" code nil nil [125707 125836])
+            ("if" code nil nil [125976 126103])
+            ("if" code nil nil [126232 126327])
+            ("if" code nil nil [126456 126557])
+            ("if" code nil nil [126700 126832])
+            ("if" code nil nil [126958 127057])
+            ("if" code nil nil [127177 127289])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [127398 127439])
+            ("calc-dispatch" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [127441 127578])
+            ("calc" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [127580 127732])
+            ("full-calc" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [127734 127856])
+            ("quick-calc" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [127858 128119])
+            ("calc-eval" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [128121 128405])
+            ("calc-keypad" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [128407 128705])
+            ("full-calc-keypad" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [128707 128871])
+            ("calc-grab-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [128873 129014])
+            ("calc-grab-rectangle" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [129016 129161])
+            ("calc-embedded" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [129163 129299])
+            ("calc-embedded-activate" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [129301 129509])
+            ("defmath" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [129511 129921])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [129923 129965])
+            ("if" code nil nil [129967 130108])
+            ("if" code nil nil [130269 130374])
+            ("if" code nil nil [130495 130599])
+            ("if" code nil nil [130726 130832])
+            ("if" code nil nil [130953 131057])
+            ("if" code nil nil [131181 131286])
+            ("if" code nil nil [131410 131515])
+            ("if" code nil nil [131679 131778])
+            ("if" code nil nil [131899 132010])
+            ("if" code nil nil [132131 132236])
+            ("if" code nil nil [132363 132484])
+            ("if" code nil nil [132608 132713])
+            ("if" code nil nil [132840 132946])
+            ("if" code nil nil [133073 133172])
+            ("if" code nil nil [133296 133394])
+            ("if" code nil nil [133521 133620])
+            ("if" code nil nil [133747 133846])
+            ("if" code nil nil [133970 134076])
+            ("if" code nil nil [134200 134314])
+            ("if" code nil nil [134435 134539])
+            ("if" code nil nil [134663 134768])
+            ("if" code nil nil [134892 134990])
+            ("if" code nil nil [135151 135254])
+            ("if" code nil nil [135378 135497])
+            ("if" code nil nil [135618 135722])
+            ("if" code nil nil [135849 135966])
+            ("if" code nil nil [136090 136200])
+            ("if" code nil nil [136324 136437])
+            ("if" code nil nil [136561 136666])
+            ("if" code nil nil [136793 136892])
+            ("if" code nil nil [137013 137110])
+            ("if" code nil nil [137234 137339])
+            ("if" code nil nil [137466 137564])
+            ("if" code nil nil [137691 137797])
+            ("if" code nil nil [137924 138029])
+            ("calc-undo" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [138153 138206])
+            ("if" code nil nil [138208 138306])
+            ("if" code nil nil [138433 138539])
+            ("if" code nil nil [138660 138764])
+            ("if" code nil nil [138925 139044])
+            ("if" code nil nil [139165 139286])
+            ("if" code nil nil [139407 139511])
+            ("if" code nil nil [139632 139742])
+            ("if" code nil nil [139863 139960])
+            ("calculator" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [140077 140221])
+            ("if" code nil nil [140223 140328])
+            ("calendar" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [140457 142084])
+            ("if" code nil nil [142086 142259])
+            ("canlock-insert-header" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [142377 142542])
+            ("canlock-verify" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [142544 142737])
+            ("if" code nil nil [142739 142838])
+            ("if" code nil nil [142969 143063])
+            ("if" code nil nil [143188 143291])
+            ("if" code nil nil [143439 143537])
+            ("if" code nil nil [143665 143758])
+            ("if" code nil nil [143886 144014])
+            ("c-guess-basic-syntax" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [144156 144269])
+            ("if" code nil nil [144271 144366])
+            ("if" code nil nil [144497 144731])
+            ("c-guess-guessed-offsets-alist" variable nil nil [144862 144941])
+            ("c-guess-guessed-basic-offset" variable nil nil [144943 145020])
+            ("c-guess" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [145022 145392])
+            ("c-guess-no-install" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [145394 145710])
+            ("c-guess-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [145712 146076])
+            ("c-guess-buffer-no-install" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [146078 146388])
+            ("c-guess-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [146390 146749])
+            ("c-guess-region-no-install" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [146751 147640])
+            ("c-guess-install" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [147642 148081])
+            ("if" code nil nil [148083 148183])
+            ("if" code nil nil [148314 148408])
+            ("if" code nil nil [148539 148640])
+            ("c-initialize-cc-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [148768 149220])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [149222 149288])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [149290 149369])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [149371 149439])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [149441 149493])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [149495 149554])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [149556 149618])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [149620 149674])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [149676 149728])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [149730 149785])
+            ("c-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [149787 150335])
+            ("c-or-c++-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [150337 150798])
+            ("c++-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [150800 151357])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [151359 151414])
+            ("objc-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [151416 151986])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [151988 152046])
+            ("java-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [152048 152610])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [152612 152668])
+            ("idl-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [152670 153251])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [153253 153344])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [153346 153405])
+            ("pike-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [153407 153969])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [153971 154027])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [154029 154086])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [154088 154146])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [154148 154206])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [154208 154266])
+            ("awk-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [154268 154826])
+            ("if" code nil nil [154828 154999])
+            ("c-set-style" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [155141 156267])
+            ("c-add-style" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [156269 156814])
+            ("c-set-offset" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [156816 157154])
+            ("if" code nil nil [157156 157278])
+            ("put" code nil nil [157405 157457])
+            ("put" code nil nil [157458 157514])
+            ("put" code nil nil [157515 157573])
+            ("if" code nil nil [157575 157745])
+            ("ccl-compile" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [157869 157994])
+            ("ccl-dump" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [157996 158082])
+            ("declare-ccl-program" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [158084 158546])
+            ("define-ccl-program" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [158548 166435])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [166437 166490])
+            ("check-ccl-program" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [166492 166813])
+            ("ccl-execute-with-args" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [166815 167098])
+            ("if" code nil nil [167100 167191])
+            ("cconv-closure-convert" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [167315 167620])
+            ("cconv-warnings-only" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [167622 167743])
+            ("if" code nil nil [167745 167840])
+            ("if" code nil nil [167936 168027])
+            ("push" code nil nil [168140 168196])
+            ("if" code nil nil [168198 168293])
+            ("if" code nil nil [168436 168545])
+            ("if" code nil nil [168685 168786])
+            ("if" code nil nil [168929 169032])
+            ("if" code nil nil [169178 169289])
+            ("push" code nil nil [169419 169478])
+            ("cfengine3-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [169480 169713])
+            ("cfengine2-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [169715 169948])
+            ("cfengine-auto-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [169950 170072])
+            ("if" code nil nil [170074 170174])
+            ("char-fold-to-regexp" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [170288 170801])
+            ("if" code nil nil [170803 170906])
+            ("push" code nil nil [171029 171085])
+            ("if" code nil nil [171087 171181])
+            ("check-declare-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [171337 171518])
+            ("check-declare-directory" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [171520 171718])
+            ("if" code nil nil [171720 171831])
+            ("push" code nil nil [171971 172032])
+            ("put" code nil nil [172033 172102])
+            ("put" code nil nil [172103 172169])
+            ("put" code nil nil [172170 172247])
+            ("put" code nil nil [172248 172325])
+            ("put" code nil nil [172326 172409])
+            ("put" code nil nil [172410 172481])
+            ("put" code nil nil [172482 172558])
+            ("put" code nil nil [172559 172637])
+            ("checkdoc-list-of-strings-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [172639 172751])
+            ("put" code nil nil [172752 172816])
+            ("put" code nil nil [172817 172882])
+            ("checkdoc" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [172884 173104])
+            ("checkdoc-interactive" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [173106 173634])
+            ("checkdoc-message-interactive" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [173636 174176])
+            ("checkdoc-eval-current-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [174178 174467])
+            ("checkdoc-current-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [174469 174770])
+            ("checkdoc-file" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [174772 174897])
+            ("checkdoc-start" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [174899 175254])
+            ("checkdoc-continue" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [175256 175626])
+            ("checkdoc-comments" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [175628 175917])
+            ("checkdoc-rogue-spaces" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [175919 176278])
+            ("checkdoc-message-text" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [176280 176495])
+            ("checkdoc-eval-defun" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [176497 176838])
+            ("checkdoc-defun" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [176840 177205])
+            ("checkdoc-ispell" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [177207 177414])
+            ("checkdoc-ispell-current-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [177416 177662])
+            ("checkdoc-ispell-interactive" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [177664 177915])
+            ("checkdoc-ispell-message-interactive" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [177917 178186])
+            ("checkdoc-ispell-message-text" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [178188 178436])
+            ("checkdoc-ispell-start" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [178438 178657])
+            ("checkdoc-ispell-continue" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [178659 178899])
+            ("checkdoc-ispell-comments" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [178901 179140])
+            ("checkdoc-ispell-defun" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [179142 179372])
+            ("checkdoc-minor-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [179374 179926])
+            ("checkdoc-package-keywords" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [179928 180055])
+            ("if" code nil nil [180057 180158])
+            ("decode-hz-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [180301 180453])
+            ("decode-hz-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [180455 180562])
+            ("encode-hz-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [180564 180712])
+            ("encode-hz-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [180714 180817])
+            ("post-read-decode-hz" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [180819 180887])
+            ("pre-write-encode-hz" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [180889 180961])
+            ("if" code nil nil [180963 181132])
+            ("repeat-matching-complex-command" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [181243 181648])
+            ("list-command-history" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [181650 182022])
+            ("command-history" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [182024 182649])
+            ("if" code nil nil [182651 182816])
+            ("if" code nil nil [182931 183070])
+            ("if" code nil nil [183240 183335])
+            ("push" code nil nil [183481 183542])
+            ("common-lisp-indent-function" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [183686 187195])
+            ("if" code nil nil [187197 187310])
+            ("push" code nil nil [187436 187493])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [187495 187585])
+            ("cl-custom-print-functions" variable nil nil [187587 188073])
+            ("cl-old-struct-compat-mode" variable nil nil [188075 188412])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [188414 188471])
+            ("cl-old-struct-compat-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [188473 188754])
+            ("if" code nil nil [188756 188849])
+            ("if" code nil nil [189016 189110])
+            ("push" code nil nil [189250 189309])
+            ("cl-print-object" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [189311 189613])
+            ("cl-prin1" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [189615 189930])
+            ("cl-prin1-to-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [189932 190075])
+            ("if" code nil nil [190077 190195])
+            ("if" code nil nil [190359 190453])
+            ("c-macro-expand" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [190581 191117])
+            ("if" code nil nil [191119 191218])
+            ("run-scheme" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [191332 191996])
+            ("if" code nil nil [191998 192158])
+            ("color-name-to-rgb" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [192260 192797])
+            ("if" code nil nil [192799 192894])
+            ("comint-output-filter-functions" variable (:default-value (quote (ansi-color-process-output comint-postoutput-scroll-to-bottom comint-watch-for-password-prompt))) nil [192999 193667])
+            ("make-comint-in-buffer" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [193669 194464])
+            ("make-comint" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [194466 195204])
+            ("comint-run" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [195206 195546])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [195548 195605])
+            ("comint-file-name-prefix" variable (:default-value (purecopy "")) nil [195607 195827])
+            ("comint-redirect-send-command" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [195829 196127])
+            ("comint-redirect-send-command-to-process" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [196129 196423])
+            ("comint-redirect-results-list" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [196425 196680])
+            ("comint-redirect-results-list-from-process" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [196682 196950])
+            ("if" code nil nil [196952 197087])
+            ("compare-windows" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [197207 198484])
+            ("if" code nil nil [198486 198587])
+            ("if" code nil nil [198710 198812])
+            ("compilation-mode-hook" variable nil nil [198940 199028])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [199030 199082])
+            ("compilation-start-hook" variable nil nil [199084 199226])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [199228 199281])
+            ("compilation-window-height" variable nil nil [199283 199393])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [199395 199451])
+            ("compilation-process-setup-function" variable nil nil [199453 199758])
+            ("compilation-buffer-name-function" variable nil nil [199760 200057])
+            ("compilation-finish-function" variable nil nil [200059 200264])
+            ("compilation-finish-functions" variable nil nil [200266 200484])
+            ("put" code nil nil [200485 200543])
+            ("compilation-ask-about-save" variable (:default-value t) nil [200545 200714])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [200716 200773])
+            ("compilation-search-path" variable (:default-value (quote (nil))) nil [200775 201021])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [201023 201077])
+            ("compile-command" variable (:default-value (purecopy "make -k ")) nil [201079 201726])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [201728 201774])
+            ("put" code nil nil [201775 201920])
+            ("compilation-disable-input" variable nil nil [201922 202164])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [202166 202222])
+            ("compile" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [202224 203477])
+            ("compilation-start" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [203479 204431])
+            ("compilation-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [204433 204835])
+            ("put" code nil nil [204837 204885])
+            ("compilation-shell-minor-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [204887 205379])
+            ("compilation-minor-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [205381 205793])
+            ("compilation-next-error-function" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [205795 206024])
+            ("if" code nil nil [206026 206180])
+            ("dynamic-completion-mode" variable nil nil [206297 206626])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [206628 206687])
+            ("dynamic-completion-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [206689 206964])
+            ("if" code nil nil [206966 207509])
+            ("conf-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [207651 209078])
+            ("conf-unix-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [209080 209235])
+            ("conf-windows-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [209237 209709])
+            ("conf-javaprop-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [209711 210135])
+            ("conf-space-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [210137 210897])
+            ("conf-space-keywords" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [210899 211058])
+            ("conf-colon-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [211060 211386])
+            ("conf-ppd-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [211388 211716])
+            ("conf-xdefaults-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [211718 212035])
+            ("conf-toml-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [212037 212316])
+            ("conf-desktop-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [212318 212701])
+            ("if" code nil nil [212703 212801])
+            ("cookie" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [212919 213241])
+            ("cookie-insert" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [213243 213491])
+            ("cookie-snarf" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [213493 213771])
+            ("if" code nil nil [213773 213870])
+            ("put" code nil nil [214013 214072])
+            ("put" code nil nil [214073 214132])
+            ("put" code nil nil [214133 214192])
+            ("copyright-update" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [214194 214646])
+            ("copyright-fix-years" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [214648 214915])
+            ("copyright" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [214917 215039])
+            ("copyright-update-directory" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [215041 215259])
+            ("if" code nil nil [215261 215364])
+            ("put" code nil nil [215508 215564])
+            ("put" code nil nil [215565 215621])
+            ("put" code nil nil [215622 215688])
+            ("put" code nil nil [215689 215745])
+            ("put" code nil nil [215746 215816])
+            ("put" code nil nil [215817 215887])
+            ("put" code nil nil [215888 215951])
+            ("cperl-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [215953 224246])
+            ("cperl-perldoc" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [224248 224331])
+            ("cperl-perldoc-at-point" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [224333 224439])
+            ("if" code nil nil [224441 224559])
+            ("cpp-highlight-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [224675 224971])
+            ("cpp-parse-edit" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [224973 225069])
+            ("if" code nil nil [225071 225162])
+            ("completing-read-multiple" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [225280 226242])
+            ("if" code nil nil [226244 226335])
+            ("css-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [226466 227121])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [227123 227181])
+            ("scss-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [227183 227272])
+            ("css-lookup-symbol" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [227274 227615])
+            ("if" code nil nil [227617 227721])
+            ("cua-mode" variable nil nil [227852 228121])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [228123 228165])
+            ("cua-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [228167 229285])
+            ("cua-selection-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [229287 229413])
+            ("if" code nil nil [229415 229511])
+            ("if" code nil nil [229642 229738])
+            ("cua-rectangle-mark-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [229869 230057])
+            ("if" code nil nil [230059 230155])
+            ("cursor-sensor-inhibit" variable nil nil [230311 230345])
+            ("cursor-intangible-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [230347 230490])
+            ("cursor-sensor-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [230492 230991])
+            ("if" code nil nil [230993 231104])
+            ("if" code nil nil [231212 231347])
+            ("custom-browse-sort-alphabetically" variable nil nil [231458 231580])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [231582 231647])
+            ("custom-buffer-sort-alphabetically" variable (:default-value t) nil [231649 231767])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [231769 231834])
+            ("custom-menu-sort-alphabetically" variable nil nil [231836 231951])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [231953 232016])
+            ("customize-set-value" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [232018 232543])
+            ("customize-set-variable" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [232545 233198])
+            ("customize-save-variable" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [233200 233859])
+            ("customize-push-and-save" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [233861 234273])
+            ("customize" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [234275 234569])
+            ("customize-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [234571 234832])
+            ("customize-group" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [234834 235027])
+            ("customize-group-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [235029 235186])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [235188 235236])
+            ("customize-option" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [235238 235348])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [235350 235424])
+            ("customize-option-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [235426 235605])
+            ("customize-package-emacs-version-alist" variable nil nil [235607 236947])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [236949 237005])
+            ("customize-changed-options" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [237007 237470])
+            ("customize-face" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [237472 237891])
+            ("customize-face-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [237893 238223])
+            ("customize-unsaved" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [238225 238349])
+            ("customize-rogue" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [238351 238463])
+            ("customize-saved" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [238465 238559])
+            ("customize-apropos" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [238561 239094])
+            ("customize-apropos-options" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [239096 239245])
+            ("customize-apropos-faces" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [239247 239361])
+            ("customize-apropos-groups" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [239363 239479])
+            ("custom-prompt-customize-unsaved-options" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [239481 239708])
+            ("custom-buffer-create" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [239710 240056])
+            ("custom-buffer-create-other-window" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [240058 240494])
+            ("customize-browse" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [240496 240619])
+            ("custom-file" variable nil nil [240621 242141])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [242143 242186])
+            ("custom-save-all" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [242188 242287])
+            ("customize-save-customized" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [242289 242413])
+            ("custom-menu-create" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [242415 242584])
+            ("customize-menu-create" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [242586 242890])
+            ("if" code nil nil [242892 243010])
+            ("customize-create-theme" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [243124 243546])
+            ("custom-theme-visit-theme" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [243548 243670])
+            ("describe-theme" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [243672 243793])
+            ("customize-themes" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [243795 244024])
+            ("if" code nil nil [244026 244145])
+            ("cvs-status-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [244268 244358])
+            ("if" code nil nil [244360 244458])
+            ("push" code nil nil [244579 244637])
+            ("cwarn-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [244639 245150])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [245152 245223])
+            ("global-cwarn-mode" variable nil nil [245225 245530])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [245532 245580])
+            ("global-cwarn-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [245582 245975])
+            ("if" code nil nil [245977 246104])
+            ("cyrillic-encode-koi8-r-char" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [246247 246385])
+            ("cyrillic-encode-alternativnyj-char" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [246387 246539])
+            ("standard-display-cyrillic-translit" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [246541 247130])
+            ("if" code nil nil [247132 247249])
+            ("put" code nil nil [247356 247411])
+            ("put" code nil nil [247412 247463])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [247465 247505])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [247507 247555])
+            ("dabbrev-completion" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [247557 248047])
+            ("dabbrev-expand" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [248049 249146])
+            ("if" code nil nil [249148 249247])
+            ("data-debug-new-buffer" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [249376 249488])
+            ("if" code nil nil [249490 249595])
+            ("dbus-handle-event" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [249702 249980])
+            ("if" code nil nil [249982 250075])
+            ("dcl-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [250206 254215])
+            ("if" code nil nil [254217 254313])
+            ("setq" code nil nil [254437 254459])
+            ("debug" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [254461 254874])
+            ("debug-on-entry" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [254876 255588])
+            ("cancel-debug-on-entry" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [255590 255913])
+            ("debug-on-variable-change" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [255915 256654])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [256656 256706])
+            ("cancel-debug-on-variable-change" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [256708 257061])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [257063 257127])
+            ("if" code nil nil [257129 257248])
+            ("decipher" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [257369 257490])
+            ("decipher-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [257492 258219])
+            ("if" code nil nil [258221 258322])
+            ("push" code nil nil [258435 258495])
+            ("delimit-columns-customize" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [258497 258597])
+            ("delimit-columns-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [258599 258752])
+            ("delimit-columns-rectangle" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [258754 258927])
+            ("if" code nil nil [258929 259038])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [259143 259197])
+            ("delete-selection-mode" variable nil nil [259199 259520])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [259522 259575])
+            ("delete-selection-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [259577 260328])
+            ("if" code nil nil [260330 260450])
+            ("define-derived-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [260580 262807])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [262809 262863])
+            ("derived-mode-init-mode-variables" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [262865 263149])
+            ("if" code nil nil [263151 263255])
+            ("describe-text-properties" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [263372 263790])
+            ("describe-char" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [263792 264673])
+            ("describe-char-eldoc" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [264675 265211])
+            ("if" code nil nil [265213 265316])
+            ("desktop-save-mode" variable nil nil [265424 265729])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [265731 265781])
+            ("desktop-save-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [265783 266713])
+            ("desktop-locals-to-save" variable (:default-value (quote (desktop-locals-to-save truncate-lines case-fold-search case-replace fill-column overwrite-mode change-log-default-name line-number-mode column-number-mode size-indication-mode buffer-file-coding-system buffer-display-time indent-tabs-mode tab-width indicate-buffer-boundaries indicate-empty-lines show-trailing-whitespace))) nil [266715 267267])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [267269 267322])
+            ("defvar-local" code nil nil [267324 267920])
+            ("desktop-buffer-mode-handlers" variable nil nil [267922 269230])
+            ("put" code nil nil [269232 269291])
+            ("desktop-minor-mode-handlers" variable nil nil [269293 270608])
+            ("put" code nil nil [270610 270668])
+            ("desktop-clear" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [270670 271123])
+            ("desktop-save" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [271125 272461])
+            ("desktop-remove" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [272463 272608])
+            ("desktop-read" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [272610 273134])
+            ("desktop-load-default" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [273136 273279])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [273281 273345])
+            ("desktop-change-dir" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [273347 273602])
+            ("desktop-save-in-desktop-dir" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [273604 273719])
+            ("desktop-revert" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [273721 273809])
+            ("if" code nil nil [273811 273910])
+            ("gnus-article-outlook-unwrap-lines" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [274031 274446])
+            ("gnus-article-outlook-repair-attribution" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [274448 274642])
+            ("gnus-outlook-deuglify-article" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [274644 274922])
+            ("gnus-article-outlook-deuglify-article" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [274924 275059])
+            ("if" code nil nil [275061 275158])
+            ("if" code nil nil [275263 275360])
+            ("diary" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [275500 275850])
+            ("diary-mail-entries" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [275852 276619])
+            ("diary-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [276621 276711])
+            ("if" code nil nil [276713 276829])
+            ("diff-switches" variable (:default-value (purecopy "-u")) nil [276934 277046])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [277048 277089])
+            ("diff-command" variable (:default-value (purecopy "diff")) nil [277091 277166])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [277168 277208])
+            ("diff" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [277210 277776])
+            ("diff-backup" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [277778 278111])
+            ("diff-latest-backup-file" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [278113 278228])
+            ("diff-buffer-with-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [278230 278434])
+            ("if" code nil nil [278436 278529])
+            ("diff-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [278649 279229])
+            ("diff-minor-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [279231 279511])
+            ("if" code nil nil [279513 279611])
+            ("dig" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [279715 279935])
+            ("if" code nil nil [279937 280040])
+            ("dired-listing-switches" variable (:default-value (purecopy "-al")) nil [280142 280817])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [280819 280870])
+            ("dired-directory" variable nil nil [280872 281175])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [281177 281210])
+            ("dired" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [281212 282228])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [282230 282278])
+            ("dired-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [282280 282435])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [282437 282484])
+            ("dired-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [282486 282632])
+            ("dired-noselect" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [282634 282790])
+            ("dired-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [282792 285833])
+            ("put" code nil nil [285835 285879])
+            ("if" code nil nil [285881 285976])
+            ("if" code nil nil [286127 286272])
+            ("if" code nil nil [286417 286530])
+            ("dirtrack-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [286641 287233])
+            ("dirtrack" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [287235 287564])
+            ("if" code nil nil [287566 287667])
+            ("disassemble" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [287794 288162])
+            ("if" code nil nil [288164 288266])
+            ("make-display-table" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [288383 288480])
+            ("display-table-slot" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [288482 288801])
+            ("set-display-table-slot" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [288803 289133])
+            ("describe-display-table" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [289135 289252])
+            ("describe-current-display-table" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [289254 289395])
+            ("standard-display-8bit" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [289397 289903])
+            ("standard-display-default" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [289905 290044])
+            ("standard-display-ascii" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [290046 290162])
+            ("standard-display-g1" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [290164 290395])
+            ("standard-display-graphic" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [290397 290615])
+            ("standard-display-underline" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [290617 290746])
+            ("create-glyph" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [290748 290879])
+            ("make-glyph-code" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [290881 291019])
+            ("glyph-char" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [291021 291123])
+            ("glyph-face" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [291125 291256])
+            ("standard-display-european" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [291258 292159])
+            ("if" code nil nil [292161 292280])
+            ("display-line-numbers-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [292435 292793])
+            ("global-display-line-numbers-mode" variable nil nil [292795 293160])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [293162 293240])
+            ("global-display-line-numbers-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [293242 293740])
+            ("if" code nil nil [293742 293867])
+            ("dissociated-press" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [293994 294381])
+            ("dnd-protocol-alist" variable (:default-value (\` (((\, (purecopy "^file:///")) . dnd-open-local-file) ((\, (purecopy "^file://")) . dnd-open-file) ((\, (purecopy "^file:")) . dnd-open-local-file) ((\, (purecopy "^\\(https?\\|ftp\\|file\\|nfs\\)://")) . dnd-open-file)))) nil [294477 295420])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [295422 295467])
+            ("if" code nil nil [295469 295560])
+            ("if" code nil nil [295664 295755])
+            ("dns-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [295886 296298])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [296300 296331])
+            ("dns-mode-soa-increment-serial" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [296333 296452])
+            ("if" code nil nil [296454 296555])
+            ("doc-view-mode-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [296666 296882])
+            ("doc-view-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [296884 297229])
+            ("doc-view-mode-maybe" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [297231 297418])
+            ("doc-view-minor-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [297420 297787])
+            ("doc-view-bookmark-jump" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [297789 297858])
+            ("if" code nil nil [297860 297961])
+            ("doctor" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [298076 298178])
+            ("if" code nil nil [298180 298297])
+            ("if" code nil nil [298393 298484])
+            ("if" code nil nil [298592 298686])
+            ("if" code nil nil [298797 298927])
+            ("if" code nil nil [299035 299173])
+            ("double-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [299278 299680])
+            ("if" code nil nil [299682 299779])
+            ("push" code nil nil [299893 299950])
+            ("dunnet" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [299952 300039])
+            ("if" code nil nil [300041 300148])
+            ("if" code nil nil [300288 300465])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [300612 300671])
+            ("define-minor-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [300673 304158])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [304160 304212])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [304214 304285])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [304287 304353])
+            ("define-globalized-minor-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [304355 305682])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [305684 305747])
+            ("easy-mmode-define-keymap" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [305749 306431])
+            ("easy-mmode-defmap" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [306433 306683])
+            ("easy-mmode-defsyntax" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [306685 306881])
+            ("if" code nil nil [306883 306988])
+            ("easy-menu-define" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [307129 310607])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [310609 310670])
+            ("easy-menu-do-define" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [310672 310755])
+            ("easy-menu-create-menu" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [310757 311055])
+            ("easy-menu-change" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [311057 311948])
+            ("if" code nil nil [311950 312066])
+            ("if" code nil nil [312197 312298])
+            ("if" code nil nil [312429 312526])
+            ("if" code nil nil [312657 312758])
+            ("if" code nil nil [312889 312990])
+            ("if" code nil nil [313121 313218])
+            ("if" code nil nil [313349 313446])
+            ("if" code nil nil [313577 313678])
+            ("push" code nil nil [313805 313863])
+            ("ebnf-customize" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [313865 313948])
+            ("ebnf-print-directory" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [313950 314271])
+            ("ebnf-print-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [314273 314583])
+            ("ebnf-print-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [314585 315158])
+            ("ebnf-print-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [315160 315374])
+            ("ebnf-spool-directory" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [315376 315697])
+            ("ebnf-spool-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [315699 316009])
+            ("ebnf-spool-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [316011 316329])
+            ("ebnf-spool-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [316331 316609])
+            ("ebnf-eps-directory" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [316611 316909])
+            ("ebnf-eps-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [316911 317182])
+            ("ebnf-eps-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [317184 317921])
+            ("ebnf-eps-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [317923 318668])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [318670 318706])
+            ("ebnf-syntax-directory" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [318708 319011])
+            ("ebnf-syntax-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [319013 319292])
+            ("ebnf-syntax-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [319294 319398])
+            ("ebnf-syntax-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [319400 319502])
+            ("ebnf-setup" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [319504 319589])
+            ("ebnf-find-style" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [319591 319767])
+            ("ebnf-insert-style" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [319769 319963])
+            ("ebnf-delete-style" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [319965 320087])
+            ("ebnf-merge-style" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [320089 320250])
+            ("ebnf-apply-style" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [320252 320418])
+            ("ebnf-reset-style" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [320420 320585])
+            ("ebnf-push-style" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [320587 320830])
+            ("ebnf-pop-style" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [320832 321064])
+            ("if" code nil nil [321066 321162])
+            ("ebrowse-tree-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [321290 321682])
+            ("ebrowse-electric-choose-tree" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [321684 321822])
+            ("ebrowse-member-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [321824 321921])
+            ("ebrowse-tags-view-declaration" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [321923 322028])
+            ("ebrowse-tags-find-declaration" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [322030 322135])
+            ("ebrowse-tags-view-definition" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [322137 322240])
+            ("ebrowse-tags-find-definition" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [322242 322345])
+            ("ebrowse-tags-find-declaration-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [322347 322481])
+            ("ebrowse-tags-view-definition-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [322483 322615])
+            ("ebrowse-tags-find-definition-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [322617 322749])
+            ("ebrowse-tags-find-declaration-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [322751 322882])
+            ("ebrowse-tags-view-definition-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [322884 323014])
+            ("ebrowse-tags-find-definition-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [323016 323146])
+            ("ebrowse-tags-complete-symbol" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [323148 323444])
+            ("ebrowse-tags-loop-continue" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [323446 323717])
+            ("ebrowse-tags-search" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [323719 323931])
+            ("ebrowse-tags-query-replace" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [323933 324118])
+            ("ebrowse-tags-search-member-use" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [324120 324457])
+            ("ebrowse-back-in-position-stack" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [324459 324599])
+            ("ebrowse-forward-in-position-stack" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [324601 324743])
+            ("ebrowse-electric-position-menu" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [324745 324874])
+            ("ebrowse-save-tree" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [324876 324983])
+            ("ebrowse-save-tree-as" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [324985 325229])
+            ("ebrowse-statistics" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [325231 325325])
+            ("if" code nil nil [325327 325459])
+            ("electric-buffer-list" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [325576 327027])
+            ("if" code nil nil [327029 327163])
+            ("Electric-command-history-redo-expression" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [327277 327509])
+            ("if" code nil nil [327511 327633])
+            ("ecomplete-setup" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [327747 327833])
+            ("if" code nil nil [327835 327938])
+            ("push" code nil nil [328045 328099])
+            ("global-ede-mode" variable nil nil [328101 328398])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [328400 328444])
+            ("global-ede-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [328446 328821])
+            ("if" code nil nil [328823 328953])
+            ("if" code nil nil [329076 329172])
+            ("if" code nil nil [329330 329440])
+            ("if" code nil nil [329600 329696])
+            ("if" code nil nil [329862 329960])
+            ("if" code nil nil [330132 330233])
+            ("if" code nil nil [330399 330523])
+            ("if" code nil nil [330652 330750])
+            ("if" code nil nil [330913 331016])
+            ("if" code nil nil [331179 331282])
+            ("if" code nil nil [331445 331542])
+            ("if" code nil nil [331711 331818])
+            ("if" code nil nil [331981 332101])
+            ("if" code nil nil [332267 332372])
+            ("if" code nil nil [332532 332633])
+            ("if" code nil nil [332791 332901])
+            ("if" code nil nil [333027 333147])
+            ("if" code nil nil [333273 333376])
+            ("if" code nil nil [333499 333600])
+            ("if" code nil nil [333755 333859])
+            ("if" code nil nil [334002 334102])
+            ("if" code nil nil [334248 334382])
+            ("if" code nil nil [334531 334633])
+            ("if" code nil nil [334779 334880])
+            ("if" code nil nil [335026 335127])
+            ("if" code nil nil [335270 335370])
+            ("if" code nil nil [335516 335645])
+            ("if" code nil nil [335797 335918])
+            ("if" code nil nil [336070 336173])
+            ("if" code nil nil [336322 336431])
+            ("if" code nil nil [336594 336708])
+            ("if" code nil nil [336837 336942])
+            ("if" code nil nil [337071 337175])
+            ("if" code nil nil [337347 337447])
+            ("if" code nil nil [337587 337694])
+            ("if" code nil nil [337854 337970])
+            ("edebug-all-defs" variable nil nil [338097 338564])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [338566 338611])
+            ("edebug-all-forms" variable nil nil [338613 338847])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [338849 338895])
+            ("edebug-basic-spec" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [338897 339103])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [339105 339157])
+            ("edebug-eval-top-level-form" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [339159 340036])
+            ("edebug-all-defs" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [340038 340129])
+            ("edebug-all-forms" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [340131 340217])
+            ("if" code nil nil [340219 340375])
+            ("push" code nil nil [340482 340541])
+            ("ediff-files" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [340543 340786])
+            ("ediff-files3" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [340788 341044])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [341046 341078])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [341080 341110])
+            ("ediff-current-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [341112 341333])
+            ("ediff-backup" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [341335 341548])
+            ("ediff-buffers" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [341550 342085])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [342087 342122])
+            ("ediff-buffers3" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [342124 342676])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [342678 342715])
+            ("ediff-directories" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [342717 343003])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [343005 343041])
+            ("ediff-directory-revisions" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [343043 343345])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [343347 343400])
+            ("ediff-directories3" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [343402 343701])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [343703 343741])
+            ("ediff-merge-directories" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [343743 344132])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [344134 344182])
+            ("ediff-merge-directories-with-ancestor" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [344184 344760])
+            ("ediff-merge-directory-revisions" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [344762 345167])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [345169 345234])
+            ("ediff-merge-directory-revisions-with-ancestor" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [345236 345669])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [345671 345764])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [345766 345842])
+            ("ediff-windows-wordwise" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [345844 346294])
+            ("ediff-windows-linewise" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [346296 346746])
+            ("ediff-regions-wordwise" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [346748 347271])
+            ("ediff-regions-linewise" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [347273 347830])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [347832 347874])
+            ("ediff-merge-files" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [347876 348271])
+            ("ediff-merge-files-with-ancestor" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [348273 348745])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [348747 348817])
+            ("ediff-merge-buffers" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [348819 349490])
+            ("ediff-merge-buffers-with-ancestor" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [349492 350230])
+            ("ediff-merge-revisions" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [350232 350656])
+            ("ediff-merge-revisions-with-ancestor" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [350658 351119])
+            ("ediff-patch-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [351121 351469])
+            ("ediff-patch-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [351471 352035])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [352037 352073])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [352075 352120])
+            ("ediff-revision" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [352122 352546])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [352548 352585])
+            ("ediff-version" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [352587 352733])
+            ("ediff-documentation" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [352735 352869])
+            ("ediff-files-command" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [352871 352990])
+            ("ediff3-files-command" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [352992 353115])
+            ("ediff-merge-command" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [353117 353242])
+            ("ediff-merge-with-ancestor-command" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [353244 353399])
+            ("ediff-directories-command" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [353401 353534])
+            ("ediff-directories3-command" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [353536 353670])
+            ("ediff-merge-directories-command" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [353672 353817])
+            ("ediff-merge-directories-with-ancestor-command" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [353819 353991])
+            ("if" code nil nil [353993 354088])
+            ("if" code nil nil [354211 354311])
+            ("ediff-customize" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [354434 354492])
+            ("if" code nil nil [354494 354594])
+            ("if" code nil nil [354717 354834])
+            ("if" code nil nil [354957 355057])
+            ("ediff-show-registry" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [355180 355267])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [355269 355311])
+            ("if" code nil nil [355313 355413])
+            ("if" code nil nil [355536 355636])
+            ("ediff-toggle-multiframe" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [355759 355971])
+            ("ediff-toggle-use-toolbar" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [355973 356201])
+            ("if" code nil nil [356203 356303])
+            ("if" code nil nil [356426 356552])
+            ("if" code nil nil [356675 356775])
+            ("push" code nil nil [356882 356940])
+            ("edit-kbd-macro" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [356942 357424])
+            ("edit-last-kbd-macro" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [357426 357548])
+            ("edit-named-kbd-macro" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [357550 357702])
+            ("read-kbd-macro" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [357704 358379])
+            ("format-kbd-macro" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [358381 358762])
+            ("if" code nil nil [358764 358863])
+            ("edt-set-scroll-margins" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [358979 359217])
+            ("edt-emulation-on" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [359219 359293])
+            ("if" code nil nil [359295 359386])
+            ("if" code nil nil [359528 359631])
+            ("if" code nil nil [359776 359874])
+            ("if" code nil nil [359999 360099])
+            ("if" code nil nil [360241 360353])
+            ("with-electric-help" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [360455 361678])
+            ("electric-helpify" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [361680 361755])
+            ("if" code nil nil [361757 361864])
+            ("push" code nil nil [361987 362043])
+            ("if" code nil nil [362045 362256])
+            ("if" code nil nil [362403 362503])
+            ("if" code nil nil [362685 362856])
+            ("push" code nil nil [363002 363063])
+            ("eieio-defclass-autoload" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [363065 363452])
+            ("if" code nil nil [363454 363625])
+            ("if" code nil nil [363807 363909])
+            ("if" code nil nil [364071 364195])
+            ("if" code nil nil [364368 364467])
+            ("if" code nil nil [364626 364738])
+            ("electric-pair-mode" variable nil nil [364852 365161])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [365163 365216])
+            ("electric-pair-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [365218 365874])
+            ("electric-pair-local-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [365876 366004])
+            ("if" code nil nil [366006 366113])
+            ("elide-head" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [366230 366545])
+            ("if" code nil nil [366547 366652])
+            ("elint-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [366776 366848])
+            ("elint-directory" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [366850 367002])
+            ("elint-current-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [367004 367137])
+            ("elint-defun" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [367139 367266])
+            ("elint-initialize" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [367268 367459])
+            ("if" code nil nil [367461 367556])
+            ("elp-instrument-function" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [367674 367819])
+            ("elp-instrument-list" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [367821 368095])
+            ("elp-instrument-package" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [368097 368335])
+            ("elp-results" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [368337 368563])
+            ("if" code nil nil [368565 368656])
+            ("if" code nil nil [368818 368946])
+            ("if" code nil nil [369111 369218])
+            ("if" code nil nil [369380 369478])
+            ("if" code nil nil [369637 369735])
+            ("if" code nil nil [369894 369991])
+            ("if" code nil nil [370150 370248])
+            ("if" code nil nil [370407 370504])
+            ("if" code nil nil [370657 370752])
+            ("if" code nil nil [370911 371009])
+            ("if" code nil nil [371174 371274])
+            ("if" code nil nil [371439 371539])
+            ("if" code nil nil [371704 371803])
+            ("if" code nil nil [371965 372064])
+            ("if" code nil nil [372223 372321])
+            ("if" code nil nil [372483 372581])
+            ("if" code nil nil [372740 372869])
+            ("if" code nil nil [373028 373142])
+            ("emacs-lock-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [373259 374074])
+            ("if" code nil nil [374076 374201])
+            ("report-emacs-bug" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [374322 374483])
+            ("set-advertised-calling-convention" code nil nil [374485 374555])
+            ("if" code nil nil [374557 374666])
+            ("emerge-files" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [374777 374914])
+            ("emerge-files-with-ancestor" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [374916 375118])
+            ("emerge-buffers" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [375120 375252])
+            ("emerge-buffers-with-ancestor" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [375254 375455])
+            ("emerge-files-command" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [375457 375518])
+            ("emerge-files-with-ancestor-command" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [375520 375595])
+            ("emerge-files-remote" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [375597 375680])
+            ("emerge-files-with-ancestor-remote" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [375682 375788])
+            ("emerge-revisions" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [375790 375946])
+            ("emerge-revisions-with-ancestor" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [375948 376162])
+            ("emerge-merge-directories" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [376164 376263])
+            ("if" code nil nil [376265 376362])
+            ("enriched-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [376493 377045])
+            ("enriched-encode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [377047 377122])
+            ("enriched-decode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [377124 377190])
+            ("if" code nil nil [377192 377293])
+            ("epa-list-keys" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [377389 377509])
+            ("epa-list-secret-keys" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [377511 377639])
+            ("epa-select-keys" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [377641 378001])
+            ("epa-decrypt-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [378003 378205])
+            ("epa-verify-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [378207 378275])
+            ("epa-sign-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [378277 378379])
+            ("epa-encrypt-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [378381 378477])
+            ("epa-decrypt-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [378479 379413])
+            ("epa-decrypt-armor-in-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [379415 379665])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [379667 379731])
+            ("epa-verify-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [379733 380374])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [380376 380430])
+            ("epa-verify-cleartext-in-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [380432 380702])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [380704 380771])
+            ("epa-sign-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [380773 381428])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [381430 381482])
+            ("epa-encrypt-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [381484 382163])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [382165 382220])
+            ("epa-delete-keys" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [382222 382322])
+            ("epa-import-keys" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [382324 382402])
+            ("epa-import-keys-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [382404 382500])
+            ("epa-import-armor-in-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [382502 382658])
+            ("epa-export-keys" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [382660 382750])
+            ("epa-insert-keys" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [382752 382845])
+            ("if" code nil nil [382847 382938])
+            ("epa-dired-do-decrypt" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [383052 383135])
+            ("epa-dired-do-verify" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [383137 383218])
+            ("epa-dired-do-sign" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [383220 383297])
+            ("epa-dired-do-encrypt" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [383299 383382])
+            ("epa-file-handler" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [383493 383573])
+            ("epa-file-enable" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [383575 383631])
+            ("epa-file-disable" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [383633 383690])
+            ("if" code nil nil [383692 383788])
+            ("epa-mail-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [383899 384176])
+            ("epa-mail-decrypt" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [384178 384330])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [384332 384385])
+            ("epa-mail-verify" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [384387 384556])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [384558 384610])
+            ("epa-mail-sign" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [384612 384763])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [384765 384815])
+            ("epa-mail-encrypt" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [384817 385377])
+            ("epa-mail-import-keys" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [385379 385552])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [385554 385611])
+            ("epa-global-mail-mode" variable nil nil [385613 385930])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [385932 385986])
+            ("epa-global-mail-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [385988 386258])
+            ("if" code nil nil [386260 386361])
+            ("push" code nil nil [386456 386512])
+            ("epg-make-context" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [386514 386693])
+            ("if" code nil nil [386695 386786])
+            ("epg-find-configuration" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [386903 387445])
+            ("epg-configuration" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [387447 387581])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [387583 387649])
+            ("epg-check-configuration" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [387651 387807])
+            ("epg-expand-group" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [387809 387922])
+            ("if" code nil nil [387924 388022])
+            ("push" code nil nil [388125 388179])
+            ("erc-select-read-args" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [388181 388302])
+            ("erc" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [388304 389129])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [389131 389158])
+            ("erc-tls" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [389160 389307])
+            ("erc-handle-irc-url" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [389309 389581])
+            ("if" code nil nil [389583 389694])
+            ("erc-autoaway-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [389833 389877])
+            ("if" code nil nil [389879 389983])
+            ("if" code nil nil [390111 390210])
+            ("erc-button-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [390335 390381])
+            ("if" code nil nil [390383 390481])
+            ("erc-capab-identify-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [390603 390656])
+            ("if" code nil nil [390658 390770])
+            ("erc-define-minor-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [390895 390941])
+            ("if" code nil nil [390943 391041])
+            ("erc-dcc-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [391157 391191])
+            ("erc-cmd-DCC" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [391193 391493])
+            ("pcomplete/erc-mode/DCC" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [391495 391600])
+            ("erc-ctcp-query-DCC-hook" variable (:default-value (quote (erc-ctcp-query-DCC))) nil [391602 391696])
+            ("erc-ctcp-query-DCC" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [391698 391945])
+            ("if" code nil nil [391947 392064])
+            ("erc-notifications-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [392241 392308])
+            ("if" code nil nil [392310 392437])
+            ("erc-cmd-ezb" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [392576 392699])
+            ("erc-ezb-get-login" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [392701 392960])
+            ("erc-ezb-lookup-action" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [392962 393038])
+            ("erc-ezb-notice-autodetect" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [393040 393160])
+            ("erc-ezb-identify" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [393162 393266])
+            ("erc-ezb-init-session-list" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [393268 393387])
+            ("erc-ezb-end-of-session-list" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [393389 393520])
+            ("erc-ezb-add-session" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [393522 393640])
+            ("erc-ezb-select" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [393642 393765])
+            ("erc-ezb-select-session" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [393767 393871])
+            ("erc-ezb-initialize" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [393873 393981])
+            ("if" code nil nil [393983 394087])
+            ("erc-fill-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [394206 394248])
+            ("erc-fill" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [394250 394444])
+            ("if" code nil nil [394446 394542])
+            ("if" code nil nil [394670 394769])
+            ("if" code nil nil [394897 394996])
+            ("erc-identd-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [395121 395161])
+            ("erc-identd-start" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [395163 395548])
+            ("erc-identd-stop" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [395550 395621])
+            ("if" code nil nil [395623 395728])
+            ("erc-create-imenu-index" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [395850 395916])
+            ("if" code nil nil [395918 396028])
+            ("erc-autojoin-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [396147 396193])
+            ("if" code nil nil [396195 396291])
+            ("if" code nil nil [396410 396545])
+            ("erc-list-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [396664 396700])
+            ("if" code nil nil [396702 396798])
+            ("erc-log-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [396914 396954])
+            ("erc-logging-enabled" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [396956 397312])
+            ("erc-save-buffer-in-logs" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [397314 397810])
+            ("if" code nil nil [397812 397907])
+            ("erc-match-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [398029 398067])
+            ("erc-add-pal" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [398069 398158])
+            ("erc-delete-pal" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [398160 398255])
+            ("erc-add-fool" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [398257 398349])
+            ("erc-delete-fool" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [398351 398449])
+            ("erc-add-keyword" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [398451 398552])
+            ("erc-delete-keyword" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [398554 398661])
+            ("erc-add-dangerous-host" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [398663 398785])
+            ("erc-delete-dangerous-host" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [398787 398915])
+            ("if" code nil nil [398917 399014])
+            ("erc-menu-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [399133 399175])
+            ("if" code nil nil [399177 399278])
+            ("erc-netsplit-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [399417 399461])
+            ("erc-cmd-WHOLEFT" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [399463 399541])
+            ("if" code nil nil [399543 399643])
+            ("erc-determine-network" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [399782 400035])
+            ("erc-server-select" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [400037 400168])
+            ("if" code nil nil [400170 400270])
+            ("erc-notify-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [400395 400441])
+            ("erc-cmd-NOTIFY" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [400443 400687])
+            ("pcomplete/erc-mode/NOTIFY" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [400689 400759])
+            ("if" code nil nil [400761 400859])
+            ("erc-page-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [400978 401014])
+            ("if" code nil nil [401016 401112])
+            ("erc-completion-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [401254 401307])
+            ("if" code nil nil [401309 401430])
+            ("erc-replace-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [401558 401600])
+            ("if" code nil nil [401602 401709])
+            ("erc-ring-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [401828 401870])
+            ("if" code nil nil [401872 401968])
+            ("erc-services-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [402107 402157])
+            ("erc-nickserv-identify-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [402159 402292])
+            ("erc-nickserv-identify" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [402294 402487])
+            ("if" code nil nil [402489 402589])
+            ("erc-sound-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [402711 402749])
+            ("if" code nil nil [402751 402848])
+            ("erc-speedbar-browser" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [402987 403143])
+            ("if" code nil nil [403145 403245])
+            ("erc-spelling-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [403384 403434])
+            ("if" code nil nil [403436 403545])
+            ("erc-timestamp-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [403667 403715])
+            ("if" code nil nil [403717 403814])
+            ("erc-track-minor-mode" variable nil nil [403936 404094])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [404096 404151])
+            ("erc-track-minor-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [404153 404694])
+            ("erc-track-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [404696 404740])
+            ("if" code nil nil [404742 404839])
+            ("erc-truncate-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [404978 405028])
+            ("erc-truncate-buffer-to-size" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [405030 405294])
+            ("erc-truncate-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [405296 405470])
+            ("if" code nil nil [405472 405587])
+            ("erc-xdcc-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [405706 405742])
+            ("erc-xdcc-add-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [405744 405838])
+            ("if" code nil nil [405840 405936])
+            ("ert-deftest" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [406054 406636])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [406638 406684])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [406686 406738])
+            ("put" code nil nil [406740 406782])
+            ("put" code nil nil [406784 406823])
+            ("ert-run-tests-batch" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [406825 407231])
+            ("ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [407233 407582])
+            ("ert-run-tests-interactively" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [407584 407977])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [407979 408023])
+            ("ert-describe-test" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [408025 408167])
+            ("if" code nil nil [408169 408260])
+            ("put" code nil nil [408384 408435])
+            ("ert-kill-all-test-buffers" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [408437 408542])
+            ("if" code nil nil [408544 408637])
+            ("if" code nil nil [408759 408857])
+            ("if" code nil nil [408979 409113])
+            ("if" code nil nil [409235 409332])
+            ("if" code nil nil [409451 409548])
+            ("eshell-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [409673 409754])
+            ("if" code nil nil [409756 409854])
+            ("if" code nil nil [409993 410094])
+            ("if" code nil nil [410216 410314])
+            ("if" code nil nil [410439 410537])
+            ("if" code nil nil [410662 410761])
+            ("if" code nil nil [410883 411005])
+            ("push" code nil nil [411123 411182])
+            ("eshell" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [411184 411720])
+            ("eshell-command" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [411722 411904])
+            ("eshell-command-result" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [411906 412270])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [412272 412348])
+            ("if" code nil nil [412350 412447])
+            ("tags-file-name" variable nil nil [412569 412871])
+            ("put" code nil nil [412873 412949])
+            ("put" code nil nil [412951 413002])
+            ("tags-case-fold-search" variable (:default-value (quote default)) nil [413004 413232])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [413234 413284])
+            ("tags-table-list" variable nil nil [413286 413625])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [413627 413671])
+            ("tags-compression-info-list" variable (:default-value (purecopy (quote ("" ".Z" ".bz2" ".gz" ".xz" ".tgz")))) nil [413673 413884])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [413886 413941])
+            ("tags-add-tables" variable (:default-value (quote ask-user)) nil [413943 414221])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [414223 414267])
+            ("find-tag-hook" variable nil nil [414269 414482])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [414484 414526])
+            ("find-tag-default-function" variable nil nil [414528 414807])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [414809 414863])
+            ("tags-table-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [414865 414957])
+            ("visit-tags-table" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [414959 415588])
+            ("visit-tags-table-buffer" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [415590 416350])
+            ("tags-table-files" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [416352 416629])
+            ("tags-lazy-completion-table" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [416631 416697])
+            ("tags-completion-at-point-function" function nil nil [416699 416867])
+            ("find-tag-noselect" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [416869 417867])
+            ("find-tag" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [417869 418833])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [418835 418891])
+            ("find-tag-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [418893 419885])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [419887 419969])
+            ("find-tag-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [419971 420952])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [420954 421034])
+            ("find-tag-regexp" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [421036 421937])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [421939 421998])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [422000 422047])
+            ("next-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [422049 422598])
+            ("tags-loop-continue" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [422600 423198])
+            ("tags-search" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [423200 423667])
+            ("tags-query-replace" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [423669 424268])
+            ("list-tags" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [424270 424546])
+            ("tags-apropos" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [424548 424659])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [424661 424717])
+            ("select-tags-table" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [424719 424984])
+            ("complete-tag" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [424986 425243])
+            ("etags--xref-backend" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [425245 425304])
+            ("if" code nil nil [425306 425648])
+            ("setup-ethiopic-environment-internal" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [425791 425871])
+            ("ethio-sera-to-fidel-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [425873 426491])
+            ("ethio-sera-to-fidel-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [426493 427129])
+            ("ethio-sera-to-fidel-marker" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [427131 427425])
+            ("ethio-fidel-to-sera-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [427427 428135])
+            ("ethio-fidel-to-sera-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [428137 428843])
+            ("ethio-fidel-to-sera-marker" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [428845 429077])
+            ("ethio-modify-vowel" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [429079 429195])
+            ("ethio-replace-space" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [429197 429706])
+            ("ethio-input-special-character" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [429708 429812])
+            ("ethio-fidel-to-tex-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [429814 429959])
+            ("ethio-tex-to-fidel-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [429961 430095])
+            ("ethio-fidel-to-java-buffer" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [430097 430413])
+            ("ethio-java-to-fidel-buffer" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [430415 430559])
+            ("ethio-find-file" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [430561 430691])
+            ("ethio-write-file" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [430693 430829])
+            ("ethio-insert-ethio-space" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [430831 431003])
+            ("ethio-composition-function" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [431005 431102])
+            ("if" code nil nil [431104 431232])
+            ("eudc-set-server" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [431339 431565])
+            ("eudc-get-email" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [431567 431748])
+            ("eudc-get-phone" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [431750 431931])
+            ("eudc-expand-inline" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [431933 432738])
+            ("eudc-query-form" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [432740 433019])
+            ("eudc-load-eudc" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [433021 433175])
+            ("cond" code nil nil [433177 435161])
+            ("if" code nil nil [435163 435256])
+            ("eudc-display-generic-binary" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [435375 435496])
+            ("eudc-display-url" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [435498 435595])
+            ("eudc-display-mail" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [435597 435707])
+            ("eudc-display-sound" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [435709 435815])
+            ("eudc-display-jpeg-inline" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [435817 435939])
+            ("eudc-display-jpeg-as-button" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [435941 436051])
+            ("if" code nil nil [436053 436150])
+            ("eudc-insert-record-at-point-into-bbdb" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [436278 436476])
+            ("eudc-try-bbdb-insert" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [436478 436602])
+            ("if" code nil nil [436604 436704])
+            ("eudc-edit-hotlist" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [436843 436967])
+            ("if" code nil nil [436969 437078])
+            ("if" code nil nil [437200 437298])
+            ("if" code nil nil [437423 437527])
+            ("if" code nil nil [437652 437751])
+            ("if" code nil nil [437873 437971])
+            ("ewoc-create" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [438092 438893])
+            ("if" code nil nil [438895 438988])
+            ("eww-suggest-uris" variable (:default-value (quote (eww-links-at-point url-get-url-at-point eww-current-url))) nil [439092 439420])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [439422 439465])
+            ("eww" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [439467 439654])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [439656 439683])
+            ("eww-open-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [439685 439761])
+            ("eww-search-words" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [439763 440064])
+            ("eww-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [440066 440136])
+            ("eww-browse-url" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [440138 440215])
+            ("eww-list-bookmarks" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [440217 440293])
+            ("if" code nil nil [440295 440386])
+            ("executable-command-find-posix-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [440531 440725])
+            ("executable-interpret" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [440727 441072])
+            ("executable-set-magic" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [441074 441489])
+            ("executable-make-buffer-file-executable-if-script-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [441491 441736])
+            ("if" code nil nil [441738 441843])
+            ("expand-add-abbrevs" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [441948 442850])
+            ("expand-abbrev-hook" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [442852 443037])
+            ("expand-jump-to-previous-slot" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [443039 443232])
+            ("expand-jump-to-next-slot" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [443234 443419])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [443421 443478])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [443480 443533])
+            ("if" code nil nil [443535 443632])
+            ("if" code nil nil [443740 443839])
+            ("f90-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [443955 446334])
+            ("if" code nil nil [446336 446427])
+            ("face-remap-add-relative" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [446544 447636])
+            ("face-remap-reset-base" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [447638 447889])
+            ("face-remap-set-base" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [447891 448598])
+            ("text-scale-set" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [448600 449028])
+            ("text-scale-increase" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [449030 449483])
+            ("text-scale-decrease" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [449485 449670])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [449672 449728])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [449730 449786])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [449788 449844])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [449846 449902])
+            ("text-scale-adjust" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [449904 451058])
+            ("buffer-face-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [451060 451443])
+            ("buffer-face-set" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [451445 451930])
+            ("buffer-face-toggle" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [451932 452628])
+            ("variable-pitch-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [452630 452878])
+            ("if" code nil nil [452880 453046])
+            ("push" code nil nil [453166 453224])
+            ("feedmail-send-it" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [453226 453482])
+            ("feedmail-run-the-queue-no-prompts" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [453484 453637])
+            ("feedmail-run-the-queue-global-prompt" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [453639 453940])
+            ("feedmail-run-the-queue" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [453942 454268])
+            ("feedmail-queue-reminder" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [454270 455417])
+            ("if" code nil nil [455419 455520])
+            ("ffap-next" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [455619 456041])
+            ("find-file-at-point" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [456043 456559])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [456561 456597])
+            ("ffap-menu" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [456599 456956])
+            ("ffap-at-mouse" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [456958 457284])
+            ("dired-at-point" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [457286 457485])
+            ("ffap-guess-file-name-at-point" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [457487 457654])
+            ("ffap-bindings" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [457656 457753])
+            ("if" code nil nil [457755 457897])
+            ("file-cache-add-directory" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [458011 458253])
+            ("file-cache-add-directory-list" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [458255 458676])
+            ("file-cache-add-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [458678 458771])
+            ("file-cache-add-directory-using-find" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [458773 458940])
+            ("file-cache-add-directory-using-locate" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [458942 459139])
+            ("file-cache-add-directory-recursively" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [459141 459537])
+            ("file-cache-minibuffer-complete" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [459539 459975])
+            ("if" code nil nil [459977 460081])
+            ("file-notify-handle-event" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [460198 460488])
+            ("if" code nil nil [460490 460596])
+            ("add-file-local-variable" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [460704 461221])
+            ("delete-file-local-variable" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [461223 461393])
+            ("add-file-local-variable-prop-line" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [461395 461803])
+            ("delete-file-local-variable-prop-line" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [461805 461973])
+            ("add-dir-local-variable" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [461975 462128])
+            ("delete-dir-local-variable" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [462130 462277])
+            ("copy-file-locals-to-dir-locals" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [462279 462393])
+            ("copy-dir-locals-to-file-locals" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [462395 462524])
+            ("copy-dir-locals-to-file-locals-prop-line" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [462526 462653])
+            ("enable-connection-local-variables" variable (:default-value t) nil [462655 462759])
+            ("connection-local-set-profiles" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [462761 463346])
+            ("connection-local-set-profile-variables" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [463348 463998])
+            ("hack-connection-local-variables-apply" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [464000 464229])
+            ("with-connection-local-profiles" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [464231 464447])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [464449 464520])
+            ("if" code nil nil [464522 464701])
+            ("filesets-init" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [464812 464964])
+            ("if" code nil nil [464966 465067])
+            ("push" code nil nil [465177 465236])
+            ("find-cmd" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [465238 465675])
+            ("if" code nil nil [465677 465774])
+            ("find-dired" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [465891 466218])
+            ("find-name-dired" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [466220 466605])
+            ("find-grep-dired" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [466607 467027])
+            ("if" code nil nil [467029 467156])
+            ("ff-special-constructs" variable (:default-value (\` (((\, (purecopy "^#\\s *\\(include\\|import\\)\\s +[<\"]\\(.*\\)[>\"]")) lambda nil (buffer-substring (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))))) nil [467270 467787])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [467789 467843])
+            ("ff-get-other-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [467845 468115])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [468117 468169])
+            ("ff-find-other-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [468171 470064])
+            ("ff-mouse-find-other-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [470066 470166])
+            ("ff-mouse-find-other-file-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [470168 470299])
+            ("if" code nil nil [470301 470430])
+            ("find-library" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [470574 470741])
+            ("find-library-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [470743 470912])
+            ("find-library-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [470914 471081])
+            ("find-function-search-for-symbol" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [471083 471586])
+            ("find-function-noselect" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [471588 472273])
+            ("find-function" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [472275 472806])
+            ("find-function-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [472808 472987])
+            ("find-function-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [472989 473166])
+            ("find-variable-noselect" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [473168 473670])
+            ("find-variable" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [473672 474201])
+            ("find-variable-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [474203 474382])
+            ("find-variable-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [474384 474561])
+            ("find-definition-noselect" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [474563 475087])
+            ("find-face-definition" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [475089 475636])
+            ("find-function-on-key" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [475638 475812])
+            ("find-function-on-key-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [475814 475978])
+            ("find-function-on-key-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [475980 476142])
+            ("find-function-at-point" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [476144 476264])
+            ("find-variable-at-point" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [476266 476386])
+            ("find-function-setup-keys" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [476388 476523])
+            ("if" code nil nil [476525 476643])
+            ("find-lisp-find-dired" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [476757 476865])
+            ("find-lisp-find-dired-subdirectories" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [476867 476979])
+            ("find-lisp-find-dired-filter" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [476981 477120])
+            ("if" code nil nil [477122 477225])
+            ("push" code nil nil [477329 477386])
+            ("finder-list-keywords" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [477388 477505])
+            ("finder-commentary" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [477507 477669])
+            ("finder-by-keyword" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [477671 477766])
+            ("if" code nil nil [477768 477898])
+            ("enable-flow-control" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [478012 478264])
+            ("enable-flow-control-on" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [478266 478650])
+            ("if" code nil nil [478652 478760])
+            ("fill-flowed-encode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [478884 478963])
+            ("fill-flowed" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [478965 479050])
+            ("if" code nil nil [479052 479157])
+            ("push" code nil nil [479284 479342])
+            ("flymake-log" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [479344 479676])
+            ("flymake-make-diagnostic" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [479678 479946])
+            ("flymake-diagnostics" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [479948 480223])
+            ("flymake-diag-region" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [480225 480462])
+            ("flymake-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [480464 481955])
+            ("flymake-mode-on" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [481957 482035])
+            ("flymake-mode-off" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [482037 482117])
+            ("if" code nil nil [482119 482218])
+            ("push" code nil nil [482368 482431])
+            ("if" code nil nil [482433 482542])
+            ("flyspell-prog-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [482673 482781])
+            ("flyspell-mode" variable nil nil [482782 482847])
+            ("flyspell-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [482849 484116])
+            ("turn-on-flyspell" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [484118 484215])
+            ("turn-off-flyspell" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [484217 484316])
+            ("flyspell-mode-off" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [484318 484401])
+            ("flyspell-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [484403 484501])
+            ("flyspell-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [484503 484581])
+            ("if" code nil nil [484583 484770])
+            ("push" code nil nil [484877 484936])
+            ("if" code nil nil [484938 485037])
+            ("turn-on-follow-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [485142 485262])
+            ("turn-off-follow-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [485264 485386])
+            ("follow-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [485388 486819])
+            ("follow-scroll-up-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [486821 487273])
+            ("follow-scroll-down-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [487275 487745])
+            ("follow-scroll-up" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [487747 488132])
+            ("follow-scroll-down" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [488134 488524])
+            ("follow-delete-other-windows-and-split" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [488526 489217])
+            ("if" code nil nil [489219 489316])
+            ("if" code nil nil [489460 489659])
+            ("push" code nil nil [489779 489839])
+            ("footnote-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [489841 490278])
+            ("if" code nil nil [490280 490393])
+            ("if" code nil nil [490513 490619])
+            ("forms-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [490721 491525])
+            ("forms-find-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [491527 491610])
+            ("forms-find-file-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [491612 491724])
+            ("if" code nil nil [491726 491821])
+            ("fortran-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [491949 494997])
+            ("if" code nil nil [494999 495098])
+            ("fortune-add-fortune" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [495216 495442])
+            ("fortune-from-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [495444 495697])
+            ("fortune-compile" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [495699 495932])
+            ("fortune-to-signature" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [495934 496325])
+            ("fortune-message" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [496327 496575])
+            ("fortune" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [496577 496927])
+            ("if" code nil nil [496929 497028])
+            ("frameset-session-filter-alist" variable (:default-value (quote ((name . :never) (left . frameset-filter-iconified) (minibuffer . frameset-filter-minibuffer) (top . frameset-filter-iconified)))) nil [497139 497448])
+            ("frameset-persistent-filter-alist" variable (:default-value (nconc (quote ((background-color . frameset-filter-sanitize-color) (buffer-list . :never) (buffer-predicate . :never) (buried-buffer-list . :never) (client . :never) (delete-before . :never) (font . frameset-filter-font-param) (foreground-color . frameset-filter-sanitize-color) (frameset--text-pixel-height . :save) (frameset--text-pixel-width . :save) (fullscreen . frameset-filter-shelve-param) (GUI:font . frameset-filter-unshelve-param) (GUI:fullscreen . frameset-filter-unshelve-param) (GUI:height . frameset-filter-unshelve-param) (GUI:width . frameset-filter-unshelve-param) (height . frameset-filter-shelve-param) (outer-window-id . :never) (parent-frame . :never) (parent-id . :never) (mouse-wheel-frame . :never) (tty . frameset-filter-tty-to-GUI) (tty-type . frameset-filter-tty-to-GUI) (width . frameset-filter-shelve-param) (window-id . :never) (window-system . :never))) frameset-session-filter-alist)) nil [497450 498520])
+            ("frameset-filter-alist" variable (:default-value frameset-persistent-filter-alist) nil [498522 500737])
+            ("frameset-frame-id" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [500739 501174])
+            ("frameset-frame-id-equal-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [501176 501293])
+            ("frameset-frame-with-id" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [501295 501529])
+            ("frameset-save" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [501531 502292])
+            ("frameset-restore" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [502294 505274])
+            ("frameset--jump-to-register" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [505276 505448])
+            ("frameset--print-register" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [505450 505639])
+            ("frameset-to-register" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [505641 505926])
+            ("if" code nil nil [505928 506029])
+            ("if" code nil nil [506134 506245])
+            ("push" code nil nil [506365 506424])
+            ("if" code nil nil [506426 506527])
+            ("if" code nil nil [506648 506749])
+            ("gdb-enable-debug" variable nil nil [506874 507025])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [507027 507075])
+            ("gdb-enable-debug" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [507077 507515])
+            ("gdb" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [507517 510545])
+            ("if" code nil nil [510547 510678])
+            ("if" code nil nil [510822 510927])
+            ("generic-mode-list" variable nil nil [511057 511221])
+            ("define-generic-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [511223 512799])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [512801 512861])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [512863 512917])
+            ("generic-mode-internal" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [512919 513072])
+            ("generic-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [513074 513469])
+            ("generic-make-keywords-list" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [513471 513972])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [513974 514037])
+            ("if" code nil nil [514039 514138])
+            ("if" code nil nil [514252 514376])
+            ("glasses-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [514504 514883])
+            ("if" code nil nil [514885 514984])
+            ("gmm-regexp-concat" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [515108 515275])
+            ("gmm-message" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [515277 515601])
+            ("gmm-error" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [515603 515765])
+            ("gmm-widget-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [515767 515860])
+            ("gmm-tool-bar-from-list" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [515862 516709])
+            ("if" code nil nil [516711 516820])
+            ("push" code nil nil [516928 516984])
+            ("when" code nil nil [516985 517064])
+            ("gnus-slave-no-server" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [517066 517206])
+            ("gnus-no-server" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [517208 517599])
+            ("gnus-slave" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [517601 517683])
+            ("gnus-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [517685 518294])
+            ("gnus" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [518296 518581])
+            ("if" code nil nil [518583 518676])
+            ("gnus-unplugged" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [518803 518881])
+            ("gnus-plugged" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [518883 518957])
+            ("gnus-slave-unplugged" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [518959 519067])
+            ("gnus-agentize" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [519069 519477])
+            ("gnus-agent-possibly-save-gcc" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [519479 519582])
+            ("gnus-agent-rename-group" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [519584 519913])
+            ("gnus-agent-delete-group" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [519915 520213])
+            ("gnus-agent-get-undownloaded-list" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [520215 520349])
+            ("gnus-agent-possibly-alter-active" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [520351 520541])
+            ("gnus-agent-find-parameter" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [520543 520800])
+            ("gnus-agent-batch-fetch" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [520802 520896])
+            ("gnus-agent-batch" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [520898 520998])
+            ("gnus-agent-regenerate" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [521000 521153])
+            ("if" code nil nil [521155 521254])
+            ("gnus-article-prepare-display" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [521375 521495])
+            ("if" code nil nil [521497 521605])
+            ("if" code nil nil [521732 521831])
+            ("if" code nil nil [521958 522065])
+            ("gnus-bookmark-set" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [522209 522304])
+            ("gnus-bookmark-jump" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [522306 522424])
+            ("gnus-bookmark-bmenu-list" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [522426 522714])
+            ("if" code nil nil [522716 522827])
+            ("gnus-jog-cache" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [522954 523130])
+            ("gnus-cache-generate-active" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [523132 523252])
+            ("gnus-cache-generate-nov-databases" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [523254 523381])
+            ("gnus-cache-rename-group" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [523383 523698])
+            ("gnus-cache-delete-group" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [523700 523997])
+            ("if" code nil nil [523999 524098])
+            ("if" code nil nil [524222 524329])
+            ("if" code nil nil [524456 524561])
+            ("if" code nil nil [524682 524797])
+            ("gnus-delay-article" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [524924 525472])
+            ("gnus-delay-send-queue" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [525474 525585])
+            ("gnus-delay-initialize" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [525587 525964])
+            ("if" code nil nil [525966 526071])
+            ("if" code nil nil [526198 526297])
+            ("gnus-user-format-function-d" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [526424 526503])
+            ("gnus-user-format-function-D" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [526505 526584])
+            ("if" code nil nil [526586 526685])
+            ("turn-on-gnus-dired-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [526812 526924])
+            ("if" code nil nil [526926 527031])
+            ("gnus-draft-reminder" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [527158 527261])
+            ("if" code nil nil [527263 527362])
+            ("if" code nil nil [527483 527580])
+            ("if" code nil nil [527707 527815])
+            ("gnus--random-face-with-type" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [527936 528107])
+            ("message-goto-eoh" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [528109 528153])
+            ("gnus-random-x-face" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [528155 528346])
+            ("gnus-insert-random-x-face-header" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [528348 528480])
+            ("gnus-x-face-from-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [528482 528688])
+            ("gnus-face-from-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [528690 528889])
+            ("gnus-convert-face-to-png" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [528891 529044])
+            ("gnus-convert-png-to-face" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [529046 529220])
+            ("gnus-random-face" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [529222 529393])
+            ("gnus-insert-random-face-header" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [529395 529523])
+            ("if" code nil nil [529525 529622])
+            ("gnus-treat-from-gravatar" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [529766 529933])
+            ("gnus-treat-mail-gravatar" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [529935 530113])
+            ("if" code nil nil [530115 530226])
+            ("gnus-fetch-group" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [530353 530566])
+            ("gnus-fetch-group-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [530568 530676])
+            ("if" code nil nil [530678 530777])
+            ("gnus-article-html" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [530901 530979])
+            ("gnus-html-prefetch-images" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [530981 531058])
+            ("if" code nil nil [531060 531158])
+            ("if" code nil nil [531305 531417])
+            ("if" code nil nil [531538 531635])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [531759 531804])
+            ("gnus-batch-score" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [531806 531944])
+            ("if" code nil nil [531946 532044])
+            ("if" code nil nil [532171 532270])
+            ("if" code nil nil [532388 532484])
+            ("turn-on-gnus-mailing-list-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [532602 532674])
+            ("gnus-mailing-list-insinuate" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [532676 532847])
+            ("gnus-mailing-list-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [532849 533004])
+            ("if" code nil nil [533006 533115])
+            ("gnus-group-split-setup" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [533242 534378])
+            ("gnus-group-split-update" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [534380 534727])
+            ("gnus-group-split" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [534729 534967])
+            ("gnus-group-split-fancy" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [534969 537148])
+            ("if" code nil nil [537150 537261])
+            ("gnus-msg-mail" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [537382 537745])
+            ("gnus-button-mailto" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [537747 537832])
+            ("gnus-button-reply" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [537834 537939])
+            ("define-mail-user-agent" code nil nil [537941 538060])
+            ("if" code nil nil [538062 538159])
+            ("gnus-notifications" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [538318 538672])
+            ("if" code nil nil [538674 538795])
+            ("gnus-treat-from-picon" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [538922 539066])
+            ("gnus-treat-mail-picon" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [539068 539218])
+            ("gnus-treat-newsgroups-picon" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [539220 539393])
+            ("if" code nil nil [539395 539500])
+            ("gnus-sorted-difference" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [539627 539839])
+            ("gnus-sorted-ndifference" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [539841 540040])
+            ("gnus-sorted-complement" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [540042 540224])
+            ("gnus-intersection" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [540226 540300])
+            ("gnus-sorted-intersection" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [540302 540464])
+            ("gnus-sorted-range-intersection" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [540466 540640])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [540642 540709])
+            ("gnus-sorted-nintersection" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [540711 540909])
+            ("gnus-sorted-union" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [540911 541059])
+            ("gnus-sorted-nunion" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [541061 541245])
+            ("gnus-add-to-sorted-list" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [541247 541364])
+            ("if" code nil nil [541366 541465])
+            ("gnus-registry-initialize" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [541609 541708])
+            ("gnus-registry-install-hooks" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [541710 541810])
+            ("if" code nil nil [541812 541914])
+            ("if" code nil nil [542055 542159])
+            ("if" code nil nil [542283 542381])
+            ("if" code nil nil [542508 542607])
+            ("gnus-sieve-update" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [542734 543107])
+            ("gnus-sieve-generate" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [543109 543440])
+            ("gnus-sieve-article-add-rule" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [543442 543512])
+            ("if" code nil nil [543514 543619])
+            ("gnus-update-format" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [543743 543850])
+            ("if" code nil nil [543852 543950])
+            ("if" code nil nil [544074 544172])
+            ("gnus-declare-backend" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [544299 544441])
+            ("if" code nil nil [544443 544542])
+            ("gnus-summary-bookmark-jump" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [544663 544867])
+            ("if" code nil nil [544869 544966])
+            ("if" code nil nil [545093 545192])
+            ("if" code nil nil [545316 545414])
+            ("if" code nil nil [545538 545636])
+            ("if" code nil nil [545754 545850])
+            ("if" code nil nil [545968 546064])
+            ("gnus-add-configuration" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [546185 546320])
+            ("if" code nil nil [546322 546419])
+            ("gnutls-min-prime-bits" variable (:default-value 256) nil [546532 546928])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [546930 546981])
+            ("if" code nil nil [546983 547101])
+            ("gomoku" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [547216 547980])
+            ("if" code nil nil [547982 548079])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [548201 548286])
+            ("goto-address-at-point" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [548288 548580])
+            ("goto-address" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [548582 549016])
+            ("put" code nil nil [549017 549064])
+            ("goto-address-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [549066 549365])
+            ("goto-address-prog-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [549367 549505])
+            ("if" code nil nil [549507 549613])
+            ("gravatar-retrieve" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [549736 549945])
+            ("gravatar-retrieve-synchronously" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [549947 550080])
+            ("if" code nil nil [550082 550183])
+            ("grep-window-height" variable nil nil [550302 550413])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [550415 550461])
+            ("grep-command" variable nil nil [550463 550901])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [550903 550945])
+            ("grep-find-command" variable nil nil [550947 551205])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [551207 551254])
+            ("grep-setup-hook" variable nil nil [551256 551358])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [551360 551403])
+            ("grep-regexp-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (\` (((\, (concat "^\\(?:" "\\(?1:[^�

+]+\\)\\(?3:�\\)\\(?2:[0-9]+\\):" "\\|" "\\(?1:[^


+/:]\\):[	 ]*\\(?2:[1-9][0-9]*\\)[	 ]*:" "\\)")) 1 2 ((\, (lambda nil (when grep-highlight-matches (let* ((beg (match-end 0)) (end (save-excursion (goto-char beg) (line-end-position))) (mbeg (text-property-any beg end (quote font-lock-face) (quote grep-match-face)))) (when mbeg (- mbeg beg)))))) \, (lambda nil (when grep-highlight-matches (let* ((beg (match-end 0)) (end (save-excursion (goto-char beg) (line-end-position))) (mbeg (text-property-any beg end (quote font-lock-face) (quote grep-match-face))) (mend (and mbeg (next-single-property-change mbeg (quote font-lock-face) nil end)))) (when mend (- mend beg)))))) nil nil (3 (quote (face nil display ":")))) ("^Binary file \\(.+\\) matches$" 1 nil nil 0 1))))
+                nil [551405 552286])
+            ("grep-program" variable (:default-value (purecopy "grep")) nil [552288 552475])
+            ("find-program" variable (:default-value (purecopy "find")) nil [552477 552622])
+            ("xargs-program" variable (:default-value (purecopy "xargs")) nil [552624 552822])
+            ("grep-find-use-xargs" variable nil nil [552824 553138])
+            ("grep-history" variable nil nil [553140 553192])
+            ("grep-find-history" variable nil nil [553194 553256])
+            ("grep-process-setup" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [553258 553435])
+            ("grep-compute-defaults" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [553437 553497])
+            ("grep-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [553499 553603])
+            ("grep" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [553605 554506])
+            ("grep-find" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [554508 554867])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [554869 554901])
+            ("lgrep" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [554903 555813])
+            ("rgrep" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [555815 556912])
+            ("zrgrep" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [556914 557203])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [557205 557231])
+            ("if" code nil nil [557233 557347])
+            ("if" code nil nil [557462 557587])
+            ("gud-gdb" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [557703 558250])
+            ("sdb" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [558252 558462])
+            ("dbx" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [558464 558674])
+            ("xdb" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [558676 559037])
+            ("perldb" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [559039 559255])
+            ("pdb" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [559257 559469])
+            ("guiler" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [559471 559689])
+            ("jdb" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [559691 560320])
+            ("gdb-script-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [560322 560408])
+            ("gud-tooltip-mode" variable nil nil [560410 560711])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [560713 560758])
+            ("gud-tooltip-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [560760 561012])
+            ("if" code nil nil [561014 561112])
+            ("gv-get" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [561227 561717])
+            ("gv-letplace" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [561719 562269])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [562271 562323])
+            ("gv-define-expander" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [562325 562636])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [562638 562697])
+            ("gv--defun-declaration" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [562699 562796])
+            ("or" code nil nil [562798 562998])
+            ("or" code nil nil [563000 563146])
+            ("gv-define-setter" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [563148 563821])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [563823 563880])
+            ("gv-define-simple-setter" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [563882 564465])
+            ("setf" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [564467 564819])
+            ("put" code nil nil [564821 564873])
+            ("gv-ref" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [564875 565167])
+            ("if" code nil nil [565169 565258])
+            ("handwrite" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [565382 565808])
+            ("if" code nil nil [565810 565938])
+            ("if" code nil nil [566081 566178])
+            ("hanoi" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [566290 566385])
+            ("hanoi-unix" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [566387 566609])
+            ("hanoi-unix-64" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [566611 566854])
+            ("if" code nil nil [566856 566951])
+            ("hashcash-insert-payment" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [567072 567202])
+            ("hashcash-insert-payment-async" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [567204 567398])
+            ("hashcash-verify-payment" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [567400 567523])
+            ("mail-add-payment" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [567525 567821])
+            ("mail-add-payment-async" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [567823 568065])
+            ("mail-check-payment" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [568067 568241])
+            ("if" code nil nil [568243 568344])
+            ("help-at-pt-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [568461 568854])
+            ("help-at-pt-kbd-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [568856 569134])
+            ("display-local-help" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [569136 569617])
+            ("help-at-pt-cancel-timer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [569619 569778])
+            ("help-at-pt-set-timer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [569780 569943])
+            ("help-at-pt-display-when-idle" variable (:default-value (quote never)) nil [569945 571321])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [571323 571387])
+            ("scan-buf-move-to-region" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [571389 572332])
+            ("scan-buf-next-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [572334 573348])
+            ("scan-buf-previous-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [573350 573726])
+            ("if" code nil nil [573728 573854])
+            ("describe-function" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [573965 574149])
+            ("help-C-file-name" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [574151 574350])
+            ("find-lisp-object-file-name" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [574352 575102])
+            ("describe-function-1" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [575104 575175])
+            ("variable-at-point" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [575177 575413])
+            ("describe-variable" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [575415 575757])
+            ("describe-symbol" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [575759 576135])
+            ("describe-syntax" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [576137 576387])
+            ("describe-categories" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [576389 576714])
+            ("doc-file-to-man" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [576716 576846])
+            ("doc-file-to-info" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [576848 576977])
+            ("if" code nil nil [576979 577088])
+            ("three-step-help" variable nil nil [577205 577534])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [577536 577585])
+            ("if" code nil nil [577587 577697])
+            ("help-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [577811 578013])
+            ("help-mode-setup" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [578015 578112])
+            ("help-mode-finish" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [578114 578217])
+            ("help-setup-xref" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [578219 578813])
+            ("help-buffer" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [578815 579152])
+            ("help-make-xrefs" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [579154 580175])
+            ("help-xref-button" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [580177 580546])
+            ("help-insert-xref-button" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [580548 580849])
+            ("help-xref-on-pp" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [580851 580976])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [580978 581054])
+            ("help-bookmark-jump" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [581056 581282])
+            ("if" code nil nil [581284 581409])
+            ("Helper-describe-bindings" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [581536 581643])
+            ("Helper-help" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [581645 581725])
+            ("if" code nil nil [581727 581824])
+            ("if" code nil nil [581935 582064])
+            ("hexl-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [582163 585703])
+            ("hexl-find-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [585705 585926])
+            ("hexlify-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [585928 586063])
+            ("if" code nil nil [586065 586177])
+            ("if" code nil nil [586325 586451])
+            ("hi-lock-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [586559 589379])
+            ("global-hi-lock-mode" variable nil nil [589381 589694])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [589696 589748])
+            ("global-hi-lock-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [589750 590154])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [590156 590225])
+            ("hi-lock-line-face-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [590227 590641])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [590643 590692])
+            ("hi-lock-face-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [590694 591085])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [591087 591143])
+            ("hi-lock-face-phrase-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [591145 591750])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [591752 591819])
+            ("hi-lock-face-symbol-at-point" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [591821 592243])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [592245 592298])
+            ("hi-lock-unface-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [592300 592651])
+            ("hi-lock-write-interactive-patterns" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [592653 592977])
+            ("if" code nil nil [592979 593107])
+            ("hide-ifdef-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [593232 595043])
+            ("if" code nil nil [595045 595266])
+            ("hs-special-modes-alist" variable (:default-value (mapcar (quote purecopy) (quote ((c-mode "{" "}" "/[*/]" nil nil) (c++-mode "{" "}" "/[*/]" nil nil) (bibtex-mode ("@\\S(*\\(\\s(\\)" 1)) (java-mode "{" "}" "/[*/]" nil nil) (js-mode "{" "}" "/[*/]" nil))))) nil [595397 596838])
+            ("hs-minor-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [596840 597742])
+            ("turn-off-hideshow" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [597744 597845])
+            ("if" code nil nil [597847 597942])
+            ("highlight-changes-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [598056 599147])
+            ("highlight-changes-visible-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [599149 599784])
+            ("highlight-changes-remove-highlight" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [599786 600005])
+            ("highlight-changes-next-change" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [600007 600149])
+            ("highlight-changes-previous-change" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [600151 600301])
+            ("highlight-changes-rotate-faces" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [600303 600980])
+            ("highlight-compare-buffers" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [600982 601566])
+            ("highlight-compare-with-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [601568 602186])
+            ("global-highlight-changes-mode" variable nil nil [602188 602541])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [602543 602607])
+            ("global-highlight-changes-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [602609 603079])
+            ("if" code nil nil [603081 603224])
+            ("push" code nil nil [603340 603401])
+            ("hippie-expand-try-functions-list" variable (:default-value (quote (try-complete-file-name-partially try-complete-file-name try-expand-all-abbrevs try-expand-list try-expand-line try-expand-dabbrev try-expand-dabbrev-all-buffers try-expand-dabbrev-from-kill try-complete-lisp-symbol-partially try-complete-lisp-symbol))) nil [603403 603874])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [603876 603942])
+            ("hippie-expand" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [603944 604430])
+            ("make-hippie-expand-function" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [604432 604699])
+            ("if" code nil nil [604701 604822])
+            ("hl-line-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [604930 605775])
+            ("global-hl-line-mode" variable nil nil [605777 606090])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [606092 606144])
+            ("global-hl-line-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [606146 606715])
+            ("if" code nil nil [606717 606834])
+            ("if" code nil nil [606953 607065])
+            ("if" code nil nil [607184 607297])
+            ("holiday-general-holidays" variable (:default-value (mapcar (quote purecopy) (quote ((holiday-fixed 1 1 "New Year's Day") (holiday-float 1 1 3 "Martin Luther King Day") (holiday-fixed 2 2 "Groundhog Day") (holiday-fixed 2 14 "Valentine's Day") (holiday-float 2 1 3 "President's Day") (holiday-fixed 3 17 "St. Patrick's Day") (holiday-fixed 4 1 "April Fools' Day") (holiday-float 5 0 2 "Mother's Day") (holiday-float 5 1 -1 "Memorial Day") (holiday-fixed 6 14 "Flag Day") (holiday-float 6 0 3 "Father's Day") (holiday-fixed 7 4 "Independence Day") (holiday-float 9 1 1 "Labor Day") (holiday-float 10 1 2 "Columbus Day") (holiday-fixed 10 31 "Halloween") (holiday-fixed 11 11 "Veteran's Day") (holiday-float 11 4 4 "Thanksgiving"))))) nil [607426 608247])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [608249 608305])
+            ("put" code nil nil [608307 608362])
+            ("holiday-oriental-holidays" variable (:default-value (mapcar (quote purecopy) (quote ((holiday-chinese-new-year) (if calendar-chinese-all-holidays-flag (append (holiday-chinese 1 15 "Lantern Festival") (holiday-chinese-qingming) (holiday-chinese 5 5 "Dragon Boat Festival") (holiday-chinese 7 7 "Double Seventh Festival") (holiday-chinese 8 15 "Mid-Autumn Festival") (holiday-chinese 9 9 "Double Ninth Festival") (holiday-chinese-winter-solstice))))))) nil [608364 608865])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [608867 608924])
+            ("put" code nil nil [608926 608982])
+            ("holiday-local-holidays" variable nil nil [608984 609098])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [609100 609154])
+            ("put" code nil nil [609156 609209])
+            ("holiday-other-holidays" variable nil nil [609211 609332])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [609334 609388])
+            ("put" code nil nil [609390 609443])
+            ("holiday-hebrew-holidays" variable (:default-value (mapcar (quote purecopy) (quote ((holiday-hebrew-passover) (holiday-hebrew-rosh-hashanah) (holiday-hebrew-hanukkah) (if calendar-hebrew-all-holidays-flag (append (holiday-hebrew-tisha-b-av) (holiday-hebrew-misc))))))) nil [609445 609760])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [609762 609817])
+            ("put" code nil nil [609819 609873])
+            ("holiday-christian-holidays" variable (:default-value (mapcar (quote purecopy) (quote ((holiday-easter-etc) (holiday-fixed 12 25 "Christmas") (if calendar-christian-all-holidays-flag (append (holiday-fixed 1 6 "Epiphany") (holiday-julian 12 25 "Christmas (Julian calendar)") (holiday-greek-orthodox-easter) (holiday-fixed 8 15 "Assumption") (holiday-advent 0 "Advent"))))))) nil [609875 610299])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [610301 610359])
+            ("put" code nil nil [610361 610418])
+            ("holiday-islamic-holidays" variable (:default-value (mapcar (quote purecopy) (quote ((holiday-islamic-new-year) (holiday-islamic 9 1 "Ramadan Begins") (if calendar-islamic-all-holidays-flag (append (holiday-islamic 1 10 "Ashura") (holiday-islamic 3 12 "Mulad-al-Nabi") (holiday-islamic 7 26 "Shab-e-Mi'raj") (holiday-islamic 8 15 "Shab-e-Bara't") (holiday-islamic 9 27 "Shab-e Qadr") (holiday-islamic 10 1 "Id-al-Fitr") (holiday-islamic 12 10 "Id-al-Adha"))))))) nil [610420 610930])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [610932 610988])
+            ("put" code nil nil [610990 611045])
+            ("holiday-bahai-holidays" variable (:default-value (mapcar (quote purecopy) (quote ((holiday-bahai-new-year) (holiday-bahai-ridvan) (holiday-fixed 5 23 "Declaration of the B\303\241b") (holiday-fixed 5 29 "Ascension of Bah\303\241\342\200\231u\342\200\231ll\303\241h") (holiday-fixed 7 9 "Martyrdom of the B\303\241b") (holiday-fixed 10 20 "Birth of the B\303\241b") (holiday-fixed 11 12 "Birth of Bah\303\241\342\200\231u\342\200\231ll\303\241h") (if calendar-bahai-all-holidays-flag (append (holiday-fixed 11 26 "Day of the Covenant") (holiday-fixed 11 28 "Ascension of `Abdu\342\200\231l-Bah\303\241"))))))) nil [611047 611592])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [611594 611648])
+            ("put" code nil nil [611650 611703])
+            ("holiday-solar-holidays" variable (:default-value (mapcar (quote purecopy) (quote ((solar-equinoxes-solstices) (holiday-sexp calendar-daylight-savings-starts (format "Daylight Saving Time Begins %s" (solar-time-string (/ calendar-daylight-savings-starts-time (float 60)) calendar-standard-time-zone-name))) (holiday-sexp calendar-daylight-savings-ends (format "Daylight Saving Time Ends %s" (solar-time-string (/ calendar-daylight-savings-ends-time (float 60)) calendar-daylight-time-zone-name))))))) nil [611705 612257])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [612259 612313])
+            ("put" code nil nil [612315 612368])
+            ("put" code nil nil [612370 612418])
+            ("holidays" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [612420 612680])
+            ("list-holidays" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [612682 613505])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [613507 613546])
+            ("if" code nil nil [613548 613660])
+            ("push" code nil nil [613779 613842])
+            ("htmlfontify-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [613844 614590])
+            ("htmlfontify-copy-and-link-dir" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [614592 614901])
+            ("if" code nil nil [614903 615017])
+            ("if" code nil nil [615165 615529])
+            ("define-ibuffer-column" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [615643 616744])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [616746 616812])
+            ("define-ibuffer-sorter" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [616814 617315])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [617317 617379])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [617381 617437])
+            ("define-ibuffer-op" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [617439 619458])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [619460 619518])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [619520 619572])
+            ("define-ibuffer-filter" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [619574 620139])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [620141 620203])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [620205 620261])
+            ("if" code nil nil [620263 620364])
+            ("ibuffer-list-buffers" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [620472 620699])
+            ("ibuffer-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [620701 620942])
+            ("ibuffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [620944 621811])
+            ("ibuffer-jump" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [621813 622020])
+            ("if" code nil nil [622022 622190])
+            ("push" code nil nil [622329 622390])
+            ("icalendar-export-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [622392 622653])
+            ("icalendar-export-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [622655 623129])
+            ("icalendar-import-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [623131 623478])
+            ("icalendar-import-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [623480 624184])
+            ("if" code nil nil [624186 624289])
+            ("icomplete-mode" variable nil nil [624403 624696])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [624698 624747])
+            ("icomplete-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [624749 625508])
+            ("when" code nil nil [625509 625704])
+            ("if" code nil nil [625706 625809])
+            ("icon-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [625928 627354])
+            ("if" code nil nil [627356 627580])
+            ("if" code nil nil [627764 627879])
+            ("if" code nil nil [628021 628122])
+            ("idlwave-shell" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [628267 629117])
+            ("if" code nil nil [629119 629221])
+            ("if" code nil nil [629372 629484])
+            ("push" code nil nil [629611 629672])
+            ("idlwave-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [629674 634634])
+            ("if" code nil nil [634636 634735])
+            ("ido-mode" variable nil nil [634831 635295])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [635297 635334])
+            ("ido-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [635336 635853])
+            ("ido-switch-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [635855 637551])
+            ("ido-switch-buffer-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [637553 637792])
+            ("ido-display-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [637794 638021])
+            ("ido-display-buffer-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [638023 638252])
+            ("ido-kill-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [638254 638437])
+            ("ido-insert-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [638439 638668])
+            ("ido-switch-buffer-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [638670 638907])
+            ("ido-find-file-in-dir" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [638909 639010])
+            ("ido-find-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [639012 641501])
+            ("ido-find-file-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [641503 641730])
+            ("ido-find-alternate-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [641732 641962])
+            ("ido-find-alternate-file-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [641964 642207])
+            ("ido-find-file-read-only" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [642209 642434])
+            ("ido-find-file-read-only-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [642436 642690])
+            ("ido-find-file-read-only-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [642692 642944])
+            ("ido-display-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [642946 643163])
+            ("ido-find-file-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [643165 643390])
+            ("ido-write-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [643392 643585])
+            ("ido-insert-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [643587 643792])
+            ("ido-dired" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [643794 643976])
+            ("ido-dired-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [643978 644218])
+            ("ido-dired-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [644220 644451])
+            ("ido-read-buffer" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [644453 644844])
+            ("ido-read-file-name" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [644846 645137])
+            ("ido-read-directory-name" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [645139 645439])
+            ("ido-completing-read" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [645441 646415])
+            ("if" code nil nil [646417 646508])
+            ("ielm" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [646607 646807])
+            ("if" code nil nil [646809 646929])
+            ("if" code nil nil [647056 647161])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [647266 647339])
+            ("iimage-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [647341 647645])
+            ("if" code nil nil [647647 647767])
+            ("image-type-from-data" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [647869 648061])
+            ("image-type-from-buffer" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [648063 648263])
+            ("image-type-from-file-header" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [648265 648482])
+            ("image-type-from-file-name" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [648484 648688])
+            ("image-type" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [648690 649158])
+            ("image-type-available-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [649160 649320])
+            ("image-type-auto-detected-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [649322 649819])
+            ("create-image" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [649821 650700])
+            ("put-image" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [650702 651421])
+            ("insert-image" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [651423 652273])
+            ("insert-sliced-image" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [652275 652858])
+            ("remove-images" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [652860 653108])
+            ("find-image" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [653110 653938])
+            ("defimage" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [653940 654755])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [654757 654800])
+            ("imagemagick-register-types" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [654802 655379])
+            ("if" code nil nil [655381 655475])
+            ("push" code nil nil [655594 655659])
+            ("image-dired-dired-toggle-marked-thumbs" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [655661 656049])
+            ("image-dired-dired-with-window-configuration" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [656051 656682])
+            ("image-dired-display-thumbs" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [656684 657674])
+            ("image-dired-show-all-from-dir" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [657676 657956])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [657958 658012])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [658014 658073])
+            ("image-dired-tag-files" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [658075 658209])
+            ("image-dired-delete-tag" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [658211 658370])
+            ("image-dired-jump-thumbnail-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [658372 658474])
+            ("image-dired-minor-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [658476 658721])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [658723 658823])
+            ("image-dired-display-thumbs-append" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [658825 658954])
+            ("image-dired-display-thumb" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [658956 659089])
+            ("image-dired-dired-display-external" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [659091 659216])
+            ("image-dired-dired-display-image" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [659218 659468])
+            ("image-dired-dired-comment-files" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [659470 659593])
+            ("image-dired-mark-tagged-files" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [659595 660021])
+            ("image-dired-dired-edit-comment-and-tags" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [660023 660234])
+            ("if" code nil nil [660236 660343])
+            ("image-file-name-extensions" variable (:default-value (purecopy (quote ("png" "jpeg" "jpg" "gif" "tiff" "tif" "xbm" "xpm" "pbm" "pgm" "ppm" "pnm" "svg")))) nil [660460 660998])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [661000 661062])
+            ("image-file-name-regexps" variable nil nil [661064 661537])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [661539 661598])
+            ("image-file-name-regexp" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [661600 661725])
+            ("insert-image-file" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [661727 661984])
+            ("auto-image-file-mode" variable nil nil [661986 662303])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [662305 662361])
+            ("auto-image-file-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [662363 662803])
+            ("if" code nil nil [662805 662910])
+            ("image-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [663027 663312])
+            ("image-minor-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [663314 663745])
+            ("image-mode-to-text" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [663747 663985])
+            ("image-bookmark-jump" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [663987 664055])
+            ("if" code nil nil [664057 664157])
+            ("if" code nil nil [664264 664357])
+            ("imenu-sort-function" variable nil nil [664459 664995])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [664997 665045])
+            ("imenu-generic-expression" variable nil nil [665047 666575])
+            ("put" code nil nil [666576 666631])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [666633 666687])
+            ("imenu-create-index-function" variable (:default-value (quote imenu-default-create-index-function)) nil [666689 667055])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [667057 667114])
+            ("imenu-prev-index-position-function" variable (:default-value (quote beginning-of-defun)) nil [667116 667556])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [667558 667622])
+            ("imenu-extract-index-name-function" variable nil nil [667624 667917])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [667919 667982])
+            ("imenu-name-lookup-function" variable nil nil [667984 668342])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [668344 668400])
+            ("imenu-default-goto-function" variable (:default-value (quote imenu-default-goto-function)) nil [668402 668605])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [668607 668664])
+            ("put" code nil nil [668665 668714])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [668716 668764])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [668766 668818])
+            ("imenu-add-to-menubar" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [668820 669038])
+            ("imenu-add-menubar-index" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [669040 669244])
+            ("imenu" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [669246 669461])
+            ("if" code nil nil [669463 669558])
+            ("indian-compose-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [669687 669818])
+            ("indian-compose-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [669820 669891])
+            ("in-is13194-post-read-conversion" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [669893 669971])
+            ("in-is13194-pre-write-conversion" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [669973 670055])
+            ("indian-2-column-to-ucs-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [670057 670182])
+            ("if" code nil nil [670184 670295])
+            ("inferior-lisp" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [670426 670904])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [670906 670941])
+            ("if" code nil nil [670943 671074])
+            ("Info-default-directory-list" variable (:default-value (let* ((config-dir (file-name-as-directory (or (and (featurep (quote ns)) (let ((dir (expand-file-name "../info" data-directory))) (if (file-directory-p dir) dir))) configure-info-directory))) (prefixes (prune-directory-list (quote ("/usr/local/" "/usr/" "/opt/")))) (suffixes (quote ("share/" ""))) (standard-info-dirs (apply (function nconc) (mapcar (lambda (pfx) (let ((dirs (mapcar (lambda (sfx) (concat pfx sfx "info/")) suffixes))) (prune-directory-list dirs))) prefixes))) (dirs (if (member config-dir standard-info-dirs) (nconc standard-info-dirs (list config-dir)) (cons config-dir standard-info-dirs)))) (if (not (eq system-type (quote windows-nt))) dirs (let* ((instdir (file-name-directory invocation-directory)) (dir1 (expand-file-name "../info/" instdir)) (dir2 (expand-file-name "../../../info/" instdir))) (cond ((file-exists-p dir1) (append dirs (list dir1))) ((file-exists-p dir2) (append dirs (list dir2))) (t dirs)))))) nil [671173 673118])
+            ("info-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [673120 673259])
+            ("put" code nil nil [673261 673302])
+            ("info" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [673304 674252])
+            ("info-emacs-manual" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [674254 674346])
+            ("info-emacs-bug" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [674348 674471])
+            ("info-standalone" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [674473 674680])
+            ("Info-on-current-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [674682 674909])
+            ("Info-directory" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [674911 674992])
+            ("Info-index" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [674994 675389])
+            ("info-apropos" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [675391 675550])
+            ("info-finder" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [675552 675884])
+            ("Info-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [675886 679577])
+            ("put" code nil nil [679579 679644])
+            ("Info-goto-emacs-command-node" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [679646 679982])
+            ("put" code nil nil [679984 680053])
+            ("Info-goto-emacs-key-command-node" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [680055 680468])
+            ("Info-speedbar-browser" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [680470 680625])
+            ("Info-bookmark-jump" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [680627 680808])
+            ("info-display-manual" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [680810 681151])
+            ("if" code nil nil [681153 681254])
+            ("info-lookup-reset" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [681368 681612])
+            ("put" code nil nil [681614 681658])
+            ("info-lookup-symbol" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [681660 682105])
+            ("put" code nil nil [682107 682149])
+            ("info-lookup-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [682151 682554])
+            ("info-complete-symbol" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [682556 682678])
+            ("info-complete-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [682680 682798])
+            ("if" code nil nil [682800 682898])
+            ("push" code nil nil [683011 683069])
+            ("info-xref-check" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [683071 684306])
+            ("info-xref-check-all" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [684308 684898])
+            ("info-xref-check-all-custom" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [684900 685286])
+            ("info-xref-docstrings" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [685288 686158])
+            ("if" code nil nil [686160 686263])
+            ("Info-tagify" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [686374 686524])
+            ("Info-split-threshold" variable (:default-value 262144) nil [686526 686634])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [686636 686688])
+            ("Info-split" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [686690 687375])
+            ("Info-validate" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [687377 687539])
+            ("batch-info-validate" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [687541 687871])
+            ("if" code nil nil [687873 687979])
+            ("define-inline" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [688106 688361])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [688363 688421])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [688423 688471])
+            ("if" code nil nil [688473 688570])
+            ("push" code nil nil [688695 688755])
+            ("inversion-require-emacs" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [688757 688982])
+            ("if" code nil nil [688984 689087])
+            ("isearch-toggle-specified-input-method" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [689237 689376])
+            ("isearch-toggle-input-method" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [689378 689489])
+            ("isearch-process-search-multibyte-characters" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [689491 689604])
+            ("if" code nil nil [689606 689707])
+            ("push" code nil nil [689817 689876])
+            ("isearchb-activate" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [689878 690143])
+            ("if" code nil nil [690145 690245])
+            ("if" code nil nil [690395 690498])
+            ("iso-spanish" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [690642 690912])
+            ("iso-german" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [690914 691173])
+            ("iso-iso2tex" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [691175 691442])
+            ("iso-tex2iso" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [691444 691711])
+            ("iso-gtex2iso" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [691713 691989])
+            ("iso-iso2gtex" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [691991 692267])
+            ("iso-iso2duden" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [692269 692542])
+            ("iso-iso2sgml" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [692544 692809])
+            ("iso-sgml2iso" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [692811 693076])
+            ("iso-cvt-read-only" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [693078 693178])
+            ("iso-cvt-write-only" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [693180 693282])
+            ("iso-cvt-define-menu" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [693284 693413])
+            ("if" code nil nil [693415 693510])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [693663 693727])
+            ("iso-transl-ctl-x-8-map" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [693729 693813])
+            ("if" code nil nil [693815 693920])
+            ("put" code nil nil [694045 694135])
+            ("ispell-personal-dictionary" variable nil nil [694137 694311])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [694313 694369])
+            ("put" code nil nil [694371 694440])
+            ("ispell-menu-map" variable nil nil [694442 694499])
+            ("ispell-menu-map-needed" variable (:default-value (unless ispell-menu-map (quote reload))) nil [694501 694565])
+            ("if" code nil nil [694567 696317])
+            ("if" code nil nil [696319 697000])
+            ("if" code nil nil [697002 697634])
+            ("ispell-skip-region-alist" variable (:default-value (\` ((ispell-words-keyword forward-line) (ispell-dictionary-keyword forward-line) (ispell-pdict-keyword forward-line) (ispell-parsing-keyword forward-line) ((\, (purecopy "^---*BEGIN PGP [A-Z ]*--*")) \, (purecopy "^---*END PGP [A-Z ]*--*")) ((\, (purecopy "^begin [0-9][0-9][0-9] [^ 	]+$")) \, (purecopy "


+")) ((\, (purecopy "^%!PS-Adobe-[123].0")) \, (purecopy "


+")) ((\, (purecopy "^---* \\(Start of \\)?[Ff]orwarded [Mm]essage")) \, (purecopy "^---* End of [Ff]orwarded [Mm]essage"))))) nil [697636 698535])
+            ("ispell-tex-skip-alists" variable (:default-value (purecopy (quote ((("\\\\addcontentsline" ispell-tex-arg-end 2) ("\\\\add\\(tocontents\\|vspace\\)" ispell-tex-arg-end) ("\\\\\\([aA]lph\\|arabic\\)" ispell-tex-arg-end) ("\\\\cref" ispell-tex-arg-end) ("\\\\bibliographystyle" ispell-tex-arg-end) ("\\\\makebox" ispell-tex-arg-end 0) ("\\\\e?psfig" ispell-tex-arg-end) ("\\\\document\\(class\\|style\\)" . "\\\\begin[ 	



+]*}")) (("\\(figure\\|table\\)\\*?" ispell-tex-arg-end 0) ("list" ispell-tex-arg-end 2) ("program" . "\\\\end[ 	



+]*}") ("verbatim\\*?" . "\\\\end[ 	



+]*}")))))) nil [698537 699375])
+            ("ispell-html-skip-alists" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote (("<[cC][oO][dD][eE]\\>[^>]*>" "</[cC][oO][dD][eE]*>") ("<[sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT]\\>[^>]*>" "</[sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT]>") ("<[aA][pP][pP][lL][eE][tT]\\>[^>]*>" "</[aA][pP][pP][lL][eE][tT]>") ("<[vV][eE][rR][bB]\\>[^>]*>" "<[vV][eE][rR][bB]\\>[^>]*>") ("<[tT][tT]/" "/") ("<[^ 	

+>]" ">") ("&[^ 	

+;]" "[; 	

+                nil [699377 699922])
+            ("put" code nil nil [699923 699978])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [699980 700017])
+            ("ispell-word" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [700019 701394])
+            ("ispell-pdict-save" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [701396 701576])
+            ("ispell-help" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [701578 702671])
+            ("ispell-kill-ispell" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [702673 702937])
+            ("ispell-change-dictionary" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [702939 703251])
+            ("ispell-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [703253 703504])
+            ("ispell-comments-and-strings" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [703506 703641])
+            ("ispell-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [703643 703754])
+            ("ispell-buffer-with-debug" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [703756 703975])
+            ("ispell-continue" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [703977 704098])
+            ("ispell-complete-word" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [704100 704370])
+            ("ispell-complete-word-interior-frag" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [704372 704502])
+            ("ispell" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [704504 704949])
+            ("ispell-minor-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [704951 705599])
+            ("ispell-message" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [705601 706574])
+            ("if" code nil nil [706576 706696])
+            ("if" code nil nil [706849 706991])
+            ("if" code nil nil [707144 707245])
+            ("setup-japanese-environment-internal" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [707388 707468])
+            ("japanese-katakana" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [707470 707945])
+            ("japanese-hiragana" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [707947 708189])
+            ("japanese-hankaku" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [708191 708529])
+            ("japanese-zenkaku" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [708531 708773])
+            ("japanese-katakana-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [708775 709059])
+            ("japanese-hiragana-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [709061 709204])
+            ("japanese-hankaku-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [709206 709550])
+            ("japanese-zenkaku-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [709552 709901])
+            ("read-hiragana-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [709903 710147])
+            ("if" code nil nil [710149 710252])
+            ("jka-compr-inhibit" variable nil nil [710366 710580])
+            ("jka-compr-handler" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [710582 710664])
+            ("jka-compr-uninstall" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [710666 710906])
+            ("if" code nil nil [710908 711031])
+            ("push" code nil nil [711143 711194])
+            ("js-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [711196 711272])
+            ("js-jsx-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [711274 711638])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [711640 711676])
+            ("dolist" code nil nil [711678 711800])
+            ("if" code nil nil [711802 711901])
+            ("push" code nil nil [711999 712054])
+            ("if" code nil nil [712056 712149])
+            ("if" code nil nil [712254 712351])
+            ("keypad-setup" variable nil nil [712476 712687])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [712689 712733])
+            ("keypad-numlock-setup" variable nil nil [712735 712953])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [712955 713007])
+            ("keypad-shifted-setup" variable nil nil [713009 713226])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [713228 713280])
+            ("keypad-numlock-shifted-setup" variable nil nil [713282 713507])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [713509 713569])
+            ("keypad-setup" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [713571 714614])
+            ("kinsoku" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [714758 715402])
+            ("if" code nil nil [715404 715503])
+            ("kkc-after-update-conversion-functions" variable nil nil [715627 716005])
+            ("kkc-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [716007 716434])
+            ("if" code nil nil [716436 716527])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [716632 716676])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [716678 716720])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [716722 716773])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [716775 716834])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [716836 716883])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [716885 716927])
+            ("kmacro-keymap" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [716929 717011])
+            ("kmacro-exec-ring-item" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [717013 717170])
+            ("kmacro-start-macro" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [717172 718228])
+            ("kmacro-end-macro" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [718230 718693])
+            ("kmacro-call-macro" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [718695 719336])
+            ("kmacro-start-macro-or-insert-counter" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [719338 720264])
+            ("kmacro-end-or-call-macro" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [720266 720537])
+            ("kmacro-end-and-call-macro" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [720539 720913])
+            ("kmacro-end-call-mouse" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [720915 721121])
+            ("if" code nil nil [721123 721220])
+            ("default-korean-keyboard" variable (:default-value (purecopy (if (string-match "3" (or (getenv "HANGUL_KEYBOARD_TYPE") "")) "3" ""))) nil [721363 721559])
+            ("setup-korean-environment-internal" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [721561 721639])
+            ("if" code nil nil [721641 721843])
+            ("lao-compose-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [721972 722037])
+            ("lao-transcribe-single-roman-syllable-to-lao" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [722039 722575])
+            ("lao-transcribe-roman-to-lao-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [722577 722718])
+            ("lao-composition-function" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [722720 722795])
+            ("lao-compose-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [722797 722864])
+            ("if" code nil nil [722866 722962])
+            ("latex-inputenc-coding-alist" variable (:default-value (purecopy (quote (("ansinew" . windows-1252) ("applemac" . mac-roman) ("ascii" . us-ascii) ("cp1250" . windows-1250) ("cp1252" . windows-1252) ("cp1257" . cp1257) ("cp437de" . cp437) ("cp437" . cp437) ("cp850" . cp850) ("cp852" . cp852) ("cp858" . cp858) ("cp865" . cp865) ("latin1" . iso-8859-1) ("latin2" . iso-8859-2) ("latin3" . iso-8859-3) ("latin4" . iso-8859-4) ("latin5" . iso-8859-5) ("latin9" . iso-8859-15) ("next" . next) ("utf8" . utf-8) ("utf8x" . utf-8))))) nil [723109 723818])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [723820 723879])
+            ("latexenc-inputenc-to-coding-system" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [723881 724093])
+            ("latexenc-coding-system-to-inputenc" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [724095 724302])
+            ("latexenc-find-file-coding-system" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [724304 724596])
+            ("if" code nil nil [724598 724708])
+            ("latin1-display" variable nil nil [724864 725567])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [725569 725620])
+            ("latin1-display" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [725622 725963])
+            ("latin1-display-ucs-per-lynx" variable nil nil [725965 726300])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [726302 726366])
+            ("if" code nil nil [726368 726478])
+            ("ld-script-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [726620 726716])
+            ("if" code nil nil [726718 726821])
+            ("if" code nil nil [726928 727021])
+            ("if" code nil nil [727177 727289])
+            ("put" code nil nil [727443 727505])
+            ("put" code nil nil [727507 727559])
+            ("put" code nil nil [727561 727623])
+            ("put" code nil nil [727625 727686])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [727688 727750])
+            ("less-css-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [727752 727907])
+            ("if" code nil nil [727909 728015])
+            ("push" code nil nil [728158 728220])
+            ("let-alist" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [728222 729156])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [729158 729208])
+            ("if" code nil nil [729210 729314])
+            ("life" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [729423 729688])
+            ("if" code nil nil [729690 729783])
+            ("push" code nil nil [729884 729943])
+            ("linum-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [729945 730268])
+            ("global-linum-mode" variable nil nil [730270 730575])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [730577 730625])
+            ("global-linum-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [730627 730999])
+            ("if" code nil nil [731001 731096])
+            ("if" code nil nil [731237 731332])
+            ("unload-feature" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [731443 732617])
+            ("if" code nil nil [732619 732764])
+            ("locate-ls-subdir-switches" variable (:default-value (purecopy "-al")) nil [732869 733068])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [733070 733125])
+            ("locate" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [733127 734191])
+            ("locate-with-filter" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [734193 734953])
+            ("if" code nil nil [734955 735052])
+            ("log-edit" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [735169 736409])
+            ("if" code nil nil [736411 736522])
+            ("log-view-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [736639 736732])
+            ("if" code nil nil [736734 736835])
+            ("lpr-windows-system" variable (:default-value (memq system-type (quote (ms-dos windows-nt)))) nil [736931 737046])
+            ("lpr-lp-system" variable (:default-value (memq system-type (quote (usg-unix-v hpux)))) nil [737048 737178])
+            ("printer-name" variable (:default-value (and (eq system-type (quote ms-dos)) "PRN")) nil [737180 737994])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [737996 738035])
+            ("lpr-switches" variable nil nil [738037 738245])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [738247 738286])
+            ("lpr-command" variable (:default-value (purecopy (cond (lpr-windows-system "") (lpr-lp-system "lp") (t "lpr")))) nil [738288 738854])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [738856 738894])
+            ("lpr-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [738896 739092])
+            ("print-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [739094 739660])
+            ("lpr-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [739662 739868])
+            ("print-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [739870 740450])
+            ("if" code nil nil [740452 740551])
+            ("ls-lisp-support-shell-wildcards" variable (:default-value t) nil [740659 740842])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [740844 740906])
+            ("if" code nil nil [740908 741007])
+            ("lunar-phases" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [741127 741400])
+            ("if" code nil nil [741402 741542])
+            ("m4-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [741670 741753])
+            ("if" code nil nil [741755 741849])
+            ("name-last-kbd-macro" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [741954 742257])
+            ("insert-kbd-macro" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [742259 742957])
+            ("kbd-macro-query" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [742959 743618])
+            ("apply-macro-to-region-lines" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [743620 745087])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [745089 745132])
+            ("mail-extract-address-components" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [745256 746179])
+            ("what-domain" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [746181 746301])
+            ("if" code nil nil [746303 746406])
+            ("mail-hist-define-keys" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [746530 746660])
+            ("mail-hist-enable" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [746662 746722])
+            ("mail-hist-keep-history" variable (:default-value t) nil [746724 746829])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [746831 746886])
+            ("mail-hist-put-headers-into-history" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [746888 747176])
+            ("if" code nil nil [747178 747281])
+            ("if" code nil nil [747408 747507])
+            ("if" code nil nil [747634 747739])
+            ("if" code nil nil [747877 747983])
+            ("mail-use-rfc822" variable nil nil [748110 748288])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [748290 748339])
+            ("mail-dont-reply-to-names" variable nil nil [748341 748682])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [748684 748742])
+            ("mail-file-babyl-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [748744 748850])
+            ("mail-quote-printable" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [748852 749206])
+            ("mail-quote-printable-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [749208 749460])
+            ("mail-unquote-printable" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [749462 749713])
+            ("mail-unquote-printable-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [749715 750361])
+            ("mail-fetch-field" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [750363 750839])
+            ("if" code nil nil [750841 750940])
+            ("mail-abbrevs-mode" variable nil nil [751067 751372])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [751374 751427])
+            ("mail-abbrevs-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [751429 751958])
+            ("mail-abbrevs-setup" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [751960 752066])
+            ("build-mail-abbrevs" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [752068 752297])
+            ("define-mail-abbrev" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [752299 752741])
+            ("if" code nil nil [752743 752886])
+            ("mail-complete-style" variable (:default-value (quote angles)) nil [753010 753324])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [753326 753378])
+            ("expand-mail-aliases" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [753380 753791])
+            ("define-mail-alias" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [753793 754252])
+            ("mail-completion-at-point-function" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [754254 754416])
+            ("mail-complete" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [754418 754690])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [754692 754765])
+            ("if" code nil nil [754767 754886])
+            ("if" code nil nil [755002 755101])
+            ("mailclient-send-it" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [755228 755442])
+            ("if" code nil nil [755444 755549])
+            ("if" code nil nil [755676 755781])
+            ("if" code nil nil [755894 755991])
+            ("makefile-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [756133 759434])
+            ("makefile-automake-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [759436 759553])
+            ("makefile-gmake-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [759555 759666])
+            ("makefile-makepp-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [759668 759781])
+            ("makefile-bsdmake-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [759783 759899])
+            ("makefile-imake-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [759901 760012])
+            ("if" code nil nil [760014 760116])
+            ("if" code nil nil [760247 760348])
+            ("make-command-summary" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [760456 760630])
+            ("if" code nil nil [760632 760736])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [760832 760861])
+            ("man" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [760863 762191])
+            ("man-follow" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [762193 762318])
+            ("Man-bookmark-jump" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [762320 762425])
+            ("if" code nil nil [762427 762524])
+            ("if" code nil nil [762652 762751])
+            ("push" code nil nil [762868 762922])
+            ("if" code nil nil [762924 763014])
+            ("push" code nil nil [763118 763177])
+            ("master-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [763179 763734])
+            ("if" code nil nil [763736 763833])
+            ("minibuffer-depth-indicate-mode" variable nil nil [763944 764301])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [764303 764367])
+            ("minibuffer-depth-indicate-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [764369 764904])
+            ("if" code nil nil [764906 765015])
+            ("push" code nil nil [765110 765164])
+            ("if" code nil nil [765166 765256])
+            ("define-mail-user-agent" code nil nil [765374 765495])
+            ("message-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [765497 767911])
+            ("message-mail" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [767913 768322])
+            ("message-news" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [768324 768445])
+            ("message-reply" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [768447 768601])
+            ("message-wide-reply" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [768603 768741])
+            ("message-followup" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [768743 768925])
+            ("message-cancel-news" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [768927 769080])
+            ("message-supersede" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [769082 769305])
+            ("message-recover" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [769307 769425])
+            ("message-forward" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [769427 769641])
+            ("message-forward-make-body" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [769643 769742])
+            ("message-forward-rmail-make-body" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [769744 769832])
+            ("message-insinuate-rmail" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [769834 769930])
+            ("message-resend" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [769932 770032])
+            ("message-bounce" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [770034 770258])
+            ("message-mail-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [770260 770417])
+            ("message-mail-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [770419 770574])
+            ("message-news-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [770576 770710])
+            ("message-news-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [770712 770845])
+            ("message-bold-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [770847 771087])
+            ("message-unbold-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [771089 771312])
+            ("if" code nil nil [771314 771419])
+            ("push" code nil nil [771560 771620])
+            ("metafont-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [771622 771717])
+            ("metapost-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [771719 771814])
+            ("if" code nil nil [771816 771970])
+            ("metamail-interpret-header" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [772091 772258])
+            ("metamail-interpret-body" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [772260 772654])
+            ("metamail-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [772656 773068])
+            ("metamail-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [773070 773490])
+            ("if" code nil nil [773492 773593])
+            ("if" code nil nil [773714 773860])
+            ("if" code nil nil [773981 774076])
+            ("if" code nil nil [774203 774300])
+            ("mh-smail" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [774418 774558])
+            ("mh-smail-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [774560 774729])
+            ("mh-smail-batch" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [774731 775289])
+            ("define-mail-user-agent" code nil nil [775291 775420])
+            ("mh-user-agent-compose" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [775422 776222])
+            ("mh-send-letter" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [776224 777307])
+            ("mh-fully-kill-draft" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [777309 777619])
+            ("if" code nil nil [777621 777715])
+            ("if" code nil nil [777839 777935])
+            ("push" code nil nil [778043 778101])
+            ("put" code nil nil [778103 778142])
+            ("put" code nil nil [778144 778181])
+            ("put" code nil nil [778183 778226])
+            ("mh-version" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [778228 778346])
+            ("if" code nil nil [778348 778481])
+            ("mh-rmail" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [778605 778820])
+            ("mh-nmail" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [778822 779043])
+            ("mh-folder-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [779045 780786])
+            ("if" code nil nil [780788 780884])
+            ("if" code nil nil [781005 781100])
+            ("if" code nil nil [781238 781336])
+            ("if" code nil nil [781451 781554])
+            ("if" code nil nil [781672 781766])
+            ("if" code nil nil [781890 781986])
+            ("if" code nil nil [782107 782202])
+            ("if" code nil nil [782320 782414])
+            ("if" code nil nil [782535 782631])
+            ("if" code nil nil [782749 782843])
+            ("if" code nil nil [782967 783063])
+            ("if" code nil nil [783178 783271])
+            ("if" code nil nil [783389 783483])
+            ("if" code nil nil [783604 783699])
+            ("if" code nil nil [783823 783919])
+            ("if" code nil nil [784057 784164])
+            ("if" code nil nil [784285 784380])
+            ("if" code nil nil [784501 784596])
+            ("mhtml-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [784741 785017])
+            ("if" code nil nil [785019 785119])
+            ("midnight-mode" variable nil nil [785230 785519])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [785521 785568])
+            ("midnight-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [785570 785684])
+            ("clean-buffer-list" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [785686 786308])
+            ("midnight-delay-set" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [786310 786529])
+            ("if" code nil nil [786531 786653])
+            ("minibuffer-electric-default-mode" variable nil nil [786779 787144])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [787146 787217])
+            ("minibuffer-electric-default-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [787219 787894])
+            ("if" code nil nil [787896 788000])
+            ("copy-from-above-command" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [788099 788419])
+            ("zap-up-to-char" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [788421 788690])
+            ("mark-beginning-of-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [788692 788793])
+            ("mark-end-of-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [788795 788884])
+            ("upcase-char" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [788886 789001])
+            ("forward-to-word" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [789003 789155])
+            ("backward-to-word" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [789157 789305])
+            ("butterfly" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [789307 789881])
+            ("list-dynamic-libraries" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [789883 790327])
+            ("if" code nil nil [790329 790441])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [790552 790602])
+            ("multi-isearch-next-buffer-function" variable nil nil [790604 791643])
+            ("multi-isearch-next-buffer-current-function" variable nil nil [791645 791843])
+            ("multi-isearch-current-buffer" variable nil nil [791845 792007])
+            ("multi-isearch-buffer-list" variable nil nil [792009 792180])
+            ("multi-isearch-file-list" variable nil nil [792182 792282])
+            ("multi-isearch-setup" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [792284 792433])
+            ("multi-isearch-buffers" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [792435 792779])
+            ("multi-isearch-buffers-regexp" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [792781 793139])
+            ("multi-isearch-files" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [793141 793566])
+            ("multi-isearch-files-regexp" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [793568 794007])
+            ("if" code nil nil [794009 794142])
+            ("push" code nil nil [794286 794347])
+            ("mixal-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [794349 794440])
+            ("if" code nil nil [794442 794542])
+            ("if" code nil nil [794669 794766])
+            ("if" code nil nil [794890 794986])
+            ("if" code nil nil [795110 795206])
+            ("mm-default-file-encoding" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [795330 795438])
+            ("if" code nil nil [795440 795536])
+            ("mm-extern-cache-contents" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [795660 795787])
+            ("mm-inline-external-body" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [795789 796082])
+            ("if" code nil nil [796084 796187])
+            ("mm-inline-partial" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [796314 796596])
+            ("if" code nil nil [796598 796713])
+            ("mm-url-insert-file-contents" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [796828 796987])
+            ("mm-url-insert-file-contents-external" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [796989 797121])
+            ("if" code nil nil [797123 797220])
+            ("if" code nil nil [797338 797432])
+            ("mm-uu-dissect" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [797544 797850])
+            ("mm-uu-dissect-text-parts" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [797852 798043])
+            ("if" code nil nil [798045 798137])
+            ("if" code nil nil [798255 798349])
+            ("mml-to-mime" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [798455 798550])
+            ("mml-attach-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [798552 799403])
+            ("if" code nil nil [799405 799510])
+            ("if" code nil nil [799628 799723])
+            ("if" code nil nil [799847 799950])
+            ("mml1991-encrypt" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [800068 800145])
+            ("mml1991-sign" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [800147 800206])
+            ("if" code nil nil [800208 800307])
+            ("mml2015-decrypt" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [800425 800493])
+            ("mml2015-decrypt-test" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [800495 800568])
+            ("mml2015-verify" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [800570 800637])
+            ("mml2015-verify-test" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [800639 800711])
+            ("mml2015-encrypt" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [800713 800790])
+            ("mml2015-sign" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [800792 800851])
+            ("mml2015-self-encrypt" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [800853 800915])
+            ("if" code nil nil [800917 801016])
+            ("put" code nil nil [801145 801198])
+            ("if" code nil nil [801200 801567])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [801695 801729])
+            ("m2-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [801731 802877])
+            ("if" code nil nil [802879 802997])
+            ("morse-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [803109 803216])
+            ("unmorse-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [803218 803336])
+            ("nato-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [803338 803456])
+            ("denato-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [803458 803581])
+            ("if" code nil nil [803583 803698])
+            ("if" code nil nil [803815 803915])
+            ("mouse-drag-throw" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [804032 804972])
+            ("mouse-drag-drag" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [804974 805594])
+            ("if" code nil nil [805596 805696])
+            ("mpc" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [805792 805856])
+            ("if" code nil nil [805858 805972])
+            ("mpuz" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [806081 806159])
+            ("if" code nil nil [806161 806254])
+            ("msb-mode" variable nil nil [806350 806619])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [806621 806658])
+            ("msb-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [806660 807008])
+            ("if" code nil nil [807010 807122])
+            ("if" code nil nil [807240 807339])
+            ("list-character-sets" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [807489 807983])
+            ("read-charset" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [807985 808515])
+            ("list-charset-chars" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [808517 808639])
+            ("describe-character-set" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [808641 808770])
+            ("describe-coding-system" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [808772 808890])
+            ("describe-current-coding-system-briefly" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [808892 810066])
+            ("describe-current-coding-system" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [810068 810189])
+            ("list-coding-systems" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [810191 810497])
+            ("list-coding-categories" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [810499 810605])
+            ("describe-font" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [810607 810767])
+            ("describe-fontset" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [810769 810923])
+            ("list-fontsets" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [810925 811197])
+            ("list-input-methods" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [811199 811303])
+            ("mule-diag" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [811305 811638])
+            ("font-show-log" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [811640 811879])
+            ("if" code nil nil [811881 812101])
+            ("store-substring" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [812251 812380])
+            ("truncate-string-to-width" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [812382 813648])
+            ("nested-alist-p" function (:arguments ("obj")) nil [813650 814105])
+            ("set-nested-alist" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [814107 814485])
+            ("lookup-nested-alist" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [814487 815130])
+            ("coding-system-post-read-conversion" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [815132 815292])
+            ("coding-system-pre-write-conversion" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [815294 815454])
+            ("coding-system-translation-table-for-decode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [815456 815628])
+            ("coding-system-translation-table-for-encode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [815630 815802])
+            ("with-coding-priority" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [815804 816169])
+            ("put" code nil nil [816170 816221])
+            ("detect-coding-with-priority" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [816223 816492])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [816494 816568])
+            ("detect-coding-with-language-environment" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [816570 816841])
+            ("char-displayable-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [816843 817195])
+            ("filepos-to-bufferpos" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [817197 817833])
+            ("bufferpos-to-filepos" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [817835 818477])
+            ("if" code nil nil [818479 818624])
+            ("if" code nil nil [818729 818841])
+            ("ifconfig" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [818963 819066])
+            ("iwconfig" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [819068 819171])
+            ("netstat" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [819173 819274])
+            ("arp" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [819276 819369])
+            ("route" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [819371 819468])
+            ("traceroute" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [819470 819565])
+            ("ping" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [819567 819723])
+            ("nslookup-host" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [819725 820085])
+            ("nslookup" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [820087 820160])
+            ("dns-lookup-host" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [820162 820526])
+            ("run-dig" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [820528 820873])
+            ("ftp" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [820875 820962])
+            ("finger" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [820964 821139])
+            ("whois" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [821141 821475])
+            ("whois-reverse-lookup" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [821477 821539])
+            ("network-connection-to-service" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [821541 821735])
+            ("network-connection" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [821737 821849])
+            ("if" code nil nil [821851 822187])
+            ("netrc-credentials" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [822297 822495])
+            ("if" code nil nil [822497 822592])
+            ("open-network-stream" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [822737 827180])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [827182 827235])
+            ("if" code nil nil [827237 827350])
+            ("newsticker-running-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [827492 827729])
+            ("newsticker-start" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [827731 828094])
+            ("if" code nil nil [828096 828204])
+            ("newsticker-plainview" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [828352 828447])
+            ("if" code nil nil [828449 828559])
+            ("newsticker-show-news" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [828698 828819])
+            ("if" code nil nil [828821 828928])
+            ("newsticker-ticker-running-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [829067 829322])
+            ("newsticker-start-ticker" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [829324 829524])
+            ("if" code nil nil [829526 829633])
+            ("newsticker-treeview" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [829778 829870])
+            ("if" code nil nil [829872 829981])
+            ("if" code nil nil [830106 830218])
+            ("if" code nil nil [830336 830435])
+            ("if" code nil nil [830553 830652])
+            ("nndiary-generate-nov-databases" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [830770 830907])
+            ("if" code nil nil [830909 831008])
+            ("if" code nil nil [831120 831215])
+            ("nndoc-add-type" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [831327 831675])
+            ("if" code nil nil [831677 831772])
+            ("if" code nil nil [831890 831989])
+            ("if" code nil nil [832113 832216])
+            ("nnfolder-generate-active-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [832337 832538])
+            ("if" code nil nil [832540 832641])
+            ("if" code nil nil [832765 832868])
+            ("if" code nil nil [832989 833129])
+            ("if" code nil nil [833244 833340])
+            ("if" code nil nil [833449 833550])
+            ("if" code nil nil [833665 833762])
+            ("if" code nil nil [833886 833989])
+            ("if" code nil nil [834110 834211])
+            ("if" code nil nil [834326 834423])
+            ("if" code nil nil [834532 834625])
+            ("nnml-generate-nov-databases" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [834734 834862])
+            ("if" code nil nil [834864 834957])
+            ("if" code nil nil [835069 835164])
+            ("if" code nil nil [835273 835384])
+            ("if" code nil nil [835511 835616])
+            ("if" code nil nil [835728 835823])
+            ("if" code nil nil [835941 836061])
+            ("if" code nil nil [836170 836263])
+            ("if" code nil nil [836387 836490])
+            ("if" code nil nil [836602 836697])
+            ("if" code nil nil [836823 836934])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [837039 837128])
+            ("disabled-command-function" variable (:default-value (quote disabled-command-function)) nil [837130 837308])
+            ("disabled-command-function" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [837310 837395])
+            ("enable-command" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [837397 837641])
+            ("disable-command" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [837643 837874])
+            ("if" code nil nil [837876 837984])
+            ("nroff-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [838129 838450])
+            ("if" code nil nil [838452 838552])
+            ("if" code nil nil [838656 838772])
+            ("push" code nil nil [838878 838935])
+            ("if" code nil nil [838937 839030])
+            ("if" code nil nil [839151 839248])
+            ("if" code nil nil [839375 839508])
+            ("nxml-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [839632 842180])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [842181 842212])
+            ("if" code nil nil [842214 842312])
+            ("if" code nil nil [842430 842529])
+            ("if" code nil nil [842656 842755])
+            ("if" code nil nil [842882 842981])
+            ("if" code nil nil [843102 843199])
+            ("if" code nil nil [843323 843421])
+            ("if" code nil nil [843528 843626])
+            ("if" code nil nil [843733 843838])
+            ("if" code nil nil [843945 844051])
+            ("push" code nil nil [844163 844220])
+            ("if" code nil nil [844222 844322])
+            ("if" code nil nil [844461 844567])
+            ("if" code nil nil [844680 844780])
+            ("if" code nil nil [844896 844997])
+            ("if" code nil nil [845122 845226])
+            ("if" code nil nil [845348 845458])
+            ("if" code nil nil [845571 845690])
+            ("if" code nil nil [845843 845938])
+            ("if" code nil nil [846051 846151])
+            ("if" code nil nil [846270 846366])
+            ("if" code nil nil [846479 846579])
+            ("push" code nil nil [846694 846752])
+            ("if" code nil nil [846754 846855])
+            ("if" code nil nil [846997 847104])
+            ("if" code nil nil [847220 847321])
+            ("if" code nil nil [847434 847528])
+            ("if" code nil nil [847647 847749])
+            ("if" code nil nil [847874 847978])
+            ("if" code nil nil [848103 848229])
+            ("if" code nil nil [848351 848454])
+            ("if" code nil nil [848579 848683])
+            ("if" code nil nil [848808 848912])
+            ("if" code nil nil [849022 849121])
+            ("if" code nil nil [849237 849338])
+            ("if" code nil nil [849448 849547])
+            ("if" code nil nil [849700 849801])
+            ("if" code nil nil [849920 850022])
+            ("if" code nil nil [850144 850247])
+            ("if" code nil nil [850375 850496])
+            ("if" code nil nil [850612 850713])
+            ("if" code nil nil [850863 850963])
+            ("if" code nil nil [851076 851176])
+            ("if" code nil nil [851304 851409])
+            ("if" code nil nil [851531 851634])
+            ("if" code nil nil [851756 851859])
+            ("if" code nil nil [851978 852080])
+            ("if" code nil nil [852202 852305])
+            ("if" code nil nil [852418 852518])
+            ("if" code nil nil [852634 852735])
+            ("if" code nil nil [852863 852968])
+            ("if" code nil nil [853096 853195])
+            ("if" code nil nil [853337 853444])
+            ("if" code nil nil [853566 853669])
+            ("if" code nil nil [853782 853882])
+            ("if" code nil nil [853998 854099])
+            ("if" code nil nil [854215 854316])
+            ("if" code nil nil [854438 854541])
+            ("if" code nil nil [854663 854766])
+            ("push" code nil nil [854878 854937])
+            ("if" code nil nil [854939 855039])
+            ("if" code nil nil [855158 855260])
+            ("if" code nil nil [855376 855477])
+            ("if" code nil nil [855590 855690])
+            ("if" code nil nil [855812 855915])
+            ("if" code nil nil [856031 856132])
+            ("if" code nil nil [856251 856347])
+            ("if" code nil nil [856506 856609])
+            ("if" code nil nil [856725 856826])
+            ("octave-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [856951 857397])
+            ("inferior-octave" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [857399 857966])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [857968 858007])
+            ("if" code nil nil [858009 858125])
+            ("if" code nil nil [858258 858355])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [858483 858549])
+            ("opascal-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [858551 859614])
+            ("if" code nil nil [859616 859715])
+            ("push" code nil nil [859818 859874])
+            ("org-babel-do-load-languages" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [859876 860008])
+            ("org-babel-load-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [860010 860370])
+            ("org-version" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [860372 860682])
+            ("turn-on-orgtbl" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [860684 860774])
+            ("org-clock-persistence-insinuate" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [860776 860880])
+            ("org-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [860882 861756])
+            ("org-cycle" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [861758 864160])
+            ("org-global-cycle" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [864162 864418])
+            ("put" code nil nil [864419 864487])
+            ("orgstruct-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [864489 864801])
+            ("turn-on-orgstruct" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [864803 864899])
+            ("turn-on-orgstruct++" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [864901 865001])
+            ("org-run-like-in-org-mode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [865003 865284])
+            ("org-store-link" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [865286 866026])
+            ("org-insert-link-global" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [866028 866190])
+            ("org-open-at-point-global" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [866192 866535])
+            ("org-open-link-from-string" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [866537 866685])
+            ("org-switchb" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [866687 866957])
+            ("org-cycle-agenda-files" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [866959 867199])
+            ("org-submit-bug-report" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [867201 867548])
+            ("org-reload" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [867550 867701])
+            ("org-customize" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [867703 867801])
+            ("if" code nil nil [867803 867915])
+            ("org-toggle-sticky-agenda" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [868040 868148])
+            ("org-agenda" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [868150 869882])
+            ("org-batch-agenda" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [869884 870322])
+            ("org-batch-agenda-csv" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [870324 872106])
+            ("org-store-agenda-views" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [872108 872209])
+            ("org-batch-store-agenda-views" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [872211 872356])
+            ("org-agenda-list" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [872358 873078])
+            ("org-search-view" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [873080 875438])
+            ("org-todo-list" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [875440 875822])
+            ("org-tags-view" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [875824 876038])
+            ("org-agenda-list-stuck-projects" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [876040 876344])
+            ("org-diary" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [876346 877509])
+            ("org-agenda-check-for-timestamp-as-reason-to-ignore-todo-item" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [877511 877704])
+            ("org-agenda-set-restriction-lock" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [877706 878062])
+            ("org-calendar-goto-agenda" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [878064 878267])
+            ("org-agenda-to-appt" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [878269 879517])
+            ("if" code nil nil [879519 879617])
+            ("if" code nil nil [879782 879881])
+            ("if" code nil nil [880043 880148])
+            ("if" code nil nil [880304 880405])
+            ("if" code nil nil [880530 880628])
+            ("org-capture-string" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [880756 880890])
+            ("org-capture" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [880892 882205])
+            ("org-capture-import-remember-templates" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [882207 882358])
+            ("if" code nil nil [882360 882459])
+            ("if" code nil nil [882618 882715])
+            ("org-columns-remove-overlays" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [882843 882958])
+            ("org-columns-get-format-and-top-level" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [882960 883042])
+            ("org-columns" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [883044 883560])
+            ("org-columns-compute" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [883562 883768])
+            ("org-dblock-write:columnview" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [883770 884894])
+            ("org-columns-insert-dblock" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [884896 885018])
+            ("org-agenda-columns" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [885020 885126])
+            ("if" code nil nil [885128 885227])
+            ("org-check-version" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [885352 885462])
+            ("if" code nil nil [885464 885562])
+            ("if" code nil nil [885684 885781])
+            ("if" code nil nil [885903 886006])
+            ("if" code nil nil [886174 886283])
+            ("if" code nil nil [886411 886518])
+            ("org-duration-set-regexps" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [886657 886755])
+            ("org-duration-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [886757 886861])
+            ("org-duration-to-minutes" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [886863 887280])
+            ("org-duration-from-minutes" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [887282 887669])
+            ("org-duration-h:mm-only-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [887671 888058])
+            ("if" code nil nil [888060 888169])
+            ("if" code nil nil [888334 888441])
+            ("if" code nil nil [888580 888685])
+            ("if" code nil nil [888810 888915])
+            ("if" code nil nil [889031 889130])
+            ("if" code nil nil [889252 889349])
+            ("if" code nil nil [889505 889606])
+            ("if" code nil nil [889774 889883])
+            ("if" code nil nil [890002 890103])
+            ("if" code nil nil [890225 890322])
+            ("if" code nil nil [890472 890569])
+            ("if" code nil nil [890731 890829])
+            ("if" code nil nil [890948 891049])
+            ("if" code nil nil [891194 891307])
+            ("if" code nil nil [891460 891559])
+            ("org-lint" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [891678 892063])
+            ("if" code nil nil [892065 892166])
+            ("if" code nil nil [892285 892381])
+            ("if" code nil nil [892503 892606])
+            ("org-load-noerror-mustsuffix" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [892725 892855])
+            ("if" code nil nil [892857 892953])
+            ("if" code nil nil [893069 893168])
+            ("if" code nil nil [893330 893435])
+            ("if" code nil nil [893557 893660])
+            ("if" code nil nil [893802 893925])
+            ("if" code nil nil [894081 894181])
+            ("if" code nil nil [894320 894429])
+            ("if" code nil nil [894551 894654])
+            ("if" code nil nil [894770 894865])
+            ("if" code nil nil [895024 895120])
+            ("if" code nil nil [895279 895382])
+            ("org-release" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [895510 895653])
+            ("org-git-version" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [895655 895798])
+            ("if" code nil nil [895914 896013])
+            ("put" code nil nil [896120 896171])
+            ("put" code nil nil [896172 896235])
+            ("outline-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [896237 897349])
+            ("outline-minor-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [897351 897680])
+            ("put" code nil nil [897681 897725])
+            ("if" code nil nil [897727 897826])
+            ("if" code nil nil [897964 898061])
+            ("if" code nil nil [898217 898319])
+            ("if" code nil nil [898478 898582])
+            ("if" code nil nil [898735 898835])
+            ("if" code nil nil [899003 899113])
+            ("if" code nil nil [899269 899371])
+            ("if" code nil nil [899521 899619])
+            ("if" code nil nil [899766 899862])
+            ("if" code nil nil [900012 900110])
+            ("if" code nil nil [900260 900358])
+            ("if" code nil nil [900520 900626])
+            ("if" code nil nil [900788 900894])
+            ("push" code nil nil [901023 901083])
+            ("package-enable-at-startup" variable (:default-value t) nil [901085 901472])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [901474 901530])
+            ("package-initialize" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [901532 902167])
+            ("package-import-keyring" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [902169 902268])
+            ("package-refresh-contents" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [902270 902658])
+            ("package-install" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [902660 903116])
+            ("package-install-from-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [903118 903613])
+            ("package-install-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [903615 903781])
+            ("package-install-selected-packages" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [903783 903977])
+            ("package-reinstall" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [903979 904139])
+            ("package-autoremove" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [904141 904362])
+            ("describe-package" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [904364 904481])
+            ("list-packages" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [904483 904833])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [904835 904883])
+            ("if" code nil nil [904885 905038])
+            ("if" code nil nil [905182 905283])
+            ("if" code nil nil [905414 905613])
+            ("show-paren-mode" variable nil nil [905715 906012])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [906014 906060])
+            ("show-paren-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [906062 906519])
+            ("if" code nil nil [906521 906621])
+            ("put" code nil nil [906763 906810])
+            ("parse-time-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [906812 907318])
+            ("if" code nil nil [907320 907420])
+            ("pascal-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [907545 909537])
+            ("if" code nil nil [909539 909655])
+            ("password-cache" variable (:default-value t) nil [909792 909849])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [909851 909903])
+            ("password-cache-expiry" variable (:default-value 16) nil [909905 910080])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [910082 910141])
+            ("password-in-cache-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [910143 910244])
+            ("if" code nil nil [910246 910353])
+            ("pcase" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [910477 913112])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [913114 913160])
+            ("pcase-exhaustive" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [913162 913352])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [913354 913411])
+            ("pcase-lambda" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [913413 913713])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [913715 913762])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [913764 913821])
+            ("pcase-let*" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [913823 914050])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [914052 914103])
+            ("pcase-let" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [914105 914493])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [914495 914545])
+            ("pcase-dolist" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [914547 914681])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [914683 914736])
+            ("pcase-defmacro" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [914738 914940])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [914942 914997])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [914999 915048])
+            ("if" code nil nil [915050 915145])
+            ("pcomplete/cvs" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [915259 915355])
+            ("if" code nil nil [915357 915460])
+            ("pcomplete/gzip" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [915574 915654])
+            ("pcomplete/bzip2" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [915656 915738])
+            ("pcomplete/make" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [915740 915824])
+            ("pcomplete/tar" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [915826 915918])
+            ("pcomplete/find" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [915920 916014])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [916016 916058])
+            ("if" code nil nil [916060 916163])
+            ("pcomplete/kill" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [916283 916399])
+            ("pcomplete/umount" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [916401 916497])
+            ("pcomplete/mount" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [916499 916593])
+            ("if" code nil nil [916595 916724])
+            ("pcomplete/rpm" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [916838 916928])
+            ("if" code nil nil [916930 917033])
+            ("pcomplete/cd" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [917150 917227])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [917229 917270])
+            ("pcomplete/rmdir" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [917272 917355])
+            ("pcomplete/rm" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [917357 917434])
+            ("pcomplete/xargs" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [917436 917519])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [917521 917564])
+            ("pcomplete/which" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [917566 917649])
+            ("pcomplete/chown" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [917651 917746])
+            ("pcomplete/chgrp" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [917748 917843])
+            ("pcomplete/ssh" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [917845 917942])
+            ("pcomplete/scp" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [917944 918099])
+            ("if" code nil nil [918101 918201])
+            ("pcomplete/tlmgr" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [918309 918401])
+            ("pcomplete/ack" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [918403 918571])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [918573 918618])
+            ("pcomplete/ag" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [918620 918706])
+            ("if" code nil nil [918708 918807])
+            ("pcomplete" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [918921 919178])
+            ("pcomplete-reverse" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [919180 919288])
+            ("pcomplete-expand-and-complete" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [919290 919447])
+            ("pcomplete-continue" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [919449 919563])
+            ("pcomplete-expand" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [919565 919709])
+            ("pcomplete-help" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [919711 919829])
+            ("pcomplete-list" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [919831 919950])
+            ("pcomplete-comint-setup" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [919952 920223])
+            ("pcomplete-shell-setup" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [920225 920326])
+            ("if" code nil nil [920328 920431])
+            ("cvs-checkout" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [920536 920803])
+            ("cvs-quickdir" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [920805 921185])
+            ("cvs-examine" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [921187 921695])
+            ("cvs-update" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [921697 922149])
+            ("cvs-status" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [922151 922596])
+            ("cvs-dired-action" variable (:default-value (quote cvs-quickdir)) nil [922598 922766])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [922768 922812])
+            ("cvs-dired-use-hook" variable (:default-value (quote (4))) nil [922814 923145])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [923147 923193])
+            ("cvs-dired-noselect" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [923195 923729])
+            ("if" code nil nil [923731 923840])
+            ("cvs-global-menu" variable (:default-value (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap "PCL-CVS"))) (define-key m [status] (\` (menu-item (\, (purecopy "Directory Status")) cvs-status :help (\, (purecopy "A more verbose status of a workarea"))))) (define-key m [checkout] (\` (menu-item (\, (purecopy "Checkout Module")) cvs-checkout :help (\, (purecopy "Check out a module from the repository"))))) (define-key m [update] (\` (menu-item (\, (purecopy "Update Directory")) cvs-update :help (\, (purecopy "Fetch updates from the repository"))))) (define-key m [examine] (\` (menu-item (\, (purecopy "Examine Directory")) cvs-examine :help (\, (purecopy "Examine the current state of a workarea"))))) (fset (quote cvs-global-menu) m))) nil [923960 924637])
+            ("if" code nil nil [924639 924736])
+            ("if" code nil nil [924856 924953])
+            ("if" code nil nil [925076 925174])
+            ("if" code nil nil [925294 925391])
+            ("put" code nil nil [925532 925587])
+            ("put" code nil nil [925588 925657])
+            ("put" code nil nil [925658 925723])
+            ("put" code nil nil [925724 925779])
+            ("put" code nil nil [925780 925845])
+            ("put" code nil nil [925846 925901])
+            ("perl-flymake" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [925903 926191])
+            ("perl-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [926193 928399])
+            ("if" code nil nil [928401 928538])
+            ("picture-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [928666 932424])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [932426 932464])
+            ("if" code nil nil [932466 932565])
+            ("pixel-scroll-mode" variable nil nil [932688 932993])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [932995 933050])
+            ("pixel-scroll-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [933052 933343])
+            ("if" code nil nil [933345 933447])
+            ("plstore-open" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [933555 933661])
+            ("plstore-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [933663 933752])
+            ("if" code nil nil [933754 933853])
+            ("po-find-file-coding-system" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [933966 934186])
+            ("if" code nil nil [934188 934277])
+            ("pong" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [934386 934636])
+            ("if" code nil nil [934638 934731])
+            ("pop3-movemail" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [934838 934973])
+            ("if" code nil nil [934975 935068])
+            ("pp-to-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [935183 935446])
+            ("pp-buffer" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [935448 935567])
+            ("pp" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [935569 935875])
+            ("pp-eval-expression" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [935877 936058])
+            ("pp-macroexpand-expression" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [936060 936181])
+            ("pp-eval-last-sexp" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [936183 936377])
+            ("pp-macroexpand-last-sexp" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [936379 936587])
+            ("if" code nil nil [936589 936678])
+            ("push" code nil nil [936788 936849])
+            ("pr-interface" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [936851 937071])
+            ("pr-ps-directory-preview" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [937073 937922])
+            ("pr-ps-directory-using-ghostscript" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [937924 938802])
+            ("pr-ps-directory-print" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [938804 939658])
+            ("pr-ps-directory-ps-print" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [939660 940585])
+            ("pr-ps-buffer-preview" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [940587 941225])
+            ("pr-ps-buffer-using-ghostscript" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [941227 941885])
+            ("pr-ps-buffer-print" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [941887 942521])
+            ("pr-ps-buffer-ps-print" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [942523 943228])
+            ("pr-ps-region-preview" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [943230 943380])
+            ("pr-ps-region-using-ghostscript" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [943382 943571])
+            ("pr-ps-region-print" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [943573 943726])
+            ("pr-ps-region-ps-print" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [943728 943910])
+            ("pr-ps-mode-preview" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [943912 944064])
+            ("pr-ps-mode-using-ghostscript" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [944066 944257])
+            ("pr-ps-mode-print" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [944259 944414])
+            ("pr-ps-mode-ps-print" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [944416 944592])
+            ("pr-printify-directory" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [944594 945157])
+            ("pr-printify-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [945159 945440])
+            ("pr-printify-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [945442 945723])
+            ("pr-txt-directory" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [945725 946093])
+            ("pr-txt-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [946095 946181])
+            ("pr-txt-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [946183 946269])
+            ("pr-txt-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [946271 946359])
+            ("pr-despool-preview" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [946361 946852])
+            ("pr-despool-using-ghostscript" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [946854 947362])
+            ("pr-despool-print" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [947364 947860])
+            ("pr-despool-ps-print" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [947862 948392])
+            ("pr-ps-file-preview" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [948394 948495])
+            ("pr-ps-file-up-preview" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [948497 948627])
+            ("pr-ps-file-using-ghostscript" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [948629 948756])
+            ("pr-ps-file-print" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [948758 948855])
+            ("pr-ps-file-ps-print" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [948857 948998])
+            ("pr-ps-file-up-ps-print" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [949000 949917])
+            ("pr-toggle-file-duplex" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [949919 950015])
+            ("pr-toggle-file-tumble" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [950017 950275])
+            ("pr-toggle-file-landscape" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [950277 950379])
+            ("pr-toggle-ghostscript" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [950381 950477])
+            ("pr-toggle-faces" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [950479 950562])
+            ("pr-toggle-spool" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [950564 950636])
+            ("pr-toggle-duplex" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [950638 950709])
+            ("pr-toggle-tumble" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [950711 950944])
+            ("pr-toggle-landscape" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [950946 951023])
+            ("pr-toggle-upside-down" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [951025 951106])
+            ("pr-toggle-line" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [951108 951182])
+            ("pr-toggle-zebra" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [951184 951261])
+            ("pr-toggle-header" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [951263 951343])
+            ("pr-toggle-header-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [951345 951437])
+            ("pr-toggle-lock" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [951439 951511])
+            ("pr-toggle-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [951513 951622])
+            ("pr-toggle-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [951624 951696])
+            ("pr-customize" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [951698 951802])
+            ("lpr-customize" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [951804 951904])
+            ("pr-help" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [951906 951997])
+            ("pr-ps-name" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [951999 952092])
+            ("pr-txt-name" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [952094 952182])
+            ("pr-ps-utility" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [952184 952280])
+            ("pr-show-ps-setup" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [952282 952383])
+            ("pr-show-pr-setup" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [952385 952486])
+            ("pr-show-lpr-setup" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [952488 952585])
+            ("pr-ps-fast-fire" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [952587 955099])
+            ("pr-txt-fast-fire" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [955101 956091])
+            ("if" code nil nil [956093 956200])
+            ("proced" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [956305 956661])
+            ("if" code nil nil [956663 956760])
+            ("profiler-start" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [956871 957145])
+            ("profiler-find-profile" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [957147 957240])
+            ("profiler-find-profile-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [957242 957348])
+            ("profiler-find-profile-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [957350 957455])
+            ("if" code nil nil [957457 957558])
+            ("project-current" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [957686 958055])
+            ("project-find-regexp" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [958057 958541])
+            ("project-or-external-find-regexp" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [958543 958777])
+            ("project-find-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [958779 958969])
+            ("project-or-external-find-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [958971 959191])
+            ("if" code nil nil [959193 959292])
+            ("prolog-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [959417 959824])
+            ("mercury-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [959826 959965])
+            ("run-prolog" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [959967 960161])
+            ("if" code nil nil [960163 960279])
+            ("bdf-directory-list" variable (:default-value (if (memq system-type (quote (ms-dos windows-nt))) (list (expand-file-name "fonts/bdf" installation-directory)) (quote ("/usr/local/share/emacs/fonts/bdf")))) nil [960384 960672])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [960674 960722])
+            ("if" code nil nil [960724 960818])
+            ("push" code nil nil [960945 961005])
+            ("ps-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [961007 962084])
+            ("if" code nil nil [962086 962180])
+            ("if" code nil nil [962325 962424])
+            ("push" code nil nil [962534 962595])
+            ("ps-page-dimensions-database" variable (:default-value (purecopy (list (list (quote a4) (/ (* 72 21.0) 2.54) (/ (* 72 29.7) 2.54) "A4") (list (quote a3) (/ (* 72 29.7) 2.54) (/ (* 72 42.0) 2.54) "A3") (list (quote letter) (* 72 8.5) (* 72 11.0) "Letter") (list (quote legal) (* 72 8.5) (* 72 14.0) "Legal") (list (quote letter-small) (* 72 7.68) (* 72 10.16) "LetterSmall") (list (quote tabloid) (* 72 11.0) (* 72 17.0) "Tabloid") (list (quote ledger) (* 72 17.0) (* 72 11.0) "Ledger") (list (quote statement) (* 72 5.5) (* 72 8.5) "Statement") (list (quote executive) (* 72 7.5) (* 72 10.0) "Executive") (list (quote a4small) (* 72 7.47) (* 72 10.85) "A4Small") (list (quote b4) (* 72 10.125) (* 72 14.33) "B4") (list (quote b5) (* 72 7.16) (* 72 10.125) "B5") (quote (addresslarge 236.0 99.0 "AddressLarge")) (quote (addresssmall 236.0 68.0 "AddressSmall")) (quote (cuthanging13 90.0 222.0 "CutHanging13")) (quote (cuthanging15 90.0 114.0 "CutHanging15")) (quote (diskette 181.0 136.0 "Diskette")) (quote (eurofilefolder 139.0 112.0 "EuropeanFilefolder")) (quote (eurofoldernarrow 526.0 107.0 "EuroFolderNarrow")) (quote (eurofolderwide 526.0 136.0 "EuroFolderWide")) (quote (euronamebadge 189.0 108.0 "EuroNameBadge")) (quote (euronamebadgelarge 223.0 136.0 "EuroNameBadgeLarge")) (quote (filefolder 230.0 37.0 "FileFolder")) (quote (jewelry 76.0 136.0 "Jewelry")) (quote (mediabadge 180.0 136.0 "MediaBadge")) (quote (multipurpose 126.0 68.0 "MultiPurpose")) (quote (retaillabel 90.0 104.0 "RetailLabel")) (quote (shipping 271.0 136.0 "Shipping")) (quote (slide35mm 26.0 104.0 "Slide35mm")) (quote (spine8mm 187.0 26.0 "Spine8mm")) (quote (topcoated 425.19685 136.0 "TopCoatedPaper")) (quote (topcoatedpaper 396.0 136.0 "TopcoatedPaper150")) (quote (vhsface 205.0 127.0 "VHSFace")) (quote (vhsspine 400.0 50.0 "VHSSpine")) (quote (zipdisk 156.0 136.0 "ZipDisk"))))) nil [962597 964302])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [964304 964363])
+            ("ps-paper-type" variable (:default-value (quote letter)) nil [964365 964554])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [964556 964601])
+            ("ps-print-color-p" variable (:default-value (or (fboundp (quote x-color-values)) (fboundp (quote color-instance-rgb-components)))) nil [964603 964940])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [964942 964990])
+            ("ps-print-customize" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [964992 965083])
+            ("ps-print-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [965085 965600])
+            ("ps-print-buffer-with-faces" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [965602 965942])
+            ("ps-print-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [965944 966139])
+            ("ps-print-region-with-faces" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [966141 966489])
+            ("ps-spool-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [966491 966788])
+            ("ps-spool-buffer-with-faces" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [966790 967196])
+            ("ps-spool-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [967198 967455])
+            ("ps-spool-region-with-faces" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [967457 967867])
+            ("ps-despool" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [967869 968378])
+            ("ps-line-lengths" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [968380 968624])
+            ("ps-nb-pages-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [968626 968814])
+            ("ps-nb-pages-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [968816 969003])
+            ("ps-setup" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [969005 969103])
+            ("ps-extend-face-list" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [969105 969602])
+            ("ps-extend-face" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [969604 970691])
+            ("if" code nil nil [970693 970788])
+            ("if" code nil nil [970896 970990])
+            ("push" code nil nil [971103 971159])
+            ("pulse-momentary-highlight-one-line" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [971161 971390])
+            ("pulse-momentary-highlight-region" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [971392 971623])
+            ("if" code nil nil [971625 971720])
+            ("if" code nil nil [971827 971920])
+            ("push" code nil nil [972044 972104])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [972106 972183])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [972185 972269])
+            ("run-python" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [972271 973059])
+            ("python-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [973061 973168])
+            ("if" code nil nil [973170 973312])
+            ("quoted-printable-decode-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [973415 973957])
+            ("if" code nil nil [973959 974062])
+            ("quail-title" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [974192 974289])
+            ("quail-use-package" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [974291 974586])
+            ("quail-define-package" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [974588 978765])
+            ("quail-set-keyboard-layout" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [978767 979205])
+            ("quail-show-keyboard-layout" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [979207 979442])
+            ("quail-define-rules" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [979444 980915])
+            ("quail-install-map" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [980917 981201])
+            ("quail-install-decode-map" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [981203 981529])
+            ("quail-defrule" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [981531 982799])
+            ("quail-defrule-internal" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [982801 983239])
+            ("quail-update-leim-list-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [983241 983816])
+            ("if" code nil nil [983818 983913])
+            ("if" code nil nil [984060 984184])
+            ("hangul-input-method-activate" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [984325 984581])
+            ("if" code nil nil [984583 984708])
+            ("if" code nil nil [984849 984963])
+            ("if" code nil nil [985087 985192])
+            ("if" code nil nil [985339 985452])
+            ("if" code nil nil [985576 985704])
+            ("if" code nil nil [985828 985949])
+            ("if" code nil nil [986093 986225])
+            ("if" code nil nil [986352 986469])
+            ("if" code nil nil [986613 986730])
+            ("ucs-input-activate" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [986880 987174])
+            ("if" code nil nil [987176 987285])
+            ("if" code nil nil [987412 987529])
+            ("quickurl-reread-hook-postfix" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "

+;; Local Variables:

+;; eval: (progn (require 'quickurl) (add-hook 'local-write-file-hooks (lambda () (quickurl-read) nil)))

+;; End:

+                nil [987648 988169])
+            ("quickurl" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [988171 988419])
+            ("quickurl-ask" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [988421 988542])
+            ("quickurl-add-url" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [988544 988774])
+            ("quickurl-browse-url" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [988776 989044])
+            ("quickurl-browse-url-ask" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [989046 989187])
+            ("quickurl-edit-urls" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [989189 989304])
+            ("quickurl-list-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [989306 989483])
+            ("quickurl-list" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [989485 989610])
+            ("if" code nil nil [989612 989713])
+            ("if" code nil nil [989860 989965])
+            ("rcirc" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [990075 990287])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [990289 990311])
+            ("rcirc-connect" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [990313 990463])
+            ("rcirc-track-minor-mode" variable nil nil [990465 990790])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [990792 990845])
+            ("rcirc-track-minor-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [990847 991132])
+            ("if" code nil nil [991134 991278])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [991425 991463])
+            ("re-builder" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [991465 991853])
+            ("if" code nil nil [991855 991982])
+            ("recentf-mode" variable nil nil [992090 992375])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [992377 992422])
+            ("recentf-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [992424 992846])
+            ("if" code nil nil [992848 992947])
+            ("delete-rectangle" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [993046 993474])
+            ("delete-extract-rectangle" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [993476 993851])
+            ("extract-rectangle" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [993853 994054])
+            ("kill-rectangle" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [994056 994704])
+            ("copy-rectangle-as-kill" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [994706 994836])
+            ("yank-rectangle" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [994838 994952])
+            ("insert-rectangle" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [994954 995325])
+            ("open-rectangle" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [995327 995761])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [995763 995819])
+            ("delete-whitespace-rectangle" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [995821 996312])
+            ("string-rectangle" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [996314 996707])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [996709 996756])
+            ("string-insert-rectangle" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [996758 997103])
+            ("clear-rectangle" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [997105 997449])
+            ("rectangle-number-lines" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [997451 997843])
+            ("rectangle-mark-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [997845 998025])
+            ("if" code nil nil [998027 998261])
+            ("if" code nil nil [998386 998480])
+            ("if" code nil nil [998602 998697])
+            ("refill-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [998822 999337])
+            ("if" code nil nil [999339 999436])
+            ("reftex-citation" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [999560 999607])
+            ("reftex-all-document-files" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [999608 999660])
+            ("reftex-isearch-minor-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [999661 999720])
+            ("reftex-index-phrases-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [999721 999779])
+            ("turn-on-reftex" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [999781 999856])
+            ("reftex-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [999858 1001269])
+            ("reftex-reset-scanning-information" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1001271 1001456])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1001458 1001555])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1001729 1001830])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1002007 1002109])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1002283 1002384])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1002567 1002671])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1002851 1002954])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1003134 1003237])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1003411 1003512])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1003686 1003787])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1003961 1004062])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1004209 1004301])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1004302 1004394])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1004395 1004452])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1004453 1004535])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1004537 1004639])
+            ("regexp-opt" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1004786 1006327])
+            ("regexp-opt-depth" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1006329 1006524])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1006526 1006631])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1006751 1006806])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1006808 1006901])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1007012 1007113])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1007243 1007302])
+            ("remember" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1007304 1007581])
+            ("remember-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1007583 1007695])
+            ("remember-clipboard" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1007697 1007863])
+            ("remember-diary-extract-entries" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1007865 1007976])
+            ("remember-notes" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1007978 1008932])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1008934 1009035])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1009139 1009197])
+            ("repeat" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1009199 1009887])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1009889 1009986])
+            ("reporter-submit-bug-report" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1010107 1011313])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1011315 1011416])
+            ("reposition-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1011533 1012663])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1012665 1012783])
+            ("reveal-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1012888 1013271])
+            ("global-reveal-mode" variable nil nil [1013273 1013582])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1013584 1013634])
+            ("global-reveal-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1013636 1013990])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1013992 1014089])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1014233 1014332])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1014450 1014562])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1014680 1014779])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1014895 1014994])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1015112 1015211])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1015329 1015428])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1015543 1015640])
+            ("ring-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1015761 1015847])
+            ("make-ring" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1015849 1015945])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1015947 1016040])
+            ("rlogin" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1016153 1017878])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1017880 1017977])
+            ("rmail-file-name" variable (:default-value (purecopy "~/RMAIL")) nil [1018089 1018172])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1018174 1018218])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1018220 1018448])
+            ("rmail-spool-directory" variable (:default-value (purecopy (cond ((file-exists-p "/var/mail") "/var/mail/") ((file-exists-p "/var/spool/mail") "/var/spool/mail/") ((memq system-type (quote (hpux usg-unix-v))) "/usr/mail/") (t "/usr/spool/mail/")))) nil [1018450 1018775])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1018777 1018827])
+            ("custom-initialize-delay" code nil nil [1018828 1018880])
+            ("rmail-movemail-variant-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1018882 1019075])
+            ("rmail-user-mail-address-regexp" variable nil nil [1019077 1019697])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1019699 1019758])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [1019760 1019852])
+            ("rmail-default-dont-reply-to-names" variable nil nil [1019854 1020058])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [1020060 1020152])
+            ("rmail-ignored-headers" variable (:default-value (purecopy (concat "^via:\\|^mail-from:\\|^origin:\\|^references:\\|^sender:" "\\|^status:\\|^received:\\|^x400-originator:\\|^x400-recipients:" "\\|^x400-received:\\|^x400-mts-identifier:\\|^x400-content-type:" "\\|^\\(resent-\\|\\)message-id:\\|^summary-line:\\|^resent-date:" "\\|^nntp-posting-host:\\|^path:\\|^x-char.*:\\|^x-face:\\|^face:" "\\|^x-mailer:\\|^delivered-to:\\|^lines:" "\\|^content-transfer-encoding:\\|^x-coding-system:" "\\|^return-path:\\|^errors-to:\\|^return-receipt-to:" "\\|^precedence:\\|^mime-version:" "\\|^list-owner:\\|^list-help:\\|^list-post:\\|^list-subscribe:" "\\|^list-id:\\|^list-unsubscribe:\\|^list-archive:" "\\|^content-length:\\|^nntp-posting-date:\\|^user-agent" "\\|^importance:\\|^envelope-to:\\|^delivery-date\\|^openpgp:" "\\|^mbox-line:\\|^cancel-lock:" "\\|^DomainKey-Signature:\\|^dkim-signature:" "\\|^ARC-.*:" "\\|^Received-SPF:" "\\|^Authentication-Results:" "\\|^resent-face:\\|^resent-x.*:\\|^resent-organization:\\|^resent-openpgp:" "\\|^x-.*:"))) nil [1020154 1021633])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1021635 1021685])
+            ("rmail-displayed-headers" variable nil nil [1021687 1021867])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1021869 1021921])
+            ("rmail-retry-ignored-headers" variable (:default-value (purecopy "^x-authentication-warning:\\|^x-detected-operating-system:\\|^x-spam[-a-z]*:\\|content-type:\\|content-transfer-encoding:\\|mime-version:\\|message-id:")) nil [1021923 1022192])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1022194 1022250])
+            ("rmail-highlighted-headers" variable (:default-value (purecopy "^From:\\|^Subject:")) nil [1022252 1022462])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1022464 1022518])
+            ("rmail-primary-inbox-list" variable nil nil [1022520 1022883])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1022885 1022938])
+            ("rmail-secondary-file-directory" variable (:default-value (purecopy "~/")) nil [1022940 1023047])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1023049 1023108])
+            ("rmail-secondary-file-regexp" variable (:default-value (purecopy "\\.xmail$")) nil [1023110 1023223])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1023225 1023281])
+            ("rmail-mode-hook" variable nil nil [1023283 1023364])
+            ("rmail-show-message-hook" variable nil nil [1023366 1023463])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1023465 1023517])
+            ("rmail-file-coding-system" variable nil nil [1023519 1023626])
+            ("rmail-insert-mime-forwarded-message-function" variable nil nil [1023628 1024000])
+            ("rmail" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1024002 1024583])
+            ("rmail-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1024585 1027928])
+            ("rmail-input" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1027930 1028015])
+            ("rmail-set-remote-password" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1028017 1028159])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1028161 1028264])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1028420 1028534])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1028695 1028794])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1028952 1029050])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1029205 1029302])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1029422 1029476])
+            ("rmail-output" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1029478 1030738])
+            ("rmail-output-as-seen" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1030740 1031290])
+            ("rmail-output-body-to-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1031292 1031876])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1031878 1031976])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1032137 1032236])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1032394 1032492])
+            ("read-multiple-choice" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1032610 1033980])
+            ("rng-c-load-schema" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1034104 1034247])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1034249 1034346])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1034461 1034558])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1034676 1034771])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1034895 1034992])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1035116 1035213])
+            ("rng-nxml-mode-init" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1035334 1035577])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1035579 1035675])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1035799 1035902])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1036026 1036123])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1036241 1036336])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1036457 1036553])
+            ("rng-validate-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1036677 1037975])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1037977 1038074])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1038192 1038277])
+            ("rng-xsd-compile" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1038279 1039370])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1039372 1039502])
+            ("robin-define-package" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1039632 1040075])
+            ("robin-modify-package" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1040077 1040363])
+            ("robin-use-package" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1040365 1040477])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1040479 1040574])
+            ("rot13" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1040676 1040962])
+            ("rot13-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1040964 1041057])
+            ("rot13-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1041059 1041184])
+            ("rot13-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1041186 1041558])
+            ("toggle-rot13-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1041560 1041671])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1041673 1041768])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [1041884 1041953])
+            ("rst-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1041955 1042217])
+            ("rst-minor-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1042219 1042636])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1042638 1042729])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1042831 1042926])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1043067 1043127])
+            ("ruby-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1043129 1043213])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [1043215 1043473])
+            ("dolist" code nil nil [1043475 1043610])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1043612 1043710])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1043826 1043887])
+            ("ruler-mode" variable nil nil [1043889 1044004])
+            ("ruler-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1044006 1044281])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1044283 1044383])
+            ("rx-to-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1044498 1044728])
+            ("rx" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1044730 1053566])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1053568 1053657])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1053764 1053857])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1053979 1054086])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1054214 1054325])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1054446 1054501])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1054503 1054606])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1054751 1054860])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1054970 1055028])
+            ("savehist-mode" variable nil nil [1055030 1055319])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1055321 1055368])
+            ("savehist-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1055370 1056051])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1056053 1056154])
+            ("save-place-mode" variable nil nil [1056268 1056565])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1056567 1056617])
+            ("save-place-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1056619 1056861])
+            ("save-place-local-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1056863 1057355])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1057357 1057494])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1057605 1057726])
+            ("scheme-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1057851 1058682])
+            ("dsssl-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1058684 1059130])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1059132 1059238])
+            ("gnus-score-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1059365 1059524])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1059526 1059645])
+            ("scroll-all-mode" variable nil nil [1059762 1060059])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1060061 1060112])
+            ("scroll-all-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1060114 1060534])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1060536 1060641])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1060758 1060968])
+            ("scroll-lock-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1061088 1061584])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1061586 1061693])
+            ("when" code nil nil [1061808 1061885])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1061887 1061986])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1062108 1062167])
+            ("semantic-default-submodes" variable (:default-value (quote (global-semantic-idle-scheduler-mode global-semanticdb-minor-mode))) nil [1062169 1063718])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1063720 1063777])
+            ("semantic-mode" variable nil nil [1063779 1064068])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1064070 1064117])
+            ("semantic-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1064119 1064680])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1064682 1064794])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1064978 1065088])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1065299 1065425])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1065598 1065720])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1065887 1066008])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1066207 1066321])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1066502 1066610])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1066797 1066926])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1067096 1067210])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1067400 1067541])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1067734 1067846])
+            ("bovine-grammar-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1068022 1068136])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1068138 1068252])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1068448 1068577])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1068770 1068882])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1069031 1069144])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1069331 1069441])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1069616 1069722])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1069891 1069997])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1070155 1070267])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1070431 1070556])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1070705 1070832])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1071016 1071127])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1071311 1071422])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1071612 1071725])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1071898 1072033])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1072217 1072328])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1072480 1072594])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1072793 1072909])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1073087 1073200])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1073358 1073468])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1073679 1073808])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1074010 1074160])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1074332 1074500])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1074672 1074780])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1074947 1075064])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1075239 1075345])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1075520 1075626])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1075807 1075915])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1076055 1076158])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1076313 1076422])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1076586 1076710])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1076885 1077010])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1077179 1077286])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1077464 1077575])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1077750 1077923])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1078101 1078208])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1078354 1078460])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1078632 1078750])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1078934 1079065])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1079264 1079414])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1079554 1079661])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1079839 1079946])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1080130 1080262])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1080437 1080543])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1080724 1080839])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1081041 1081178])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1081351 1081473])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1081675 1081812])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1082008 1082128])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1082333 1082472])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1082668 1082788])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1082960 1083065])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1083252 1083376])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1083557 1083665])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1083855 1083976])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1084151 1084257])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1084403 1084509])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1084702 1084814])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1084966 1085094])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1085261 1085372])
+            ("wisent-grammar-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1085548 1085662])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1085664 1085778])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1085989 1086133])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1086347 1086510])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1086712 1086854])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1087027 1087169])
+            ("mail-from-style" variable (:default-value (quote default)) nil [1087290 1087696])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1087698 1087745])
+            ("mail-specify-envelope-from" variable nil nil [1087747 1088203])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1088205 1088263])
+            ("mail-self-blind" variable nil nil [1088265 1088466])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1088468 1088515])
+            ("mail-interactive" variable (:default-value t) nil [1088517 1088674])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1088676 1088724])
+            ("send-mail-function" variable (:default-value (if (and (boundp (quote smtpmail-smtp-server)) smtpmail-smtp-server) (quote smtpmail-send-it) (quote sendmail-query-once))) nil [1088726 1089186])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1089188 1089238])
+            ("mail-header-separator" variable (:default-value (purecopy "--text follows this line--")) nil [1089240 1089382])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1089384 1089437])
+            ("mail-archive-file-name" variable nil nil [1089439 1089632])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1089634 1089688])
+            ("mail-default-reply-to" variable nil nil [1089690 1089889])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1089891 1089944])
+            ("mail-personal-alias-file" variable (:default-value (purecopy "~/.mailrc")) nil [1089946 1090208])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1090210 1090266])
+            ("mail-setup-hook" variable nil nil [1090268 1090366])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1090368 1090415])
+            ("mail-aliases" variable (:default-value t) nil [1090417 1090723])
+            ("mail-yank-prefix" variable (:default-value "> ") nil [1090725 1090894])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1090896 1090944])
+            ("mail-indentation-spaces" variable (:default-value 3) nil [1090946 1091105])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1091107 1091162])
+            ("mail-citation-hook" variable nil nil [1091164 1091660])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1091662 1091712])
+            ("mail-citation-prefix-regexp" variable (:default-value (purecopy "\\([ 	]*\\(\\w\\|[_.]\\)+>+\\|[ 	]*[]>|]\\)+")) nil [1091714 1092087])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1092089 1092148])
+            ("mail-signature" variable (:default-value t) nil [1092150 1092598])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1092600 1092646])
+            ("mail-signature-file" variable (:default-value (purecopy "~/.signature")) nil [1092648 1092763])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1092765 1092816])
+            ("mail-default-directory" variable (:default-value (purecopy "~/")) nil [1092818 1093086])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1093088 1093142])
+            ("mail-default-headers" variable nil nil [1093144 1093382])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1093384 1093436])
+            ("sendmail-query-once" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1093438 1093618])
+            ("define-mail-user-agent" code nil nil [1093620 1093714])
+            ("sendmail-user-agent-compose" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1093716 1093899])
+            ("mail-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1093901 1095029])
+            ("mail-mailing-lists" variable nil nil [1095031 1095243])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1095245 1095295])
+            ("sendmail-coding-system" variable nil nil [1095297 1095616])
+            ("default-sendmail-coding-system" variable (:default-value (quote iso-latin-1)) nil [1095618 1096094])
+            ("mail" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1096096 1098284])
+            ("mail-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1098286 1098475])
+            ("mail-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1098477 1098664])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1098666 1098775])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1098892 1098947])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1098949 1099040])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1099145 1099187])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1099189 1099231])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1099233 1099279])
+            ("server-name" variable (:default-value "server") nil [1099281 1099478])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1099480 1099521])
+            ("server-start" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1099523 1100270])
+            ("server-force-delete" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1100272 1100505])
+            ("server-mode" variable nil nil [1100507 1100788])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1100790 1100833])
+            ("server-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1100835 1101222])
+            ("server-save-buffers-kill-terminal" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1101224 1101539])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1101541 1101638])
+            ("ses-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1101734 1103183])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1103185 1103295])
+            ("sgml-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1103437 1104158])
+            ("html-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1104160 1105969])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1105971 1106077])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1106218 1106280])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1106281 1106326])
+            ("sh-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1106328 1108908])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [1108910 1108948])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1108950 1109046])
+            ("list-load-path-shadows" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1109173 1111114])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1111116 1111224])
+            ("shadow-define-cluster" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1111341 1111781])
+            ("shadow-define-literal-group" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1111783 1112124])
+            ("shadow-define-regexp-group" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1112126 1112582])
+            ("shadow-initialize" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1112584 1112666])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1112668 1112768])
+            ("shell-dumb-shell-regexp" variable (:default-value (purecopy "cmd\\(proxy\\)?\\.exe")) nil [1112870 1113221])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1113223 1113275])
+            ("shell" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1113277 1114937])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1114939 1115053])
+            ("shr-render-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1115157 1115300])
+            ("shr-insert-document" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1115302 1115500])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1115502 1115593])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1115715 1115818])
+            ("sieve-manage" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1115928 1116000])
+            ("sieve-upload" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1116002 1116067])
+            ("sieve-upload-and-bury" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1116069 1116143])
+            ("sieve-upload-and-kill" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1116145 1116219])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1116221 1116316])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1116455 1116557])
+            ("sieve-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1116682 1117025])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1117027 1117127])
+            ("simula-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1117252 1119397])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1119399 1119496])
+            ("skeleton-filter-function" variable (:default-value (quote identity)) nil [1119607 1119724])
+            ("define-skeleton" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1119726 1119973])
+            ("function-put" code nil nil [1119975 1120025])
+            ("skeleton-proxy-new" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1120027 1120609])
+            ("skeleton-insert" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1120611 1124153])
+            ("skeleton-pair-insert-maybe" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1124155 1124881])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1124883 1124984])
+            ("smerge-refine-regions" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1125110 1126043])
+            ("smerge-ediff" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1126045 1126263])
+            ("smerge-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1126265 1126569])
+            ("smerge-start-session" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1126571 1126752])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1126754 1126856])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1126977 1127070])
+            ("smiley-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1127185 1127355])
+            ("smiley-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1127357 1127558])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1127560 1127682])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1127794 1127888])
+            ("smtpmail-send-it" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1128009 1128068])
+            ("smtpmail-send-queued-mail" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1128070 1128207])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1128209 1128310])
+            ("snake" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1128422 1128986])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1128988 1129083])
+            ("snmp-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1129205 1129582])
+            ("snmpv2-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1129584 1129967])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1129969 1130066])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1130193 1130257])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1130259 1130359])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1130498 1130599])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1130709 1130804])
+            ("sunrise-sunset" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1130924 1131318])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1131320 1131450])
+            ("solitaire" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1131574 1133238])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1133240 1133343])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1133441 1133493])
+            ("sort-subr" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1133495 1135646])
+            ("sort-lines" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1135648 1135988])
+            ("sort-paragraphs" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1135990 1136340])
+            ("sort-pages" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1136342 1136682])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1136683 1136738])
+            ("sort-numeric-fields" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1136740 1137317])
+            ("sort-fields" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1137319 1137777])
+            ("sort-regexp-fields" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1137779 1138890])
+            ("sort-columns" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1138892 1139685])
+            ("reverse-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1139687 1139850])
+            ("delete-duplicate-lines" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1139852 1140797])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1140799 1140892])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1141000 1141098])
+            ("spam-initialize" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1141207 1141567])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1141569 1141662])
+            ("spam-report-process-queue" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1141800 1142129])
+            ("spam-report-url-ping-mm-url" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1142131 1142354])
+            ("spam-report-url-to-file" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1142356 1142561])
+            ("spam-report-agentize" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1142563 1142814])
+            ("spam-report-deagentize" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1142816 1143012])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1143014 1143121])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1143245 1143380])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1143504 1143602])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [1143713 1143754])
+            ("speedbar-frame-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1143756 1144215])
+            ("speedbar-get-focus" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1144217 1144463])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1144465 1144566])
+            ("spook" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1144678 1144776])
+            ("snarf-spooks" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1144778 1144893])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1144895 1144996])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1145111 1145165])
+            ("sql-add-product-keywords" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1145167 1145905])
+            ("sql-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1145907 1146999])
+            ("sql-connect" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1147001 1147327])
+            ("sql-product-interactive" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1147329 1147884])
+            ("sql-oracle" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1147886 1149111])
+            ("sql-sybase" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1149113 1150349])
+            ("sql-informix" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1150351 1151469])
+            ("sql-sqlite" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1151471 1152725])
+            ("sql-mysql" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1152727 1154003])
+            ("sql-solid" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1154005 1155138])
+            ("sql-ingres" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1155140 1156243])
+            ("sql-ms" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1156245 1157464])
+            ("sql-postgres" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1157466 1158961])
+            ("sql-interbase" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1158963 1160116])
+            ("sql-db2" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1160118 1161445])
+            ("sql-linter" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1161447 1162658])
+            ("sql-vertica" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1162660 1162756])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1162758 1162849])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1162968 1163026])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1163028 1163134])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1163277 1163381])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1163562 1163669])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1163838 1163941])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1164084 1164188])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1164349 1164459])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1164643 1164760])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1164926 1165054])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1165247 1165358])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1165510 1165624])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1165773 1165879])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1166031 1166152])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1166295 1166399])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1166577 1166683])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1166861 1166967])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1167136 1167239])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1167411 1167515])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1167670 1167787])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1167956 1168064])
+            ("srecode-template-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1168219 1168327])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [1168329 1168372])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1168374 1168494])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1168640 1168764])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1168948 1169071])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1169243 1169382])
+            ("starttls-open-stream" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1169501 1170352])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1170354 1170455])
+            ("strokes-global-set-stroke" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1170563 1170997])
+            ("strokes-read-stroke" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1170999 1171435])
+            ("strokes-read-complex-stroke" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1171437 1171916])
+            ("strokes-do-stroke" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1171918 1172082])
+            ("strokes-do-complex-stroke" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1172084 1172257])
+            ("strokes-describe-stroke" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1172259 1172401])
+            ("strokes-help" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1172403 1172500])
+            ("strokes-load-user-strokes" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1172502 1172627])
+            ("strokes-list-strokes" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1172629 1172975])
+            ("strokes-mode" variable nil nil [1172977 1173262])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1173264 1173309])
+            ("strokes-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1173311 1174090])
+            ("strokes-decode-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1174092 1174361])
+            ("strokes-compose-complex-stroke" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1174363 1174500])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1174502 1174601])
+            ("studlify-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1174716 1174805])
+            ("studlify-word" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1174807 1174933])
+            ("studlify-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1174935 1175022])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1175149 1175314])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [1175442 1175519])
+            ("subword-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1175521 1176618])
+            ("global-subword-mode" variable nil nil [1176620 1176933])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1176935 1176987])
+            ("global-subword-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1176989 1177396])
+            ("superword-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1177398 1177924])
+            ("global-superword-mode" variable nil nil [1177926 1178247])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1178249 1178303])
+            ("global-superword-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1178305 1178726])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1178728 1178848])
+            ("sc-cite-original" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1178972 1179973])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1179975 1180071])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1180167 1180258])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [1180366 1180435])
+            ("gpm-mouse-mode" variable (:default-value t) nil [1180437 1180728])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1180730 1180777])
+            ("gpm-mouse-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1180779 1181431])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1181433 1181534])
+            ("untabify" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1181639 1182034])
+            ("tabify" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1182036 1182530])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1182532 1182635])
+            ("table-insert" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1182757 1187857])
+            ("table-insert-row" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1187859 1188186])
+            ("table-insert-column" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1188188 1188540])
+            ("table-insert-row-column" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1188542 1188693])
+            ("table-recognize" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1188695 1189064])
+            ("table-unrecognize" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1189066 1189121])
+            ("table-recognize-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1189123 1189461])
+            ("table-unrecognize-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1189463 1189533])
+            ("table-recognize-table" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1189535 1189799])
+            ("table-unrecognize-table" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1189801 1189862])
+            ("table-recognize-cell" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1189864 1190329])
+            ("table-unrecognize-cell" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1190331 1190391])
+            ("table-heighten-cell" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1190393 1190831])
+            ("table-shorten-cell" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1190833 1191325])
+            ("table-widen-cell" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1191327 1191574])
+            ("table-narrow-cell" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1191576 1191800])
+            ("table-forward-cell" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1191802 1193676])
+            ("table-backward-cell" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1193678 1193894])
+            ("table-span-cell" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1193896 1194067])
+            ("table-split-cell-vertically" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1194069 1194230])
+            ("table-split-cell-horizontally" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1194232 1194413])
+            ("table-split-cell" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1194415 1194574])
+            ("table-justify" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1194576 1194833])
+            ("table-justify-cell" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1194835 1195202])
+            ("table-justify-row" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1195204 1195407])
+            ("table-justify-column" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1195409 1195618])
+            ("table-fixed-width-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1195620 1196149])
+            ("table-query-dimension" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1196151 1196907])
+            ("table-generate-source" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1196909 1198076])
+            ("table-insert-sequence" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1198078 1199713])
+            ("table-delete-row" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1199715 1199966])
+            ("table-delete-column" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1199968 1200239])
+            ("table-capture" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1200241 1205382])
+            ("table-release" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1205384 1205692])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1205694 1205800])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1205958 1206023])
+            ("talk-connect" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1206122 1206231])
+            ("talk" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1206233 1206346])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1206348 1206441])
+            ("tar-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1206552 1207331])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1207333 1207429])
+            ("tcl-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1207545 1208609])
+            ("inferior-tcl" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1208611 1208812])
+            ("tcl-help-on-word" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1208814 1209006])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1209008 1209201])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1209348 1209454])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1209613 1209728])
+            ("telnet" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1209841 1210444])
+            ("rsh" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1210446 1210678])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1210680 1210802])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1210904 1210999])
+            ("make-term" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1211098 1211517])
+            ("term" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1211519 1211766])
+            ("ansi-term" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1211768 1212014])
+            ("serial-term" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1212016 1212590])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1212592 1212747])
+            ("testcover-start" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1212891 1213248])
+            ("testcover-this-defun" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1213250 1213351])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1213353 1213456])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1213570 1213627])
+            ("tetris" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1213629 1214366])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1214368 1214465])
+            ("tex-shell-file-name" variable nil nil [1214596 1214704])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1214706 1214757])
+            ("tex-directory" variable (:default-value (purecopy ".")) nil [1214759 1215046])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1215048 1215093])
+            ("tex-first-line-header-regexp" variable nil nil [1215095 1215372])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1215374 1215434])
+            ("tex-main-file" variable nil nil [1215436 1215627])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1215629 1215674])
+            ("tex-offer-save" variable (:default-value t) nil [1215676 1215779])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1215781 1215827])
+            ("tex-run-command" variable (:default-value (purecopy "tex")) nil [1215829 1215990])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1215992 1216039])
+            ("latex-run-command" variable (:default-value (purecopy "latex")) nil [1216041 1216210])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1216212 1216261])
+            ("slitex-run-command" variable (:default-value (purecopy "slitex")) nil [1216263 1216436])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1216438 1216488])
+            ("tex-start-options" variable (:default-value (purecopy "")) nil [1216490 1216786])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1216788 1216837])
+            ("tex-start-commands" variable (:default-value (purecopy "\\nonstopmode\\input")) nil [1216839 1217094])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1217096 1217146])
+            ("latex-block-names" variable nil nil [1217148 1217284])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1217286 1217335])
+            ("tex-bibtex-command" variable (:default-value (purecopy "bibtex")) nil [1217337 1217596])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1217598 1217648])
+            ("tex-dvi-print-command" variable (:default-value (purecopy "lpr -d")) nil [1217650 1217900])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1217902 1217955])
+            ("tex-alt-dvi-print-command" variable (:default-value (purecopy "lpr -d")) nil [1217957 1218569])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1218571 1218628])
+            ("tex-dvi-view-command" variable (:default-value (\` (cond ((eq window-system (quote x)) (\, (purecopy "xdvi"))) ((eq window-system (quote w32)) (\, (purecopy "yap"))) (t (\, (purecopy "dvi2tty * | cat -s")))))) nil [1218630 1219120])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1219122 1219174])
+            ("tex-show-queue-command" variable (:default-value (purecopy "lpq")) nil [1219176 1219352])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1219354 1219408])
+            ("tex-default-mode" variable (:default-value (quote latex-mode)) nil [1219410 1219708])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1219710 1219758])
+            ("tex-open-quote" variable (:default-value (purecopy "``")) nil [1219760 1219871])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1219873 1219919])
+            ("tex-close-quote" variable (:default-value (purecopy "''")) nil [1219921 1220034])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1220036 1220083])
+            ("tex-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1220085 1220517])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [1220519 1220549])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [1220551 1220593])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [1220595 1220629])
+            ("plain-tex-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1220631 1222376])
+            ("latex-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1222378 1224082])
+            ("slitex-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1224084 1225857])
+            ("tex-start-shell" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1225859 1225917])
+            ("doctex-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1225919 1226003])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1226005 1226151])
+            ("texinfo-format-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1226282 1226708])
+            ("texinfo-format-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1226710 1227051])
+            ("texi2info" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1227053 1227680])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1227682 1227803])
+            ("texinfo-open-quote" variable (:default-value (purecopy "``")) nil [1227931 1228050])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1228052 1228101])
+            ("texinfo-close-quote" variable (:default-value (purecopy "''")) nil [1228103 1228224])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1228226 1228276])
+            ("texinfo-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1228278 1231101])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1231103 1231202])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1231347 1231449])
+            ("thai-compose-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1231589 1231802])
+            ("thai-compose-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1231804 1231940])
+            ("thai-compose-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1231942 1232049])
+            ("thai-composition-function" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1232051 1232128])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1232130 1232313])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1232453 1232551])
+            ("forward-thing" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1232665 1232989])
+            ("bounds-of-thing-at-point" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1232991 1233504])
+            ("thing-at-point" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1233506 1234023])
+            ("sexp-at-point" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1234025 1234132])
+            ("symbol-at-point" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1234134 1234245])
+            ("number-at-point" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1234247 1234358])
+            ("list-at-point" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1234360 1234472])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1234474 1234684])
+            ("thumbs-find-thumb" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1234789 1234879])
+            ("thumbs-show-from-dir" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1234881 1235121])
+            ("thumbs-dired-show-marked" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1235123 1235235])
+            ("thumbs-dired-show" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1235237 1235360])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [1235362 1235402])
+            ("thumbs-dired-setroot" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1235404 1235520])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1235522 1235619])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1235742 1235798])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1235800 1235895])
+            ("tibetan-char-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1236038 1236196])
+            ("tibetan-tibetan-to-transcription" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1236198 1236351])
+            ("tibetan-transcription-to-tibetan" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1236353 1236547])
+            ("tibetan-compose-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1236549 1236647])
+            ("tibetan-compose-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1236649 1236766])
+            ("tibetan-decompose-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1236768 1237027])
+            ("tibetan-decompose-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1237029 1237266])
+            ("tibetan-decompose-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1237268 1237472])
+            ("tibetan-compose-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1237474 1237650])
+            ("tibetan-post-read-conversion" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1237652 1237729])
+            ("tibetan-pre-write-conversion" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1237731 1237812])
+            ("tibetan-pre-write-canonicalize-for-unicode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1237814 1237909])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1237911 1238013])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1238140 1238200])
+            ("tildify-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1238202 1238664])
+            ("tildify-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1238666 1239108])
+            ("tildify-space" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1239110 1239967])
+            ("tildify-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1239969 1240582])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1240584 1240683])
+            ("display-time-day-and-date" variable nil nil [1240782 1240900])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1240902 1240955])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1240956 1241006])
+            ("display-time" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1241008 1241326])
+            ("display-time-mode" variable nil nil [1241328 1241633])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1241635 1241682])
+            ("display-time-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1241684 1242287])
+            ("display-time-world" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1242289 1242514])
+            ("emacs-uptime" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1242516 1242774])
+            ("emacs-init-time" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1242776 1242892])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1242894 1243076])
+            ("date-to-time" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1243216 1243401])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [1243403 1243442])
+            ("seconds-to-time" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1243444 1243543])
+            ("days-to-time" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1243545 1243637])
+            ("time-since" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1243639 1243791])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [1243793 1243862])
+            ("date-to-day" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1243864 1244009])
+            ("days-between" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1244011 1244174])
+            ("date-leap-year-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1244176 1244273])
+            ("time-to-day-in-year" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1244275 1244403])
+            ("time-to-days" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1244405 1244623])
+            ("safe-date-to-time" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1244625 1244815])
+            ("format-seconds" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1244817 1245771])
+            ("seconds-to-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1245773 1245895])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1245897 1246061])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1246177 1246231])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1246232 1246298])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1246299 1246358])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1246359 1246412])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1246413 1246464])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1246465 1246526])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1246527 1246581])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1246582 1246637])
+            ("time-stamp" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1246639 1247581])
+            ("time-stamp-toggle-active" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1247583 1247804])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1247806 1247911])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1248050 1248112])
+            ("timeclock-mode-line-display" variable nil nil [1248114 1248464])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1248466 1248528])
+            ("timeclock-mode-line-display" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1248530 1249095])
+            ("timeclock-in" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1249097 1249863])
+            ("timeclock-out" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1249865 1250340])
+            ("timeclock-status-string" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1250342 1250679])
+            ("timeclock-change" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1250681 1251021])
+            ("timeclock-query-out" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1251023 1251190])
+            ("timeclock-reread-log" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1251192 1251359])
+            ("timeclock-workday-remaining-string" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1251361 1251757])
+            ("timeclock-workday-elapsed-string" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1251759 1252055])
+            ("timeclock-when-to-leave-string" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1252057 1252474])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1252476 1252579])
+            ("list-timers" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1252726 1252841])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1252843 1252936])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1252938 1253043])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1253154 1253255])
+            ("titdic-convert" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1253408 1253661])
+            ("batch-titdic-convert" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1253663 1254119])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1254121 1254332])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1254436 1254545])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [1254641 1254684])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [1254686 1254747])
+            ("tmm-menubar" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1254749 1255244])
+            ("tmm-menubar-mouse" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1255246 1255528])
+            ("tmm-prompt" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1255530 1256159])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1256161 1256252])
+            ("todo-show" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1256392 1258272])
+            ("todo-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1258274 1258405])
+            ("todo-archive-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1258407 1258533])
+            ("todo-filtered-items-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1258535 1258692])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1258694 1258792])
+            ("toggle-tool-bar-mode-from-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1258903 1259099])
+            ("tool-bar-add-item" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1259101 1259866])
+            ("tool-bar-local-item" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1259868 1260509])
+            ("tool-bar-add-item-from-menu" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1260511 1261220])
+            ("tool-bar-local-item-from-menu" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1261222 1261788])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1261790 1261891])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1261999 1262098])
+            ("tq-create" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1262213 1262501])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1262503 1262592])
+            ("trace-buffer" variable (:default-value "*trace-output*") nil [1262716 1262806])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1262808 1262849])
+            ("trace-values" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1262851 1263026])
+            ("trace-function-foreground" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1263028 1263912])
+            ("trace-function-background" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1263914 1264174])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [1264176 1264229])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1264231 1264353])
+            ("tramp-mode" variable (:default-value t) nil [1264463 1264577])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1264579 1264618])
+            ("tramp-initial-file-name-regexp" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "\\`/.+:.*:")
+                nil [1264620 1264778])
+            ("tramp-file-name-regexp" variable (:default-value tramp-initial-file-name-regexp) nil [1264780 1265097])
+            ("tramp-autoload-file-name-regexp" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "\\`/" (if (memq system-type (quote (cygwin windows-nt))) "\\(-\\|[^/|:]\\{2,\\}\\)" "[^/|:]+") ":"))
+                nil [1265099 1265467])
+            ("tramp-autoload-file-name-handler" function (:arguments ("operation" "args")) nil [1265469 1265764])
+            ("tramp-register-autoload-file-name-handlers" function nil nil [1265766 1266093])
+            ("tramp-register-autoload-file-name-handlers" code nil nil [1266095 1266139])
+            ("tramp-unload-file-name-handlers" function nil nil [1266141 1266483])
+            ("tramp-completion-mode" variable nil nil [1266485 1266599])
+            ("tramp-unload-tramp" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1266601 1266697])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1266699 1266802])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1266924 1267023])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1267151 1267252])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1267377 1267477])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1267616 1267718])
+            ("tramp-ftp-enable-ange-ftp" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1267840 1267951])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1267953 1268052])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1268177 1268307])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1268426 1268524])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1268646 1268749])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1268868 1268968])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1269086 1269149])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1269151 1269249])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1269369 1269476])
+            ("help-with-tutorial" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1269587 1270373])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1270375 1270510])
+            ("tai-viet-composition-function" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1270636 1270734])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1270736 1270836])
+            ("2C-command" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1270981 1271029])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [1271031 1271067])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [1271069 1271102])
+            ("2C-two-columns" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1271104 1271567])
+            ("2C-associate-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1271569 1271828])
+            ("2C-split" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1271830 1272616])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1272618 1272715])
+            ("type-break-mode" variable nil nil [1272832 1273129])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1273131 1273182])
+            ("type-break-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1273184 1276781])
+            ("type-break" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1276783 1277064])
+            ("type-break-statistics" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1277066 1277338])
+            ("type-break-guesstimate-keystroke-threshold" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1277340 1278619])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1278621 1278734])
+            ("uce-reply-to-uce" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1278840 1279151])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1279153 1279244])
+            ("ucs-normalize-NFD-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1279406 1279532])
+            ("ucs-normalize-NFD-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1279534 1279654])
+            ("ucs-normalize-NFC-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1279656 1279782])
+            ("ucs-normalize-NFC-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1279784 1279904])
+            ("ucs-normalize-NFKD-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1279906 1280034])
+            ("ucs-normalize-NFKD-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1280036 1280158])
+            ("ucs-normalize-NFKC-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1280160 1280288])
+            ("ucs-normalize-NFKC-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1280290 1280412])
+            ("ucs-normalize-HFS-NFD-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1280414 1280566])
+            ("ucs-normalize-HFS-NFD-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1280568 1280714])
+            ("ucs-normalize-HFS-NFC-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1280716 1280868])
+            ("ucs-normalize-HFS-NFC-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1280870 1281016])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1281018 1281141])
+            ("underline-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1281283 1281528])
+            ("ununderline-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1281530 1281756])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1281914 1282012])
+            ("batch-unrmail" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1282130 1282457])
+            ("unrmail" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1282459 1282657])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1282659 1282769])
+            ("unsafep" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1282899 1283140])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1283142 1283258])
+            ("url-retrieve" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1283362 1284850])
+            ("url-retrieve-synchronously" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1284852 1285429])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1285431 1285522])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1285644 1285741])
+            ("url-get-authentication" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1285860 1287027])
+            ("url-register-auth-scheme" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1287029 1287710])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1287712 1287808])
+            ("url-store-in-cache" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1287930 1288038])
+            ("url-is-cached" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1288040 1288210])
+            ("url-cache-extract" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1288212 1288317])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1288319 1288416])
+            ("url-cid" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1288532 1288585])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1288587 1288690])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1288815 1288919])
+            ("url-dav-supported-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1289035 1289188])
+            ("url-dav-request" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1289190 1289973])
+            ("url-dav-vc-registered" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1289975 1290042])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1290044 1290139])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1290261 1290358])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1290483 1290588])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1290713 1290811])
+            ("url-file" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1290930 1291028])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1291030 1291131])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1291247 1291345])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1291470 1291575])
+            ("url-gateway-nslookup-host" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1291688 1291818])
+            ("url-open-stream" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1291820 1292246])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1292248 1292342])
+            ("url-handler-mode" variable nil nil [1292481 1292782])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1292784 1292838])
+            ("url-handler-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1292840 1293141])
+            ("url-file-handler" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1293143 1293412])
+            ("url-copy-file" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1293414 1294068])
+            ("url-file-local-copy" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1294070 1294277])
+            ("url-insert-buffer-contents" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1294279 1294558])
+            ("url-insert-file-contents" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1294560 1294667])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1294669 1294769])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1294897 1294996])
+            ("url-default-expander" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1295115 1295160])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [1295162 1295222])
+            ("url-https" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1295224 1295256])
+            ("url-https-file-exists-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1295258 1295304])
+            ("url-https-file-readable-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1295306 1295354])
+            ("url-https-file-attributes" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1295356 1295404])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1295406 1295503])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1295622 1295722])
+            ("url-irc" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1295838 1295891])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1295893 1295992])
+            ("url-ldap" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1296111 1296364])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1296366 1296467])
+            ("url-mail" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1296592 1296654])
+            ("url-mailto" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1296656 1296745])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1296747 1296860])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1296988 1297094])
+            ("url-man" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1297213 1297296])
+            ("url-info" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1297298 1297374])
+            ("url-generic-emulator-loader" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1297376 1297450])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [1297452 1297503])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [1297505 1297556])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [1297558 1297609])
+            ("url-data" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1297611 1297694])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1297696 1297812])
+            ("url-news" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1297931 1297986])
+            ("url-snews" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1297988 1298044])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1298046 1298147])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1298263 1298361])
+            ("isPlainHostName" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1298474 1298535])
+            ("dnsDomainIs" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1298537 1298598])
+            ("dnsResolve" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1298600 1298656])
+            ("isResolvable" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1298658 1298716])
+            ("isInNet" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1298718 1298778])
+            ("url-ns-prefs" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1298780 1298848])
+            ("url-ns-user-pref" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1298850 1298929])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1298931 1299028])
+            ("url-recreate-url" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1299150 1299262])
+            ("url-generic-parse-url" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1299264 1300711])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1300713 1300810])
+            ("url-setup-privacy-info" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1300938 1301063])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1301065 1301175])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1301297 1301394])
+            ("url-queue-retrieve" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1301516 1301954])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1301956 1302058])
+            ("url-tramp-protocols" variable (:default-value (quote ("ftp" "ssh" "scp" "rsync" "telnet"))) nil [1302180 1302363])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1302365 1302417])
+            ("url-tramp-file-handler" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1302419 1302668])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1302670 1302781])
+            ("url-debug" variable nil nil [1302900 1303208])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1303210 1303251])
+            ("url-debug" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1303253 1303320])
+            ("url-parse-args" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1303322 1303404])
+            ("url-insert-entities-in-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1303406 1303823])
+            ("url-normalize-url" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1303825 1303966])
+            ("url-lazy-message" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1303968 1304158])
+            ("url-get-normalized-date" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1304160 1304310])
+            ("url-eat-trailing-space" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1304312 1304421])
+            ("url-strip-leading-spaces" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1304423 1304531])
+            ("url-display-percentage" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1304533 1304618])
+            ("url-percentage" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1304620 1304681])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [1304683 1304727])
+            ("url-file-directory" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1304729 1304840])
+            ("url-file-nondirectory" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1304842 1304959])
+            ("url-parse-query-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1304961 1305066])
+            ("url-build-query-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1305068 1305691])
+            ("url-unhex-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1305693 1305996])
+            ("url-hexify-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1305998 1306623])
+            ("url-encode-url" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1306625 1306938])
+            ("url-file-extension" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1306940 1307157])
+            ("url-truncate-url-for-viewing" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1307159 1307365])
+            ("url-view-url" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1307367 1307616])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1307618 1307714])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1307833 1307929])
+            ("ask-user-about-lock" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1308040 1308517])
+            ("userlock--ask-user-about-supersession-threat" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1308519 1308609])
+            ("ask-user-about-supersession-threat" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1308611 1309117])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1309119 1309270])
+            ("utf-7-post-read-conversion" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1309400 1309470])
+            ("utf-7-imap-post-read-conversion" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1309472 1309547])
+            ("utf-7-pre-write-conversion" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1309549 1309623])
+            ("utf-7-imap-pre-write-conversion" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1309625 1309704])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1309706 1309801])
+            ("utf7-encode" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1309928 1310071])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1310073 1310166])
+            ("uudecode-decode-region-external" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1310287 1310567])
+            ("uudecode-decode-region-internal" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1310569 1310798])
+            ("uudecode-decode-region" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1310800 1310988])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1310990 1311091])
+            ("vc-checkout-hook" variable nil nil [1311190 1311303])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1311305 1311347])
+            ("vc-checkin-hook" variable nil nil [1311349 1311478])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1311480 1311521])
+            ("vc-before-checkin-hook" variable nil nil [1311523 1311650])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1311652 1311700])
+            ("vc-responsible-backend" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1311702 1312166])
+            ("vc-next-action" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1312168 1313305])
+            ("vc-register" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1313307 1313972])
+            ("vc-version-diff" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1313974 1314112])
+            ("vc-diff" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1314114 1314503])
+            ("vc-version-ediff" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1314505 1314660])
+            ("vc-ediff" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1314662 1315064])
+            ("vc-root-diff" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1315066 1315494])
+            ("vc-root-dir" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1315496 1315649])
+            ("vc-revision-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1315651 1315908])
+            ("vc-insert-headers" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1315910 1316120])
+            ("vc-merge" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1316122 1316801])
+            ("vc-message-unresolved-conflicts" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1316803 1316942])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [1316944 1316990])
+            ("vc-create-tag" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1316992 1317325])
+            ("vc-retrieve-tag" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1317327 1317924])
+            ("vc-print-log" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1317926 1318344])
+            ("vc-print-root-log" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1318346 1318680])
+            ("vc-print-branch-log" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1318682 1318786])
+            ("vc-log-incoming" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1318788 1319029])
+            ("vc-log-outgoing" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1319031 1319266])
+            ("vc-region-history" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1319268 1319446])
+            ("vc-revert" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1319448 1319691])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [1319693 1319761])
+            ("vc-pull" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1319763 1320446])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [1320448 1320478])
+            ("vc-push" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1320480 1320968])
+            ("vc-switch-backend" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1320970 1321394])
+            ("vc-transfer-file" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1321396 1322007])
+            ("vc-delete-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1322009 1322237])
+            ("vc-rename-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1322239 1322475])
+            ("vc-update-change-log" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1322477 1323090])
+            ("vc-branch-part" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1323092 1323195])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1323197 1323307])
+            ("vc-annotate" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1323433 1325011])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1325013 1325111])
+            ("vc-bzr-admin-dirname" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value ".bzr")
+                nil [1325222 1325326])
+            ("vc-bzr-admin-checkout-format-file" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat vc-bzr-admin-dirname "/checkout/format"))
+                nil [1325328 1325470])
+            ("vc-bzr-registered" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [1325472 1325642])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1325644 1325741])
+            ("vc-cvs-registered" function (:arguments ("f")) nil [1325851 1326079])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1326081 1326178])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1326289 1326386])
+            ("vc-dir" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1326497 1327218])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1327220 1327313])
+            ("vc-do-command" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1327453 1328422])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1328424 1328524])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1328650 1328748])
+            ("vc-git-registered" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [1328859 1329072])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1329074 1329171])
+            ("vc-hg-registered" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [1329279 1329486])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1329488 1329583])
+            ("vc-mtn-admin-dir" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "_MTN")
+                nil [1329694 1329764])
+            ("vc-mtn-admin-format" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat vc-mtn-admin-dir "/format"))
+                nil [1329766 1329882])
+            ("vc-mtn-registered" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [1329884 1330040])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1330042 1330139])
+            ("vc-rcs-master-templates" variable (:default-value (purecopy (quote ("%sRCS/%s,v" "%s%s,v" "%sRCS/%s")))) nil [1330250 1330440])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1330442 1330495])
+            ("vc-rcs-registered" function (:arguments ("f")) nil [1330497 1330557])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1330559 1330653])
+            ("vc-sccs-master-templates" variable (:default-value (purecopy (quote ("%sSCCS/s.%s" "%ss.%s" vc-sccs-search-project-dir)))) nil [1330767 1330976])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1330978 1331033])
+            ("vc-sccs-registered" function (:arguments ("f")) nil [1331035 1331097])
+            ("vc-sccs-search-project-dir" function (:arguments ("_dirname" "basename")) nil [1331099 1331796])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1331798 1331897])
+            ("vc-src-master-templates" variable (:default-value (purecopy (quote ("%s.src/%s,v")))) nil [1332008 1332179])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1332181 1332234])
+            ("vc-src-registered" function (:arguments ("f")) nil [1332236 1332296])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1332298 1332395])
+            ("vc-svn-registered" function (:arguments ("f")) nil [1332506 1332827])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1332829 1332926])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1333034 1333133])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1333274 1333335])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [1333337 1333413])
+            ("vera-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1333415 1335137])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1335139 1335237])
+            ("verilog-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1335388 1342008])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1342010 1342140])
+            ("vhdl-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1342282 1367902])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1367904 1368002])
+            ("viet-encode-viscii-char" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1368142 1368266])
+            ("viet-decode-viqr-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1368268 1368534])
+            ("viet-decode-viqr-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1368536 1368673])
+            ("viet-encode-viqr-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1368675 1368941])
+            ("viet-encode-viqr-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1368943 1369080])
+            ("viqr-post-read-conversion" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1369082 1369155])
+            ("viqr-pre-write-conversion" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1369157 1369234])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1369236 1369358])
+            ("view-remove-frame-by-deleting" variable (:default-value t) nil [1369457 1369625])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1369627 1369684])
+            ("view-mode" variable nil nil [1369686 1369859])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [1369861 1369900])
+            ("kill-buffer-if-not-modified" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1369902 1370035])
+            ("view-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1370037 1370487])
+            ("view-file-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1370489 1371066])
+            ("view-file-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1371068 1371661])
+            ("view-buffer" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1371663 1372753])
+            ("view-buffer-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1372755 1373643])
+            ("view-buffer-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1373645 1374531])
+            ("view-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1374533 1379403])
+            ("view-return-to-alist-update" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1379405 1379949])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [1379951 1380035])
+            ("view-mode-enter" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1380037 1380705])
+            ("View-exit-and-edit" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1380707 1380814])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1380816 1380917])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1381038 1381097])
+            ("toggle-viper-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1381099 1381232])
+            ("viper-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1381234 1381349])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1381351 1381514])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1381656 1381755])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1381886 1381990])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1382135 1382235])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1382380 1382503])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1382648 1382754])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1382899 1382999])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1383144 1383243])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1383360 1383457])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1383571 1383668])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1383776 1383871])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1383982 1384078])
+            ("warning-prefix-function" variable nil nil [1384219 1384616])
+            ("warning-series" variable nil nil [1384618 1385056])
+            ("warning-fill-prefix" variable nil nil [1385058 1385167])
+            ("warning-type-format" variable (:default-value (purecopy " (%s)")) nil [1385169 1385408])
+            ("display-warning" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1385410 1386656])
+            ("lwarn" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1386658 1387517])
+            ("warn" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1387519 1387807])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1387809 1387969])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1388073 1388130])
+            ("wdired-change-to-wdired-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1388132 1388522])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1388524 1388621])
+            ("webjump" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1388737 1389015])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1389017 1389116])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1389261 1389309])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1389311 1389360])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [1389362 1389439])
+            ("which-function-mode" variable nil nil [1389441 1389754])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1389756 1389811])
+            ("which-function-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1389813 1390275])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1390277 1390381])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1390497 1390561])
+            ("whitespace-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1390563 1390973])
+            ("whitespace-newline-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1390975 1391592])
+            ("global-whitespace-mode" variable nil nil [1391594 1391919])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1391921 1391979])
+            ("global-whitespace-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1391981 1392421])
+            ("global-whitespace-newline-mode" variable nil nil [1392423 1392780])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1392782 1392848])
+            ("global-whitespace-newline-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1392850 1393508])
+            ("whitespace-toggle-options" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1393510 1396326])
+            ("global-whitespace-toggle-options" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1396328 1399158])
+            ("whitespace-cleanup" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1399160 1401306])
+            ("whitespace-cleanup-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1401308 1402925])
+            ("whitespace-report" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1402927 1403120])
+            ("whitespace-report-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1403122 1404542])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1404544 1404649])
+            ("widget-browse-at" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1404766 1404859])
+            ("widget-browse" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1404861 1404959])
+            ("widget-browse-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1404961 1405094])
+            ("widget-minor-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1405096 1405358])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1405360 1405461])
+            ("widgetp" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1405572 1405666])
+            ("widget-prompt-value" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1405668 1405886])
+            ("widget-create" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1405888 1406034])
+            ("widget-delete" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1406036 1406113])
+            ("widget-insert" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1406115 1406244])
+            ("widget-keymap" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "	" (quote widget-forward)) (define-key map "	" (quote widget-backward)) (define-key map [(shift tab)] (quote widget-backward)) (put (quote widget-backward) :advertised-binding [(shift tab)]) (define-key map [backtab] (quote widget-backward)) (define-key map [down-mouse-2] (quote widget-button-click)) (define-key map [down-mouse-1] (quote widget-button-click)) (define-key map [(control 109)] (quote widget-button-press)) map)) nil [1406246 1406869])
+            ("widget-setup" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1406871 1406979])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1406981 1407080])
+            ("windmove-left" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1407191 1407618])
+            ("windmove-up" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1407620 1408033])
+            ("windmove-right" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1408035 1408464])
+            ("windmove-down" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1408466 1408884])
+            ("windmove-default-keybindings" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1408886 1409096])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1409098 1409199])
+            ("winner-mode" variable nil nil [1409304 1409585])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1409587 1409630])
+            ("winner-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1409632 1410286])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1410288 1410385])
+            ("push" code nil nil [1410486 1410544])
+            ("woman-locale" variable nil nil [1410546 1410821])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1410823 1410864])
+            ("woman" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1410866 1411515])
+            ("woman-dired-find-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1411517 1411630])
+            ("woman-find-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1411632 1412146])
+            ("woman-bookmark-jump" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1412148 1412259])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1412261 1412412])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1412514 1412609])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1412705 1412796])
+            ("xml-parse-file" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1412892 1413628])
+            ("xml-parse-region" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1413630 1414597])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1414599 1414690])
+            ("xmltok-get-declared-encoding-position" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1414805 1415462])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1415464 1415561])
+            ("xref-find-backend" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1415680 1415736])
+            ("xref-pop-marker-stack" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1415738 1415857])
+            ("xref-marker-stack-empty-p" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1415859 1415976])
+            ("xref-find-definitions" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1415978 1416403])
+            ("xref-find-definitions-other-window" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1416405 1416547])
+            ("xref-find-definitions-other-frame" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1416549 1416689])
+            ("xref-find-references" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1416691 1416851])
+            ("xref-find-apropos" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1416853 1417013])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [1417015 1417063])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [1417065 1417113])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [1417115 1417162])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [1417164 1417212])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [1417214 1417279])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [1417281 1417345])
+            ("xref-collect-matches" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1417347 1417572])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1417574 1417667])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1417795 1418077])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1418204 1418304])
+            ("xterm-mouse-mode" variable nil nil [1418415 1418716])
+            ("custom-autoload" code nil nil [1418718 1418768])
+            ("xterm-mouse-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1418770 1419417])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1419419 1419549])
+            ("xwidget-webkit-browse-url" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1419657 1419926])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1419928 1420027])
+            ("yenc-decode-region" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1420136 1420268])
+            ("yenc-extract-filename" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1420270 1420368])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1420370 1420463])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1420582 1420683])
+            ("zone" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [1420792 1420854])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1420856 1420949])
+            ("loaddefs" package nil nil [1429167 1429186]))          
+      :file "loaddefs.el"
+      :pointmax 1429332
+      :fsize 1429354
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29512 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("help-macro" include nil nil [1150 1171])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [1242 1293])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [1294 1345])
+            ("help-window-point-marker" variable (:default-value (make-marker)) nil [1766 1876])
+            ("help-window-old-frame" variable nil nil [1878 1974])
+            ("help-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map (char-to-string help-char) (quote help-for-help)) (define-key map [help] (quote help-for-help)) (define-key map [f1] (quote help-for-help)) (define-key map "." (quote display-local-help)) (define-key map "?" (quote help-for-help)) (define-key map "" (quote about-emacs)) (define-key map "" (quote describe-copying)) (define-key map "" (quote view-emacs-debugging)) (define-key map "" (quote view-external-packages)) (define-key map "" (quote view-emacs-FAQ)) (define-key map "
" (quote view-order-manuals)) (define-key map "" (quote view-emacs-news)) (define-key map "" (quote describe-distribution)) (define-key map "" (quote view-emacs-problems)) (define-key map "" (quote view-emacs-todo)) (define-key map "" (quote describe-no-warranty)) (define-key map "" (quote describe-input-method)) (define-key map "C" (quote describe-coding-system)) (define-key map "F" (quote Info-goto-emacs-command-node)) (define-key map "I" (quote describe-input-method)) (define-key map "K" (quote Info-goto-emacs-key-command-node)) (define-key map "L" (quote describe-language-environment)) (define-key map "S" (quote info-lookup-symbol)) (define-key map "a" (quote apropos-command)) (define-key map "b" (quote describe-bindings)) (define-key map "c" (quote describe-key-briefly)) (define-key map "d" (quote apropos-documentation)) (define-key map "e" (quote view-echo-area-messages)) (define-key map "f" (quote describe-function)) (define-key map "g" (quote describe-gnu-project)) (define-key map "h" (quote view-hello-file)) (define-key map "i" (quote info)) (define-key map "4i" (quote info-other-window)) (define-key map "k" (quote describe-key)) (define-key map "l" (quote view-lossage)) (define-key map "m" (quote describe-mode)) (define-key map "o" (quote describe-symbol)) (define-key map "n" (quote view-emacs-news)) (define-key map "p" (quote finder-by-keyword)) (define-key map "P" (quote describe-package)) (define-key map "r" (quote info-emacs-manual)) (define-key map "s" (quote describe-syntax)) (define-key map "t" (quote help-with-tutorial)) (define-key map "w" (quote where-is)) (define-key map "v" (quote describe-variable)) (define-key map "q" (quote help-quit)) map)) nil [1976 4265])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [4267 4331])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [4332 4376])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [4377 4419])
+            ("fset" code nil nil [4420 4449])
+            ("help-button-cache" variable nil nil [4518 4548])
+            ("help-quit" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [4552 4646])
+            ("help-return-method" variable nil nil [4648 5017])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [5019 5112])
+            ("help-print-return-message" function (:arguments ("function")) nil [5113 7408])
+            ("fset" code nil nil [7468 7529])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [7531 7571])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [7604 7653])
+            ("make-help-screen" code nil nil [7699 10813])
+            ("function-called-at-point" function nil nil [10818 12550])
+            ("view-help-file" function (:arguments ("file" "dir")) nil [12581 12736])
+            ("describe-distribution" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [12738 12882])
+            ("describe-copying" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [12884 13022])
+            ("describe-gnu-project" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [13070 13227])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [13229 13308])
+            ("describe-no-warranty" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [13310 13556])
+            ("describe-prefix-bindings" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [13558 14064])
+            ("setq" code nil nil [14155 14207])
+            ("view-emacs-news" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("version"))
+                nil [14209 16619])
+            ("view-emacs-todo" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_arg"))
+                nil [16621 16740])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [16742 16809])
+            ("view-echo-area-messages" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [16812 17137])
+            ("view-order-manuals" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [17139 17317])
+            ("view-emacs-FAQ" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [17319 17506])
+            ("view-emacs-problems" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [17508 17656])
+            ("view-emacs-debugging" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [17658 17781])
+            ("view-external-packages" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [17850 18007])
+            ("view-lossage" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [18009 18978])
+            ("describe-bindings" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("prefix" "buffer"))
+                nil [18999 19835])
+            ("describe-bindings-internal" function (:arguments ("menus" "prefix")) nil [19878 20612])
+            ("where-is" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("definition" "insert"))
+                nil [20614 22776])
+            ("help-key-description" function (:arguments ("key" "untranslated")) nil [22778 23138])
+            ("help--analyze-key" function (:arguments ("key" "untranslated")) nil [23140 24670])
+            ("describe-key-briefly" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("key" "insert" "untranslated"))
+                nil [24672 25532])
+            ("help--key-binding-keymap" function (:arguments ("key" "accept-default" "no-remap" "position")) nil [25534 26596])
+            ("help--binding-locus" function (:arguments ("key" "position")) nil [26598 28303])
+            ("help-read-key-sequence" function (:arguments ("no-mouse-movement")) nil [28305 32689])
+            ("help-downify-mouse-event-type" function (:arguments ("base")) nil [32691 33409])
+            ("describe-key" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("key" "untranslated" "up-event"))
+                nil [33411 38329])
+            ("describe-mode" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("buffer"))
+                nil [38332 42253])
+            ("describe-minor-mode" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("minor-mode"))
+                nil [42256 43143])
+            ("describe-minor-mode-completion-table-for-symbol" function nil nil [43155 43369])
+            ("describe-minor-mode-from-symbol" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("symbol"))
+                nil [43371 43715])
+            ("describe-minor-mode-completion-table-for-indicator" function nil nil [43730 44047])
+            ("describe-minor-mode-from-indicator" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("indicator"))
+                nil [44049 44598])
+            ("lookup-minor-mode-from-indicator" function (:arguments ("indicator")) nil [44600 45390])
+            ("temp-buffer-max-height" variable (:default-value (lambda (buffer) (if (and (display-graphic-p) (eq (selected-window) (frame-root-window))) (/ (x-display-pixel-height) (frame-char-height) 2) (/ (- (frame-height) 2) 2)))) nil [45438 46207])
+            ("temp-buffer-max-width" variable (:default-value (lambda (buffer) (if (and (display-graphic-p) (eq (selected-window) (frame-root-window))) (/ (x-display-pixel-width) (frame-char-width) 2) (/ (- (frame-width) 2) 2)))) nil [46209 46973])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [46975 48131])
+            ("resize-temp-buffer-window" function (:arguments ("window")) nil [48133 49890])
+            ("help-window-select" variable nil nil [49910 50878])
+            ("help-enable-auto-load" variable (:default-value t) nil [50880 51267])
+            ("help-window-display-message" function (:arguments ("quit-part" "window" "scroll")) nil [51269 52187])
+            ("help-window-setup" function (:arguments ("window" "value")) nil [52189 54990])
+            ("with-help-window" function (:arguments ("buffer-or-name" "body")) nil [55562 56602])
+            ("help-form-show" function nil nil [56730 56920])
+            ("help--docstring-quote" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [56924 57146])
+            ("help-split-fundoc" function (:arguments ("docstring" "def")) nil [57371 58384])
+            ("help-add-fundoc-usage" function (:arguments ("docstring" "arglist")) nil [58386 59236])
+            ("help-function-arglist" function (:arguments ("def" "preserve-names")) nil [59238 61627])
+            ("help--make-usage" function (:arguments ("function" "arglist")) nil [61629 62067])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [62069 62143])
+            ("help--make-usage-docstring" function (:arguments ("fn" "arglist")) nil [62145 62300])
+            ("help" package nil nil [62304 62319]))          
+      :file "help.el"
+      :pointmax 62343
+      :fsize 62346
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29509 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 1171 . 1172) (symbol 1132 . 1149) (open-paren 1131 . 1132)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "help-macro.el"
+      :fsize 8263
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29509 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("define-error" code nil nil [1176 1232])
+            ("ask-user-about-lock" function (:arguments ("file" "opponent")) nil [1249 2935])
+            ("ask-user-about-lock-help" function nil nil [2937 3431])
+            ("define-error" code nil nil [3433 3482])
+            ("userlock--check-content-unchanged" function (:arguments ("fn")) nil [3484 4828])
+            ("userlock--ask-user-about-supersession-threat" function (:arguments ("fn")) nil [4845 5025])
+            ("ask-user-about-supersession-threat" function (:arguments ("fn")) nil [5042 6454])
+            ("ask-user-about-supersession-help" function nil nil [6456 7113]))          
+      :file "userlock.el"
+      :pointmax 7141
+      :fsize 7140
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29520 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("fringe" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1310 1386])
+            ("when" code nil nil [1454 2745])
+            ("fringe-bitmap-p" function (:arguments ("symbol")) nil [2748 2852])
+            ("fringe-mode" variable nil nil [2887 2907])
+            ("fringe-mode-explicit" variable nil nil [2909 3062])
+            ("set-fringe-mode-1" function (:arguments ("_ignore" "value")) nil [3064 3289])
+            ("set-fringe-mode" function (:arguments ("value")) nil [3291 3755])
+            ("fringe--check-style" function (:arguments ("style")) nil [3757 4011])
+            ("fringe-mode-initialize" function (:arguments ("symbol" "value")) nil [4118 4796])
+            ("fringe-styles" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote (("default") ("no-fringes" . 0) ("right-only" 0) ("left-only" nil . 0) ("half-width" 4 . 4) ("minimal" 1 . 1))))
+                nil [4798 5435])
+            ("fringe-mode" variable nil nil [5437 7090])
+            ("setq" code nil nil [7187 7216])
+            ("fringe-query-style" function (:arguments ("all-frames")) nil [7218 8037])
+            ("fringe-mode" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("mode"))
+                nil [8039 9201])
+            ("set-fringe-style" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("mode"))
+                nil [9203 10434])
+            ("fringe-columns" function (:arguments ("side" "real")) nil [10436 10860])
+            ("fringe" package nil nil [10862 10879]))          
+      :file "fringe.el"
+      :pointmax 10905
+      :fsize 10905
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29509 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("indent" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1005 1070])
+            ("standard-indent" variable (:default-value 4) nil [1072 1206])
+            ("indent-line-function" variable (:default-value (quote indent-relative)) nil [1208 1594])
+            ("tab-always-indent" variable (:default-value t) nil [1596 2351])
+            ("indent-according-to-mode" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2354 3473])
+            ("indent--default-inside-comment" function nil nil [3475 4034])
+            ("indent-for-tab-command" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [4036 6747])
+            ("indent--funcall-widened" function (:arguments ("func")) nil [6749 6839])
+            ("insert-tab" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [6841 7133])
+            ("indent-rigidly--current-indentation" function (:arguments ("beg" "end")) nil [7135 7620])
+            ("indent-rigidly-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map [left] (quote indent-rigidly-left)) (define-key map [right] (quote indent-rigidly-right)) (define-key map [S-left] (quote indent-rigidly-left-to-tab-stop)) (define-key map [S-right] (quote indent-rigidly-right-to-tab-stop)) map)) nil [7622 8045])
+            ("indent-rigidly" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end" "arg" "interactive"))
+                nil [8047 9928])
+            ("indent-rigidly--pop-undo" function nil nil [9930 10217])
+            ("indent-rigidly-left" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("beg" "end"))
+                nil [10219 10467])
+            ("indent-rigidly-right" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("beg" "end"))
+                nil [10469 10719])
+            ("indent-rigidly-left-to-tab-stop" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("beg" "end"))
+                nil [10721 11119])
+            ("indent-rigidly-right-to-tab-stop" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("beg" "end"))
+                nil [11121 11517])
+            ("indent-line-to" function (:arguments ("column")) nil [11519 12145])
+            ("current-left-margin" function nil nil [12147 12551])
+            ("move-to-left-margin" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n" "force"))
+                nil [12553 13468])
+            ("indent-to-left-margin" function nil nil [13568 13879])
+            ("delete-to-left-margin" function (:arguments ("from" "to")) nil [13881 14445])
+            ("set-left-margin" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("from" "to" "width"))
+                nil [14447 15322])
+            ("set-right-margin" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("from" "to" "width"))
+                nil [15324 15883])
+            ("alter-text-property" function (:arguments ("from" "to" "prop" "func" "object")) nil [15885 16553])
+            ("increase-left-margin" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("from" "to" "inc"))
+                nil [16555 17389])
+            ("decrease-left-margin" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("from" "to" "inc"))
+                nil [17391 17872])
+            ("increase-right-margin" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("from" "to" "inc"))
+                nil [17874 18527])
+            ("decrease-right-margin" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("from" "to" "inc"))
+                nil [18529 19060])
+            ("beginning-of-line-text" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n"))
+                nil [19062 20076])
+            ("indent-region-function" variable (:default-value (function indent-region-line-by-line)) nil [20078 20278])
+            ("indent-region" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end" "column"))
+                nil [20280 22343])
+            ("indent-region-line-by-line" function (:arguments ("start" "end")) nil [22345 22833])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [22835 22935])
+            ("indent-relative-first-indent-point" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [22937 23234])
+            ("indent-relative" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("first-only" "unindented-ok"))
+                nil [23236 24783])
+            ("tab-stop-list" variable nil nil [24785 25343])
+            ("edit-tab-stops-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "" (quote edit-tab-stops-note-changes)) (define-key map "" (quote edit-tab-stops-note-changes)) map)) nil [25345 25576])
+            ("edit-tab-stops-buffer" variable nil nil [25578 25727])
+            ("edit-tab-stops" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [25729 26752])
+            ("edit-tab-stops-note-changes" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [26754 27154])
+            ("indent-next-tab-stop" function (:arguments ("column" "prev")) nil [27156 28155])
+            ("indent-accumulate-tab-stops" function (:arguments ("limit")) nil [28157 28397])
+            ("tab-to-tab-stop" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [28399 28828])
+            ("move-to-tab-stop" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [28830 29690])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [29692 29744])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [29745 29788])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [29789 29832])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [29833 29874]))          
+      :file "indent.el"
+      :pointmax 29900
+      :fsize 29899
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29511 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("w32-vars" include nil nil [912 931])
+            ("explicit-shell-file-name" variable nil nil [933 966])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [988 1042])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1043 1119])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1120 1178])
+            ("setq" code nil nil [1265 1298])
+            ("w32-shell-name" function nil nil [1300 1540])
+            ("w32-system-shell-p" function (:arguments ("shell-name")) nil [1542 1689])
+            ("w32-shell-dos-semantics" function nil nil [1691 2009])
+            ("w32-quote-process-args" variable nil nil [2011 2042])
+            ("w32-check-shell-configuration" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2069 4527])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [4529 4587])
+            ("w32-set-default-process-coding-system" function nil nil [4628 5639])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [5640 5756])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [5757 5825])
+            ("w32-valid-locales" variable nil nil [5893 5969])
+            ("if" code nil nil [6055 6347])
+            ("w32-list-locales" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [6349 6816])
+            ("w32-convert-standard-filename" function (:arguments ("filename")) nil [7588 8459])
+            ("w32-set-system-coding-system" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("coding-system"))
+                nil [8461 9187])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [9188 9290])
+            ("defvaralias" code nil nil [9402 9463])
+            ("set-message-beep" code nil nil [9516 9538])
+            ("w32-charset-info-alist" variable nil nil [9540 9571])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" function (:arguments ("xlfd-charset" "windows-charset" "codepage")) nil [9593 10321])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [10472 10532])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [10533 10593])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [10650 10709])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [10710 10769])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [10770 10835])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [10836 10904])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [10905 10967])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [10968 11026])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [11027 11087])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [11088 11146])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [11147 11199])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [11200 11257])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [11258 11322])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [11323 11384])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [11385 11445])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [11446 11506])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [11507 11566])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [11567 11626])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [11627 11687])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [11688 11748])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [11749 11807])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [11808 11869])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [11870 11928])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [11929 11995])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [11996 12057])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [12058 12115])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [12116 12174])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [12325 12385])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [12386 12448])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [12449 12513])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [12514 12578])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [12579 12634])
+            ("w32-add-charset-info" code nil nil [12635 12692])
+            ("autoload-make-program" variable nil nil [12748 12778])
+            ("generated-autoload-file" variable nil nil [12779 12811])
+            ("w32-batch-update-autoloads" function nil nil [12813 13362])
+            ("w32-append-code-lines" function (:arguments ("orig" "extra")) nil [13364 13858]))          
+      :file "w32-fns.el"
+      :pointmax 13885
+      :fsize 13884
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29520 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("w32" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [937 1045])
+            ("w32-use-w32-font-dialog" variable (:default-value t) nil [1109 1653])
+            ("w32-list-proportional-fonts" variable nil nil [1655 1754])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [1755 1833])
+            ("unless" code nil nil [1835 2004])
+            ("unless" code nil nil [2006 2344])
+            ("w32-fixed-font-alist" variable (:default-value (quote ("Font menu" ("Misc" ("fixed" "Fixedsys") ("") ("Terminal 5x4" "-*-Terminal-normal-r-*-*-*-45-*-*-c-40-*-oem") ("Terminal 6x8" "-*-Terminal-normal-r-*-*-*-60-*-*-c-80-*-oem") ("Terminal 9x5" "-*-Terminal-normal-r-*-*-*-90-*-*-c-50-*-oem") ("Terminal 9x7" "-*-Terminal-normal-r-*-*-*-90-*-*-c-70-*-oem") ("Terminal 9x8" "-*-Terminal-normal-r-*-*-*-90-*-*-c-80-*-oem") ("Terminal 12x12" "-*-Terminal-normal-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-c-120-*-oem") ("Terminal 14x10" "-*-Terminal-normal-r-*-*-*-135-*-*-c-100-*-oem") ("Terminal 6x6 Bold" "-*-Terminal-bold-r-*-*-*-60-*-*-c-60-*-oem") ("") ("Lucida Sans Typewriter.8" "-*-Lucida Sans Typewriter-normal-r-*-*-11-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("Lucida Sans Typewriter.9" "-*-Lucida Sans Typewriter-normal-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("Lucida Sans Typewriter.10" "-*-Lucida Sans Typewriter-normal-r-*-*-13-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("Lucida Sans Typewriter.11" "-*-Lucida Sans Typewriter-normal-r-*-*-15-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("Lucida Sans Typewriter.12" "-*-Lucida Sans Typewriter-normal-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("Lucida Sans Typewriter.8 Bold" "-*-Lucida Sans Typewriter-semibold-r-*-*-11-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("Lucida Sans Typewriter.9 Bold" "-*-Lucida Sans Typewriter-semibold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("Lucida Sans Typewriter.10 Bold" "-*-Lucida Sans Typewriter-semibold-r-*-*-13-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("Lucida Sans Typewriter.11 Bold" "-*-Lucida Sans Typewriter-semibold-r-*-*-15-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("Lucida Sans Typewriter.12 Bold" "-*-Lucida Sans Typewriter-semibold-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1")) ("Courier" ("Courier 10x8" "-*-Courier New-normal-r-*-*-*-97-*-*-c-80-iso8859-1") ("Courier 12x9" "-*-Courier New-normal-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-c-90-iso8859-1") ("Courier 15x12" "-*-Courier New-normal-r-*-*-*-150-*-*-c-120-iso8859-1") ("") ("8" "-*-Courier New-normal-r-*-*-11-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("9" "-*-Courier New-normal-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("10" "-*-Courier New-normal-r-*-*-13-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("11" "-*-Courier New-normal-r-*-*-15-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("12" "-*-Courier New-normal-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("8 bold" "-*-Courier New-bold-r-*-*-11-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("9 bold" "-*-Courier New-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("10 bold" "-*-Courier New-bold-r-*-*-13-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("11 bold" "-*-Courier New-bold-r-*-*-15-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("12 bold" "-*-Courier New-bold-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("8 italic" "-*-Courier New-normal-i-*-*-11-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("9 italic" "-*-Courier New-normal-i-*-*-12-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("10 italic" "-*-Courier New-normal-i-*-*-13-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("11 italic" "-*-Courier New-normal-i-*-*-15-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("12 italic" "-*-Courier New-normal-i-*-*-16-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("8 bold italic" "-*-Courier New-bold-i-*-*-11-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("9 bold italic" "-*-Courier New-bold-i-*-*-12-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("10 bold italic" "-*-Courier New-bold-i-*-*-13-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("11 bold italic" "-*-Courier New-bold-i-*-*-15-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") ("12 bold italic" "-*-Courier New-bold-i-*-*-16-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1"))))) nil [2383 6516])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [6518 6583])
+            ("w32-vars" package nil nil [6585 6604]))          
+      :file "w32-vars.el"
+      :pointmax 6632
+      :fsize 6631
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29520 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("subr-x" include nil nil [2948 2965])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [2983 3029])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [3045 3095])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [3111 3149])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [3165 3225])
+            ("comment" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [3227 3342])
+            ("comment-use-syntax" variable (:default-value (quote undecided)) nil [3429 3757])
+            ("comment-fill-column" variable nil nil [3759 3926])
+            ("comment-column" variable (:default-value 32) nil [3943 4340])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [4341 4385])
+            ("put" code nil nil [4401 4453])
+            ("comment-start" variable nil nil [4470 4570])
+            ("put" code nil nil [4586 4645])
+            ("comment-start-skip" variable nil nil [4662 4931])
+            ("put" code nil nil [4947 5002])
+            ("comment-end-skip" variable nil nil [5019 5123])
+            ("put" code nil nil [5139 5192])
+            ("comment-end" variable (:default-value (purecopy "")) nil [5209 5355])
+            ("put" code nil nil [5371 5419])
+            ("comment-indent-function" variable (:default-value (quote comment-indent-default)) nil [5436 5840])
+            ("comment-insert-comment-function" variable nil nil [5857 6107])
+            ("comment-region-function" variable (:default-value (quote comment-region-default)) nil [6109 6460])
+            ("uncomment-region-function" variable (:default-value (quote uncomment-region-default)) nil [6462 6821])
+            ("block-comment-start" variable nil nil [6839 6871])
+            ("block-comment-end" variable nil nil [6872 6902])
+            ("comment-quote-nested" variable (:default-value t) nil [6904 7041])
+            ("comment-quote-nested-function" variable (:default-value (function comment-quote-nested-default)) nil [7043 7286])
+            ("comment-continue" variable nil nil [7288 7763])
+            ("comment-add" variable nil nil [7765 8123])
+            ("comment-styles" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((plain nil nil nil nil "Start in column 0 (do not indent), as in Emacs-20") (indent-or-triple nil nil nil multi-char "Start in column 0, but only for single-char starters") (indent nil nil nil t "Full comment per line, ends not aligned") (aligned nil t nil t "Full comment per line, ends aligned") (box nil t t t "Full comment per line, ends aligned, + top and bottom") (extra-line t nil t t "One comment for all lines, end on a line by itself") (multi-line t nil nil t "One comment for all lines, end on last commented line") (box-multi t t t t "One comment for all lines, + top and bottom"))))
+                nil [8140 10343])
+            ("comment-style" variable (:default-value (quote indent)) nil [10360 10786])
+            ("comment-padding" variable (:default-value (purecopy " ")) nil [10803 11227])
+            ("comment-inline-offset" variable (:default-value 1) nil [11229 11678])
+            ("comment-multi-line" variable nil nil [11695 12131])
+            ("comment-empty-lines" variable nil nil [12133 12517])
+            ("comment-string-strip" function (:arguments ("str" "beforep" "afterp")) nil [12543 12796])
+            ("comment-string-reverse" function (:arguments ("s")) nil [12798 12971])
+            ("comment-normalize-vars" function (:arguments ("noerror")) nil [12988 16221])
+            ("comment-quote-re" function (:arguments ("str" "unp")) nil [16223 16366])
+            ("comment-quote-nested" function (:arguments ("cs" "ce" "unp")) nil [16368 16695])
+            ("comment-quote-nested-default" function (:arguments ("cs" "ce" "unp")) nil [16697 18036])
+            ("comment-use-global-state" variable (:default-value t) nil [18065 18519])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [18521 18598])
+            ("comment-search-forward" function (:arguments ("limit" "noerror")) nil [18600 20188])
+            ("comment-search-backward" function (:arguments ("limit" "noerror")) nil [20190 21402])
+            ("comment-beginning" function nil nil [21404 23290])
+            ("comment-forward" function (:arguments ("n")) nil [23292 23795])
+            ("comment-enter-backward" function nil nil [23797 25361])
+            ("comment-indent-default" function nil nil [25403 25750])
+            ("comment-choose-indent" function (:arguments ("indent")) nil [25752 28617])
+            ("comment-indent" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("continue"))
+                nil [28634 31324])
+            ("comment-set-column" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [31341 32172])
+            ("comment-kill" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [32189 32756])
+            ("comment-padright" function (:arguments ("str" "n")) nil [32758 34506])
+            ("comment-padleft" function (:arguments ("str" "n")) nil [34533 36220])
+            ("uncomment-region" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("beg" "end" "arg"))
+                nil [36237 36849])
+            ("uncomment-region-default" function (:arguments ("beg" "end" "arg")) nil [36851 40749])
+            ("comment-make-bol-ws" function (:arguments ("len")) nil [40751 41072])
+            ("comment-make-extra-lines" function (:arguments ("cs" "ce" "ccs" "cce" "min-indent" "max-indent" "block")) nil [41074 42600])
+            ("comment-with-narrowing" function (:arguments ("beg" "end" "body")) nil [42602 43658])
+            ("comment-add" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [43660 44059])
+            ("comment-region-internal" function (:arguments ("beg" "end" "cs" "ce" "ccs" "cce" "block" "lines" "indent")) nil [44061 47563])
+            ("comment-region" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("beg" "end" "arg"))
+                nil [47580 48580])
+            ("comment-region-default" function (:arguments ("beg" "end" "arg")) nil [48582 51090])
+            ("comment-box" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("beg" "end" "arg"))
+                nil [51107 51569])
+            ("comment-only-p" function (:arguments ("beg" "end")) nil [51571 51765])
+            ("comment-or-uncomment-region" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("beg" "end" "arg"))
+                nil [51782 52174])
+            ("comment-dwim" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [52191 53793])
+            ("comment-auto-fill-only-comments" variable nil nil [53810 54010])
+            ("comment-valid-prefix-p" function (:arguments ("prefix" "compos")) nil [54012 56104])
+            ("comment-indent-new-line" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("soft"))
+                nil [56122 61039])
+            ("comment-line" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n"))
+                nil [61056 62153])
+            ("newcomment" package nil nil [62155 62176]))          
+      :file "newcomment.el"
+      :pointmax 62206
+      :fsize 62205
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29514 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 2965 . 2966) (symbol 2928 . 2945) (open-paren 2927 . 2928)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("password-cache" include nil nil [1478 1503])
+            ("cl-lib" include nil nil [1524 1541])
+            ("eieio" include nil nil [1543 1559])
+            ("secrets-create-item" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1561 1602])
+            ("secrets-delete-item" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1603 1644])
+            ("secrets-get-alias" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1645 1684])
+            ("secrets-get-attributes" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1685 1729])
+            ("secrets-get-secret" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1730 1770])
+            ("secrets-list-collections" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1771 1817])
+            ("secrets-search-items" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1818 1860])
+            ("rfc2104-hash" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1862 1896])
+            ("plstore-open" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1898 1932])
+            ("plstore-find" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1933 1967])
+            ("plstore-put" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [1968 2001])
+            ("plstore-delete" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [2002 2038])
+            ("plstore-save" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [2039 2073])
+            ("plstore-get-file" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [2074 2112])
+            ("epg" include nil nil [2133 2147])
+            ("epg-make-context" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [2188 2222])
+            ("epg-context-set-passphrase-callback" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [2223 2276])
+            ("epg-decrypt-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [2277 2313])
+            ("epg-encrypt-string" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [2314 2350])
+            ("help-mode" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [2352 2391])
+            ("secrets-enabled" variable nil nil [2393 2417])
+            ("auth-source" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2419 2517])
+            ("auth-source-cache-expiry" variable (:default-value 7200) nil [2534 2968])
+            ("auth-source-backend" type
+               (:members 
+                  ( ("type" variable
+                       (:documentation "The backend type."
+                        :default-value "(quote netrc)"
+                        :type ":initform")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("source" variable
+                       (:documentation "The backend source."
+                        :type "string")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("host" variable
+                       (:documentation "The backend host."
+                        :default-value "t"
+                        :type "t")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("user" variable
+                       (:documentation "The backend user."
+                        :default-value "t"
+                        :type "t")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("port" variable
+                       (:documentation "The backend protocol."
+                        :default-value "t"
+                        :type "t")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("data" variable
+                       (:documentation "Internal backend data."
+                        :default-value "nil")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("create-function" variable
+                       (:documentation "The create function."
+                        :default-value "ignore"
+                        :type "function")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("search-function" variable
+                       (:documentation "The search function."
+                        :default-value "ignore"
+                        :type "function")
+                        nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [3150 4374])
+            ("auth-source-protocols" variable (:default-value (quote ((imap "imap" "imaps" "143" "993") (pop3 "pop3" "pop" "pop3s" "110" "995") (ssh "ssh" "22") (sftp "sftp" "115") (smtp "smtp" "25")))) nil [4376 5029])
+            ("auth-source-protocols-customize" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (mapcar (lambda (a) (let ((p (car-safe a))) (list (quote const) :tag (upcase (symbol-name p)) p))) auth-source-protocols))
+                nil [5148 5383])
+            ("auth-source-creation-defaults" variable nil nil [5385 5547])
+            ("auth-source-creation-prompts" variable nil nil [5549 5648])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [5650 5710])
+            ("auth-source-save-behavior" variable (:default-value (quote ask)) nil [5712 6047])
+            ("auth-source-netrc-use-gpg-tokens" variable (:default-value (quote never)) nil [6305 7443])
+            ("auth-source-do-cache" variable (:default-value t) nil [7445 7619])
+            ("auth-source-debug" variable nil nil [7621 8435])
+            ("auth-sources" variable (:default-value (quote ("~/.authinfo" "~/.authinfo.gpg" "~/.netrc"))) nil [8437 12925])
+            ("auth-source-gpg-encrypt-to" variable (:default-value t) nil [12927 13315])
+            ("auth-source-do-debug" function (:arguments ("msg")) nil [13317 13422])
+            ("auth-source-do-trivia" function (:arguments ("msg")) nil [13424 13590])
+            ("auth-source-do-warn" function (:arguments ("msg")) nil [13592 13862])
+            ("auth-source-read-char-choice" function (:arguments ("prompt" "choices")) nil [13864 14554])
+            ("auth-source-backend-parser-functions" variable nil nil [14556 14938])
+            ("auth-source-backend-parse" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [14940 15553])
+            ("auth-source-backends-parser-file" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [15555 16441])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [16524 16606])
+            ("auth-source-backends-parser-macos-keychain" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [16608 18754])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [18756 18848])
+            ("auth-source-backends-parser-secrets" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [18850 20821])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [20823 20908])
+            ("auth-source-backend-parse-parameters" function (:arguments ("entry" "backend")) nil [20910 21443])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [21498 30463])
+            ("auth-source-search-backends" function (:arguments ("backends" "spec" "max" "create" "delete" "require")) nil [30465 31618])
+            ("auth-source-delete" function (:arguments ("spec")) nil [31620 31930])
+            ("auth-source-search-collection" function (:arguments ("collection" "value")) nil [31932 32319])
+            ("auth-source-netrc-cache" variable nil nil [32321 32357])
+            ("auth-source-forget-all-cached" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [32359 32684])
+            ("auth-source-format-cache-entry" function (:arguments ("spec")) nil [32686 32811])
+            ("auth-source-remember" function (:arguments ("spec" "found")) nil [32813 33031])
+            ("auth-source-recall" function (:arguments ("spec")) nil [33033 33175])
+            ("auth-source-remembered-p" function (:arguments ("spec")) nil [33177 33314])
+            ("auth-source-forget" function (:arguments ("spec")) nil [33316 33567])
+            ("auth-source-forget+" function (:arguments ("spec")) nil [33569 34283])
+            ("auth-source-specmatchp" function (:arguments ("spec" "stored")) nil [34285 34671])
+            ("auth-source-pick-first-password" function (:arguments ("spec")) nil [34673 34994])
+            ("auth-source-format-prompt" function (:arguments ("prompt" "alist")) nil [34996 35416])
+            ("auth-source-ensure-strings" function (:arguments ("values")) nil [35418 35659])
+            ("auth-source--aput-1" function (:arguments ("alist" "key" "val")) nil [35715 36048])
+            ("auth-source--aput" function (:arguments ("var" "key" "val")) nil [36049 36143])
+            ("auth-source--aget" function (:arguments ("alist" "key")) nil [36145 36208])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [36263 40657])
+            ("auth-source-netrc-parse-next-interesting" function nil nil [40659 40996])
+            ("auth-source-netrc-parse-one" function nil nil [40998 41383])
+            ("auth-source-current-line" function (:arguments ("pos")) nil [41412 41635])
+            ("auth-source-netrc-parse-entries" function (:arguments ("check" "max")) nil [41637 43271])
+            ("auth-source-passphrase-alist" variable nil nil [43273 43314])
+            ("auth-source-token-passphrase-callback-function" function (:arguments ("_context" "_key-id" "file")) nil [43316 43943])
+            ("auth-source-epa-extract-gpg-token" function (:arguments ("secret" "file")) nil [43945 44450])
+            ("pp-escape-newlines" variable nil nil [44452 44479])
+            ("auth-source-epa-make-gpg-token" function (:arguments ("secret" "file")) nil [44481 45083])
+            ("auth-source--symbol-keyword" function (:arguments ("symbol")) nil [45085 45162])
+            ("auth-source-netrc-normalize" function (:arguments ("alist" "filename")) nil [45164 46969])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [46971 48583])
+            ("auth-source-netrc-element-or-first" function (:arguments ("v")) nil [48585 48670])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [48857 58246])
+            ("auth-source-netrc-saver" function (:arguments ("file" "add")) nil [58248 61590])
+            ("auth-source-secrets-listify-pattern" function (:arguments ("pattern")) nil [61643 62592])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [62594 67024])
+            ("auth-source-secrets-create" function (:arguments ("spec")) nil [67026 67173])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [67256 71954])
+            ("auth-source--decode-octal-string" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [71957 72586])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [72588 75222])
+            ("auth-source-macos-keychain-result-append" function (:arguments ("result" "generic" "k" "v")) nil [75224 75784])
+            ("auth-source-macos-keychain-create" function (:arguments ("spec")) nil [75786 75865])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [75914 79475])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [79477 85673])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [85804 85897])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [85898 85998])
+            ("auth-source-user-or-password" function (:arguments ("mode" "host" "port" "username" "create-missing" "delete-existing")) nil [86000 88917])
+            ("auth-source-user-and-password" function (:arguments ("host" "user")) nil [88919 89679])
+            ("auth-source" package nil nil [89681 89703]))          
+      :file "auth-source.el"
+      :pointmax 89734
+      :fsize 89733
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29502 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 2147 . 2148) (symbol 2115 . 2132) (open-paren 2114 . 2115) (close-paren 1541 . 1542) (symbol 1506 . 1523) (open-paren 1505 . 1506)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("password-cache" variable (:default-value t) nil [1647 1743])
+            ("password-cache-expiry" variable (:default-value 16) nil [1760 2028])
+            ("password-data" variable (:default-value (make-hash-table :test (function equal))) nil [2030 2084])
+            ("password-read-from-cache" function (:arguments ("key")) nil [2086 2346])
+            ("password-in-cache-p" function (:arguments ("key")) nil [2363 2499])
+            ("password-read" function (:arguments ("prompt" "key")) nil [2501 2935])
+            ("password-read-and-add" function (:arguments ("prompt" "key")) nil [2937 3636])
+            ("password-cache-remove" function (:arguments ("key")) nil [3638 4205])
+            ("password-cache-add" function (:arguments ("key" "password")) nil [4207 4544])
+            ("password-reset" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [4546 4643])
+            ("password-cache" package nil nil [4645 4670]))          
+      :file "password-cache.el"
+      :pointmax 4704
+      :fsize 4703
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29514 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "epg.el"
+      :fsize 81368
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29507 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("autoarg-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (dotimes (i 10) (define-key map (\` [(\, (+ 48 i))]) (quote digit-argument)) (define-key map (\` [(control (\, (+ 48 i)))]) (quote self-insert-command))) (define-key map " " (quote autoarg-terminate)) map)) nil [1726 2061])
+            ("autoarg-kp-digits" variable (:default-value (let (alist) (dotimes (i 10 alist) (push (cons (intern (format "kp-%d" i)) i) alist)))) nil [2294 2419])
+            ("autoarg-kp-digit-argument" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [2421 2950])
+            ("autoarg-kp-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (dotimes (i 10) (let ((sym (intern (format "kp-%d" i)))) (define-key map (vector sym) (quote autoarg-kp-digit-argument)))) (define-key map [kp-subtract] (quote negative-argument)) map)) nil [2952 3290])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [3307 4419])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [4436 5189])
+            ("autoarg-terminate" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n"))
+                nil [5191 5695])
+            ("autoarg" package nil nil [5697 5715]))          
+      :file "autoarg.el"
+      :pointmax 5742
+      :fsize 5741
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29502 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("compression" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1178 1251])
+            ("jka-compr" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1253 1328])
+            ("jka-compr-verbose" variable (:default-value t) nil [1330 1493])
+            ("jka-compr-added-to-file-coding-system-alist" variable nil nil [1570 1626])
+            ("jka-compr-file-name-handler-entry" variable nil nil [1628 1745])
+            ("jka-compr-compression-info-list" variable nil nil [1888 1928])
+            ("jka-compr-mode-alist-additions" variable nil nil [1929 1968])
+            ("jka-compr-load-suffixes" variable nil nil [1969 2001])
+            ("jka-compr-compression-info-list--internal" variable nil nil [2003 2268])
+            ("jka-compr-mode-alist-additions--internal" variable nil nil [2270 2532])
+            ("jka-compr-load-suffixes--internal" variable nil nil [2534 2775])
+            ("jka-compr-build-file-regexp" function nil nil [2779 3307])
+            ("jka-compr-info-regexp" function (:arguments ("info")) nil [3387 3452])
+            ("jka-compr-info-compress-message" function (:arguments ("info")) nil [3453 3518])
+            ("jka-compr-info-compress-program" function (:arguments ("info")) nil [3519 3584])
+            ("jka-compr-info-compress-args" function (:arguments ("info")) nil [3585 3650])
+            ("jka-compr-info-uncompress-message" function (:arguments ("info")) nil [3651 3716])
+            ("jka-compr-info-uncompress-program" function (:arguments ("info")) nil [3717 3782])
+            ("jka-compr-info-uncompress-args" function (:arguments ("info")) nil [3783 3848])
+            ("jka-compr-info-can-append" function (:arguments ("info")) nil [3849 3914])
+            ("jka-compr-info-strip-extension" function (:arguments ("info")) nil [3915 3980])
+            ("jka-compr-info-file-magic-bytes" function (:arguments ("info")) nil [3981 4046])
+            ("jka-compr-get-compression-info" function (:arguments ("filename")) nil [4049 4581])
+            ("jka-compr-install" function nil nil [4583 6306])
+            ("jka-compr-installed-p" function nil nil [6308 6687])
+            ("jka-compr-update" function nil nil [6689 7217])
+            ("jka-compr-set" function (:arguments ("variable" "value")) nil [7219 7344])
+            ("jka-compr-compression-info-list" variable (:default-value (mapcar (quote purecopy) (quote (["\\.Z\\'" "compressing" "compress" ("-c") "uncompressing" "gzip" ("-c" "-q" "-d") nil t "\235"] ["\\.bz2\\'" "bzip2ing" "bzip2" nil "bunzip2ing" "bzip2" ("-d") nil t "BZh"] ["\\.tbz2?\\'" "bzip2ing" "bzip2" nil "bunzip2ing" "bzip2" ("-d") nil nil "BZh"] ["\\.\\(?:tgz\\|svgz\\|sifz\\)\\'" "compressing" "gzip" ("-c" "-q") "uncompressing" "gzip" ("-c" "-q" "-d") t nil "\213"] ["\\.g?z\\'" "compressing" "gzip" ("-c" "-q") "uncompressing" "gzip" ("-c" "-q" "-d") t t "\213"] ["\\.lz\\'" "Lzip compressing" "lzip" ("-c" "-q") "Lzip uncompressing" "lzip" ("-c" "-q" "-d") t t "LZIP"] ["\\.lzma\\'" "LZMA compressing" "lzma" ("-c" "-q" "-z") "LZMA uncompressing" "lzma" ("-c" "-q" "-d") t t ""] ["\\.xz\\'" "XZ compressing" "xz" ("-c" "-q") "XZ uncompressing" "xz" ("-c" "-q" "-d") t t "\3757zXZ�"] ["\\.txz\\'" "XZ compressing" "xz" ("-c" "-q") "XZ uncompressing" "xz" ("-c" "-q" "-d") t nil "\3757zXZ�"] ["\\.dz\\'" nil nil nil "uncompressing" "gzip" ("-c" "-q" "-d") nil t "\213"] ["\\.zst\\'" "zstd compressing" "zstd" ("-c" "-q") "zstd uncompressing" "zstd" ("-c" "-q" "-d") t t "(\265/\375"] ["\\.tzst\\'" "zstd compressing" "zstd" ("-c" "-q") "zstd uncompressing" "zstd" ("-c" "-q" "-d") t nil "(\265/\375"])))) nil [7491 12294])
+            ("jka-compr-mode-alist-additions" variable (:default-value (purecopy (quote (("\\.tgz\\'" . tar-mode) ("\\.tbz2?\\'" . tar-mode) ("\\.txz\\'" . tar-mode) ("\\.tzst\\'" . tar-mode))))) nil [12296 13015])
+            ("jka-compr-load-suffixes" variable (:default-value (purecopy (quote (".gz")))) nil [13017 13647])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [13649 14374])
+            ("with-auto-compression-mode" function (:arguments ("body")) nil [14376 14815])
+            ("put" code nil nil [14913 14951])
+            ("put" code nil nil [14952 15095])
+            ("when" code nil nil [15118 15172])
+            ("jka-cmpr-hook" package nil nil [15174 15198]))          
+      :file "jka-cmpr-hook.el"
+      :pointmax 15231
+      :fsize 15230
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29512 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("auto-insert" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1883 2087])
+            ("auto-insert" variable (:default-value (quote not-modified)) nil [2090 2888])
+            ("auto-insert-query" variable (:default-value (quote function)) nil [2890 3224])
+            ("auto-insert-prompt" variable (:default-value "Perform %s auto-insertion? ") nil [3226 3447])
+            ("auto-insert-alist" variable (:default-value (quote ((("\\.\\([Hh]\\|hh\\|hpp\\|hxx\\|h\\+\\+\\)\\'" . "C / C++ header") (replace-regexp-in-string "[^A-Z0-9]" "_" (replace-regexp-in-string "\\+" "P" (upcase (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))) "#ifndef " str n "#define " str "
+" _ "
+#endif") (("\\.\\([Cc]\\|cc\\|cpp\\|cxx\\|c\\+\\+\\)\\'" . "C / C++ program") nil "#include \"" (let ((stem (file-name-sans-extension buffer-file-name)) ret) (dolist (ext (quote ("H" "h" "hh" "hpp" "hxx" "h++")) ret) (when (file-exists-p (concat stem "." ext)) (setq ret (file-name-nondirectory (concat stem "." ext)))))) & 34 | -10) (("[Mm]akefile\\'" . "Makefile") . "") (html-mode lambda nil (sgml-tag "html")) (plain-tex-mode . "tex-insert.tex") (bibtex-mode . "tex-insert.tex") (latex-mode "options, RET: " "\\documentclass[" str & 93 | -1 123 (read-string "class: ") "}
+" ("package, %s: " "\\usepackage[" (read-string "options, RET: ") & 93 | -1 123 str "}
+") _ "
+" _ "
+\\end{document}") (("/bin/.*[^/]\\'" . "Shell-Script mode magic number") lambda nil (if (eq major-mode (default-value (quote major-mode))) (sh-mode))) (ada-mode . ada-header) (("\\.[1-9]\\'" . "Man page skeleton") "Short description: " ".\\\" Copyright (C), " (format-time-string "%Y") "  " (getenv "ORGANIZATION") | (progn user-full-name) "
+.\\\" You may distribute this file under the terms of the GNU Free
+.\\\" Documentation License.
+.TH " (file-name-base) " " (file-name-extension (buffer-file-name)) " " (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d ") "
+" (file-name-base) " \\- " str "
+.B " (file-name-base) "
+" _ "
+" (user-full-name) (quote (if (search-backward "&" (line-beginning-position) t) (replace-match (capitalize (user-login-name)) t t))) (quote (end-of-line 1)) " <" (progn user-mail-address) ">
+") (("\\.el\\'" . "Emacs Lisp header") "Short description: " ";;; " (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --- " str (make-string (max 2 (- 80 (current-column) 27)) 32) "-*- lexical-binding: t; -*-" (quote (setq lexical-binding t)) "
+;; Copyright (C) " (format-time-string "%Y") "  " (getenv "ORGANIZATION") | (progn user-full-name) "
+;; Author: " (user-full-name) (quote (if (search-backward "&" (line-beginning-position) t) (replace-match (capitalize (user-login-name)) t t))) (quote (end-of-line 1)) " <" (progn user-mail-address) ">
+;; Keywords: " (quote (require (quote finder))) (quote (setq v1 (mapcar (lambda (x) (list (symbol-name (car x)))) finder-known-keywords) v2 (mapconcat (lambda (x) (format "%12s:  %s" (car x) (cdr x))) finder-known-keywords "
+"))) ((let ((minibuffer-help-form v2)) (completing-read "Keyword, C-h: " v1 nil t)) str ", ") & -2 "
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; " _ "
+;;; Code:
+(provide '" (file-name-base) ")
+;;; " (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " ends here
+") (("\\.texi\\(nfo\\)?\\'" . "Texinfo file skeleton") "Title: " "\\input texinfo   @c -*-texinfo-*-
+@c %**start of header
+@setfilename " (file-name-base) ".info
+" "@settitle " str "
+@c %**end of header
+" (setq short-description (read-string "Short description: ")) ".
+" "Copyright @copyright{} " (format-time-string "%Y") "  " (getenv "ORGANIZATION") | (progn user-full-name) "
+Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
+under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3
+or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
+with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
+A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU
+Free Documentation License''.
+A copy of the license is also available from the Free Software
+Foundation Web site at @url{}.
+@end quotation
+The document was typeset with
+@uref{, GNU Texinfo}.
+@end copying
+@title " str "
+@subtitle " short-description "
+@author " (getenv "ORGANIZATION") | (progn user-full-name) " <" (progn user-mail-address) ">
+@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
+@end titlepage
+@c Output the table of the contents at the beginning.
+@node Top
+@top " str "
+@end ifnottex
+@c Generate the nodes for this menu with `C-c C-u C-m'.
+@end menu
+@c Update all node entries with `C-c C-u C-n'.
+@c Insert new nodes with `C-c C-c n'.
+@node Chapter One
+@chapter Chapter One
+" _ "
+@node Copying This Manual
+@appendix Copying This Manual
+* GNU Free Documentation License::  License for copying this manual.
+@end menu
+@c Get fdl.texi from
+@include fdl.texi
+@node Index
+@unnumbered Index
+@printindex cp
+@c " (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " ends here
+")))) nil [3450 10751])
+            ("auto-insert-directory" variable (:default-value "~/insert/") nil [10809 11052])
+            ("auto-insert" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [11070 13144])
+            ("define-auto-insert" function (:arguments ("condition" "action" "after")) nil [13162 13879])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [13896 14431])
+            ("autoinsert" package nil nil [14433 14454]))          
+      :file "autoinsert.el"
+      :pointmax 14484
+      :fsize 14483
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29502 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("image" include nil nil [1257 1273])
+            ("image-file-name-extensions" variable (:default-value (purecopy (quote ("png" "jpeg" "jpg" "gif" "tiff" "tif" "xbm" "xpm" "pbm" "pgm" "ppm" "pnm" "svg")))) nil [1291 2069])
+            ("image-file-name-regexps" variable nil nil [2086 2797])
+            ("image-file-name-regexp" function nil nil [2815 3318])
+            ("insert-image-file" function (:arguments ("file" "visit" "beg" "end" "replace")) nil [3336 4867])
+            ("image-file-yank-handler" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [5034 5582])
+            ("put" code nil nil [5584 5623])
+            ("image-file-handler" function (:arguments ("operation" "args")) nil [5624 6061])
+            ("image-file-call-underlying" function (:arguments ("function" "operation" "args")) nil [6063 6487])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [6505 7318])
+            ("image-file" package nil nil [7321 7342]))          
+      :file "image-file.el"
+      :pointmax 7372
+      :fsize 7371
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29511 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("image" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [892 951])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [953 991])
+            ("image-type-header-regexps" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (\` (("\\`/[	
 ]*\\*.*XPM.\\*/" . xpm) ("\\`P[1-6]\\(?:\\(?:\\(?:#[^




+]\\)*[0-9]\\)+\\)\\{2\\}" . pbm) ("\\`GIF8[79]a" . gif) ("\\`\211PNG

+" . png) ("\\`[	
 ]*#define \\([a-z0-9_]+\\)_width [0-9]+
+#define \\1_height [0-9]+
+\\(#define \\1_x_hot [0-9]+
+#define \\1_y_hot [0-9]+
+\\)?static \\(unsigned \\)?char \\1_bits" . xbm) ("\\`\\(?:MM�\\*\\|II\\*�\\)" . tiff) ("\\`[	
 ]*%!PS" . postscript) ("\\`\377\330" . jpeg) ((\, (let* ((incomment-re "\\(?:[^-]\\|-[^-]\\)") (comment-re (concat "\\(?:!--" incomment-re "*-->[ 	

+]*<\\)"))) (concat "\\(?:<\\?xml[ 	


+]*<" comment-re "*" "\\(?:!DOCTYPE[ 	



+]*" comment-re "*\\)?" "[Ss][Vv][Gg]"))) . svg))))
+                nil [993 2316])
+            ("image-type-file-name-regexps" variable (:default-value (quote (("\\.png\\'" . png) ("\\.gif\\'" . gif) ("\\.jpe?g\\'" . jpeg) ("\\.bmp\\'" . bmp) ("\\.xpm\\'" . xpm) ("\\.pbm\\'" . pbm) ("\\.xbm\\'" . xbm) ("\\.ps\\'" . postscript) ("\\.tiff?\\'" . tiff) ("\\.svgz?\\'" . svg)))) nil [2318 2777])
+            ("image-type-auto-detectable" variable (:default-value (quote ((pbm . t) (xbm) (bmp . maybe) (gif . maybe) (png . maybe) (xpm) (jpeg . maybe) (tiff . maybe) (svg . maybe) (postscript)))) nil [2954 3457])
+            ("image-format-suffixes" variable (:default-value (quote ((image/x-rgb "rgb") (image/x-icon "ico")))) nil [3459 3994])
+            ("image-load-path" variable (:default-value (list (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name "images" data-directory)) (quote data-directory) (quote load-path))) nil [3996 4699])
+            ("image-scaling-factor" variable (:default-value (quote auto)) nil [4701 5244])
+            ("image-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "-" (quote image-decrease-size)) (define-key map "+" (quote image-increase-size)) (define-key map "r" (quote image-rotate)) (define-key map "o" (quote image-save)) map)) nil [5289 5520])
+            ("image-load-path-for-library" function (:arguments ("library" "image" "path" "no-error")) nil [5522 9569])
+            ("image-jpeg-p" function (:arguments ("data")) nil [9665 10453])
+            ("image-type-from-data" function (:arguments ("data")) nil [10471 11044])
+            ("image-type-from-buffer" function nil nil [11062 11908])
+            ("image-type-from-file-header" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [11926 12413])
+            ("image-type-from-file-name" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [12431 12960])
+            ("image-type" function (:arguments ("source" "type" "data-p")) nil [12977 13850])
+            ("if" code nil nil [13853 14002])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [14004 14095])
+            ("image-type-available-p" function (:arguments ("type")) nil [14112 14318])
+            ("image-type-auto-detected-p" function nil nil [14336 14981])
+            ("create-image" function (:arguments ("file-or-data" "type" "data-p" "props")) nil [14999 16252])
+            ("image--set-property" function (:arguments ("image" "property" "value")) nil [16254 16761])
+            ("image-property" function (:arguments ("image" "property")) nil [16763 17048])
+            ("image-compute-scaling-factor" function (:arguments ("scaling")) nil [17050 17530])
+            ("put-image" function (:arguments ("image" "pos" "string" "area")) nil [17547 18873])
+            ("insert-image" function (:arguments ("image" "string" "area" "slice")) nil [18891 20784])
+            ("insert-sliced-image" function (:arguments ("image" "string" "area" "rows" "cols")) nil [20802 22515])
+            ("remove-images" function (:arguments ("start" "end" "buffer")) nil [22534 23021])
+            ("image-search-load-path" function (:arguments ("file" "path")) nil [23023 23729])
+            ("find-image" function (:arguments ("specs")) nil [23746 25059])
+            ("defimage" function (:arguments ("symbol" "specs" "doc")) nil [25077 25945])
+            ("image-default-frame-delay" variable (:default-value 0.1) nil [25973 26131])
+            ("image-multi-frame-p" function (:arguments ("image")) nil [26133 26829])
+            ("image-animated-p" function (:arguments ("image")) nil [26831 27011])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [27013 27074])
+            ("image-animate" function (:arguments ("image" "index" "limit")) nil [27096 27838])
+            ("image-animate-timer" function (:arguments ("image")) nil [27840 28224])
+            ("image-minimum-frame-delay" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value 0.01)
+                nil [28226 28336])
+            ("image-current-frame" function (:arguments ("image")) nil [28338 28468])
+            ("image-show-frame" function (:arguments ("image" "n" "nocheck")) nil [28470 28852])
+            ("image-animate-get-speed" function (:arguments ("image")) nil [28854 28982])
+            ("image-animate-set-speed" function (:arguments ("image" "value" "multiply")) nil [28984 29318])
+            ("image-animate-timeout" function (:arguments ("image" "n" "count" "time-elapsed" "limit" "target-time")) nil [29527 31345])
+            ("imagemagick-types-inhibit" variable nil nil [31349 31383])
+            ("imagemagick-enabled-types" variable nil nil [31384 31418])
+            ("imagemagick-filter-types" function nil nil [31420 32237])
+            ("imagemagick--file-regexp" variable nil nil [32239 32456])
+            ("imagemagick-register-types" function nil nil [32473 33965])
+            ("imagemagick-types-inhibit" variable (:default-value (quote (C HTML HTM INFO M TXT PDF))) nil [33967 34829])
+            ("imagemagick-register-types" code nil nil [36376 36404])
+            ("image-increase-size" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n"))
+                nil [36406 36681])
+            ("image-decrease-size" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n"))
+                nil [36683 36959])
+            ("image--get-image" function nil nil [36961 37132])
+            ("image--get-imagemagick-and-warn" function nil nil [37134 37398])
+            ("image--change-size" function (:arguments ("factor")) nil [37400 37694])
+            ("image--image-without-parameters" function (:arguments ("image")) nil [37696 38036])
+            ("image--current-scaling" function (:arguments ("image" "new-image")) nil [38038 38417])
+            ("image-rotate" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [38419 38895])
+            ("image-save" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [38897 39537])
+            ("image" package nil nil [39539 39555]))          
+      :file "image.el"
+      :pointmax 39580
+      :fsize 39579
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29511 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("seq" include nil nil [1184 1198])
+            ("subr-x" include nil nil [1218 1235])
+            ("cl-lib" include nil nil [1258 1275])
+            ("auth-source" include nil nil [1277 1299])
+            ("url-parse" include nil nil [1300 1320])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [1322 1914])
+            ("auth-source-pass--build-result" function (:arguments ("host" "port" "user")) nil [1916 2579])
+            ("auth-source-pass-enable" function nil nil [2596 2903])
+            ("auth-source-pass-backend" variable (:default-value (auth-source-backend (format "Password store") :source "." :type (quote password-store) :search-function (function auth-source-pass-search))) nil [2905 3133])
+            ("auth-source-pass-backend-parse" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [3135 3351])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [3353 3434])
+            ("auth-source-pass-get" function (:arguments ("key" "entry")) nil [3438 3986])
+            ("auth-source-pass--read-entry" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [3988 4310])
+            ("auth-source-pass-parse-entry" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [4312 4696])
+            ("auth-source-pass--parse-secret" function (:arguments ("contents")) nil [4698 4910])
+            ("auth-source-pass--parse-data" function (:arguments ("contents")) nil [4912 5583])
+            ("auth-source-pass--user-match-p" function (:arguments ("entry" "user")) nil [5585 5750])
+            ("auth-source-pass--hostname" function (:arguments ("host")) nil [5752 5899])
+            ("auth-source-pass--hostname-with-user" function (:arguments ("host")) nil [5901 6213])
+            ("auth-source-pass--do-debug" function (:arguments ("msg")) nil [6215 6440])
+            ("auth-source-pass--select-one-entry" function (:arguments ("entries" "user")) nil [6442 7253])
+            ("auth-source-pass--entry-valid-p" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [7255 7546])
+            ("auth-source-pass-entries" function nil nil [7630 7927])
+            ("auth-source-pass--find-all-by-entry-name" function (:arguments ("entryname" "user")) nil [7929 8644])
+            ("auth-source-pass--find-one-by-entry-name" function (:arguments ("entryname" "user")) nil [8646 9381])
+            ("auth-source-pass--find-match" function (:arguments ("host" "user")) nil [9383 10431])
+            ("auth-source-pass" package nil nil [10433 10460]))          
+      :file "auth-source-pass.el"
+      :pointmax 10495
+      :fsize 10494
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29502 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 1275 . 1276) (symbol 1238 . 1255) (open-paren 1237 . 1238) (close-paren 1235 . 1236) (symbol 1200 . 1217) (open-paren 1199 . 1200)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("epa-file" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [911 1029])
+            ("epa-file--file-name-regexp-set" function (:arguments ("variable" "value")) nil [1031 1199])
+            ("epa-file-name-regexp" variable (:default-value (purecopy "\\.gpg\\(~\\|\\.~[0-9]+~\\)?\\'")) nil [1201 1644])
+            ("epa-file-inhibit-auto-save" variable (:default-value t) nil [1646 1790])
+            ("epa-file-encrypt-to" variable nil nil [1792 1913])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1915 2149])
+            ("put" code nil nil [2151 2196])
+            ("epa-file-handler" variable (:default-value (cons epa-file-name-regexp (quote epa-file-handler))) nil [2198 2271])
+            ("epa-file-auto-mode-alist-entry" variable (:default-value (list epa-file-name-regexp nil (quote epa-file))) nil [2273 2356])
+            ("epa-file-name-regexp-update" function nil nil [2358 2526])
+            ("epa-file-find-file-hook" function nil nil [2528 2705])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [2707 3808])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3810 3847])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3848 3920])
+            ("epa-hook" package nil nil [3922 3941]))          
+      :file "epa-hook.el"
+      :pointmax 3969
+      :fsize 3968
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29507 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("internal-lisp-face-attributes" variable (:default-value [nil :family :foundry :swidth :height :weight :slant :underline :inverse :foreground :background :stipple :overline :strike :box :font :inherit :fontset :vector]) nil [2615 2826])
+            ("face-attrs-more-relative-p" function (:arguments ("attrs1" "attrs2")) nil [2828 3869])
+            ("face-remap-order" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [3871 4150])
+            ("face-remap-add-relative" function (:arguments ("face" "specs")) nil [4167 5780])
+            ("face-remap-remove-relative" function (:arguments ("cookie")) nil [5782 6480])
+            ("face-remap-reset-base" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [6497 7288])
+            ("face-remap-set-base" function (:arguments ("face" "specs")) nil [7343 8604])
+            ("text-scale-mode-step" variable (:default-value 1.2) nil [8696 8906])
+            ("text-scale-mode-remapping" variable nil nil [8956 8994])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [8995 9050])
+            ("text-scale-mode-lighter" variable (:default-value "+0") nil [9122 9159])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [9160 9213])
+            ("text-scale-mode-amount" variable nil nil [9290 9323])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [9324 9376])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [9378 10536])
+            ("text-scale-min-amount" function nil nil [10538 10899])
+            ("text-scale-max-amount" function nil nil [10901 11273])
+            ("text-scale-set" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("level"))
+                nil [11290 11877])
+            ("text-scale-increase" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("inc"))
+                nil [11894 12817])
+            ("text-scale-decrease" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("dec"))
+                nil [12834 13043])
+            ("text-scale-adjust" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("inc"))
+                nil [13348 15176])
+            ("buffer-face-mode-face" variable (:default-value (quote variable-pitch)) nil [15274 15650])
+            ("buffer-face-mode-remapping" variable nil nil [15702 15741])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [15742 15798])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [15815 16448])
+            ("buffer-face-set" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("specs"))
+                nil [16465 17209])
+            ("buffer-face-toggle" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("specs"))
+                nil [17226 18217])
+            ("buffer-face-mode-invoke" function (:arguments ("specs" "arg" "interactive")) nil [18219 19257])
+            ("variable-pitch-mode" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [19368 19735])
+            ("face-remap" package nil nil [19738 19759]))          
+      :file "face-remap.el"
+      :pointmax 19789
+      :fsize 19788
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29507 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("bs" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5372 5585])
+            ("bs-appearance" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5587 5691])
+            ("bs-attributes-list" variable (:default-value (quote (("" 1 1 left bs--get-marked-string) ("M" 1 1 left bs--get-modified-string) ("R" 2 2 left bs--get-readonly-string) ("Buffer" bs--get-name-length 10 left bs--get-name) ("" 1 1 left " ") ("Size" 8 8 right bs--get-size-string) ("" 1 1 left " ") ("Mode" 12 12 right bs--get-mode-name) ("" 2 2 left "  ") ("File" 12 12 left bs--get-file-name) ("" 2 2 left "  ")))) nil [5693 7152])
+            ("bs--make-header-match-string" function nil nil [7154 7341])
+            ("bs-mode-font-lock-keywords" variable (:default-value (list (list (bs--make-header-match-string) (quote (1 font-lock-type-face append)) (quote (1 (quote bold) append))) (list "^\\(.*\\*.*\\*.*\\)$" 1 (if (facep (quote font-lock-constant-face)) (quote font-lock-constant-face) (quote font-lock-comment-face))) (quote ("^..\\(.*Dired .*\\)$" 1 font-lock-function-name-face)) (quote ("^.\\(\\*\\) +[^\\*]" 1 font-lock-comment-face)))) nil [7365 7988])
+            ("bs-max-window-height" variable (:default-value 20) nil [7990 8118])
+            ("bs-dont-show-regexp" variable nil nil [8120 8306])
+            ("bs-must-show-regexp" variable nil nil [8308 8698])
+            ("bs-must-always-show-regexp" variable nil nil [8700 9004])
+            ("bs-dont-show-function" variable nil nil [9006 9242])
+            ("bs-must-show-function" variable nil nil [9244 9388])
+            ("bs-buffer-sort-function" variable nil nil [9390 9634])
+            ("bs-maximal-buffer-name-column" variable (:default-value 45) nil [9636 9997])
+            ("bs-minimal-buffer-name-column" variable (:default-value 15) nil [9999 10360])
+            ("bs-header-lines-length" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value 2)
+                nil [10362 10455])
+            ("bs-configurations" variable (:default-value (quote (("all" nil nil nil nil nil) ("files" nil nil nil bs-visits-non-file bs-sort-buffer-interns-are-last) ("files-and-scratch" "^\\*scratch\\*$" nil nil bs-visits-non-file bs-sort-buffer-interns-are-last) ("all-intern-last" nil nil nil nil bs-sort-buffer-interns-are-last)))) nil [10457 11389])
+            ("bs-default-configuration" variable (:default-value "files") nil [11391 11682])
+            ("bs-alternative-configuration" variable (:default-value "all") nil [11684 11932])
+            ("bs-current-configuration" variable (:default-value bs-default-configuration) nil [11934 12100])
+            ("bs-cycle-configuration-name" variable nil nil [12102 12452])
+            ("bs-string-show-always" variable (:default-value "+") nil [12454 12602])
+            ("bs-string-show-never" variable (:default-value "-") nil [12604 12750])
+            ("bs-string-current" variable (:default-value ".") nil [12752 12885])
+            ("bs-string-current-marked" variable (:default-value "#") nil [12887 13045])
+            ("bs-string-marked" variable (:default-value ">") nil [13047 13176])
+            ("bs-string-show-normally" variable (:default-value " ") nil [13178 13318])
+            ("bs--name-entry-length" variable (:default-value 20) nil [13320 13426])
+            ("defvar-local" code nil nil [13597 13897])
+            ("unless" code nil nil [13938 14025])
+            ("bs--sort-by-name" function (:arguments ("b1" "b2")) nil [14027 14155])
+            ("bs--sort-by-filename" function (:arguments ("b1" "b2")) nil [14157 14313])
+            ("bs--sort-by-mode" function (:arguments ("b1" "b2")) nil [14315 14563])
+            ("bs--sort-by-size" function (:arguments ("b1" "b2")) nil [14565 14683])
+            ("bs-sort-functions" variable (:default-value (quote (("by name" bs--sort-by-name "Buffer" region) ("by size" bs--sort-by-size "Size" region) ("by mode" bs--sort-by-mode "Mode" region) ("by filename" bs--sort-by-filename "File" region) ("by nothing" nil nil nil)))) nil [14685 15615])
+            ("bs-define-sort-function" function (:arguments ("name" "fun" "regexp-for-sorting" "face")) nil [15617 16425])
+            ("bs--current-sort-function" variable nil nil [16427 16577])
+            ("bs-default-sort-name" variable (:default-value "by nothing") nil [16579 16962])
+            ("bs--buffer-coming-from" variable nil nil [16964 17075])
+            ("bs--show-all" variable nil nil [17077 17296])
+            ("bs--window-config-coming-from" variable nil nil [17298 17404])
+            ("bs--intern-show-never" variable (:default-value "^ \\|\\*buffer-selection\\*") nil [17406 17624])
+            ("bs-current-list" variable nil nil [17626 17729])
+            ("bs--marked-buffers" variable nil nil [17731 17817])
+            ("bs-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map " " (quote bs-select)) (define-key map "f" (quote bs-select)) (define-key map "v" (quote bs-view)) (define-key map "!" (quote bs-select-in-one-window)) (define-key map [mouse-2] (quote bs-mouse-select)) (define-key map [button2] (quote bs-mouse-select)) (define-key map "F" (quote bs-select-other-frame)) (let ((key 49)) (while (<= key 57) (define-key map (char-to-string key) (quote digit-argument)) (setq key (1+ key)))) (define-key map "-" (quote negative-argument)) (define-key map "-" (quote negative-argument)) (define-key map "o" (quote bs-select-other-window)) (define-key map "" (quote bs-tmp-select-other-window)) (define-key map [mouse-3] (quote bs-mouse-select-other-frame)) (define-key map [button3] (quote bs-mouse-select-other-frame)) (define-key map [up] (quote bs-up)) (define-key map "n" (quote bs-down)) (define-key map "p" (quote bs-up)) (define-key map [down] (quote bs-down)) (define-key map "
" (quote bs-select)) (define-key map "b" (quote bs-bury-buffer)) (define-key map "s" (quote bs-save)) (define-key map "S" (quote bs-show-sorted)) (define-key map "a" (quote bs-toggle-show-all)) (define-key map "d" (quote bs-delete)) (define-key map "" (quote bs-delete-backward)) (define-key map "k" (quote bs-delete)) (define-key map "g" (quote bs-refresh)) (define-key map "C" (quote bs-set-configuration-and-refresh)) (define-key map "c" (quote bs-select-next-configuration)) (define-key map "q" (quote bs-kill)) (define-key map "" (quote bs-kill)) (define-key map "" (quote bs-abort)) (define-key map "" (quote bs-abort)) (define-key map "%" (quote bs-toggle-readonly)) (define-key map "~" (quote bs-clear-modified)) (define-key map "M" (quote bs-toggle-current-to-show)) (define-key map "+" (quote bs-set-current-buffer-to-show-always)) (define-key map "t" (quote bs-visit-tags-table)) (define-key map "m" (quote bs-mark-current)) (define-key map "u" (quote bs-unmark-current)) (define-key map "U" (quote bs-unmark-all)) (define-key map "" (quote bs-unmark-previous)) (define-key map ">" (quote scroll-right)) (define-key map "<" (quote scroll-left)) (define-key map "?" (quote bs-help)) map)) nil [17819 20333])
+            ("bs-buffer-list" function (:arguments ("list" "sort-description")) nil [20497 22812])
+            ("bs-buffer-sort" function (:arguments ("buffer-list")) nil [22814 23018])
+            ("bs--redisplay" function (:arguments ("keep-line-p" "sort-description")) nil [23020 23449])
+            ("bs--goto-current-buffer" function nil nil [23451 23933])
+            ("bs--current-config-message" function nil nil [23935 24163])
+            ("bs--track-window-changes" function (:arguments ("frame")) nil [24165 24436])
+            ("bs--remove-hooks" function nil nil [24438 24729])
+            ("put" code nil nil [24731 24766])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [24768 27292])
+            ("bs--restore-window-config" function nil nil [27294 27612])
+            ("bs-kill" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [27614 27768])
+            ("bs-abort" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [27770 27888])
+            ("bs-set-configuration-and-refresh" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [27890 28118])
+            ("bs-refresh" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_ignored"))
+                nil [28120 28277])
+            ("bs--set-window-height" function nil nil [28279 28483])
+            ("bs--current-buffer" function nil nil [28485 28779])
+            ("bs--update-current-line" function nil nil [28781 29072])
+            ("bs-view" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [29074 29219])
+            ("bs-select" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [29221 30085])
+            ("bs-select-other-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [30087 30541])
+            ("bs-tmp-select-other-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [30543 30756])
+            ("bs-select-other-frame" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [30758 31039])
+            ("bs-mouse-select-other-frame" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [31041 31269])
+            ("bs-mouse-select" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [31271 31432])
+            ("bs-select-in-one-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [31434 31625])
+            ("bs-bury-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [31627 31758])
+            ("bs-save" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [31760 31918])
+            ("bs-visit-tags-table" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [31920 32184])
+            ("bs-toggle-current-to-show" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [32186 32690])
+            ("bs-set-current-buffer-to-show-always" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("not-to-show-p"))
+                nil [32692 33108])
+            ("bs-set-current-buffer-to-show-never" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [33110 33281])
+            ("bs--set-toggle-to-show" function (:arguments ("buffer" "what")) nil [33283 33633])
+            ("bs--mark-unmark" function (:arguments ("count" "fun")) nil [33635 33926])
+            ("bs-mark-current" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("count"))
+                nil [33928 34168])
+            ("bs-unmark-current" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("count"))
+                nil [34170 34434])
+            ("bs-unmark-previous" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("count"))
+                nil [34436 34699])
+            ("bs-unmark-all" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [34701 35417])
+            ("bs--show-config-message" function (:arguments ("what")) nil [35419 35745])
+            ("bs-delete" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [35747 36267])
+            ("bs-delete-backward" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [36269 36498])
+            ("bs-show-sorted" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [36500 36821])
+            ("bs-apply-sort-faces" function (:arguments ("sort-description")) nil [36823 37442])
+            ("bs-toggle-show-all" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [37444 37708])
+            ("bs-toggle-readonly" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [37710 37945])
+            ("bs-clear-modified" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [37947 38153])
+            ("bs--nth-wrapper" function (:arguments ("count" "fun" "args")) nil [38155 38307])
+            ("bs-up" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [38309 38530])
+            ("bs--up" function nil nil [38532 38782])
+            ("bs-down" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [38784 39009])
+            ("bs--down" function nil nil [39011 39257])
+            ("bs-visits-non-file" function (:arguments ("buffer")) nil [39259 39463])
+            ("bs-sort-buffer-interns-are-last" function (:arguments ("_b1" "b2")) nil [39465 39625])
+            ("bs-config-clear" function nil nil [39795 40163])
+            ("bs-config--only-files" function nil nil [40165 40488])
+            ("bs-config--files-and-scratch" function nil nil [40490 40895])
+            ("bs-config--all" function nil nil [40897 41046])
+            ("bs-config--all-intern-last" function nil nil [41048 41310])
+            ("bs-set-configuration" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("name"))
+                nil [41312 42114])
+            ("bs-help" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [42116 42205])
+            ("bs-next-config-aux" function (:arguments ("start-name" "list")) nil [42207 42647])
+            ("bs-next-config" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [42649 42800])
+            ("bs-select-next-configuration" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start-name"))
+                nil [42802 43329])
+            ("bs-show-in-buffer" function (:arguments ("list")) nil [43331 44349])
+            ("bs-next-buffer" function (:arguments ("buffer-list" "sorting-p")) nil [44351 44965])
+            ("bs-previous-buffer" function (:arguments ("buffer-list" "sorting-p")) nil [44967 45547])
+            ("bs-message-without-log" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [45549 45764])
+            ("bs--cycle-list" variable nil nil [45766 45835])
+            ("bs-cycle-next" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [45852 47057])
+            ("bs-cycle-previous" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [47074 48190])
+            ("bs--get-value" function (:arguments ("fun" "args")) nil [48192 48432])
+            ("bs--get-marked-string" function (:arguments ("start-buffer" "_all-buffers")) nil [48434 49509])
+            ("bs--get-modified-string" function (:arguments ("_start-buffer" "_all-buffers")) nil [49511 49811])
+            ("bs--get-readonly-string" function (:arguments ("_start-buffer" "_all-buffers")) nil [49813 50111])
+            ("bs--get-size-string" function (:arguments ("_start-buffer" "_all-buffers")) nil [50113 50398])
+            ("bs--get-name" function (:arguments ("_start-buffer" "_all-buffers")) nil [50400 50879])
+            ("bs--get-mode-name" function (:arguments ("start-buffer" "_all-buffers")) nil [50881 51192])
+            ("bs--get-file-name" function (:arguments ("_start-buffer" "_all-buffers")) nil [51194 51786])
+            ("bs--insert-one-entry" function (:arguments ("buffer")) nil [51788 52602])
+            ("bs--format-aux" function (:arguments ("string" "align" "len")) nil [52604 53013])
+            ("bs--show-header" function nil nil [53015 53252])
+            ("bs--get-name-length" function nil nil [53254 53353])
+            ("bs--create-header-line" function (:arguments ("col")) nil [53355 53755])
+            ("bs--show-with-configuration" function (:arguments ("name" "arg")) nil [53757 55307])
+            ("bs--configuration-name-for-prefix-arg" function (:arguments ("prefix")) nil [55309 55962])
+            ("bs-customize" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [56170 56291])
+            ("bs-show" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [56308 57043])
+            ("bs-unload-function" function nil nil [57205 57490])
+            ("bs" package nil nil [57518 57531]))          
+      :file "bs.el"
+      :pointmax 57553
+      :fsize 57552
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29503 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("tabulated-list" include nil nil [938 963])
+            ("copy-from-above-command" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [981 2146])
+            ("zap-up-to-char" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg" "char"))
+                nil [2195 2719])
+            ("mark-beginning-of-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2869 2991])
+            ("mark-end-of-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [3008 3118])
+            ("upcase-char" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [3135 3330])
+            ("forward-to-word" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [3347 3625])
+            ("backward-to-word" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [3642 3817])
+            ("butterfly" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [3834 4875])
+            ("list-dynamic-libraries--loaded-only-p" variable nil nil [5012 5058])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [5059 5126])
+            ("list-dynamic-libraries--loaded" function (:arguments ("from")) nil [5128 5609])
+            ("list-dynamic-libraries--refresh" function nil nil [5611 6807])
+            ("list-dynamic-libraries" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("loaded-only-p" "buffer"))
+                nil [6824 7709])
+            ("misc" package nil nil [7711 7726]))          
+      :file "misc.el"
+      :pointmax 7750
+      :fsize 7749
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29513 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 963 . 964) (symbol 918 . 935) (open-paren 917 . 918)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("thingatpt" package nil nil [2020 2040])
+            ("forward-thing" function (:arguments ("thing" "n")) nil [2076 2591])
+            ("bounds-of-thing-at-point" function (:arguments ("thing")) nil [2629 4663])
+            ("thing-at-point" function (:arguments ("thing" "no-properties")) nil [4680 5541])
+            ("beginning-of-thing" function (:arguments ("thing")) nil [5567 5833])
+            ("end-of-thing" function (:arguments ("thing")) nil [5835 6089])
+            ("put" code nil nil [6222 6314])
+            ("in-string-p" function nil nil [6327 6581])
+            ("thing-at-point--end-of-sexp" function nil nil [6583 6845])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [6847 6997])
+            ("put" code nil nil [6999 7047])
+            ("thing-at-point--beginning-of-sexp" function nil nil [7049 7330])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [7332 7494])
+            ("put" code nil nil [7496 7556])
+            ("put" code nil nil [7569 7646])
+            ("thing-at-point-bounds-of-list-at-point" function nil nil [7648 8137])
+            ("put" code nil nil [8150 8196])
+            ("put" code nil nil [8197 8237])
+            ("put" code nil nil [8238 8278])
+            ("thing-at-point-file-name-chars" variable (:default-value "-~/[:alnum:]_.${}#%,:") nil [8295 8397])
+            ("put" code nil nil [8399 8529])
+            ("put" code nil nil [8530 8719])
+            ("thing-at-point-beginning-of-url-regexp" variable nil nil [8731 8902])
+            ("thing-at-point-url-path-regexp" variable (:default-value "[^]	
+ \"'<>[^`{}]*[^]	
+ \"'<>[^`{}.,;]+") nil [8904 9058])
+            ("thing-at-point-short-url-regexp" variable (:default-value (concat "[-A-Za-z0-9]+\\.[-A-Za-z0-9.]+" thing-at-point-url-path-regexp)) nil [9060 9229])
+            ("thing-at-point-uri-schemes" variable (:default-value (quote ("aaa://" "about:" "acap://" "apt:" "bzr://" "bzr+ssh://" "attachment:/" "chrome://" "cid:" "content://" "crid://" "cvs://" "data:" "dav:" "dict://" "doi:" "dns:" "dtn:" "feed:" "file:/" "finger://" "fish://" "ftp://" "geo:" "git://" "go:" "gopher://" "h323:" "http://" "https://" "im:" "imap://" "info:" "ipp:" "irc://" "irc6://" "ircs://" "iris.beep:" "jar:" "ldap://" "ldaps://" "magnet:" "mailto:" "mid:" "mtqp://" "mupdate://" "news:" "nfs://" "nntp://" "opaquelocktoken:" "pop://" "pres:" "resource://" "rmi://" "rsync://" "rtsp://" "rtspu://" "service:" "sftp://" "sip:" "sips:" "smb://" "sms:" "snmp://" "soap.beep://" "soap.beeps://" "ssh://" "svn://" "svn+ssh://" "tag:" "tel:" "telnet://" "tftp://" "tip://" "tn3270://" "udp://" "urn:" "uuid:" "vemmi://" "webcal://" "xri://" "xmlrpc.beep://" "xmlrpc.beeps://" "z39.50r://" "z39.50s://" "xmpp:" "fax:" "man:" "mms://" "mmsh://" "modem:" "prospero:" "snews:" "wais://"))) nil [9231 10585])
+            ("thing-at-point-markedup-url-regexp" variable (:default-value "<URL:\\([^<>
+]+\\)>") nil [10587 10872])
+            ("thing-at-point-newsgroup-regexp" variable (:default-value "\\`[[:lower:]]+\\.[-+[:lower:]_0-9.]+\\'") nil [10874 10997])
+            ("thing-at-point-newsgroup-heads" variable (:default-value (quote ("alt" "comp" "gnu" "misc" "news" "sci" "soc" "talk"))) nil [10999 11160])
+            ("thing-at-point-default-mail-uri-scheme" variable (:default-value "mailto") nil [11162 11331])
+            ("put" code nil nil [11333 11408])
+            ("thing-at-point-bounds-of-url-at-point" function (:arguments ("lax")) nil [11410 12611])
+            ("thing-at-point--bounds-of-markedup-url" function nil nil [12613 13122])
+            ("thing-at-point--bounds-of-well-formed-url" function (:arguments ("beg" "end" "pt")) nil [13124 14578])
+            ("put" code nil nil [14580 14635])
+            ("thing-at-point-url-at-point" function (:arguments ("lax" "bounds")) nil [14637 17071])
+            ("thing-at-point-newsgroup-p" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [17073 17966])
+            ("put" code nil nil [17968 18018])
+            ("put" code nil nil [18020 18076])
+            ("thing-at-point-looking-at" function (:arguments ("regexp" "distance")) nil [18481 20002])
+            ("thing-at-point-email-regexp" variable (:default-value "<?[-+_.~a-zA-Z][-+_.~:a-zA-Z0-9]*@[-.a-zA-Z0-9]+>?") nil [20025 20270])
+            ("put" code nil nil [20513 20806])
+            ("put" code nil nil [20808 21046])
+            ("put" code nil nil [21060 21117])
+            ("put" code nil nil [21118 21181])
+            ("word-at-point" function nil nil [21196 21298])
+            ("sentence-at-point" function nil nil [21300 21414])
+            ("thing-at-point--read-from-whole-string" function (:arguments ("str")) nil [21416 21885])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [21887 22059])
+            ("form-at-point" function (:arguments ("thing" "pred")) nil [22061 22363])
+            ("sexp-at-point" function nil nil [22380 22483])
+            ("symbol-at-point" function nil nil [22499 22655])
+            ("number-at-point" function nil nil [22671 22897])
+            ("put" code nil nil [22899 22945])
+            ("list-at-point" function nil nil [22961 23076]))          
+      :file "thingatpt.el"
+      :pointmax 23105
+      :fsize 23104
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29519 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("tabulated-list" include nil nil [1117 1142])
+            ("Buffer-menu" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1144 1252])
+            ("Buffer-menu-marker-char" variable (:default-value 62) nil [1254 1332])
+            ("Buffer-menu-del-char" variable (:default-value 68) nil [1334 1415])
+            ("Buffer-menu-use-header-line" variable (:default-value t) nil [1417 1571])
+            ("buffer-menu-buffer" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:weight bold))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [1573 1693])
+            ("put" code nil nil [1694 1751])
+            ("Buffer-menu-buffer+size-width" variable nil nil [1753 2198])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [2200 2337])
+            ("Buffer-menu-name-width" variable (:default-value 19) nil [2339 2484])
+            ("Buffer-menu-size-width" variable (:default-value 7) nil [2486 2630])
+            ("Buffer-menu-mode-width" variable (:default-value 16) nil [2632 2757])
+            ("Buffer-menu-use-frame-buffer-list" variable (:default-value t) nil [2759 3160])
+            ("Buffer-menu-files-only" variable nil nil [3162 3335])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [3336 3388])
+            ("Buffer-menu-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)) (menu-map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map tabulated-list-mode-map) (define-key map "v" (quote Buffer-menu-select)) (define-key map "2" (quote Buffer-menu-2-window)) (define-key map "1" (quote Buffer-menu-1-window)) (define-key map "f" (quote Buffer-menu-this-window)) (define-key map "e" (quote Buffer-menu-this-window)) (define-key map "
" (quote Buffer-menu-this-window)) (define-key map "o" (quote Buffer-menu-other-window)) (define-key map "" (quote Buffer-menu-switch-other-window)) (define-key map "s" (quote Buffer-menu-save)) (define-key map "d" (quote Buffer-menu-delete)) (define-key map "k" (quote Buffer-menu-delete)) (define-key map "" (quote Buffer-menu-delete)) (define-key map "" (quote Buffer-menu-delete-backwards)) (define-key map "x" (quote Buffer-menu-execute)) (define-key map " " (quote next-line)) (define-key map "" (quote Buffer-menu-backup-unmark)) (define-key map "~" (quote Buffer-menu-not-modified)) (define-key map "u" (quote Buffer-menu-unmark)) (define-key map "\377" (quote Buffer-menu-unmark-all-buffers)) (define-key map "U" (quote Buffer-menu-unmark-all)) (define-key map "m" (quote Buffer-menu-mark)) (define-key map "t" (quote Buffer-menu-visit-tags-table)) (define-key map "%" (quote Buffer-menu-toggle-read-only)) (define-key map "b" (quote Buffer-menu-bury)) (define-key map "V" (quote Buffer-menu-view)) (define-key map "T" (quote Buffer-menu-toggle-files-only)) (define-key map (kbd "M-s a C-s") (quote Buffer-menu-isearch-buffers)) (define-key map (kbd "M-s a M-C-s") (quote Buffer-menu-isearch-buffers-regexp)) (define-key map (kbd "M-s a C-o") (quote Buffer-menu-multi-occur)) (define-key map [mouse-2] (quote Buffer-menu-mouse-select)) (define-key map [follow-link] (quote mouse-face)) (define-key map [menu-bar Buffer-menu-mode] (cons (purecopy "Buffer-Menu") menu-map)) (bindings--define-key menu-map [quit] (quote (menu-item "Quit" quit-window :help "Remove the buffer menu from the display"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [rev] (quote (menu-item "Refresh" revert-buffer :help "Refresh the *Buffer List* buffer contents"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [s0] menu-bar-separator) (bindings--define-key menu-map [tf] (quote (menu-item "Show Only File Buffers" Buffer-menu-toggle-files-only :button (:toggle . Buffer-menu-files-only) :help "Toggle whether the current buffer-menu displays only file buffers"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [s1] menu-bar-separator) (bindings--define-key menu-map [sel] (quote (menu-item "Select Marked" Buffer-menu-select :help "Select this line's buffer; also display buffers marked with `>'"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [bm2] (quote (menu-item "Select Two" Buffer-menu-2-window :help "Select this line's buffer, with previous buffer in second window"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [bm1] (quote (menu-item "Select Current" Buffer-menu-1-window :help "Select this line's buffer, alone, in full frame"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [ow] (quote (menu-item "Select in Other Window" Buffer-menu-other-window :help "Select this line's buffer in other window, leaving buffer menu visible"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [tw] (quote (menu-item "Select in Current Window" Buffer-menu-this-window :help "Select this line's buffer in this window"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [s2] menu-bar-separator) (bindings--define-key menu-map [is] (quote (menu-item "Regexp Isearch Marked Buffers..." Buffer-menu-isearch-buffers-regexp :help "Search for a regexp through all marked buffers using Isearch"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [ir] (quote (menu-item "Isearch Marked Buffers..." Buffer-menu-isearch-buffers :help "Search for a string through all marked buffers using Isearch"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [mo] (quote (menu-item "Multi Occur Marked Buffers..." Buffer-menu-multi-occur :help "Show lines matching a regexp in marked buffers using Occur"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [s3] menu-bar-separator) (bindings--define-key menu-map [by] (quote (menu-item "Bury" Buffer-menu-bury :help "Bury the buffer listed on this line"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [vt] (quote (menu-item "Set Unmodified" Buffer-menu-not-modified :help "Mark buffer on this line as unmodified (no changes to save)"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [ex] (quote (menu-item "Execute" Buffer-menu-execute :help "Save and/or delete buffers marked with s or k commands"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [s4] menu-bar-separator) (bindings--define-key menu-map [delb] (quote (menu-item "Mark for Delete and Move Backwards" Buffer-menu-delete-backwards :help "Mark buffer on this line to be deleted by x command and move up one line"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [del] (quote (menu-item "Mark for Delete" Buffer-menu-delete :help "Mark buffer on this line to be deleted by x command"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [sv] (quote (menu-item "Mark for Save" Buffer-menu-save :help "Mark buffer on this line to be saved by x command"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [umk] (quote (menu-item "Unmark" Buffer-menu-unmark :help "Cancel all requested operations on buffer on this line and move down"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [umkab] (quote (menu-item "Remove marks..." Buffer-menu-unmark-all-buffers :help "Cancel a requested operation on all buffers"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [umka] (quote (menu-item "Unmark all" Buffer-menu-unmark-all :help "Cancel all requested operations on buffers"))) (bindings--define-key menu-map [mk] (quote (menu-item "Mark" Buffer-menu-mark :help "Mark buffer on this line for being displayed by v command"))) map)) nil [3390 9249])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [9251 9338])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [9340 12012])
+            ("buffer-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [12014 12963])
+            ("buffer-menu-other-window" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [12965 13465])
+            ("list-buffers" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [13482 13920])
+            ("Buffer-menu-toggle-files-only" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [13922 14434])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [14436 14485])
+            ("Buffer-menu-buffer" function (:arguments ("error-if-non-existent-p")) nil [14489 15003])
+            ("Buffer-menu-no-header" function nil nil [15005 15198])
+            ("Buffer-menu-beginning" function nil nil [15200 15316])
+            ("Buffer-menu-mark" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [15369 15644])
+            ("Buffer-menu-unmark" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("backup"))
+                nil [15646 15878])
+            ("Buffer-menu-unmark-all-buffers" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("mark"))
+                nil [15880 16566])
+            ("Buffer-menu-unmark-all" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [16568 16704])
+            ("Buffer-menu-backup-unmark" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [16706 16875])
+            ("Buffer-menu--unmark" function nil nil [16877 17113])
+            ("Buffer-menu-delete" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [17115 17847])
+            ("Buffer-menu-delete-backwards" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [17849 18173])
+            ("Buffer-menu-save" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [18175 18448])
+            ("Buffer-menu-not-modified" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [18450 18794])
+            ("Buffer-menu-execute" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [18796 19769])
+            ("Buffer-menu-select" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [19771 20566])
+            ("Buffer-menu-marked-buffers" function (:arguments ("unmark")) nil [20568 20995])
+            ("Buffer-menu-isearch-buffers" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [20997 21172])
+            ("Buffer-menu-isearch-buffers-regexp" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [21174 21363])
+            ("Buffer-menu-multi-occur" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("regexp" "nlines"))
+                nil [21365 21593])
+            ("Buffer-menu-visit-tags-table" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [21597 21873])
+            ("Buffer-menu-1-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [21875 22075])
+            ("Buffer-menu-this-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [22077 22217])
+            ("Buffer-menu-other-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [22219 22403])
+            ("Buffer-menu-switch-other-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [22405 22597])
+            ("Buffer-menu-2-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [22599 22910])
+            ("Buffer-menu-toggle-read-only" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [22912 23277])
+            ("Buffer-menu-bury" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [23279 23761])
+            ("Buffer-menu-view" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [23763 23887])
+            ("Buffer-menu-view-other-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [23889 24057])
+            ("list-buffers-noselect" function (:arguments ("files-only" "buffer-list")) nil [24122 24788])
+            ("Buffer-menu-mouse-select" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [24790 25212])
+            ("list-buffers--refresh" function (:arguments ("buffer-list" "old-buffer")) nil [25214 27023])
+            ("tabulated-list-entry-size->" function (:arguments ("entry1" "entry2")) nil [27025 27171])
+            ("Buffer-menu--pretty-name" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [27173 27305])
+            ("Buffer-menu--pretty-file-name" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [27307 27450]))          
+      :file "buff-menu.el"
+      :pointmax 27479
+      :fsize 27478
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29503 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("timer" include nil nil [1254 1270])
+            ("cl-lib" include nil nil [1290 1307])
+            ("battery" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1311 1413])
+            ("battery-linux-sysfs-regexp" variable (:default-value "[bB][aA][tT][0-9]?$") nil [1415 1637])
+            ("battery-upower-device" variable (:default-value "battery_BAT1") nil [1639 1771])
+            ("battery-status-function" variable (:default-value (cond ((and (eq system-type (quote gnu/linux)) (file-readable-p "/proc/apm")) (function battery-linux-proc-apm)) ((and (eq system-type (quote gnu/linux)) (file-directory-p "/proc/acpi/battery")) (function battery-linux-proc-acpi)) ((and (eq system-type (quote gnu/linux)) (file-directory-p "/sys/class/power_supply/") (directory-files "/sys/class/power_supply/" nil battery-linux-sysfs-regexp)) (function battery-linux-sysfs)) ((and (eq system-type (quote berkeley-unix)) (file-executable-p "/usr/sbin/apm")) (function battery-bsd-apm)) ((and (eq system-type (quote darwin)) (condition-case nil (with-temp-buffer (and (eq (call-process "pmset" nil t nil "-g" "ps") 0) (> (buffer-size) 0))) (error nil))) (function battery-pmset)) ((fboundp (quote w32-battery-status)) (function w32-battery-status)))) nil [1773 2980])
+            ("battery-echo-area-format" variable (:default-value "Power %L, battery %B (%p%% load, remaining time %t)") nil [2982 3933])
+            ("battery-mode-line-string" variable nil nil [3935 4012])
+            ("battery-mode-line-limit" variable (:default-value 100) nil [4085 4248])
+            ("battery-mode-line-format" variable (:default-value (cond ((eq battery-status-function (quote battery-linux-proc-acpi)) "[%b%p%%,%d°C]") (battery-status-function "[%b%p%%]"))) nil [4250 5268])
+            ("battery-update-interval" variable (:default-value 60) nil [5270 5403])
+            ("battery-load-low" variable (:default-value 25) nil [5405 5582])
+            ("battery-load-critical" variable (:default-value 10) nil [5584 5776])
+            ("battery-update-timer" variable nil nil [5778 5838])
+            ("battery" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5855 6279])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [6296 7388])
+            ("battery-update-handler" function nil nil [7390 7456])
+            ("battery-update" function nil nil [7458 8174])
+            ("battery-linux-proc-apm-regexp" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "^\\([^ ]+\\)" " \\([^ ]+\\)" " 0x\\([0-9a-f]+\\)" " 0x\\([0-9a-f]+\\)" " 0x\\([0-9a-f]+\\)" " 0x\\([0-9a-f]+\\)" " \\(-?[0-9]+\\)%" " \\(-?[0-9]+\\)" " \\(.*\\)" "$"))
+                nil [8215 8686])
+            ("battery-linux-proc-apm" function nil nil [8688 11561])
+            ("battery-linux-proc-acpi" function nil nil [11605 16191])
+            ("battery-linux-sysfs" function nil nil [16252 21203])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [21207 21309])
+            ("battery-upower-prop" function (:arguments ("pname" "device")) nil [21336 21570])
+            ("battery-upower" function nil nil [21572 23988])
+            ("battery-bsd-apm" function nil nil [24021 26581])
+            ("battery-pmset" function nil nil [26628 28639])
+            ("battery-format" function (:arguments ("format" "alist")) nil [28667 28908])
+            ("battery-search-for-one-match-in-files" function (:arguments ("files" "regexp" "match-num")) nil [28910 29385])
+            ("battery" package nil nil [29389 29407]))          
+      :file "battery.el"
+      :pointmax 29434
+      :fsize 29434
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29503 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 1307 . 1308) (symbol 1272 . 1289) (open-paren 1271 . 1272)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("info" include nil nil [1014 1029])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1031 1085])
+            ("texinfo-command-start" variable nil nil [1107 1137])
+            ("texinfo-command-end" variable nil nil [1138 1166])
+            ("Info-tagify" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("input-buffer-name"))
+                nil [1183 5145])
+            ("Info-split-threshold" variable (:default-value 262144) nil [5164 5328])
+            ("Info-split" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5345 7822])
+            ("Info-validate-allnodes" variable nil nil [7825 7856])
+            ("Info-validate-thisnode" variable nil nil [7857 7888])
+            ("Info-validate-lossages" variable nil nil [7889 7920])
+            ("Info-validate" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7937 12861])
+            ("Info-validate-node-name" function (:arguments ("kind" "name")) nil [12863 13486])
+            ("Info-validate-tags-table" function nil nil [13488 14677])
+            ("batch-info-validate" function nil nil [14695 17227])
+            ("informat" package nil nil [17229 17248]))          
+      :file "informat.el"
+      :pointmax 17276
+      :fsize 17275
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29511 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "info.el"
+      :fsize 213835
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29511 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("text-mode" include nil nil [1044 1064])
+            ("cl-lib" include nil nil [1084 1101])
+            ("case-replace" variable (:default-value t) nil [1104 1238])
+            ("replace-char-fold" variable nil nil [1240 1574])
+            ("replace-lax-whitespace" variable nil nil [1576 1883])
+            ("replace-regexp-lax-whitespace" variable nil nil [1885 2206])
+            ("query-replace-history" variable nil nil [2208 2378])
+            ("query-replace-defaults" variable nil nil [2380 2579])
+            ("query-replace-interactive" variable nil nil [2581 2722])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [2723 2971])
+            ("query-replace-from-to-separator" variable (:default-value " → ") nil [2973 3293])
+            ("query-replace-from-history-variable" variable (:default-value (quote query-replace-history)) nil [3295 3641])
+            ("query-replace-to-history-variable" variable (:default-value (quote query-replace-history)) nil [3643 3978])
+            ("query-replace-skip-read-only" variable nil nil [3980 4150])
+            ("query-replace-show-replacement" variable (:default-value t) nil [4152 4372])
+            ("query-replace-highlight" variable (:default-value t) nil [4374 4512])
+            ("query-replace-lazy-highlight" variable (:default-value t) nil [4514 4883])
+            ("query-replace" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:inherit isearch))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [4885 5026])
+            ("replace-count" variable nil nil [5028 5146])
+            ("query-replace-descr" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [5148 5239])
+            ("query-replace--split-string" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [5241 5786])
+            ("query-replace-read-from" function (:arguments ("prompt" "regexp-flag")) nil [5788 9350])
+            ("query-replace-compile-replacement" function (:arguments ("to" "regexp-flag")) nil [9352 10700])
+            ("query-replace-read-to" function (:arguments ("from" "prompt" "regexp-flag")) nil [10703 11241])
+            ("query-replace-read-args" function (:arguments ("prompt" "regexp-flag" "noerror")) nil [11243 11684])
+            ("query-replace" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("from-string" "to-string" "delimited" "start" "end" "backward" "region-noncontiguous-p"))
+                nil [11686 14419])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [14421 14460])
+            ("query-replace-regexp" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("regexp" "to-string" "delimited" "start" "end" "backward" "region-noncontiguous-p"))
+                nil [14462 18113])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [18115 18165])
+            ("query-replace-regexp-eval" function (:arguments ("regexp" "to-expr" "delimited" "start" "end")) nil [18167 21473])
+            ("map-query-replace-regexp" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("regexp" "to-strings" "n" "start" "end"))
+                nil [21475 23502])
+            ("replace-string" function (:arguments ("from-string" "to-string" "delimited" "start" "end" "backward")) nil [23504 25957])
+            ("replace-regexp" function (:arguments ("regexp" "to-string" "delimited" "start" "end" "backward")) nil [25959 29164])
+            ("regexp-history" variable nil nil [29168 29356])
+            ("occur-collect-regexp-history" variable (:default-value (quote ("\\1"))) nil [29358 29456])
+            ("read-regexp-defaults-function" variable nil nil [29458 30431])
+            ("read-regexp-suggestions" function nil nil [30433 31014])
+            ("read-regexp" function (:arguments ("prompt" "defaults" "history")) nil [31016 33822])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [33825 33874])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [33875 33921])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [33922 33957])
+            ("keep-lines-read-args" function (:arguments ("prompt")) nil [33960 34146])
+            ("keep-lines" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("regexp" "rstart" "rend" "interactive"))
+                nil [34148 36844])
+            ("flush-lines" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("regexp" "rstart" "rend" "interactive"))
+                nil [36847 38894])
+            ("how-many" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("regexp" "rstart" "rend" "interactive"))
+                nil [38897 40701])
+            ("occur-menu-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (bindings--define-key map [next-error-follow-minor-mode] (quote (menu-item "Auto Occurrence Display" next-error-follow-minor-mode :help "Display another occurrence when moving the cursor" :button (:toggle and (boundp (quote next-error-follow-minor-mode)) next-error-follow-minor-mode)))) (bindings--define-key map [separator-1] menu-bar-separator) (bindings--define-key map [kill-this-buffer] (quote (menu-item "Kill Occur Buffer" kill-this-buffer :help "Kill the current *Occur* buffer"))) (bindings--define-key map [quit-window] (quote (menu-item "Quit Occur Window" quit-window :help "Quit the current *Occur* buffer.  Bury it, and maybe delete the selected frame"))) (bindings--define-key map [revert-buffer] (quote (menu-item "Revert Occur Buffer" revert-buffer :help "Replace the text in the *Occur* buffer with the results of rerunning occur"))) (bindings--define-key map [clone-buffer] (quote (menu-item "Clone Occur Buffer" clone-buffer :help "Create and return a twin copy of the current *Occur* buffer"))) (bindings--define-key map [occur-rename-buffer] (quote (menu-item "Rename Occur Buffer" occur-rename-buffer :help "Rename the current *Occur* buffer to *Occur: original-buffer-name*."))) (bindings--define-key map [occur-edit-buffer] (quote (menu-item "Edit Occur Buffer" occur-edit-mode :help "Edit the *Occur* buffer and apply changes to the original buffers."))) (bindings--define-key map [separator-2] menu-bar-separator) (bindings--define-key map [occur-mode-goto-occurrence-other-window] (quote (menu-item "Go To Occurrence Other Window" occur-mode-goto-occurrence-other-window :help "Go to the occurrence the current line describes, in another window"))) (bindings--define-key map [occur-mode-goto-occurrence] (quote (menu-item "Go To Occurrence" occur-mode-goto-occurrence :help "Go to the occurrence the current line describes"))) (bindings--define-key map [occur-mode-display-occurrence] (quote (menu-item "Display Occurrence" occur-mode-display-occurrence :help "Display in another window the occurrence the current line describes"))) (bindings--define-key map [occur-next] (quote (menu-item "Move to Next Match" occur-next :help "Move to the Nth (default 1) next match in an Occur mode buffer"))) (bindings--define-key map [occur-prev] (quote (menu-item "Move to Previous Match" occur-prev :help "Move to the Nth (default 1) previous match in an Occur mode buffer"))) map)) nil [40705 43307])
+            ("occur-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map [mouse-2] (quote occur-mode-mouse-goto)) (define-key map "" (quote occur-mode-goto-occurrence)) (define-key map "e" (quote occur-edit-mode)) (define-key map "
" (quote occur-mode-goto-occurrence)) (define-key map "o" (quote occur-mode-goto-occurrence-other-window)) (define-key map "" (quote occur-mode-display-occurrence)) (define-key map "\356" (quote occur-next)) (define-key map "\360" (quote occur-prev)) (define-key map "r" (quote occur-rename-buffer)) (define-key map "c" (quote clone-buffer)) (define-key map "" (quote next-error-follow-minor-mode)) (bindings--define-key map [menu-bar occur] (cons "Occur" occur-menu-map)) map)) nil [43309 44126])
+            ("occur-revert-arguments" variable nil nil [44128 44259])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [44260 44312])
+            ("put" code nil nil [44313 44361])
+            ("occur-mode-hook" variable (:default-value (quote (turn-on-font-lock))) nil [44363 44483])
+            ("occur-hook" variable nil nil [44485 44594])
+            ("occur-mode-find-occurrence-hook" variable nil nil [44596 44888])
+            ("put" code nil nil [44890 44928])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [44929 45393])
+            ("occur-edit-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map text-mode-map) (define-key map [mouse-2] (quote occur-mode-mouse-goto)) (define-key map "" (quote occur-cease-edit)) (define-key map "" (quote occur-mode-display-occurrence)) (define-key map "" (quote next-error-follow-minor-mode)) (bindings--define-key map [menu-bar occur] (cons "Occur" occur-menu-map)) map)) nil [45418 45870])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [45872 46333])
+            ("occur-cease-edit" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [46335 46526])
+            ("occur-after-change-function" function (:arguments ("beg" "end" "length")) nil [46528 48030])
+            ("occur-revert-function" function (:arguments ("_ignore1" "_ignore2")) nil [48034 48206])
+            ("occur-mode-find-occurrence" function nil nil [48208 48474])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [48476 48537])
+            ("occur-mode-goto-occurrence" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [48538 49286])
+            ("occur-mode-goto-occurrence-other-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [49288 49596])
+            ("occur-mode-display-occurrence" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [49598 50024])
+            ("occur-find-match" function (:arguments ("n" "search" "message")) nil [50026 50377])
+            ("occur-next" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n"))
+                nil [50379 50570])
+            ("occur-prev" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n"))
+                nil [50572 50774])
+            ("occur-next-error" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("argp" "reset"))
+                nil [50776 51767])
+            ("match" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :background "yellow1") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :background "RoyalBlue3") (((class color) (min-colors 8) (background light)) :background "yellow" :foreground "black") (((class color) (min-colors 8) (background dark)) :background "blue" :foreground "white") (((type tty) (class mono)) :inverse-video t) (t :background "gray")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [51770 52345])
+            ("list-matching-lines-default-context-lines" variable nil nil [52347 52664])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [52666 52704])
+            ("list-matching-lines-face" variable (:default-value (quote match)) nil [52706 52924])
+            ("list-matching-lines-buffer-name-face" variable (:default-value (quote underline)) nil [52926 53154])
+            ("list-matching-lines-current-line-face" variable (:default-value (quote lazy-highlight)) nil [53156 53344])
+            ("list-matching-lines-jump-to-current-line" variable nil nil [53346 53595])
+            ("list-matching-lines-prefix-face" variable (:default-value (quote shadow)) nil [53597 53873])
+            ("occur-excluded-properties" variable (:default-value (quote (read-only invisible intangible field mouse-face help-echo local-map keymap yank-handler follow-link))) nil [53875 54293])
+            ("occur-read-primary-args" function nil nil [54295 55166])
+            ("occur-rename-buffer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("unique-p" "interactive-p"))
+                nil [55168 56055])
+            ("occur--region-start" variable nil nil [56108 56140])
+            ("occur--region-end" variable nil nil [56141 56171])
+            ("occur--matches-threshold" variable nil nil [56172 56209])
+            ("occur--orig-line" variable nil nil [56210 56239])
+            ("occur--orig-line-str" variable nil nil [56240 56273])
+            ("occur--final-pos" variable nil nil [56274 56303])
+            ("occur" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("regexp" "nlines" "region"))
+                nil [56305 59251])
+            ("ido-ignore-item-temp-list" variable nil nil [59253 59287])
+            ("multi-occur" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("bufs" "regexp" "nlines"))
+                nil [59289 60207])
+            ("multi-occur-in-matching-buffers" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("bufregexp" "regexp" "allbufs"))
+                nil [60209 61162])
+            ("occur-regexp-descr" function (:arguments ("regexp")) nil [61164 61577])
+            ("occur-1" function (:arguments ("regexp" "nlines" "bufs" "buf-name")) nil [61579 64864])
+            ("occur-engine" function (:arguments ("regexp" "buffers" "out-buf" "nlines" "case-fold" "title-face" "prefix-face" "match-face" "keep-props")) nil [64866 74936])
+            ("occur-engine-line" function (:arguments ("beg" "end" "keep-props")) nil [74938 75428])
+            ("occur-engine-add-prefix" function (:arguments ("lines" "prefix-face")) nil [75430 75654])
+            ("occur-accumulate-lines" function (:arguments ("count" "keep-props" "pt")) nil [75656 76176])
+            ("occur-context-lines" function (:arguments ("out-line" "nlines" "keep-props" "begpt" "endpt" "curr-line" "prev-line" "prev-after-lines" "prefix-face")) nil [76589 78416])
+            ("query-replace-help" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "Type Space or `y' to replace one match, Delete or `n' to skip to next,
+RET or `q' to exit, Period to replace one match and exit,
+Comma to replace but not move point immediately,
+C-r to enter recursive edit (\\[exit-recursive-edit] to get out again),
+C-w to delete match and recursive edit,
+C-l to clear the screen, redisplay, and offer same replacement again,
+! to replace all remaining matches in this buffer with no more questions,
+^ to move point back to previous match,
+u to undo previous replacement,
+U to undo all replacements,
+E to edit the replacement string.
+In multi-buffer replacements type `Y' to replace all remaining
+matches in all remaining buffers with no more questions,
+`N' to skip to the next buffer without replacing remaining matches
+in the current buffer.")
+                nil [78527 79381])
+            ("query-replace-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map " " (quote act)) (define-key map "" (quote skip)) (define-key map [delete] (quote skip)) (define-key map [backspace] (quote skip)) (define-key map "y" (quote act)) (define-key map "n" (quote skip)) (define-key map "Y" (quote act)) (define-key map "N" (quote skip)) (define-key map "e" (quote edit-replacement)) (define-key map "E" (quote edit-replacement)) (define-key map "," (quote act-and-show)) (define-key map "q" (quote exit)) (define-key map "
" (quote exit)) (define-key map [return] (quote exit)) (define-key map "." (quote act-and-exit)) (define-key map "" (quote edit)) (define-key map "" (quote delete-and-edit)) (define-key map "" (quote recenter)) (define-key map "!" (quote automatic)) (define-key map "^" (quote backup)) (define-key map "u" (quote undo)) (define-key map "U" (quote undo-all)) (define-key map "" (quote help)) (define-key map [f1] (quote help)) (define-key map [help] (quote help)) (define-key map "?" (quote help)) (define-key map "" (quote quit)) (define-key map "" (quote quit)) (define-key map "" (quote scroll-up)) (define-key map "\366" (quote scroll-down)) (define-key map [next] (quote scroll-up)) (define-key map [prior] (quote scroll-down)) (define-key map [134217750] (quote scroll-other-window)) (define-key map [M-next] (quote scroll-other-window)) (define-key map [167772182] (quote scroll-other-window-down)) (define-key map [M-prior] (quote scroll-other-window-down)) (define-key map [escape] (quote exit-prefix)) map)) nil [79383 81505])
+            ("multi-query-replace-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map query-replace-map) (define-key map "Y" (quote automatic-all)) (define-key map "N" (quote exit-current)) map)) nil [81507 82167])
+            ("replace-match-string-symbols" function (:arguments ("n")) nil [82169 83330])
+            ("replace-eval-replacement" function (:arguments ("expression" "count")) nil [83332 83682])
+            ("replace-quote" function (:arguments ("replacement")) nil [83684 84158])
+            ("replace-loop-through-replacements" function (:arguments ("data" "count")) nil [84160 84583])
+            ("replace-match-data" function (:arguments ("integers" "reuse" "new")) nil [84585 84988])
+            ("replace-match-maybe-edit" function (:arguments ("newtext" "fixedcase" "literal" "noedit" "match-data" "backward")) nil [84990 86577])
+            ("replace-update-post-hook" variable nil nil [86579 86693])
+            ("replace-search-function" variable nil nil [86695 86910])
+            ("replace-re-search-function" variable nil nil [86912 87197])
+            ("replace-search" function (:arguments ("search-string" "limit" "regexp-flag" "delimited-flag" "case-fold" "backward")) nil [87199 88505])
+            ("replace-overlay" variable nil nil [88507 88535])
+            ("replace-highlight" function (:arguments ("match-beg" "match-end" "range-beg" "range-end" "search-string" "regexp-flag" "delimited-flag" "case-fold" "backward")) nil [88537 89485])
+            ("replace-dehighlight" function nil nil [89487 89824])
+            ("replace--push-stack" function (:arguments ("replaced" "search-str" "next-replace" "stack")) nil [89899 90704])
+            ("perform-replace" function (:arguments ("from-string" "replacements" "query-flag" "regexp-flag" "delimited-flag" "repeat-count" "map" "start" "end" "backward" "region-noncontiguous-p")) nil [90706 112414])
+            ("replace" package nil nil [112416 112434]))          
+      :file "replace.el"
+      :pointmax 112461
+      :fsize 112462
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29516 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 1101 . 1102) (symbol 1066 . 1083) (open-paren 1065 . 1066)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("outlines" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1242 1341])
+            ("outline-regexp" variable (:default-value "[*]+") nil [1343 1779])
+            ("outline-heading-end-regexp" variable (:default-value "
+") nil [1847 2175])
+            ("outline-mode-prefix-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "@" (quote outline-mark-subtree)) (define-key map "" (quote outline-next-visible-heading)) (define-key map "" (quote outline-previous-visible-heading)) (define-key map "	" (quote outline-show-children)) (define-key map "" (quote outline-show-subtree)) (define-key map "" (quote outline-hide-subtree)) (define-key map "" (quote outline-up-heading)) (define-key map "" (quote outline-forward-same-level)) (define-key map "" (quote outline-backward-same-level)) (define-key map "" (quote outline-hide-body)) (define-key map "" (quote outline-show-all)) (define-key map "" (quote outline-hide-entry)) (define-key map "" (quote outline-show-entry)) (define-key map "" (quote outline-hide-leaves)) (define-key map "" (quote outline-show-branches)) (define-key map "" (quote outline-hide-sublevels)) (define-key map "" (quote outline-hide-other)) (define-key map "" (quote outline-move-subtree-up)) (define-key map "" (quote outline-move-subtree-down)) (define-key map [(control 60)] (quote outline-promote)) (define-key map [(control 62)] (quote outline-demote)) (define-key map "
" (quote outline-insert-heading)) map)) nil [2255 3465])
+            ("outline-mode-menu-bar-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map [hide] (cons "Hide" (make-sparse-keymap "Hide"))) (define-key map [hide outline-hide-other] (quote (menu-item "Hide Other" outline-hide-other :help "Hide everything except current body and parent and top-level headings"))) (define-key map [hide outline-hide-sublevels] (quote (menu-item "Hide Sublevels" outline-hide-sublevels :help "Hide everything but the top LEVELS levels of headers, in whole buffer"))) (define-key map [hide outline-hide-subtree] (quote (menu-item "Hide Subtree" outline-hide-subtree :help "Hide everything after this heading at deeper levels"))) (define-key map [hide outline-hide-entry] (quote (menu-item "Hide Entry" outline-hide-entry :help "Hide the body directly following this heading"))) (define-key map [hide outline-hide-body] (quote (menu-item "Hide Body" outline-hide-body :help "Hide all body lines in buffer, leaving all headings visible"))) (define-key map [hide outline-hide-leaves] (quote (menu-item "Hide Leaves" outline-hide-leaves :help "Hide the body after this heading and at deeper levels"))) (define-key map [show] (cons "Show" (make-sparse-keymap "Show"))) (define-key map [show outline-show-subtree] (quote (menu-item "Show Subtree" outline-show-subtree :help "Show everything after this heading at deeper levels"))) (define-key map [show outline-show-children] (quote (menu-item "Show Children" outline-show-children :help "Show all direct subheadings of this heading"))) (define-key map [show outline-show-branches] (quote (menu-item "Show Branches" outline-show-branches :help "Show all subheadings of this heading, but not their bodies"))) (define-key map [show outline-show-entry] (quote (menu-item "Show Entry" outline-show-entry :help "Show the body directly following this heading"))) (define-key map [show outline-show-all] (quote (menu-item "Show All" outline-show-all :help "Show all of the text in the buffer"))) (define-key map [headings] (cons "Headings" (make-sparse-keymap "Headings"))) (define-key map [headings demote-subtree] (quote (menu-item "Demote Subtree" outline-demote :help "Demote headings lower down the tree"))) (define-key map [headings promote-subtree] (quote (menu-item "Promote Subtree" outline-promote :help "Promote headings higher up the tree"))) (define-key map [headings move-subtree-down] (quote (menu-item "Move Subtree Down" outline-move-subtree-down :help "Move the current subtree down past arg headlines of the same level"))) (define-key map [headings move-subtree-up] (quote (menu-item "Move Subtree Up" outline-move-subtree-up :help "Move the current subtree up past arg headlines of the same level"))) (define-key map [headings copy] (quote (menu-item "Copy to Kill Ring" outline-headers-as-kill :enable mark-active :help "Save the visible outline headers in region at the start of the kill ring"))) (define-key map [headings outline-insert-heading] (quote (menu-item "New Heading" outline-insert-heading :help "Insert a new heading at same depth at point"))) (define-key map [headings outline-backward-same-level] (quote (menu-item "Previous Same Level" outline-backward-same-level :help "Move backward to the arg'th subheading at same level as this one."))) (define-key map [headings outline-forward-same-level] (quote (menu-item "Next Same Level" outline-forward-same-level :help "Move forward to the arg'th subheading at same level as this one"))) (define-key map [headings outline-previous-visible-heading] (quote (menu-item "Previous" outline-previous-visible-heading :help "Move to the previous heading line"))) (define-key map [headings outline-next-visible-heading] (quote (menu-item "Next" outline-next-visible-heading :help "Move to the next visible heading line"))) (define-key map [headings outline-up-heading] (quote (menu-item "Up" outline-up-heading :help "Move to the visible heading line of which the present line is a subheading"))) map)) nil [3467 7586])
+            ("outline-minor-mode-menu-bar-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map [outline] (cons "Outline" (nconc (make-sparse-keymap "Outline") (cdr (apply (quote append) (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (consp x) (cons (quote (--- "---")) (cdr x)))) outline-mode-menu-bar-map)))))) map)) nil [7588 8087])
+            ("outline-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "" outline-mode-prefix-map) (define-key map [menu-bar] outline-mode-menu-bar-map) map)) nil [8089 8269])
+            ("outline-font-lock-keywords" variable (:default-value (quote ((eval list (concat "^\\(?:" outline-regexp "\\).+") 0 (quote (outline-font-lock-face)) nil t)))) nil [8271 8518])
+            ("outline-1" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit font-lock-function-name-face)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [8520 8618])
+            ("outline-2" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [8620 8718])
+            ("outline-3" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [8720 8812])
+            ("outline-4" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [8814 8906])
+            ("outline-5" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit font-lock-type-face)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [8908 8997])
+            ("outline-6" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit font-lock-constant-face)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [8999 9092])
+            ("outline-7" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit font-lock-builtin-face)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [9094 9186])
+            ("outline-8" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit font-lock-string-face)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [9188 9279])
+            ("outline-font-lock-faces" variable (:default-value [outline-1 outline-2 outline-3 outline-4 outline-5 outline-6 outline-7 outline-8]) nil [9281 9400])
+            ("outline-font-lock-face" function nil nil [9402 9709])
+            ("outline-view-change-hook" variable nil nil [9711 9808])
+            ("outline-mode-hook" variable nil nil [9810 9887])
+            ("outline-blank-line" variable nil nil [9889 9983])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [10000 11916])
+            ("outline-minor-mode-prefix" variable (:default-value "@") nil [11918 12202])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [12219 13229])
+            ("outline-level" variable (:default-value (quote outline-level)) nil [13232 13456])
+            ("outline-heading-alist" variable nil nil [13517 14450])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [14451 14502])
+            ("outline-level" function nil nil [14804 15182])
+            ("outline-next-preface" function nil nil [15184 15565])
+            ("outline-next-heading" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [15567 15890])
+            ("outline-previous-heading" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [15892 16083])
+            ("outline-invisible-p" function (:arguments ("pos")) nil [16085 16302])
+            ("outline-back-to-heading" function (:arguments ("invisible-ok")) nil [16304 16878])
+            ("outline-on-heading-p" function (:arguments ("invisible-ok")) nil [16880 17188])
+            ("outline-insert-heading" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [17190 17835])
+            ("outline-invent-heading" function (:arguments ("head" "up")) nil [17837 18613])
+            ("outline-promote" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("which"))
+                nil [18615 20172])
+            ("outline-demote" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("which"))
+                nil [20174 21924])
+            ("outline-head-from-level" function (:arguments ("level" "head" "alist")) nil [21926 23588])
+            ("outline-map-region" function (:arguments ("fun" "beg" "end")) nil [23590 24101])
+            ("outline-move-subtree-up" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [24128 24303])
+            ("outline-move-subtree-down" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [24305 25678])
+            ("outline-end-of-heading" function nil nil [25680 25868])
+            ("outline-next-visible-heading" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [25870 26727])
+            ("outline-previous-visible-heading" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [26729 27007])
+            ("outline-mark-subtree" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [27009 27480])
+            ("outline-isearch-open-invisible-function" variable nil nil [27484 27734])
+            ("put" code nil nil [27736 27808])
+            ("outline-flag-region" function (:arguments ("from" "to" "flag")) nil [27809 28618])
+            ("outline-reveal-toggle-invisible" function (:arguments ("o" "hidep")) nil [28620 30535])
+            ("outline-isearch-open-invisible" function (:arguments ("_overlay")) nil [30689 30833])
+            ("outline-hide-entry" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [30836 31085])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [31087 31162])
+            ("outline-show-entry" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [31164 31656])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [31658 31733])
+            ("outline-hide-body" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [31735 31970])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [31972 32045])
+            ("outline-hide-region-body" function (:arguments ("start" "end")) nil [32047 32791])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [32793 32880])
+            ("outline-show-all" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [32882 33017])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [33019 33090])
+            ("outline-hide-subtree" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [33092 33223])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [33225 33304])
+            ("outline-hide-leaves" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [33306 33654])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [33656 33733])
+            ("outline-show-subtree" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [33735 33868])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [33870 33949])
+            ("outline-show-heading" function nil nil [33951 34271])
+            ("outline-hide-sublevels" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("levels"))
+                nil [34273 35935])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [35937 36020])
+            ("outline-hide-other" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [36022 36580])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [36582 36657])
+            ("outline-toggle-children" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [36659 36972])
+            ("outline-flag-subtree" function (:arguments ("flag")) nil [36974 37217])
+            ("outline-end-of-subtree" function nil nil [37219 37781])
+            ("outline-show-branches" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [37784 37927])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [37929 38010])
+            ("outline-show-children" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("level"))
+                nil [38012 38925])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [38927 39008])
+            ("outline-up-heading" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg" "invisible-ok"))
+                nil [39013 39903])
+            ("outline-forward-same-level" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [39905 40396])
+            ("outline-get-next-sibling" function nil nil [40398 40793])
+            ("outline-backward-same-level" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [40795 41287])
+            ("outline-get-last-sibling" function nil nil [41289 41769])
+            ("outline-headers-as-kill" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("beg" "end"))
+                nil [41772 42941])
+            ("outline" package nil nil [42943 42961])
+            ("noutline" package nil nil [42962 42981]))          
+      :file "outline.el"
+      :pointmax 43008
+      :fsize 43007
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29514 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("declare-function" code nil nil [3470 3557])
+            ("overlay" include nil nil [3582 3600])
+            ("cl" include nil nil [3845 3858])
+            ("allout" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [3944 4134])
+            ("allout-keybindings" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [4135 4242])
+            ("allout-command-prefix" variable nil nil [4297 4327])
+            ("allout-mode-map" variable (:default-value (quote allout-mode-map)) nil [4490 4746])
+            ("allout-mode-map-value" variable nil nil [4779 5008])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [5137 5186])
+            ("allout-compose-and-institute-keymap" function (:arguments ("varname" "value")) nil [5258 6772])
+            ("allout-institute-keymap" function (:arguments ("map")) nil [6811 7520])
+            ("allout-compose-and-institute-keymap" code nil nil [7646 7683])
+            ("allout-command-prefix" variable (:default-value " ") nil [7715 8051])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [8088 8394])
+            ("allout-prefixed-keybindings" variable (:default-value (quote (("[(control ?n)]" allout-next-visible-heading) ("[(control ?p)]" allout-previous-visible-heading) ("[(control ?u)]" allout-up-current-level) ("[(control ?f)]" allout-forward-current-level) ("[(control ?b)]" allout-backward-current-level) ("[(control ?a)]" allout-beginning-of-current-entry) ("[(control ?e)]" allout-end-of-entry) ("[(control ?i)]" allout-show-children) ("[(control ?s)]" allout-show-current-subtree) ("[(control ?t)]" allout-toggle-current-subtree-exposure) ("[?h]" allout-hide-current-subtree) ("[(control ?o)]" allout-show-current-entry) ("[?!]" allout-show-all) ("[?x]" allout-toggle-current-subtree-encryption) ("[? ]" allout-open-sibtopic) ("[?.]" allout-open-subtopic) ("[?,]" allout-open-supertopic) ("[?']" allout-shift-in) ("[?>]" allout-shift-in) ("[?<]" allout-shift-out) ("[(control ?m)]" allout-rebullet-topic) ("[?*]" allout-rebullet-current-heading) ("[?#]" allout-number-siblings) ("[(control ?k)]" allout-kill-topic) ("[(meta ?k)]" allout-copy-topic-as-kill) ("[?@]" allout-resolve-xref) ("[?=?c]" allout-copy-exposed-to-buffer) ("[?=?i]" allout-indented-exposed-to-buffer) ("[?=?t]" allout-latexify-exposed) ("[?=?p]" allout-flatten-exposed-to-buffer)))) nil [8432 10660])
+            ("allout-unprefixed-keybindings" variable (:default-value (quote (("[(control ?k)]" allout-kill-line) ("[(meta ?k)]" allout-copy-line-as-kill) ("[(control ?y)]" allout-yank) ("[(meta ?y)]" allout-yank-pop)))) nil [10700 11564])
+            ("allout-auto-activation-helper" function (:arguments ("var" "value")) nil [11631 11831])
+            ("allout-setup" function nil nil [11871 12321])
+            ("allout-auto-activation" variable nil nil [12368 13348])
+            ("allout-setup" code nil nil [13349 13363])
+            ("allout-default-layout" variable (:default-value (quote (-2 : 0))) nil [13394 16002])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [16030 16537])
+            ("allout-inhibit-auto-fill" variable nil nil [16572 17216])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [17217 17271])
+            ("allout-inhibit-auto-fill-on-headline" variable nil nil [17317 17495])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [17496 17562])
+            ("allout-use-hanging-indents" variable (:default-value t) nil [17598 17908])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [17909 17965])
+            ("put" code nil nil [17981 18108])
+            ("allout-reindent-bodies" variable (:default-value (if allout-use-hanging-indents (quote text))) nil [18140 18734])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [18736 18788])
+            ("put" code nil nil [18804 18901])
+            ("allout-show-bodies" variable nil nil [18930 19083])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [19084 19132])
+            ("put" code nil nil [19148 19267])
+            ("allout-beginning-of-line-cycles" variable (:default-value t) nil [19309 20664])
+            ("allout-end-of-line-cycles" variable (:default-value t) nil [20699 21609])
+            ("allout-header-prefix" variable (:default-value ".") nil [21640 22176])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [22177 22227])
+            ("put" code nil nil [22243 22300])
+            ("allout-primary-bullet" variable (:default-value "*") nil [22331 22857])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [22858 22909])
+            ("put" code nil nil [22925 22983])
+            ("allout-plain-bullets-string" variable (:default-value ".,") nil [23020 23384])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [23385 23442])
+            ("put" code nil nil [23458 23522])
+            ("allout-distinctive-bullets-string" variable (:default-value "*+-=>()[{}&!?#%\"X@$~_\\:;^") nil [23565 25338])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [25339 25402])
+            ("put" code nil nil [25418 25488])
+            ("allout-use-mode-specific-leader" variable (:default-value t) nil [25530 27003])
+            ("put" code nil nil [27019 27187])
+            ("allout-mode-leaders" variable (:default-value (quote nil)) nil [27216 27735])
+            ("allout-old-style-prefixes" variable nil nil [27771 28214])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [28215 28270])
+            ("put" code nil nil [28286 28412])
+            ("allout-stylish-prefixes" variable (:default-value t) nil [28468 29975])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [29976 30029])
+            ("put" code nil nil [30045 30169])
+            ("allout-numbered-bullet" variable (:default-value "#") nil [30202 30609])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [30610 30662])
+            ("put" code nil nil [30678 30839])
+            ("allout-file-xref-bullet" variable (:default-value "@") nil [30872 31108])
+            ("put" code nil nil [31124 31286])
+            ("allout-presentation-padding" variable (:default-value 2) nil [31323 31470])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [31472 31529])
+            ("put" code nil nil [31545 31610])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [31660 31781])
+            ("allout-flattened-numbering-abbreviation" variable nil nil [31782 32047])
+            ("allout-number-pages" variable nil nil [32101 32242])
+            ("allout-label-style" variable (:default-value "\\large\\bf") nil [32270 32411])
+            ("allout-head-line-style" variable (:default-value "\\large\\sl ") nil [32443 32590])
+            ("allout-body-line-style" variable (:default-value " ") nil [32622 32758])
+            ("allout-title-style" variable (:default-value "\\Large\\bf") nil [32786 32927])
+            ("allout-title" variable (:default-value (quote (or buffer-file-name (buffer-name)))) nil [32949 33128])
+            ("allout-line-skip" variable (:default-value ".05cm") nil [33154 33283])
+            ("allout-indent" variable (:default-value ".3cm") nil [33306 33413])
+            ("allout-encryption" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [33471 33583])
+            ("allout-topic-encryption-bullet" variable (:default-value "~") nil [33623 33806])
+            ("allout-encrypt-unencrypted-on-saves" variable (:default-value t) nil [33851 34540])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [34541 34606])
+            ("allout-auto-save-temporarily-disabled" variable nil nil [34607 34849])
+            ("allout-just-did-undo" variable nil nil [34850 34954])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [34955 35005])
+            ("allout-developer" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [35055 35183])
+            ("allout-run-unit-tests-on-load" variable nil nil [35222 35673])
+            ("allout-enable-file-variable-adjustment" variable (:default-value t) nil [35758 36289])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [36290 36358])
+            ("allout-version" variable (:default-value "2.3") nil [36499 36590])
+            ("allout-version" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("here"))
+                nil [36615 36854])
+            ("allout-mode" variable nil nil [36945 37008])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [37009 37050])
+            ("allout-layout" variable nil nil [37078 38210])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [38211 38254])
+            ("put" code nil nil [38270 38376])
+            ("allout-regexp" variable nil nil [38429 38672])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [38673 38716])
+            ("allout-bullets-string" variable nil nil [38748 39031])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [39032 39083])
+            ("allout-bullets-string-len" variable nil nil [39119 39217])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [39218 39273])
+            ("allout-depth-specific-regexp" variable nil nil [39312 39809])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [39810 39868])
+            ("allout-depth-one-regexp" variable nil nil [39902 40229])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [40230 40283])
+            ("allout-line-boundary-regexp" variable nil nil [40321 40474])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [40475 40532])
+            ("allout-bob-regexp" variable nil nil [40560 40665])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [40666 40713])
+            ("allout-header-subtraction" variable (:default-value (1- (length allout-header-prefix))) nil [40749 40890])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [40891 40946])
+            ("allout-plain-bullets-string-len" variable (:default-value (length allout-plain-bullets-string)) nil [40988 41142])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [41143 41204])
+            ("allout-doublecheck-at-and-shallower" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value 3)
+                nil [41251 42574])
+            ("allout-reset-header-lead" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("header-lead"))
+                nil [42623 42901])
+            ("allout-lead-with-comment-string" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("header-lead"))
+                nil [42957 43435])
+            ("allout-infer-header-lead-and-primary-bullet" function nil nil [43492 45320])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [45321 45404])
+            ("allout-infer-body-reindent" function nil nil [45444 45838])
+            ("allout-set-regexp" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [45869 51195])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [51196 51273])
+            ("allout-mode-exposure-menu" variable nil nil [51291 51325])
+            ("allout-mode-editing-menu" variable nil nil [51326 51359])
+            ("allout-mode-navigation-menu" variable nil nil [51360 51396])
+            ("allout-mode-misc-menu" variable nil nil [51397 51427])
+            ("allout-produce-mode-menubar-entries" function nil nil [51428 53903])
+            ("allout-mode-prior-settings" variable nil nil [53981 54156])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [54157 54213])
+            ("allout-add-resumptions" function (:arguments ("pairs")) nil [54260 57074])
+            ("allout-do-resumptions" function nil nil [57109 57686])
+            ("allout-unprotected" function (:arguments ("expr")) nil [57756 57967])
+            ("allout-mode-hook" variable nil nil [57994 58061])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [58099 58191])
+            ("allout-mode-deactivate-hook" variable nil nil [58192 58268])
+            ("allout-exposure-category" variable nil nil [58303 58402])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [58446 58550])
+            ("allout-exposure-change-functions" variable nil nil [58551 59082])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [59126 59230])
+            ("allout-structure-added-functions" variable nil nil [59231 59652])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [59698 59806])
+            ("allout-structure-deleted-functions" variable nil nil [59807 60376])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [60422 60530])
+            ("allout-structure-shifted-functions" variable nil nil [60531 61080])
+            ("allout-after-copy-or-kill-hook" variable nil nil [61122 61266])
+            ("allout-post-undo-hook" variable nil nil [61299 61520])
+            ("allout-outside-normal-auto-fill-function" variable nil nil [61572 61822])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [61823 61893])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [61949 62012])
+            ("allout-passphrase-verifier-string" variable nil nil [62056 62729])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [62730 62793])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [62794 62887])
+            ("put" code nil nil [62903 62973])
+            ("allout-passphrase-hint-string" variable nil nil [63013 63437])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [63438 63497])
+            ("setq-default" code nil nil [63498 63545])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [63546 63635])
+            ("put" code nil nil [63651 63717])
+            ("allout-after-save-decrypt" variable nil nil [63753 64122])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [64123 64178])
+            ("allout-encryption-plaintext-sanitization-regexps" variable nil nil [64237 64896])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [64897 64975])
+            ("allout-encryption-ciphertext-rejection-regexps" variable nil nil [65032 65521])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [65523 65599])
+            ("allout-encryption-ciphertext-rejection-ceiling" variable (:default-value 5) nil [65656 65854])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [65855 65931])
+            ("allout-mode-p" function nil nil [66108 66209])
+            ("allout-write-contents-hook-handler" function nil nil [66257 67753])
+            ("allout-after-saves-handler" function nil nil [67793 68553])
+            ("allout-called-interactively-p" function nil nil [68596 68919])
+            ("allout-inhibit-aberrance-doublecheck" variable nil nil [69377 69580])
+            ("allout-explicitly-deactivated" variable nil nil [69660 69823])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [69824 69883])
+            ("allout-init" function (:arguments ("mode")) nil [69911 70343])
+            ("allout-setup-menubar" function nil nil [70377 70724])
+            ("allout-overlay-preparations" function nil nil [70761 71824])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [71894 90089])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [90148 90190])
+            ("allout-unload-function" function nil nil [90222 90465])
+            ("allout-hidden-p" function (:arguments ("pos")) nil [90536 90712])
+            ("allout-overlay-insert-in-front-handler" function (:arguments ("ol" "after" "beg" "_end" "_prelen")) nil [90848 91251])
+            ("allout-overlay-interior-modification-handler" function (:arguments ("ol" "after" "beg" "end" "_prelen")) nil [91398 93218])
+            ("allout-before-change-handler" function (:arguments ("beg" "end")) nil [93266 94029])
+            ("allout-isearch-end-handler" function (:arguments ("_overlay")) nil [94085 94498])
+            ("allout-recent-prefix-beginning" variable nil nil [95062 95171])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [95172 95232])
+            ("allout-recent-prefix-end" variable nil nil [95266 95367])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [95368 95422])
+            ("allout-recent-depth" variable nil nil [95451 95529])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [95530 95579])
+            ("allout-recent-end-of-subtree" variable nil nil [95617 95723])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [95724 95782])
+            ("allout-prefix-data" function nil nil [95813 96486])
+            ("allout-nullify-prefix-data" function nil nil [96525 96769])
+            ("allout-recent-depth" function nil nil [96801 97174])
+            ("allout-recent-prefix" function nil nil [97207 97680])
+            ("allout-recent-bullet" function nil nil [97713 98224])
+            ("allout-do-doublecheck" function nil nil [98338 98786])
+            ("allout-aberrant-container-p" function nil nil [98829 100703])
+            ("allout-on-current-heading-p" function nil nil [100745 101145])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [101179 101239])
+            ("allout-e-o-prefix-p" function nil nil [101273 101633])
+            ("allout-depth" function nil nil [101689 102255])
+            ("allout-current-depth" function nil nil [102290 102653])
+            ("allout-get-current-prefix" function nil nil [102693 102841])
+            ("allout-get-bullet" function nil nil [102873 103032])
+            ("allout-current-bullet" function nil nil [103068 103483])
+            ("allout-get-prefix-bullet" function (:arguments ("prefix")) nil [103528 103847])
+            ("allout-sibling-index" function (:arguments ("depth")) nil [103897 104563])
+            ("allout-topic-flat-index" function nil nil [104601 105006])
+            ("allout-beginning-of-current-line" function nil nil [105081 105579])
+            ("allout-end-of-current-line" function nil nil [105619 106026])
+            ("allout-beginning-of-line" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [106064 107342])
+            ("allout-end-of-line" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [107374 108390])
+            ("allout-mark-active-p" function nil nil [108424 108809])
+            ("allout-next-heading" function nil nil [108842 109711])
+            ("allout-this-or-next-heading" function nil nil [109749 110006])
+            ("allout-previous-heading" function nil nil [110043 110963])
+            ("allout-get-invisibility-overlay" function nil nil [111008 111343])
+            ("allout-back-to-visible-text" function nil nil [111384 111604])
+            ("allout-chart-subtree" function (:arguments ("levels" "visible" "orig-depth" "prev-depth")) nil [111989 116025])
+            ("allout-chart-siblings" function (:arguments ("_start" "_end")) nil [116079 116537])
+            ("allout-chart-to-reveal" function (:arguments ("chart" "depth")) nil [116584 117477])
+            ("allout-goto-prefix" function nil nil [118807 119512])
+            ("allout-goto-prefix-doublechecked" function nil nil [119558 120045])
+            ("allout-end-of-prefix" function (:arguments ("ignore-decorations")) nil [120080 120662])
+            ("allout-current-bullet-pos" function nil nil [120701 120875])
+            ("allout-back-to-current-heading" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("interactive"))
+                nil [120940 121784])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [121820 121886])
+            ("allout-pre-next-prefix" function nil nil [121922 122128])
+            ("allout-end-of-subtree" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("current" "include-trailing-blank"))
+                nil [122203 123137])
+            ("allout-end-of-current-subtree" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("include-trailing-blank"))
+                nil [123212 123646])
+            ("allout-beginning-of-current-entry" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("interactive"))
+                nil [123714 124313])
+            ("allout-end-of-entry" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("inclusive"))
+                nil [124365 124778])
+            ("allout-end-of-current-heading" function nil nil [124821 124965])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [124966 125030])
+            ("allout-get-body-text" function nil nil [125064 125544])
+            ("allout-ascend-to-depth" function (:arguments ("depth")) nil [125605 126067])
+            ("allout-ascend" function (:arguments ("dont-move-if-unsuccessful")) nil [126129 127290])
+            ("allout-descend-to-depth" function (:arguments ("depth")) nil [127332 127911])
+            ("allout-up-current-level" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_arg"))
+                nil [127951 128363])
+            ("allout-next-sibling" function (:arguments ("depth" "backward")) nil [128436 130232])
+            ("allout-next-sibling-leap" function (:arguments ("depth" "backward")) nil [130294 132805])
+            ("allout-previous-sibling" function (:arguments ("depth" "backward")) nil [132866 133203])
+            ("allout-snug-back" function nil nil [133233 133500])
+            ("allout-beginning-of-level" function nil nil [133539 133673])
+            ("allout-end-of-level" function (:arguments ("_backward")) nil [133724 134011])
+            ("allout-next-visible-heading" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [134055 136326])
+            ("allout-previous-visible-heading" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [136374 136727])
+            ("allout-forward-current-level" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [136772 137767])
+            ("allout-backward-current-level" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [137813 138106])
+            ("allout-post-goto-bullet" variable nil nil [138181 138598])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [138599 138652])
+            ("allout-command-counter" variable nil nil [138685 138885])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [138886 138938])
+            ("allout-this-command-hid-text" variable nil nil [138977 139080])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [139081 139139])
+            ("allout-post-command-business" function nil nil [139181 140880])
+            ("allout-pre-command-business" function nil nil [140921 142102])
+            ("allout-hotspot-key-handler" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [142142 144217])
+            ("allout-find-file-hook" function nil nil [144253 144520])
+            ("allout-solicit-alternate-bullet" function (:arguments ("depth" "current-bullet")) nil [144628 145496])
+            ("allout-distinctive-bullet" function (:arguments ("bullet")) nil [145541 145731])
+            ("allout-numbered-type-prefix" function (:arguments ("prefix")) nil [145788 146098])
+            ("allout-encrypted-type-prefix" function (:arguments ("prefix")) nil [146156 146497])
+            ("allout-bullet-for-depth" function (:arguments ("depth")) nil [146549 146962])
+            ("allout-make-topic-prefix" function (:arguments ("prior-bullet" "new" "depth" "instead" "number-control" "index")) nil [147047 154044])
+            ("allout-open-topic" function (:arguments ("relative-depth" "before" "offer-recent-bullet")) nil [154126 162725])
+            ("allout-open-subtopic" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [162762 163020])
+            ("allout-open-sibtopic" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [163057 163370])
+            ("allout-open-supertopic" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [163409 163677])
+            ("allout-former-auto-filler" variable nil nil [163770 163877])
+            ("allout-auto-fill" function nil nil [163908 165335])
+            ("allout-reindent-body" function (:arguments ("old-depth" "new-depth" "_number")) nil [165406 166931])
+            ("allout-rebullet-current-heading" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [166980 168152])
+            ("allout-rebullet-heading" function (:arguments ("instead" "new-depth" "number-control" "index" "do-successors")) nil [168211 172521])
+            ("allout-rebullet-topic" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg" "sans-offspring"))
+                nil [172568 173738])
+            ("allout-rebullet-topic-grunt" function (:arguments ("relative-depth" "starting-depth" "starting-point" "index" "do-successors" "sans-offspring")) nil [173808 178941])
+            ("allout-renumber-to-depth" function (:arguments ("depth")) nil [178995 180294])
+            ("allout-number-siblings" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("denumber"))
+                nil [180349 181302])
+            ("allout-shift-in" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [181335 183232])
+            ("allout-shift-out" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [183266 184922])
+            ("allout-kill-line" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [185043 186339])
+            ("allout-copy-line-as-kill" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [186378 186614])
+            ("allout-kill-topic" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [186646 188163])
+            ("allout-copy-topic-as-kill" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [188203 188465])
+            ("allout-annotate-hidden" function (:arguments ("begin" "end")) nil [188511 190068])
+            ("allout-deannotate-hidden" function (:arguments ("begin" "end")) nil [190116 190421])
+            ("allout-hide-by-annotation" function (:arguments ("begin" "end")) nil [190470 191836])
+            ("allout-yank-processing" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_arg"))
+                nil [191873 198099])
+            ("allout-yank" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [198138 199427])
+            ("allout-yank-pop" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [199470 199871])
+            ("allout-resolve-xref" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [199972 201471])
+            ("allout-flag-region" function (:arguments ("from" "to" "flag")) nil [201562 202498])
+            ("allout-flag-current-subtree" function (:arguments ("flag")) nil [202543 203172])
+            ("allout-show-entry" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [203227 203828])
+            ("allout-show-children" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("level" "strict"))
+                nil [203884 207596])
+            ("allout-show-to-offshoot" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [207633 208825])
+            ("allout-hide-current-entry" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [208864 209204])
+            ("allout-show-current-entry" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [209256 209657])
+            ("allout-show-current-subtree" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [209711 210386])
+            ("allout-current-topic-collapsed-p" function (:arguments ("include-single-liners")) nil [210463 211318])
+            ("allout-hide-current-subtree" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("just-close"))
+                nil [211379 212283])
+            ("allout-toggle-current-subtree-exposure" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [212332 212674])
+            ("allout-show-current-branches" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [212716 212926])
+            ("allout-hide-current-leaves" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [212966 213245])
+            ("allout-show-all" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [213301 213521])
+            ("allout-hide-bodies" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [213553 213690])
+            ("allout-hide-region-body" function (:arguments ("start" "end")) nil [213736 214267])
+            ("allout-expose-topic" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("spec"))
+                nil [214305 219047])
+            ("allout-old-expose-topic" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("spec" "followers"))
+                nil [219104 222113])
+            ("allout-new-exposure" function (:arguments ("spec")) nil [222147 223329])
+            ("allout-stringify-flat-index" function (:arguments ("flat-index" "context")) nil [223553 224582])
+            ("allout-stringify-flat-index-plain" function (:arguments ("flat-index")) nil [224639 224983])
+            ("allout-stringify-flat-index-indented" function (:arguments ("flat-index")) nil [225043 225863])
+            ("allout-listify-exposed" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end" "format"))
+                nil [225925 230067])
+            ("allout-region-active-p" function nil nil [230103 230271])
+            ("allout-process-exposed" function (:arguments ("func" "from" "to" "frombuf" "tobuf" "format" "_start-num")) nil [230361 232460])
+            ("allout-insert-listified" function (:arguments ("listified")) nil [232528 233250])
+            ("allout-copy-exposed-to-buffer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg" "tobuf" "format"))
+                nil [233319 234850])
+            ("allout-flatten-exposed-to-buffer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg" "tobuf"))
+                nil [234915 235533])
+            ("allout-indented-exposed-to-buffer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg" "tobuf"))
+                nil [235599 236229])
+            ("allout-latex-verb-quote" function (:arguments ("string" "_flow")) nil [236313 236797])
+            ("allout-latex-verbatim-quote-curr-line" function nil nil [236848 237684])
+            ("allout-insert-latex-header" function (:arguments ("buffer")) nil [237730 239764])
+            ("allout-insert-latex-trailer" function (:arguments ("buffer")) nil [239811 239967])
+            ("allout-latexify-one-item" function (:arguments ("depth" "_prefix" "bullet" "text")) nil [240029 241604])
+            ("allout-latexify-exposed" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg" "tobuf"))
+                nil [241660 242637])
+            ("allout-toggle-current-subtree-encryption" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("keymode-cue"))
+                nil [242731 244750])
+            ("allout-toggle-subtree-encryption" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("keymode-cue"))
+                nil [244816 250524])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [250526 250634])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [250635 250703])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [250704 250764])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [250765 250881])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [250882 250937])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [250938 250991])
+            ("allout-encrypt-string" function (:arguments ("text" "decrypt" "allout-buffer" "keymode-cue" "rejected")) nil [251119 258679])
+            ("allout-inhibit-auto-save-info-for-decryption" function (:arguments ("was-buffer-saved-size")) nil [258733 259146])
+            ("allout-maybe-resume-auto-save-info-after-encryption" function nil nil [259210 259747])
+            ("allout-encrypted-topic-p" function nil nil [259785 260105])
+            ("allout-next-topic-pending-encryption" function nil nil [260154 261596])
+            ("allout-encrypt-decrypted" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [261633 263619])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [263777 263824])
+            ("outlineify-sticky" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_arg"))
+                nil [263840 264579])
+            ("allout-file-vars-section-data" function nil nil [264622 265696])
+            ("allout-adjust-file-variable" function (:arguments ("varname" "value")) nil [265750 268293])
+            ("allout-get-configvar-values" function (:arguments ("configvar-name")) nil [268341 269013])
+            ("allout-mark-topic" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [269060 269341])
+            ("allout-solicit-char-in-string" function (:arguments ("prompt" "string" "do-defaulting")) nil [269433 270397])
+            ("allout-regexp-sans-escapes" function (:arguments ("regexp" "successive-backslashes")) nil [270460 271347])
+            ("allout-count-trailing-whitespace-region" function (:arguments ("beg" "end")) nil [271407 271852])
+            ("allout-format-quote" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [271891 272110])
+            ("allout-flatten" function (:arguments ("list")) nil [272156 272417])
+            ("unless" code nil nil [272485 272789])
+            ("allout-mark-marker" function (:arguments ("force" "buffer")) nil [272853 273154])
+            ("if" code nil nil [273198 273695])
+            ("if" code nil nil [273728 273794])
+            ("if" code nil nil [273833 275033])
+            ("if" code nil nil [275086 275569])
+            ("if" code nil nil [275634 276055])
+            ("if" code nil nil [276125 276461])
+            ("if" code nil nil [276530 277797])
+            ("if" code nil nil [277861 280045])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [280119 280359])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [280437 280693])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [280736 280885])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [280979 281046])
+            ("if" code nil nil [281108 281266])
+            ("allout-bullet-isearch" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("bullet"))
+                nil [281337 281782])
+            ("allout-run-unit-tests" function nil nil [281882 282079])
+            ("allout-tests-obliterate-variable" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [282155 282361])
+            ("allout-tests-globally-unbound" variable nil nil [282398 282514])
+            ("allout-tests-globally-true" variable nil nil [282515 282628])
+            ("allout-tests-locally-true" variable nil nil [282629 282741])
+            ("allout-test-resumptions" function nil nil [282742 288351])
+            ("when" code nil nil [288422 288484])
+            ("allout" package nil nil [288503 288520]))          
+      :file "allout.el"
+      :pointmax 288933
+      :fsize 288932
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29502 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 3861 . 3862) (symbol 3602 . 3619) (open-paren 3601 . 3602)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [1159 1176])
+            ("rectangle" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1179 1269])
+            ("operate-on-rectangle" function (:arguments ("function" "start" "end" "coerce-tabs")) nil [1338 2617])
+            ("defvar-local" code nil nil [2735 2838])
+            ("rectangle--pos-cols" function (:arguments ("start" "end" "window")) nil [2840 4473])
+            ("rectangle--col-pos" function (:arguments ("col" "kind")) nil [4475 5271])
+            ("rectangle--point-col" function (:arguments ("pos")) nil [5273 5453])
+            ("rectangle--crutches" function nil nil [5455 5577])
+            ("rectangle--reset-crutches" function nil nil [5578 5788])
+            ("apply-on-rectangle" function (:arguments ("function" "start" "end" "args")) nil [5817 6946])
+            ("delete-rectangle-line" function (:arguments ("startcol" "endcol" "fill")) nil [6948 7154])
+            ("delete-extract-rectangle-line" function (:arguments ("startcol" "endcol" "lines" "fill")) nil [7156 7552])
+            ("extract-rectangle-line" function (:arguments ("startcol" "endcol" "lines")) nil [7721 8685])
+            ("spaces-strings" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ["" " " "  " "   " "    " "     " "      " "       " "        "]))
+                nil [8687 8780])
+            ("spaces-string" function (:arguments ("n")) nil [8782 8906])
+            ("delete-rectangle" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end" "fill"))
+                nil [8923 9414])
+            ("delete-extract-rectangle" function (:arguments ("start" "end" "fill")) nil [9431 9915])
+            ("extract-rectangle" function (:arguments ("start" "end")) nil [9932 10230])
+            ("extract-rectangle-bounds" function (:arguments ("start" "end")) nil [10232 10656])
+            ("killed-rectangle" variable nil nil [10658 10733])
+            ("kill-rectangle" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end" "fill"))
+                nil [10750 11818])
+            ("copy-rectangle-as-kill" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end"))
+                nil [11835 12154])
+            ("yank-rectangle" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [12171 12322])
+            ("insert-rectangle" function (:arguments ("rectangle")) nil [12339 12996])
+            ("open-rectangle" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end" "fill"))
+                nil [13013 13528])
+            ("open-rectangle-line" function (:arguments ("startcol" "endcol" "fill")) nil [13530 13733])
+            ("delete-whitespace-rectangle-line" function (:arguments ("startcol" "_endcol" "fill")) nil [13735 14002])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [14019 14075])
+            ("delete-whitespace-rectangle" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end" "fill"))
+                nil [14104 14669])
+            ("string-rectangle-history" variable nil nil [14671 14708])
+            ("string-rectangle-line" function (:arguments ("startcol" "endcol" "string" "delete")) nil [14709 14882])
+            ("defvar-local" code nil nil [14884 14934])
+            ("defvar-local" code nil nil [14935 14986])
+            ("rectangle--string-flush-preview" function nil nil [14988 15155])
+            ("rectangle--string-erase-preview" function nil nil [15157 15295])
+            ("rectangle--space-to" function (:arguments ("col")) nil [15297 15382])
+            ("rectangle-preview" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit region)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [15384 15508])
+            ("rectangle-preview" variable (:default-value t) nil [15510 15644])
+            ("rectangle--string-preview" function nil nil [15646 17366])
+            ("rectangle--inhibit-region-highlight" variable nil nil [17487 17535])
+            ("string-rectangle" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end" "string"))
+                nil [17552 19640])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [19657 19704])
+            ("string-insert-rectangle" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end" "string"))
+                nil [19721 20393])
+            ("clear-rectangle" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end" "fill"))
+                nil [20410 20816])
+            ("clear-rectangle-line" function (:arguments ("startcol" "endcol" "fill")) nil [20818 21231])
+            ("rectangle-number-line-counter" variable nil nil [21287 21325])
+            ("rectangle-number-line-callback" function (:arguments ("start" "_end" "format-string")) nil [21327 21558])
+            ("rectangle--default-line-number-format" function (:arguments ("start" "end" "start-at")) nil [21560 21739])
+            ("rectangle-number-lines" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end" "start-at" "format"))
+                nil [21756 22714])
+            ("add-function" code nil nil [22917 23026])
+            ("add-function" code nil nil [23027 23140])
+            ("add-function" code nil nil [23141 23229])
+            ("add-function" code nil nil [23230 23316])
+            ("rectangle-mark-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map [15] (quote open-rectangle)) (define-key map [20] (quote string-rectangle)) (define-key map [remap exchange-point-and-mark] (quote rectangle-exchange-point-and-mark)) (dolist (cmd (quote (right-char left-char forward-char backward-char next-line previous-line))) (define-key map (vector (quote remap) cmd) (intern (format "rectangle-%s" cmd)))) map)) nil [23318 23834])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [23851 24271])
+            ("rectangle-exchange-point-and-mark" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [24273 25099])
+            ("rectangle--*-char" function (:arguments ("cmd" "n" "other-cmd")) nil [25101 26949])
+            ("rectangle-right-char" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n"))
+                nil [26951 27128])
+            ("rectangle-left-char" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n"))
+                nil [27129 27304])
+            ("rectangle-forward-char" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n"))
+                nil [27306 27493])
+            ("rectangle-backward-char" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n"))
+                nil [27494 27683])
+            ("rectangle-next-line" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n"))
+                nil [27685 27945])
+            ("rectangle-previous-line" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n"))
+                nil [27946 28218])
+            ("rectangle--extract-region" function (:arguments ("orig" "delete")) nil [28221 29068])
+            ("rectangle--insert-region" function (:arguments ("orig" "strings")) nil [29070 29232])
+            ("rectangle--insert-for-yank" function (:arguments ("strs")) nil [29234 29631])
+            ("rectangle--place-cursor" function (:arguments ("leftcol" "left" "str")) nil [29633 29850])
+            ("rectangle--highlight-for-redisplay" function (:arguments ("orig" "start" "end" "window" "rol")) nil [29852 35136])
+            ("rectangle--unhighlight-for-redisplay" function (:arguments ("orig" "rol")) nil [35138 35332])
+            ("rect" package nil nil [35334 35349]))          
+      :file "rect.el"
+      :pointmax 35373
+      :fsize 35372
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29516 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 1176 . 1177) (symbol 1141 . 1158) (open-paren 1140 . 1141)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("comint" include nil nil [4917 4934])
+            ("pcomplete" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [4936 5027])
+            ("pcomplete-file-ignore" variable nil nil [5050 5224])
+            ("pcomplete-dir-ignore" variable nil nil [5226 5400])
+            ("pcomplete-ignore-case" variable (:default-value (memq system-type (quote (ms-dos windows-nt cygwin)))) nil [5402 5686])
+            ("pcomplete-autolist" variable nil nil [5688 5875])
+            ("pcomplete-suffix-list" variable (:default-value (list 47 58)) nil [5877 6030])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [6031 6089])
+            ("pcomplete-recexact" variable nil nil [6091 6344])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [6346 6442])
+            ("pcomplete-man-function" variable (:default-value (quote man)) nil [6444 6640])
+            ("pcomplete-compare-entry-function" variable (:default-value (quote string-lessp)) nil [6642 6956])
+            ("pcomplete-help" variable nil nil [6958 7399])
+            ("pcomplete-expand-before-complete" variable nil nil [7401 7902])
+            ("pcomplete-parse-arguments-function" variable (:default-value (quote pcomplete-parse-buffer-arguments)) nil [7904 8672])
+            ("pcomplete-cycle-completions" variable (:default-value t) nil [8674 9277])
+            ("pcomplete-cycle-cutoff-length" variable (:default-value 5) nil [9279 10181])
+            ("pcomplete-restore-window-delay" variable (:default-value 1) nil [10183 10841])
+            ("pcomplete-try-first-hook" variable nil nil [10843 11112])
+            ("pcomplete-executables" function (:arguments ("regexp")) nil [11114 11273])
+            ("pcomplete-command-completion-function" variable (:default-value (function (lambda nil (pcomplete-here (pcomplete-executables))))) nil [11275 11501])
+            ("pcomplete-command-name-function" variable (:default-value (quote pcomplete-command-name)) nil [11503 11670])
+            ("pcomplete-default-completion-function" variable (:default-value (function (lambda nil (while (pcomplete-here (pcomplete-entries)))))) nil [11672 11961])
+            ("pcomplete-use-paring" variable (:default-value t) nil [11963 12246])
+            ("pcomplete-termination-string" variable (:default-value " ") nil [12248 12727])
+            ("pcomplete-current-completions" variable nil nil [12788 12830])
+            ("pcomplete-last-completion-length" variable nil nil [12831 12872])
+            ("pcomplete-last-completion-stub" variable nil nil [12873 12912])
+            ("pcomplete-last-completion-raw" variable nil nil [12913 12951])
+            ("pcomplete-last-window-config" variable nil nil [12952 12993])
+            ("pcomplete-window-restore-timer" variable nil nil [12994 13037])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [13039 13098])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [13099 13161])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [13162 13222])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [13223 13282])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [13283 13341])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [13342 13402])
+            ("pcomplete-show-help" variable nil nil [13496 13528])
+            ("pcomplete-show-list" variable nil nil [13529 13561])
+            ("pcomplete-expand-only-p" variable nil nil [13562 13598])
+            ("pcomplete-args" variable nil nil [13701 13728])
+            ("pcomplete-begins" variable nil nil [13729 13758])
+            ("pcomplete-last" variable nil nil [13759 13786])
+            ("pcomplete-index" variable nil nil [13787 13815])
+            ("pcomplete-stub" variable nil nil [13816 13843])
+            ("pcomplete-seen" variable nil nil [13844 13871])
+            ("pcomplete-norm-func" variable nil nil [13872 13904])
+            ("pcomplete-unquote-argument-function" variable (:default-value (function comint--unquote-argument)) nil [14410 14481])
+            ("pcomplete-unquote-argument" function (:arguments ("s")) nil [14483 14574])
+            ("pcomplete-requote-argument-function" variable (:default-value (function comint--requote-argument)) nil [14576 14647])
+            ("pcomplete--common-suffix" function (:arguments ("s1" "s2")) nil [14649 15182])
+            ("pcomplete-completions-at-point" function nil nil [15184 19543])
+            ("pcomplete-std-complete" function nil nil [19709 19923])
+            ("pcomplete" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("interactively"))
+                nil [19968 21689])
+            ("pcomplete-reverse" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [21706 21838])
+            ("pcomplete-expand-and-complete" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [21855 22065])
+            ("pcomplete-continue" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [22082 22298])
+            ("pcomplete-expand" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [22315 23006])
+            ("pcomplete-help" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [23023 23181])
+            ("pcomplete-list" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [23198 23617])
+            ("pcomplete-arg" function (:arguments ("index" "offset")) nil [23665 24561])
+            ("pcomplete-begin" function (:arguments ("index" "offset")) nil [24563 24925])
+            ("pcomplete-actual-arg" function (:arguments ("index" "offset")) nil [24927 25272])
+            ("pcomplete-next-arg" function nil nil [25274 25545])
+            ("pcomplete-command-name" function nil nil [25547 25681])
+            ("pcomplete-match" function (:arguments ("regexp" "index" "offset" "start")) nil [25683 25937])
+            ("pcomplete-match-string" function (:arguments ("which" "index" "offset")) nil [25939 26186])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [26188 26242])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [26243 26285])
+            ("pcomplete--test" function (:arguments ("pred" "arg")) nil [26287 26556])
+            ("pcomplete-test" function (:arguments ("predicates" "index" "offset")) nil [26558 26988])
+            ("pcomplete-parse-buffer-arguments" function nil nil [26990 27461])
+            ("pcomplete-comint-setup" function (:arguments ("completef-sym")) nil [27478 28381])
+            ("pcomplete-shell-setup" function nil nil [28398 28558])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [28560 28614])
+            ("pcomplete-parse-comint-arguments" function nil nil [28616 29375])
+            ("pcomplete-parse-arguments" function (:arguments ("expand-p")) nil [29377 31074])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [31076 31167])
+            ("pcomplete-dirs-or-entries" function (:arguments ("regexp" "predicate")) nil [31202 31512])
+            ("pcomplete--entries" function (:arguments ("regexp" "predicate")) nil [31514 33173])
+            ("pcomplete--env-regexp" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "\\(?:\\`\\|[^\\]\\)\\(?:\\\\\\\\\\)*\\(\\$\\(?:{\\([^}]+\\)}\\|\\(?2:[[:alnum:]_]+\\)\\)\\)")
+                nil [33175 33303])
+            ("pcomplete-entries" function (:arguments ("regexp" "predicate")) nil [33305 36067])
+            ("pcomplete-all-entries" function (:arguments ("regexp" "predicate")) nil [36069 36287])
+            ("pcomplete-dirs" function (:arguments ("regexp")) nil [36289 36424])
+            ("pcomplete-find-completion-function" function (:arguments ("command")) nil [36461 36783])
+            ("pcomplete-completions" function nil nil [36785 37291])
+            ("pcomplete-opt" function (:arguments ("options" "prefix" "_no-ganging" "_args-follow")) nil [37293 39341])
+            ("pcomplete--here" function (:arguments ("form" "stub" "paring" "form-only")) nil [39343 40455])
+            ("pcomplete-here" function (:arguments ("form" "stub" "paring" "form-only")) nil [40457 42074])
+            ("pcomplete-here*" function (:arguments ("form" "stub" "form-only")) nil [42077 42271])
+            ("pcomplete-restore-windows" function nil nil [42293 42723])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [42810 42930])
+            ("pcomplete-read-event" function (:arguments ("prompt")) nil [42932 43074])
+            ("pcomplete-show-completions" function (:arguments ("completions")) nil [43076 44952])
+            ("pcomplete-insert-entry" function (:arguments ("stub" "entry" "addsuffix" "raw-p")) nil [44985 46375])
+            ("pcomplete-do-complete" function (:arguments ("stub" "completions")) nil [46407 47917])
+            ("pcomplete-stub" function (:arguments ("stub" "candidates" "cycle-p")) nil [47919 50143])
+            ("pcomplete--help" function nil nil [50172 50876])
+            ("pcomplete-uniqify-list" function (:arguments ("l")) nil [50900 51147])
+            ("pcomplete-process-result" function (:arguments ("cmd" "args")) nil [51149 51404])
+            ("pcomplete" package nil nil [51864 51884]))          
+      :file "pcomplete.el"
+      :pointmax 51913
+      :fsize 51912
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29515 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "comint.el"
+      :fsize 163809
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29504 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("pr-version" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "6.9.3")
+                nil [349 545])
+            ("lpr" include nil nil [40952 40966])
+            ("ps-print" include nil nil [40967 40986])
+            ("and" code nil nil [40989 41106])
+            ("pr-cygwin-system" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (and lpr-windows-system (getenv "OSTYPE") (string-match "cygwin" (getenv "OSTYPE"))))
+                nil [41109 41230])
+            ("when" code nil nil [41381 41870])
+            ("when" code nil nil [42117 43562])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [44607 44652])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [44559 44604])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [44511 44556])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [44463 44508])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [44415 44460])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [44367 44412])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [44319 44364])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [44271 44316])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [44223 44268])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [44175 44220])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [44127 44172])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [44079 44124])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [44031 44076])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [43983 44028])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [43935 43980])
+            ("pr-ps-utility-alist" variable nil nil [43850 43878])
+            ("pr-txt-printer-alist" variable nil nil [43818 43847])
+            ("pr-ps-printer-alist" variable nil nil [43787 43815])
+            ("pr-menu-lock" variable nil nil [43763 43784])
+            ("pr-menu-char-width" variable nil nil [43733 43760])
+            ("pr-menu-char-height" variable nil nil [43702 43730])
+            ("pr-auto-region" variable nil nil [43676 43699])
+            ("pr-path-style" variable nil nil [43651 43673])
+            ("pr-menu-print-item" variable (:default-value "print") nil [44717 44849])
+            ("pr-ps-printer-menu-modified" variable (:default-value t) nil [44851 44971])
+            ("pr-txt-printer-menu-modified" variable (:default-value t) nil [44973 45094])
+            ("pr-ps-utility-menu-modified" variable (:default-value t) nil [45096 45215])
+            ("pr-even-or-odd-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((nil . "Print All Pages") (even-page . "Print Even Pages") (odd-page . "Print Odd Pages") (even-sheet . "Print Even Sheets") (odd-sheet . "Print Odd Sheets"))))
+                nil [45217 45438])
+            ("cond" code nil nil [45618 51060])
+            ("unless" code nil nil [51287 51384])
+            ("cond" code nil nil [51387 58605])
+            ("pr-dosify-file-name" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("path"))
+                nil [58736 58956])
+            ("pr-unixify-file-name" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("path"))
+                nil [58959 59180])
+            ("pr-standard-file-name" function (:arguments ("path")) nil [59183 59551])
+            ("pr-alist-custom-set" function (:arguments ("symbol" "value")) nil [59659 59889])
+            ("pr-ps-utility-custom-set" function (:arguments ("symbol" "value")) nil [59892 60101])
+            ("pr-ps-name-custom-set" function (:arguments ("symbol" "value")) nil [60104 60319])
+            ("pr-txt-name-custom-set" function (:arguments ("symbol" "value")) nil [60322 60533])
+            ("printing" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [60632 60851])
+            ("pr-path-style" variable (:default-value (if (and (not pr-cygwin-system) lpr-windows-system) (quote windows) (quote unix))) nil [60854 61261])
+            ("pr-path-alist" variable (:default-value (quote ((unix PATH) (cygwin PATH) (windows PATH)))) nil [61264 63365])
+            ("pr-txt-name" variable (:default-value (quote default)) nil [63368 63834])
+            ("pr-txt-printer-alist" variable (:default-value (list (list (quote default) lpr-command nil (cond ((boundp (quote printer-name)) printer-name) (lpr-windows-system "PRN") (t nil))))) nil [63837 68180])
+            ("pr-ps-name" variable (:default-value (quote default)) nil [68183 68659])
+            ("pr-ps-printer-alist" variable (:default-value (list (list (quote default) lpr-command nil (cond (lpr-windows-system nil) (lpr-lp-system "-d") (t "-P")) (or (getenv "PRINTER") (getenv "LPDEST") ps-printer-name)))) nil [68662 78261])
+            ("pr-temp-dir" variable (:default-value (pr-dosify-file-name (if (boundp (quote temporary-file-directory)) (symbol-value (quote temporary-file-directory)) (file-name-as-directory (or (getenv "TMPDIR") (getenv "TMP") (getenv "TEMP") (cond (lpr-windows-system "c:/temp") (t "/tmp"))))))) nil [78264 78794])
+            ("pr-ps-temp-file" variable (:default-value "prspool-") nil [78797 79004])
+            ("pr-file-modes" variable (:default-value 384) nil [79172 79434])
+            ("pr-gv-command" variable (:default-value (if lpr-windows-system "gsview32.exe" "gv")) nil [79437 80363])
+            ("pr-gs-command" variable (:default-value (if lpr-windows-system "gswin32.exe" "gs")) nil [80366 80909])
+            ("pr-gs-switches" variable (:default-value (if lpr-windows-system (quote ("-q -dNOPAUSE -Ic:/gs/gs5.50;c:/gs/gs5.50/fonts")) (quote ("-q -dNOPAUSE -I/usr/share/ghostscript/5.10")))) nil [80912 82170])
+            ("pr-gs-device" variable (:default-value (if lpr-windows-system "mswinpr2" "uniprint")) nil [82173 82538])
+            ("pr-gs-resolution" variable (:default-value 300) nil [82541 82822])
+            ("pr-print-using-ghostscript" variable nil nil [82825 83162])
+            ("pr-faces-p" variable nil nil [83165 83273])
+            ("pr-spool-p" variable nil nil [83276 83384])
+            ("pr-file-landscape" variable nil nil [83387 83522])
+            ("pr-file-duplex" variable nil nil [83525 83647])
+            ("pr-file-tumble" variable nil nil [83650 83934])
+            ("pr-auto-region" variable (:default-value t) nil [83937 84304])
+            ("pr-auto-mode" variable (:default-value t) nil [84307 84711])
+            ("pr-mode-alist" variable (:default-value (quote ((mh-folder-mode pr-mh-lpr-1 pr-mh-print-1 2 (ps-article-author ps-article-subject) ("/pagenumberstring load" pr-article-date) nil) (mh-letter-mode pr-mh-lpr-2 pr-mh-print-2 2 (ps-article-author ps-article-subject) ("/pagenumberstring load" pr-article-date) nil) (rmail-summary-mode pr-rmail-lpr pr-rmail-print 3 (ps-article-subject ps-article-author buffer-name) nil nil) (rmail-mode pr-rmail-lpr pr-rmail-print 3 (ps-article-subject ps-article-author buffer-name) nil nil) (gnus-summary-mode pr-gnus-lpr pr-gnus-print 3 (ps-article-subject ps-article-author gnus-newsgroup-name) nil nil) (gnus-article-mode pr-gnus-lpr pr-gnus-print 3 (ps-article-subject ps-article-author gnus-newsgroup-name) nil nil) (Info-mode pr-mode-lpr pr-mode-print 2 (ps-info-node ps-info-file) nil nil) (vm-mode pr-vm-lpr pr-vm-print 3 (ps-article-subject ps-article-author buffer-name) nil nil)))) nil [84714 91201])
+            ("pr-ps-utility" variable (:default-value (quote mpage)) nil [91204 91788])
+            ("pr-ps-utility-alist" variable (:default-value (quote ((mpage "mpage" nil "-b%s" "-%d" "-l" "-t" "-T" ">" nil) (psnup "psnup" ("-q") "-P%s" "-%d" "-l" nil nil " " nil (inherits-from: . no-duplex))))) nil [91791 98135])
+            ("pr-menu-lock" variable (:default-value t) nil [98138 98323])
+            ("pr-menu-char-height" variable (:default-value (pr-menu-char-height)) nil [98326 98646])
+            ("pr-menu-char-width" variable (:default-value (pr-menu-char-width)) nil [98649 98969])
+            ("pr-setting-database" variable (:default-value (quote ((no-duplex nil nil nil (pr-file-duplex) (pr-file-tumble))))) nil [98972 102909])
+            ("pr-visible-entry-list" variable (:default-value (quote (postscript text postscript-options postscript-process printing help))) nil [102912 104881])
+            ("pr-delete-temp-file" variable (:default-value t) nil [104884 105157])
+            ("pr-list-directory" variable nil nil [105160 105623])
+            ("pr-buffer-name" variable (:default-value "*Printing Interface*") nil [105626 105807])
+            ("pr-buffer-name-ignore" variable (:default-value (list (regexp-quote pr-buffer-name) "^ .*$")) nil [105810 106223])
+            ("pr-buffer-verbose" variable (:default-value t) nil [106226 106397])
+            ("pr-txt-command" variable nil nil [106500 106601])
+            ("pr-txt-switches" variable nil nil [106604 106733])
+            ("pr-txt-printer" variable nil nil [106736 106822])
+            ("pr-ps-command" variable nil nil [106825 106930])
+            ("pr-ps-switches" variable nil nil [106933 107066])
+            ("pr-ps-printer-switch" variable nil nil [107069 107173])
+            ("pr-ps-printer" variable nil nil [107176 107266])
+            ("pr-save-file-modes" function (:arguments ("body")) nil [107357 107562])
+            ("pr-visible-p" function (:arguments ("key")) nil [107658 107722])
+            ("pr-mode-alist-p" function nil nil [107725 107794])
+            ("pr-auto-mode-p" function nil nil [107797 107864])
+            ("pr-using-ghostscript-p" function nil nil [107867 107955])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [107958 108170])
+            ("pr-menu-spec" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (let ((pr-:active (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) :included :active)) (pr-:help (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) (quote ignore) (function (lambda (text) (list :help text)))))) (\` (["Printing Interface" pr-interface (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Use buffer interface instead of menu interface"))] "--" ("PostScript Preview" :included (pr-visible-p (quote postscript)) (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Preview PostScript instead of sending to printer")) ("Directory" (\, pr-:active) (not pr-spool-p) ["1-up" (pr-ps-directory-preview 1 nil nil t) t] ["2-up" (pr-ps-directory-preview 2 nil nil t) t] ["4-up" (pr-ps-directory-preview 4 nil nil t) t] ["Other..." (pr-ps-directory-preview nil nil nil t) :keys "\\[pr-ps-buffer-preview]"]) ("Buffer" (\, pr-:active) (not pr-spool-p) ["1-up" (pr-ps-buffer-preview 1 t) t] ["2-up" (pr-ps-buffer-preview 2 t) t] ["4-up" (pr-ps-buffer-preview 4 t) t] ["Other..." (pr-ps-buffer-preview nil t) :keys "\\[pr-ps-buffer-preview]"]) ("Region" (\, pr-:active) (and (not pr-spool-p) (ps-mark-active-p)) ["1-up" (pr-ps-region-preview 1 t) t] ["2-up" (pr-ps-region-preview 2 t) t] ["4-up" (pr-ps-region-preview 4 t) t] ["Other..." (pr-ps-region-preview nil t) :keys "\\[pr-ps-region-preview]"]) ("Mode" (\, pr-:active) (and (not pr-spool-p) (pr-mode-alist-p)) ["1-up" (pr-ps-mode-preview 1 t) t] ["2-up" (pr-ps-mode-preview 2 t) t] ["4-up" (pr-ps-mode-preview 4 t) t] ["Other..." (pr-ps-mode-preview nil t) :keys "\\[pr-ps-mode-preview]"]) ("File" ["No Preprocessing..." (call-interactively (quote pr-ps-file-preview)) :keys "\\[pr-ps-file-preview]" (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Preview PostScript file"))] "--" ["PostScript Utility" pr-update-menus :active pr-ps-utility-alist (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Select PostScript utility"))] "--" ["1-up..." (pr-ps-file-up-preview 1 t t) pr-ps-utility-alist] ["2-up..." (pr-ps-file-up-preview 2 t t) pr-ps-utility-alist] ["4-up..." (pr-ps-file-up-preview 4 t t) pr-ps-utility-alist] ["Other..." (pr-ps-file-up-preview nil t t) :keys "\\[pr-ps-file-up-preview]" :active pr-ps-utility-alist] "--" ["Landscape" pr-toggle-file-landscape-menu :style toggle :selected pr-file-landscape (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Toggle landscape for PostScript file")) :active pr-ps-utility-alist] ["Duplex" pr-toggle-file-duplex-menu :style toggle :selected pr-file-duplex (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Toggle duplex for PostScript file")) :active pr-ps-utility-alist] ["Tumble" pr-toggle-file-tumble-menu :style toggle :selected pr-file-tumble (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Toggle tumble for PostScript file")) :active (and pr-file-duplex pr-ps-utility-alist)]) ["Despool..." (call-interactively (quote pr-despool-preview)) :active pr-spool-p :keys "\\[pr-despool-preview]" (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Despool PostScript buffer to printer or file (C-u)"))]) ("PostScript Print" :included (pr-visible-p (quote postscript)) (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Send PostScript to printer or file (C-u)")) ("Directory" ["1-up" (pr-ps-directory-ps-print 1 nil nil t) t] ["2-up" (pr-ps-directory-ps-print 2 nil nil t) t] ["4-up" (pr-ps-directory-ps-print 4 nil nil t) t] ["Other..." (pr-ps-directory-ps-print nil nil nil t) :keys "\\[pr-ps-buffer-ps-print]"]) ("Buffer" ["1-up" (pr-ps-buffer-ps-print 1 t) t] ["2-up" (pr-ps-buffer-ps-print 2 t) t] ["4-up" (pr-ps-buffer-ps-print 4 t) t] ["Other..." (pr-ps-buffer-ps-print nil t) :keys "\\[pr-ps-buffer-ps-print]"]) ("Region" (\, pr-:active) (ps-mark-active-p) ["1-up" (pr-ps-region-ps-print 1 t) t] ["2-up" (pr-ps-region-ps-print 2 t) t] ["4-up" (pr-ps-region-ps-print 4 t) t] ["Other..." (pr-ps-region-ps-print nil t) :keys "\\[pr-ps-region-ps-print]"]) ("Mode" (\, pr-:active) (pr-mode-alist-p) ["1-up" (pr-ps-mode-ps-print 1 t) t] ["2-up" (pr-ps-mode-ps-print 2 t) t] ["4-up" (pr-ps-mode-ps-print 4 t) t] ["Other..." (pr-ps-mode-ps-print nil t) :keys "\\[pr-ps-mode-ps-print]"]) ("File" ["No Preprocessing..." (call-interactively (quote pr-ps-file-ps-print)) :keys "\\[pr-ps-file-ps-print]" (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Send PostScript file to printer"))] "--" ["PostScript Utility" pr-update-menus :active pr-ps-utility-alist (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Select PostScript utility"))] "--" ["1-up..." (pr-ps-file-up-ps-print 1 t t) pr-ps-utility-alist] ["2-up..." (pr-ps-file-up-ps-print 2 t t) pr-ps-utility-alist] ["4-up..." (pr-ps-file-up-ps-print 4 t t) pr-ps-utility-alist] ["Other..." (pr-ps-file-up-ps-print nil t t) :keys "\\[pr-ps-file-up-ps-print]" :active pr-ps-utility-alist] "--" ["Landscape" pr-toggle-file-landscape-menu :style toggle :selected pr-file-landscape (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Toggle landscape for PostScript file")) :active pr-ps-utility-alist] ["Duplex" pr-toggle-file-duplex-menu :style toggle :selected pr-file-duplex (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Toggle duplex for PostScript file")) :active pr-ps-utility-alist] ["Tumble" pr-toggle-file-tumble-menu :style toggle :selected pr-file-tumble (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Toggle tumble for PostScript file")) :active (and pr-file-duplex pr-ps-utility-alist)]) ["Despool..." (call-interactively (quote pr-despool-ps-print)) :active pr-spool-p :keys "\\[pr-despool-ps-print]" (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Despool PostScript buffer to printer or file (C-u)"))]) ["PostScript Printers" pr-update-menus :active pr-ps-printer-alist :included (pr-visible-p (quote postscript)) (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Select PostScript printer"))] "--" ("Printify" :included (pr-visible-p (quote text)) (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Replace non-printing chars with printable representations.")) ["Directory" pr-printify-directory t] ["Buffer" pr-printify-buffer t] ["Region" pr-printify-region (ps-mark-active-p)]) ("Print" :included (pr-visible-p (quote text)) (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Send text to printer")) ["Directory" pr-txt-directory t] ["Buffer" pr-txt-buffer t] ["Region" pr-txt-region (ps-mark-active-p)] ["Mode" pr-txt-mode (pr-mode-alist-p)]) ["Text Printers" pr-update-menus :active pr-txt-printer-alist :included (pr-visible-p (quote text)) (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Select text printer"))] "--" ["Landscape" pr-toggle-landscape-menu :style toggle :selected ps-landscape-mode :included (pr-visible-p (quote postscript-options))] ["Print Header" pr-toggle-header-menu :style toggle :selected ps-print-header :included (pr-visible-p (quote postscript-options))] ["Print Header Frame" pr-toggle-header-frame-menu :style toggle :selected ps-print-header-frame :active ps-print-header :included (pr-visible-p (quote postscript-options))] ["Line Number" pr-toggle-line-menu :style toggle :selected ps-line-number :included (pr-visible-p (quote postscript-options))] ["Zebra Stripes" pr-toggle-zebra-menu :style toggle :selected ps-zebra-stripes :included (pr-visible-p (quote postscript-options))] ["Duplex" pr-toggle-duplex-menu :style toggle :selected ps-spool-duplex :included (pr-visible-p (quote postscript-options))] ["Tumble" pr-toggle-tumble-menu :style toggle :selected ps-spool-tumble :active ps-spool-duplex :included (pr-visible-p (quote postscript-options))] ["Upside-Down" pr-toggle-upside-down-menu :style toggle :selected ps-print-upside-down :included (pr-visible-p (quote postscript-options))] ("Print All Pages" :included (pr-visible-p (quote postscript-options)) (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Select odd/even pages/sheets to print")) ["All Pages" (pr-even-or-odd-pages nil) :style radio :selected (eq ps-even-or-odd-pages nil)] ["Even Pages" (pr-even-or-odd-pages (quote even-page)) :style radio :selected (eq ps-even-or-odd-pages (quote even-page))] ["Odd Pages" (pr-even-or-odd-pages (quote odd-page)) :style radio :selected (eq ps-even-or-odd-pages (quote odd-page))] ["Even Sheets" (pr-even-or-odd-pages (quote even-sheet)) :style radio :selected (eq ps-even-or-odd-pages (quote even-sheet))] ["Odd Sheets" (pr-even-or-odd-pages (quote odd-sheet)) :style radio :selected (eq ps-even-or-odd-pages (quote odd-sheet))]) "--" ["Spool Buffer" pr-toggle-spool-menu :style toggle :selected pr-spool-p :included (pr-visible-p (quote postscript-process)) (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Toggle PostScript spooling"))] ["Print with faces" pr-toggle-faces-menu :style toggle :selected pr-faces-p :included (pr-visible-p (quote postscript-process)) (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Toggle PostScript printing with faces"))] ["Print via Ghostscript" pr-toggle-ghostscript-menu :style toggle :selected pr-print-using-ghostscript :included (pr-visible-p (quote postscript-process)) (\,@ (funcall pr-:help "Toggle PostScript generation using ghostscript"))] "--" ["Auto Region" pr-toggle-region-menu :style toggle :selected pr-auto-region :included (pr-visible-p (quote printing))] ["Auto Mode" pr-toggle-mode-menu :style toggle :selected pr-auto-mode :included (pr-visible-p (quote printing))] ["Menu Lock" pr-toggle-lock-menu :style toggle :selected pr-menu-lock :included (pr-visible-p (quote printing))] "--" ("Customize" :included (pr-visible-p (quote help)) ["printing" pr-customize t] ["ps-print" ps-print-customize t] ["lpr" lpr-customize t]) ("Show Settings" :included (pr-visible-p (quote help)) ["printing" pr-show-pr-setup t] ["ps-print" pr-show-ps-setup t] ["lpr" pr-show-lpr-setup t]) ["Help" pr-help :active t :included (pr-visible-p (quote help))]))))
+                nil [108173 118481])
+            ("pr-menu-bind" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [118484 118736])
+            ("let" code nil nil [118754 119506])
+            ("pr-help-message" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "printing.el version " pr-version "    ps-print.el version " ps-print-version "
+Menu Layout
+The `printing' menu (Tools/Printing or File/Print) has the following layout:
+       +-----------------------------+
+A   0  |   Printing Interface        |
+       +-----------------------------+       +-A---------+     +-B------+
+I   1  |   PostScript Preview       >|-------|Directory >|-----|1-up    |
+    2  |   PostScript Print         >|---- A |Buffer    >|-- B |2-up    |
+    3  |   PostScript Printer: name >|---- C |Region    >|-- B |4-up    |
+       +-----------------------------+       |Mode      >|-- B |Other...|
+II  4  |   Printify                 >|-----\\ |File      >|--\\  +--------+
+    5  |   Print                    >|---\\ | |Despool... |  |
+    6  |   Text Printer: name       >|-\\ | | +-----------+  |
+       +-----------------------------+ | | | +---------+   +------------+
+III 7  |[ ]Landscape                 | | | \\-|Directory|   | No Prep... | Ia
+    8  |[ ]Print Header              | | |   |Buffer   |   +------------+ Ib
+    9  |[ ]Print Header Frame        | | |   |Region   |   |   name    >|- C
+    10 |[ ]Line Number               | | |   +---------+   +------------+
+    11 |[ ]Zebra Stripes             | | |   +---------+   |   1-up...  | Ic
+    12 |[ ]Duplex                    | | \\---|Directory|   |   2-up...  |
+    13 |[ ]Tumble                    | \\--\\  |Buffer   |   |   4-up...  |
+    14 |[ ]Upside-Down               |    |  |Region   |   |   Other... |
+    15 |   Print All Pages          >|--\\ |  |Mode     |   +------------+
+       +-----------------------------+  | |  +---------+   |[ ]Landscape| Id
+IV  16 |[ ]Spool Buffer              |  | |  +-C-------+   |[ ]Duplex   | Ie
+    17 |[ ]Print with faces          |  | \\--|( )name A|   |[ ]Tumble   | If
+    18 |[ ]Print via Ghostscript     |  |    |( )name B|   +------------+
+       +-----------------------------+  |    |...      |
+V   19 |[ ]Auto Region               |  |    |(*)name  |
+    20 |[ ]Auto Mode                 |  |    |...      |
+    21 |[ ]Menu Lock                 |  |    +---------+   +--------------+
+       +-----------------------------+  \\------------------|(*)All Pages  |
+VI  22 |   Customize                >|--- D  +-D------+    |( )Even Pages |
+    23 |   Show Settings            >|-------|printing|    |( )Odd Pages  |
+    24 |   Help                      |       |ps-print|    |( )Even Sheets|
+       +-----------------------------+       |lpr     |    |( )Odd Sheets |
+					     +--------+    +--------------+
+See `pr-visible-entry-list' for hiding some parts of the menu.
+The menu has the following sections:
+A. Interface:
+   0. You can use a buffer interface instead of menus.  It looks like the
+      customization buffer.  Basically, it has the same options found in the
+      menu and some extra options, all this on a buffer.
+I. PostScript printing:
+   1. You can generate a PostScript file (if you type C-u before activating
+      menu) or PostScript temporary file for a directory, a buffer, a region
+      or a major mode, choosing 1-up, 2-up, 4-up or any other n-up printing;
+      after file generation, ghostview is activated using the file generated
+      as argument.  This option is disabled if spooling is on (option 16).
+      Also, if you already have a PostScript file you can preview it.
+      Instead of previewing each buffer, region or major mode at once, you
+      can save temporarily the PostScript code generated in a buffer and
+      preview it later.  The option `Despool...' despools the PostScript
+      spooling buffer in a temporary file and uses ghostview to preview it.
+      If you type C-u before choosing this option, the PostScript code
+      generated is saved in a file instead of saving in a temporary file.  To
+      spool the PostScript code generated you need to turn on the option 16.
+      The option `Despool...' is enabled if spooling is on (option 16).
+      NOTE 1: It's possible to customize a major mode printing, just declare
+	      the customization in `pr-mode-alist' and invoke some of
+	      `*-mode*' commands or select Mode option in Printing menu.  An
+	      example for major mode usage is when you're using gnus (or mh,
+	      or rmail, etc.) and you're in the *Summary* buffer, if you
+	      forget to switch to the *Article* buffer before printing,
+	      you'll get a nicely formatted list of article subjects shows
+	      up at the printer.  With major mode printing you don't need to
+	      switch from gnus *Summary* buffer first.
+      NOTE 2: There are the following options for PostScript file processing:
+	      Ia. Print the file *No Preprocessing*, that is, send it
+		  directly to PostScript printer.
+	      Ib. PostScript utility processing selection.
+		  See `pr-ps-utility-alist' and `pr-setting-database' for
+		  documentation.
+	      Ic. Do n-up processing before printing.
+	      Id. Toggle on/off landscape for PostScript file processing.
+	      Ie. Toggle on/off duplex for PostScript file processing.
+	      If. Toggle on/off tumble for PostScript file processing.
+      NOTE 3: Don't forget to download and install the utilities declared on
+	      `pr-ps-utility-alist'.
+   2. Operate the same way as option 1, but it sends directly the PostScript
+      code (or put in a file, if you've typed C-u) or it uses ghostscript to
+      print the PostScript file generated.  It depends on option 18, if it's
+      turned on, it uses ghostscript; otherwise, it sends directly to
+      printer.  If spooling is on (option 16), the PostScript code is saved
+      temporarily in a buffer instead of printing it or saving it in a file.
+      Also, if you already have a PostScript file you can print it.
+      Instead of printing each buffer, region or major mode at once, you can
+      save temporarily the PostScript code generated in a buffer and print it
+      later.  The option `Despool...' despools the PostScript spooling buffer
+      directly on a printer.  If you type C-u before choosing this option,
+      the PostScript code generated is saved in a file instead of sending it to
+      the printer.  To spool the PostScript code generated you need to turn on
+      option 16.  This option is enabled if spooling is on (option 16).
+      See also the NOTE 1, NOTE 2 and NOTE 3 on option 1.
+   3. You can select a new PostScript printer to send PostScript code
+      generated.  For selection it's used all PostScript printers defined
+      in `pr-ps-printer-alist' variable (see it for documentation).
+      See also `pr-setting-database'.
+II. Text printing:
+   4. If you have control characters (character code from \\000 to \\037) in a
+      buffer and you want to print them in a text printer, select this
+      option.  All control characters in your buffer or region will be
+      replaced by a printable representation.  The printable representations
+      use ^ (for ASCII control characters) or hex.  The characters tab,
+      linefeed, space, return and formfeed are not affected.
+      You don't need to select this option if you use any option of section
+      I, the PostScript engine treats control characters properly.
+   5. If you want to print a directory, buffer, region or major mode in a
+      text printer, select this option.  See also the NOTE 1 on option 1.
+   6. You can select a new text printer to send text generated.  For
+      selection it's used all text printers defined in `pr-txt-printer-alist'
+      variable (see it for documentation).
+      See also `pr-setting-database'.
+III. PostScript page toggle options:
+   7. If you want a PostScript landscape printing, turn on this option.
+   8. If you want to have a header in each page in your PostScript code,
+      turn on this option.
+   9. If you want to draw a gaudy frame around the header, turn on this
+      option.  This option is enabled if print header is on (option 8).
+   10. If you want that the line number is printed in your PostScript code,
+       turn on this option.
+   11. If you want background zebra stripes in your PostScript code, turn on
+       this option.
+   12. If you want a duplex printing and your PostScript printer has this
+       feature, turn on this option.
+   13. If you turned on duplex printing, you can choose if you want to have a
+       printing suitable for binding on the left or right (tumble off), or to
+       have a printing suitable for binding at top or bottom (tumble on).
+       This option is enabled if duplex is on (option 12).
+   14. If you want a PostScript upside-down printing, turn on this option.
+   15. With this option, you can choose if you want to print all pages, odd
+       pages, even pages, odd sheets or even sheets.
+       See also `ps-even-or-odd-pages'.
+IV. PostScript processing toggle options:
+   16. If you want to spool the PostScript code generated, turn on this
+       option.  To spool the PostScript code generated use option 2.  You can
+       despool later by choosing option 1 or 2, sub-option `Despool...'.
+   17. If you use colors in your buffers and want to see these colors on your
+       PostScript code generated, turn on this option.  If you have a
+       black/white PostScript printer, these colors are displayed in gray
+       scale by PostScript printer interpreter.
+   18. If you don't have a PostScript printer to send PostScript files, turn
+       on this option.  When this option is on, the ghostscript is used to
+       print PostScript files.  In GNU or Unix system, if ghostscript is set
+       as a PostScript filter, you don't need to turn on this option.
+V. Printing customization:
+   19. If you want that region is automagically detected, turn on this
+       option.  Note that this will only work if you're using transient mark
+       mode.  When this option is on, the `*-buffer*' commands will behave
+       like `*-region*' commands, that is, `*-buffer*' commands will print
+       only the region marked instead of all buffer.
+   20. Turn this option on if you want that when current major-mode is
+       declared in `pr-mode-alist', the `*-buffer*' and `*-region*' commands
+       behave like `*-mode*' commands.
+   21. If you want that Printing menu stays open while you are setting
+       toggle options, turn on this option.  The variables
+       `pr-menu-char-height' and `pr-menu-char-width' are used to guess the
+       menu position, so don't forget to adjust these variables if menu
+       position is not ok.
+VI. Customization:
+   22. Besides all options in section III, IV and V, you can customize much
+       more PostScript options in `ps-print' option.  Or you can customize
+       some `lpr' options for text printing.  Or customize `printing'
+       options.
+   23. Show current settings for `printing', `ps-print' or `lpr'.
+   24. Quick help for printing menu layout.
+                nil [120007 130938])
+            ("pr-interface-help-message" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "printing.el version " pr-version "    ps-print.el version " ps-print-version "
+The printing interface buffer has the same functionality as the printing menu.
+The major difference is that the states (like sending PostScript generated to a
+file, n-up printing, etc.) are set and saved between printing buffer
+activation.  Also, the landscape, duplex and tumble values are the same for
+PostScript file and directory/buffer/region/mode processing; using menu, there
+are different value sets for PostScript file and directory/buffer/region/mode
+The printing interface buffer has the following sections:
+1. Print:
+   Here you can choose to print/preview a buffer, a directory or a PostScript
+   file:
+   1a. Buffer:
+      * Buffer List:
+	 Select a buffer from the current buffer list.
+      * Region:
+	 If it's on, this means that the selected buffer has an active region,
+	 so you can turn on/off, as you wish.
+	 If it's off when a buffer is selected, this means that the selected
+	 buffer has no active region, so it'll not be possible to turn it on.
+	 If you want to process the region, let this option on.
+	 If you want to process the whole buffer, let this option off.
+      * Mode:
+	 If it's on, this means that the selected buffer major mode is declared
+	 for major mode processing, so you can turn on/off, as you wish.
+	 If it's off when a buffer is selected, this means that the selected
+	 buffer major mode isn't declared for major mode processing, so it'll
+	 not be possible to turn it on.
+	 If you want the major mode processing, let this option on.
+	 If you don't want the major mode processing, let this option off.
+      NOTE 1: It's possible to customize a major mode printing, just declare
+	      the customization in `pr-mode-alist' and invoke some of
+	      `*-mode*' commands or select Mode option in Printing menu.  An
+	      example for major mode usage is when you're using gnus (or mh,
+	      or rmail, etc.) and you're in the *Summary* buffer, if you
+	      forget to switch to the *Article* buffer before printing,
+	      you'll get a nicely formatted list of article subjects shows
+	      up at the printer.  With major mode printing you don't need to
+	      switch from gnus *Summary* buffer first.
+   1b. Directory:
+      * Directory:
+	 Specify a valid directory path.
+      * File Regexp:
+	 Specify a file name regexp.  All file names in the directory that
+	 match with regexp will be printed/previewed.  An empty file name
+	 regexp means to print/preview all files in the directory.
+      * List Directory Entry:
+	 If it's turned on, list directory entries besides file entries.
+   1c. PostScript file:
+      * PostScript File:
+	 Specify an existent PostScript file to print/preview.
+      * PostScript Utility:
+	 Select a PostScript utility.
+	 See `pr-ps-utility-alist' and `pr-setting-database' for documentation.
+      NOTE 2: Don't forget to download and install the utilities declared on
+	      `pr-ps-utility-alist'.
+      * No Preprocessing:
+	 If it's turned on, don't use the PostScript utility to preprocess the
+	 PostScript file before printing/previewing.
+2. PostScript printer:
+   * PostScript Printer:
+      You can select a new PostScript printer to send PostScript code
+      generated.  For selection it's used all PostScript printers defined
+      in `pr-ps-printer-alist' variable (see it for documentation).
+      See also `pr-setting-database'.
+   * Despool:
+      If spooling is on, you can turn it on/off, as you wish.
+      If spooling is off, it'll not be possible to turn it on.
+      If it's turned on, specify to despools the PostScript spooling buffer in
+      a temporary file or in the selected PostScript file when
+      printing/previewing.
+   * Preview:
+      Preview the PostScript generated.
+   * Print:
+      Print the PostScript generated.
+   * Quit:
+      Quit from printing interface buffer.
+   * Send to Printer/Temporary File:
+      If it's turned on, the PostScript generated is sent directly to
+      PostScript printer or, for previewing, to a temporary file.
+   * Send to File:
+      Specify a file name to send the PostScript generated.
+   * N-Up:
+      Specify n-up printing.
+3. Text printer:
+   * Text Printer:
+      Select a new text printer to send text generated.  For selection it's used
+      all text printers defined in `pr-txt-printer-alist' variable (see it for
+      documentation).  See also `pr-setting-database'.
+   * Printify:
+      If you have control characters (character code from \\000 to \\037) in a
+      buffer and you want to print them in a text printer, select this
+      option.  All control characters in your buffer or region will be
+      replaced by a printable representation.  The printable representations
+      use ^ (for ASCII control characters) or hex.  The characters tab,
+      linefeed, space, return and formfeed are not affected.
+      You don't need to select this option if you use any option of section
+      I, the PostScript engine treats control characters properly.
+   * Print:
+      To print a directory, buffer, region or major mode in a
+      text printer, select this option.  See also the NOTE 1 on section 1.
+   * Quit:
+      Quit from printing interface buffer.
+4. Settings:
+   There are 3 setting columns:
+   4a. First column (left column):
+      * Landscape:
+	 PostScript landscape printing.
+      * Print Header:
+	 To have a header in each page in your PostScript code.
+      * Print Header Frame:
+	 To draw a gaudy frame around the header.
+      * Line Number:
+	 The line number is printed in your PostScript code.
+      * Zebra Stripes:
+	 Background zebra stripes in your PostScript code.
+      * Duplex:
+	 Duplex printing (if your PostScript printer has this feature).
+      * Tumble:
+	 If duplex printing is on, you can choose if you want to have a
+	 printing suitable for binding on the left or right (tumble off), or to
+	 have a printing suitable for binding at top or bottom (tumble on).
+      * Upside-Down:
+	 PostScript upside-down printing.
+   4b. Second column (middle column):
+      * Auto Region:
+	 If you want that region is automagically detected, turn on this
+	 option.  Note that this will only work if you're using transient mark
+	 mode.  When this option is on, the `*-buffer*' commands will behave
+	 like `*-region*' commands, that is, `*-buffer*' commands will print
+	 only the region marked instead of all buffer.
+      * Auto Mode:
+	 Turn this option on if you want that when current major-mode is
+	 declared in `pr-mode-alist', the `*-buffer*' and `*-region*' commands
+	 behave like `*-mode*' commands.
+      * Menu Lock:
+	 If you want that Printing menu stays open while you are setting
+	 toggle options, turn on this option.  The variables
+	 `pr-menu-char-height' and `pr-menu-char-width' are used to guess the
+	 menu position, so don't forget to adjust these variables if menu
+	 position is not ok.
+      * Spool Buffer:
+	 To spool the PostScript code generated.  You can despool later by
+	 setting Despool option on PostScript printer section.
+      * Print with faces:
+	 If you use colors in your buffers and want to see these colors on your
+	 PostScript code generated, turn on this option.  If you have a
+	 black/white PostScript printer, these colors are displayed in gray
+	 scale by PostScript printer interpreter.
+      * Print via Ghostscript:
+	 If you don't have a PostScript printer to send PostScript files, turn
+	 on this option.  When this option is on, the ghostscript is used to
+	 print PostScript files.  In GNU or Unix system, if ghostscript is set
+	 as a PostScript filter, you don't need to turn on this option.
+      * Parity Page Menu:
+	 To print all pages, odd pages, even pages, odd sheets or even sheets.
+	 See also `ps-even-or-odd-pages'.
+   4c. Third column (right column):
+      * Verbose:
+	 That is, to be verbose when editing a field in interface buffer.
+5. Customize:
+   Besides all options in section 4, you can customize much more PostScript
+   options in `ps-print' option.  Or you can customize some `lpr' options for
+   text printing.  Or customize `printing' options.
+6. Show settings:
+   Show current settings for `printing', `ps-print' or `lpr'.
+7. Help:
+   Quick help for printing interface buffer and printing menu layout.  You can
+   also quit the printing interface buffer or kill all printing help buffer.
+                nil [130941 139423])
+            ("pr-interface" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("buffer"))
+                nil [139531 139820])
+            ("pr-ps-directory-preview" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n-up" "dir" "file-regexp" "filename"))
+                nil [139838 140973])
+            ("pr-ps-directory-using-ghostscript" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n-up" "dir" "file-regexp" "filename"))
+                nil [140991 142180])
+            ("pr-ps-directory-print" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n-up" "dir" "file-regexp" "filename"))
+                nil [142198 143345])
+            ("pr-ps-directory-ps-print" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n-up" "dir" "file-regexp" "filename"))
+                nil [143363 144620])
+            ("pr-ps-buffer-preview" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n-up" "filename"))
+                nil [144638 145487])
+            ("pr-ps-buffer-using-ghostscript" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n-up" "filename"))
+                nil [145505 146399])
+            ("pr-ps-buffer-print" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n-up" "filename"))
+                nil [146417 147252])
+            ("pr-ps-buffer-ps-print" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n-up" "filename"))
+                nil [147270 148346])
+            ("pr-ps-region-preview" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n-up" "filename"))
+                nil [148364 148718])
+            ("pr-ps-region-using-ghostscript" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n-up" "filename"))
+                nil [148736 149151])
+            ("pr-ps-region-print" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n-up" "filename"))
+                nil [149169 149518])
+            ("pr-ps-region-ps-print" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n-up" "filename"))
+                nil [149536 150039])
+            ("pr-ps-mode-preview" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n-up" "filename"))
+                nil [150057 150426])
+            ("pr-ps-mode-using-ghostscript" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n-up" "filename"))
+                nil [150444 150923])
+            ("pr-ps-mode-print" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n-up" "filename"))
+                nil [150941 151219])
+            ("pr-ps-mode-ps-print" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n-up" "filename"))
+                nil [151237 151581])
+            ("pr-printify-directory" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("dir" "file-regexp"))
+                nil [151599 152299])
+            ("pr-printify-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [152317 152694])
+            ("pr-printify-region" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [152712 153023])
+            ("pr-txt-directory" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("dir" "file-regexp"))
+                nil [153041 153535])
+            ("pr-txt-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [153553 153762])
+            ("pr-txt-region" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [153780 153963])
+            ("pr-txt-mode" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [153981 154219])
+            ("pr-despool-preview" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename"))
+                nil [154237 154891])
+            ("pr-despool-using-ghostscript" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename"))
+                nil [154909 155632])
+            ("pr-despool-print" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename"))
+                nil [155650 156442])
+            ("pr-despool-ps-print" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename"))
+                nil [156460 157138])
+            ("pr-ps-file-preview" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename"))
+                nil [157156 157389])
+            ("pr-ps-file-up-preview" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n-up" "ifilename" "ofilename"))
+                nil [157407 157744])
+            ("pr-ps-file-using-ghostscript" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename"))
+                nil [157762 158434])
+            ("pr-ps-file-print" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename"))
+                nil [158452 159359])
+            ("pr-ps-file-ps-print" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename"))
+                nil [159377 159725])
+            ("pr-ps-file-up-ps-print" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n-up" "ifilename" "ofilename"))
+                nil [159743 161042])
+            ("pr-toggle-file-duplex" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [161060 161180])
+            ("pr-toggle-file-tumble" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [161198 161480])
+            ("pr-toggle-file-landscape" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [161498 161627])
+            ("pr-toggle-ghostscript" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [161645 161765])
+            ("pr-toggle-faces" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [161783 161884])
+            ("pr-toggle-spool" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [161902 161992])
+            ("pr-toggle-duplex" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [162010 162100])
+            ("pr-toggle-tumble" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [162118 162370])
+            ("pr-toggle-landscape" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [162388 162487])
+            ("pr-toggle-upside-down" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [162505 162610])
+            ("pr-toggle-line" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [162628 162719])
+            ("pr-toggle-zebra" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [162737 162832])
+            ("pr-toggle-header" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [162850 162949])
+            ("pr-toggle-header-frame" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [162967 163084])
+            ("pr-toggle-lock" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [163102 163191])
+            ("pr-toggle-region" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [163209 163337])
+            ("pr-toggle-mode" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [163355 163444])
+            ("pr-customize" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_ignore"))
+                nil [163462 163587])
+            ("lpr-customize" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_ignore"))
+                nil [163605 163721])
+            ("pr-help" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_ignore"))
+                nil [163739 163873])
+            ("pr-ps-name" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [163891 164083])
+            ("pr-txt-name" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [164101 164285])
+            ("pr-ps-utility" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [164303 164506])
+            ("pr-show-ps-setup" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_ignore"))
+                nil [164524 164658])
+            ("pr-show-pr-setup" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_ignore"))
+                nil [164676 164810])
+            ("pr-show-lpr-setup" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_ignore"))
+                nil [164828 164960])
+            ("pr-ps-fast-fire" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n-up" "select"))
+                nil [165073 168249])
+            ("pr-txt-fast-fire" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("select-printer"))
+                nil [168267 169521])
+            ("pr-setup" function nil nil [169615 172080])
+            ("lpr-setup" function nil nil [172083 172825])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [172973 173039])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [173040 173111])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [173112 173173])
+            ("mh-show-buffer" variable nil nil [173174 173197])
+            ("pr-article-date" function nil nil [173200 173594])
+            ("pr-mh-current-message" function nil nil [173597 173859])
+            ("pr-mh-print-1" function (:arguments ("n-up" "filename" "header-list")) nil [173862 174094])
+            ("pr-mh-lpr-1" function (:arguments ("header-list")) nil [174097 174299])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [174302 174342])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [174345 174381])
+            ("pr-rmail-lpr" function (:arguments ("header-list")) nil [174497 174670])
+            ("pr-rmail-print" function (:arguments ("n-up" "filename" "header-list")) nil [174673 174872])
+            ("pr-ps-message-from-summary" function (:arguments ("n-up" "filename" "header-list" "summary-buffer" "summary-default")) nil [174875 175238])
+            ("pr-lpr-message-from-summary" function (:arguments ("header-list" "summary-buffer" "summary-default")) nil [175241 175572])
+            ("pr-gnus-article" variable (:default-value "*Article*") nil [175687 175723])
+            ("pr-gnus-print" function (:arguments ("n-up" "filename" "header-list")) nil [175726 175930])
+            ("pr-gnus-lpr" function (:arguments ("header-list")) nil [175933 176111])
+            ("pr-vm-summary" variable nil nil [176224 176249])
+            ("pr-vm-print" function (:arguments ("n-up" "filename" "header-list")) nil [176252 176440])
+            ("pr-vm-lpr" function (:arguments ("header-list")) nil [176443 176605])
+            ("pr-ps-mode" function (:arguments ("n-up" "filename")) nil [176704 177010])
+            ("pr-local-variable" function (:arguments ("header-list" "body")) nil [177013 177470])
+            ("pr-mode-print" function (:arguments ("n-up" "filename" "header-list" "from" "to")) nil [177473 178023])
+            ("pr-mode-lpr" function (:arguments ("header-list" "from" "to")) nil [178026 178353])
+            ("pr-menu-entry-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((postscript . 3) (text . 3) (postscript-options . 9) (postscript-process . 3) (printing . 3) (help . 3))))
+                nil [178447 178848])
+            ("pr-menu-index" function (:arguments ("entry" "index")) nil [178851 179423])
+            ("pr-update-var" function (:arguments ("var-sym" "alist")) nil [179535 179653])
+            ("pr-update-menus" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("force"))
+                nil [179656 180694])
+            ("pr-menu-create" function (:arguments ("name" "alist" "var-sym" "fun" "entry" "index")) nil [180697 181000])
+            ("pr-ps-set-utility" function (:arguments ("value")) nil [181003 181284])
+            ("pr-ps-set-printer" function (:arguments ("value")) nil [181287 182077])
+            ("pr-txt-set-printer" function (:arguments ("value")) nil [182080 182604])
+            ("pr-eval-alist" function (:arguments ("alist")) nil [182607 182854])
+            ("pr-eval-local-alist" function (:arguments ("alist")) nil [182857 183232])
+            ("pr-eval-setting-alist" function (:arguments ("key" "global" "old")) nil [183235 184540])
+            ("pr-kill-local-variable" function (:arguments ("local-var-list")) nil [184543 184637])
+            ("pr-toggle" function (:arguments ("var-sym" "mess" "entry" "index" "horizontal" "state" "path" "no-menu")) nil [184745 185016])
+            ("pr-toggle-file-duplex-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("no-menu"))
+                nil [185019 185252])
+            ("pr-toggle-file-tumble-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("no-menu"))
+                nil [185255 185488])
+            ("pr-toggle-file-landscape-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("no-menu"))
+                nil [185491 185743])
+            ("pr-toggle-ghostscript-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("no-menu"))
+                nil [185746 185985])
+            ("pr-toggle-faces-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("no-menu"))
+                nil [185988 186201])
+            ("pr-toggle-spool-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("no-menu"))
+                nil [186204 186415])
+            ("pr-toggle-duplex-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("no-menu"))
+                nil [186418 186650])
+            ("pr-toggle-tumble-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("no-menu"))
+                nil [186653 186873])
+            ("pr-toggle-landscape-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("no-menu"))
+                nil [186876 187087])
+            ("pr-toggle-upside-down-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("no-menu"))
+                nil [187090 187336])
+            ("pr-toggle-line-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("no-menu"))
+                nil [187339 187545])
+            ("pr-toggle-zebra-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("no-menu"))
+                nil [187548 187753])
+            ("pr-toggle-header-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("no-menu"))
+                nil [187756 187980])
+            ("pr-toggle-header-frame-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("no-menu"))
+                nil [187983 188223])
+            ("pr-toggle-lock-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("no-menu"))
+                nil [188226 188440])
+            ("pr-toggle-region-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("no-menu"))
+                nil [188443 188650])
+            ("pr-toggle-mode-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("no-menu"))
+                nil [188653 188880])
+            ("pr-prompt" function (:arguments ("str")) nil [188883 188991])
+            ("pr-prompt-region" function (:arguments ("str")) nil [188994 189085])
+            ("pr-prompt-gs" function (:arguments ("str")) nil [189088 189179])
+            ("pr-region-active-symbol" function (:arguments ("region-p")) nil [189182 189302])
+            ("pr-region-active-string" function (:arguments ("prefix")) nil [189305 189424])
+            ("pr-show-setup" function (:arguments ("settings" "buffer-name")) nil [189427 189567])
+            ("pr-complete-alist" function (:arguments ("prompt" "alist" "default")) nil [189570 189888])
+            ("pr-delete-file" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [189891 189995])
+            ("pr-expand-file-name" function (:arguments ("filename")) nil [189998 190088])
+            ("pr-ps-outfile-preprint" function (:arguments ("mess")) nil [190091 190777])
+            ("pr-ps-infile-preprint" function (:arguments ("mess")) nil [190780 191397])
+            ("pr-ps-utility-args" function (:arguments ("n-up-sym" "infile-sym" "outfile-sym" "prompt")) nil [191400 192188])
+            ("pr-ps-utility-process" function (:arguments ("n-up" "infile" "outfile")) nil [192191 192924])
+            ("pr-remove-nil-from-list" function (:arguments ("lst")) nil [192927 193156])
+            ("pr-call-process" function (:arguments ("command" "args")) nil [193159 194143])
+            ("pr-txt-print" function (:arguments ("from" "to")) nil [194146 194373])
+            ("pr-switches-string" function (:arguments ("switches" "mess")) nil [194376 194588])
+            ("pr-switches" function (:arguments ("switches" "mess")) nil [194591 194787])
+            ("pr-ps-preview" function (:arguments ("kind" "n-up" "filename" "mess")) nil [194790 195004])
+            ("pr-ps-using-ghostscript" function (:arguments ("kind" "n-up" "filename" "mess")) nil [195007 195293])
+            ("pr-ps-print" function (:arguments ("kind" "n-up" "filename" "mess")) nil [195296 195558])
+            ("pr-ps-file" function (:arguments ("filename")) nil [195561 195768])
+            ("pr-interactive-n-up" function (:arguments ("mess")) nil [195771 196386])
+            ("pr-interactive-dir" function (:arguments ("mess")) nil [196389 197063])
+            ("pr-interactive-regexp" function (:arguments ("mess")) nil [197066 197175])
+            ("pr-interactive-dir-args" function (:arguments ("mess")) nil [197178 197342])
+            ("pr-interactive-ps-dir-args" function (:arguments ("mess")) nil [197345 197659])
+            ("pr-interactive-n-up-file" function (:arguments ("mess")) nil [197662 197857])
+            ("pr-interactive-n-up-inout" function (:arguments ("mess")) nil [197860 198103])
+            ("pr-set-outfilename" function (:arguments ("filename-sym")) nil [198106 198425])
+            ("pr-set-n-up-and-filename" function (:arguments ("n-up-sym" "filename-sym" "mess")) nil [198428 198631])
+            ("pr-set-dir-args" function (:arguments ("dir-sym" "regexp-sym" "mess")) nil [198634 198881])
+            ("pr-set-ps-dir-args" function (:arguments ("n-up-sym" "dir-sym" "regexp-sym" "filename-sym" "mess")) nil [198884 199178])
+            ("pr-find-buffer-visiting" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [199181 199795])
+            ("pr-file-list" function (:arguments ("dir" "file-regexp" "fun")) nil [199798 200321])
+            ("pr-delete-file-if-exists" function (:arguments ("filename")) nil [200324 200466])
+            ("pr-ps-file-list" function (:arguments ("n-up" "dir" "file-regexp" "filename")) nil [200469 200830])
+            ("pr-text2ps" function (:arguments ("kind" "n-up" "filename" "from" "to")) nil [200833 202047])
+            ("pr-command" function (:arguments ("command")) nil [202050 202952])
+            ("pr-path-command" function (:arguments ("symbol" "command" "sym-list")) nil [202955 203653])
+            ("pr-find-command" function (:arguments ("cmd")) nil [203656 204151])
+            ("widget" include nil nil [204355 204372])
+            ("wid-edit" include nil nil [204333 204352])
+            ("cus-edit" include nil nil [204311 204330])
+            ("pr-i-window-configuration" variable nil nil [204376 204414])
+            ("pr-i-buffer" variable nil nil [204416 204444])
+            ("pr-i-region" variable nil nil [204445 204473])
+            ("pr-i-mode" variable nil nil [204474 204502])
+            ("pr-i-despool" variable nil nil [204503 204531])
+            ("pr-i-ps-as-is" variable (:default-value t) nil [204532 204558])
+            ("pr-i-n-up" variable (:default-value 1) nil [204559 204585])
+            ("pr-i-directory" variable (:default-value "./") nil [204586 204615])
+            ("pr-i-regexp" variable nil nil [204616 204643])
+            ("pr-i-ps-file" variable nil nil [204644 204671])
+            ("pr-i-out-file" variable nil nil [204672 204699])
+            ("pr-i-answer-yes" variable nil nil [204700 204728])
+            ("pr-i-process" variable (:default-value (quote buffer)) nil [204729 204761])
+            ("pr-i-ps-send" variable (:default-value (quote printer)) nil [204762 204795])
+            ("pr-interface-map" variable nil nil [204798 204856])
+            ("unless" code nil nil [204858 205253])
+            ("pr-interface-save" function (:arguments ("body")) nil [205256 205346])
+            ("pr-create-interface" function nil nil [205349 206681])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [206683 206758])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [206759 206820])
+            ("pr-insert-section-1" function nil nil [206822 210716])
+            ("pr-insert-section-2" function nil nil [210719 212812])
+            ("pr-insert-section-3" function nil nil [212815 213187])
+            ("pr-insert-section-4" function nil nil [213190 215499])
+            ("pr-insert-section-5" function nil nil [215502 215788])
+            ("pr-insert-section-6" function nil nil [215791 216051])
+            ("pr-insert-section-7" function nil nil [216054 216395])
+            ("pr-kill-help" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_ignore"))
+                nil [216398 216785])
+            ("pr-interface-quit" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_ignore"))
+                nil [216788 216980])
+            ("pr-interface-help" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_ignore"))
+                nil [216983 217148])
+            ("pr-interface-txt-print" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_ignore"))
+                nil [217151 217925])
+            ("pr-interface-printify" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_ignore"))
+                nil [217928 218558])
+            ("pr-interface-ps-print" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_ignore"))
+                nil [218561 218850])
+            ("pr-interface-preview" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_ignore"))
+                nil [218853 219131])
+            ("pr-interface-ps" function (:arguments ("ps-despool" "ps-directory" "ps-file" "ps-file-up" "ps-region" "ps-mode" "ps-buffer")) nil [219134 220514])
+            ("pr-i-ps-send" function nil nil [220517 221054])
+            ("pr-i-directory" function nil nil [221057 221189])
+            ("pr-interface-directory" function (:arguments ("widget" "_ignore")) nil [221192 221449])
+            ("pr-interface-infile" function (:arguments ("widget" "_ignore")) nil [221452 221727])
+            ("pr-interface-outfile" function (:arguments ("widget" "_ignore")) nil [221730 222036])
+            ("pr-widget-field-action" function (:arguments ("widget" "event")) nil [222039 222259])
+            ("pr-insert-italic" function (:arguments ("str" "from" "to")) nil [222262 222479])
+            ("pr-insert-checkbox" function (:arguments ("before" "var-sym" "fun" "label")) nil [222482 222677])
+            ("pr-insert-toggle" function (:arguments ("var-sym" "label")) nil [222680 222873])
+            ("pr-insert-button" function (:arguments ("fun" "label" "separator")) nil [222876 223038])
+            ("pr-insert-menu" function (:arguments ("tag" "var-sym" "choices" "before" "after" "body")) nil [223041 223488])
+            ("pr-insert-radio-button" function (:arguments ("var-sym" "sym")) nil [223491 223924])
+            ("pr-update-radio-button" function (:arguments ("var-sym")) nil [223927 224225])
+            ("pr-update-checkbox" function (:arguments ("var-sym")) nil [224228 224393])
+            ("pr-choice-alist" function (:arguments ("alist")) nil [224396 224809])
+            ("printing" package nil nil [224890 224909]))          
+      :file "printing.el"
+      :pointmax 224938
+      :fsize 224937
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29515 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 204372 . 204373) (symbol 204291 . 204308) (open-paren 204290 . 204291) (close-paren 51384 . 51385) (symbol 51268 . 51284) (open-paren 51267 . 51268) (close-paren 44652 . 44653) (symbol 43566 . 43583) (open-paren 43565 . 43566)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("lpr-windows-system" variable (:default-value (memq system-type (quote (ms-dos windows-nt)))) nil [1129 1246])
+            ("lpr-lp-system" variable (:default-value (memq system-type (quote (usg-unix-v hpux)))) nil [1263 1395])
+            ("lpr" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1398 1471])
+            ("printer-name" variable (:default-value (and (eq system-type (quote ms-dos)) "PRN")) nil [1489 2502])
+            ("lpr-switches" variable nil nil [2519 2787])
+            ("lpr-add-switches" variable (:default-value (memq system-type (quote (berkeley-unix gnu/linux)))) nil [2789 3107])
+            ("lpr-printer-switch" variable (:default-value (if lpr-lp-system "-d " "-P")) nil [3109 3467])
+            ("lpr-command" variable (:default-value (purecopy (cond (lpr-windows-system "") (lpr-lp-system "lp") (t "lpr")))) nil [3484 4107])
+            ("lpr-headers-switches" variable nil nil [4240 4583])
+            ("print-region-function" variable (:default-value (if (memq system-type (quote (ms-dos windows-nt))) (function w32-direct-print-region-function) (function call-process-region))) nil [4585 4879])
+            ("lpr-page-header-program" variable (:default-value "pr") nil [4881 5006])
+            ("lpr-page-header-switches" variable (:default-value (quote ("-h" "%s" "-F"))) nil [5120 5511])
+            ("lpr-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5528 5870])
+            ("print-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5887 6597])
+            ("lpr-region" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end"))
+                nil [6614 6992])
+            ("print-region" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end"))
+                nil [7009 7759])
+            ("print-region-1" function (:arguments ("start" "end" "switches" "page-headers")) nil [7761 9608])
+            ("lpr-print-region" function (:arguments ("start" "end" "switches" "name")) nil [9610 11346])
+            ("print-region-new-buffer" function (:arguments ("ostart" "oend")) nil [11539 11872])
+            ("printify-region" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("begin" "end"))
+                nil [11874 12481])
+            ("lpr-eval-switch" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [12627 12806])
+            ("lpr-flatten-list" function (:arguments ("list")) nil [13097 13162])
+            ("lpr-flatten-list-1" function (:arguments ("list")) nil [13164 13346])
+            ("lpr" package nil nil [13348 13362]))          
+      :file "lpr.el"
+      :pointmax 13385
+      :fsize 13384
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29512 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("ps-print-version" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "7.3.5")
+                nil [597 1028])
+            ("lpr" include nil nil [59445 59459])
+            ("if" code nil nil [59462 59718])
+            ("ps-def" include nil nil [59754 59771])
+            ("ps-print-loaddefs" include nil nil [59805 59833])
+            ("postscript" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [59967 60088])
+            ("ps-print" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [60090 60285])
+            ("ps-print-horizontal" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [60287 60420])
+            ("ps-print-vertical" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [60422 60549])
+            ("ps-print-headers" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [60551 60688])
+            ("ps-print-font" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [60690 60808])
+            ("ps-print-color" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [60810 60930])
+            ("ps-print-face" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [60932 61070])
+            ("ps-print-n-up" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [61072 61189])
+            ("ps-print-zebra" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [61191 61311])
+            ("ps-print-background" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [61313 61448])
+            ("ps-print-printer" customgroup
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :value (quote ((lpr custom-group))))
+                nil [61450 61594])
+            ("ps-print-page" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [61596 61713])
+            ("ps-print-miscellany" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [61715 61850])
+            ("ps-error-handler-message" variable (:default-value (quote paper)) nil [61853 62738])
+            ("ps-user-defined-prologue" variable nil nil [62740 64062])
+            ("ps-print-prologue-header" variable nil nil [64064 65323])
+            ("ps-printer-name" variable nil nil [65325 66776])
+            ("ps-printer-name-option" variable (:default-value (cond (lpr-windows-system "/D:") (t lpr-printer-switch))) nil [66778 67625])
+            ("ps-lpr-command" variable (:default-value lpr-command) nil [67627 68215])
+            ("ps-lpr-switches" variable (:default-value lpr-switches) nil [68217 69206])
+            ("ps-print-region-function" variable (:default-value (if (memq system-type (quote (ms-dos windows-nt))) (function w32-direct-ps-print-region-function) (function call-process-region))) nil [69208 69605])
+            ("ps-manual-feed" variable nil nil [69607 69798])
+            ("ps-end-with-control-d" variable (:default-value (and lpr-windows-system t)) nil [69800 70004])
+            ("ps-page-dimensions-database" variable (:default-value (purecopy (list (list (quote a4) (/ (* 72 21.0) 2.54) (/ (* 72 29.7) 2.54) "A4") (list (quote a3) (/ (* 72 29.7) 2.54) (/ (* 72 42.0) 2.54) "A3") (list (quote letter) (* 72 8.5) (* 72 11.0) "Letter") (list (quote legal) (* 72 8.5) (* 72 14.0) "Legal") (list (quote letter-small) (* 72 7.68) (* 72 10.16) "LetterSmall") (list (quote tabloid) (* 72 11.0) (* 72 17.0) "Tabloid") (list (quote ledger) (* 72 17.0) (* 72 11.0) "Ledger") (list (quote statement) (* 72 5.5) (* 72 8.5) "Statement") (list (quote executive) (* 72 7.5) (* 72 10.0) "Executive") (list (quote a4small) (* 72 7.47) (* 72 10.85) "A4Small") (list (quote b4) (* 72 10.125) (* 72 14.33) "B4") (list (quote b5) (* 72 7.16) (* 72 10.125) "B5") (quote (addresslarge 236.0 99.0 "AddressLarge")) (quote (addresssmall 236.0 68.0 "AddressSmall")) (quote (cuthanging13 90.0 222.0 "CutHanging13")) (quote (cuthanging15 90.0 114.0 "CutHanging15")) (quote (diskette 181.0 136.0 "Diskette")) (quote (eurofilefolder 139.0 112.0 "EuropeanFilefolder")) (quote (eurofoldernarrow 526.0 107.0 "EuroFolderNarrow")) (quote (eurofolderwide 526.0 136.0 "EuroFolderWide")) (quote (euronamebadge 189.0 108.0 "EuroNameBadge")) (quote (euronamebadgelarge 223.0 136.0 "EuroNameBadgeLarge")) (quote (filefolder 230.0 37.0 "FileFolder")) (quote (jewelry 76.0 136.0 "Jewelry")) (quote (mediabadge 180.0 136.0 "MediaBadge")) (quote (multipurpose 126.0 68.0 "MultiPurpose")) (quote (retaillabel 90.0 104.0 "RetailLabel")) (quote (shipping 271.0 136.0 "Shipping")) (quote (slide35mm 26.0 104.0 "Slide35mm")) (quote (spine8mm 187.0 26.0 "Spine8mm")) (quote (topcoated 425.19685 136.0 "TopCoatedPaper")) (quote (topcoatedpaper 396.0 136.0 "TopcoatedPaper150")) (quote (vhsface 205.0 127.0 "VHSFace")) (quote (vhsspine 400.0 50.0 "VHSSpine")) (quote (zipdisk 156.0 136.0 "ZipDisk"))))) nil [70720 73227])
+            ("ps-paper-type" variable (:default-value (quote letter)) nil [73244 73675])
+            ("ps-warn-paper-type" variable (:default-value t) nil [73677 73906])
+            ("ps-landscape-mode" variable nil nil [73908 74041])
+            ("ps-print-upside-down" variable nil nil [74043 74209])
+            ("ps-selected-pages" variable nil nil [74211 75081])
+            ("ps-even-or-odd-pages" variable nil nil [75083 76893])
+            ("ps-print-control-characters" variable (:default-value (quote control-8-bit)) nil [76895 78049])
+            ("ps-n-up-printing" variable (:default-value 1) nil [78051 78445])
+            ("ps-n-up-margin" variable (:default-value (/ (* 72 1.0) 2.54)) nil [78447 78634])
+            ("ps-n-up-border-p" variable (:default-value t) nil [78636 78777])
+            ("ps-n-up-filling" variable (:default-value (quote left-top)) nil [78779 79947])
+            ("ps-number-of-columns" variable (:default-value (if ps-landscape-mode 2 1)) nil [79949 80105])
+            ("ps-zebra-stripes" variable nil nil [80107 80310])
+            ("ps-zebra-stripe-height" variable (:default-value 3) nil [80312 80507])
+            ("ps-zebra-color" variable (:default-value 0.95) nil [80509 81002])
+            ("ps-zebra-stripe-follow" variable nil nil [81004 83149])
+            ("ps-line-number" variable nil nil [83151 83281])
+            ("ps-line-number-step" variable (:default-value 1) nil [83283 84047])
+            ("ps-line-number-start" variable (:default-value 1) nil [84049 84905])
+            ("ps-print-background-image" variable nil nil [84907 86612])
+            ("ps-print-background-text" variable nil nil [86614 88424])
+            ("ps-left-margin" variable (:default-value (/ (* 72 2.0) 2.54)) nil [88685 88844])
+            ("ps-right-margin" variable (:default-value (/ (* 72 2.0) 2.54)) nil [88846 89006])
+            ("ps-inter-column" variable (:default-value (/ (* 72 2.0) 2.54)) nil [89008 89188])
+            ("ps-bottom-margin" variable (:default-value (/ (* 72 1.5) 2.54)) nil [89366 89525])
+            ("ps-top-margin" variable (:default-value (/ (* 72 1.5) 2.54)) nil [89527 89683])
+            ("ps-header-offset" variable (:default-value (/ (* 72 1.0) 2.54)) nil [89685 89882])
+            ("ps-header-line-pad" variable (:default-value 0.15) nil [89884 90153])
+            ("ps-footer-offset" variable (:default-value (/ (* 72 1.0) 2.54)) nil [90155 90352])
+            ("ps-footer-line-pad" variable (:default-value 0.15) nil [90354 90623])
+            ("ps-print-header" variable (:default-value t) nil [90650 91008])
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+            ("ps-header-frame-alist" variable (:default-value (quote ((fore-color . 0.0) (back-color . 0.9) (border-width . 0.4) (border-color . 0.0) (shadow-color . 0.0)))) nil [91163 93931])
+            ("ps-header-lines" variable (:default-value 2) nil [93933 94097])
+            ("ps-print-footer" variable nil nil [94099 94385])
+            ("ps-print-footer-frame" variable (:default-value t) nil [94387 94540])
+            ("ps-footer-frame-alist" variable (:default-value (quote ((fore-color . 0.0) (back-color . 0.9) (border-width . 0.4) (border-color . 0.0) (shadow-color . 0.0)))) nil [94542 96689])
+            ("ps-footer-lines" variable (:default-value 2) nil [96691 96857])
+            ("ps-print-only-one-header" variable nil nil [96859 97238])
+            ("ps-switch-header" variable (:default-value (quote duplex)) nil [97240 97845])
+            ("ps-show-n-of-n" variable (:default-value t) nil [97847 98091])
+            ("ps-spool-config" variable (:default-value (if lpr-windows-system nil (quote lpr-switches))) nil [98093 99460])
+            ("ps-spool-duplex" variable nil nil [99462 100034])
+            ("ps-spool-tumble" variable nil nil [100036 100438])
+            ("ps-font-info-database" variable (:default-value (quote ((Courier (fonts (normal . "Courier") (bold . "Courier-Bold") (italic . "Courier-Oblique") (bold-italic . "Courier-BoldOblique")) (size . 10.0) (line-height . 10.55) (space-width . 6.0) (avg-char-width . 6.0)) (Helvetica (fonts (normal . "Helvetica") (bold . "Helvetica-Bold") (italic . "Helvetica-Oblique") (bold-italic . "Helvetica-BoldOblique")) (size . 10.0) (line-height . 11.56) (space-width . 2.78) (avg-char-width . 5.09243)) (Times (fonts (normal . "Times-Roman") (bold . "Times-Bold") (italic . "Times-Italic") (bold-italic . "Times-BoldItalic")) (size . 10.0) (line-height . 11.0) (space-width . 2.5) (avg-char-width . 4.71432)) (Palatino (fonts (normal . "Palatino-Roman") (bold . "Palatino-Bold") (italic . "Palatino-Italic") (bold-italic . "Palatino-BoldItalic")) (size . 10.0) (line-height . 12.1) (space-width . 2.5) (avg-char-width . 5.08676)) (Helvetica-Narrow (fonts (normal . "Helvetica-Narrow") (bold . "Helvetica-Narrow-Bold") (italic . "Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique") (bold-italic . "Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique")) (size . 10.0) (line-height . 11.56) (space-width . 2.2796) (avg-char-width . 4.17579)) (NewCenturySchlbk (fonts (normal . "NewCenturySchlbk-Roman") (bold . "NewCenturySchlbk-Bold") (italic . "NewCenturySchlbk-Italic") (bold-italic . "NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic")) (size . 10.0) (line-height . 12.15) (space-width . 2.78) (avg-char-width . 5.31162)) (AvantGarde-Book (fonts (normal . "AvantGarde-Book") (italic . "AvantGarde-BookOblique")) (size . 10.0) (line-height . 11.77) (space-width . 2.77) (avg-char-width . 5.45189)) (AvantGarde-Demi (fonts (normal . "AvantGarde-Demi") (italic . "AvantGarde-DemiOblique")) (size . 10.0) (line-height . 12.72) (space-width . 2.8) (avg-char-width . 5.51351)) (Bookman-Demi (fonts (normal . "Bookman-Demi") (italic . "Bookman-DemiItalic")) (size . 10.0) (line-height . 11.77) (space-width . 3.4) (avg-char-width . 6.05946)) (Bookman-Light (fonts (normal . "Bookman-Light") (italic . "Bookman-LightItalic")) (size . 10.0) (line-height . 11.79) (space-width . 3.2) (avg-char-width . 5.67027)) (Symbol (fonts (normal . "Symbol")) (size . 10.0) (line-height . 13.03) (space-width . 2.5) (avg-char-width . 3.24324)) (Zapf-Dingbats (fonts (normal . "Zapf-Dingbats")) (size . 10.0) (line-height . 9.63) (space-width . 2.78) (avg-char-width . 2.78)) (ZapfChancery-MediumItalic (fonts (normal . "ZapfChancery-MediumItalic")) (size . 10.0) (line-height . 11.45) (space-width . 2.2) (avg-char-width . 4.10811)) (Zapf-Chancery-MediumItalic (fonts (normal . "ZapfChancery-MediumItalic")) (size . 10.0) (line-height . 11.45) (space-width . 2.2) (avg-char-width . 4.10811))))) nil [100451 105646])
+            ("ps-font-family" variable (:default-value (quote Courier)) nil [105648 105807])
+            ("ps-font-size" variable (:default-value (quote (7 . 8.5))) nil [105809 106270])
+            ("ps-header-font-family" variable (:default-value (quote Helvetica)) nil [106272 106450])
+            ("ps-header-font-size" variable (:default-value (quote (10 . 12))) nil [106452 106921])
+            ("ps-header-title-font-size" variable (:default-value (quote (12 . 14))) nil [106923 107421])
+            ("ps-footer-font-family" variable (:default-value (quote Helvetica)) nil [107423 107603])
+            ("ps-footer-font-size" variable (:default-value (quote (10 . 12))) nil [107605 108076])
+            ("ps-line-number-color" variable (:default-value "black") nil [108078 108550])
+            ("ps-line-number-font" variable (:default-value "Times-Italic") nil [108552 108743])
+            ("ps-line-number-font-size" variable (:default-value 6) nil [108745 109231])
+            ("ps-print-color-p" variable (:default-value (or (fboundp (quote x-color-values)) (fboundp (quote color-instance-rgb-components)))) nil [109413 110023])
+            ("ps-default-fg" variable nil nil [110025 111457])
+            ("ps-default-bg" variable nil nil [111459 112927])
+            ("ps-fg-list" variable nil nil [112929 114243])
+            ("ps-fg-validate-p" variable (:default-value t) nil [114245 114509])
+            ("ps-auto-font-detect" variable (:default-value t) nil [114511 114778])
+            ("ps-black-white-faces" variable (:default-value (quote ((font-lock-builtin-face "black" nil bold) (font-lock-comment-face "gray20" nil italic) (font-lock-constant-face "black" nil bold) (font-lock-function-name-face "black" nil bold) (font-lock-keyword-face "black" nil bold) (font-lock-string-face "black" nil italic) (font-lock-type-face "black" nil italic) (font-lock-variable-name-face "black" nil bold italic) (font-lock-warning-face "black" nil bold italic)))) nil [114780 116183])
+            ("ps-bold-faces" variable (:default-value (unless ps-print-color-p (quote (font-lock-function-name-face font-lock-builtin-face font-lock-variable-name-face font-lock-keyword-face font-lock-warning-face)))) nil [116185 116570])
+            ("ps-italic-faces" variable (:default-value (unless ps-print-color-p (quote (font-lock-variable-name-face font-lock-type-face font-lock-string-face font-lock-comment-face font-lock-warning-face)))) nil [116572 116953])
+            ("ps-underlined-faces" variable (:default-value (unless ps-print-color-p (quote (font-lock-function-name-face font-lock-constant-face font-lock-warning-face)))) nil [116955 117287])
+            ("ps-use-face-background" variable nil nil [117289 117879])
+            ("ps-left-header" variable (:default-value (list (quote ps-get-buffer-name) (quote ps-header-dirpart))) nil [117881 118853])
+            ("ps-right-header" variable (:default-value (list "/pagenumberstring load" (quote ps-time-stamp-locale-default) (quote ps-time-stamp-hh:mm:ss))) nil [118855 119840])
+            ("ps-left-footer" variable (:default-value (list (quote ps-get-buffer-name) (quote ps-header-dirpart))) nil [119842 120816])
+            ("ps-right-footer" variable (:default-value (list "/pagenumberstring load" (quote ps-time-stamp-locale-default) (quote ps-time-stamp-hh:mm:ss))) nil [120818 121805])
+            ("ps-razzle-dazzle" variable (:default-value t) nil [121807 121959])
+            ("ps-adobe-tag" variable (:default-value "%!PS-Adobe-3.0
+") nil [121961 122259])
+            ("ps-build-face-reference" variable (:default-value t) nil [122261 122813])
+            ("ps-always-build-face-reference" variable nil nil [122815 123191])
+            ("ps-banner-page-when-duplexing" variable nil nil [123193 123420])
+            ("ps-postscript-code-directory" variable (:default-value (cond ((fboundp (quote locate-data-directory)) (locate-data-directory "ps-print")) ((boundp (quote data-directory)) data-directory) (t (error "`ps-postscript-code-directory' isn't set properly")))) nil [123422 123999])
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+            ("ps-paragraph-spacing" variable nil nil [124632 125291])
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+            ("ps-print-customize" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [127146 127258])
+            ("ps-print-buffer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename"))
+                nil [127369 127980])
+            ("ps-print-buffer-with-faces" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename"))
+                nil [127998 128431])
+            ("ps-print-region" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("from" "to" "filename"))
+                nil [128449 128726])
+            ("ps-print-region-with-faces" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("from" "to" "filename"))
+                nil [128744 129171])
+            ("ps-spool-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [129189 129528])
+            ("ps-spool-buffer-with-faces" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [129546 129991])
+            ("ps-spool-region" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("from" "to"))
+                nil [130009 130297])
+            ("ps-spool-region-with-faces" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("from" "to"))
+                nil [130315 130753])
+            ("ps-despool" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename"))
+                nil [130770 131342])
+            ("ps-line-lengths" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [131359 131624])
+            ("ps-nb-pages-buffer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("nb-lines"))
+                nil [131641 131894])
+            ("ps-nb-pages-region" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("nb-lines"))
+                nil [131911 132154])
+            ("ps-prefix-quote" variable nil nil [132156 132227])
+            ("ps-setup" function nil nil [132244 136064])
+            ("ps-print-quote" function (:arguments ("elt")) nil [136179 137370])
+            ("ps-value-string" function (:arguments ("val")) nil [137373 137602])
+            ("ps-comment-string" function (:arguments ("str" "value")) nil [137605 137747])
+            ("ps-value" function (:arguments ("alist-sym" "key")) nil [137750 137901])
+            ("ps-get" function (:arguments ("alist-sym" "key")) nil [137904 138089])
+            ("ps-put" function (:arguments ("alist-sym" "key" "value")) nil [138092 138586])
+            ("ps-del" function (:arguments ("alist-sym" "key")) nil [138589 139101])
+            ("ps-time-stamp-locale-default" function nil nil [139104 139245])
+            ("ps-time-stamp-mon-dd-yyyy" function nil nil [139248 139354])
+            ("ps-time-stamp-yyyy-mm-dd" function nil nil [139357 139472])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [139528 139587])
+            ("ps-time-stamp-hh:mm:ss" function nil nil [139590 139684])
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+            ("ps-color-scale" function (:arguments ("color")) nil [139722 139918])
+            ("ps-face-underlined-p" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [139921 140025])
+            ("ps-prologue-file" function (:arguments ("filenumber")) nil [140028 140689])
+            ("ps-mark-code-directory" variable nil nil [140692 140727])
+            ("ps-print-prologue-0" variable nil nil [140729 140799])
+            ("ps-print-prologue-1" variable nil nil [140801 140866])
+            ("ps-source-buffer" variable nil nil [140892 140921])
+            ("ps-spool-buffer-name" variable (:default-value "*PostScript*") nil [140922 140966])
+            ("ps-spool-buffer" variable nil nil [140967 140995])
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+            ("ps-default-foreground" variable nil nil [141749 141783])
+            ("ps-default-background" variable nil nil [141784 141818])
+            ("ps-default-color" variable nil nil [141819 141848])
+            ("ps-current-color" variable nil nil [141849 141878])
+            ("ps-current-bg" variable nil nil [141879 141905])
+            ("ps-foreground-list" variable nil nil [141906 141937])
+            ("ps-zebra-stripe-full-p" variable nil nil [141939 141974])
+            ("ps-razchunk" variable nil nil [141975 141997])
+            ("ps-color-p" variable nil nil [141999 142022])
+            ("ps-header-pad" variable nil nil [142192 142329])
+            ("ps-footer-pad" variable nil nil [142331 142468])
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+            ("ps-print-height" variable nil nil [142772 142800])
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+            ("ps-width-remaining" variable nil nil [142835 142866])
+            ("ps-font-size-internal" variable nil nil [142868 142902])
+            ("ps-header-font-size-internal" variable nil nil [142903 142944])
+            ("ps-header-title-font-size-internal" variable nil nil [142945 142992])
+            ("ps-footer-font-size-internal" variable nil nil [142993 143034])
+            ("ps-line-spacing-internal" variable nil nil [143035 143072])
+            ("ps-paragraph-spacing-internal" variable nil nil [143073 143115])
+            ("ps-black-white-faces-alist" variable nil nil [143217 143622])
+            ("ps-print-face-extension-alist" variable nil nil [143625 144243])
+            ("ps-print-face-alist" variable nil nil [144246 144577])
+            ("ps-print-face-map-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((bold . 1) (italic . 2) (underline . 4) (strikeout . 8) (overline . 16) (shadow . 32) (box . 64) (outline . 128))))
+                nil [144580 144905])
+            ("ps-extend-face-list" function (:arguments ("face-extension-list" "merge-p" "alist-sym")) nil [145019 145640])
+            ("ps-extend-face" function (:arguments ("face-extension" "merge-p" "alist-sym")) nil [145658 147539])
+            ("ps-extension-bit" function (:arguments ("face-extension")) nil [147542 147902])
+            ("ps-font-lock-face-attributes" function nil nil [148335 149578])
+            ("ps-message-log-max" function nil nil [149694 149830])
+            ("ps-print-hook" variable nil nil [149833 149859])
+            ("ps-print-begin-sheet-hook" variable nil nil [149860 149898])
+            ("ps-print-begin-page-hook" variable nil nil [149899 149936])
+            ("ps-print-begin-column-hook" variable nil nil [149937 149976])
+            ("ps-print-without-faces" function (:arguments ("from" "to" "filename" "region-p")) nil [149979 150118])
+            ("ps-spool-without-faces" function (:arguments ("from" "to" "region-p")) nil [150121 150398])
+            ("ps-print-with-faces" function (:arguments ("from" "to" "filename" "region-p")) nil [150401 150534])
+            ("ps-spool-with-faces" function (:arguments ("from" "to" "region-p")) nil [150537 150822])
+            ("ps-count-lines-preprint" function (:arguments ("from" "to")) nil [150825 151040])
+            ("ps-count-lines" function (:arguments ("from" "to")) nil [151043 151186])
+            ("ps-printing-region" variable nil nil [151189 151609])
+            ("ps-printing-region-p" variable nil nil [151612 151694])
+            ("ps-printing-region" function (:arguments ("region-p" "from" "to")) nil [151697 151922])
+            ("ps-font-alist" function (:arguments ("font-sym")) nil [152024 152083])
+            ("ps-font" function (:arguments ("font-sym" "font-type")) nil [152085 152443])
+            ("ps-fonts" function (:arguments ("font-sym")) nil [152445 152516])
+            ("ps-font-number" function (:arguments ("font-sym" "font-type")) nil [152518 152634])
+            ("ps-line-height" function (:arguments ("font-sym")) nil [152636 152992])
+            ("ps-title-line-height" function (:arguments ("font-sym")) nil [152994 153376])
+            ("ps-space-width" function (:arguments ("font-sym")) nil [153378 153555])
+            ("ps-avg-char-width" function (:arguments ("font-sym")) nil [153557 153869])
+            ("ps-line-lengths-internal" function nil nil [153871 155844])
+            ("ps-nb-pages" function (:arguments ("nb-lines")) nil [155846 158277])
+            ("ps-lookup" function (:arguments ("key")) nil [158314 158370])
+            ("ps-size-scale" function (:arguments ("key")) nil [158371 158442])
+            ("ps-select-font" function (:arguments ("font-family" "sym" "font-size" "title-font-size")) nil [158444 159090])
+            ("ps-get-page-dimensions" function nil nil [159092 164066])
+            ("ps-print-preprint-region" function (:arguments ("prefix")) nil [164069 164227])
+            ("ps-print-preprint" function (:arguments ("prefix")) nil [164230 165221])
+            ("ps-string-escape-codes" variable (:default-value (let ((table (make-vector 256 nil)) (char 0)) (while (<= char 31) (aset table char (format "\\%03o" char)) (setq char (1+ char))) (while (< char 127) (aset table char (format "%c" char)) (setq char (1+ char))) (while (<= char 255) (aset table char (format "\\%o" char)) (setq char (1+ char))) (aset table 10 "\\n") (aset table 13 "\\r") (aset table 9 "\\t") (aset table 8 "\\b") (aset table 12 "\\f") (aset table 92 "\\\\") (aset table 40 "\\(") (aset table 41 "\\)") table)) nil [165566 166568])
+            ("ps-output-string-prim" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [166570 167250])
+            ("ps-init-output-queue" function nil nil [167284 167383])
+            ("ps-selected-pages" function nil nil [167386 167653])
+            ("ps-print-page-p" function nil nil [167656 168190])
+            ("ps-print-sheet-p" function nil nil [168193 168439])
+            ("ps-output" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [168442 168612])
+            ("ps-output-string" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [168614 168670])
+            ("ps-output-prologue" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [168740 168834])
+            ("ps-flush-output" function nil nil [168836 169396])
+            ("ps-insert-file" function (:arguments ("fname")) nil [169398 169549])
+            ("ps-encode-header-string-function" variable nil nil [169630 169675])
+            ("ps-generate-header-line" function (:arguments ("fonttag" "content")) nil [169677 171037])
+            ("ps-generate-header" function (:arguments ("name" "fonttag0" "fonttag1" "contents")) nil [171039 171429])
+            ("ps-output-boolean" function (:arguments ("name" "bool")) nil [171432 171537])
+            ("ps-output-frame-properties" function (:arguments ("name" "alist")) nil [171540 171936])
+            ("ps-background-pages" function (:arguments ("page-list" "func")) nil [171939 172356])
+            ("ps-boundingbox-re" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "^%%BoundingBox:\\s-+\\([0-9.]+\\)\\s-+\\([0-9.]+\\)\\s-+\\([0-9.]+\\)\\s-+\\([0-9.]+\\)")
+                nil [172359 172481])
+            ("ps-get-boundingbox" function nil nil [172484 173019])
+            ("ps-float-format" function (:arguments ("value" "default")) nil [173022 173274])
+            ("ps-background-text" function nil nil [173277 174065])
+            ("ps-background-image" function nil nil [174068 175467])
+            ("ps-background" function (:arguments ("page-number")) nil [175470 175892])
+            ("ps-remove-duplicates" function (:arguments ("list")) nil [175985 176182])
+            ("ps-alist-position" function (:arguments ("item" "list")) nil [176330 176562])
+            ("ps-n-up-database" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((a4 (1 nil 1 1 0) (2 t 1 2 0) (4 nil 2 2 0) (6 t 2 3 1) (8 t 2 4 0) (9 nil 3 3 0) (12 t 3 4 2) (16 nil 4 4 0) (18 t 3 6 0) (20 nil 5 4 1) (25 nil 5 5 0) (30 nil 6 5 1) (32 t 4 8 0) (36 nil 6 6 0) (42 nil 7 6 1) (49 nil 7 7 0) (50 t 5 10 0) (56 nil 8 7 1) (64 nil 8 8 0) (72 nil 9 8 1) (81 nil 9 9 0) (90 nil 10 9 1) (100 nil 10 10 0)) (a3 (1 nil 1 1 0) (2 t 1 2 0) (4 nil 2 2 0) (6 t 2 3 1) (8 t 2 4 0) (9 nil 3 3 0) (12 nil 4 3 1) (16 nil 4 4 0) (18 t 3 6 0) (20 nil 5 4 1) (25 nil 5 5 0) (30 nil 6 5 1) (32 t 4 8 0) (36 nil 6 6 0) (42 nil 7 6 1) (49 nil 7 7 0) (50 t 5 10 0) (56 nil 8 7 1) (64 nil 8 8 0) (72 nil 9 8 1) (81 nil 9 9 0) (90 nil 10 9 1) (100 nil 10 10 0)) (letter (1 nil 1 1 0) (2 t 1 2 0) (4 nil 2 2 0) (6 t 2 3 0) (9 nil 3 3 0) (12 nil 4 3 1) (16 nil 4 4 0) (20 nil 5 4 1) (25 nil 5 5 0) (30 nil 6 5 1) (36 nil 6 6 0) (40 t 5 8 0) (42 nil 7 6 1) (49 nil 7 7 0) (56 nil 8 7 1) (64 nil 8 8 0) (72 nil 9 8 1) (81 nil 9 9 0) (90 nil 10 9 1) (100 nil 10 10 0)) (legal (1 nil 1 1 0) (2 t 1 2 0) (4 nil 2 2 0) (6 nil 3 2 1) (9 nil 3 3 0) (10 t 2 5 0) (12 nil 4 3 1) (16 nil 4 4 0) (20 nil 5 4 1) (25 nil 5 5 0) (30 nil 6 5 1) (36 nil 6 6 0) (42 nil 7 6 1) (49 nil 7 7 0) (56 nil 8 7 1) (64 nil 8 8 0) (70 t 5 14 0) (72 nil 9 8 1) (81 nil 9 9 0) (90 nil 10 9 1) (100 nil 10 10 0)) (letter-small (1 nil 1 1 0) (2 t 1 2 0) (4 nil 2 2 0) (6 t 2 3 0) (9 nil 3 3 0) (12 t 3 4 1) (15 t 3 5 0) (16 nil 4 4 0) (20 nil 5 4 1) (25 nil 5 5 0) (28 t 4 7 0) (30 nil 6 5 1) (36 nil 6 6 0) (40 t 5 8 0) (42 nil 7 6 1) (49 nil 7 7 0) (56 nil 8 7 1) (60 t 6 10 0) (64 nil 8 8 0) (72 ni 9 8 1) (81 nil 9 9 0) (84 t 7 12 0) (90 nil 10 9 1) (100 nil 10 10 0)) (tabloid (1 nil 1 1 0) (2 t 1 2 0) (4 nil 2 2 0) (6 t 2 3 1) (8 t 2 4 0) (9 nil 3 3 0) (12 nil 4 3 1) (16 nil 4 4 0) (20 nil 5 4 1) (25 nil 5 5 0) (30 nil 6 5 1) (36 nil 6 6 0) (42 nil 7 6 1) (49 nil 7 7 0) (56 nil 8 7 1) (64 nil 8 8 0) (72 nil 9 8 1) (81 nil 9 9 0) (84 t 6 14 0) (90 nil 10 9 1) (100 nil 10 10 0)) (ledger (1 nil 1 1 0) (2 pag 1 2 0) (4 nil 2 2 0) (6 pag 2 3 1) (8 pag 2 4 0) (9 nil 3 3 0) (12 nil 4 3 1) (16 nil 4 4 0) (20 nil 5 4 1) (25 nil 5 5 0) (30 nil 6 5 1) (36 nil 6 6 0) (42 nil 7 6 1) (49 nil 7 7 0) (56 nil 8 7 1) (64 nil 8 8 0) (72 nil 9 8 1) (81 nil 9 9 0) (84 pag 6 14 0) (90 nil 10 9 1) (100 nil 10 10 0)) (statement (1 nil 1 1 0) (2 t 1 2 0) (4 nil 2 2 0) (6 nil 3 2 1) (9 nil 3 3 0) (10 t 2 5 0) (12 nil 4 3 1) (16 nil 4 4 0) (20 nil 5 4 1) (21 t 3 7 0) (25 nil 5 5 0) (30 nil 6 5 1) (36 nil 6 6 0) (40 t 4 10 0) (42 nil 7 6 1) (49 nil 7 7 0) (56 nil 8 7 1) (60 t 5 12 0) (64 nil 8 8 0) (72 nil 9 8 1) (81 nil 9 9 0) (90 nil 10 9 1) (100 nil 10 10 0)) (executive (1 nil 1 1 0) (2 t 1 2 0) (4 nil 2 2 0) (6 t 2 3 0) (9 nil 3 3 0) (12 nil 4 3 1) (16 nil 4 4 0) (20 nil 5 4 1) (25 nil 5 5 0) (28 t 4 7 0) (30 nil 6 5 1) (36 nil 6 6 0) (42 nil 7 6 1) (45 t 5 9 0) (49 nil 7 7 0) (56 nil 8 7 1) (60 t 6 10 0) (64 nil 8 8 0) (72 nil 9 8 1) (81 nil 9 9 0) (84 t 7 12 0) (90 nil 10 9 1) (100 nil 10 10 0)) (a4small (1 nil 1 1 0) (2 t 1 2 0) (4 nil 2 2 0) (6 t 2 3 1) (8 t 2 4 0) (9 nil 3 3 0) (12 nil 4 3 1) (16 nil 4 4 0) (18 t 3 6 0) (20 nil 5 4 1) (25 nil 5 5 0) (30 nil 6 5 1) (32 t 4 8 0) (36 nil 6 6 0) (42 nil 7 6 1) (49 nil 7 7 0) (50 t 5 10 0) (56 nil 8 7 1) (64 nil 8 8 0) (72 nil 9 8 1) (78 t 6 13 0) (81 nil 9 9 0) (90 nil 10 9 1) (100 nil 10 10 0)) (b4 (1 nil 1 1 0) (2 t 1 2 0) (4 nil 2 2 0) (6 t 2 3 1) (8 t 2 4 0) (9 nil 3 3 0) (12 nil 4 3 1) (16 nil 4 4 0) (18 t 3 6 0) (20 nil 5 4 1) (25 nil 5 5 0) (30 nil 6 5 1) (32 t 4 8 0) (36 nil 6 6 0) (42 nil 7 6 1) (49 nil 7 7 0) (50 t 5 10 0) (56 nil 8 7 1) (64 nil 8 8 0) (72 nil 9 8 1) (81 nil 9 9 0) (90 nil 10 9 1) (100 nil 10 10 0)) (b5 (1 nil 1 1 0) (2 t 1 2 0) (4 nil 2 2 0) (6 t 2 3 1) (8 t 2 4 0) (9 nil 3 3 0) (12 nil 4 3 1) (16 nil 4 4 0) (18 t 3 6 0) (20 nil 5 4 1) (25 nil 5 5 0) (30 nil 6 5 1) (32 t 4 8 0) (36 nil 6 6 0) (42 nil 7 6 1) (49 nil 7 7 0) (50 t 5 10 0) (56 nil 8 7 1) (64 nil 8 8 0) (72 nil 9 8 0) (81 nil 9 9 0) (90 nil 10 9 1) (98 t 7 14 0) (100 nil 10 10 0)))))
+                nil [176565 183955])
+            ("ps-n-up-landscape" function (:arguments ("mat")) nil [183958 184006])
+            ("ps-n-up-lines" function (:arguments ("mat")) nil [184007 184055])
+            ("ps-n-up-columns" function (:arguments ("mat")) nil [184056 184104])
+            ("ps-n-up-missing" function (:arguments ("mat")) nil [184105 184153])
+            ("ps-n-up-printing" function nil nil [184156 184562])
+            ("ps-n-up-filling-database" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((left-top "PageWidth" "0" "N-Up-End 1 sub PageWidth mul neg" "LandscapePageHeight neg" "N-Up-Lines" "N-Up-Columns" "0" "0") (left-bottom "PageWidth" "0" "N-Up-End 1 sub PageWidth mul neg" "LandscapePageHeight" "N-Up-Lines" "N-Up-Columns" "0" "N-Up-Repeat 1 sub LandscapePageHeight mul neg") (right-top "PageWidth neg" "0" "N-Up-End 1 sub PageWidth mul" "LandscapePageHeight neg" "N-Up-Lines" "N-Up-Columns" "N-Up-End 1 sub PageWidth mul" "0") (right-bottom "PageWidth neg" "0" "N-Up-End 1 sub PageWidth mul" "LandscapePageHeight" "N-Up-Lines" "N-Up-Columns" "N-Up-End 1 sub PageWidth mul" "N-Up-Repeat 1 sub LandscapePageHeight mul neg") (top-left "0" "LandscapePageHeight neg" "PageWidth" "N-Up-End 1 sub LandscapePageHeight mul" "N-Up-Columns" "N-Up-Lines" "0" "0") (bottom-left "0" "LandscapePageHeight" "PageWidth" "N-Up-End 1 sub LandscapePageHeight mul neg" "N-Up-Columns" "N-Up-Lines" "0" "N-Up-End 1 sub LandscapePageHeight mul neg") (top-right "0" "LandscapePageHeight neg" "PageWidth neg" "N-Up-End 1 sub LandscapePageHeight mul" "N-Up-Columns" "N-Up-Lines" "N-Up-Repeat 1 sub PageWidth mul" "0") (bottom-right "0" "LandscapePageHeight" "PageWidth neg" "N-Up-End 1 sub LandscapePageHeight mul neg" "N-Up-Columns" "N-Up-Lines" "N-Up-Repeat 1 sub PageWidth mul" "N-Up-End 1 sub LandscapePageHeight mul neg"))))
+                nil [184565 187794])
+            ("ps-n-up-filling" function nil nil [187797 187930])
+            ("ps-n-up-xcolumn" function (:arguments ("init")) nil [187933 187981])
+            ("ps-n-up-ycolumn" function (:arguments ("init")) nil [187982 188030])
+            ("ps-n-up-xline" function (:arguments ("init")) nil [188031 188079])
+            ("ps-n-up-yline" function (:arguments ("init")) nil [188080 188128])
+            ("ps-n-up-repeat" function (:arguments ("init")) nil [188129 188177])
+            ("ps-n-up-end" function (:arguments ("init")) nil [188178 188224])
+            ("ps-n-up-xstart" function (:arguments ("init")) nil [188225 188273])
+            ("ps-n-up-ystart" function (:arguments ("init")) nil [188274 188322])
+            ("ps-error-handler-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((none . 0) (paper . 1) (system . 2) (paper-and-system . 3))))
+                nil [188325 188504])
+            ("ps-zebra-stripe-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((follow . 1) (full . 2) (full-follow . 3))))
+                nil [188507 188647])
+            ("ps-begin-file" function nil nil [188650 198721])
+            ("ps-format-color" function (:arguments ("color" "default")) nil [198724 199169])
+            ("ps-insert-string" function (:arguments ("prologue")) nil [199172 199330])
+            ("ps-boolean-capitalized" function (:arguments ("bool")) nil [199333 199397])
+            ("ps-boolean-constant" function (:arguments ("bool")) nil [199400 199461])
+            ("ps-header-dirpart" function nil nil [199464 199684])
+            ("ps-get-buffer-name" function nil nil [199687 200101])
+            ("ps-get-size" function (:arguments ("size" "mess" "arg")) nil [200104 200483])
+            ("ps-get-font-size" function (:arguments ("font-sym")) nil [200486 200582])
+            ("ps-rgb-color" function (:arguments ("color" "unspecified" "default")) nil [200585 201241])
+            ("ps-basic-plot-string-function" variable (:default-value (quote ps-basic-plot-string)) nil [201243 201303])
+            ("ps-begin-job" function (:arguments ("genfunc")) nil [201305 206061])
+            ("ps-page-number" function nil nil [206064 206196])
+            ("ps-end-page" function nil nil [206199 206262])
+            ("ps-next-page" function nil nil [206265 206345])
+            ("ps-end-sheet" function nil nil [206348 206447])
+            ("ps-header-sheet" function nil nil [206450 207040])
+            ("ps-header-page" function nil nil [207043 207941])
+            ("ps-begin-page" function nil nil [207943 208816])
+            ("ps-skip-newline" function (:arguments ("limit")) nil [208818 208993])
+            ("ps-next-line" function nil nil [208995 209535])
+            ("ps-continue-line" function nil nil [209537 209868])
+            ("ps-find-wrappoint" function (:arguments ("from" "to" "char-width")) nil [209870 210101])
+            ("ps-basic-plot-str" function (:arguments ("from" "to" "string")) nil [210103 210367])
+            ("ps-basic-plot-string" function (:arguments ("from" "to" "_bg-color")) nil [210369 210669])
+            ("ps-basic-plot-whitespace" function (:arguments ("from" "to" "_bg-color")) nil [210671 210913])
+            ("ps-plot" function (:arguments ("plotfunc" "from" "to" "bg-color")) nil [210915 211608])
+            ("ps-last-font" variable nil nil [211610 211635])
+            ("ps-set-font" function (:arguments ("font")) nil [211637 211774])
+            ("ps-set-bg" function (:arguments ("color")) nil [211776 211969])
+            ("ps-set-color" function (:arguments ("color")) nil [211971 212200])
+            ("ps-plot-string" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [212203 212293])
+            ("ps-current-effect" variable nil nil [212296 212324])
+            ("ps-print-translation-table" variable (:default-value (let ((tbl (make-char-table (quote translation-table) nil))) (if (and (boundp (quote ucs-mule-8859-to-mule-unicode)) (char-table-p ucs-mule-8859-to-mule-unicode)) (map-char-table (function (lambda (k v) (if (and v (eq (char-charset v) (quote latin-iso8859-1)) (/= k v)) (aset tbl k v)))) ucs-mule-8859-to-mule-unicode)) tbl)) nil [212326 212843])
+            ("ps-plot-region" function (:arguments ("from" "to" "font" "fg-color" "bg-color" "effects")) nil [212845 215880])
+            ("ps-string-control-codes" variable (:default-value (let ((table (make-vector 256 nil)) (char 0)) (while (<= char 31) (aset table char (format "^%c" (+ char 64))) (setq char (1+ char))) (while (< char 127) (aset table char (format "%c" char)) (setq char (1+ char))) (aset table char "^?") (while (<= (setq char (1+ char)) 255) (aset table char (format "\\%o" char))) table)) nil [215882 216443])
+            ("ps-control-character" function (:arguments ("char")) nil [216445 216876])
+            ("ps-face-foreground-color-p" function (:arguments ("attr")) nil [216879 216969])
+            ("ps-face-background-color-p" function (:arguments ("attr")) nil [216972 217062])
+            ("ps-face-color-p" function (:arguments ("attr")) nil [217065 217173])
+            ("ps-face-extract-color" function (:arguments ("face-attrs")) nil [217176 217301])
+            ("ps-face-attributes" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [217304 218385])
+            ("ps-face-background" function (:arguments ("face" "background")) nil [218388 218965])
+            ("ps-face-attribute-list" function (:arguments ("face-or-list")) nil [218968 220056])
+            ("ps-font-type" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (vector nil (quote bold) (quote italic) (quote bold-italic)))
+                nil [220059 220122])
+            ("ps-plot-with-face" function (:arguments ("from" "to" "face")) nil [220125 220933])
+            ("or" code nil nil [220972 221031])
+            ("ps-build-reference-face-lists" function nil nil [221034 221531])
+            ("ps-set-face-bold" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [221534 221598])
+            ("ps-set-face-italic" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [221600 221666])
+            ("ps-set-face-underline" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [221668 221737])
+            ("ps-set-face-attribute" function (:arguments ("face" "effect")) nil [221740 221885])
+            ("ps-map-face" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [221888 222449])
+            ("ps-screen-to-bit-face" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [222452 222886])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [222889 222961])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [222962 223027])
+            ("ps-print-ensure-fontified" function (:arguments ("start" "end")) nil [223060 223315])
+            ("ps-generate-postscript-with-faces" function (:arguments ("from" "to")) nil [223318 224062])
+            ("ps-generate-postscript" function (:arguments ("from" "to")) nil [224064 224133])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [224270 224320])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [224321 224378])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [224379 224429])
+            ("ps-generate" function (:arguments ("buffer" "from" "to" "genfunc")) nil [224431 226386])
+            ("ps-end-job" function (:arguments ("needs-begin-file")) nil [226389 227914])
+            ("ps-do-despool" function (:arguments ("filename")) nil [227982 228934])
+            ("ps-kill-emacs-check" function nil nil [228936 229387])
+            ("unless" code nil nil [229389 229464])
+            ("ps-print" package nil nil [229466 229485]))          
+      :file "ps-print.el"
+      :pointmax 229513
+      :fsize 229512
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29516 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [950 967])
+            ("pcomplete" include nil nil [969 989])
+            ("pcmpl-x-tlmgr-program" variable (:default-value "tlmgr") nil [1044 1168])
+            ("pcmpl-x-tlmgr-common-options" variable (:default-value (quote ("--repository" "--gui" "--gui-lang" "--machine-readable" "--package-logfile" "--pause" "--persistent-downloads" "--no-persistent-downloads" "--no-execute-actions" "--debug-translation" "--help" "--version"))) nil [1170 1462])
+            ("pcmpl-x-tlmgr-actions" variable (:default-value (quote (("help") ("version") ("gui") ("install") ("update") ("backup") ("restore") ("remove") ("repository" ("list" "add" "remove" "set")) ("candidates") ("option" ("show" "showall" "repository" "formats" "postcode" "docfiles" "srcfiles" "backupdir" "autobackup" "sys_bin" "sys_man" "sys_info" "desktop_integration" "fileassocs" "multiuser")) ("conf" ("texmf" "tlmgr")) ("paper" ("a4" "letter" "xdvi" "pdftex" "dvips" "dvipdfmx" "dvipdfm" "context") (lambda nil (unless (member (pcomplete-arg 1) (quote ("a4" "letter"))) (pcomplete-here* (quote ("paper"))) (pcomplete-here* (quote ("a4" "letter")))))) ("platform" ("list" "add" "remove")) ("print-platform" ("collections" "schemes")) ("arch" ("list" "add" "remove")) ("print-arch" ("collections" "schemes")) ("info" ("collections" "schemes")) ("search") ("dump-tlpdb") ("check" ("files" "depends" "executes" "runfiles" "all")) ("path" ("add" "remove")) ("postaction" ("install" "remove") ("shortcut" "fileassoc" "script")) ("uninstall") ("generate" ("language" "language.dat" "language.def" "language.dat.lua" "fmtutil"))))) nil [1464 2950])
+            ("pcmpl-x-tlmgr-options-cache" variable (:default-value (make-hash-table :size 31 :test (quote equal))) nil [2952 3028])
+            ("pcmpl-x-tlmgr-action-options" function (:arguments ("action")) nil [3030 3798])
+            ("pcomplete/tlmgr" function nil nil [3815 4794])
+            ("pcmpl-x-ack-program" variable (:default-value (file-name-nondirectory (or (executable-find "ack-grep") (executable-find "ack") "ack"))) nil [5111 5374])
+            ("pcmpl-x-ack-color-options" variable (:default-value (quote ("clear" "reset" "dark" "bold" "underline" "underscore" "blink" "reverse" "concealed" "black" "red" "green" "yellow" "blue" "magenta" "on_black" "on_red" "on_green" "on_yellow" "on_blue" "on_magenta" "on_cyan" "on_white"))) nil [5376 5762])
+            ("pcmpl-x-ack-run" function (:arguments ("buffer" "args")) nil [5764 5982])
+            ("pcmpl-x-ack-short-options" function nil nil [5984 6337])
+            ("pcmpl-x-ack-long-options" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [6339 6926])
+            ("pcmpl-x-ack-type-options" function nil nil [6928 7050])
+            ("pcomplete/ack" function nil nil [7067 8204])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [8221 8266])
+            ("pcmpl-x-ag-options" variable nil nil [8341 8372])
+            ("pcmpl-x-ag-options" function nil nil [8374 9430])
+            ("pcomplete/ag" function nil nil [9447 9745])
+            ("pcmpl-x" package nil nil [9747 9765]))          
+      :file "pcmpl-x.el"
+      :pointmax 9791
+      :fsize 9790
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29515 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 967 . 968) (symbol 932 . 949) (open-paren 931 . 932)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("epg" include nil nil [2983 2997])
+            ("plstore" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2999 3115])
+            ("plstore-select-keys" variable (:default-value (quote silent)) nil [3117 3615])
+            ("plstore-encrypt-to" variable nil nil [3617 3883])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3885 4107])
+            ("put" code nil nil [4109 4153])
+            ("plstore-encoded" variable nil nil [4155 4183])
+            ("put" code nil nil [4185 4226])
+            ("plstore-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption" variable nil nil [4228 4290])
+            ("plstore-passphrase-alist" variable nil nil [4291 4328])
+            ("plstore-passphrase-callback-function" function (:arguments ("_context" "_key-id" "plstore")) nil [4330 5052])
+            ("plstore-progress-callback-function" function (:arguments ("_context" "_what" "_char" "current" "total" "handback")) nil [5054 5316])
+            ("plstore--get-buffer" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [5318 5366])
+            ("plstore--get-alist" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [5368 5415])
+            ("plstore--get-encrypted-data" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [5417 5473])
+            ("plstore--get-secret-alist" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [5475 5529])
+            ("plstore--get-merged-alist" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [5531 5585])
+            ("plstore--set-buffer" function (:arguments ("arg" "buffer")) nil [5587 5649])
+            ("plstore--set-alist" function (:arguments ("arg" "plist")) nil [5651 5710])
+            ("plstore--set-encrypted-data" function (:arguments ("arg" "encrypted-data")) nil [5712 5798])
+            ("plstore--set-secret-alist" function (:arguments ("arg" "secret-alist")) nil [5800 5880])
+            ("plstore--set-merged-alist" function (:arguments ("arg" "merged-alist")) nil [5882 5962])
+            ("plstore-get-file" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [5964 6041])
+            ("plstore--make" function (:arguments ("buffer" "alist" "encrypted-data" "secret-alist" "merged-alist")) nil [6043 6199])
+            ("plstore--init-from-buffer" function (:arguments ("plstore")) nil [6201 6593])
+            ("plstore-open" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [6610 7194])
+            ("plstore-revert" function (:arguments ("plstore")) nil [7196 7405])
+            ("plstore-close" function (:arguments ("plstore")) nil [7407 7524])
+            ("plstore--merge-secret" function (:arguments ("plstore")) nil [7526 8429])
+            ("plstore--decrypt" function (:arguments ("plstore")) nil [8431 9283])
+            ("plstore--match" function (:arguments ("entry" "keys" "skip-if-secret-found")) nil [9285 9908])
+            ("plstore-find" function (:arguments ("plstore" "keys")) nil [9910 10980])
+            ("plstore-get" function (:arguments ("plstore" "name")) nil [10982 11407])
+            ("plstore-put" function (:arguments ("plstore" "name" "keys" "secret-keys")) nil [11409 12686])
+            ("plstore-delete" function (:arguments ("plstore" "name")) nil [12688 13262])
+            ("pp-escape-newlines" variable nil nil [13264 13291])
+            ("plstore--insert-buffer" function (:arguments ("plstore")) nil [13292 14469])
+            ("plstore-save" function (:arguments ("plstore")) nil [14471 14686])
+            ("plstore--encode" function (:arguments ("plstore")) nil [14688 15381])
+            ("plstore--decode" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [15383 16223])
+            ("plstore--write-contents-functions" function nil nil [16225 16620])
+            ("plstore-mode-original" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [16622 16992])
+            ("plstore-mode-decoded" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [16994 17620])
+            ("plstore-mode-toggle-display" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [17622 17835])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [17852 18310])
+            ("plstore" package nil nil [18312 18330]))          
+      :file "plstore.el"
+      :pointmax 18357
+      :fsize 18356
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29515 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "ps-def.el"
+      :fsize 9640
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29515 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "ps-print-loaddefs.el"
+      :fsize 2674
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29516 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("pcmpl-gnu" package nil nil [865 885])
+            ("pcomplete" include nil nil [887 907])
+            ("pcmpl-unix" include nil nil [908 929])
+            ("pcmpl-gnu" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [931 1014])
+            ("pcmpl-gnu-makefile-regexps" variable (:default-value (quote ("\\`GNUmakefile" "\\`[Mm]akefile" "\\.ma?k\\'"))) nil [1036 1225])
+            ("pcomplete/gzip" function nil nil [1257 1638])
+            ("pcmpl-gnu-zipped-files" function (:arguments ("unzip-p")) nil [1640 2024])
+            ("pcomplete/bzip2" function nil nil [2041 2376])
+            ("pcmpl-gnu-bzipped-files" function (:arguments ("unzip-p")) nil [2378 2748])
+            ("pcomplete/make" function nil nil [2765 3139])
+            ("pcmpl-gnu-makefile-names" function nil nil [3141 3299])
+            ("pcmpl-gnu-make-rule-names" function nil nil [3301 4051])
+            ("pcmpl-gnu-tarfile-regexp" variable (:default-value "\\.t\\(ar\\(\\.\\(gz\\|bz2\\|Z\\|xz\\)\\)?\\|gz\\|a[zZ]\\|z2\\)\\'") nil [4053 4291])
+            ("tar-parse-info" variable nil nil [4327 4350])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [4351 4400])
+            ("pcmpl-gnu-with-file-buffer" function (:arguments ("file" "body")) nil [4402 4960])
+            ("pcomplete/tar" function nil nil [4977 12215])
+            ("pcomplete/find" function nil nil [12233 14079])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [14096 14138]))          
+      :file "pcmpl-gnu.el"
+      :pointmax 14167
+      :fsize 14166
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29515 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("pcomplete" include nil nil [831 851])
+            ("pcmpl-unix-group-file" variable (:default-value "/etc/group") nil [873 1038])
+            ("pcmpl-unix-passwd-file" variable (:default-value "/etc/passwd") nil [1040 1208])
+            ("pcmpl-ssh-known-hosts-file" variable (:default-value "~/.ssh/known_hosts") nil [1210 1686])
+            ("pcmpl-ssh-config-file" variable (:default-value "~/.ssh/config") nil [1688 1975])
+            ("pcomplete/cd" function nil nil [2007 2099])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [2116 2157])
+            ("pcomplete/rmdir" function nil nil [2174 2272])
+            ("pcomplete/rm" function nil nil [2289 2501])
+            ("pcomplete/xargs" function nil nil [2518 2757])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [2774 2817])
+            ("pcomplete/which" function nil nil [2834 2963])
+            ("pcmpl-unix-read-passwd-file" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [2965 3531])
+            ("pcmpl-unix-group-names" function nil nil [3533 3709])
+            ("pcmpl-unix-user-names" function nil nil [3711 3888])
+            ("pcomplete/chown" function nil nil [3905 4291])
+            ("pcomplete/chgrp" function nil nil [4308 4504])
+            ("pcmpl-ssh-known-hosts" function nil nil [4596 5475])
+            ("pcmpl-ssh-config-hosts" function nil nil [5477 6006])
+            ("pcmpl-ssh-hosts" function nil nil [6008 6263])
+            ("pcomplete/ssh" function nil nil [6280 6444])
+            ("pcomplete/scp" function nil nil [6461 7609])
+            ("pcmpl-unix" package nil nil [7611 7632]))          
+      :file "pcmpl-unix.el"
+      :pointmax 7662
+      :fsize 7661
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29515 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("pcmpl-cvs" package nil nil [952 972])
+            ("pcomplete" include nil nil [974 994])
+            ("executable" include nil nil [995 1016])
+            ("pcmpl-cvs" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1018 1110])
+            ("pcmpl-cvs-binary" variable (:default-value (or (executable-find "cvs") "cvs")) nil [1132 1268])
+            ("pcomplete/cvs" function nil nil [1300 4068])
+            ("pcmpl-cvs-commands" function nil nil [4070 4413])
+            ("pcmpl-cvs-modules" function nil nil [4415 4766])
+            ("pcmpl-cvs-tags" function (:arguments ("opers")) nil [4768 5373])
+            ("pcmpl-cvs-entries" function (:arguments ("opers")) nil [5375 6981]))          
+      :file "pcmpl-cvs.el"
+      :pointmax 7010
+      :fsize 7009
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29515 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("delete-selection-save-to-register" variable nil nil [2502 2653])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [2670 2724])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [2741 3659])
+            ("delsel--replace-text-or-position" variable nil nil [3661 3706])
+            ("delete-active-region" function (:arguments ("killp")) nil [3708 4359])
+            ("delete-selection-repeat-replace-region" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [4361 7038])
+            ("delete-selection-helper" function (:arguments ("type")) nil [7040 10849])
+            ("delete-selection-pre-hook" function nil nil [10851 11376])
+            ("delete-selection-uses-region-p" function nil nil [11378 12108])
+            ("put" code nil nil [12110 12186])
+            ("put" code nil nil [12188 12226])
+            ("put" code nil nil [12227 12267])
+            ("put" code nil nil [12269 12304])
+            ("put" code nil nil [12305 12350])
+            ("put" code nil nil [12351 12393])
+            ("put" code nil nil [12507 12554])
+            ("put" code nil nil [12556 12615])
+            ("put" code nil nil [12616 12661])
+            ("put" code nil nil [12662 12696])
+            ("put" code nil nil [12697 12757])
+            ("put" code nil nil [12758 12794])
+            ("minibuffer-keyboard-quit" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [12899 13222])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [13224 13290])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [13291 13360])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [13361 13438])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [13439 13516])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [13517 13591])
+            ("delsel-unload-function" function nil nil [13593 14306])
+            ("delsel" package nil nil [14308 14325]))          
+      :file "delsel.el"
+      :pointmax 14351
+      :fsize 14350
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29504 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("mwheel" include nil nil [2221 2238])
+            ("pixel-wait" variable nil nil [2240 2374])
+            ("pixel-resolution-fine-flag" variable nil nil [2376 2878])
+            ("pixel-dead-time" variable (:default-value 0.1) nil [2880 3136])
+            ("pixel-last-scroll-time" variable nil nil [3138 3241])
+            ("pixel-scroll-in-rush-p" function nil nil [3243 3778])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [3795 4360])
+            ("pixel-scroll-up" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [4362 5237])
+            ("pixel-scroll-down" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [5262 6188])
+            ("pixel-bob-at-top-p" function (:arguments ("amt")) nil [6190 6441])
+            ("pixel-eob-at-top-p" function nil nil [6443 6580])
+            ("pixel-posn-y-at-point" function nil nil [6603 7066])
+            ("pixel-point-at-top-p" function (:arguments ("amt")) nil [7068 7455])
+            ("pixel-point-at-bottom-p" function (:arguments ("amt")) nil [7457 7922])
+            ("pixel-scroll-pixel-up" function (:arguments ("amt")) nil [7945 8235])
+            ("pixel-scroll-pixel-down" function (:arguments ("amt")) nil [8252 8786])
+            ("pixel--whistlestop-line-up" function nil nil [8788 9922])
+            ("pixel--whistlestop-pixel-up" function (:arguments ("n")) nil [9924 10226])
+            ("pixel-line-height" function (:arguments ("pos")) nil [10228 10832])
+            ("pixel-visual-line-height" function nil nil [10834 11653])
+            ("pixel-visible-pos-in-window" function nil nil [11655 12914])
+            ("pixel-point-at-unseen-line" function nil nil [12916 13766])
+            ("pixel-scroll-down-and-set-window-vscroll" function (:arguments ("vscroll")) nil [13768 14150])
+            ("pixel-scroll" package nil nil [14152 14175]))          
+      :file "pixel-scroll.el"
+      :pointmax 14206
+      :fsize 14205
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29515 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "mwheel.el"
+      :fsize 14334
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29514 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("pcmpl-linux" package nil nil [1045 1067])
+            ("pcomplete" include nil nil [1069 1089])
+            ("pcomplete/kill" function nil nil [1246 1658])
+            ("pcomplete/umount" function nil nil [1675 1871])
+            ("pcomplete/mount" function nil nil [1888 2073])
+            ("pcmpl-linux-fs-types" function nil nil [2075 2310])
+            ("pcmpl-linux-mounted-directories" function nil nil [2312 2753])
+            ("pcomplete-pare-list" function (:arguments ("l" "r")) nil [2755 3094])
+            ("pcmpl-linux-mountable-directories" function nil nil [3096 3631]))          
+      :file "pcmpl-linux.el"
+      :pointmax 3662
+      :fsize 3661
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29515 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("pcomplete" include nil nil [915 935])
+            ("pcmpl-rpm" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [937 1036])
+            ("pcmpl-rpm-query-options" variable (:default-value (let (opts) (with-temp-buffer (when (ignore-errors (call-process "rpm" nil t nil "--help")) (if (search-backward "--nodigest " nil (quote move)) (setq opts (quote ("--nodigest")))) (goto-char (point-min)) (if (search-forward "--nosignature " nil t) (push "--nosignature" opts)))) opts)) nil [1111 1748])
+            ("pcmpl-rpm-cache" variable (:default-value t) nil [1750 1887])
+            ("pcmpl-rpm-cache-stamp-file" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "/var/lib/rpm/Packages")
+                nil [1889 2024])
+            ("pcmpl-rpm-cache-time" variable nil nil [2026 2121])
+            ("pcmpl-rpm-packages" variable nil nil [2123 2186])
+            ("pcmpl-rpm-packages" function nil nil [2203 3057])
+            ("pcmpl-rpm-all-query" function (:arguments ("flag")) nil [3153 3486])
+            ("pcmpl-rpm-files" function nil nil [3488 3559])
+            ("pcomplete/rpm" function nil nil [3576 11662])
+            ("pcmpl-rpm" package nil nil [11664 11684]))          
+      :file "pcmpl-rpm.el"
+      :pointmax 11713
+      :fsize 11712
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29515 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [962 979])
+            ("profiler" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [981 1079])
+            ("profiler-version" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "24.3")
+                nil [1081 1115])
+            ("profiler-sampling-interval" variable (:default-value 1000000) nil [1117 1245])
+            ("profiler-ensure-string" function (:arguments ("object")) nil [1264 1459])
+            ("profiler-format-percent" function (:arguments ("number" "divisor")) nil [1461 1560])
+            ("profiler-format-number" function (:arguments ("number")) nil [1562 2038])
+            ("profiler-format" function (:arguments ("fmt" "args")) nil [2040 2901])
+            ("profiler-format-entry" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [2918 3350])
+            ("profiler-fixup-entry" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [3352 3457])
+            ("profiler-fixup-backtrace" function (:arguments ("backtrace")) nil [3477 3580])
+            ("profiler-compare-logs" function (:arguments ("log1" "log2")) nil [3997 4441])
+            ("profiler-fixup-log" function (:arguments ("log")) nil [4443 4693])
+            ("cl-defstruct" code nil nil [4711 5189])
+            ("profiler-compare-profiles" function (:arguments ("profile1" "profile2")) nil [5191 5664])
+            ("profiler-fixup-profile" function (:arguments ("profile")) nil [5666 5998])
+            ("profiler-write-profile" function (:arguments ("profile" "filename" "confirm")) nil [6000 6274])
+            ("profiler-read-profile" function (:arguments ("filename")) nil [6276 6500])
+            ("profiler-running-p" function (:arguments ("mode")) nil [6502 6926])
+            ("profiler-cpu-profile" function nil nil [6928 7122])
+            ("profiler-memory-profile" function nil nil [7124 7332])
+            ("cl-defstruct" code nil nil [7351 7480])
+            ("profiler-calltree-leaf-p" function (:arguments ("tree")) nil [7482 7564])
+            ("profiler-calltree-count<" function (:arguments ("a" "b")) nil [7566 7766])
+            ("profiler-calltree-count>" function (:arguments ("a" "b")) nil [7768 7845])
+            ("profiler-calltree-depth" function (:arguments ("tree")) nil [7847 7981])
+            ("profiler-calltree-find" function (:arguments ("tree" "entry")) nil [7983 8340])
+            ("profiler-calltree-walk" function (:arguments ("calltree" "function")) nil [8342 8523])
+            ("profiler-calltree-build-1" function (:arguments ("tree" "log" "reverse")) nil [8525 9373])
+            ("define-hash-table-test" code nil nil [9376 9576])
+            ("profiler-calltree-build-unified" function (:arguments ("tree" "log")) nil [9578 14703])
+            ("profiler-calltree-compute-percentages" function (:arguments ("tree")) nil [14705 15255])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [15257 15529])
+            ("profiler-calltree-sort" function (:arguments ("tree" "predicate")) nil [15531 15806])
+            ("profiler-report-closed-mark" variable (:default-value "+") nil [15832 15948])
+            ("profiler-report-open-mark" variable (:default-value "-") nil [15950 16062])
+            ("profiler-report-leaf-mark" variable (:default-value " ") nil [16064 16177])
+            ("profiler-report-cpu-line-format" variable (:default-value (quote ((50 left) (24 right ((19 right) (5 right)))))) nil [16179 16280])
+            ("profiler-report-memory-line-format" variable (:default-value (quote ((55 left) (19 right ((14 right profiler-format-number) (5 right)))))) nil [16282 16409])
+            ("defvar-local" code nil nil [16411 16478])
+            ("defvar-local" code nil nil [16480 16608])
+            ("defvar-local" code nil nil [16610 16738])
+            ("profiler-report-make-entry-part" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [16740 17152])
+            ("profiler-report-make-name-part" function (:arguments ("tree")) nil [17154 17535])
+            ("profiler-report-header-line-format" function (:arguments ("fmt" "args")) nil [17537 17731])
+            ("profiler-report-line-format" function (:arguments ("tree")) nil [17733 18324])
+            ("profiler-report-insert-calltree" function (:arguments ("tree")) nil [18326 18484])
+            ("profiler-report-insert-calltree-children" function (:arguments ("tree")) nil [18486 18619])
+            ("profiler-report-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "n" (quote profiler-report-next-entry)) (define-key map "p" (quote profiler-report-previous-entry)) (define-key map "
" (quote profiler-report-toggle-entry)) (define-key map "	" (quote profiler-report-toggle-entry)) (define-key map "i" (quote profiler-report-toggle-entry)) (define-key map [mouse-1] (quote profiler-report-toggle-entry)) (define-key map "f" (quote profiler-report-find-entry)) (define-key map "j" (quote profiler-report-find-entry)) (define-key map [mouse-2] (quote profiler-report-find-entry)) (define-key map "d" (quote profiler-report-describe-entry)) (define-key map "C" (quote profiler-report-render-calltree)) (define-key map "B" (quote profiler-report-render-reversed-calltree)) (define-key map "A" (quote profiler-report-ascending-sort)) (define-key map "D" (quote profiler-report-descending-sort)) (define-key map "=" (quote profiler-report-compare-profile)) (define-key map (kbd "C-x C-w") (quote profiler-report-write-profile)) (easy-menu-define profiler-report-menu map "Menu for Profiler Report mode." (quote ("Profiler" ["Next Entry" profiler-report-next-entry :active t :help "Move to next entry"] ["Previous Entry" profiler-report-previous-entry :active t :help "Move to previous entry"] "--" ["Toggle Entry" profiler-report-toggle-entry :active (profiler-report-calltree-at-point) :help "Expand or collapse the current entry"] ["Find Entry" profiler-report-find-entry :active (profiler-report-calltree-at-point) :help "Find the definition of the current entry"] ["Describe Entry" profiler-report-describe-entry :active (profiler-report-calltree-at-point) :help "Show the documentation of the current entry"] "--" ["Show Calltree" profiler-report-render-calltree :active profiler-report-reversed :help "Show calltree view"] ["Show Reversed Calltree" profiler-report-render-reversed-calltree :active (not profiler-report-reversed) :help "Show reversed calltree view"] ["Sort Ascending" profiler-report-ascending-sort :active (not (eq profiler-report-order (quote ascending))) :help "Sort calltree view in ascending order"] ["Sort Descending" profiler-report-descending-sort :active (not (eq profiler-report-order (quote descending))) :help "Sort calltree view in descending order"] "--" ["Compare Profile..." profiler-report-compare-profile :active t :help "Compare current profile with another"] ["Write Profile..." profiler-report-write-profile :active t :help "Write current profile to a file"] "--" ["Start Profiler" profiler-start :active (not (profiler-running-p)) :help "Start profiling"] ["Stop Profiler" profiler-stop :active (profiler-running-p) :help "Stop profiling"] ["New Report" profiler-report :active (profiler-running-p) :help "Make a new report"]))) map)) nil [18640 22108])
+            ("profiler-report-make-buffer-name" function (:arguments ("profile")) nil [22110 22360])
+            ("profiler-report-setup-buffer-1" function (:arguments ("profile")) nil [22362 22751])
+            ("profiler-report-setup-buffer" function (:arguments ("profile")) nil [22753 23015])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [23017 23227])
+            ("profiler-report-calltree-at-point" function (:arguments ("point")) nil [23252 23362])
+            ("profiler-report-move-to-entry" function nil nil [23364 23572])
+            ("profiler-report-next-entry" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [23574 23709])
+            ("profiler-report-previous-entry" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [23711 23857])
+            ("profiler-report-expand-entry" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("full"))
+                nil [23859 24670])
+            ("profiler-report-collapse-entry" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [24672 25408])
+            ("profiler-report-toggle-entry" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [25410 25702])
+            ("profiler-report-find-entry" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [25704 26178])
+            ("profiler-report-describe-entry" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [26180 26436])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [26438 27379])
+            ("profiler-report-rerender-calltree" function nil nil [27381 27568])
+            ("profiler-report-render-calltree" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [27570 27730])
+            ("profiler-report-render-reversed-calltree" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [27732 27908])
+            ("profiler-report-ascending-sort" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [27910 28090])
+            ("profiler-report-descending-sort" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [28092 28275])
+            ("profiler-report-profile" function (:arguments ("profile")) nil [28277 28378])
+            ("profiler-report-profile-other-window" function (:arguments ("profile")) nil [28380 28507])
+            ("profiler-report-profile-other-frame" function (:arguments ("profile")) nil [28509 28634])
+            ("profiler-report-compare-profile" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("buffer"))
+                nil [28636 29000])
+            ("profiler-report-write-profile" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename" "confirm"))
+                nil [29002 29344])
+            ("profiler-start" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("mode"))
+                nil [29386 30228])
+            ("profiler-stop" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [30230 30616])
+            ("profiler-reset" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [30618 30790])
+            ("profiler-report-cpu" function nil nil [30792 30937])
+            ("profiler-report-memory" function nil nil [30939 31090])
+            ("profiler-report" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [31092 31215])
+            ("profiler-find-profile" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename"))
+                nil [31232 31438])
+            ("profiler-find-profile-other-window" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename"))
+                nil [31455 31687])
+            ("profiler-find-profile-other-frame" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename"))
+                nil [31704 31933])
+            ("profiler" package nil nil [32500 32519]))          
+      :file "profiler.el"
+      :pointmax 32546
+      :fsize 32545
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29515 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("proced" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2260 2353])
+            ("proced-signal-function" variable (:default-value (quote signal-process)) nil [2355 2656])
+            ("proced-renice-command" variable (:default-value "renice") nil [2658 2796])
+            ("proced-signal-list" variable (:default-value (quote (("HUP" . "   (1.  Hangup)") ("INT" . "   (2.  Terminal interrupt)") ("QUIT" . "  (3.  Terminal quit)") ("ABRT" . "  (6.  Process abort)") ("KILL" . "  (9.  Kill - cannot be caught or ignored)") ("ALRM" . "  (14. Alarm Clock)") ("TERM" . "  (15. Termination)") ("CONT" . "  (Continue executing)") ("STOP" . "  (Stop executing / pause - cannot be caught or ignored)") ("TSTP" . "  (Terminal stop / pause)")))) nil [2798 3505])
+            ("proced-grammar-alist" variable (:default-value (quote ((euid "EUID" "%d" right proced-< nil (euid pid) (nil t nil)) (user "User" nil left proced-string-lessp nil (user pid) (nil t nil)) (egid "EGID" "%d" right proced-< nil (egid euid pid) (nil t nil)) (group "Group" nil left proced-string-lessp nil (group user pid) (nil t nil)) (comm "Command" nil left proced-string-lessp nil (comm pid) (nil t nil)) (state "Stat" nil left proced-string-lessp nil (state pid) (nil t nil)) (ppid "PPID" "%d" right proced-< nil (ppid pid) ((lambda (ppid) (proced-filter-parents proced-process-alist ppid)) "refine to process parents")) (pgrp "PGrp" "%d" right proced-< nil (pgrp euid pid) (nil t nil)) (sess "Sess" "%d" right proced-< nil (sess pid) (nil t nil)) (ttname "TTY" proced-format-ttname left proced-string-lessp nil (ttname pid) (nil t nil)) (tpgid "TPGID" "%d" right proced-< nil (tpgid pid) (nil t nil)) (minflt "MinFlt" "%d" right proced-< nil (minflt pid) (nil t t)) (majflt "MajFlt" "%d" right proced-< nil (majflt pid) (nil t t)) (cminflt "CMinFlt" "%d" right proced-< nil (cminflt pid) (nil t t)) (cmajflt "CMajFlt" "%d" right proced-< nil (cmajflt pid) (nil t t)) (utime "UTime" proced-format-time right proced-time-lessp t (utime pid) (nil t t)) (stime "STime" proced-format-time right proced-time-lessp t (stime pid) (nil t t)) (time "Time" proced-format-time right proced-time-lessp t (time pid) (nil t t)) (cutime "CUTime" proced-format-time right proced-time-lessp t (cutime pid) (nil t t)) (cstime "CSTime" proced-format-time right proced-time-lessp t (cstime pid) (nil t t)) (ctime "CTime" proced-format-time right proced-time-lessp t (ctime pid) (nil t t)) (pri "Pr" "%d" right proced-< t (pri pid) (nil t t)) (nice "Ni" "%3d" 3 proced-< t (nice pid) (t t nil)) (thcount "THCount" "%d" right proced-< t (thcount pid) (nil t t)) (start "Start" proced-format-start 6 proced-time-lessp nil (start pid) (t t nil)) (vsize "VSize" "%d" right proced-< t (vsize pid) (nil t t)) (rss "RSS" "%d" right proced-< t (rss pid) (nil t t)) (etime "ETime" proced-format-time right proced-time-lessp t (etime pid) (nil t t)) (pcpu "%CPU" "%.1f" right proced-< t (pcpu pid) (nil t t)) (pmem "%Mem" "%.1f" right proced-< t (pmem pid) (nil t t)) (args "Args" proced-format-args left proced-string-lessp nil (args pid) (nil t nil)) (pid "PID" "%d" right proced-< nil (pid) ((lambda (ppid) (proced-filter-children proced-process-alist ppid)) "refine to process children")) (tree "Tree" proced-format-tree left nil nil nil nil)))) nil [4066 10963])
+            ("proced-custom-attributes" variable nil nil [10965 11486])
+            ("proced-format-alist" variable (:default-value (quote ((short user pid tree pcpu pmem start time (args comm)) (medium user pid tree pcpu pmem vsize rss ttname state start time (args comm)) (long user euid group pid tree pri nice pcpu pmem vsize rss ttname state start time (args comm)) (verbose user euid group egid pid ppid tree pgrp sess pri nice pcpu pmem state thcount vsize rss ttname tpgid minflt majflt cminflt cmajflt start time utime stime ctime cutime cstime etime (args comm))))) nil [11936 13113])
+            ("proced-format" variable (:default-value (quote short)) nil [13115 13428])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [13429 13472])
+            ("proced-filter-alist" variable (:default-value (\` ((user (user \, (concat "\\`" (regexp-quote (user-real-login-name)) "\\'"))) (user-running (user \, (concat "\\`" (regexp-quote (user-real-login-name)) "\\'")) (state . "\\`[Rr]\\'")) (all) (all-running (state . "\\`[Rr]\\'")) (emacs (fun-all lambda (list) (proced-filter-children list (\, (emacs-pid)))))))) nil [13574 15307])
+            ("proced-filter" variable (:default-value (quote user)) nil [15309 16023])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [16024 16067])
+            ("proced-sort" variable (:default-value (quote pcpu)) nil [16069 16423])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [16424 16465])
+            ("proced-descend" variable (:default-value t) nil [16467 16621])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [16622 16666])
+            ("proced-goal-attribute" variable (:default-value (quote args)) nil [16668 16872])
+            ("proced-auto-update-interval" variable (:default-value 5) nil [16874 17012])
+            ("proced-auto-update-flag" variable nil nil [17014 17197])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [17198 17251])
+            ("proced-tree-flag" variable nil nil [17253 17377])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [17378 17424])
+            ("proced-post-display-hook" variable nil nil [17426 17663])
+            ("proced-after-send-signal-hook" variable nil nil [17665 17893])
+            ("proced-available" variable (:default-value (not (null (list-system-processes)))) nil [17918 18038])
+            ("proced-process-alist" variable nil nil [18040 18223])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [18224 18274])
+            ("proced-sort-internal" variable nil nil [18276 18403])
+            ("proced-marker-char" variable (:default-value 42) nil [18405 18498])
+            ("proced-faces" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [18597 18683])
+            ("proced-mark" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:inherit font-lock-constant-face))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [18685 18805])
+            ("proced-marked" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:inherit error))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [18807 18915])
+            ("proced-sort-header" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [18917 19067])
+            ("proced-re-mark" variable (:default-value "^[^ 
+]") nil [19069 19186])
+            ("proced-header-line" variable nil nil [19188 19261])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [19262 19310])
+            ("proced-temp-alist" variable nil nil [19312 19383])
+            ("proced-process-tree" variable nil nil [19385 19462])
+            ("proced-tree-depth" variable nil nil [19464 19550])
+            ("proced-auto-update-timer" variable nil nil [19552 19650])
+            ("proced-log-buffer" variable (:default-value "*Proced log*") nil [19652 19724])
+            ("proced-help-string" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "(n)ext, (p)revious, (m)ark, (u)nmark, (k)ill, (q)uit (type ? for more help)")
+                nil [19726 19863])
+            ("proced-header-help-echo" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "mouse-1, mouse-2: sort by attribute %s%s (%s)")
+                nil [19865 20009])
+            ("proced-field-help-echo" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "mouse-2, RET: refine by attribute %s %s")
+                nil [20011 20148])
+            ("proced-font-lock-keywords" variable (:default-value (\` (((\, proced-re-mark) quote proced-mark) ((\, (concat "^[" (char-to-string proced-marker-char) "]")) ".+" (proced-move-to-goal-column) nil (0 (quote proced-marked)))))) nil [20150 20495])
+            ("proced-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((km (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key km " " (quote next-line)) (define-key km "n" (quote next-line)) (define-key km "p" (quote previous-line)) (define-key km "" (quote next-line)) (define-key km "" (quote previous-line)) (define-key km "" (quote previous-line)) (define-key km [33554464] (quote previous-line)) (define-key km [down] (quote next-line)) (define-key km [up] (quote previous-line)) (define-key km "d" (quote proced-mark)) (define-key km "m" (quote proced-mark)) (put (quote proced-mark) :advertised-binding "m") (define-key km "u" (quote proced-unmark)) (define-key km "" (quote proced-unmark-backward)) (define-key km "M" (quote proced-mark-all)) (define-key km "U" (quote proced-unmark-all)) (define-key km "t" (quote proced-toggle-marks)) (define-key km "C" (quote proced-mark-children)) (define-key km "P" (quote proced-mark-parents)) (define-key km "f" (quote proced-filter-interactive)) (define-key km [mouse-2] (quote proced-refine)) (define-key km "
" (quote proced-refine)) (define-key km "sc" (quote proced-sort-pcpu)) (define-key km "sm" (quote proced-sort-pmem)) (define-key km "sp" (quote proced-sort-pid)) (define-key km "ss" (quote proced-sort-start)) (define-key km "sS" (quote proced-sort-interactive)) (define-key km "st" (quote proced-sort-time)) (define-key km "su" (quote proced-sort-user)) (define-key km [header-line mouse-1] (quote proced-sort-header)) (define-key km [header-line mouse-2] (quote proced-sort-header)) (define-key km "T" (quote proced-toggle-tree)) (define-key km "F" (quote proced-format-interactive)) (define-key km "o" (quote proced-omit-processes)) (define-key km "x" (quote proced-send-signal)) (define-key km "k" (quote proced-send-signal)) (define-key km "r" (quote proced-renice)) (define-key km "h" (quote describe-mode)) (define-key km "?" (quote proced-help)) (define-key km [remap undo] (quote proced-undo)) (define-key km [remap advertised-undo] (quote proced-undo)) km)) nil [20497 22712])
+            ("easy-menu-define" code nil nil [22714 25093])
+            ("proced-marker-regexp" function nil nil [25115 25314])
+            ("proced-success-message" function (:arguments ("action" "count")) nil [25316 25499])
+            ("proced-move-to-goal-column" function nil nil [25958 26189])
+            ("proced-header-line" function nil nil [26191 26647])
+            ("proced-pid-at-point" function nil nil [26649 26894])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [26912 29276])
+            ("proced" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [29293 30522])
+            ("proced-auto-update-timer" function nil nil [30524 30787])
+            ("proced-toggle-auto-update" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [30789 31461])
+            ("proced-mark" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("count"))
+                nil [31473 31605])
+            ("proced-unmark" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("count"))
+                nil [31607 31745])
+            ("proced-unmark-backward" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("count"))
+                nil [31747 32007])
+            ("proced-do-mark" function (:arguments ("mark" "count")) nil [32009 32464])
+            ("proced-toggle-marks" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [32466 32933])
+            ("proced-insert-mark" function (:arguments ("mark" "backward")) nil [32935 33304])
+            ("proced-mark-all" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [33306 33478])
+            ("proced-unmark-all" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [33480 33660])
+            ("proced-do-mark-all" function (:arguments ("mark")) nil [33662 34829])
+            ("proced-mark-children" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("ppid" "omit-ppid"))
+                nil [34831 35145])
+            ("proced-mark-parents" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("cpid" "omit-cpid"))
+                nil [35147 35452])
+            ("proced-mark-process-alist" function (:arguments ("process-alist" "quiet")) nil [35454 36047])
+            ("proced-omit-processes" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg" "quiet"))
+                nil [36311 37862])
+            ("proced-omit-process" function nil nil [37864 38180])
+            ("proced-filter" function (:arguments ("process-alist" "filter-list")) nil [38197 39442])
+            ("proced-filter-interactive" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("scheme"))
+                nil [39444 39959])
+            ("proced-filter-parents" function (:arguments ("process-alist" "pid" "omit-pid")) nil [39961 40625])
+            ("proced-filter-children" function (:arguments ("process-alist" "ppid" "omit-ppid")) nil [40627 41070])
+            ("proced-children-alist" function (:arguments ("process-alist")) nil [41090 42318])
+            ("proced-children-pids" function (:arguments ("ppid")) nil [42320 42574])
+            ("proced-process-tree" function (:arguments ("process-alist")) nil [42576 43158])
+            ("proced-process-tree-internal" function (:arguments ("pid-alist")) nil [43160 43944])
+            ("proced-toggle-tree" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [43946 45022])
+            ("proced-tree" function (:arguments ("process-alist")) nil [45024 46120])
+            ("proced-tree-insert" function (:arguments ("process-tree")) nil [46122 46571])
+            ("proced-refine" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [46750 49596])
+            ("proced-<" function (:arguments ("num1" "num2")) nil [49924 50116])
+            ("proced-string-lessp" function (:arguments ("s1" "s2")) nil [50118 50355])
+            ("proced-time-lessp" function (:arguments ("t1" "t2")) nil [50357 50574])
+            ("proced-xor" function (:arguments ("b1" "b2")) nil [50589 50717])
+            ("proced-sort-p" function (:arguments ("p1" "p2")) nil [50719 51715])
+            ("proced-sort" function (:arguments ("process-alist" "sorter" "descend")) nil [51717 52921])
+            ("proced-sort-interactive" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("scheme" "arg"))
+                nil [52923 54822])
+            ("proced-sort-pcpu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [54824 55074])
+            ("proced-sort-pmem" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [55076 55330])
+            ("proced-sort-pid" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [55332 55557])
+            ("proced-sort-start" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [55559 55817])
+            ("proced-sort-time" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [55819 56058])
+            ("proced-sort-user" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [56060 56288])
+            ("proced-sort-header" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event" "arg"))
+                nil [56290 57152])
+            ("proced-format-time" function (:arguments ("time")) nil [57170 57727])
+            ("proced-format-start" function (:arguments ("start")) nil [57729 58334])
+            ("proced-format-ttname" function (:arguments ("ttname")) nil [58336 58563])
+            ("proced-format-tree" function (:arguments ("tree")) nil [58565 58683])
+            ("proced-format-args" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [58761 58920])
+            ("proced-format" function (:arguments ("process-alist" "format")) nil [58922 65440])
+            ("proced-format-interactive" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("scheme" "revert"))
+                nil [65442 66052])
+            ("proced-process-attributes" function (:arguments ("pid-list")) nil [66075 66980])
+            ("proced-update" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("revert" "quiet"))
+                nil [66982 72847])
+            ("proced-revert" function (:arguments ("_args")) nil [72849 73008])
+            ("proced-marked-processes" function nil nil [73010 74095])
+            ("proced-with-processes-buffer" function (:arguments ("process-alist" "body")) nil [74097 75430])
+            ("proced-send-signal" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("signal" "process-alist"))
+                nil [75432 80375])
+            ("proced-renice" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("priority" "process-alist"))
+                nil [80377 82024])
+            ("proced-why" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [82052 82692])
+            ("proced-log" function (:arguments ("log" "args")) nil [82720 83677])
+            ("proced-log-summary" function (:arguments ("signal" "string")) nil [83713 84048])
+            ("proced-help" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [84050 84234])
+            ("proced-undo" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [84236 84552])
+            ("proced" package nil nil [84554 84571]))          
+      :file "proced.el"
+      :pointmax 84597
+      :fsize 84596
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29515 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("button" include nil nil [1060 1077])
+            ("cl-lib" include nil nil [1078 1095])
+            ("easymenu" include nil nil [1115 1134])
+            ("help-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map (make-composed-keymap button-buffer-map special-mode-map)) (define-key map [mouse-2] (quote help-follow-mouse)) (define-key map "l" (quote help-go-back)) (define-key map "r" (quote help-go-forward)) (define-key map "" (quote help-go-back)) (define-key map "" (quote help-go-forward)) (define-key map [XF86Back] (quote help-go-back)) (define-key map [XF86Forward] (quote help-go-forward)) (define-key map "" (quote help-follow-symbol)) (define-key map "
" (quote help-follow)) map)) nil [1137 1780])
+            ("easy-menu-define" code nil nil [1782 2358])
+            ("help-xref-stack" variable nil nil [2360 2630])
+            ("put" code nil nil [2631 2672])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [2673 2718])
+            ("help-xref-forward-stack" variable nil nil [2720 2995])
+            ("put" code nil nil [2996 3045])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [3046 3099])
+            ("help-xref-stack-item" variable nil nil [3101 3245])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3246 3292])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [3293 3343])
+            ("help-xref-stack-forward-item" variable nil nil [3345 3491])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3492 3546])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [3547 3605])
+            ("setq-default" code nil nil [3607 3666])
+            ("setq-default" code nil nil [3667 3742])
+            ("help-mode-hook" variable nil nil [3744 3832])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [3865 3944])
+            ("help-button-action" function (:arguments ("button")) nil [3946 4105])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [4277 4435])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [4437 4595])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [4597 4743])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [4745 4918])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [4920 5090])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [5092 5265])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [5314 5467])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [5469 5633])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [5635 5806])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [5808 6039])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [6041 6180])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [6182 6333])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [6335 6521])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [6523 6697])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [6699 7827])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [7829 8499])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [8501 9014])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [9016 9545])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [9547 9697])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [9699 9871])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [9873 10018])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [10020 10183])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [10185 10488])
+            ("bookmark-make-record-function" variable nil nil [10492 10530])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [10547 10935])
+            ("help-mode-setup" function nil nil [10952 11065])
+            ("help-mode-finish" function nil nil [11082 11263])
+            ("help-back-label" variable (:default-value (purecopy "[back]")) nil [11507 11616])
+            ("help-forward-label" variable (:default-value (purecopy "[forward]")) nil [11618 11736])
+            ("help-xref-symbol-regexp" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (purecopy (concat "\\(\\<\\(\\(variable\\|option\\)\\|" "\\(function\\|command\\|call\\)\\|" "\\(face\\)\\|" "\\(symbol\\|program\\|property\\)\\|" "\\(source \\(?:code \\)?\\(?:of\\|for\\)\\)\\)" "[ 	
+]+\\)?" "['`‘]\\(\\sw\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\|`\\)['’]")))
+                nil [11738 12374])
+            ("help-xref-mule-regexp" variable nil nil [12376 12649])
+            ("help-xref-info-regexp" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (purecopy "\\<[Ii]nfo[ 	
+                nil [12652 12828])
+            ("help-xref-url-regexp" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (purecopy "\\<[Uu][Rr][Ll][ 	
+                nil [12830 12973])
+            ("help-setup-xref" function (:arguments ("item" "interactive-p")) nil [12990 13895])
+            ("help-xref-following" variable nil nil [13897 13980])
+            ("help-buffer" function nil nil [13997 14543])
+            ("describe-symbol-backends" variable (:default-value (\` ((nil (\, (function fboundp)) (\, (lambda (s _b _f) (describe-function s)))) (nil (\, (lambda (symbol) (or (and (boundp symbol) (not (keywordp symbol))) (get symbol (quote variable-documentation))))) (\, (function describe-variable))) ("face" (\, (function facep)) (\, (lambda (s _b _f) (describe-face s))))))) nil [14545 14870])
+            ("help-make-xrefs" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("buffer"))
+                nil [14887 23338])
+            ("help-xref-button" function (:arguments ("match-number" "type" "args")) nil [23355 23939])
+            ("help-insert-xref-button" function (:arguments ("string" "type" "args")) nil [23956 24318])
+            ("help-xref-on-pp" function (:arguments ("from" "to")) nil [24335 25222])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [25307 25383])
+            ("help-xref-go-back" function (:arguments ("buffer")) nil [25426 26224])
+            ("help-xref-go-forward" function (:arguments ("buffer")) nil [26226 27005])
+            ("help-go-back" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [27007 27206])
+            ("help-go-forward" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [27208 27412])
+            ("help-do-xref" function (:arguments ("_pos" "function" "args")) nil [27414 27805])
+            ("help-follow-mouse" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [27862 27992])
+            ("help-follow" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [28049 28221])
+            ("help-follow-symbol" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("pos"))
+                nil [28223 28878])
+            ("help-mode-revert-buffer" function (:arguments ("_ignore-auto" "noconfirm")) nil [28880 29261])
+            ("help-insert-string" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [29263 29734])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [29759 29822])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [29823 29935])
+            ("help-bookmark-make-record" function nil nil [29937 30421])
+            ("help-bookmark-jump" function (:arguments ("bookmark")) nil [30438 30901])
+            ("help-mode" package nil nil [30904 30924]))          
+      :file "help-mode.el"
+      :pointmax 30953
+      :fsize 30968
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29509 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 1134 . 1135) (symbol 1097 . 1114) (open-paren 1096 . 1097)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [1223 1240])
+            ("help-mode" include nil nil [1241 1261])
+            ("radix-tree" include nil nil [1262 1283])
+            ("help-fns-describe-function-functions" variable nil nil [1285 1589])
+            ("help-definition-prefixes" variable nil nil [1605 2131])
+            ("help-definition-prefixes" function nil nil [2133 2688])
+            ("help--loaded-p" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [2690 3044])
+            ("help--load-prefixes" function (:arguments ("prefixes")) nil [3046 3636])
+            ("help--symbol-completion-table" function (:arguments ("string" "pred" "action")) nil [3638 4143])
+            ("describe-function-orig-buffer" variable nil nil [4145 4346])
+            ("describe-function" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("function"))
+                nil [4363 6458])
+            ("help-C-file-name" function (:arguments ("subr-or-var" "kind")) nil [6851 7925])
+            ("help-downcase-arguments" variable nil nil [7927 8080])
+            ("help-highlight-arg" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [8082 8386])
+            ("help-do-arg-highlight" function (:arguments ("doc" "args")) nil [8388 9309])
+            ("help-highlight-arguments" function (:arguments ("usage" "doc" "args")) nil [9311 10490])
+            ("find-lisp-object-file-name" function (:arguments ("object" "type")) nil [11130 15291])
+            ("help-fns--key-bindings" function (:arguments ("function")) nil [15293 17383])
+            ("help-fns--compiler-macro" function (:arguments ("function")) nil [17385 18286])
+            ("help-fns--signature" function (:arguments ("function" "doc" "real-def" "real-function" "buffer")) nil [18288 20839])
+            ("help-fns--parent-mode" function (:arguments ("function")) nil [20841 21419])
+            ("help-fns--obsolete" function (:arguments ("function")) nil [21421 22039])
+            ("help-fns--autoloaded-p" function (:arguments ("function" "file")) nil [22109 22631])
+            ("help-fns--interactive-only" function (:arguments ("function")) nil [22633 23753])
+            ("help-fns-short-filename" function (:arguments ("filename")) nil [23755 24166])
+            ("help-fns--analyze-function" function (:arguments ("function")) nil [24168 25951])
+            ("help-fns-function-description-header" function (:arguments ("function")) nil [25953 29375])
+            ("describe-function-1" function (:arguments ("function")) nil [29392 31590])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [31651 31720])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [31721 31798])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [31799 31871])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [31872 31947])
+            ("variable-at-point" function (:arguments ("any-symbol")) nil [31980 33017])
+            ("describe-variable-custom-version-info" function (:arguments ("variable")) nil [33019 33929])
+            ("describe-variable" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("variable" "buffer" "frame"))
+                nil [33946 47121])
+            ("help-xref-stack-item" variable nil nil [47124 47153])
+            ("describe-symbol" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("symbol" "buffer" "frame"))
+                nil [47170 50150])
+            ("describe-syntax" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("buffer"))
+                nil [50167 50898])
+            ("help-describe-category-set" function (:arguments ("value")) nil [50900 51124])
+            ("describe-categories" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("buffer"))
+                nil [51141 53454])
+            ("doc-file-to-man" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("file"))
+                nil [53583 54598])
+            ("doc-file-to-info" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("file"))
+                nil [54649 57628])
+            ("help-fns" package nil nil [57630 57649]))          
+      :file "help-fns.el"
+      :pointmax 57677
+      :fsize 57682
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29509 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("eldoc" include nil nil [1642 1658])
+            ("cl-lib" include nil nil [1678 1695])
+            ("hexl" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1718 1812])
+            ("hexl-bits" variable (:default-value 16) nil [1814 2025])
+            ("hexl-program" variable (:default-value "hexl") nil [2027 2251])
+            ("hexl-iso" variable nil nil [2253 2412])
+            ("hexl-options" variable (:default-value (format "-hex %s" hexl-iso)) nil [2414 2773])
+            ("hexl-follow-ascii" variable (:default-value t) nil [2775 2930])
+            ("hexl-mode-hook" variable (:default-value (quote (hexl-follow-line hexl-activate-ruler))) nil [2932 3134])
+            ("hexl-address-region" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:inherit header-line))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [3136 3263])
+            ("hexl-ascii-region" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:inherit header-line))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [3265 3388])
+            ("hexl-max-address" variable nil nil [3390 3454])
+            ("hexl-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-keymap))) (define-key map [remap self-insert-command] (quote hexl-self-insert-command)) (define-key map "
" (quote hexl-self-insert-command)) (define-key map [left] (quote hexl-backward-char)) (define-key map [right] (quote hexl-forward-char)) (define-key map [up] (quote hexl-previous-line)) (define-key map [down] (quote hexl-next-line)) (define-key map [M-left] (quote hexl-backward-short)) (define-key map [27 left] (quote hexl-backward-short)) (define-key map [M-right] (quote hexl-forward-short)) (define-key map [27 right] (quote hexl-forward-short)) (define-key map [next] (quote hexl-scroll-up)) (define-key map [prior] (quote hexl-scroll-down)) (define-key map [home] (quote hexl-beginning-of-line)) (define-key map [end] (quote hexl-end-of-line)) (define-key map [C-home] (quote hexl-beginning-of-buffer)) (define-key map [C-end] (quote hexl-end-of-buffer)) (define-key map [deletechar] (quote undefined)) (define-key map [deleteline] (quote undefined)) (define-key map [insertline] (quote undefined)) (define-key map [S-delete] (quote undefined)) (define-key map "" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "" (quote hexl-beginning-of-line)) (define-key map "" (quote hexl-backward-char)) (define-key map "" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "" (quote hexl-end-of-line)) (define-key map "" (quote hexl-forward-char)) (if (not (memq (key-binding (char-to-string help-char)) (quote (help-command ehelp-command)))) (define-key map (char-to-string help-char) (quote undefined))) (define-key map "" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "" (quote hexl-next-line)) (define-key map "" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "" (quote hexl-previous-line)) (define-key map "" (quote hexl-quoted-insert)) (define-key map "" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "" (quote hexl-scroll-up)) (define-key map "" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "" (quote undefined)) (fset (quote hexl-ESC-prefix) (copy-keymap (quote ESC-prefix))) (define-key map "" (quote hexl-ESC-prefix)) (define-key map "" (quote hexl-beginning-of-512b-page)) (define-key map "" (quote hexl-backward-short)) (define-key map "" (quote hexl-insert-decimal-char)) (define-key map "" (quote hexl-end-of-512b-page)) (define-key map "" (quote hexl-forward-short)) (define-key map "	" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "
+" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "" (quote hexl-insert-octal-char)) (define-key map "" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "" (quote hexl-insert-hex-char)) (define-key map "b" (quote hexl-backward-word)) (define-key map "c" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "d" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "f" (quote hexl-forward-word)) (define-key map "g" (quote hexl-goto-hex-address)) (define-key map "i" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "j" (quote hexl-goto-address)) (define-key map "k" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "l" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "q" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "s" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "t" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "u" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "v" (quote hexl-scroll-down)) (define-key map "y" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "z" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "<" (quote hexl-beginning-of-buffer)) (define-key map ">" (quote hexl-end-of-buffer)) (fset (quote hexl-C-c-prefix) (copy-keymap mode-specific-map)) (define-key map "" (quote hexl-C-c-prefix)) (define-key map "" (quote hexl-mode-exit)) (fset (quote hexl-C-x-prefix) (copy-keymap (quote Control-X-prefix))) (define-key map "" (quote hexl-C-x-prefix)) (define-key map "[" (quote hexl-beginning-of-1k-page)) (define-key map "]" (quote hexl-end-of-1k-page)) (define-key map "" (quote undefined)) (define-key map "" (quote hexl-save-buffer)) (define-key map "" (quote undefined)) map)) nil [3456 7430])
+            ("ruler-mode" variable nil nil [7506 7525])
+            ("ruler-mode-ruler-function" variable nil nil [7526 7560])
+            ("hl-line-mode" variable nil nil [7561 7582])
+            ("hl-line-range-function" variable nil nil [7583 7614])
+            ("hl-line-face" variable nil nil [7615 7636])
+            ("hexl-mode--old-var-vals" variable nil nil [7692 7727])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [7728 7781])
+            ("hexl-ascii-overlay" variable nil nil [7783 7890])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [7891 7939])
+            ("hexl-font-lock-keywords" variable (:default-value (quote (("^\\([0-9a-f]+:\\).\\{40\\}  \\(.+$\\)" (1 (quote hexl-address-region) t t) (2 (quote hexl-ascii-region) t t))))) nil [7941 8171])
+            ("hexl-rulerize" function (:arguments ("string" "bits")) nil [8173 8436])
+            ("hexl-rulers" variable (:default-value (mapcar (lambda (bits) (cons bits (concat " 87654321  " (hexl-rulerize "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff" bits) "  0123456789abcdef"))) (quote (8 16 32 64)))) nil [8438 8671])
+            ("put" code nil nil [8685 8722])
+            ("hexl-line-displen" function nil nil [8943 9071])
+            ("hexl-mode--minor-mode-p" function (:arguments ("var")) nil [9073 9150])
+            ("hexl-mode--setq-local" function (:arguments ("var" "val")) nil [9152 9787])
+            ("hexl-mode" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [9804 15699])
+            ("hexl-isearch-search-function" function nil nil [15702 16511])
+            ("hexl-in-save-buffer" variable nil nil [16513 16545])
+            ("hexl-save-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [16547 17523])
+            ("hexl-find-file" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename"))
+                nil [17540 18082])
+            ("hexl-revert-buffer-function" function (:arguments ("_ignore-auto" "_noconfirm")) nil [18084 18882])
+            ("hexl-mode-exit" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [18884 20468])
+            ("hexl-maybe-dehexlify-buffer" function nil nil [20470 20913])
+            ("hexl-current-address" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("validate"))
+                nil [20915 21726])
+            ("hexl-print-current-point-info" function nil nil [21728 21961])
+            ("hexl-ascii-start-column" function nil nil [21963 22090])
+            ("hexl-address-to-marker" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("address"))
+                nil [22092 22501])
+            ("hexl-goto-address" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("address"))
+                nil [22540 22829])
+            ("hexl-goto-hex-address" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("hex-address"))
+                nil [22831 23069])
+            ("hexl-hex-string-to-integer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("hex-string"))
+                nil [23071 23420])
+            ("hexl-octal-string-to-integer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("octal-string"))
+                nil [23422 23789])
+            ("hexl-backward-char" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [23816 23986])
+            ("hexl-forward-char" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [23988 24157])
+            ("hexl-backward-short" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [24159 25573])
+            ("hexl-forward-short" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [25575 25725])
+            ("hexl-backward-word" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [25727 27139])
+            ("hexl-forward-word" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [27141 27288])
+            ("hexl-previous-line" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [27290 27528])
+            ("hexl-next-line" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [27530 28327])
+            ("hexl-beginning-of-buffer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [28329 28599])
+            ("hexl-end-of-buffer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [28601 28759])
+            ("hexl-beginning-of-line" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [28761 28928])
+            ("hexl-end-of-line" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [28930 29181])
+            ("hexl-scroll-down" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [29183 29446])
+            ("hexl-scroll-up" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [29448 30410])
+            ("hexl-beginning-of-1k-page" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [30412 30561])
+            ("hexl-end-of-1k-page" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [30563 30725])
+            ("hexl-beginning-of-512b-page" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [30727 30882])
+            ("hexl-end-of-512b-page" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [30884 31052])
+            ("hexl-quoted-insert" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [31054 31368])
+            ("hexl-options" function (:arguments ("test")) nil [31440 31952])
+            ("hexlify-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [31969 33106])
+            ("dehexlify-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [33108 33684])
+            ("hexl-char-after-point" function nil nil [33686 33832])
+            ("hexl-htoi" function (:arguments ("lh" "rh")) nil [33834 33981])
+            ("hexl-hex-char-to-integer" function (:arguments ("character")) nil [33983 34297])
+            ("hexl-oct-char-to-integer" function (:arguments ("character")) nil [34299 34530])
+            ("hexl-printable-character" function (:arguments ("ch")) nil [34532 34789])
+            ("hexl-insert-multibyte-char" function (:arguments ("ch" "num")) nil [34791 36415])
+            ("hexl-self-insert-command" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [36417 36758])
+            ("hexl-insert-char" function (:arguments ("ch" "num")) nil [36760 37841])
+            ("hexl-insert-hex-char" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [37862 38160])
+            ("hexl-insert-hex-string" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("str" "arg"))
+                nil [38162 38995])
+            ("hexl-insert-decimal-char" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [38997 39293])
+            ("hexl-insert-octal-char" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [39295 39597])
+            ("hexl-follow-ascii" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [39599 40553])
+            ("hexl-activate-ruler" function nil nil [40555 40772])
+            ("hexl-follow-line" function nil nil [40774 41047])
+            ("hexl-highlight-line-range" function nil nil [41049 41329])
+            ("hexl-follow-ascii-find" function nil nil [41331 41604])
+            ("hexl-mode-ruler" function nil nil [41606 42538])
+            ("easy-menu-define" code nil nil [42559 43979])
+            ("hexl" package nil nil [43981 43996]))          
+      :file "hexl.el"
+      :pointmax 44020
+      :fsize 44019
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29510 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 1695 . 1696) (symbol 1660 . 1677) (open-paren 1659 . 1660)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("help-mode" include nil nil [966 986])
+            ("tutorial-warning-face" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [1016 1156])
+            ("tutorial--point-before-chkeys" variable nil nil [1158 1239])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [1240 1299])
+            ("tutorial--point-after-chkeys" variable nil nil [1301 1380])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [1381 1439])
+            ("tutorial--lang" variable nil nil [1441 1491])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [1492 1536])
+            ("tutorial--describe-nonstandard-key" function (:arguments ("value")) nil [1538 6432])
+            ("tutorial--sort-keys" function (:arguments ("left" "right")) nil [6434 7786])
+            ("tutorial--default-keys" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (let* ((suspend-emacs (quote suspend-frame)) (default-keys (\` ((ESC-prefix [27]) (Control-X-prefix [24]) (mode-specific-command-prefix [3]) (save-buffers-kill-terminal [24 3]) (scroll-up-command [22]) (scroll-down-command [134217846]) (recenter-top-bottom [12]) (forward-char [6]) (backward-char [2]) (forward-word [134217830]) (backward-word [134217826]) (next-line [14]) (previous-line [16]) (move-beginning-of-line [1]) (move-end-of-line [5]) (backward-sentence [134217825]) (forward-sentence [134217829]) (newline "
") (beginning-of-buffer [134217788]) (end-of-buffer [134217790]) (universal-argument [21]) (keyboard-quit [7]) (downcase-region [24 12]) (delete-other-windows [24 49]) (delete-backward-char "") (delete-char [4]) (backward-kill-word [134217855]) (kill-word [134217828]) (kill-line [11]) (kill-sentence [134217835]) (set-mark-command [0]) (set-mark-command [67108896]) (kill-region [23]) (yank [25]) (yank-pop [134217849]) (undo [24 117]) (find-file [24 6]) (save-buffer [24 19]) (list-buffers [24 2]) (switch-to-buffer [24 98]) (save-some-buffers [24 115]) (execute-extended-command [134217848]) (describe-mode [8 109]) (set-fill-column [24 102]) (fill-paragraph [134217841]) (isearch-forward [19]) (isearch-backward [18]) (split-window-below [24 50]) (scroll-other-window [134217750]) (other-window [24 111]) (find-file-other-window [24 52 6]) (keyboard-escape-quit [27 27 27]) (describe-key-briefly [8 99]) (describe-key [8 107]) ((\, suspend-emacs) [26]))))) (sort default-keys (quote tutorial--sort-keys))))
+                nil [7788 11511])
+            ("tutorial--detailed-help" function (:arguments ("button")) nil [11513 14715])
+            ("tutorial--find-changed-keys" function (:arguments ("default-keys")) nil [14717 19407])
+            ("tutorial--key-description" function (:arguments ("key")) nil [19409 19616])
+            ("tutorial--display-changes" function nil nil [19618 23408])
+            ("tutorial--saved-dir" function nil nil [23410 23523])
+            ("tutorial--saved-file" function nil nil [23525 23847])
+            ("tutorial--remove-remarks" function nil nil [23849 24646])
+            ("tutorial--save-tutorial" function nil nil [24648 25208])
+            ("tutorial--save-tutorial-to" function (:arguments ("saved-file")) nil [25210 28218])
+            ("help-with-tutorial" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg" "dont-ask-for-revert"))
+                nil [28236 35993])
+            ("lang-strings" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote (("English" (tut-chgdkey . "%s has been rebound, but you can use %s instead") (tut-chgdkey2 . "More") (tut-chgdhead . "
+ NOTICE: The main purpose of the Emacs tutorial is to teach you
+ the most important standard Emacs commands (key bindings).
+ However, your Emacs has been customized by changing some of
+ these basic editing commands, so it doesn't correspond to the
+ tutorial.  We have inserted colored notices where the altered
+ commands have been introduced.") (tut-chgdhead2 . "More")))))
+                nil [36109 36989])
+            ("get-lang-string" function (:arguments ("lang" "stringid" "no-eng-fallback")) nil [36991 38058])
+            ("tutorial" package nil nil [38104 38123]))          
+      :file "tutorial.el"
+      :pointmax 38151
+      :fsize 38150
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29520 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("read-file-local-variable" function (:arguments ("prompt")) nil [1155 1917])
+            ("read-file-local-variable-value" function (:arguments ("variable")) nil [1919 3571])
+            ("read-file-local-variable-mode" function nil nil [3573 4410])
+            ("modify-file-local-variable-message" function (:arguments ("variable" "value" "op")) nil [4412 5507])
+            ("modify-file-local-variable" function (:arguments ("variable" "value" "op" "interactive")) nil [5509 8837])
+            ("add-file-local-variable" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("variable" "value" "interactive"))
+                nil [8854 9888])
+            ("delete-file-local-variable" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("variable" "interactive"))
+                nil [9905 10198])
+            ("modify-file-local-variable-prop-line" function (:arguments ("variable" "value" "op" "interactive")) nil [10200 14651])
+            ("add-file-local-variable-prop-line" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("variable" "value" "interactive"))
+                nil [14668 15295])
+            ("delete-file-local-variable-prop-line" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("variable" "interactive"))
+                nil [15312 15617])
+            ("auto-insert" variable nil nil [15619 15639])
+            ("modify-dir-local-variable" function (:arguments ("mode" "variable" "value" "op")) nil [15662 19221])
+            ("add-dir-local-variable" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("mode" "variable" "value"))
+                nil [19238 19646])
+            ("delete-dir-local-variable" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("mode" "variable"))
+                nil [19663 19968])
+            ("copy-file-locals-to-dir-locals" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [19985 20253])
+            ("copy-dir-locals-to-file-locals" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [20270 20484])
+            ("copy-dir-locals-to-file-locals-prop-line" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [20501 20723])
+            ("enable-connection-local-variables" variable (:default-value t) nil [20775 20879])
+            ("connection-local-variables-alist" variable nil nil [20881 21211])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [21212 21274])
+            ("setq" code nil nil [21275 21376])
+            ("connection-local-profile-alist" variable (:default-value (quote nil)) nil [21378 21751])
+            ("connection-local-criteria-alist" variable (:default-value (quote nil)) nil [21753 22297])
+            ("connection-local-normalize-criteria" function (:arguments ("criteria" "properties")) nil [22299 22710])
+            ("connection-local-get-profiles" function (:arguments ("criteria")) nil [22712 23299])
+            ("connection-local-set-profiles" function (:arguments ("criteria" "profiles")) nil [23316 24514])
+            ("connection-local-get-profile-variables" function (:arguments ("profile")) nil [24516 24688])
+            ("connection-local-set-profile-variables" function (:arguments ("profile" "variables")) nil [24705 25398])
+            ("hack-connection-local-variables" function (:arguments ("criteria")) nil [25400 26050])
+            ("hack-connection-local-variables-apply" function (:arguments ("criteria")) nil [26067 26435])
+            ("with-connection-local-profiles" function (:arguments ("profiles" "body")) nil [26452 27272])
+            ("files-x" package nil nil [27277 27295]))          
+      :file "files-x.el"
+      :pointmax 27322
+      :fsize 27321
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29508 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("help-at-pt" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1956 2054])
+            ("help-at-pt-string" function (:arguments ("kbd")) nil [2071 2930])
+            ("help-at-pt-kbd-string" function nil nil [2947 3307])
+            ("display-local-help" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [3324 3929])
+            ("help-at-pt-timer" variable nil nil [3931 4224])
+            ("help-at-pt-timer-delay" variable (:default-value 1) nil [4226 5065])
+            ("help-at-pt-cancel-timer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5082 5357])
+            ("help-at-pt-set-timer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5374 5663])
+            ("help-at-pt-display-when-idle" variable (:default-value (quote never)) nil [5680 9344])
+            ("help-at-pt-maybe-display" function nil nil [9393 10042])
+            ("scan-buf-move-to-region" function (:arguments ("prop" "arg" "hook")) nil [10059 12673])
+            ("scan-buf-move-hook" variable (:default-value (quote (display-local-help))) nil [12762 12941])
+            ("scan-buf-next-region" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [12958 14027])
+            ("scan-buf-previous-region" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [14044 14479])
+            ("help-at-pt" package nil nil [14481 14502]))          
+      :file "help-at-pt.el"
+      :pointmax 14532
+      :fsize 14531
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29509 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [3772 3789])
+            ("faces" include nil nil [3791 3807])
+            ("custom" include nil nil [3888 3905])
+            ("font-lock" include nil nil [3935 3955])
+            ("cus-edit" include nil nil [3989 4008])
+            ("htmlfontify-loaddefs" include nil nil [4010 4041])
+            ("htmlfontify-version" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value 0.21)
+                nil [4043 4078])
+            ("hfy-meta-tags" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (format "<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"emacs %s; htmlfontify %0.2f\" />" emacs-version htmlfontify-version))
+                nil [4080 4289])
+            ("htmlfontify-manual" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "Htmlfontify Manual")
+                nil [4291 6158])
+            ("htmlfontify" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [6160 6406])
+            ("hfy-page-header" variable (:default-value (quote hfy-default-header)) nil [6408 7037])
+            ("hfy-split-index" variable nil nil [7039 7377])
+            ("hfy-page-footer" variable (:default-value (quote hfy-default-footer)) nil [7379 7593])
+            ("hfy-extn" variable (:default-value ".html") nil [7595 7727])
+            ("hfy-src-doc-link-style" variable (:default-value "text-decoration: underline;") nil [7729 7938])
+            ("hfy-src-doc-link-unstyle" variable (:default-value " text-decoration: none;") nil [7940 8153])
+            ("hfy-link-extn" variable nil nil [8155 8494])
+            ("hfy-link-style-fun" variable (:default-value (quote hfy-link-style-string)) nil [8496 8988])
+            ("hfy-index-file" variable (:default-value "hfy-index") nil [8990 9198])
+            ("hfy-instance-file" variable (:default-value "hfy-instance") nil [9200 9412])
+            ("hfy-html-quote-regex" variable (:default-value "\\([<\"&>]\\)") nil [9414 9698])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [9700 9786])
+            ("hfy-init-kludge-hook" variable (:default-value (quote (hfy-kludge-cperl-mode))) nil [9787 10100])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [10102 10182])
+            ("hfy-post-html-hook" variable nil nil [10183 10466])
+            ("hfy-default-face-def" variable nil nil [10468 10921])
+            ("hfy-etag-regex" variable (:default-value (concat ".*" "" "\\([^
+]+\\)" "" "\\([0-9]+\\)" "," "\\([0-9]+\\)$" "\\|" ".*[0-9]+,[0-9]+$")) nil [10923 11435])
+            ("hfy-html-quote-map" variable (:default-value (quote (("\"" "&quot;") ("<" "&lt;") ("&" "&amp;") (">" "&gt;")))) nil [11437 11785])
+            ("hfy-e2x-etags-cmd" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "for src in `find . -type f`;
+  ETAGS=%s;
+  case ${src} in
+    *.ad[absm]|*.[CFHMSacfhlmpsty]|*.def|*.in[cs]|*.s[as]|*.src|*.cc|\\
+    *.hh|*.[chy]++|*.[ch]pp|*.[chy]xx|*.pdb|*.[ch]s|*.[Cc][Oo][Bb]|\\
+    *.[eh]rl|*.f90|*.for|*.java|*.[cem]l|*.clisp|*.lisp|*.[Ll][Ss][Pp]|\\
+    [Mm]akefile*|*.pas|*.[Pp][LlMm]|*.psw|*.lm|*.pc|*.prolog|*.oak|\\
+    *.p[sy]|*.sch|*.scheme|*.[Ss][Cc][Mm]|*.[Ss][Mm]|*.bib|*.cl[os]|\\
+    *.ltx|*.sty|*.TeX|*.tex|*.texi|*.texinfo|*.txi|*.x[bp]m|*.yy|\\
+    *.[Ss][Qq][Ll])
+          ${ETAGS} -o- ${src};
+          ;;
+      *)
+          FTYPE=`file ${src}`;
+          case ${FTYPE} in
+              *script*text*)
+                  ${ETAGS} -o- ${src};
+                  ;;
+              *text*)
+                  SHEBANG=`head -n1 ${src} | grep '#!' -c`;
+                  if [ ${SHEBANG} -eq 1 ];
+                  then
+                      ${ETAGS} -o- ${src};
+                  fi;
+                  ;;
+          esac;
+          ;;
+  esac;
+                nil [11786 12799])
+            ("hfy-etags-cmd-alist-default" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (\` (("emacs etags" \, hfy-e2x-etags-cmd) ("exuberant ctags" . "%s -R -f -"))))
+                nil [12801 12927])
+            ("hfy-etags-cmd-alist" variable (:default-value hfy-etags-cmd-alist-default) nil [12929 13237])
+            ("hfy-etags-bin" variable (:default-value "etags") nil [13239 13513])
+            ("hfy-shell-file-name" variable (:default-value "/bin/sh") nil [13515 13695])
+            ("hfy-ignored-properties" variable (:default-value (quote (read-only intangible modification-hooks insert-in-front-hooks insert-behind-hooks point-entered point-left))) nil [13697 14214])
+            ("hfy-which-etags" function nil nil [14216 14692])
+            ("hfy-etags-cmd" variable (:default-value (cdr (assoc (hfy-which-etags) hfy-etags-cmd-alist))) nil [14694 15678])
+            ("hfy-istext-command" variable (:default-value "file %s | sed -e 's@^[^:]*:[ 	]*@@'") nil [15680 16036])
+            ("hfy-find-cmd" variable (:default-value "find . -type f \\! -name \\*~ \\! -name \\*.flc \\! -path \\*/CVS/\\*") nil [16038 16273])
+            ("hfy-display-class" variable nil nil [16275 17873])
+            ("hfy-optimizations" variable (:default-value (list (quote keep-overlays))) nil [17875 20113])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [20114 20191])
+            ("hfy-tags-cache" variable nil nil [20193 20531])
+            ("hfy-tags-sortl" variable nil nil [20533 20716])
+            ("hfy-tags-rmap" variable nil nil [20718 21016])
+            ("hfy-style-assoc" variable (:default-value (quote please-ignore-this-line)) nil [21018 21993])
+            ("hfy-sheet-assoc" variable (:default-value (quote please-ignore-this-line)) nil [21995 22272])
+            ("hfy-facemap-assoc" variable (:default-value (quote please-ignore-this-line)) nil [22274 23427])
+            ("hfy-tmpfont-stack" variable nil nil [23429 23514])
+            ("hfy-hex-regex" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "[0-9A-Fa-f]")
+                nil [23516 23554])
+            ("hfy-triplet-regex" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "\\(" hfy-hex-regex hfy-hex-regex "\\)" "\\(" hfy-hex-regex hfy-hex-regex "\\)" "\\(" hfy-hex-regex hfy-hex-regex "\\)"))
+                nil [23556 23724])
+            ("hfy-interq" function (:arguments ("set-a" "set-b")) nil [23726 24010])
+            ("hfy-colour-vals" function (:arguments ("colour")) nil [24012 24697])
+            ("hfy-cperl-mode-kludged-p" variable nil nil [24699 24736])
+            ("hfy-kludge-cperl-mode" function nil nil [24738 25188])
+            ("hfy-opt" function (:arguments ("symbol")) nil [25190 25274])
+            ("hfy-default-header" function (:arguments ("file" "style")) nil [25276 29353])
+            ("hfy-default-footer" function (:arguments ("_file")) nil [29355 29523])
+            ("hfy-link-style-string" function (:arguments ("style-string")) nil [29525 30260])
+            ("hfy-triplet" function (:arguments ("colour")) nil [30355 31379])
+            ("hfy-family" function (:arguments ("family")) nil [31381 31444])
+            ("hfy-bgcol" function (:arguments ("colour")) nil [31445 31522])
+            ("hfy-colour" function (:arguments ("colour")) nil [31523 31600])
+            ("hfy-width" function (:arguments ("width")) nil [31601 31678])
+            ("hfy-font-zoom" variable (:default-value 1.05) nil [31680 31784])
+            ("hfy-size" function (:arguments ("height")) nil [31786 32386])
+            ("hfy-slant" function (:arguments ("slant")) nil [32388 32905])
+            ("hfy-weight" function (:arguments ("weight")) nil [32907 33649])
+            ("hfy-box-to-border-assoc" function (:arguments ("spec")) nil [33651 33979])
+            ("hfy-box-to-style" function (:arguments ("spec")) nil [33981 34509])
+            ("hfy-box" function (:arguments ("box")) nil [34511 34852])
+            ("hfy-decor" function (:arguments ("tag" "_val")) nil [34854 35308])
+            ("hfy-invisible" function (:arguments ("_val")) nil [35310 35471])
+            ("hfy-combined-face-spec" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [35473 35832])
+            ("hfy-face-attr-for-class" function (:arguments ("face" "class")) nil [35834 40227])
+            ("hfy-face-to-style-i" function (:arguments ("fn")) nil [40838 43099])
+            ("hfy-size-to-int" function (:arguments ("spec")) nil [43101 43630])
+            ("hfy-flatten-style" function (:arguments ("style")) nil [43831 44645])
+            ("hfy-face-resolve-face" function (:arguments ("fn")) nil [44647 45150])
+            ("hfy-face-to-style" function (:arguments ("fn")) nil [45153 46058])
+            ("hfy-face-or-def-to-name" function (:arguments ("fn")) nil [46281 47096])
+            ("hfy-css-name" function (:arguments ("fn")) nil [47098 47685])
+            ("hfy-face-to-css-default" function (:arguments ("fn")) nil [47773 48316])
+            ("hfy-face-to-css" variable (:default-value (quote hfy-face-to-css-default)) nil [48318 48701])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [48703 49019])
+            ("hfy-find-invisible-ranges" function nil nil [49021 49836])
+            ("hfy-invisible-name" function (:arguments ("point" "map")) nil [49838 50321])
+            ("hfy-face-at" function (:arguments ("p")) nil [50694 57058])
+            ("hfy-overlay-props-at" function (:arguments ("p")) nil [57060 57241])
+            ("hfy-compile-stylesheet" function nil nil [57321 58266])
+            ("hfy-fontified-p" function nil nil [58268 59151])
+            ("hfy-merge-adjacent-spans" function (:arguments ("face-map")) nil [59399 61173])
+            ("hfy-compile-face-map" function nil nil [61467 62757])
+            ("hfy-buffer" function nil nil [62759 63498])
+            ("hfy-lookup" function (:arguments ("face" "style")) nil [63500 63605])
+            ("hfy-link-style" function (:arguments ("style-string")) nil [63607 63864])
+            ("hfy-sprintf-stylesheet" function (:arguments ("css" "file")) nil [63866 64611])
+            ("hfy-html-enkludge-buffer" function nil nil [64737 65104])
+            ("hfy-html-quote" function (:arguments ("char-string")) nil [65136 65339])
+            ("hfy-html-dekludge-buffer" function nil nil [65636 66091])
+            ("hfy-save-buffer-state" function (:arguments ("varlist" "body")) nil [66123 66889])
+            ("hfy-mark-trailing-whitespace" function nil nil [66891 67356])
+            ("hfy-unmark-trailing-whitespace" function nil nil [67358 67637])
+            ("hfy-begin-span" function (:arguments ("style" "text-block" "text-id" "text-begins-block-p")) nil [67639 68108])
+            ("hfy-end-span" function nil nil [68110 68267])
+            ("hfy-begin-span-handler" variable (:default-value (quote hfy-begin-span)) nil [68269 69403])
+            ("hfy-end-span-handler" variable (:default-value (quote hfy-end-span)) nil [69405 69638])
+            ("hfy-fontify-buffer" function (:arguments ("srcdir" "file")) nil [69640 77422])
+            ("htmlfontify-string" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [77424 77904])
+            ("hfy-force-fontification" function nil nil [77906 78897])
+            ("htmlfontify-buffer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("srcdir" "file"))
+                nil [78914 80186])
+            ("hfy-list-files" function (:arguments ("directory")) nil [80214 80611])
+            ("hfy-dirname" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [80771 81153])
+            ("hfy-make-directory" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [81190 81393])
+            ("hfy-text-p" function (:arguments ("srcdir" "file")) nil [81395 81652])
+            ("hfy-copy-and-fontify-file" function (:arguments ("srcdir" "dstdir" "file")) nil [81791 83198])
+            ("hfy-tags-for-file" function (:arguments ("cache-hash" "file")) nil [83234 83610])
+            ("hfy-mark-tag-names" function (:arguments ("srcdir" "file")) nil [83661 84547])
+            ("hfy-relstub" function (:arguments ("file" "start")) nil [84549 84959])
+            ("hfy-href-stub" function (:arguments ("this-file" "def-files" "tag")) nil [84961 85921])
+            ("hfy-href" function (:arguments ("this-file" "def-files" "tag" "tag-map")) nil [85923 86526])
+            ("hfy-word-regex" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [86528 86800])
+            ("hfy-mark-tag-hrefs" function (:arguments ("srcdir" "file")) nil [86899 90685])
+            ("hfy-shell" function nil nil [90687 90917])
+            ("hfy-load-tags-cache" function (:arguments ("srcdir")) nil [91085 91531])
+            ("hfy-parse-tags-buffer" function (:arguments ("srcdir" "buffer")) nil [91895 94470])
+            ("hfy-prepare-index-i" function (:arguments ("srcdir" "dstdir" "filename" "stub" "map")) nil [94472 96917])
+            ("hfy-prepare-index" function (:arguments ("srcdir" "dstdir")) nil [96919 98032])
+            ("hfy-prepare-tag-map" function (:arguments ("srcdir" "dstdir")) nil [98034 99530])
+            ("hfy-subtract-maps" function (:arguments ("srcdir")) nil [99532 100354])
+            ("htmlfontify-run-etags" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("srcdir"))
+                nil [100356 100555])
+            ("hfy-save-kill-buffers" function (:arguments ("buffer-list" "dstdir")) nil [100701 100900])
+            ("htmlfontify-copy-and-link-dir" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("srcdir" "dstdir" "f-ext" "l-ext"))
+                nil [100917 102216])
+            ("hfy-initfile" function nil nil [102252 102444])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [103247 103280])
+            ("hfy-save-initvar" function (:arguments ("sym")) nil [103282 103395])
+            ("htmlfontify-save-initfile" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [103397 104180])
+            ("htmlfontify-load-initfile" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [104182 104352])
+            ("htmlfontify" package nil nil [104354 104376]))          
+      :file "htmlfontify.el"
+      :pointmax 104407
+      :fsize 104413
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29510 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 3789 . 3790) (symbol 3754 . 3771) (open-paren 3753 . 3754)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "htmlfontify-loaddefs.el"
+      :fsize 812
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29510 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("comint" include nil nil [9098 9115])
+            ("hippie-expand" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [9117 9340])
+            ("he-num" variable (:default-value -1) nil [9342 9360])
+            ("he-string-beg" variable (:default-value (make-marker)) nil [9362 9398])
+            ("he-string-end" variable (:default-value (make-marker)) nil [9400 9436])
+            ("he-search-string" variable nil nil [9438 9466])
+            ("he-expand-list" variable nil nil [9468 9494])
+            ("he-tried-table" variable nil nil [9496 9522])
+            ("he-search-loc" variable (:default-value (make-marker)) nil [9524 9560])
+            ("he-search-loc2" variable nil nil [9562 9588])
+            ("he-search-bw" variable nil nil [9590 9614])
+            ("he-search-bufs" variable nil nil [9616 9642])
+            ("he-searched-n-bufs" variable nil nil [9644 9674])
+            ("he-search-window" variable nil nil [9676 9704])
+            ("hippie-expand-try-functions-list" variable (:default-value (quote (try-complete-file-name-partially try-complete-file-name try-expand-all-abbrevs try-expand-list try-expand-line try-expand-dabbrev try-expand-dabbrev-all-buffers try-expand-dabbrev-from-kill try-complete-lisp-symbol-partially try-complete-lisp-symbol))) nil [9771 10334])
+            ("hippie-expand-verbose" variable (:default-value t) nil [10336 10482])
+            ("hippie-expand-dabbrev-skip-space" variable nil nil [10484 10647])
+            ("hippie-expand-dabbrev-as-symbol" variable (:default-value t) nil [10649 10812])
+            ("hippie-expand-no-restriction" variable (:default-value t) nil [10814 10964])
+            ("hippie-expand-max-buffers" variable nil nil [10966 11185])
+            ("hippie-expand-ignore-buffers" variable (:default-value (quote ("^ \\*.*\\*$" dired-mode))) nil [11187 11496])
+            ("hippie-expand-only-buffers" variable nil nil [11498 11870])
+            ("hippie-expand" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [11887 13494])
+            ("he-init-string" function (:arguments ("beg" "end")) nil [13558 13723])
+            ("he-reset-string" function nil nil [13781 13966])
+            ("he-substitute-string" function (:arguments ("str" "trans-case")) nil [14243 14658])
+            ("he-capitalize-first" function (:arguments ("str")) nil [14660 14880])
+            ("he-ordinary-case-p" function (:arguments ("str")) nil [14882 15066])
+            ("he-transfer-case" function (:arguments ("from-str" "to-str")) nil [15068 15550])
+            ("he-string-member" function (:arguments ("str" "lst" "trans-case")) nil [15655 15867])
+            ("he-buffer-member" function (:arguments ("lst")) nil [16010 16216])
+            ("make-hippie-expand-function" function (:arguments ("try-list" "verbose")) nil [16782 17346])
+            ("try-complete-file-name" function (:arguments ("old")) nil [17409 18778])
+            ("try-complete-file-name-partially" function (:arguments ("old")) nil [18780 19874])
+            ("he-file-name-chars" variable (:default-value (cond ((memq system-type (quote (ms-dos windows-nt cygwin))) "-a-zA-Z0-9_/.,~^#$+=:\\\\") (t "-a-zA-Z0-9_/.,~^#$+="))) nil [19876 20126])
+            ("he-file-name-beg" function nil nil [20128 20338])
+            ("he-concat-directory-file-name" function (:arguments ("dir-part" "name-part")) nil [20436 20889])
+            ("try-complete-lisp-symbol" function (:arguments ("old")) nil [20891 21960])
+            ("try-complete-lisp-symbol-partially" function (:arguments ("old")) nil [21962 22824])
+            ("he-lisp-symbol-beg" function nil nil [22826 22918])
+            ("try-expand-line" function (:arguments ("old")) nil [22920 24320])
+            ("try-expand-line-all-buffers" function (:arguments ("old")) nil [24322 25073])
+            ("he--all-buffers" function (:arguments ("old" "beg-function" "search-function")) nil [25075 26792])
+            ("he-line-search" function (:arguments ("str" "strip-prompt" "reverse")) nil [26794 27297])
+            ("he-line-beg" function (:arguments ("strip-prompt")) nil [27299 27492])
+            ("he-line-search-regexp" function (:arguments ("pat" "strip-prompt")) nil [27494 27764])
+            ("try-expand-list" function (:arguments ("old")) nil [27766 28976])
+            ("try-expand-list-all-buffers" function (:arguments ("old")) nil [28978 29346])
+            ("he-list-search" function (:arguments ("str" "reverse")) nil [29348 30028])
+            ("he-list-beg" function nil nil [30030 30146])
+            ("try-expand-all-abbrevs" function (:arguments ("old")) nil [30148 31221])
+            ("try-expand-dabbrev" function (:arguments ("old")) nil [31223 32460])
+            ("try-expand-dabbrev-all-buffers" function (:arguments ("old")) nil [32462 32839])
+            ("try-expand-dabbrev-visible" function (:arguments ("old")) nil [32934 34816])
+            ("he-dabbrev-search" function (:arguments ("pattern" "reverse" "limit")) nil [34818 35740])
+            ("he-dabbrev-beg" function nil nil [35742 36004])
+            ("try-expand-dabbrev-from-kill" function (:arguments ("old")) nil [36006 36750])
+            ("he-dabbrev-kill-search" function (:arguments ("pattern")) nil [36752 37924])
+            ("try-expand-whole-kill" function (:arguments ("old")) nil [37926 38785])
+            ("he-whole-kill-search" function (:arguments ("str")) nil [38787 39907])
+            ("he-kill-beg" function nil nil [39909 40070])
+            ("hippie-exp" package nil nil [40073 40094]))          
+      :file "hippie-exp.el"
+      :pointmax 40124
+      :fsize 40123
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29510 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("url-parse" include nil nil [4060 4080])
+            ("thingatpt" include nil nil [4081 4101])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [4103 4171])
+            ("ffap" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [4173 4363])
+            ("ffap-symbol-value" function (:arguments ("sym" "default")) nil [4518 4678])
+            ("ffap-shell-prompt-regexp" variable (:default-value "[$%><]*") nil [4680 5142])
+            ("ffap-ftp-regexp" variable (:default-value "\\`/[^/:]+:") nil [5144 5418])
+            ("ffap-url-unwrap-local" variable (:default-value t) nil [5420 5710])
+            ("ffap-url-unwrap-remote" variable (:default-value (quote ("ftp"))) nil [5712 6025])
+            ("ffap-lax-url" variable (:default-value t) nil [6027 6380])
+            ("ffap-ftp-default-user" variable (:default-value "anonymous") nil [6414 6668])
+            ("ffap-rfs-regexp" variable (:default-value "\\`/\\(afs\\|net\\)/.") nil [6670 6949])
+            ("ffap-url-regexp" variable (:default-value (concat "\\(" "news\\(post\\)?:\\|mailto:\\|file:" "\\|" "\\(ftp\\|https?\\|telnet\\|gopher\\|www\\|wais\\)://" "\\)")) nil [6951 7251])
+            ("ffap-foo-at-bar-prefix" variable (:default-value "mailto") nil [7253 7559])
+            ("ffap-max-region-length" variable (:default-value 1024) nil [7561 7733])
+            ("ffap-dired-wildcards" variable (:default-value "[*?][^/]*\\'") nil [8080 8902])
+            ("ffap-pass-wildcards-to-dired" variable nil nil [8904 9053])
+            ("ffap-newfile-prompt" variable nil nil [9055 9314])
+            ("ffap-require-prefix" variable nil nil [9316 9583])
+            ("ffap-file-finder" variable (:default-value (quote find-file)) nil [9585 9731])
+            ("ffap-directory-finder" variable (:default-value (quote dired)) nil [9733 9881])
+            ("ffap-url-fetcher" variable (:default-value (quote browse-url)) nil [9883 10106])
+            ("ffap-next-regexp" variable (:default-value "[/:.~[:alpha:]]/\\|@[[:alpha:]][-[:alnum:]]*\\.") nil [10108 10579])
+            ("dired-at-point-require-prefix" variable nil nil [10581 10833])
+            ("ffap-mouse-event" function nil nil [11063 11175])
+            ("ffap-event-buffer" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [11176 11253])
+            ("ffap-next-guess" variable nil nil [11505 11579])
+            ("ffap-string-at-point-region" variable (:default-value (quote (1 1))) nil [11581 11705])
+            ("ffap-next-guess" function (:arguments ("back" "lim")) nil [11707 12416])
+            ("ffap-next" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("back" "wrap"))
+                nil [12433 13378])
+            ("ffap-next-url" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("back" "wrap"))
+                nil [13380 13649])
+            ("ffap-machine-p-local" variable (:default-value (quote reject)) nil [13880 14155])
+            ("ffap-machine-p-known" variable (:default-value (quote ping)) nil [14156 14483])
+            ("ffap-machine-p-unknown" variable (:default-value (quote reject)) nil [14484 14790])
+            ("ffap-what-domain" function (:arguments ("domain")) nil [14792 15104])
+            ("ffap-machine-p" function (:arguments ("host" "service" "quiet" "strategy")) nil [15106 17946])
+            ("ffap-replace-file-component" function (:arguments ("fullname" "name")) nil [17982 18342])
+            ("ffap-file-suffix" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [18409 18589])
+            ("ffap-compression-suffixes" variable (:default-value (quote (".gz" ".Z"))) nil [18591 18716])
+            ("ffap-file-exists-string" function (:arguments ("file" "nomodify")) nil [18718 19809])
+            ("ffap-file-remote-p" function (:arguments ("filename")) nil [19811 20567])
+            ("ffap-machine-at-point" function nil nil [20569 20742])
+            ("ffap-host-to-filename" function (:arguments ("host")) nil [20744 21254])
+            ("ffap-fixup-machine" function (:arguments ("mach")) nil [21256 21735])
+            ("defvaralias" code nil nil [21737 21806])
+            ("defvaralias" code nil nil [21807 21875])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [21876 21932])
+            ("ffap-url-p" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [21934 22237])
+            ("ffap-url-unwrap-local" function (:arguments ("url")) nil [22306 22823])
+            ("ffap-url-unwrap-remote" function (:arguments ("url")) nil [22825 23500])
+            ("ffap-fixup-url" function (:arguments ("url")) nil [23502 23756])
+            ("ffap-list-env" function (:arguments ("env" "empty")) nil [24273 25426])
+            ("ffap-reduce-path" function (:arguments ("path")) nil [25428 25773])
+            ("ffap-all-subdirs" function (:arguments ("dir" "depth")) nil [25775 26141])
+            ("ffap-all-subdirs-loop" function (:arguments ("dir" "depth")) nil [26143 26506])
+            ("ffap-kpathsea-depth" variable (:default-value 1) nil [26508 26666])
+            ("ffap-kpathsea-expand-path" function (:arguments ("path")) nil [26668 27161])
+            ("ffap-locate-file" function (:arguments ("file" "nosuffix" "path")) nil [27163 28486])
+            ("ffap-alist" variable (:default-value (quote (("" . ffap-completable) ("\\.info\\'" . ffap-info) ("\\`info/" . ffap-info-2) ("\\`[-[:lower:]]+\\'" . ffap-info-3) ("\\.elc?\\'" . ffap-el) (emacs-lisp-mode . ffap-el-mode) (finder-mode . ffap-el-mode) (help-mode . ffap-el-mode) (c++-mode . ffap-c++-mode) (cc-mode . ffap-c-mode) ("\\.\\([chCH]\\|cc\\|hh\\)\\'" . ffap-c-mode) (fortran-mode . ffap-fortran-mode) ("\\.[fF]\\'" . ffap-fortran-mode) (tex-mode . ffap-tex-mode) (latex-mode . ffap-latex-mode) ("\\.\\(tex\\|sty\\|doc\\|cls\\)\\'" . ffap-tex) ("\\.bib\\'" . ffap-bib) ("\\`\\." . ffap-home) ("\\`~/" . ffap-lcd) ("\\`[Rr][Ff][Cc][-#]?\\([0-9]+\\)" . ffap-rfc) (dired-mode . ffap-dired)))) nil [28789 30811])
+            ("put" code nil nil [30813 30854])
+            ("ffap-completable" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [31408 31602])
+            ("ffap-home" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [31604 31661])
+            ("ffap-info" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [31663 31843])
+            ("ffap-info-2" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [31845 31902])
+            ("ffap-info-3" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [31904 32053])
+            ("ffap-el" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [32055 32113])
+            ("ffap-el-mode" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [32115 32368])
+            ("ffap-c-path" variable (:default-value (let ((arch (with-temp-buffer (when (eq 0 (ignore-errors (call-process "gcc" nil (quote (t nil)) nil "-print-multiarch"))) (goto-char (point-min)) (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position))))) (base (quote ("/usr/include" "/usr/local/include")))) (if (zerop (length arch)) base (append base (list (expand-file-name arch "/usr/include")))))) nil [32613 33170])
+            ("ffap-c-mode" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [33172 33238])
+            ("ffap-c++-path" variable (:default-value (let ((c++-include-dir (with-temp-buffer (when (eq 0 (ignore-errors (call-process "g++" nil t nil "-v"))) (goto-char (point-min)) (if (re-search-forward "--with-gxx-include-dir=\\([^[:space:]]+\\)" nil (quote noerror)) (match-string 1) (when (re-search-forward "gcc version \\([[:digit:]]+.[[:digit:]]+.[[:digit:]]+\\)" nil (quote noerror)) (expand-file-name (match-string 1) "/usr/include/c++/"))))))) (if c++-include-dir (cons c++-include-dir ffap-c-path) ffap-c-path))) nil [33240 34176])
+            ("ffap-c++-mode" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [34178 34248])
+            ("ffap-fortran-path" variable (:default-value (quote ("../include" "/usr/include"))) nil [34250 34307])
+            ("ffap-fortran-mode" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [34309 34387])
+            ("ffap-tex-path" variable (:default-value t) nil [34389 34551])
+            ("ffap-latex-guess-rules" variable (:default-value (quote (("" . ".sty") ("" . ".cls") ("" . ".ltx") ("" . ".tex") ("" . "") ("beamertheme" . ".sty") ("beamercolortheme" . ".sty") ("beamerfonttheme" . ".sty") ("beamerinnertheme" . ".sty") ("beameroutertheme" . ".sty") ("" . ".ldf")))) nil [34553 35443])
+            ("ffap-tex-init" function nil nil [35445 35950])
+            ("ffap-tex-mode" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [35952 36051])
+            ("ffap-latex-mode" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [36053 38825])
+            ("ffap-tex" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [38827 38910])
+            ("ffap-bib-path" variable (:default-value (ffap-list-env "BIBINPUTS" (ffap-reduce-path (quote ("/usr/local/lib/tex/macros/bib" "/usr/lib/texmf/bibtex/bib"))))) nil [38912 39134])
+            ("ffap-bib" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [39136 39201])
+            ("ffap-dired" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [39203 39625])
+            ("ffap-lcd" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [39671 40315])
+            ("ffap-rfc-path" variable (:default-value (concat (ffap-host-to-filename "") "/in-notes/rfc%s.txt")) nil [40317 40682])
+            ("ffap-rfc-directories" variable nil nil [40684 40893])
+            ("ffap-rfc" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [40895 41067])
+            ("ffap-string-at-point-mode-alist" variable (:default-value (quote ((file "--:\\\\${}+<>@-Z_[:alpha:]~*?" "<@" "@>;.,!:") (url "--:=&?$+@-Z_[:alpha:]~#,%;*()!'" "^[0-9a-zA-Z]" ":;.,!?") (nocolon "--9$+<>@-Z_[:alpha:]~" "<@" "@>;.,!?") (machine "-[:alnum:]." "" ".") (math-mode ",-:$+<>@-Z_[:lower:]~`" "<" "@>;.,!?`:") (latex-mode "--:\\\\$+<>@-Z_[:alpha:]~*?" "<@" "@>;.,!:") (tex-mode "--:\\\\$+<>@-Z_[:alpha:]~*?" "<@" "@>;.,!:")))) nil [41096 42357])
+            ("ffap-string-at-point" variable nil nil [42359 42517])
+            ("ffap-string-at-point" function (:arguments ("mode")) nil [42519 45379])
+            ("ffap-string-around" function nil nil [45381 45836])
+            ("ffap-copy-string-as-kill" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("mode"))
+                nil [45838 46263])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [46278 46342])
+            ("ffap-url-at-point" function nil nil [46344 47307])
+            ("ffap-gopher-regexp" variable (:default-value "\\<\\(Type\\|Name\\|Path\\|Host\\|Port\\) *= *") nil [47309 47484])
+            ("ffap--gopher-var-on-line" function nil nil [47486 47936])
+            ("ffap-gopher-at-point" function nil nil [47938 49250])
+            ("ffap-ftp-sans-slash-regexp" variable (:default-value (and ffap-ftp-regexp "\\`\\([^:@]+@[^:@]+:\\|[^@.:]+\\.[^@:]+:\\|[^:]+:[~/]\\)\\([^:]\\|\\'\\)")) nil [49252 49691])
+            ("ffap-file-at-point" function nil nil [49693 54605])
+            ("ffap-read-file-or-url" function (:arguments ("prompt" "guess")) nil [54973 56687])
+            ("ffap-read-url-internal" function (:arguments ("string" "pred" "action")) nil [56689 57165])
+            ("ffap-read-file-or-url-internal" function (:arguments ("string" "pred" "action")) nil [57167 57391])
+            ("ffap-highlight" variable (:default-value t) nil [57669 57756])
+            ("ffap" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit highlight)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [57758 57890])
+            ("ffap-highlight-overlay" variable nil nil [57892 57974])
+            ("ffap-highlight" function (:arguments ("remove")) nil [57976 58732])
+            ("ffap-guesser" function nil nil [58789 59079])
+            ("ffap-prompter" function (:arguments ("guess")) nil [59081 59893])
+            ("find-file-at-point" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename"))
+                nil [59910 61776])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [61861 61897])
+            ("ffap-menu-regexp" variable nil nil [61934 62199])
+            ("ffap-menu-alist" variable nil nil [62201 62286])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [62287 62332])
+            ("ffap-menu-text-plist" variable (:default-value (cond ((display-mouse-p) (quote (face bold mouse-face highlight))) (t nil))) nil [62334 62590])
+            ("ffap-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("rescan"))
+                nil [62607 63461])
+            ("ffap-menu-cont" function (:arguments ("choice")) nil [63463 63830])
+            ("ffap-menu-ask" function (:arguments ("title" "alist" "cont")) nil [63832 65261])
+            ("ffap-menu-rescan" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [65263 66843])
+            ("ffap-at-mouse-fallback" variable nil nil [66946 67144])
+            ("put" code nil nil [67145 67198])
+            ("ffap-at-mouse" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("e"))
+                nil [67215 68329])
+            ("ffap-other-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [68604 68900])
+            ("ffap-other-frame" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [68902 69523])
+            ("ffap--toggle-read-only" function (:arguments ("buffer-or-list")) nil [69525 69729])
+            ("ffap-read-only" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [69731 70041])
+            ("ffap-read-only-other-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [70043 70288])
+            ("ffap-read-only-other-frame" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [70290 70532])
+            ("ffap-alternate-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [70534 70739])
+            ("ffap-alternate-file-other-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [70741 70985])
+            ("ffap-literally" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [70987 71195])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [71197 71253])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [71276 71343])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [71344 71418])
+            ("ffap-ro-mode-hook" function nil nil [71554 71713])
+            ("ffap-gnus-hook" function nil nil [71715 72010])
+            ("gnus-summary-buffer" variable nil nil [72012 72040])
+            ("gnus-article-buffer" variable nil nil [72041 72069])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [72105 72225])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [72227 72323])
+            ("ffap-gnus-wrapper" function (:arguments ("form")) nil [72325 73031])
+            ("ffap-gnus-next" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [73033 73161])
+            ("ffap-gnus-menu" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [73163 73285])
+            ("dired-at-point" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename"))
+                nil [73305 74606])
+            ("dired-at-point-prompter" function (:arguments ("guess")) nil [74608 75562])
+            ("ffap-dired-other-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [75620 75938])
+            ("ffap-dired-other-frame" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [75940 76486])
+            ("ffap-list-directory" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [76488 76708])
+            ("ffap-guess-file-name-at-point" function nil nil [76780 77379])
+            ("ffap-bindings" variable (:default-value (quote ((global-set-key [S-mouse-3] (quote ffap-at-mouse)) (global-set-key [C-S-mouse-3] (quote ffap-menu)) (global-set-key "" (quote find-file-at-point)) (global-set-key "" (quote ffap-read-only)) (global-set-key "" (quote ffap-alternate-file)) (global-set-key "4f" (quote ffap-other-window)) (global-set-key "5f" (quote ffap-other-frame)) (global-set-key "4r" (quote ffap-read-only-other-window)) (global-set-key "5r" (quote ffap-read-only-other-frame)) (global-set-key "d" (quote dired-at-point)) (global-set-key "4d" (quote ffap-dired-other-window)) (global-set-key "5d" (quote ffap-dired-other-frame)) (global-set-key "" (quote ffap-list-directory)) (add-hook (quote gnus-summary-mode-hook) (quote ffap-gnus-hook)) (add-hook (quote gnus-article-mode-hook) (quote ffap-gnus-hook)) (add-hook (quote vm-mode-hook) (quote ffap-ro-mode-hook)) (add-hook (quote rmail-mode-hook) (quote ffap-ro-mode-hook))))) nil [77436 78580])
+            ("ffap-bindings" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [78597 78726])
+            ("ffap" package nil nil [78730 78745]))          
+      :file "ffap.el"
+      :pointmax 78769
+      :fsize 78768
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29507 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("package" include nil nil [1037 1055])
+            ("lisp-mnt" include nil nil [1056 1075])
+            ("find-func" include nil nil [1076 1096])
+            ("finder-inf" include nil nil [1126 1153])
+            ("finder-known-keywords" variable (:default-value (quote ((abbrev . "abbreviation handling, typing shortcuts, and macros") (bib . "bibliography processors") (c . "C and related programming languages") (calendar . "calendar and time management tools") (comm . "communications, networking, and remote file access") (convenience . "convenience features for faster editing") (data . "editing data (non-text) files") (docs . "Emacs documentation facilities") (emulations . "emulations of other editors") (extensions . "Emacs Lisp language extensions") (faces . "fonts and colors for text") (files . "file editing and manipulation") (frames . "Emacs frames and window systems") (games . "games, jokes and amusements") (hardware . "interfacing with system hardware") (help . "Emacs help systems") (hypermedia . "links between text or other media types") (i18n . "internationalization and character-set support") (internal . "code for Emacs internals, build process, defaults") (languages . "specialized modes for editing programming languages") (lisp . "Lisp support, including Emacs Lisp") (local . "code local to your site") (maint . "Emacs development tools and aids") (mail . "email reading and posting") (matching . "searching, matching, and sorting") (mouse . "mouse support") (multimedia . "images and sound") (news . "USENET news reading and posting") (outlines . "hierarchical outlining and note taking") (processes . "processes, subshells, and compilation") (terminals . "text terminals (ttys)") (tex . "the TeX document formatter") (tools . "programming tools") (unix . "UNIX feature interfaces and emulators") (vc . "version control") (wp . "word processing")))) nil [1239 3146])
+            ("finder-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)) (menu-map (make-sparse-keymap "Finder"))) (define-key map " " (quote finder-select)) (define-key map "f" (quote finder-select)) (define-key map [follow-link] (quote mouse-face)) (define-key map [mouse-2] (quote finder-mouse-select)) (define-key map "
" (quote finder-select)) (define-key map "?" (quote finder-summary)) (define-key map "n" (quote next-line)) (define-key map "p" (quote previous-line)) (define-key map "q" (quote finder-exit)) (define-key map "d" (quote finder-list-keywords)) (define-key map [menu-bar finder-mode] (cons "Finder" menu-map)) (define-key menu-map [finder-exit] (quote (menu-item "Quit" finder-exit :help "Exit Finder mode"))) (define-key menu-map [finder-summary] (quote (menu-item "Summary" finder-summary :help "Summary item on current line in a finder buffer"))) (define-key menu-map [finder-list-keywords] (quote (menu-item "List keywords" finder-list-keywords :help "Display descriptions of the keywords in the Finder buffer"))) (define-key menu-map [finder-select] (quote (menu-item "Select" finder-select :help "Select item on current line in a finder buffer"))) map)) nil [3148 4365])
+            ("finder-mode-syntax-table" variable (:default-value (let ((st (make-syntax-table emacs-lisp-mode-syntax-table))) (modify-syntax-entry 59 ".   " st) st)) nil [4367 4557])
+            ("finder-headmark" variable nil nil [4559 4646])
+            ("finder-keywords-hash" variable nil nil [4693 4836])
+            ("generated-finder-keywords-file" variable (:default-value "finder-inf.el") nil [4838 4968])
+            ("finder-no-scan-regexp" variable (:default-value "\\(^\\.#\\|\\(loaddefs\\|ldefs-boot\\|cus-load\\|finder-inf\\|esh-groups\\|subdirs\\|leim-list\\)\\.el$\\)") nil [5278 5476])
+            ("autoload-rubric" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [5478 5516])
+            ("finder--builtins-descriptions" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((emacs . "the extensible text editor") (nxml . "a new XML mode"))))
+                nil [5518 5996])
+            ("finder--builtins-alist" variable (:default-value (quote (("calc" . calc) ("ede" . ede) ("erc" . erc) ("eshell" . eshell) ("gnus" . gnus) ("international" . emacs) ("language" . emacs) ("mh-e" . mh-e) ("semantic" . semantic) ("analyze" . semantic) ("bovine" . semantic) ("decorate" . semantic) ("symref" . semantic) ("wisent" . semantic) ("nxml" . nxml) ("org" . org) ("srecode" . srecode) ("term" . emacs) ("url" . url)))) nil [5998 7018])
+            ("finder-compile-keywords" function (:arguments ("dirs")) nil [7020 10891])
+            ("finder-compile-keywords-make-dist" function nil nil [10893 11069])
+            ("finder-insert-at-column" function (:arguments ("column" "strings")) nil [11099 11307])
+            ("finder-help-echo" variable nil nil [11309 11338])
+            ("finder-mouse-face-on-line" function nil nil [11340 12062])
+            ("finder-unknown-keywords" function nil nil [12064 12496])
+            ("finder-list-keywords" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [12513 13245])
+            ("finder-list-matches" function (:arguments ("key")) nil [13247 13512])
+            ("define-button-type" code nil nil [13514 13574])
+            ("finder-goto-xref" function (:arguments ("button")) nil [13576 13821])
+            ("finder-commentary" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("file"))
+                nil [13838 15351])
+            ("finder-current-item" function nil nil [15353 15614])
+            ("finder-select" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [15616 15839])
+            ("finder-mouse-select" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [15841 16090])
+            ("finder-by-keyword" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [16107 16220])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [16222 16601])
+            ("finder-summary" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [16603 16916])
+            ("finder-exit" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [16918 17139])
+            ("finder-unload-function" function nil nil [17141 17299])
+            ("finder" package nil nil [17303 17320]))          
+      :file "finder.el"
+      :pointmax 17346
+      :fsize 17345
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29508 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "finder-inf.el"
+      :fsize 42177
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29508 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("dired" include nil nil [1015 1031])
+            ("find-dired" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1033 1139])
+            ("find-exec-terminator" variable (:default-value (if (eq 0 (ignore-errors (process-file find-program nil nil nil null-device "-exec" "echo" "{}" "+"))) "+" (shell-quote-argument ";"))) nil [1250 1698])
+            ("find-ls-option" variable (:default-value (if (eq 0 (ignore-errors (process-file find-program nil nil nil null-device "-ls"))) (cons "-ls" (if (eq system-type (quote berkeley-unix)) "-gilsb" "-dilsb")) (cons (format "-exec ls -ld {} %s" find-exec-terminator) "-ld"))) nil [1807 2913])
+            ("find-ls-subdir-switches" variable (:default-value (if (string-match "-[a-z]*b" (cdr find-ls-option)) "-alb" "-al")) nil [2915 3294])
+            ("find-grep-options" variable (:default-value (if (or (eq system-type (quote berkeley-unix)) (string-match "solaris2" system-configuration)) "-s" "-q")) nil [3296 3657])
+            ("find-name-arg" variable (:default-value (if read-file-name-completion-ignore-case "-iname" "-name")) nil [3705 4034])
+            ("find-args" variable nil nil [4036 4112])
+            ("find-args-history" variable nil nil [4172 4202])
+            ("dired-sort-inhibit" variable nil nil [4204 4231])
+            ("find-dired" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("dir" "args"))
+                nil [4248 8008])
+            ("kill-find" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [8010 8332])
+            ("find-name-dired" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("dir" "pattern"))
+                nil [8349 8863])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [9063 9105])
+            ("find-grep-dired" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("dir" "regexp"))
+                nil [9121 10307])
+            ("find-dired-filter" function (:arguments ("proc" "string")) nil [10309 12116])
+            ("find-dired-sentinel" function (:arguments ("proc" "state")) nil [12118 13011])
+            ("find-dired" package nil nil [13015 13036]))          
+      :file "find-dired.el"
+      :pointmax 13066
+      :fsize 13065
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29508 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "dired.el"
+      :fsize 168396
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29505 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("button" include nil nil [3671 3688])
+            ("help" include nil nil [3653 3668])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [3711 3766])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [3767 3814])
+            ("facemenu" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [3816 3940])
+            ("facemenu-keybindings" variable (:default-value (mapcar (quote purecopy) (quote ((default . "d") (bold . "b") (italic . "i") (bold-italic . "l") (underline . "u"))))) nil [3942 4779])
+            ("facemenu-new-faces-at-end" variable (:default-value t) nil [4781 5015])
+            ("facemenu-listed-faces" variable nil nil [5017 6145])
+            ("facemenu-face-menu" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap "Face"))) (define-key map "o" (cons (purecopy "Other...") (quote facemenu-set-face))) map)) nil [6147 6326])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [6327 6376])
+            ("put" code nil nil [6377 6442])
+            ("facemenu-foreground-menu" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap "Foreground Color"))) (define-key map "o" (cons (purecopy "Other...") (quote facemenu-set-foreground))) map)) nil [6444 6659])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [6660 6721])
+            ("put" code nil nil [6722 6793])
+            ("facemenu-background-menu" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap "Background Color"))) (define-key map "o" (cons (purecopy "Other...") (quote facemenu-set-background))) map)) nil [6795 7010])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [7011 7072])
+            ("put" code nil nil [7073 7144])
+            ("facemenu-enable-faces-p" function nil nil [7200 7449])
+            ("facemenu-special-menu" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap "Special"))) (define-key map [115] (cons (purecopy "Remove Special") (quote facemenu-remove-special))) (define-key map [116] (cons (purecopy "Intangible") (quote facemenu-set-intangible))) (define-key map [118] (cons (purecopy "Invisible") (quote facemenu-set-invisible))) (define-key map [114] (cons (purecopy "Read-Only") (quote facemenu-set-read-only))) map)) nil [7451 7950])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [7951 8006])
+            ("facemenu-justification-menu" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap "Justification"))) (define-key map [99] (cons (purecopy "Center") (quote set-justification-center))) (define-key map [98] (cons (purecopy "Full") (quote set-justification-full))) (define-key map [114] (cons (purecopy "Right") (quote set-justification-right))) (define-key map [108] (cons (purecopy "Left") (quote set-justification-left))) (define-key map [117] (cons (purecopy "Unfilled") (quote set-justification-none))) map)) nil [8008 8535])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [8536 8603])
+            ("facemenu-indentation-menu" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap "Indentation"))) (define-key map [decrease-right-margin] (cons (purecopy "Indent Right Less") (quote decrease-right-margin))) (define-key map [increase-right-margin] (cons (purecopy "Indent Right More") (quote increase-right-margin))) (define-key map [decrease-left-margin] (cons (purecopy "Indent Less") (quote decrease-left-margin))) (define-key map [increase-left-margin] (cons (purecopy "Indent More") (quote increase-left-margin))) map)) nil [8605 9168])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [9169 9232])
+            ("facemenu-menu" variable nil nil [9296 9358])
+            ("setq" code nil nil [9359 9418])
+            ("let" code nil nil [9419 10028])
+            ("let" code nil nil [10029 10650])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [10651 10690])
+            ("facemenu-keymap" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap "Set face"))) (define-key map "o" (cons (purecopy "Other...") (quote facemenu-set-face))) (define-key map "\357" (quote font-lock-fontify-block)) map)) nil [10692 11038])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [11039 11082])
+            ("facemenu-add-face-function" variable nil nil [11085 11407])
+            ("facemenu-end-add-face" variable nil nil [11409 11687])
+            ("facemenu-remove-face-function" variable nil nil [11689 12021])
+            ("facemenu-color-alist" variable nil nil [12047 12182])
+            ("facemenu-update" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [12184 12511])
+            ("facemenu-set-face" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face" "start" "end"))
+                nil [12513 13714])
+            ("facemenu-set-foreground" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("color" "start" "end"))
+                nil [13716 14587])
+            ("facemenu-set-background" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("color" "start" "end"))
+                nil [14589 15460])
+            ("facemenu-set-face-from-menu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face" "start" "end"))
+                nil [15462 16715])
+            ("facemenu-set-invisible" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end"))
+                nil [16717 16949])
+            ("facemenu-set-intangible" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end"))
+                nil [16951 17212])
+            ("facemenu-set-read-only" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end"))
+                nil [17214 17449])
+            ("facemenu-remove-face-props" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end"))
+                nil [17451 17727])
+            ("facemenu-remove-all" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end"))
+                nil [17729 17963])
+            ("facemenu-remove-special" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end"))
+                nil [17965 18345])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [18348 18391])
+            ("list-colors-sort" variable nil nil [18393 19403])
+            ("list-colors-sort-key" function (:arguments ("color")) nil [19405 20738])
+            ("list-colors-callback" variable nil nil [20740 20846])
+            ("list-colors-redisplay" function (:arguments ("_ignore-auto" "_noconfirm")) nil [20848 21090])
+            ("list-colors-display" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("list" "buffer-name" "callback"))
+                nil [21092 23497])
+            ("list-colors-print" function (:arguments ("list" "callback")) nil [23499 24986])
+            ("list-colors-duplicates" function (:arguments ("list")) nil [24989 26602])
+            ("facemenu-color-equal" function (:arguments ("a" "b")) nil [26604 26962])
+            ("facemenu-self-insert-data" variable nil nil [26965 27003])
+            ("facemenu-post-self-insert-function" function nil nil [27005 27382])
+            ("facemenu-set-self-insert-face" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [27384 27625])
+            ("facemenu-add-face" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("face" "start" "end"))
+                nil [27627 30547])
+            ("facemenu-active-faces" function (:arguments ("face-list" "frame")) nil [30549 31874])
+            ("facemenu-add-new-face" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [31876 33903])
+            ("facemenu-add-new-color" function (:arguments ("color" "menu")) nil [33939 35187])
+            ("facemenu-complete-face-list" function (:arguments ("oldlist")) nil [35189 35718])
+            ("facemenu-iterate" function (:arguments ("func" "list")) nil [35720 35975])
+            ("facemenu-update" code nil nil [35977 35994])
+            ("facemenu" package nil nil [35996 36015]))          
+      :file "facemenu.el"
+      :pointmax 36043
+      :fsize 36042
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29507 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 3688 . 3689) (symbol 3633 . 3650) (open-paren 3632 . 3633)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("put" code nil nil [2958 3002])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3003 3057])
+            ("format-alist" variable (:default-value (\` ((text/enriched (\, (purecopy "Extended MIME text/enriched format.")) (\, (purecopy "Content-[Tt]ype:[ 	]*text/enriched")) enriched-decode enriched-encode t enriched-mode) (plain (\, (purecopy "ISO 8859-1 standard format, no text properties.")) nil nil nil nil nil) (TeX (\, (purecopy "TeX (encoding)")) nil iso-tex2iso iso-iso2tex t nil) (gtex (\, (purecopy "German TeX (encoding)")) nil iso-gtex2iso iso-iso2gtex t nil) (html (\, (purecopy "HTML/SGML \"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN\" (encoding)")) nil iso-sgml2iso iso-iso2sgml t nil) (rot13 (\, (purecopy "rot13")) nil (\, (purecopy "tr a-mn-z n-za-m")) (\, (purecopy "tr a-mn-z n-za-m")) t nil) (duden (\, (purecopy "Duden Ersatzdarstellung")) nil (\, (purecopy "diac")) iso-iso2duden t nil) (de646 (\, (purecopy "German ASCII (ISO 646)")) nil (\, (purecopy "recode -f iso646-ge:latin1")) (\, (purecopy "recode -f latin1:iso646-ge")) t nil) (denet (\, (purecopy "net German")) nil iso-german iso-cvt-read-only t nil) (esnet (\, (purecopy "net Spanish")) nil iso-spanish iso-cvt-read-only t nil)))) nil [3059 6569])
+            ("put" code nil nil [6585 6628])
+            ("format-encode-run-method" function (:arguments ("method" "from" "to" "buffer")) nil [6670 7569])
+            ("format-decode-run-method" function (:arguments ("method" "from" "to" "_buffer")) nil [7571 8520])
+            ("format-annotate-function" function (:arguments ("format" "from" "to" "orig-buf" "format-count")) nil [8522 10891])
+            ("format-decode" function (:arguments ("format" "length" "visit-flag")) nil [10893 13283])
+            ("format-decode-buffer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("format"))
+                nil [13335 13756])
+            ("format-decode-region" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("from" "to" "format"))
+                nil [13758 14203])
+            ("format-encode-buffer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("format"))
+                nil [14205 14604])
+            ("format-encode-region" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("beg" "end" "format"))
+                nil [14606 15530])
+            ("format-write-file" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename" "format" "confirm"))
+                nil [15532 17234])
+            ("format-find-file" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename" "format"))
+                nil [17236 17786])
+            ("format-insert-file" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename" "format" "beg" "end"))
+                nil [17788 19671])
+            ("format-read" function (:arguments ("prompt")) nil [19673 20091])
+            ("format-replace-strings" function (:arguments ("alist" "reverse" "beg" "end")) nil [20223 21296])
+            ("format-delq-cons" function (:arguments ("cons" "list")) nil [21350 21858])
+            ("format-make-relatively-unique" function (:arguments ("a" "b")) nil [21860 22291])
+            ("format-proper-list-p" function (:arguments ("list")) nil [22293 22524])
+            ("format-reorder" function (:arguments ("items" "order")) nil [22526 22933])
+            ("put" code nil nil [22935 22968])
+            ("put" code nil nil [23005 23041])
+            ("put" code nil nil [23267 23305])
+            ("format-deannotate-region" function (:arguments ("from" "to" "translations" "next-fn")) nil [23329 30995])
+            ("format-subtract-regions" function (:arguments ("minu" "subtra")) nil [30997 32482])
+            ("format-property-increment-region" function (:arguments ("from" "to" "prop" "delta" "default")) nil [32726 33253])
+            ("format-insert-annotations" function (:arguments ("list" "offset")) nil [33277 33938])
+            ("format-annotate-value" function (:arguments ("old" "new")) nil [33940 34271])
+            ("format-annotate-region" function (:arguments ("from" "to" "translations" "format-fn" "ignore")) nil [34273 38166])
+            ("format-annotate-location" function (:arguments ("loc" "all" "ignore" "translations")) nil [38220 40134])
+            ("format-annotate-single-property-change" function (:arguments ("prop" "old" "new" "translations")) nil [40136 41806])
+            ("format-annotate-atomic-property-change" function (:arguments ("prop-alist" "old" "new")) nil [41808 43148])
+            ("format" package nil nil [43150 43167]))          
+      :file "format.el"
+      :pointmax 43193
+      :fsize 43192
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29509 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("easymenu" include nil nil [7440 7459])
+            ("cl-lib" include nil nil [7479 7496])
+            ("follow" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7514 7624])
+            ("follow-mode-hook" variable nil nil [7626 7727])
+            ("follow-mode-prefix" variable (:default-value ".") nil [8119 8385])
+            ("follow-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((mainmap (make-sparse-keymap)) (map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "" (quote follow-scroll-up)) (define-key map "\366" (quote follow-scroll-down)) (define-key map "v" (quote follow-scroll-down)) (define-key map "1" (quote follow-delete-other-windows-and-split)) (define-key map "b" (quote follow-switch-to-buffer)) (define-key map "" (quote follow-switch-to-buffer-all)) (define-key map "" (quote follow-recenter)) (define-key map "<" (quote follow-first-window)) (define-key map ">" (quote follow-last-window)) (define-key map "n" (quote follow-next-window)) (define-key map "p" (quote follow-previous-window)) (define-key mainmap follow-mode-prefix map) (define-key mainmap [remap end-of-buffer] (quote follow-end-of-buffer)) (define-key mainmap [remap scroll-bar-toolkit-scroll] (quote follow-scroll-bar-toolkit-scroll)) (define-key mainmap [remap scroll-bar-drag] (quote follow-scroll-bar-drag)) (define-key mainmap [remap scroll-bar-scroll-up] (quote follow-scroll-bar-scroll-up)) (define-key mainmap [remap scroll-bar-scroll-down] (quote follow-scroll-bar-scroll-down)) (define-key mainmap [remap mwheel-scroll] (quote follow-mwheel-scroll)) mainmap)) nil [8387 9930])
+            ("follow-menu-filter" function (:arguments ("menu")) nil [10017 10177])
+            ("easy-menu-add-item" code nil nil [10179 10960])
+            ("follow-mode-line-text" variable (:default-value " Follow") nil [10962 11178])
+            ("follow-auto" variable nil nil [11180 11490])
+            ("follow-cache-command-list" variable (:default-value (quote (next-line previous-line forward-char backward-char right-char left-char))) nil [11492 11971])
+            ("follow-debug" variable nil nil [11973 12088])
+            ("follow-internal-force-redisplay" variable nil nil [12114 12214])
+            ("follow-active-menu" variable nil nil [12216 12296])
+            ("follow-inactive-menu" variable nil nil [12298 12382])
+            ("follow-inside-post-command-hook-call" variable nil nil [12384 12528])
+            ("follow-windows-start-end-cache" variable nil nil [12530 12618])
+            ("follow-fixed-window" variable nil nil [12620 12763])
+            ("follow-debug-message" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [12924 13113])
+            ("dolist" code nil nil [13126 13203])
+            ("turn-on-follow-mode" function nil nil [13234 13347])
+            ("turn-off-follow-mode" function nil nil [13365 13481])
+            ("put" code nil nil [13483 13520])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [13536 17361])
+            ("follow-find-file-hook" function nil nil [17363 17499])
+            ("follow-get-scrolled-point" function (:arguments ("dest" "windows")) nil [17533 19026])
+            ("follow-scroll-up-arg" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [19771 20587])
+            ("follow-scroll-down-arg" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [20589 21046])
+            ("follow-scroll-up-window" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [21063 21635])
+            ("put" code nil nil [21636 21684])
+            ("follow-scroll-down-window" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [21701 22293])
+            ("put" code nil nil [22294 22344])
+            ("follow-scroll-up" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [22361 23201])
+            ("put" code nil nil [23202 23243])
+            ("follow-scroll-down" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [23260 24268])
+            ("put" code nil nil [24269 24312])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [24314 24370])
+            ("comint-scroll-show-maximum-output" variable nil nil [24371 24413])
+            ("follow-comint-scroll-to-bottom" function (:arguments ("_window")) nil [24415 25143])
+            ("follow-align-compilation-windows" function nil nil [25145 25756])
+            ("follow-delete-other-windows-and-split" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [25785 26851])
+            ("follow-switch-to-buffer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("buffer"))
+                nil [26853 27234])
+            ("follow-switch-to-buffer-all" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("buffer"))
+                nil [27237 27696])
+            ("follow-switch-to-current-buffer-all" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [27699 27913])
+            ("follow-next-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [28056 28303])
+            ("follow-previous-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [28306 28561])
+            ("follow-first-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [28564 28723])
+            ("follow-last-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [28726 28893])
+            ("follow-recenter" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [28907 29853])
+            ("follow-redraw" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [29856 30192])
+            ("follow-end-of-buffer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [30213 30872])
+            ("follow--window-sorter" function (:arguments ("w1" "w2")) nil [30887 31296])
+            ("follow-all-followers" function (:arguments ("win")) nil [31298 31789])
+            ("follow-split-followers" function (:arguments ("windows" "win")) nil [31791 32218])
+            ("follow-calc-win-end" function (:arguments ("win")) nil [32220 32899])
+            ("follow-calc-win-start" function (:arguments ("windows" "pos" "win")) nil [32901 33561])
+            ("follow-cache-valid-p" function (:arguments ("windows")) nil [33692 34208])
+            ("follow-windows-start-end" function (:arguments ("windows")) nil [34210 34708])
+            ("follow-pos-visible" function (:arguments ("pos" "win" "win-start-end")) nil [34710 34975])
+            ("follow-windows-aligned-p" function (:arguments ("win-start-end")) nil [35157 35589])
+            ("follow-point-visible-all-windows-p" function (:arguments ("win-start-end")) nil [35677 36042])
+            ("follow-update-window-start" function (:arguments ("win")) nil [36560 36883])
+            ("follow-select-if-visible" function (:arguments ("dest" "win-start-end")) nil [36885 37440])
+            ("follow-select-if-end-visible" function (:arguments ("win-start-end")) nil [37837 38560])
+            ("follow-select-if-visible-from-first" function (:arguments ("dest" "windows")) nil [38806 39972])
+            ("follow-start-end-invalid" variable (:default-value t) nil [40258 40366])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [40367 40421])
+            ("follow-redisplay" function (:arguments ("windows" "win" "preserve-win")) nil [40423 41941])
+            ("follow-estimate-first-window-start" function (:arguments ("windows" "win" "start")) nil [41943 42414])
+            ("follow-calculate-first-window-start-from-above" function (:arguments ("windows" "guess" "win" "start")) nil [42535 43083])
+            ("follow-calculate-first-window-start-from-below" function (:arguments ("windows" "guess" "win" "start")) nil [43205 44334])
+            ("follow-avoid-tail-recenter" function (:arguments ("_rest")) nil [44624 45628])
+            ("follow-post-command-hook" function nil nil [46105 46606])
+            ("follow-adjust-window" function (:arguments ("win")) nil [46608 52381])
+            ("follow-maximize-region" function (:arguments ("win" "windows" "win-start-end")) nil [52650 53168])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [53339 53404])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [53405 53460])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [53461 53521])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [53522 53584])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [53585 53634])
+            ("follow-scroll-bar-toolkit-scroll" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [53636 53776])
+            ("follow-scroll-bar-drag" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [53778 53898])
+            ("follow-scroll-bar-scroll-up" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [53900 54030])
+            ("follow-scroll-bar-scroll-down" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [54032 54166])
+            ("follow-mwheel-scroll" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [54168 54284])
+            ("follow-redraw-after-event" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [54286 54854])
+            ("follow-window-size-change" function (:arguments ("frame")) nil [55515 56849])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [56851 56916])
+            ("follow-after-change" function (:arguments ("_beg" "_end" "_old-len")) nil [57242 57385])
+            ("follow-window-start" function (:arguments ("window")) nil [57387 57763])
+            ("follow-window-end" function (:arguments ("window" "update")) nil [57765 58580])
+            ("follow-set-window-start" function (:arguments ("window" "pos" "noforce")) nil [58582 59108])
+            ("follow-pos-visible-in-window-p" function (:arguments ("pos" "window" "partially")) nil [59110 61063])
+            ("follow-move-to-window-line" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [61065 63220])
+            ("follow" package nil nil [64032 64049]))          
+      :file "follow.el"
+      :pointmax 64700
+      :fsize 64699
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29508 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 7496 . 7497) (symbol 7461 . 7478) (open-paren 7460 . 7461)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [1669 1686])
+            ("cl-defstruct" code nil nil [1690 4152])
+            ("put" code nil nil [4216 4334])
+            ("put" code nil nil [4335 4545])
+            ("put" code nil nil [4546 4749])
+            ("put" code nil nil [4750 4952])
+            ("put" code nil nil [4953 5061])
+            ("put" code nil nil [5062 5184])
+            ("put" code nil nil [5185 5469])
+            ("put" code nil nil [5470 6009])
+            ("frameset-copy" function (:arguments ("frameset")) nil [6271 6401])
+            ("frameset-valid-p" function (:arguments ("object")) nil [6403 7172])
+            ("frameset--prop-setter" function (:arguments ("frameset" "property" "value")) nil [7207 7430])
+            ("frameset-prop" function (:arguments ("frameset" "property")) nil [7485 7755])
+            ("frameset-session-filter-alist" variable (:default-value (quote ((name . :never) (left . frameset-filter-iconified) (minibuffer . frameset-filter-minibuffer) (top . frameset-filter-iconified)))) nil [21403 21765])
+            ("frameset-persistent-filter-alist" variable (:default-value (nconc (quote ((background-color . frameset-filter-sanitize-color) (buffer-list . :never) (buffer-predicate . :never) (buried-buffer-list . :never) (client . :never) (delete-before . :never) (font . frameset-filter-font-param) (foreground-color . frameset-filter-sanitize-color) (frameset--text-pixel-height . :save) (frameset--text-pixel-width . :save) (fullscreen . frameset-filter-shelve-param) (GUI:font . frameset-filter-unshelve-param) (GUI:fullscreen . frameset-filter-unshelve-param) (GUI:height . frameset-filter-unshelve-param) (GUI:width . frameset-filter-unshelve-param) (height . frameset-filter-shelve-param) (outer-window-id . :never) (parent-frame . :never) (parent-id . :never) (mouse-wheel-frame . :never) (tty . frameset-filter-tty-to-GUI) (tty-type . frameset-filter-tty-to-GUI) (width . frameset-filter-shelve-param) (window-id . :never) (window-system . :never))) frameset-session-filter-alist)) nil [21782 23523])
+            ("frameset-filter-alist" variable (:default-value frameset-persistent-filter-alist) nil [23540 25755])
+            ("frameset--target-display" variable nil nil [25818 25851])
+            ("frameset-switch-to-gui-p" function (:arguments ("parameters")) nil [26136 26648])
+            ("frameset-switch-to-tty-p" function (:arguments ("parameters")) nil [26679 27209])
+            ("frameset-filter-tty-to-GUI" function (:arguments ("_current" "_filtered" "parameters" "saving")) nil [27225 27518])
+            ("frameset-filter-sanitize-color" function (:arguments ("current" "_filtered" "parameters" "saving")) nil [27520 27975])
+            ("frameset-filter-minibuffer" function (:arguments ("current" "filtered" "_parameters" "saving")) nil [27977 28805])
+            ("frameset-filter-shelve-param" function (:arguments ("current" "_filtered" "parameters" "saving" "prefix")) nil [28807 29536])
+            ("frameset-filter-unshelve-param" function (:arguments ("current" "filtered" "parameters" "saving")) nil [29538 30143])
+            ("frameset-filter-font-param" function (:arguments ("current" "filtered" "parameters" "saving" "prefix")) nil [30145 30633])
+            ("frameset-filter-iconified" function (:arguments ("_current" "_filtered" "parameters" "saving")) nil [30635 31067])
+            ("frameset-filter-params" function (:arguments ("parameters" "filter-alist" "saving")) nil [31069 32507])
+            ("frameset--set-id" function (:arguments ("frame")) nil [32525 32819])
+            ("frameset-cfg-id" function (:arguments ("frame-cfg")) nil [32821 32954])
+            ("frameset-frame-id" function (:arguments ("frame")) nil [32971 33418])
+            ("frameset-frame-id-equal-p" function (:arguments ("frame" "id")) nil [33435 33565])
+            ("frameset-frame-with-id" function (:arguments ("id" "frame-list")) nil [33582 33917])
+            ("frameset--record-relationships" function (:arguments ("frame-list")) nil [33942 37324])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [37341 38782])
+            ("frameset--reuse-list" variable nil nil [38854 38883])
+            ("frameset--action-map" variable nil nil [38884 38913])
+            ("frameset-compute-pos" function (:arguments ("value" "left/top" "right/bottom")) nil [38915 39643])
+            ("frameset-move-onscreen" function (:arguments ("frame" "force-onscreen")) nil [39645 42314])
+            ("frameset--find-frame-if" function (:arguments ("predicate" "display" "args")) nil [42316 42808])
+            ("frameset--reuse-frame" function (:arguments ("display" "parameters")) nil [42810 45401])
+            ("frameset--initial-params" function (:arguments ("parameters")) nil [45403 45852])
+            ("frameset--restore-frame" function (:arguments ("parameters" "window-state" "filters" "force-onscreen")) nil [45854 50220])
+            ("frameset--minibufferless-last-p" function (:arguments ("state1" "state2")) nil [50222 50735])
+            ("frameset-keep-original-display-p" function (:arguments ("force-display")) nil [50737 51031])
+            ("frameset-minibufferless-first-p" function (:arguments ("frame1" "_frame2")) nil [51033 51385])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [51402 61644])
+            ("frameset--jump-to-register" function (:arguments ("data")) nil [61684 62777])
+            ("frameset--print-register" function (:arguments ("data")) nil [62794 63172])
+            ("frameset-to-register" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("register"))
+                nil [63189 63912])
+            ("frameset" package nil nil [63914 63933]))          
+      :file "frameset.el"
+      :pointmax 63961
+      :fsize 63960
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29509 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("ff" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5662 5819])
+            ("ff-pre-find-hook" variable nil nil [5821 5954])
+            ("ff-pre-load-hook" variable nil nil [5956 6083])
+            ("ff-post-load-hook" variable nil nil [6085 6212])
+            ("ff-not-found-hook" variable nil nil [6214 6347])
+            ("ff-file-created-hook" variable nil nil [6349 6486])
+            ("ff-case-fold-search" variable nil nil [6488 6694])
+            ("ff-always-in-other-window" variable nil nil [6696 6901])
+            ("ff-ignore-include" variable nil nil [6903 7007])
+            ("ff-always-try-to-create" variable (:default-value t) nil [7009 7153])
+            ("ff-quiet-mode" variable nil nil [7155 7274])
+            ("ff-special-constructs" variable (:default-value (\` (((\, (purecopy "^#\\s *\\(include\\|import\\)\\s +[<\"]\\(.*\\)[>\"]")) lambda nil (buffer-substring (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))))) nil [7291 8059])
+            ("defvaralias" code nil nil [8061 8118])
+            ("ff-other-file-alist" variable (:default-value (quote cc-other-file-alist)) nil [8119 8663])
+            ("ff-search-directories" variable (:default-value (quote cc-search-directories)) nil [8665 9569])
+            ("cc-search-directories" variable (:default-value (quote ("." "/usr/include" "/usr/local/include/*"))) nil [9571 9757])
+            ("cc-other-file-alist" variable (:default-value (quote (("\\.cc\\'" (".hh" ".h")) ("\\.hh\\'" (".cc" ".C" ".CC" ".cxx" ".cpp" ".c++")) ("\\.c\\'" (".h")) ("\\.m\\'" (".h")) ("\\.h\\'" (".c" ".cc" ".C" ".CC" ".cxx" ".cpp" ".c++" ".m")) ("\\.C\\'" (".H" ".hh" ".h")) ("\\.H\\'" (".C" ".CC")) ("\\.CC\\'" (".HH" ".H" ".hh" ".h")) ("\\.HH\\'" (".CC")) ("\\.c\\+\\+\\'" (".h++" ".hh" ".h")) ("\\.h\\+\\+\\'" (".c++")) ("\\.cpp\\'" (".hpp" ".hh" ".h")) ("\\.hpp\\'" (".cpp")) ("\\.cxx\\'" (".hxx" ".hh" ".h")) ("\\.hxx\\'" (".cxx"))))) nil [9759 10823])
+            ("modula2-other-file-alist" variable (:default-value (quote (("\\.mi$" (".md")) ("\\.md$" (".mi"))))) nil [10825 11116])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [11299 11345])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [11346 11392])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [11393 11440])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [11441 11488])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [11489 11539])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [11540 11589])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [11590 11645])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [11646 11693])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [11694 11737])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [11738 11787])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [11788 11839])
+            ("ff-get-other-file" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("in-other-window"))
+                nil [11957 12369])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [12386 12438])
+            ("ff-find-other-file" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("in-other-window" "ignore-include"))
+                nil [12455 14503])
+            ("ff-buffer-file-name" function (:arguments ("buf")) nil [14606 14918])
+            ("ff-find-the-other-file" function (:arguments ("in-other-window")) nil [14920 19716])
+            ("ff-other-file-name" function nil nil [19775 22863])
+            ("ff-get-file" function (:arguments ("search-dirs" "filename" "suffix-list" "other-window")) nil [22922 23643])
+            ("ff-get-file-name" function (:arguments ("search-dirs" "fname-stub" "suffix-list")) nil [23645 27515])
+            ("ff-string-match" function (:arguments ("regexp" "string" "start")) nil [27517 27787])
+            ("ff-list-replace-env-vars" function (:arguments ("search-list")) nil [27789 28467])
+            ("ff-treat-as-special" function nil nil [28469 29065])
+            ("ff-basename" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [29067 29286])
+            ("ff-all-dirs-under" function (:arguments ("here" "exclude")) nil [29288 29816])
+            ("ff-switch-file" function (:arguments ("f1" "f2" "file" "in-other-window" "new-file")) nil [29818 30764])
+            ("ff-find-file" function (:arguments ("file" "in-other-window" "new-file")) nil [30766 31011])
+            ("ff-switch-to-buffer" function (:arguments ("buffer-or-name" "in-other-window")) nil [31013 31295])
+            ("ff-mouse-find-other-file" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [31312 31481])
+            ("ff-mouse-find-other-file-other-window" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [31498 31696])
+            ("ff-upcase-p" function (:arguments ("string" "start" "end")) nil [31853 32393])
+            ("ff-cc-hh-converter" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [32395 34361])
+            ("ff-function-name" variable nil nil [34551 34614])
+            ("ada-procedure-start-regexp" variable nil nil [34685 34720])
+            ("ada-package-start-regexp" variable nil nil [34721 34754])
+            ("ff-which-function-are-we-in" function nil nil [34756 35145])
+            ("ff-set-point-accordingly" function nil nil [35214 35492])
+            ("find-file" package nil nil [35494 35514]))          
+      :file "find-file.el"
+      :pointmax 35543
+      :fsize 35542
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29508 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("file-cache" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5258 5386])
+            ("file-cache-filter-regexps" variable (:default-value (list "~$" "\\.o$" "\\.exe$" "\\.a$" "\\.elc$" ",v$" "\\.output$" "\\.$" "#$" "\\.class$" "/\\.#")) nil [5567 6178])
+            ("file-cache-find-command" variable (:default-value "find") nil [6180 6327])
+            ("file-cache-find-command-posix-flag" variable (:default-value (quote not-defined)) nil [6329 6833])
+            ("file-cache-locate-command" variable (:default-value "locate") nil [6835 6988])
+            ("file-cache-no-match-message" variable (:default-value " [File Cache: No match]") nil [7013 7167])
+            ("file-cache-sole-match-message" variable (:default-value " [File Cache: sole completion]") nil [7169 7338])
+            ("file-cache-non-unique-message" variable (:default-value " [File Cache: complete but not unique]") nil [7340 7523])
+            ("file-cache-completion-ignore-case" variable (:default-value (if (memq system-type (quote (ms-dos windows-nt cygwin))) t completion-ignore-case)) nil [7525 7807])
+            ("file-cache-case-fold-search" variable (:default-value (if (memq system-type (quote (ms-dos windows-nt cygwin))) t case-fold-search)) nil [7809 8072])
+            ("file-cache-ignore-case" variable (:default-value (memq system-type (quote (ms-dos windows-nt cygwin)))) nil [8074 8330])
+            ("file-cache-multiple-directory-message" variable nil nil [8332 8382])
+            ("file-cache-completions-buffer" variable (:default-value "*Completions*") nil [8523 8678])
+            ("file-cache-buffer" variable (:default-value "*File Cache*") nil [8680 8805])
+            ("file-cache-buffer-default-regexp" variable (:default-value "^.+$") nil [8807 8945])
+            ("file-cache-last-completion" variable nil nil [8947 8986])
+            ("file-cache-alist" variable nil nil [8988 9267])
+            ("file-cache-completions-keymap" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map completion-list-mode-map) (define-key map [mouse-2] (quote file-cache-choose-completion)) (define-key map "
" (quote file-cache-choose-completion)) map)) nil [9269 9570])
+            ("file-cache--read-list" function (:arguments ("file" "op-prompt")) nil [9734 10143])
+            ("file-cache-add-directory" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("directory" "regexp"))
+                nil [10160 11053])
+            ("file-cache-add-directory-list" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("directories" "regexp"))
+                nil [11070 11723])
+            ("file-cache-add-file-list" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("files"))
+                nil [11725 12089])
+            ("file-cache-add-file" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("file"))
+                nil [12129 13077])
+            ("file-cache-add-directory-using-find" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("directory"))
+                nil [13094 13906])
+            ("file-cache-add-directory-using-locate" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("string"))
+                nil [13923 14349])
+            ("find-lisp-find-files" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [14351 14395])
+            ("file-cache-add-directory-recursively" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("dir" "regexp"))
+                nil [14412 15146])
+            ("file-cache-add-from-file-cache-buffer" function (:arguments ("regexp")) nil [15148 15807])
+            ("file-cache-clear-cache" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [15970 16075])
+            ("file-cache-delete-file" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("file"))
+                nil [16124 16514])
+            ("file-cache-delete-file-list" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("files" "message"))
+                nil [16516 17061])
+            ("file-cache-delete-file-regexp" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("regexp"))
+                nil [17063 17381])
+            ("file-cache-delete-directory" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("directory"))
+                nil [17383 17776])
+            ("file-cache-do-delete-directory" function (:arguments ("dir" "entry")) nil [17778 18120])
+            ("file-cache-delete-directory-list" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("directories"))
+                nil [18122 18434])
+            ("file-cache-directory-name" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [18639 19830])
+            ("file-cache-file-name" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [19875 19994])
+            ("file-cache-canonical-directory" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [20100 20283])
+            ("file-cache-minibuffer-complete" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [20801 23909])
+            ("file-cache-completion-setup-function" function nil nil [24058 24234])
+            ("file-cache-choose-completion" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [24236 24543])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [24545 24652])
+            ("file-cache-complete" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [24654 24905])
+            ("file-cache-files-matching-internal" function (:arguments ("regexp")) nil [25057 25382])
+            ("file-cache-files-matching" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("regexp"))
+                nil [25384 25837])
+            ("file-cache-debug-read-from-minibuffer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("file"))
+                nil [25985 26223])
+            ("file-cache-display" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [26225 26524])
+            ("filecache" package nil nil [26664 26684]))          
+      :file "filecache.el"
+      :pointmax 26713
+      :fsize 26712
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29507 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("dired" include nil nil [1641 1657])
+            ("dired-buffers" variable nil nil [1659 1681])
+            ("dired-subdir-alist" variable nil nil [1682 1709])
+            ("find-lisp-regexp" variable nil nil [1734 1786])
+            ("find-lisp-line-indent" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "  ")
+                nil [1788 1863])
+            ("find-lisp-file-predicate" variable nil nil [1865 1947])
+            ("find-lisp-directory-predicate" variable nil nil [1949 2047])
+            ("find-lisp-debug-buffer" variable (:default-value "*Find Lisp Debug*") nil [2150 2239])
+            ("find-lisp-debug" variable nil nil [2241 2303])
+            ("find-lisp-debug-message" function (:arguments ("message")) nil [2305 2517])
+            ("find-lisp-default-directory-predicate" function (:arguments ("dir" "parent")) nil [2635 3132])
+            ("find-lisp-default-file-predicate" function (:arguments ("file" "dir")) nil [3134 3477])
+            ("find-lisp-file-predicate-is-directory" function (:arguments ("file" "dir")) nil [3479 3833])
+            ("find-lisp-find-files" function (:arguments ("directory" "regexp")) nil [3936 4298])
+            ("find-lisp-find-files-internal" function (:arguments ("directory" "file-predicate" "directory-predicate")) nil [4322 5544])
+            ("find-lisp-find-dired" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("dir" "regexp"))
+                nil [5670 6005])
+            ("find-lisp-find-dired-subdirectories" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("dir"))
+                nil [6049 6351])
+            ("find-lisp-find-dired-internal" function (:arguments ("dir" "file-predicate" "directory-predicate" "buffer-name")) nil [6401 8413])
+            ("find-lisp-insert-directory" function (:arguments ("dir" "file-predicate" "directory-predicate" "_sort-function")) nil [8415 9465])
+            ("find-lisp-find-dired-filter" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("regexp"))
+                nil [9482 9687])
+            ("find-lisp-find-dired-insert-file" function (:arguments ("file" "buffer")) nil [9689 9886])
+            ("find-lisp-format" function (:arguments ("file-name" "file-attr" "switches" "now")) nil [10083 11219])
+            ("find-lisp-time-index" function (:arguments ("switches")) nil [11221 11459])
+            ("find-lisp-format-time" function (:arguments ("file-attr" "switches" "now")) nil [11461 12340])
+            ("find-lisp" package nil nil [12342 12362]))          
+      :file "find-lisp.el"
+      :pointmax 12391
+      :fsize 12390
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29508 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("when" code nil nil [1088 1364])
+            ("file-name-buffer-file-type-alist" variable (:default-value (quote (("[:/].*config.sys$") ("\\.\\(obj\\|exe\\|com\\|lib\\|sys\\|bin\\|ico\\|pif\\|class\\)$" . t) ("\\.\\(dll\\|drv\\|386\\|vxd\\|fon\\|fnt\\|fot\\|ttf\\|grp\\)$" . t) ("\\.\\(bmp\\|wav\\|avi\\|mpg\\|jpg\\|tif\\|mov\\|au\\)$" . t) ("\\.\\(arc\\|zip\\|pak\\|lzh\\|zoo\\)$" . t) ("\\.\\(a\\|o\\|tar\\|z\\|gz\\|taz\\|jar\\)$" . t) ("\\.sx[dmicw]$" . t) ("\\.tp[ulpw]$" . t) ("[:/]tags$")))) nil [1445 2463])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [2465 2562])
+            ("find-buffer-file-type-coding-system" function (:arguments ("command")) nil [2564 6270])
+            ("make-obsolete" code nil nil [6271 6334])
+            ("find-file-binary" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename"))
+                nil [6336 6673])
+            ("find-file-text" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename"))
+                nil [6675 6872])
+            ("w32-find-file-not-found-set-buffer-file-coding-system" function nil nil [6874 7500])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [7552 7651])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [7723 7828])
+            ("w32-untranslated-filesystem-list" variable nil nil [7829 8066])
+            ("w32-untranslated-canonical-name" function (:arguments ("filename")) nil [8068 9050])
+            ("w32-untranslated-file-p" function (:arguments ("filename")) nil [9052 9472])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [9474 9577])
+            ("w32-add-untranslated-filesystem" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filesystem"))
+                nil [9578 10289])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [10292 10401])
+            ("w32-remove-untranslated-filesystem" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filesystem"))
+                nil [10402 10899])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [10974 11101])
+            ("w32-direct-print-region-use-command-dot-com" variable (:default-value t) nil [11102 11264])
+            ("w32-direct-print-region-helper" function (:arguments ("printer" "start" "end" "lpr-prog" "_delete-text" "_buf" "_display" "rest")) nil [11379 15529])
+            ("printer-name" variable nil nil [15531 15552])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [15554 15604])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [15606 15711])
+            ("w32-direct-print-region-function" function (:arguments ("start" "end" "lpr-prog" "delete-text" "buf" "display" "rest")) nil [15712 17244])
+            ("lpr-headers-switches" variable nil nil [17246 17275])
+            ("when" code nil nil [17746 17857])
+            ("ps-printer-name" variable nil nil [17859 17883])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [17885 17996])
+            ("w32-direct-ps-print-region-function" function (:arguments ("start" "end" "lpr-prog" "delete-text" "buf" "display" "rest")) nil [17997 18832])
+            ("dos-w32" package nil nil [18962 18980]))          
+      :file "dos-w32.el"
+      :pointmax 19007
+      :fsize 19006
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29506 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("forms" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [11105 11178])
+            ("forms-mode-hook" variable nil nil [11217 11317])
+            ("forms-file" variable nil nil [11391 11453])
+            ("forms-format-list" variable nil nil [11455 11524])
+            ("forms-number-of-fields" variable nil nil [11526 11594])
+            ("forms-check-number-of-fields" variable (:default-value t) nil [11642 11781])
+            ("forms-field-sep" variable (:default-value "	") nil [11783 11857])
+            ("forms-read-only" variable nil nil [11859 12021])
+            ("forms-multi-line" variable (:default-value "") nil [12023 12135])
+            ("forms-forms-scroll" variable nil nil [12137 12327])
+            ("forms-forms-jump" variable nil nil [12329 12519])
+            ("forms-read-file-filter" variable nil nil [12521 12728])
+            ("forms-write-file-filter" variable nil nil [12730 12901])
+            ("forms-new-record-filter" variable nil nil [12903 13011])
+            ("forms-modified-record-filter" variable nil nil [13013 13129])
+            ("forms-fields" variable nil nil [13131 13314])
+            ("forms-use-text-properties" variable (:default-value t) nil [13316 13496])
+            ("forms-insert-after" variable nil nil [13498 13674])
+            ("forms-ro-face" variable (:default-value (quote default)) nil [13676 13818])
+            ("forms-rw-face" variable (:default-value (quote region)) nil [13820 13962])
+            ("forms--file-buffer" variable nil nil [13990 14058])
+            ("forms--total-records" variable nil nil [14060 14137])
+            ("forms--current-record" variable nil nil [14139 14221])
+            ("forms-mode-map" variable nil nil [14223 14279])
+            ("forms-mode-ro-map" variable nil nil [14280 14352])
+            ("forms-mode-edit-map" variable nil nil [14353 14427])
+            ("forms--markers" variable nil nil [14429 14489])
+            ("forms--dyntexts" variable nil nil [14491 14584])
+            ("forms--the-record-list" variable nil nil [14586 14690])
+            ("forms--search-regexp" variable nil nil [14692 14773])
+            ("forms--format" variable nil nil [14775 14825])
+            ("forms--parser" variable nil nil [14827 14879])
+            ("forms--mode-setup" variable nil nil [14881 14957])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [14958 15005])
+            ("forms--dynamic-text" variable nil nil [15007 15100])
+            ("forms--elements" variable nil nil [15102 15190])
+            ("forms--ro-face" variable nil nil [15192 15276])
+            ("forms--rw-face" variable nil nil [15278 15363])
+            ("read-file-filter" variable nil nil [15366 15391])
+            ("forms-mode" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("primary"))
+                nil [15443 25585])
+            ("forms--process-format-list" function nil nil [25588 28816])
+            ("forms--iif-start" variable nil nil [29306 29377])
+            ("forms--iif-properties" variable nil nil [29378 29471])
+            ("forms--iif-hook" function (:arguments ("_begin" "_end")) nil [29473 30500])
+            ("forms--iif-post-command-hook" function nil nil [30502 30940])
+            ("forms--marker" variable nil nil [30943 30965])
+            ("forms--dyntext" variable nil nil [30966 30989])
+            ("forms--make-format" function nil nil [30991 32318])
+            ("forms--make-format-elt-using-text-properties" function (:arguments ("el")) nil [32320 35471])
+            ("forms--make-format-elt" function (:arguments ("el")) nil [35473 36361])
+            ("forms--field" variable nil nil [36364 36385])
+            ("forms--recordv" variable nil nil [36386 36409])
+            ("forms--seen-text" variable nil nil [36410 36435])
+            ("forms--make-parser" function nil nil [36437 37292])
+            ("forms--parser-using-text-properties" function nil nil [37294 38057])
+            ("forms--make-parser-elt" function (:arguments ("el")) nil [38059 40743])
+            ("forms--intuit-from-file" function nil nil [40746 42261])
+            ("forms--set-keymaps" function nil nil [42264 42422])
+            ("forms--mode-commands" function nil nil [42424 44459])
+            ("forms--mode-menu-ro" function (:arguments ("map")) nil [44461 46571])
+            ("forms--mode-menu-edit" function (:arguments ("map")) nil [46572 48769])
+            ("forms--mode-commands1" function (:arguments ("map")) nil [48771 49161])
+            ("forms--change-commands" function nil nil [49187 50095])
+            ("forms--help" function nil nil [50097 50369])
+            ("forms--trans" function (:arguments ("subj" "arg" "rep")) nil [50371 50659])
+            ("forms--exit" function (:arguments ("save")) nil [50661 51215])
+            ("forms--get-record" function nil nil [51217 51546])
+            ("forms--show-record" function (:arguments ("the-record")) nil [51548 53376])
+            ("forms--parse-form" function nil nil [53378 54436])
+            ("forms--update" function nil nil [54438 55514])
+            ("forms--checkmod" function nil nil [55516 55738])
+            ("forms-find-file" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("fn"))
+                nil [55776 55999])
+            ("forms-find-file-other-window" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("fn"))
+                nil [56016 56289])
+            ("forms-exit" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [56291 56408])
+            ("forms-exit-no-save" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [56410 56524])
+            ("forms-next-record" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [56552 56723])
+            ("forms-prev-record" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [56725 56895])
+            ("forms--goto-record" function (:arguments ("rn" "current")) nil [56897 57296])
+            ("forms-jump-record" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg" "relative"))
+                nil [57298 58324])
+            ("forms-first-record" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [58326 58421])
+            ("forms-last-record" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [58423 58882])
+            ("forms-toggle-read-only" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [58905 59753])
+            ("forms-insert-record" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [60006 61393])
+            ("forms-delete-record" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [61395 62149])
+            ("forms-search-forward" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("regexp"))
+                nil [62151 63160])
+            ("forms-search-backward" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("regexp"))
+                nil [63162 64185])
+            ("forms-save-buffer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("args"))
+                nil [64187 65544])
+            ("forms--revert-buffer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_arg" "noconfirm"))
+                nil [65546 65817])
+            ("forms-next-field" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [65819 66363])
+            ("forms-prev-field" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [66365 66941])
+            ("forms-print" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [66943 67723])
+            ("forms-enumerate" function (:arguments ("the-fields")) nil [67753 68268])
+            ("forms--debug" variable nil nil [68286 68392])
+            ("forms--debug" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [68394 69111])
+            ("forms-mode" package nil nil [69113 69134])
+            ("forms" package nil nil [69157 69173]))          
+      :file "forms.el"
+      :pointmax 69197
+      :fsize 69196
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29509 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("file-name-shadow-properties-custom-type" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote (list (checklist :inline t (const :tag "Invisible" :doc "Make shadowed part of filename invisible" :format "%t%n%h" :inline t (invisible t intangible t)) (list :inline t :format "%v" :tag "Face" :doc "Display shadowed part of filename using a different face" (const :format "" face) (face :value file-name-shadow)) (list :inline t :format "%t: %v%h" :tag "Brackets" :doc "    Surround shadowed part of filename with brackets" (const :format "" before-string) (string :format "%v" :size 4 :value "{") (const :format "" after-string) (string :format " and: %v" :value "} ")) (list :inline t :format "%t: %v%n%h" :tag "String" :doc "Display a string instead of the shadowed part of filename" (const :format "" display) (string :format "%v" :size 15 :value "<...ignored...>")) (const :tag "Avoid" :doc "Try to keep cursor out of shadowed part of filename" :format "%t%n%h" :inline t (field shadow))) (repeat :inline t :tag "Other Properties" (list :inline t :format "%v" (symbol :tag "Property") (sexp :tag "Value"))))))
+                nil [1460 3319])
+            ("file-name-shadow-properties" variable (:default-value (quote (face file-name-shadow field shadow))) nil [3321 3747])
+            ("file-name-shadow-tty-properties" variable (:default-value (purecopy (quote (before-string "{" after-string "} " field shadow)))) nil [3749 4208])
+            ("file-name-shadow" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit shadow)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [4210 4357])
+            ("rfn-eshadow-setup-minibuffer-hook" variable nil nil [4359 4457])
+            ("rfn-eshadow-update-overlay-hook" variable nil nil [4459 4554])
+            ("rfn-eshadow-frobbed-minibufs" variable nil nil [4649 4690])
+            ("rfn-eshadow-overlay" variable nil nil [4779 4807])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [4808 4857])
+            ("rfn-eshadow-setup-minibuffer" function nil nil [4928 5958])
+            ("rfn-eshadow-sifn-equal" function (:arguments ("goal" "pos")) nil [5960 6196])
+            ("rfn-eshadow-update-overlay" function nil nil [6237 7972])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [7975 9446])
+            ("rfn-eshadow" package nil nil [9449 9471]))          
+      :file "rfn-eshadow.el"
+      :pointmax 9502
+      :fsize 9501
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29516 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl" include nil nil [928 941])
+            ("format-spec" function (:arguments ("format" "specification")) nil [944 2331])
+            ("format-spec-make" function (:arguments ("pairs")) nil [2333 2736])
+            ("format-spec" package nil nil [2738 2760]))          
+      :file "format-spec.el"
+      :pointmax 2791
+      :fsize 2790
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29509 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 941 . 942) (symbol 910 . 927) (open-paren 909 . 910)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("grep" include nil nil [1483 1498])
+            ("find-constituents" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((and . find-and) (not . find-not) (or . find-or) (a . find-and) (n . find-not) (o . find-or) (prune . find-prune) (L 0) (P 0) (H 0) (amin 1) (anewer 1) (atime 1) (cmin 1) (cnewer 1) (ctime 1) (empty 0) (executable 0) (false 0) (fstype 1) (gid 1) (group 1) (ilname 1) (iname 1) (inum 1) (ipath 1) (iregex 1) (iwholename 1) (links 1) (lname 1) (mmin 1) (mtime 1) (name 1) (newer 1) (nogroup 0) (nouser 0) (path 1) (perm 0) (readable 0) (regex 1) (samefile 1) (size 1) (true 0) (type 1) (uid 1) (used 1) (user 1) (wholename 1) (writable 0) (xtype nil) (daystart 0) (depth 0) (maxdepth 1) (mindepth 1) (mount 0) (noleaf 0) (ignore_readdir_race 0) (noignore_readdir_race 0) (regextype 1) (xdev 0) (delete 0) (print0 0) (printf 1) (fprintf 2) (print 0) (fprint0 1) (fprint 1) (ls 0) (fls 1) (prune 0) (quit 0) (exec 1 find-command t) (ok 1 find-command t) (execdir 1 find-command t) (okdir 1 find-command t))))
+                nil [1500 3745])
+            ("find-cmd" function (:arguments ("subfinds")) nil [3762 4529])
+            ("find-and" function (:arguments ("form")) nil [4531 4848])
+            ("find-or" function (:arguments ("form")) nil [4850 5162])
+            ("find-not" function (:arguments ("form")) nil [5164 5525])
+            ("find-prune" function (:arguments ("form")) nil [5527 5921])
+            ("find-generic" function (:arguments ("option" "oper" "argcount" "args" "dont-quote")) nil [5923 6990])
+            ("find-command" function (:arguments ("form")) nil [6992 7260])
+            ("find-to-string" function (:arguments ("form")) nil [7262 7957])
+            ("find-cmd" package nil nil [7959 7978]))          
+      :file "find-cmd.el"
+      :pointmax 8006
+      :fsize 8005
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29508 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [2380 2397])
+            ("kmacro" include nil nil [2398 2415])
+            ("edmacro-eight-bits" variable nil nil [2466 2673])
+            ("edmacro-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "" (quote edmacro-finish-edit)) (define-key map "" (quote edmacro-insert-key)) map)) nil [2675 2850])
+            ("edmacro-store-hook" variable nil nil [2852 2879])
+            ("edmacro-finish-hook" variable nil nil [2880 2908])
+            ("edmacro-original-buffer" variable nil nil [2909 2941])
+            ("edit-kbd-macro" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("keys" "prefix" "finish-hook" "store-hook"))
+                nil [2958 6792])
+            ("edit-last-kbd-macro" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("prefix"))
+                nil [6897 7061])
+            ("edit-named-kbd-macro" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("prefix"))
+                nil [7078 7277])
+            ("read-kbd-macro" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end"))
+                nil [7294 8100])
+            ("format-kbd-macro" function (:arguments ("macro" "verbose")) nil [8117 8596])
+            ("edmacro-finish-edit" function nil nil [8638 12824])
+            ("edmacro-insert-key" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("key"))
+                nil [12826 13050])
+            ("edmacro-mode" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [13052 16277])
+            ("put" code nil nil [16278 16318])
+            ("edmacro-format-keys" function (:arguments ("macro" "verbose")) nil [16378 23120])
+            ("edmacro-sanitize-for-string" function (:arguments ("seq")) nil [23122 23530])
+            ("edmacro-fix-menu-commands" function (:arguments ("macro" "noerror")) nil [23532 24313])
+            ("edmacro-parse-keys" function (:arguments ("string" "need-vector")) nil [24362 28248])
+            ("edmacro" package nil nil [28250 28268]))          
+      :file "edmacro.el"
+      :pointmax 28295
+      :fsize 28294
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29506 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "kmacro.el"
+      :fsize 46697
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29512 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("filesets-version" variable (:default-value "1.8.4") nil [904 937])
+            ("filesets-homepage" variable (:default-value "") nil [938 1020])
+            ("cl-lib" include nil nil [2966 2983])
+            ("filesets-menu-cache" variable nil nil [3006 3067])
+            ("filesets-cache-version" variable nil nil [3068 3140])
+            ("filesets-cache-hostname" variable nil nil [3141 3211])
+            ("filesets-ingroup-cache" variable nil nil [3213 3301])
+            ("filesets-ingroup-files" variable nil nil [3302 3408])
+            ("filesets-has-changed-flag" variable (:default-value t) nil [3410 3501])
+            ("filesets-submenus" variable nil nil [3502 3581])
+            ("filesets-updated-buffers" variable nil nil [3582 3665])
+            ("filesets-menu-use-cached-flag" variable nil nil [3666 3781])
+            ("filesets-update-cache-file-flag" variable nil nil [3782 3870])
+            ("filesets-ignore-next-set-default" variable nil nil [3871 3995])
+            ("filesets-output-buffer-flag" variable nil nil [3997 4141])
+            ("filesets-verbosity" variable (:default-value 1) nil [4143 4248])
+            ("filesets-menu-ensure-use-cached" variable (:default-value (and (featurep (quote xemacs)) (if (fboundp (quote emacs-version>=)) (not (emacs-version>= 21 5))))) nil [4250 5156])
+            ("filesets-filter-list" function (:arguments ("lst" "cond-fn")) nil [5169 5531])
+            ("filesets-ormap" function (:arguments ("fsom-pred" "lst")) nil [5533 5856])
+            ("filesets-some" function (:arguments ("fss-pred" "fss-lst")) nil [5858 6175])
+            ("filesets-member" function (:arguments ("fsm-item" "fsm-lst" "fsm-keys")) nil [6235 6617])
+            ("filesets-sublist" function (:arguments ("lst" "beg" "end")) nil [6681 6939])
+            ("filesets-select-command" function (:arguments ("cmd-list")) nil [6941 7287])
+            ("filesets-which-command" function (:arguments ("cmd")) nil [7289 7401])
+            ("filesets-which-command-p" function (:arguments ("cmd")) nil [7403 7607])
+            ("filesets-message" function (:arguments ("level" "args")) nil [7609 7803])
+            ("filesets-save-config" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7822 7934])
+            ("filesets-reset-fileset" function (:arguments ("fileset" "no-cache")) nil [7936 8312])
+            ("filesets-set-config" function (:arguments ("fileset" "var" "val")) nil [8314 8452])
+            ("filesets-set-default" function (:arguments ("sym" "val" "init-flag")) nil [8694 9353])
+            ("filesets-set-default!" function (:arguments ("sym" "val")) nil [9355 9538])
+            ("filesets-set-default+" function (:arguments ("sym" "val")) nil [9540 9725])
+            ("filesets-data" variable nil nil [9765 9787])
+            ("filesets-data-set-default" function (:arguments ("sym" "val")) nil [9789 10355])
+            ("filesets" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [10376 10486])
+            ("filesets-menu-name" variable (:default-value "Filesets") nil [10488 10628])
+            ("filesets-menu-path" variable (:default-value (quote ("File"))) nil [10630 10955])
+            ("filesets-menu-before" variable (:default-value "Open File...") nil [10957 11300])
+            ("filesets-menu-in-menu" variable nil nil [11302 11513])
+            ("filesets-menu-shortcuts-flag" variable (:default-value t) nil [11515 11701])
+            ("filesets-menu-shortcuts-marker" variable (:default-value "%_") nil [11703 11864])
+            ("filesets-menu-cache-file" variable (:default-value (locate-user-emacs-file "filesets-cache.el")) nil [12074 12404])
+            ("put" code nil nil [12405 12460])
+            ("filesets-menu-cache-contents" variable (:default-value (quote (filesets-be-docile-flag filesets-submenus filesets-menu-cache filesets-ingroup-cache))) nil [12462 14044])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [14046 14156])
+            ("filesets-cache-fill-content-hook" variable nil nil [14157 14835])
+            ("filesets-cache-hostname-flag" variable nil nil [14837 15089])
+            ("filesets-cache-save-often-flag" variable nil nil [15091 15474])
+            ("filesets-max-submenu-length" variable (:default-value 25) nil [15476 15755])
+            ("filesets-max-entry-length" variable (:default-value 50) nil [15757 15925])
+            ("filesets-browse-dir-function" variable (:default-value (quote dired)) nil [15927 16481])
+            ("filesets-open-file-function" variable (:default-value (quote filesets-find-or-display-file)) nil [16483 17366])
+            ("filesets-save-buffer-function" variable (:default-value (quote save-buffer)) nil [17368 17714])
+            ("filesets-find-file-delay" variable (:default-value (if (and (featurep (quote xemacs)) gutter-buffers-tab-visible-p) 0.5 0)) nil [17716 18075])
+            ("filesets-be-docile-flag" variable nil nil [18077 18357])
+            ("filesets-sort-menu-flag" variable (:default-value t) nil [18359 18528])
+            ("filesets-sort-case-sensitive-flag" variable (:default-value t) nil [18530 18718])
+            ("filesets-tree-max-level" variable (:default-value 3) nil [18720 19491])
+            ("filesets-commands" variable (:default-value (\` (("Isearch" multi-isearch-files (filesets-cmd-isearch-getargs)) ("Isearch (regexp)" multi-isearch-files-regexp (filesets-cmd-isearch-getargs)) ("Query Replace" perform-replace (filesets-cmd-query-replace-getargs)) ("Query Replace (regexp)" perform-replace (filesets-cmd-query-replace-regexp-getargs)) ("Grep <<selection>>" "grep" ("-n " filesets-get-quoted-selection " " "<<file-name>>")) ("Run Shell Command" filesets-cmd-shell-command (filesets-cmd-shell-command-getargs))))) nil [19493 20921])
+            ("put" code nil nil [20922 20970])
+            ("filesets-external-viewers" variable (:default-value (let ((ps-cmd "ggv") (pdf-cmd "xpdf") (dvi-cmd "xdvi") (doc-cmd "antiword") (pic-cmd "gqview")) (\` (("^.+\\..?html?$" browse-url ((:ignore-on-open-all t))) ("^.+\\.pdf$" (\, pdf-cmd) ((:ignore-on-open-all t) (:ignore-on-read-text t) (:constraint-flag (\, pdf-cmd)))) ("^.+\\.e?ps\\(.gz\\)?$" (\, ps-cmd) ((:ignore-on-open-all t) (:ignore-on-read-text t) (:constraint-flag (\, ps-cmd)))) ("^.+\\.dvi$" (\, dvi-cmd) ((:ignore-on-open-all t) (:ignore-on-read-text t) (:constraint-flag (\, dvi-cmd)))) ("^.+\\.doc$" (\, doc-cmd) ((:capture-output t) (:ignore-on-read-text t) (:constraint-flag (\, doc-cmd)))) ("^.+\\.\\(tiff\\|xpm\\|gif\\|pgn\\)$" (\, pic-cmd) ((:ignore-on-open-all t) (:ignore-on-read-text t) (:constraint-flag (\, pic-cmd)))))))) nil [20972 25990])
+            ("put" code nil nil [25991 26047])
+            ("filesets-ingroup-patterns" variable (:default-value (quote (("^.+\\.tex$" t (((:name "Package") (:pattern "\\\\usepackage\\W*\\(\\[[^]]*\\]\\W*\\)?{\\W*\\(.+\\)\\W*}") (:match-number 2) (:stub-flag t) (:get-file-name (lambda (master file) (filesets-which-file master (concat file ".sty") (filesets-convert-path-list (or (getenv "MY_TEXINPUTS") (getenv "TEXINPUTS"))))))) ((:name "Include") (:pattern "\\\\include\\W*{\\W*\\(.+\\)\\W*}") (:get-file-name (lambda (master file) (filesets-which-file master (concat file ".tex") (filesets-convert-path-list (or (getenv "MY_TEXINPUTS") (getenv "TEXINPUTS")))))) (:scan-depth 5)) ((:name "Input") (:pattern "\\\\input\\W*{\\W*\\(.+\\)\\W*}") (:stubp (lambda (a b) (not (filesets-files-in-same-directory-p a b)))) (:get-file-name (lambda (master file) (filesets-which-file master (concat file ".tex") (filesets-convert-path-list (or (getenv "MY_TEXINPUTS") (getenv "TEXINPUTS")))))) (:scan-depth 5)) ((:name "Bibliography") (:pattern "\\\\bibliography\\W*{\\W*\\(.+\\)\\W*}") (:get-file-name (lambda (master file) (filesets-which-file master (concat file ".bib") (filesets-convert-path-list (or (getenv "MY_BIBINPUTS") (getenv "BIBINPUTS"))))))))) ("^.+\\.el$" t (((:name "Require") (:pattern "(require\\W+'\\(.+\\))") (:stubp (lambda (a b) (not (filesets-files-in-same-directory-p a b)))) (:get-file-name (lambda (master file) (filesets-which-file master (concat file ".el") load-path)))) ((:name "Load") (:pattern "(load\\(-library\\)?\\W+\"\\(.+\\)\")") (:match-number 2) (:get-file-name (lambda (master file) (filesets-which-file master file load-path)))))) ("^\\([A-ZÄÖÜ][a-zäöüß]+\\([A-ZÄÖÜ][a-zäöüß]+\\)+\\)$" t (((:pattern "\\<\\([A-ZÄÖÜ][a-zäöüß]+\\([A-ZÄÖÜ][a-zäöüß]+\\)+\\)\\>") (:scan-depth 5) (:stubp (lambda (a b) (not (filesets-files-in-same-directory-p a b)))) (:case-sensitive t) (:get-file-name (lambda (master file) (filesets-which-file master file (if (boundp (quote emacs-wiki-directories)) emacs-wiki-directories nil)))))))))) nil [26049 32640])
+            ("put" code nil nil [32641 32697])
+            ("filesets-data" variable nil nil [32699 37288])
+            ("put" code nil nil [37289 37333])
+            ("filesets-query-user-limit" variable (:default-value 15) nil [37336 37517])
+            ("if" code nil nil [37564 37777])
+            ("filesets-filter-dir-names" function (:arguments ("lst" "negative")) nil [37780 38136])
+            ("filesets-conditional-sort" function (:arguments ("lst" "access-fn")) nil [38138 38739])
+            ("filesets-directory-files" function (:arguments ("dir" "pattern" "what" "full-flag" "match-dirs-flag")) nil [38741 40220])
+            ("filesets-quote" function (:arguments ("txt")) nil [40222 40301])
+            ("filesets-get-selection" function nil nil [40303 40540])
+            ("filesets-get-quoted-selection" function nil nil [40542 40676])
+            ("filesets-get-shortcut" function (:arguments ("n")) nil [40678 40999])
+            ("filesets-files-equalp" function (:arguments ("a" "b")) nil [41001 41139])
+            ("filesets-files-in-same-directory-p" function (:arguments ("a" "b")) nil [41141 41365])
+            ("filesets-convert-path-list" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [41367 41579])
+            ("filesets-which-file" function (:arguments ("master" "filename" "path-list")) nil [41581 42151])
+            ("filesets-eviewer-get-props" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [42154 42274])
+            ("filesets-eviewer-constraint-p" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [42276 42624])
+            ("filesets-get-external-viewer" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [42626 42941])
+            ("filesets-get-external-viewer-by-name" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [42943 43237])
+            ("filesets-filetype-property" function (:arguments ("filename" "event" "entry")) nil [43239 44044])
+            ("filesets-filetype-get-prop" function (:arguments ("property" "filename" "entry")) nil [44046 44343])
+            ("filesets-reset-filename-on-change" function nil nil [44345 44523])
+            ("filesets-spawn-external-viewer" function (:arguments ("file" "ev-entry")) nil [44525 46175])
+            ("filesets-find-file" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [46177 46548])
+            ("filesets-find-or-display-file" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("file" "viewer"))
+                nil [46550 47107])
+            ("filesets-find-file-using" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [47109 47497])
+            ("filesets-browser-name" function nil nil [47499 47744])
+            ("filesets-browse-dir" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [47746 48197])
+            ("filesets-get-fileset-name" function (:arguments ("something")) nil [48199 48355])
+            ("filesets-data-get-name" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [48357 48463])
+            ("filesets-data-get-data" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [48465 48579])
+            ("filesets-alist-get" function (:arguments ("alist" "key" "default" "carp")) nil [48581 48901])
+            ("filesets-data-get" function (:arguments ("entry" "key" "default" "carp")) nil [48903 49168])
+            ("filesets-data-set" function (:arguments ("entry" "key" "value")) nil [49170 49434])
+            ("filesets-entry-mode" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [49436 49734])
+            ("filesets-entry-get-open-fn" function (:arguments ("fileset-name" "fileset-entry")) nil [49736 50050])
+            ("filesets-entry-get-save-fn" function (:arguments ("fileset-name" "fileset-entry")) nil [50052 50368])
+            ("filesets-entry-get-files" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [50370 50487])
+            ("filesets-entry-set-files" function (:arguments ("entry" "data" "anyways")) nil [50489 50712])
+            ("filesets-entry-get-verbosity" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [50714 50845])
+            ("filesets-entry-get-file" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [50847 50970])
+            ("filesets-entry-get-pattern" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [50972 51159])
+            ("filesets-entry-get-pattern--pattern" function (:arguments ("list")) nil [51161 51375])
+            ("filesets-entry-get-pattern--dir" function (:arguments ("list")) nil [51377 51598])
+            ("filesets-entry-get-tree" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [51600 51718])
+            ("filesets-entry-get-dormant-flag" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [51720 51945])
+            ("filesets-entry-get-filter-dirs-flag" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [51947 52095])
+            ("filesets-entry-get-tree-max-level" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [52097 52252])
+            ("filesets-entry-get-master" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [52254 52380])
+            ("filesets-file-open" function (:arguments ("open-function" "file-name" "fileset-name")) nil [52382 52789])
+            ("filesets-file-close" function (:arguments ("save-function" "buffer")) nil [52791 53178])
+            ("filesets-get-fileset-from-name" function (:arguments ("name" "mode")) nil [53180 53360])
+            ("filesets-cmd-get-def" function (:arguments ("cmd-name")) nil [53376 53500])
+            ("filesets-cmd-get-args" function (:arguments ("cmd-name")) nil [53502 53840])
+            ("filesets-cmd-get-fn" function (:arguments ("cmd-name")) nil [53842 53944])
+            ("filesets-cmd-show-result" function (:arguments ("cmd" "output")) nil [53946 54201])
+            ("filesets-run-cmd--repl-fn" function (:arguments ("arg" "format-fn")) nil [54203 54590])
+            ("filesets-run-cmd" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("cmd-name" "fileset" "mode"))
+                nil [54592 56331])
+            ("filesets-get-cmd-menu" function nil nil [56333 56543])
+            ("filesets-cmd-query-replace-getargs" function nil nil [56566 56846])
+            ("filesets-cmd-query-replace-regexp-getargs" function nil nil [56848 57131])
+            ("filesets-cmd-isearch-getargs" function nil nil [57133 57287])
+            ("filesets-cmd-shell-command-getargs" function nil nil [57289 57497])
+            ("filesets-cmd-shell-command" function (:arguments ("txt")) nil [57499 57900])
+            ("filesets-get-filelist" function (:arguments ("entry" "mode" "event")) nil [57912 59128])
+            ("filesets-open" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("mode" "name" "lookup-name"))
+                nil [59130 60081])
+            ("filesets-close" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("mode" "name" "lookup-name"))
+                nil [60083 61000])
+            ("filesets-add-buffer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("name" "buffer"))
+                nil [61002 62358])
+            ("filesets-remove-buffer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("name" "buffer"))
+                nil [62360 63271])
+            ("filesets-convert-patterns" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("name"))
+                nil [63273 63693])
+            ("filesets-edit" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [63695 63804])
+            ("filesets-customize" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [63806 63915])
+            ("filesets-info" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [63917 64109])
+            ("filesets-goto-homepage" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [64111 64223])
+            ("filesets-remake-shortcut" function (:arguments ("count" "submenu")) nil [64225 64540])
+            ("filesets-wrap-submenu" function (:arguments ("submenu-body")) nil [64590 65967])
+            ("filesets-get-menu-epilog" function (:arguments ("something" "mode" "lookup-name" "rebuild-flag")) nil [65969 68223])
+            ("filesets-ingroup-get-data" function (:arguments ("master" "pos" "fun")) nil [68225 68644])
+            ("filesets-ingroup-get-pattern" function (:arguments ("master")) nil [68646 68792])
+            ("filesets-ingroup-get-remdupl-p" function (:arguments ("master")) nil [68794 68956])
+            ("filesets-ingroup-collect-finder" function (:arguments ("patt" "case-sensitivep")) nil [68958 69272])
+            ("filesets-ingroup-cache-get" function (:arguments ("master")) nil [69274 69405])
+            ("filesets-ingroup-cache-put" function (:arguments ("master" "file")) nil [69407 69720])
+            ("filesets-ingroup-collect-files" function (:arguments ("fs" "remdupl-flag" "master" "depth")) nil [69722 72254])
+            ("filesets-ingroup-collect-build-menu" function (:arguments ("fs" "flist" "other-count")) nil [72256 73688])
+            ("filesets-ingroup-collect" function (:arguments ("fs" "remdupl-flag" "master")) nil [73690 74002])
+            ("filesets-build-ingroup-submenu" function (:arguments ("lookup-name" "master")) nil [74004 74474])
+            ("filesets-build-dir-submenu-now" function (:arguments ("level" "depth" "entry" "lookup-name" "dir" "patt" "fd" "rebuild-flag")) nil [74476 76132])
+            ("filesets-build-dir-submenu" function (:arguments ("entry" "lookup-name" "dir" "patt")) nil [76134 76540])
+            ("filesets-build-submenu" function (:arguments ("count" "lookup-name" "entry")) nil [76542 79159])
+            ("filesets-remove-from-ubl" function (:arguments ("buffer")) nil [79161 79450])
+            ("filesets-build-menu-now" function (:arguments ("from-scratch-flag")) nil [79452 81347])
+            ("filesets-build-menu-maybe" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [81349 81463])
+            ("filesets-build-menu" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [81465 81680])
+            ("filesets-rebuild-this-submenu" function (:arguments ("fileset")) nil [81682 81832])
+            ("filesets-menu-cache-file-save-maybe" function (:arguments ("simply-do-it")) nil [81834 83147])
+            ("filesets-menu-cache-file-save" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [83149 83283])
+            ("filesets-update-cleanup" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [83285 83625])
+            ("filesets-update-pre010505" function nil nil [83627 85073])
+            ("filesets-update" function (:arguments ("cached-version")) nil [85075 85338])
+            ("filesets-menu-cache-file-load" function nil nil [85340 85893])
+            ("filesets-exit" function nil nil [85895 85959])
+            ("filesets-init" function nil nil [85976 86765])
+            ("filesets" package nil nil [86768 86787]))          
+      :file "filesets.el"
+      :pointmax 86875
+      :fsize 86902
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29508 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 37777 . 37778) (symbol 37545 . 37561) (open-paren 37544 . 37545) (close-paren 2983 . 2984) (symbol 2948 . 2965) (open-paren 2947 . 2948)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("term-protocol-version" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "0.96")
+                nil [12810 12849])
+            ("ange-ftp" include nil nil [12870 12889])
+            ("cl-lib" include nil nil [12910 12927])
+            ("ring" include nil nil [12929 12944])
+            ("ehelp" include nil nil [12945 12961])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [12963 13008])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [13009 13056])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [13057 13119])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [13120 13164])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [13165 13214])
+            ("term" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [13216 13300])
+            ("term-input-ring-size" variable (:default-value 32) nil [13781 13843])
+            ("term-height" variable nil nil [14578 14598])
+            ("term-width" variable nil nil [14647 14666])
+            ("term-home-marker" variable nil nil [14718 14743])
+            ("term-saved-home-marker" variable nil nil [14795 14925])
+            ("term-start-line-column" variable nil nil [14926 15024])
+            ("term-current-column" variable nil nil [15025 15100])
+            ("term-current-row" variable nil nil [15101 15198])
+            ("term-insert-mode" variable nil nil [15199 15228])
+            ("term-vertical-motion" variable nil nil [15229 15258])
+            ("term-terminal-state" variable nil nil [15259 15658])
+            ("term-kill-echo-list" variable nil nil [15659 15745])
+            ("term-terminal-parameter" variable nil nil [15746 15778])
+            ("term-terminal-undecoded-bytes" variable nil nil [15779 15821])
+            ("term-terminal-previous-parameter" variable nil nil [15822 15863])
+            ("term-current-face" variable (:default-value (quote term)) nil [15864 15896])
+            ("term-scroll-start" variable nil nil [15897 15974])
+            ("term-scroll-end" variable nil nil [15975 15999])
+            ("term-pager-count" variable nil nil [16054 16155])
+            ("term-saved-cursor" variable nil nil [16156 16186])
+            ("term-command-hook" variable nil nil [16187 16213])
+            ("term-log-buffer" variable nil nil [16214 16242])
+            ("term-scroll-with-delete" variable nil nil [16243 16524])
+            ("term-pending-delete-marker" variable nil nil [16525 16560])
+            ("term-old-mode-map" variable nil nil [16732 16804])
+            ("term-old-mode-line-format" variable nil nil [16805 16839])
+            ("term-pager-old-local-map" variable nil nil [16883 16953])
+            ("term-pager-old-filter" variable nil nil [16954 16984])
+            ("defvar-local" code nil nil [17022 17133])
+            ("explicit-shell-file-name" variable nil nil [17135 17302])
+            ("term-prompt-regexp" variable (:default-value "^") nil [17304 17741])
+            ("term-delimiter-argument-list" variable nil nil [17743 18172])
+            ("term-input-autoexpand" variable nil nil [18174 18692])
+            ("term-input-ignoredups" variable nil nil [18694 18908])
+            ("term-input-ring-file-name" variable nil nil [18910 19180])
+            ("term-char-mode-buffer-read-only" variable (:default-value t) nil [19182 19691])
+            ("term-char-mode-point-at-process-mark" variable (:default-value t) nil [19693 20527])
+            ("term-scroll-to-bottom-on-output" variable nil nil [20529 20962])
+            ("term-scroll-show-maximum-output" variable nil nil [20964 21254])
+            ("term-suppress-hard-newline" variable nil nil [21256 21488])
+            ("term-pending-frame" variable nil nil [21659 21690])
+            ("term-get-old-input" variable (:default-value (function term-get-old-input-default)) nil [21732 22112])
+            ("term-dynamic-complete-functions" variable (:default-value (quote (term-replace-by-expanded-history term-dynamic-complete-filename))) nil [22114 22414])
+            ("term-input-filter" variable (:default-value (function (lambda (str) (not (string-match "\\`\\s *\\'" str))))) nil [22416 22702])
+            ("term-input-filter-functions" variable (:default-value (quote nil)) nil [22704 22907])
+            ("term-input-sender" variable (:default-value (function term-simple-send)) nil [22909 23261])
+            ("term-partial-ansi-terminal-message" variable nil nil [23263 23373])
+            ("term-eol-on-send" variable (:default-value t) nil [23375 23526])
+            ("term-mode-hook" variable (:default-value (quote nil)) nil [23528 23671])
+            ("term-exec-hook" variable (:default-value (quote nil)) nil [23673 24058])
+            ("term-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "p" (quote term-previous-input)) (define-key map "n" (quote term-next-input)) (define-key map "r" (quote term-previous-matching-input)) (define-key map "s" (quote term-next-matching-input)) (unless (featurep (quote xemacs)) (define-key map [138412146] (quote term-previous-matching-input-from-input)) (define-key map [138412147] (quote term-next-matching-input-from-input))) (define-key map "" (quote term-show-output)) (define-key map "
" (quote term-send-input)) (define-key map "" (quote term-delchar-or-maybe-eof)) (define-key map "" (quote term-bol)) (define-key map "" (quote term-kill-input)) (define-key map "" (quote backward-kill-word)) (define-key map "" (quote term-interrupt-subjob)) (define-key map "" (quote term-stop-subjob)) (define-key map "" (quote term-quit-subjob)) (define-key map "
" (quote term-copy-old-input)) (define-key map "" (quote term-kill-output)) (define-key map "" (quote term-show-output)) (define-key map "" (quote term-show-maximum-output)) (define-key map "" (quote term-dynamic-list-input-ring)) (define-key map "" (quote term-next-prompt)) (define-key map "" (quote term-previous-prompt)) (define-key map "" (quote term-send-eof)) (define-key map "" (quote term-char-mode)) (define-key map "
+" (quote term-line-mode)) (define-key map "" (quote term-pager-toggle)) (easy-menu-define nil map "Complete menu for Term mode." (quote ("Complete" ["Complete Before Point" term-dynamic-complete t] ["Complete File Name" term-dynamic-complete-filename t] ["File Completion Listing" term-dynamic-list-filename-completions t] ["Expand File Name" term-replace-by-expanded-filename t]))) (easy-menu-define nil map "In/Out menu for Term mode." (quote ("In/Out" ["Expand History Before Point" term-replace-by-expanded-history term-input-autoexpand] ["List Input History" term-dynamic-list-input-ring t] ["Previous Input" term-previous-input t] ["Next Input" term-next-input t] ["Previous Matching Current Input" term-previous-matching-input-from-input t] ["Next Matching Current Input" term-next-matching-input-from-input t] ["Previous Matching Input..." term-previous-matching-input t] ["Next Matching Input..." term-next-matching-input t] ["Backward Matching Input..." term-backward-matching-input t] ["Forward Matching Input..." term-forward-matching-input t] ["Copy Old Input" term-copy-old-input t] ["Kill Current Input" term-kill-input t] ["Show Current Output Group" term-show-output t] ["Show Maximum Output" term-show-maximum-output t] ["Backward Output Group" term-previous-prompt t] ["Forward Output Group" term-next-prompt t] ["Kill Current Output Group" term-kill-output t]))) map)) nil [24060 27131])
+            ("term-escape-char" variable nil nil [27133 27278])
+            ("term-pager-break-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-keymap))) (define-key map "" (lookup-key (current-global-map) "")) (define-key map "" (lookup-key (current-global-map) "")) (define-key map "" (lookup-key (current-global-map) "")) (define-key map " " (quote term-pager-page)) (define-key map "
" (quote term-pager-line)) (define-key map "?" (quote term-pager-help)) (define-key map "h" (quote term-pager-help)) (define-key map "b" (quote term-pager-back-page)) (define-key map "" (quote term-pager-back-line)) (define-key map "q" (quote term-pager-discard)) (define-key map "D" (quote term-pager-disable)) (define-key map "<" (quote term-pager-bob)) (define-key map ">" (quote term-pager-eob)) map)) nil [27280 28108])
+            ("term-ptyp" variable (:default-value t) nil [28110 28256])
+            ("term-last-input-match" variable nil nil [28258 28389])
+            ("term-input-ring" variable nil nil [28391 28419])
+            ("term-last-input-start" variable nil nil [28420 28450])
+            ("term-last-input-end" variable nil nil [28451 28479])
+            ("term-input-ring-index" variable nil nil [28480 28557])
+            ("term-matching-input-from-input-string" variable nil nil [28558 28657])
+            ("term-pager-filter" variable (:default-value t) nil [28772 28800])
+            ("put" code nil nil [28802 28843])
+            ("put" code nil nil [28844 28891])
+            ("put" code nil nil [28892 28939])
+            ("put" code nil nil [28940 28993])
+            ("put" code nil nil [28994 29051])
+            ("put" code nil nil [29052 29109])
+            ("put" code nil nil [29110 29145])
+            ("term-in-char-mode" function nil nil [29147 29217])
+            ("term-in-line-mode" function nil nil [29218 29276])
+            ("term-pager-enabled" function nil nil [29320 29370])
+            ("term-handling-pager" function nil nil [29371 29430])
+            ("term-using-alternate-sub-buffer" function nil nil [29431 29500])
+            ("term-ansi-at-host" variable nil nil [29541 29571])
+            ("term-ansi-at-dir" variable nil nil [29572 29601])
+            ("term-ansi-at-user" variable nil nil [29602 29632])
+            ("term-ansi-at-message" variable nil nil [29633 29666])
+            ("term-ansi-at-save-user" variable nil nil [29667 29702])
+            ("term-ansi-at-save-pwd" variable nil nil [29703 29737])
+            ("term-ansi-at-save-anon" variable nil nil [29738 29773])
+            ("term-ansi-current-bold" variable nil nil [29774 29809])
+            ("term-ansi-current-color" variable nil nil [29810 29844])
+            ("term-ansi-face-already-done" variable nil nil [29845 29885])
+            ("term-ansi-current-bg-color" variable nil nil [29886 29923])
+            ("term-ansi-current-underline" variable nil nil [29924 29964])
+            ("term-ansi-current-reverse" variable nil nil [29965 30003])
+            ("term-ansi-current-invisible" variable nil nil [30004 30044])
+            ("term-terminal-more-parameters" variable nil nil [30104 30144])
+            ("term-terminal-previous-parameter-2" variable (:default-value -1) nil [30145 30191])
+            ("term-terminal-previous-parameter-3" variable (:default-value -1) nil [30192 30238])
+            ("term-terminal-previous-parameter-4" variable (:default-value -1) nil [30239 30285])
+            ("ansi-term-color-vector" variable (:default-value [term term-color-black term-color-red term-color-green term-color-yellow term-color-blue term-color-magenta term-color-cyan term-color-white]) nil [30297 30496])
+            ("term-default-fg-color" variable nil nil [30498 30661])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [30662 30771])
+            ("term-default-bg-color" variable nil nil [30773 30936])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [30937 31046])
+            ("term" variable
+               (:default-value (\` ((t :foreground (\, term-default-fg-color) :background (\, term-default-bg-color) :inherit default)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [31048 31226])
+            ("term-bold" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :bold t)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [31228 31318])
+            ("term-underline" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :underline t)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [31320 31426])
+            ("term-color-black" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :foreground "black" :background "black")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [31428 31560])
+            ("term-color-red" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :foreground "red3" :background "red3")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [31562 31688])
+            ("term-color-green" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :foreground "green3" :background "green3")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [31690 31824])
+            ("term-color-yellow" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :foreground "yellow3" :background "yellow3")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [31826 31964])
+            ("term-color-blue" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :foreground "blue2" :background "blue2")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [31966 32096])
+            ("term-color-magenta" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :foreground "magenta3" :background "magenta3")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [32098 32240])
+            ("term-color-cyan" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :foreground "cyan3" :background "cyan3")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [32242 32372])
+            ("term-color-white" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :foreground "white" :background "white")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [32374 32506])
+            ("term-buffer-maximum-size" variable (:default-value 2048) nil [32547 32837])
+            ("term-raw-map" variable (:default-value (let* ((map (make-keymap)) (esc-map (make-keymap)) (i 0)) (while (< i 128) (define-key map (make-string 1 i) (quote term-send-raw)) (unless (or (eq i 79) (eq i 91)) (define-key esc-map (make-string 1 i) (quote term-send-raw-meta))) (setq i (1+ i))) (define-key map [remap self-insert-command] (quote term-send-raw)) (define-key map "" esc-map) (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) (define-key map [button2] (quote term-mouse-paste)) (define-key map [mouse-2] (quote term-mouse-paste))) (define-key map [up] (quote term-send-up)) (define-key map [down] (quote term-send-down)) (define-key map [right] (quote term-send-right)) (define-key map [left] (quote term-send-left)) (define-key map [C-up] (quote term-send-ctrl-up)) (define-key map [C-down] (quote term-send-ctrl-down)) (define-key map [C-right] (quote term-send-ctrl-right)) (define-key map [C-left] (quote term-send-ctrl-left)) (define-key map [delete] (quote term-send-del)) (define-key map [deletechar] (quote term-send-del)) (define-key map [backspace] (quote term-send-backspace)) (define-key map [home] (quote term-send-home)) (define-key map [end] (quote term-send-end)) (define-key map [insert] (quote term-send-insert)) (define-key map [S-prior] (quote scroll-down)) (define-key map [S-next] (quote scroll-up)) (define-key map [S-insert] (quote term-paste)) (define-key map [prior] (quote term-send-prior)) (define-key map [next] (quote term-send-next)) (define-key map [xterm-paste] (function term--xterm-paste)) map)) nil [32870 34543])
+            ("easy-menu-define" code nil nil [34545 35039])
+            ("easy-menu-define" code nil nil [35041 35726])
+            ("easy-menu-define" code nil nil [35728 36220])
+            ("term-raw-escape-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map (quote Control-X-prefix)) (define-key map "" (lookup-key (current-global-map) "")) (define-key map "" (lookup-key (current-global-map) "")) (define-key map "" (quote term-pager-toggle)) (define-key map "" (quote term-char-mode)) (define-key map "
+" (quote term-line-mode)) (define-key map [134217848] (quote execute-extended-command)) map)) nil [36222 36859])
+            ("term-set-escape-char" function (:arguments ("key")) nil [36861 37389])
+            ("term-set-escape-char" code nil nil [37391 37441])
+            ("put" code nil nil [37445 37482])
+            ("term-display-table" variable (:default-value (let ((dt (or (copy-sequence standard-display-table) (make-display-table))) i) (setq i 0) (while (< i 10) (aset dt i (vector i)) (setq i (1+ i))) (setq i 11) (while (< i 32) (aset dt i (vector i)) (setq i (1+ i))) (setq i 128) (while (< i 256) (aset dt i (vector i)) (setq i (1+ i))) dt)) nil [37542 37980])
+            ("term-ansi-reset" function nil nil [37982 38497])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [38499 45215])
+            ("term-reset-size" function (:arguments ("height" "width")) nil [45218 45839])
+            ("term-check-kill-echo-list" function nil nil [46274 46900])
+            ("term-send-raw-string" function (:arguments ("chars")) nil [46902 47348])
+            ("term-send-raw" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [47350 47586])
+            ("term-send-raw-meta" function nil nil [47588 48181])
+            ("term-mouse-paste" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("click"))
+                nil [48183 48669])
+            ("term-paste" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [48671 48804])
+            ("term--xterm-paste" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [48806 48962])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [48964 49017])
+            ("term-send-up" function nil nil [49292 49362])
+            ("term-send-down" function nil nil [49363 49433])
+            ("term-send-right" function nil nil [49434 49504])
+            ("term-send-left" function nil nil [49505 49575])
+            ("term-send-ctrl-up" function nil nil [49576 49654])
+            ("term-send-ctrl-down" function nil nil [49655 49733])
+            ("term-send-ctrl-right" function nil nil [49734 49812])
+            ("term-send-ctrl-left" function nil nil [49813 49891])
+            ("term-send-home" function nil nil [49892 49963])
+            ("term-send-insert" function nil nil [49964 50035])
+            ("term-send-end" function nil nil [50036 50107])
+            ("term-send-prior" function nil nil [50108 50179])
+            ("term-send-next" function nil nil [50180 50251])
+            ("term-send-del" function nil nil [50252 50323])
+            ("term-send-backspace" function nil nil [50324 50399])
+            ("term-char-mode" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [50402 51623])
+            ("term-line-mode" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [51625 52197])
+            ("term-line-mode-buffer-read-only-update" function nil nil [52199 52468])
+            ("term-update-mode-line" function nil nil [52470 54828])
+            ("term-check-proc" function (:arguments ("buffer")) nil [54830 55110])
+            ("make-term" function (:arguments ("name" "program" "startfile" "switches")) nil [55127 55930])
+            ("term" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("program"))
+                nil [55947 56443])
+            ("term-exec" function (:arguments ("buffer" "name" "command" "startfile" "switches")) nil [56445 57835])
+            ("term-sentinel" function (:arguments ("proc" "msg")) nil [57837 58600])
+            ("term-handle-exit" function (:arguments ("process-name" "msg")) nil [58602 59266])
+            ("term-term-name" variable (:default-value "eterm-color") nil [59269 59404])
+            ("term-termcap-format" variable (:default-value "%s%s:li#%d:co#%d:cl=\\E[H\\E[J:cd=\\E[J:bs:am:xn:cm=\\E[%%i%%d;%%dH:nd=\\E[C:up=\\E[A:ce=\\E[K:ho=\\E[H:pt:al=\\E[L:dl=\\E[M:DL=\\E[%%dM:AL=\\E[%%dL:cs=\\E[%%i%%d;%%dr:sf=^J:dc=\\E[P:DC=\\E[%%dP:IC=\\E[%%d@:im=\\E[4h:ei=\\E[4l:mi::so=\\E[7m:se=\\E[m:us=\\E[4m:ue=\\E[m:md=\\E[1m:mr=\\E[7m:me=\\E[m:UP=\\E[%%dA:DO=\\E[%%dB:LE=\\E[%%dD:RI=\\E[%%dC:kl=\\EOD:kd=\\EOB:kr=\\EOC:ku=\\EOA:kN=\\E[6~:kP=\\E[5~:@7=\\E[4~:kh=\\E[1~:mk=\\E[8m:cb=\\E[1K:op=\\E[39;49m:Co#8:pa#64:AB=\\E[4%%dm:AF=\\E[3%%dm:cr=^M:bl=^G:do=^J:le=^H:ta=^I:se=\\E[27m:ue=\\E[24m:kb=^?:kD=^[[3~:sc=\\E7:rc=\\E8:r1=\\Ec:") nil [59495 60244])
+            ("term-exec-1" function (:arguments ("name" "buffer" "command" "switches")) nil [60345 61999])
+            ("term-read-input-ring" function (:arguments ("silent")) nil [63099 65016])
+            ("term-write-input-ring" function nil nil [65018 66201])
+            ("term-dynamic-list-input-ring" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [66204 67241])
+            ("term-regexp-arg" function (:arguments ("prompt")) nil [67244 67693])
+            ("term-search-arg" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [67695 68097])
+            ("term-search-start" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [68099 68566])
+            ("term-previous-input-string" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [68600 68885])
+            ("term-previous-input" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [68887 69025])
+            ("term-next-input" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [69027 69151])
+            ("term-previous-matching-input-string" function (:arguments ("regexp" "arg")) nil [69153 69444])
+            ("term-previous-matching-input-string-position" function (:arguments ("regexp" "arg" "start")) nil [69446 70636])
+            ("term-previous-matching-input" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("regexp" "n"))
+                nil [70638 71428])
+            ("term-next-matching-input" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("regexp" "n"))
+                nil [71430 71817])
+            ("term-previous-matching-input-from-input" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n"))
+                nil [71819 72555])
+            ("term-next-matching-input-from-input" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n"))
+                nil [72557 72921])
+            ("term-replace-by-expanded-history" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("silent"))
+                nil [72924 74150])
+            ("term-replace-by-expanded-history-before-point" function (:arguments ("silent")) nil [74153 77780])
+            ("term-magic-space" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [77783 78044])
+            ("term-within-quotes" function (:arguments ("beg" "end")) nil [78047 78367])
+            ("term-how-many-region" function (:arguments ("regexp" "beg" "end")) nil [78369 78632])
+            ("term-args" function (:arguments ("string" "begin" "end")) nil [78634 79403])
+            ("term-delim-arg" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [79541 80079])
+            ("term-arguments" function (:arguments ("string" "nth" "mth")) nil [80081 81573])
+            ("term-send-input" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [81624 85551])
+            ("term-get-old-input-default" function nil nil [85553 85860])
+            ("term-copy-old-input" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [85862 86246])
+            ("term-skip-prompt" function nil nil [86248 86554])
+            ("term-after-pmark-p" function nil nil [86557 87027])
+            ("term-simple-send" function (:arguments ("proc" "string")) nil [87029 87278])
+            ("term-bol" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [87280 87676])
+            ("term-read-noecho" function (:arguments ("prompt" "stars")) nil [87871 89874])
+            ("term-send-invisible" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("str" "proc"))
+                nil [89876 90600])
+            ("term-input-chunk-size" variable (:default-value 512) nil [90641 90855])
+            ("term-send-string" function (:arguments ("proc" "str")) nil [90857 91518])
+            ("term-send-region" function (:arguments ("proc" "start" "end")) nil [91520 91806])
+            ("term-kill-output" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [91836 92142])
+            ("term-show-output" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [92144 92454])
+            ("term-interrupt-subjob" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [92456 92574])
+            ("term-kill-subjob" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [92576 92694])
+            ("term-quit-subjob" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [92696 92814])
+            ("term-stop-subjob" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [92816 93186])
+            ("term-continue-subjob" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [93188 93384])
+            ("term-kill-input" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [93386 93663])
+            ("term-delchar-or-maybe-eof" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [93665 93867])
+            ("term-send-eof" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [93869 93979])
+            ("term-backward-matching-input" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("regexp" "n"))
+                nil [93981 94610])
+            ("term-forward-matching-input" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("regexp" "n"))
+                nil [94612 95012])
+            ("term-next-prompt" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n"))
+                nil [95015 95270])
+            ("term-previous-prompt" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("n"))
+                nil [95272 95431])
+            ("term-source-default" function (:arguments ("previous-dir/file" "source-modes")) nil [98617 98900])
+            ("term-check-source" function (:arguments ("fname")) nil [99342 99616])
+            ("term-extract-string" function nil nil [100737 101188])
+            ("term-get-source" function (:arguments ("prompt" "prev-dir/file" "source-modes" "mustmatch-p")) nil [101190 101940])
+            ("term-proc-query" function (:arguments ("proc" "str")) nil [103222 104108])
+            ("term-horizontal-column" function nil nil [104226 104312])
+            ("term-vertical-motion" function (:arguments ("count")) nil [104377 104462])
+            ("term-buffer-vertical-motion" function (:arguments ("count")) nil [104611 105962])
+            ("term-start-line-column" function nil nil [106023 106252])
+            ("term-current-column" function nil nil [106324 106432])
+            ("term-move-columns" function (:arguments ("delta")) nil [106507 106966])
+            ("term-insert-char" function (:arguments ("char" "count")) nil [107020 107183])
+            ("term-current-row" function nil nil [107185 107405])
+            ("term-adjust-current-row-cache" function (:arguments ("delta")) nil [107407 107544])
+            ("term-terminal-pos" function nil nil [107546 107810])
+            ("term-handle-ansi-terminal-messages" function (:arguments ("message")) nil [107906 110400])
+            ("term-emulate-terminal" function (:arguments ("proc" "str")) nil [110553 126215])
+            ("defvar-local" code nil nil [126217 126404])
+            ("term-set-goto-process-mark" function nil nil [126406 126956])
+            ("term-goto-process-mark-maybe" function nil nil [126958 127607])
+            ("term-process-mark" function nil nil [127609 127752])
+            ("term-handle-deferred-scroll" function nil nil [127754 128038])
+            ("term-reset-terminal" function nil nil [128040 128449])
+            ("term-handle-colors-array" function (:arguments ("parameter")) nil [128585 131648])
+            ("term-handle-ansi-escape" function (:arguments ("proc" "char")) nil [131762 136112])
+            ("term-set-scroll-region" function (:arguments ("top" "bottom")) nil [136114 136775])
+            ("term-command-hook" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [138027 138765])
+            ("term-display-line" function (:arguments ("true-file" "line")) nil [138997 139104])
+            ("term-display-buffer-line" function (:arguments ("buffer" "line")) nil [139106 139667])
+            ("term-goto-home" function nil nil [139890 140104])
+            ("term-goto" function (:arguments ("row" "col")) nil [140106 140459])
+            ("term-process-pager" function nil nil [140526 141107])
+            ("term-pager-line" function (:arguments ("lines")) nil [141109 141425])
+            ("term-pager-page" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [141427 141597])
+            ("term-pager-bob" function nil nil [141651 141823])
+            ("term-pager-eob" function nil nil [141871 142025])
+            ("term-pager-back-line" function (:arguments ("lines")) nil [142027 142289])
+            ("term-pager-back-page" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [142291 142390])
+            ("term-pager-discard" function nil nil [142392 142537])
+            ("term-pager-disable" function nil nil [142638 142802])
+            ("term-pager-enable" function nil nil [142832 143003])
+            ("term-pager-toggle" function nil nil [143005 143118])
+            ("term-pager-help" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [143120 144311])
+            ("term-pager-continue" function (:arguments ("new-count")) nil [144313 144749])
+            ("term-handle-scroll" function (:arguments ("down")) nil [144890 146485])
+            ("term-down" function (:arguments ("down" "check-for-scroll")) nil [146487 147607])
+            ("term-unwrap-line" function nil nil [147792 147869])
+            ("term-erase-in-line" function (:arguments ("kind")) nil [147871 149126])
+            ("term-erase-in-display" function (:arguments ("kind")) nil [149128 149909])
+            ("term-delete-chars" function (:arguments ("count")) nil [149911 150148])
+            ("term-insert-spaces" function (:arguments ("count")) nil [150327 151050])
+            ("term-delete-lines" function (:arguments ("lines")) nil [151052 151943])
+            ("term-insert-lines" function (:arguments ("lines")) nil [151945 153220])
+            ("term-start-output-log" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("name"))
+                nil [153223 153930])
+            ("term-stop-output-log" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [153932 154055])
+            ("term-show-maximum-output" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [154057 154209])
+            ("term-load-hook" variable nil nil [154248 154361])
+            ("run-hooks" code nil nil [154363 154390])
+            ("term-completion-autolist" variable nil nil [155347 155535])
+            ("term-completion-addsuffix" variable (:default-value t) nil [155537 156023])
+            ("term-completion-recexact" variable nil nil [156025 156285])
+            ("term-completion-fignore" variable nil nil [156287 156610])
+            ("term-file-name-prefix" variable nil nil [156612 156817])
+            ("term-directory" function (:arguments ("directory")) nil [156820 157049])
+            ("term-word" function (:arguments ("word-chars")) nil [157052 157666])
+            ("term-match-partial-filename" function nil nil [157669 157936])
+            ("term-dynamic-complete" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [157939 158354])
+            ("term-dynamic-complete-filename" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [158357 159288])
+            ("term-dynamic-complete-as-filename" function nil nil [159290 161868])
+            ("term-replace-by-expanded-filename" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [161871 162519])
+            ("term-dynamic-simple-complete" function (:arguments ("stub" "candidates")) nil [162522 164501])
+            ("term-dynamic-list-filename-completions" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [164503 165071])
+            ("term-dynamic-list-completions" function (:arguments ("completions")) nil [165074 166148])
+            ("term-ansi-make-term" function (:arguments ("name" "program" "startfile" "switches")) nil [166206 166975])
+            ("term-ansi-buffer-name" variable nil nil [166977 167011])
+            ("term-ansi-default-program" variable nil nil [167012 167050])
+            ("term-ansi-buffer-base-name" variable nil nil [167051 167090])
+            ("ansi-term" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("program" "new-buffer-name"))
+                nil [167107 168822])
+            ("serial-port-is-file-p" function nil nil [168926 169257])
+            ("serial-name-history" variable (:default-value (if (serial-port-is-file-p) (or (when (file-exists-p "/dev/ttys0") (list "/dev/ttys0")) (when (file-exists-p "/dev/ttyS0") (list "/dev/ttyS0"))) (list "COM1"))) nil [169259 169525])
+            ("serial-speed-history" variable (:default-value (list "9600" "1200" "2400" "4800" "9600" "14400" "19200" "28800" "38400" "57600" "115200")) nil [169527 169838])
+            ("serial-nice-speed-history" function nil nil [169840 170229])
+            ("serial-no-speed" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "nil")
+                nil [170231 170498])
+            ("serial-supported-or-barf" function nil nil [170500 170700])
+            ("serial-read-name" function nil nil [170702 172792])
+            ("serial-read-speed" function nil nil [172794 173767])
+            ("serial-term" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("port" "speed"))
+                nil [173784 174952])
+            ("serial-mode-line-speed-menu" variable nil nil [174954 174994])
+            ("serial-mode-line-config-menu" variable nil nil [174995 175036])
+            ("serial-speed" function nil nil [175038 175254])
+            ("serial-mode-line-speed-menu-1" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [175256 175650])
+            ("serial-mode-line-speed-menu" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [175652 175746])
+            ("serial-update-speed-menu" function nil nil [175748 176745])
+            ("serial-mode-line-config-menu-1" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [176747 177187])
+            ("serial-mode-line-config-menu" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [177189 177285])
+            ("serial-update-config-menu" function nil nil [177287 178631])
+            ("term" package nil nil [182182 182197]))          
+      :file "term.el"
+      :pointmax 182221
+      :fsize 182220
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29519 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 12927 . 12928) (symbol 12892 . 12909) (open-paren 12891 . 12892) (close-paren 12889 . 12890) (symbol 12852 . 12869) (open-paren 12851 . 12852)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "ehelp.el"
+      :fsize 16920
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29506 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [4149 4166])
+            ("tar" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [4169 4252])
+            ("tar-anal-blocksize" variable (:default-value 20) nil [4254 4861])
+            ("tar-update-datestamp" variable nil nil [4863 5410])
+            ("tar-mode-show-date" variable nil nil [5412 5623])
+            ("tar-parse-info" variable nil nil [5625 5652])
+            ("tar-superior-buffer" variable nil nil [5653 5758])
+            ("tar-superior-descriptor" variable nil nil [5759 5854])
+            ("tar-file-name-coding-system" variable nil nil [5855 5895])
+            ("put" code nil nil [5897 5942])
+            ("put" code nil nil [5943 5992])
+            ("tar-data-buffer" variable nil nil [6909 6983])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [6984 7029])
+            ("tar-data-swapped" variable nil nil [7031 7122])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [7123 7169])
+            ("tar-data-swapped-p" function nil nil [7171 7694])
+            ("tar-swap-data" function nil nil [7696 8233])
+            ("cl-defstruct" code nil nil [8259 8803])
+            ("tar-name-offset" variable (:constant-flag t) nil [8805 8833])
+            ("tar-mode-offset" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (+ tar-name-offset 100))
+                nil [8834 8884])
+            ("tar-uid-offset" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (+ tar-mode-offset 8))
+                nil [8885 8933])
+            ("tar-gid-offset" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (+ tar-uid-offset 8))
+                nil [8934 8981])
+            ("tar-size-offset" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (+ tar-gid-offset 8))
+                nil [8982 9029])
+            ("tar-time-offset" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (+ tar-size-offset 12))
+                nil [9030 9079])
+            ("tar-chk-offset" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (+ tar-time-offset 12))
+                nil [9080 9129])
+            ("tar-linkp-offset" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (+ tar-chk-offset 8))
+                nil [9130 9178])
+            ("tar-link-offset" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (+ tar-linkp-offset 1))
+                nil [9179 9228])
+            ("tar-magic-offset" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (+ tar-link-offset 100))
+                nil [9257 9308])
+            ("tar-uname-offset" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (+ tar-magic-offset 8))
+                nil [9309 9359])
+            ("tar-gname-offset" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (+ tar-uname-offset 32))
+                nil [9360 9411])
+            ("tar-dmaj-offset" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (+ tar-gname-offset 32))
+                nil [9412 9462])
+            ("tar-dmin-offset" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (+ tar-dmaj-offset 8))
+                nil [9463 9511])
+            ("tar-prefix-offset" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (+ tar-dmin-offset 8))
+                nil [9512 9562])
+            ("tar-end-offset" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (+ tar-prefix-offset 155))
+                nil [9563 9614])
+            ("tar-roundup-512" function (:arguments ("s")) nil [9616 9716])
+            ("tar-header-block-tokenize" function (:arguments ("pos" "coding")) nil [9718 14725])
+            ("tar-header-data-end" function (:arguments ("descriptor")) nil [14744 15118])
+            ("tar-parse-octal-integer" function (:arguments ("string" "start" "end")) nil [15120 15466])
+            ("tar-parse-octal-long-integer" function (:arguments ("string" "start" "end")) nil [15468 15911])
+            ("tar-parse-octal-integer-safe" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [15913 16154])
+            ("tar-new-regular-file-header" function (:arguments ("filename" "size" "time")) nil [16156 16736])
+            ("tar--pad-to" function (:arguments ("pos")) nil [16738 16813])
+            ("tar--put-at" function (:arguments ("pos" "val" "fmt" "mask")) nil [16815 16979])
+            ("tar-header-serialize" function (:arguments ("header" "update-checksum")) nil [16981 19004])
+            ("tar-header-block-checksum" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [19007 19609])
+            ("tar-header-block-check-checksum" function (:arguments ("hblock" "desired-checksum" "file-name")) nil [19611 19888])
+            ("tar-clip-time-string" function (:arguments ("time")) nil [19890 20038])
+            ("tar-grind-file-mode" function (:arguments ("mode")) nil [20040 20793])
+            ("tar-header-block-summarize" function (:arguments ("tar-hblock" "mod-p")) nil [20795 22365])
+            ("tar-untar-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [22367 23744])
+            ("tar-summarize-buffer" function nil nil [23746 25577])
+            ("tar-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-keymap))) (suppress-keymap map) (define-key map " " (quote tar-next-line)) (define-key map "C" (quote tar-copy)) (define-key map "d" (quote tar-flag-deleted)) (define-key map "" (quote tar-flag-deleted)) (define-key map "e" (quote tar-extract)) (define-key map "f" (quote tar-extract)) (define-key map "
" (quote tar-extract)) (define-key map [mouse-2] (quote tar-mouse-extract)) (define-key map "g" (quote revert-buffer)) (define-key map "n" (quote tar-next-line)) (define-key map "" (quote tar-next-line)) (define-key map [down] (quote tar-next-line)) (define-key map "o" (quote tar-extract-other-window)) (define-key map "p" (quote tar-previous-line)) (define-key map "" (quote tar-previous-line)) (define-key map [up] (quote tar-previous-line)) (define-key map "I" (quote tar-new-entry)) (define-key map "R" (quote tar-rename-entry)) (define-key map "u" (quote tar-unflag)) (define-key map "v" (quote tar-view)) (define-key map "w" (quote woman-tar-extract-file)) (define-key map "x" (quote tar-expunge)) (define-key map "" (quote tar-unflag-backwards)) (define-key map "E" (quote tar-extract-other-window)) (define-key map "M" (quote tar-chmod-entry)) (define-key map "G" (quote tar-chgrp-entry)) (define-key map "O" (quote tar-chown-entry)) (define-key map [follow-link] (quote mouse-face)) (define-key map [menu-bar edit] (quote undefined)) (define-key map [menu-bar immediate] (cons "Immediate" (make-sparse-keymap "Immediate"))) (define-key map [menu-bar immediate woman] (quote ("Read Man Page (WoMan)" . woman-tar-extract-file))) (define-key map [menu-bar immediate view] (quote ("View This File" . tar-view))) (define-key map [menu-bar immediate display] (quote ("Display in Other Window" . tar-display-other-window))) (define-key map [menu-bar immediate find-file-other-window] (quote ("Find in Other Window" . tar-extract-other-window))) (define-key map [menu-bar immediate find-file] (quote ("Find This File" . tar-extract))) (define-key map [menu-bar mark] (cons "Mark" (make-sparse-keymap "Mark"))) (define-key map [menu-bar mark unmark-all] (quote ("Unmark All" . tar-clear-modification-flags))) (define-key map [menu-bar mark deletion] (quote ("Flag" . tar-flag-deleted))) (define-key map [menu-bar mark unmark] (quote ("Unflag" . tar-unflag))) (define-key map [menu-bar operate] (cons "Operate" (make-sparse-keymap "Operate"))) (define-key map [menu-bar operate chown] (quote ("Change Owner..." . tar-chown-entry))) (define-key map [menu-bar operate chgrp] (quote ("Change Group..." . tar-chgrp-entry))) (define-key map [menu-bar operate chmod] (quote ("Change Mode..." . tar-chmod-entry))) (define-key map [menu-bar operate rename] (quote ("Rename to..." . tar-rename-entry))) (define-key map [menu-bar operate copy] (quote ("Copy to..." . tar-copy))) (define-key map [menu-bar operate expunge] (quote ("Expunge Marked Files" . tar-expunge))) map)) nil [25580 28672])
+            ("put" code nil nil [28735 28771])
+            ("put" code nil nil [28772 28816])
+            ("tar-change-major-mode-hook" function nil nil [28818 29059])
+            ("tar-mode-kill-buffer-hook" function nil nil [29061 29166])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [29183 31954])
+            ("woman-tar-extract-file" function
+               (:prototype-flag t
+                :user-visible-flag t)
+                nil [31956 32062])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [32064 32980])
+            ("tar-mode-revert" function (:arguments ("no-auto-save" "no-confirm")) nil [33042 33566])
+            ("tar-next-line" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [33569 33790])
+            ("tar-previous-line" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [33792 33943])
+            ("tar-current-position" function nil nil [33945 34090])
+            ("tar-current-descriptor" function (:arguments ("noerror")) nil [34092 34400])
+            ("tar--describe-as-link" function (:arguments ("descriptor")) nil [34402 34961])
+            ("tar--check-descriptor" function (:arguments ("descriptor")) nil [34963 35137])
+            ("tar-get-descriptor" function nil nil [35139 35370])
+            ("tar-get-file-descriptor" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [35372 35603])
+            ("tar-mouse-extract" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [35605 36047])
+            ("tar-file-name-handler" function (:arguments ("op" "args")) nil [36049 36224])
+            ("tar--extract" function (:arguments ("descriptor")) nil [36226 38328])
+            ("tar-extract" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("other-window-p"))
+                nil [38330 40593])
+            ("tar-extract-other-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [40596 40733])
+            ("tar-display-other-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [40735 40882])
+            ("tar-view" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [40884 40996])
+            ("tar-read-file-name" function (:arguments ("prompt")) nil [40999 41629])
+            ("tar-copy" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("to-file"))
+                nil [41632 42916])
+            ("tar-new-entry" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("filename" "index"))
+                nil [42918 44025])
+            ("tar-flag-deleted" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("p" "unflag"))
+                nil [44027 44465])
+            ("tar-unflag" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("p"))
+                nil [44467 44661])
+            ("tar-unflag-backwards" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("p"))
+                nil [44663 44872])
+            ("tar-expunge-internal" function nil nil [44875 45508])
+            ("tar-expunge" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("noconfirm"))
+                nil [45511 46227])
+            ("tar-clear-modification-flags" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [46230 46515])
+            ("tar-chown-entry" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("new-uid"))
+                nil [46518 47736])
+            ("tar-chgrp-entry" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("new-gid"))
+                nil [47739 48959])
+            ("tar-rename-entry" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("new-name"))
+                nil [48961 50432])
+            ("tar-chmod-entry" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("new-mode"))
+                nil [50435 50907])
+            ("tar-alter-one-field" function (:arguments ("data-position" "new-data-string" "descriptor")) nil [50910 52450])
+            ("tar-octal-time" function (:arguments ("timeval")) nil [52453 52784])
+            ("tar-subfile-save-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [52786 55907])
+            ("tar-pad-to-blocksize" function nil nil [55982 56965])
+            ("tar-write-region-annotate" function (:arguments ("start" "_end")) nil [57045 57399])
+            ("tar-mode" package nil nil [57401 57420]))          
+      :file "tar-mode.el"
+      :pointmax 57448
+      :fsize 57447
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29519 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 4166 . 4167) (symbol 4131 . 4148) (open-paren 4130 . 4131)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("wid-edit" include nil nil [4647 4666])
+            ("tree-widget" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [4690 4807])
+            ("tree-widget-image-enable" variable (:default-value (if (fboundp (quote display-images-p)) (display-images-p))) nil [4809 5036])
+            ("tree-widget-themes-load-path" variable (:default-value (quote (load-path (let ((dir (if (fboundp (quote locate-data-directory)) (locate-data-directory "tree-widget") data-directory))) (and dir (list dir (expand-file-name "images" dir))))))) nil [5038 5791])
+            ("tree-widget-themes-directory" variable (:default-value "tree-widget") nil [5793 6355])
+            ("tree-widget-theme" variable nil nil [6357 7490])
+            ("tree-widget-image-properties-emacs" variable (:default-value (quote (:ascent center :mask (heuristic t)))) nil [7492 7655])
+            ("tree-widget-image-properties-xemacs" variable nil nil [7657 7788])
+            ("tree-widget-space-width" variable (:default-value 0.5) nil [7790 8090])
+            ("cond" code nil nil [8170 9795])
+            ("tree-widget--theme" variable nil nil [9838 9869])
+            ("tree-widget-theme-name" function nil nil [9871 10033])
+            ("tree-widget-set-parent-theme" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [10035 10703])
+            ("tree-widget-set-theme" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [10705 11706])
+            ("tree-widget--locate-sub-directory" function (:arguments ("name" "path" "found")) nil [11708 12430])
+            ("tree-widget-themes-path" function nil nil [12432 14035])
+            ("tree-widget--cursors" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote (("guide" . arrow) ("no-guide" . arrow) ("end-guide" . arrow) ("handle" . arrow) ("no-handle" . arrow))))
+                nil [14037 14378])
+            ("tree-widget-set-image-properties" function (:arguments ("props")) nil [14380 14632])
+            ("tree-widget-image-properties" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [14634 15215])
+            ("tree-widget-lookup-image" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [15217 16084])
+            ("tree-widget-find-image" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [16086 16799])
+            ("tree-widget-button-click" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [16817 17129])
+            ("tree-widget-button-keymap" variable (:default-value (let ((km (make-sparse-keymap))) (if (boundp (quote widget-button-keymap)) (progn (set-keymap-parent km widget-button-keymap) (define-key km [button1] (quote tree-widget-button-click))) (set-keymap-parent km widget-keymap) (define-key km [down-mouse-1] (quote tree-widget-button-click))) km)) nil [17131 17596])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [17598 17964])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [17966 18109])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [18111 18270])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [18272 18417])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [18419 18578])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [18580 18732])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [18734 18906])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [18908 19076])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [19078 19276])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [19278 19434])
+            ("define-widget" code nil nil [19436 20180])
+            ("tree-widget-p" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [20215 20465])
+            ("tree-widget-node" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [20467 21168])
+            ("tree-widget-keep" function (:arguments ("arg" "widget")) nil [21170 21362])
+            ("tree-widget-children-value-save" function (:arguments ("widget" "args" "node")) nil [21364 23070])
+            ("tree-widget-before-create-icon-functions" variable nil nil [23096 23681])
+            ("tree-widget-icon-create" function (:arguments ("icon")) nil [23683 24311])
+            ("tree-widget-convert-widget" function (:arguments ("widget")) nil [24313 24612])
+            ("widget-glyph-enable" variable nil nil [24614 24642])
+            ("tree-widget-value-create" function (:arguments ("tree")) nil [24653 29680])
+            ("tree-widget-leaf-node-icon-p" function (:arguments ("icon")) nil [29707 29905])
+            ("tree-widget-icon-action" function (:arguments ("icon" "event")) nil [29907 30312])
+            ("tree-widget-icon-help-echo" function (:arguments ("icon")) nil [30314 30775])
+            ("tree-widget-after-toggle-functions" variable nil nil [30777 31074])
+            ("tree-widget-action" function (:arguments ("tree" "_event")) nil [31076 31595])
+            ("tree-widget-help-echo" function (:arguments ("tree")) nil [31597 31761])
+            ("tree-widget-expander-p" function (:arguments ("tree")) nil [31763 31935])
+            ("tree-widget" package nil nil [31937 31959]))          
+      :file "tree-widget.el"
+      :pointmax 31990
+      :fsize 31989
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29520 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 9798 . 9799) (symbol 8115 . 8131) (open-paren 8114 . 8115)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("type-break" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2583 2723])
+            ("type-break-interval" variable (:default-value (* 60 60)) nil [2725 2859])
+            ("type-break-good-rest-interval" variable (:default-value (/ type-break-interval 6)) nil [2861 3425])
+            ("type-break-good-break-interval" variable nil nil [3427 3885])
+            ("type-break-keystroke-threshold" variable (:default-value (let* ((wpm 35) (avg-word-length 5) (upper (* wpm avg-word-length (/ type-break-interval 60))) (lower (/ upper 5))) (cons lower upper))) nil [3887 5875])
+            ("type-break-query-function" variable (:default-value (quote yes-or-no-p)) nil [5877 6295])
+            ("type-break-query-interval" variable (:default-value 60) nil [6297 6555])
+            ("type-break-time-warning-intervals" variable (:default-value (quote (300 120 60 30))) nil [6557 6853])
+            ("type-break-keystroke-warning-intervals" variable (:default-value (quote (300 200 100 50))) nil [6855 7257])
+            ("type-break-warning-repeat" variable (:default-value 40) nil [7259 7518])
+            ("type-break-time-stamp-format" variable (:default-value "[%H:%M] ") nil [7520 7709])
+            ("type-break-demo-functions" variable (:default-value (quote (type-break-demo-boring type-break-demo-life type-break-demo-hanoi))) nil [7711 8141])
+            ("type-break-demo-boring-stats" variable nil nil [8143 8292])
+            ("type-break-terse-messages" variable nil nil [8294 8407])
+            ("type-break-file-name" variable (:default-value (locate-user-emacs-file "type-break" ".type-break")) nil [8409 8677])
+            ("type-break-post-command-hook" variable (:default-value (quote (type-break-check))) nil [8679 9205])
+            ("type-break-mode-line-format" variable (:default-value (quote (type-break-mode-line-message-mode ("" type-break-mode-line-break-message type-break-mode-line-warning)))) nil [9229 9453])
+            ("type-break-mode-line-break-message" variable (:default-value (quote (type-break-mode-line-break-message-p type-break-mode-line-break-string))) nil [9455 9578])
+            ("type-break-mode-line-break-message-p" variable nil nil [9580 9629])
+            ("type-break-mode-line-break-string" variable (:default-value " *** TAKE A TYPING BREAK NOW ***") nil [9630 9707])
+            ("type-break-mode-line-warning" variable (:default-value (quote (type-break-mode-line-break-message-p ("") (type-break-warning-countdown-string (" *** " "Break in " type-break-warning-countdown-string " " type-break-warning-countdown-string-type "***"))))) nil [9709 10019])
+            ("type-break-warning-countdown-string" variable nil nil [10021 10358])
+            ("type-break-warning-countdown-string-type" variable nil nil [10360 10532])
+            ("type-break-alarm-p" variable nil nil [10597 10628])
+            ("type-break-keystroke-count" variable nil nil [10629 10666])
+            ("type-break-time-last-break" variable nil nil [10667 10706])
+            ("type-break-time-next-break" variable nil nil [10707 10746])
+            ("type-break-time-last-command" variable (:default-value (current-time)) nil [10747 10799])
+            ("type-break-current-time-warning-interval" variable nil nil [10800 10853])
+            ("type-break-current-keystroke-warning-interval" variable nil nil [10854 10912])
+            ("type-break-time-warning-count" variable nil nil [10913 10953])
+            ("type-break-keystroke-warning-count" variable nil nil [10954 10999])
+            ("type-break-interval-start" variable nil nil [11000 11038])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [11057 16703])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [16705 17315])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [17317 17675])
+            ("type-break-auto-save-file-name" variable (:default-value (let ((buffer-file-name type-break-file-name)) (make-auto-save-file-name))) nil [17707 17873])
+            ("type-break-file-time" function (:arguments ("time")) nil [17875 18410])
+            ("type-break-file-keystroke-count" function nil nil [18412 19072])
+            ("timep" function (:arguments ("time")) nil [19074 19259])
+            ("type-break-choose-file" function nil nil [19261 19656])
+            ("type-break-get-previous-time" function nil nil [19658 20183])
+            ("type-break-get-previous-count" function nil nil [20185 20910])
+            ("type-break" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [20929 23370])
+            ("type-break-schedule" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("time" "start" "interval"))
+                nil [23374 24150])
+            ("type-break-cancel-schedule" function nil nil [24152 24361])
+            ("type-break-time-warning-schedule" function (:arguments ("time" "resetp")) nil [24363 25846])
+            ("type-break-cancel-time-warning-schedule" function nil nil [25848 26249])
+            ("type-break-alarm" function nil nil [26251 26398])
+            ("type-break-time-warning-alarm" function nil nil [26400 26664])
+            ("type-break-run-tb-post-command-hook" function nil nil [26668 26787])
+            ("type-break-check" function nil nil [26789 29317])
+            ("type-break-check-keystroke-warning" function nil nil [29384 30437])
+            ("type-break-query" function nil nil [30518 30609])
+            ("type-break-do-query" function nil nil [30611 31981])
+            ("type-break-noninteractive-query" function (:arguments ("_ignored-args")) nil [31983 32616])
+            ("type-break-time-warning" function nil nil [32618 33973])
+            ("type-break-keystroke-warning" function nil nil [33975 35171])
+            ("type-break-mode-line-countdown-or-break" function (:arguments ("type")) nil [35173 35960])
+            ("type-break-statistics" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [35979 37674])
+            ("type-break-guesstimate-keystroke-threshold" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("wpm" "wordlen" "frac"))
+                nil [37691 39473])
+            ("type-break-time-difference" function (:arguments ("a" "b")) nil [39616 39699])
+            ("type-break-time-sum" function (:arguments ("tmlist")) nil [39769 39904])
+            ("type-break-time-stamp" function (:arguments ("when")) nil [39906 40242])
+            ("type-break-format-time" function (:arguments ("secs")) nil [40244 40490])
+            ("type-break-keystroke-reset" function nil nil [40492 40859])
+            ("type-break-force-mode-line-update" function (:arguments ("all")) nil [40861 41140])
+            ("type-break-check-post-command-hook" function nil nil [41525 41647])
+            ("type-break-run-at-time" function (:arguments ("time" "repeat" "function")) nil [41793 41958])
+            ("timer-dont-exit" variable nil nil [41960 41984])
+            ("type-break-cancel-function-timers" function (:arguments ("function")) nil [41985 42105])
+            ("type-break-catch-up-event" function nil nil [42128 42409])
+            ("type-break-demo-hanoi" function nil nil [42606 43058])
+            ("type-break-demo-life" function nil nil [43223 43882])
+            ("type-break-demo-boring" function nil nil [43928 47976])
+            ("type-break" package nil nil [47980 48001])
+            ("if" code nil nil [48003 48047]))          
+      :file "type-break.el"
+      :pointmax 48077
+      :fsize 48076
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29520 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [1739 2765])
+            ("toggle-tool-bar-mode-from-frame" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [2859 3207])
+            ("tool-bar-map" variable (:default-value (make-sparse-keymap)) nil [3209 3333])
+            ("global-set-key" code nil nil [3335 3443])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [3445 3509])
+            ("tool-bar-keymap-cache" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (make-hash-table :weakness t :test (quote equal)))
+                nil [3511 3586])
+            ("tool-bar-make-keymap" function (:arguments ("_ignore")) nil [3588 3981])
+            ("tool-bar-make-keymap-1" function nil nil [3983 4878])
+            ("tool-bar-add-item" function (:arguments ("icon" "def" "key" "props")) nil [4895 5695])
+            ("tool-bar--image-expression" function (:arguments ("icon")) nil [5697 6631])
+            ("tool-bar-local-item" function (:arguments ("icon" "def" "key" "map" "props")) nil [6648 7456])
+            ("tool-bar-add-item-from-menu" function (:arguments ("command" "icon" "map" "props")) nil [7473 8250])
+            ("tool-bar-local-item-from-menu" function (:arguments ("command" "icon" "in-map" "from-map" "props")) nil [8267 10439])
+            ("tool-bar-setup" function nil nil [10507 12272])
+            ("if" code nil nil [12274 12922])
+            ("tool-bar" package nil nil [12925 12944]))          
+      :file "tool-bar.el"
+      :pointmax 12972
+      :fsize 12971
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29519 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("syntax" include nil nil [898 915])
+            ("comint-prompt-regexp" variable nil nil [917 946])
+            ("tooltip" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [948 1119])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [1153 2268])
+            ("tooltip-delay" variable (:default-value 0.7) nil [2299 2426])
+            ("tooltip-short-delay" variable (:default-value 0.1) nil [2428 2565])
+            ("tooltip-recent-seconds" variable (:default-value 1) nil [2567 2741])
+            ("tooltip-hide-delay" variable (:default-value 10) nil [2743 2867])
+            ("tooltip-x-offset" variable (:default-value 5) nil [2869 3339])
+            ("tooltip-y-offset" variable (:default-value 20) nil [3341 3811])
+            ("tooltip-frame-parameters" variable (:default-value (quote ((name . "tooltip") (internal-border-width . 2) (border-width . 1) (no-special-glyphs . t)))) nil [3813 4346])
+            ("tooltip" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color)) :background "lightyellow" :foreground "black" :inherit variable-pitch) (t :inherit variable-pitch)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [4348 4573])
+            ("tooltip-use-echo-area" variable nil nil [4575 4830])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [4832 4925])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [4971 5043])
+            ("tooltip-functions" variable nil nil [5045 5333])
+            ("tooltip-timeout-id" variable nil nil [5335 5425])
+            ("tooltip-last-mouse-motion-event" variable nil nil [5427 5519])
+            ("tooltip-hide-time" variable nil nil [5521 5594])
+            ("gud-tooltip-mode" variable nil nil [5596 5621])
+            ("tooltip-event-buffer" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [5664 5910])
+            ("tooltip-delay" function nil nil [5947 6173])
+            ("tooltip-cancel-delayed-tip" function nil nil [6175 6348])
+            ("tooltip-start-delayed-tip" function nil nil [6350 6529])
+            ("tooltip-timeout" function (:arguments ("_object")) nil [6531 6727])
+            ("tooltip-set-param" function (:arguments ("alist" "key" "value")) nil [6752 7089])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [7091 7178])
+            ("tooltip-show" function (:arguments ("text" "use-echo-area")) nil [7180 8413])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [8415 8456])
+            ("tooltip-hide" function (:arguments ("_ignored-arg")) nil [8458 8677])
+            ("tooltip-identifier-from-point" function (:arguments ("point")) nil [8713 9213])
+            ("tooltip-expr-to-print" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [9215 9757])
+            ("tooltip-process-prompt-regexp" function (:arguments ("process")) nil [9759 10348])
+            ("tooltip-strip-prompt" function (:arguments ("process" "output")) nil [10350 10616])
+            ("tooltip-help-message" variable nil nil [10639 10803])
+            ("tooltip-previous-message" variable nil nil [10805 10885])
+            ("tooltip-show-help-non-mode" function (:arguments ("help")) nil [10887 11934])
+            ("tooltip-show-help" function (:arguments ("msg")) nil [11936 12770])
+            ("tooltip-help-tips" function (:arguments ("_event")) nil [12772 13125])
+            ("tooltip" package nil nil [13127 13145]))          
+      :file "tooltip.el"
+      :pointmax 13172
+      :fsize 13171
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29520 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("time-stamp" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1414 1538])
+            ("time-stamp-format" variable (:default-value "%:y-%02m-%02d %02H:%02M:%02S %u") nil [1540 3342])
+            ("time-stamp-active" variable (:default-value t) nil [3413 3646])
+            ("time-stamp-warn-inactive" variable (:default-value t) nil [3648 3973])
+            ("time-stamp-time-zone" variable nil nil [3975 4402])
+            ("time-stamp-line-limit" variable (:default-value 8) nil [4802 5524])
+            ("time-stamp-start" variable (:default-value "Time-stamp:[ 	]+\\\\?[\"<]+") nil [5600 6167])
+            ("time-stamp-end" variable (:default-value "\\\\?[\">]") nil [6237 7206])
+            ("time-stamp-inserts-lines" variable nil nil [7275 8077])
+            ("time-stamp-count" variable (:default-value 1) nil [8156 8532])
+            ("time-stamp-pattern" variable nil nil [8604 10047])
+            ("time-stamp" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [10136 13445])
+            ("time-stamp-once" function (:arguments ("start" "search-limit" "ts-start" "ts-end" "ts-format" "format-lines" "end-lines")) nil [13447 15618])
+            ("time-stamp-toggle-active" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [15636 16032])
+            ("time-stamp--format" function (:arguments ("format" "time")) nil [16034 16130])
+            ("time-stamp-string" function (:arguments ("ts-format")) nil [16132 16465])
+            ("time-stamp-no-file" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "(no file)")
+                nil [16468 16574])
+            ("time-stamp-string-preprocess" function (:arguments ("format" "time")) nil [17397 23391])
+            ("time-stamp-do-number" function (:arguments ("format-char" "alt-form" "field-width" "time")) nil [23393 24027])
+            ("time-stamp-conversion-warn" variable (:default-value t) nil [24029 24498])
+            ("time-stamp-conv-warn" function (:arguments ("old-form" "new-form")) nil [24501 25193])
+            ("time-stamp" package nil nil [25195 25216]))          
+      :file "time-stamp.el"
+      :pointmax 25246
+      :fsize 25245
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29519 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("talk-display-alist" variable nil nil [1023 1162])
+            ("talk-connect" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("display"))
+                nil [1179 1624])
+            ("talk" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1641 1951])
+            ("talk-add-display" function (:arguments ("display")) nil [1953 2525])
+            ("talk-handle-delete-frame" function (:arguments ("frame")) nil [2527 2721])
+            ("talk-disconnect" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2723 3087])
+            ("talk-update-buffers" function nil nil [3089 3614])
+            ("talk-split-up-frame" function (:arguments ("frame" "buffers")) nil [3616 4267])
+            ("talk" package nil nil [4269 4284]))          
+      :file "talk.el"
+      :pointmax 4308
+      :fsize 4307
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29519 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("display-time" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1115 1226])
+            ("display-time-mail-file" variable nil nil [1229 1595])
+            ("display-time-mail-directory" variable nil nil [1597 1935])
+            ("display-time-mail-function" variable nil nil [1937 2311])
+            ("display-time-default-load-average" variable nil nil [2313 2884])
+            ("display-time-load-average" variable nil nil [2886 3095])
+            ("display-time-load-average-threshold" variable (:default-value 0.1) nil [3097 3261])
+            ("display-time-day-and-date" variable nil nil [3278 3439])
+            ("display-time-timer" variable nil nil [3441 3472])
+            ("display-time-interval" variable (:default-value 60) nil [3474 3604])
+            ("display-time-24hr-format" variable nil nil [3606 3823])
+            ("display-time-string" variable nil nil [3825 3999])
+            ("display-time-hook" variable nil nil [4066 4214])
+            ("display-time-server-down-time" variable nil nil [4216 4376])
+            ("zoneinfo-style-world-list" variable (:default-value (quote (("America/Los_Angeles" "Seattle") ("America/New_York" "New York") ("Europe/London" "London") ("Europe/Paris" "Paris") ("Asia/Calcutta" "Bangalore") ("Asia/Tokyo" "Tokyo")))) nil [4378 5076])
+            ("legacy-style-world-list" variable (:default-value (quote (("PST8PDT" "Seattle") ("EST5EDT" "New York") ("GMT0BST" "London") ("CET-1CDT" "Paris") ("IST-5:30" "Bangalore") ("JST-9" "Tokyo")))) nil [5078 5756])
+            ("display-time-world-list" variable (:default-value t) nil [5758 6526])
+            ("time--display-world-list" function nil nil [6528 6987])
+            ("display-time-world-time-format" variable (:default-value "%A %d %B %R %Z") nil [6989 7165])
+            ("display-time-world-buffer-name" variable (:default-value "*wclock*") nil [7167 7313])
+            ("display-time-world-timer-enable" variable (:default-value t) nil [7315 7471])
+            ("display-time-world-timer-second" variable (:default-value 60) nil [7473 7631])
+            ("display-time" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7648 7985])
+            ("display-time-mail-face" variable nil nil [8211 8583])
+            ("display-time-mail-icon" variable (:default-value (find-image (quote ((:type xpm :file "letter.xpm" :ascent center) (:type pbm :file "letter.pbm" :ascent center))))) nil [8585 8868])
+            ("display-time-use-mail-icon" variable nil nil [8918 9203])
+            ("display-time-mail-string" variable (:default-value "Mail") nil [9273 9663])
+            ("display-time-format" variable nil nil [9665 10035])
+            ("display-time-string-forms" variable (:default-value (quote ((if (and (not display-time-format) display-time-day-and-date) (format-time-string "%a %b %e " now) "") (propertize (format-time-string (or display-time-format (if display-time-24hr-format "%H:%M" "%-I:%M%p")) now) (quote help-echo) (format-time-string "%a %b %e, %Y" now)) load (if mail (concat " " (propertize display-time-mail-string (quote display) (\` (when (and display-time-use-mail-icon (display-graphic-p)) (\,@ display-time-mail-icon) (\,@ (if (and display-time-mail-face (memq (plist-get (cdr display-time-mail-icon) :type) (quote (pbm xbm)))) (let ((bg (face-attribute display-time-mail-face :background))) (if (stringp bg) (list :background bg))))))) (quote face) display-time-mail-face (quote help-echo) "You have new mail; mouse-2: Read mail" (quote mouse-face) (quote mode-line-highlight) (quote local-map) (make-mode-line-mouse-map (quote mouse-2) read-mail-command))) "")))) nil [10037 11968])
+            ("display-time-event-handler" function nil nil [11970 12893])
+            ("display-time-next-load-average" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [12895 13227])
+            ("display-time-mail-check-directory" function nil nil [13229 13645])
+            ("with-no-warnings" code nil nil [13647 14027])
+            ("display-time-update" function nil nil [14029 17452])
+            ("display-time-file-nonempty-p" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [17454 17657])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [17674 19122])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [19125 19330])
+            ("display-time-world-display" function (:arguments ("alist")) nil [19332 20047])
+            ("display-time-world" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [20064 20748])
+            ("display-time-world-timer" function nil nil [20750 21202])
+            ("emacs-uptime" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("format"))
+                nil [21219 21744])
+            ("emacs-init-time" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [21761 22067])
+            ("time" package nil nil [22069 22084]))          
+      :file "time.el"
+      :pointmax 22108
+      :fsize 22109
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29519 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("dired" include nil nil [5772 5788])
+            ("format-spec" include nil nil [5789 5811])
+            ("image-mode" include nil nil [5812 5833])
+            ("widget" include nil nil [5834 5851])
+            ("wid-edit" include nil nil [5894 5913])
+            ("cl-lib" include nil nil [5874 5891])
+            ("image-dired" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5916 6092])
+            ("image-dired-dir" variable (:default-value (locate-user-emacs-file "image-dired/")) nil [6094 6251])
+            ("image-dired-thumbnail-storage" variable (:default-value (quote use-image-dired-dir)) nil [6253 7265])
+            ("image-dired-db-file" variable (:default-value (expand-file-name ".image-dired_db" image-dired-dir)) nil [7267 7462])
+            ("image-dired-temp-image-file" variable (:default-value (expand-file-name ".image-dired_temp" image-dired-dir)) nil [7464 7655])
+            ("image-dired-gallery-dir" variable (:default-value (expand-file-name ".image-dired_gallery" image-dired-dir)) nil [7657 7961])
+            ("image-dired-gallery-image-root-url" variable (:default-value "http://your.own.server/image-diredpics") nil [7963 8258])
+            ("image-dired-gallery-thumb-image-root-url" variable (:default-value "http://your.own.server/image-diredthumbs") nil [8260 8563])
+            ("image-dired-cmd-create-thumbnail-program" variable (:default-value "convert") nil [8565 8769])
+            ("image-dired-cmd-create-thumbnail-options" variable (:default-value (quote ("-size" "%wx%h" "%f[0]" "-resize" "%wx%h>" "-strip" "jpeg:%t"))) nil [8771 9343])
+            ("image-dired-cmd-create-temp-image-program" variable (:default-value "convert") nil [9345 9555])
+            ("image-dired-cmd-create-temp-image-options" variable (:default-value (quote ("-size" "%wx%h" "%f[0]" "-resize" "%wx%h>" "-strip" "jpeg:%t"))) nil [9557 10162])
+            ("image-dired-cmd-pngnq-program" variable (:default-value (or (executable-find "pngnq") (executable-find "pngnq-s9"))) nil [10164 10497])
+            ("image-dired-cmd-pngnq-options" variable (:default-value (quote ("-f" "%t"))) nil [10499 10784])
+            ("image-dired-cmd-pngcrush-program" variable (:default-value (executable-find "pngcrush")) nil [10786 11119])
+            ("image-dired-cmd-pngcrush-options" variable (:default-value (\` ("-q" "-text" "b" "Description" "Thumbnail of file://%f" "-text" "b" "Software" (\, (emacs-version)) "-text" "b" "Thumb::MTime" "%m" "-text" "b" "Thumb::URI" "file://%f" "%q" "%t"))) nil [11121 11855])
+            ("image-dired-cmd-optipng-program" variable (:default-value (executable-find "optipng")) nil [11857 12062])
+            ("image-dired-cmd-optipng-options" variable (:default-value (quote ("-o5" "%t"))) nil [12064 12385])
+            ("image-dired-cmd-create-standard-thumbnail-options" variable (:default-value (append (quote ("-size" "%wx%h" "%f[0]")) (unless (or image-dired-cmd-pngcrush-program image-dired-cmd-pngnq-program) (list "-set" "Thumb::MTime" "%m" "-set" "Thumb::URI" "file://%f" "-set" "Description" "Thumbnail of file://%f" "-set" "Software" (emacs-version))) (quote ("-thumbnail" "%wx%h>" "png:%t")))) nil [12387 13141])
+            ("image-dired-cmd-rotate-thumbnail-program" variable (:default-value "mogrify") nil [13143 13347])
+            ("image-dired-cmd-rotate-thumbnail-options" variable (:default-value (quote ("-rotate" "%d" "%t"))) nil [13349 13845])
+            ("image-dired-cmd-rotate-original-program" variable (:default-value "jpegtran") nil [13847 14055])
+            ("image-dired-cmd-rotate-original-options" variable (:default-value (quote ("-rotate" "%d" "-copy" "all" "-outfile" "%t" "%o"))) nil [14057 14631])
+            ("image-dired-temp-rotate-image-file" variable (:default-value (expand-file-name ".image-dired_rotate_temp" image-dired-dir)) nil [14633 14821])
+            ("image-dired-rotate-original-ask-before-overwrite" variable (:default-value t) nil [14823 15105])
+            ("image-dired-cmd-write-exif-data-program" variable (:default-value "exiftool") nil [15107 15315])
+            ("image-dired-cmd-write-exif-data-options" variable (:default-value (quote ("-%t=%v" "%f"))) nil [15317 15731])
+            ("image-dired-cmd-read-exif-data-program" variable (:default-value "exiftool") nil [15733 15938])
+            ("image-dired-cmd-read-exif-data-options" variable (:default-value (quote ("-s" "-s" "-s" "-%t" "%f"))) nil [15940 16324])
+            ("image-dired-gallery-hidden-tags" variable (:default-value (list "private" "hidden" "pending")) nil [16326 16554])
+            ("image-dired-thumb-size" variable (:default-value (cond ((eq (quote standard) image-dired-thumbnail-storage) 128) ((eq (quote standard-large) image-dired-thumbnail-storage) 256) (t 100))) nil [16556 16890])
+            ("image-dired-thumb-width" variable (:default-value image-dired-thumb-size) nil [16892 17025])
+            ("image-dired-thumb-height" variable (:default-value image-dired-thumb-size) nil [17027 17162])
+            ("image-dired-thumb-relief" variable (:default-value 2) nil [17164 17291])
+            ("image-dired-thumb-margin" variable (:default-value 2) nil [17293 17446])
+            ("image-dired-line-up-method" variable (:default-value (quote dynamic)) nil [17448 18125])
+            ("image-dired-thumbs-per-row" variable (:default-value 3) nil [18127 18267])
+            ("image-dired-display-window-width-correction" variable (:default-value 1) nil [18269 18511])
+            ("image-dired-display-window-height-correction" variable nil nil [18513 18757])
+            ("image-dired-track-movement" variable (:default-value t) nil [18759 18979])
+            ("image-dired-append-when-browsing" variable nil nil [18981 19537])
+            ("image-dired-dired-disp-props" variable (:default-value t) nil [19539 19920])
+            ("image-dired-display-properties-format" variable (:default-value "%b: %f (%t): %c") nil [19922 20230])
+            ("image-dired-external-viewer" variable (:default-value (cond ((executable-find "display")) ((executable-find "xli")) ((executable-find "qiv") "qiv -t"))) nil [20232 20636])
+            ("image-dired-main-image-directory" variable (:default-value "~/pics/") nil [20638 20820])
+            ("image-dired-show-all-from-dir-max-files" variable (:default-value 50) nil [20822 21014])
+            ("image-dired--with-db-file" function (:arguments ("body")) nil [21016 21317])
+            ("image-dired-dir" function nil nil [21319 21743])
+            ("image-dired-insert-image" function (:arguments ("file" "type" "relief" "margin")) nil [21745 22032])
+            ("image-dired-get-thumbnail-image" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [22034 22679])
+            ("image-dired-insert-thumbnail" function (:arguments ("file" "original-file-name" "associated-dired-buffer")) nil [22681 23688])
+            ("image-dired-thumb-name" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [23690 25677])
+            ("image-dired--check-executable-exists" function (:arguments ("executable")) nil [25679 25840])
+            ("image-dired-thumb-size" function (:arguments ("dimension")) nil [25842 26242])
+            ("image-dired-queue" variable nil nil [26244 26358])
+            ("image-dired-queue-active-jobs" variable nil nil [26360 26450])
+            ("image-dired-queue-active-limit" variable (:default-value 2) nil [26452 26586])
+            ("image-dired-pngnq-thumb" function (:arguments ("spec")) nil [26588 27722])
+            ("image-dired-pngcrush-thumb" function (:arguments ("spec")) nil [27724 28919])
+            ("image-dired-optipng-thumb" function (:arguments ("spec")) nil [28921 29615])
+            ("image-dired-create-thumb-1" function (:arguments ("original-file" "thumbnail-file")) nil [29617 32771])
+            ("image-dired-thumb-queue-run" function nil nil [32773 33162])
+            ("image-dired-create-thumb" function (:arguments ("original-file" "thumbnail-file")) nil [33164 33461])
+            ("image-dired-dired-toggle-marked-thumbs" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [33478 34971])
+            ("image-dired-dired-after-readin-hook" function nil nil [34973 35564])
+            ("image-dired-next-line-and-display" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [35566 35866])
+            ("image-dired-previous-line-and-display" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [35868 36180])
+            ("image-dired-toggle-append-browsing" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [36182 36501])
+            ("image-dired-mark-and-display-next" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [36503 36806])
+            ("image-dired-toggle-dired-display-properties" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [36808 37129])
+            ("image-dired-thumbnail-buffer" variable (:default-value "*image-dired*") nil [37131 37220])
+            ("image-dired-create-thumbnail-buffer" function nil nil [37222 37565])
+            ("image-dired-display-image-buffer" variable (:default-value "*image-dired-display-image*") nil [37567 37691])
+            ("image-dired-create-display-image-buffer" function nil nil [37693 38064])
+            ("image-dired-saved-window-configuration" variable nil nil [38066 38149])
+            ("image-dired-dired-with-window-configuration" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("dir" "arg"))
+                nil [38166 39325])
+            ("image-dired-restore-window-configuration" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [39327 39703])
+            ("image-dired-display-thumbs" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg" "append" "do-not-pop"))
+                nil [39720 41869])
+            ("image-dired-show-all-from-dir" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("dir"))
+                nil [41886 42760])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [42777 42831])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [42848 42907])
+            ("image-dired-sane-db-file" function nil nil [42909 43619])
+            ("image-dired-write-tags" function (:arguments ("file-tags")) nil [43621 44390])
+            ("image-dired-remove-tag" function (:arguments ("files" "tag")) nil [44392 45415])
+            ("image-dired-list-tags" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [45417 45979])
+            ("image-dired-tag-files" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [45996 46415])
+            ("image-dired-tag-thumbnail" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [46417 46753])
+            ("image-dired-delete-tag" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [46770 47127])
+            ("image-dired-tag-thumbnail-remove" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [47129 47431])
+            ("image-dired-original-file-name" function nil nil [47433 47592])
+            ("image-dired-file-name-at-point" function nil nil [47594 47797])
+            ("image-dired-associated-dired-buffer" function nil nil [47799 47942])
+            ("image-dired-get-buffer-window" function (:arguments ("buf")) nil [47944 48126])
+            ("image-dired-track-original-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [48128 48795])
+            ("image-dired-toggle-movement-tracking" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [48797 49278])
+            ("image-dired-track-thumbnail" function nil nil [49280 50183])
+            ("image-dired-dired-next-line" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [50185 50488])
+            ("image-dired-dired-previous-line" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [50490 50809])
+            ("image-dired-forward-image" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [50811 51551])
+            ("image-dired-backward-image" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [51553 52301])
+            ("image-dired-next-line" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [52303 52753])
+            ("image-dired-previous-line" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [52756 53384])
+            ("image-dired-format-properties-string" function (:arguments ("buf" "file" "props" "comment")) nil [53386 53807])
+            ("image-dired-display-thumb-properties" function nil nil [53809 54455])
+            ("image-dired-dired-file-marked-p" function nil nil [54457 54630])
+            ("image-dired-modify-mark-on-thumb-original-file" function (:arguments ("command")) nil [54632 55561])
+            ("image-dired-mark-thumb-original-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [55563 55770])
+            ("image-dired-unmark-thumb-original-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [55772 55985])
+            ("image-dired-flag-thumb-original-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [55987 56207])
+            ("image-dired-toggle-mark-thumb-original-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [56209 56405])
+            ("image-dired-jump-original-dired-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [56407 57000])
+            ("image-dired-jump-thumbnail-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [57017 57415])
+            ("image-dired-thumbnail-mode-line-up-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "g" (quote image-dired-line-up-dynamic)) (define-key map "f" (quote image-dired-line-up)) (define-key map "i" (quote image-dired-line-up-interactive)) map)) nil [57417 57873])
+            ("image-dired-thumbnail-mode-tag-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "t" (quote image-dired-tag-thumbnail)) (define-key map "r" (quote image-dired-tag-thumbnail-remove)) map)) nil [57875 58223])
+            ("image-dired-thumbnail-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map [right] (quote image-dired-forward-image)) (define-key map [left] (quote image-dired-backward-image)) (define-key map [up] (quote image-dired-previous-line)) (define-key map [down] (quote image-dired-next-line)) (define-key map "" (quote image-dired-forward-image)) (define-key map "" (quote image-dired-backward-image)) (define-key map "" (quote image-dired-previous-line)) (define-key map "" (quote image-dired-next-line)) (define-key map "d" (quote image-dired-flag-thumb-original-file)) (define-key map [delete] (quote image-dired-flag-thumb-original-file)) (define-key map "m" (quote image-dired-mark-thumb-original-file)) (define-key map "u" (quote image-dired-unmark-thumb-original-file)) (define-key map "." (quote image-dired-track-original-file)) (define-key map [tab] (quote image-dired-jump-original-dired-buffer)) (define-key map "g" image-dired-thumbnail-mode-line-up-map) (define-key map "t" image-dired-thumbnail-mode-tag-map) (define-key map "
" (quote image-dired-display-thumbnail-original-image)) (define-key map [C-return] (quote image-dired-thumbnail-display-external)) (define-key map "l" (quote image-dired-rotate-thumbnail-left)) (define-key map "r" (quote image-dired-rotate-thumbnail-right)) (define-key map "L" (quote image-dired-rotate-original-left)) (define-key map "R" (quote image-dired-rotate-original-right)) (define-key map "D" (quote image-dired-thumbnail-set-image-description)) (define-key map "" (quote image-dired-delete-char)) (define-key map " " (quote image-dired-display-next-thumbnail-original)) (define-key map (kbd "DEL") (quote image-dired-display-previous-thumbnail-original)) (define-key map "c" (quote image-dired-comment-thumbnail)) (define-key map [mouse-2] (quote image-dired-mouse-display-image)) (define-key map [mouse-1] (quote image-dired-mouse-select-thumbnail)) (define-key map [C-down-mouse-1] (quote undefined)) (define-key map [C-mouse-1] (quote image-dired-mouse-toggle-mark)) (easy-menu-define nil map "Menu for `image-dired-thumbnail-mode'." (quote ("Image-Dired" ["Quit" quit-window] ["Delete thumbnail from buffer" image-dired-delete-char] ["Remove tag from thumbnail" image-dired-tag-thumbnail-remove] ["Tag thumbnail" image-dired-tag-thumbnail] ["Comment thumbnail" image-dired-comment-thumbnail] ["Refresh thumb" image-dired-refresh-thumb] ["Dynamic line up" image-dired-line-up-dynamic] ["Line up thumbnails" image-dired-line-up] ["Rotate thumbnail left" image-dired-rotate-thumbnail-left] ["Rotate thumbnail right" image-dired-rotate-thumbnail-right] ["Rotate original left" image-dired-rotate-original-left] ["Rotate original right" image-dired-rotate-original-right] ["Toggle movement tracking on/off" image-dired-toggle-movement-tracking] ["Jump to dired buffer" image-dired-jump-original-dired-buffer] ["Track original" image-dired-track-original-file] ["Flag original for deletion" image-dired-flag-thumb-original-file] ["Unmark original" image-dired-unmark-thumb-original-file] ["Mark original" image-dired-mark-thumb-original-file] ["Display in external viewer" image-dired-thumbnail-display-external] ["Display image" image-dired-display-thumbnail-original-image]))) map)) nil [58225 62045])
+            ("image-dired-display-image-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "f" (quote image-dired-display-current-image-full)) (define-key map "s" (quote image-dired-display-current-image-sized)) (define-key map "g" nil) (define-key map [remap forward-char] (quote image-forward-hscroll)) (define-key map [remap backward-char] (quote image-backward-hscroll)) (define-key map [remap right-char] (quote image-forward-hscroll)) (define-key map [remap left-char] (quote image-backward-hscroll)) (define-key map [remap previous-line] (quote image-previous-line)) (define-key map [remap next-line] (quote image-next-line)) (define-key map [remap scroll-up] (quote image-scroll-up)) (define-key map [remap scroll-down] (quote image-scroll-down)) (define-key map [remap scroll-up-command] (quote image-scroll-up)) (define-key map [remap scroll-down-command] (quote image-scroll-down)) (define-key map [remap scroll-left] (quote image-scroll-left)) (define-key map [remap scroll-right] (quote image-scroll-right)) (define-key map [remap move-beginning-of-line] (quote image-bol)) (define-key map [remap move-end-of-line] (quote image-eol)) (define-key map [remap beginning-of-buffer] (quote image-bob)) (define-key map [remap end-of-buffer] (quote image-eob)) (easy-menu-define nil map "Menu for `image-dired-display-image-mode-map'." (quote ("Image-Dired" ["Quit" quit-window] ["Display original, sized to fit" image-dired-display-current-image-sized] ["Display original, full size" image-dired-display-current-image-full]))) map)) nil [62047 63794])
+            ("image-dired-display-current-image-full" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [63796 64121])
+            ("image-dired-display-current-image-sized" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [64123 64465])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [64467 64787])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [64789 65148])
+            ("image-dired-minor-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "p" (quote image-dired-dired-previous-line)) (define-key map "n" (quote image-dired-dired-next-line)) (define-key map [up] (quote image-dired-dired-previous-line)) (define-key map [down] (quote image-dired-dired-next-line)) (define-key map (kbd "C-S-n") (quote image-dired-next-line-and-display)) (define-key map (kbd "C-S-p") (quote image-dired-previous-line-and-display)) (define-key map (kbd "C-S-m") (quote image-dired-mark-and-display-next)) (define-key map "d" (quote image-dired-display-thumbs)) (define-key map [tab] (quote image-dired-jump-thumbnail-buffer)) (define-key map "i" (quote image-dired-dired-display-image)) (define-key map "x" (quote image-dired-dired-display-external)) (define-key map "a" (quote image-dired-display-thumbs-append)) (define-key map "." (quote image-dired-display-thumb)) (define-key map "c" (quote image-dired-dired-comment-files)) (define-key map "f" (quote image-dired-mark-tagged-files)) (easy-menu-define nil map "Menu for `image-dired-minor-mode'." (quote ("Image-dired" ["Copy with EXIF file name" image-dired-copy-with-exif-file-name] ["Comment files" image-dired-dired-comment-files] ["Mark tagged files" image-dired-mark-tagged-files] ["Jump to thumbnail buffer" image-dired-jump-thumbnail-buffer] ["Toggle movement tracking" image-dired-toggle-movement-tracking] ["Toggle append browsing" image-dired-toggle-append-browsing] ["Toggle display properties" image-dired-toggle-dired-display-properties] ["Display in external viewer" image-dired-dired-display-external] ["Display image" image-dired-dired-display-image] ["Display this thumbnail" image-dired-display-thumb] ["Display thumbnails append" image-dired-display-thumbs-append] ["Create thumbnails for marked files" image-dired-create-thumbs] ["Mark and display next" image-dired-mark-and-display-next] ["Display thumb for previous file" image-dired-previous-line-and-display] ["Display thumb for next file" image-dired-next-line-and-display]))) map)) nil [65150 67507])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [67524 67773])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [67790 67892])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [67894 67959])
+            ("image-dired-create-thumbs" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [67961 68715])
+            ("image-dired-slideshow-timer" variable nil nil [68717 68778])
+            ("image-dired-slideshow-count" variable nil nil [68780 68870])
+            ("image-dired-slideshow-times" variable nil nil [68872 68958])
+            ("image-dired-slideshow-step" function nil nil [68960 69365])
+            ("image-dired-slideshow-start" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [69367 69890])
+            ("image-dired-slideshow-stop" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [69892 70012])
+            ("image-dired-delete-char" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [70014 70238])
+            ("image-dired-display-thumbs-append" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [70255 70411])
+            ("image-dired-display-thumb" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [70428 70588])
+            ("image-dired-line-up" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [70590 71489])
+            ("image-dired-line-up-dynamic" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [71491 71995])
+            ("image-dired-line-up-interactive" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [71997 72386])
+            ("image-dired-thumbnail-display-external" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [72388 72849])
+            ("image-dired-dired-display-external" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [72866 73116])
+            ("image-dired-window-width-pixels" function (:arguments ("window")) nil [73118 73253])
+            ("image-dired-window-height-pixels" function (:arguments ("window")) nil [73255 73443])
+            ("image-dired-display-window" function nil nil [73445 73696])
+            ("image-dired-thumbnail-window" function nil nil [73698 73943])
+            ("image-dired-associated-dired-buffer-window" function nil nil [73945 74346])
+            ("image-dired-display-window-width" function (:arguments ("window")) nil [74348 74533])
+            ("image-dired-display-window-height" function (:arguments ("window")) nil [74535 74724])
+            ("image-dired-display-image" function (:arguments ("file" "original-size")) nil [74726 76688])
+            ("image-dired-display-thumbnail-original-image" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [76690 77472])
+            ("image-dired-dired-display-image" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [77490 77882])
+            ("image-dired-image-at-point-p" function nil nil [77884 78039])
+            ("image-dired-rotate-thumbnail" function (:arguments ("degrees")) nil [78041 78711])
+            ("image-dired-rotate-thumbnail-left" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [78713 79108])
+            ("image-dired-rotate-thumbnail-right" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [79110 79506])
+            ("image-dired-refresh-thumb" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [79508 79823])
+            ("image-dired-rotate-original" function (:arguments ("degrees")) nil [79825 81198])
+            ("image-dired-rotate-original-left" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [81200 81360])
+            ("image-dired-rotate-original-right" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [81362 81515])
+            ("image-dired-get-exif-file-name" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [81517 82622])
+            ("image-dired-thumbnail-set-image-description" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [82624 83359])
+            ("image-dired-set-exif-data" function (:arguments ("file" "tag-name" "tag-value")) nil [83361 83892])
+            ("image-dired-get-exif-data" function (:arguments ("file" "tag-name")) nil [83894 84934])
+            ("image-dired-copy-with-exif-file-name" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [84936 86027])
+            ("image-dired-display-next-thumbnail-original" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [86029 86249])
+            ("image-dired-display-previous-thumbnail-original" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [86251 86455])
+            ("image-dired-write-comments" function (:arguments ("file-comments")) nil [86457 87787])
+            ("image-dired-update-property" function (:arguments ("prop" "value")) nil [87789 87997])
+            ("image-dired-dired-comment-files" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [88014 88310])
+            ("image-dired-comment-thumbnail" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [88312 88680])
+            ("image-dired-read-comment" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [88682 88945])
+            ("image-dired-get-comment" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [88947 89540])
+            ("image-dired-mark-tagged-files" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [89557 90900])
+            ("image-dired-mouse-display-image" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [90902 91478])
+            ("image-dired-mouse-select-thumbnail" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [91480 91865])
+            ("image-dired-mouse-toggle-mark" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("event"))
+                nil [91867 92263])
+            ("image-dired-dired-display-properties" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [92265 92845])
+            ("image-dired-tag-file-list" variable nil nil [92847 92923])
+            ("image-dired-file-tag-list" variable nil nil [92925 93001])
+            ("image-dired-file-comment-list" variable nil nil [93003 93078])
+            ("image-dired-add-to-tag-file-list" function (:arguments ("tag" "file")) nil [93080 93558])
+            ("image-dired-add-to-tag-file-lists" function (:arguments ("tag" "file")) nil [93560 94839])
+            ("image-dired-add-to-file-comment-list" function (:arguments ("file" "comment")) nil [94841 95470])
+            ("image-dired-create-gallery-lists" function nil nil [95472 96574])
+            ("image-dired-hidden-p" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [96576 96796])
+            ("image-dired-gallery-generate" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [96798 100400])
+            ("image-dired-widget-list" variable nil nil [100402 100490])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [100492 100542])
+            ("image-dired-dired-edit-comment-and-tags" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [100559 103376])
+            ("image-dired-save-information-from-widgets" function nil nil [103378 104244])
+            ("image-dired" package nil nil [106135 106157]))          
+      :file "image-dired.el"
+      :pointmax 106188
+      :fsize 106187
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29511 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 5913 . 5914) (symbol 5854 . 5871) (open-paren 5853 . 5854))))
   :file "!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!semantic.cache"
   :semantic-tag-version "2.0"
   :semanticdb-version "2.2")

Gitblit v1.9.3