From 434b46beff1c5ec01cbefd5273d89971a82d6bab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chizi123 <>
Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2018 09:00:19 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] fix to move local head to start

 semanticdb/!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!semantic.cache                                     |   33 
 semanticdb/!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!elpa!flycheck-tip-20171020.1048!semantic.cache     |   47 
 #init.el#                                                                                   |  207 +++
 recentf                                                                                     |    7 
 semanticdb/!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!custom!semantic.cache                              |    9 
 auto-save-list/.saves-10880-JOEL-PC~                                                        |    6 
 auto-save-list/.saves-7652-JOEL-PC~                                                         |    2 
 semanticdb/!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!erc!semantic.cache       |  310 +++++
 tramp                                                                                       |   27 
 semanticdb/!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!cedet!ede!semantic.cache |  701 ++++++++++++
 semanticdb/!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!vc!semantic.cache        | 1309 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 semanticdb/!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!textmodes!semantic.cache |   84 +
 projectile.cache                                                                            |    1 
 recentf~                                                                                    |    3 
 semanticdb/!drive_c!plink!!joel@!!!home!joel!Documents!Code!semantic.cache     |   16 
 semanticdb/!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!eshell!semantic.cache    |  652 +++++++++++
 16 files changed, 3,407 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git "a/\043init.el\043" "b/\043init.el\043"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a74789
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/\043init.el\043"
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+(provide 'init)
+;; set paths for executable
+(add-to-list 'exec-path "C:/msys64/usr/bin")
+(add-to-list 'exec-path "C:/msys64/mingw64/bin")
+(add-to-list 'exec-path "C:/Program Files/xpdf-tools-win-4.00/bin64")
+(setenv "PATH" (mapconcat #'identity exec-path path-separator))
+;; adding modules to load path
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/custom/")
+;; load your modules
+(require 'setup-applications)
+(require 'setup-communication)
+(require 'setup-convenience)
+(require 'setup-data)
+(require 'setup-development)
+(require 'setup-editing)
+(require 'setup-environment)
+(require 'setup-external)
+(require 'setup-faces)
+(require 'setup-files)
+(require 'setup-help)
+(require 'setup-programming)
+(require 'setup-text)
+(require 'setup-local)
+;; setting up aspell
+(require 'ispell)
+(setq-default ispell-program-name "aspell")
+;; x86 reference
+(setq x86-lookup-pdf "D:/Coding/x86-8664 reference.pdf")
+;; Melpa repo
+(require 'package)
+(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)
+;; helm
+(require 'helm-config)
+(setq helm-split-window-in-side-p           t ; open helm buffer inside current window, not occupy whole other window
+      helm-move-to-line-cycle-in-source     t ; move to end or beginning of source when reaching top or bottom of source.
+      helm-ff-search-library-in-sexp        t ; search for library in `require' and `declare-function' sexp.
+      helm-scroll-amount                    8 ; scroll 8 lines other window using M-<next>/M-<prior>
+      helm-ff-file-name-history-use-recentf t
+      helm-echo-input-in-header-line t)
+(defun spacemacs//helm-hide-minibuffer-maybe ()
+  "Hide minibuffer in Helm session if we use the header line as input field."
+  (when (with-helm-buffer helm-echo-input-in-header-line)
+    (let ((ov (make-overlay (point-min) (point-max) nil nil t)))
+      (overlay-put ov 'window (selected-window))
+      (overlay-put ov 'face
+                   (let ((bg-color (face-background 'default nil)))
+                     `(:background ,bg-color :foreground ,bg-color)))
+      (setq-local cursor-type nil))))
+(add-hook 'helm-minibuffer-set-up-hook
+          'spacemacs//helm-hide-minibuffer-maybe)
+(global-set-key (kbd "M-x") 'helm-M-x)
+(setq helm-M-x-fuzzy-match t) ;; optional fuzzy matching for helm-M-x
+(global-set-key (kbd "M-y") 'helm-show-kill-ring)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-x b") 'helm-mini)
+(setq helm-buffers-fuzzy-matching t
+      helm-recentf-fuzzy-match    t)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-f") 'helm-find-files)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-c h o") 'helm-occur)
+(helm-mode 1)
+;; undo-tree
+(require 'undo-tree)
+;; volatile highlights
+(require 'volatile-highlights)
+(volatile-highlights-mode t)
+;; yasnippet
+(require 'yasnippet)
+(yas-global-mode 1)
+;; ggtags
+(require 'ggtags)
+(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook
+          (lambda
+            (when (derived-mode-p 'c-mode 'c++-mode 'java-mode)
+              (ggtags-mode 1))))
+(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'ggtags-mode)
+;; workgroups2
+(require 'workgroups2)
+(workgroups-mode 1)
+;; smartparens
+(require 'smartparens-config)
+(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'smartparens-mode)
+(setq sp-base-key-bindings 'paredit)
+(setq sp-autoskip-closing-pair 'always)
+(setq sp-hybrid-kill-entire-symbol nil)
+;; clean-aindent-mode
+(require 'clean-aindent-mode)
+(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'clean-aindent-mode)
+;; company config
+(require 'company)
+(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'global-company-mode)
+(add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-c-headers)
+(setq company-backends (delete 'company-semantic company-backends))
+;; (define-key c-mode-base-map  [(tab)] 'company-complete)
+;; (define-key c++-mode-map  [(tab)] 'company-complete)
+;; ibuffer-vc config
+(add-hook 'ibuffer-hook
+	  (lambda ()
+	    (ibuffer-vc-set-filter-groups-by-vc-root)
+	    (unless (eq ibuffer-sorting-mode 'alphabetic)
+              (ibuffer-do-sort-by-alphabetic))))
+(setq ibuffer-formats
+      '((mark modified read-only vc-status-mini " "
+              (name 18 18 :left :elide)
+              " "
+              (size 9 -1 :right)
+              " "
+              (mode 16 16 :left :elide)
+              " "
+              (vc-status 16 16 :left)
+              " "
+              filename-and-process)))
+;; projectile config
+(setq projectile-completion-system 'helm)
+(setq projectile-indexing-method 'alien)
+(define-key projectile-mode-map (kbd "C-c p") 'projectile-command-map)
+;; ztree config
+(require 'ztree-diff)
+(require 'ztree-dir)
+;; diff-hl config
+(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'diff-hl-dired-mode)
+;; magit config
+(require 'magit)
+(set-default 'magit-stage-all-confirm nil)
+(add-hook 'magit-mode-hook 'magit-load-config-extensions)
+;; full screen magit-status
+(defadvice magit-status (around magit-fullscreen activate)
+  (window-configuration-to-register :magit-fullscreen)
+  ad-do-it
+  (delete-other-windows))
+(global-unset-key (kbd "C-x g"))
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-x g h") 'magit-log)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-x g f") 'magit-file-log)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-x g b") 'magit-blame-mode)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-x g m") 'magit-branch-manager)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-x g c") 'magit-branch)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-x g s") 'magit-status)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-x g r") 'magit-reflog)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-x g t") 'magit-tag)
+;; flycheck
+(require 'flycheck)
+(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'global-flycheck-mode)
+;; flycheck-pos-tip
+(with-eval-after-load 'flycheck
+  (flycheck-pos-tip-mode))
+;; nyan mode
+(case window-system ((x w32) (nyan-mode)))
+;; semantic refactor
+(require 'srefactor)
+(require 'srefactor-lisp)
+(semantic-mode 1) ;; -> this is optional for Lisp
+(define-key c-mode-map (kbd "M-RET") 'srefactor-refactor-at-point)
+(define-key c++-mode-map (kbd "M-RET") 'srefactor-refactor-at-point)
+(global-set-key (kbd "M-RET o") 'srefactor-lisp-one-line)
+(global-set-key (kbd "M-RET m") 'srefactor-lisp-format-sexp)
+(global-set-key (kbd "M-RET d") 'srefactor-lisp-format-defun)
+(global-set-key (kbd "M-RET b") 'srefactor-lisp-format-buffer)
+;; guide-key
+(require 'guide-key)
+(setq guide-key/guide-key-sequence '("C-x" "C-c" "M-g"))
+(setq guide-key/recursive-key-sequence-flag t)
+(setq guide-key/popup-window-position 'bottom)
+(guide-key-mode 1)  ; Enable guide-key-mode
diff --git a/auto-save-list/.saves-10880-JOEL-PC~ b/auto-save-list/.saves-10880-JOEL-PC~
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..906423d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auto-save-list/.saves-10880-JOEL-PC~
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/auto-save-list/.saves-7652-JOEL-PC~ b/auto-save-list/.saves-7652-JOEL-PC~
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77a1601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auto-save-list/.saves-7652-JOEL-PC~
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/projectile.cache b/projectile.cache
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4207452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projectile.cache
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#s(hash-table size 65 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 data ("c:/Users/joelg/.emacs.d/" ("tramp" "auto-save-list/.saves-6756-JOEL-PC~" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!semantic.cache" "bookmarks" "custom/setup-applications.el" "custom/setup-applications.el~" "custom/setup-communication.el" "custom/setup-communication.el~" "custom/setup-convenience.el" "custom/setup-convenience.el~" "custom/setup-data.el" "custom/setup-data.el~" "custom/setup-development.el" "custom/setup-development.el~" "custom/setup-editing.el" "custom/setup-editing.el~" "custom/setup-environment.el" "custom/setup-environment.el~" "custom/setup-external.el" "custom/setup-external.el~" "custom/setup-faces.el" "custom/setup-faces.el~" "custom/setup-files.el" "custom/setup-files.el~" "custom/setup-help.el" "custom/setup-help.el~" "custom/setup-local.el" "custom/setup-local.el~" "custom/setup-multimedia.el" "custom/setup-multimedia.el~" "custom/setup-programming.el" "custom/setup-programming.el~" "custom/setup-text.el" "custom/setup-text.el~" "elpa/anaphora-20180618.2200/anaphora-autoloads.el" "elpa/anaphora-20180618.2200/anaphora-pkg.el" "elpa/anaphora-20180618.2200/anaphora.el" "elpa/anaphora-20180618.2200/anaphora.elc" "elpa/archives/gnu/archive-contents" "elpa/archives/melpa/archive-contents" "elpa/async-20180527.1730/async-autoloads.el" "elpa/async-20180527.1730/async-bytecomp.el" "elpa/async-20180527.1730/async-bytecomp.elc" "elpa/async-20180527.1730/async-pkg.el" "elpa/async-20180527.1730/async.el" "elpa/async-20180527.1730/async.elc" "elpa/async-20180527.1730/dired-async.el" "elpa/async-20180527.1730/dired-async.elc" "elpa/async-20180527.1730/smtpmail-async.el" "elpa/async-20180527.1730/smtpmail-async.elc" "elpa/auctex-readme.txt" "elpa/clean-aindent-mode-20171017.2043/clean-aindent-mode-autoloads.el" "elpa/clean-aindent-mode-20171017.2043/clean-aindent-mode-pkg.el" "elpa/clean-aindent-mode-20171017.2043/clean-aindent-mode.el" "elpa/clean-aindent-mode-20171017.2043/clean-aindent-mode.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-abbrev.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-abbrev.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-autoloads.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-bbdb.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-bbdb.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-capf.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-capf.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-clang.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-clang.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-cmake.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-cmake.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-css.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-css.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-dabbrev-code.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-dabbrev-code.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-dabbrev.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-dabbrev.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-eclim.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-eclim.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-elisp.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-elisp.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-etags.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-etags.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-files.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-files.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-gtags.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-gtags.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-ispell.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-ispell.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-keywords.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-keywords.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-nxml.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-nxml.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-oddmuse.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-oddmuse.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-pkg.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-semantic.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-semantic.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-template.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-template.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-tempo.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-tempo.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-tng.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-tng.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-xcode.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-xcode.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-yasnippet.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company-yasnippet.elc" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company.el" "elpa/company-20181105.2312/company.elc" "elpa/company-c-headers-20180814.1730/company-c-headers-autoloads.el" "elpa/company-c-headers-20180814.1730/company-c-headers-pkg.el" "elpa/company-c-headers-20180814.1730/company-c-headers.el" "elpa/company-c-headers-20180814.1730/company-c-headers.elc" "elpa/dash-20180910.1856/dash-autoloads.el" "elpa/dash-20180910.1856/dash-pkg.el" "elpa/dash-20180910.1856/dash.el" "elpa/dash-20180910.1856/dash.elc" "elpa/diff-hl-20180201.1155/diff-hl-amend.el" "elpa/diff-hl-20180201.1155/diff-hl-amend.elc" "elpa/diff-hl-20180201.1155/diff-hl-autoloads.el" "elpa/diff-hl-20180201.1155/diff-hl-dired.el" "elpa/diff-hl-20180201.1155/diff-hl-dired.elc" "elpa/diff-hl-20180201.1155/diff-hl-flydiff.el" "elpa/diff-hl-20180201.1155/diff-hl-flydiff.elc" "elpa/diff-hl-20180201.1155/diff-hl-margin.el" "elpa/diff-hl-20180201.1155/diff-hl-margin.elc" "elpa/diff-hl-20180201.1155/diff-hl-pkg.el" "elpa/diff-hl-20180201.1155/diff-hl.el" "elpa/diff-hl-20180201.1155/diff-hl.elc" "elpa/epl-20180205.2049/epl-autoloads.el" "elpa/epl-20180205.2049/epl-pkg.el" "elpa/epl-20180205.2049/epl.el" "elpa/epl-20180205.2049/epl.elc" "elpa/f-20180106.922/f-autoloads.el" "elpa/f-20180106.922/f-pkg.el" "elpa/f-20180106.922/f.el" "elpa/f-20180106.922/f.elc" "elpa/flycheck-20181018.1021/flycheck-autoloads.el" "elpa/flycheck-20181018.1021/flycheck-buttercup.el" "elpa/flycheck-20181018.1021/flycheck-ert.el" "elpa/flycheck-20181018.1021/flycheck-ert.elc" "elpa/flycheck-20181018.1021/flycheck-pkg.el" "elpa/flycheck-20181018.1021/flycheck.el" "elpa/flycheck-20181018.1021/flycheck.elc" "elpa/flycheck-pos-tip-20180610.1615/flycheck-pos-tip-autoloads.el" "elpa/flycheck-pos-tip-20180610.1615/flycheck-pos-tip-pkg.el" "elpa/flycheck-pos-tip-20180610.1615/flycheck-pos-tip.el" "elpa/flycheck-pos-tip-20180610.1615/flycheck-pos-tip.elc" "elpa/flycheck-readme.txt" "elpa/flycheck-tip-20171020.1048/error-tip.el" "elpa/flycheck-tip-20171020.1048/error-tip.elc" "elpa/flycheck-tip-20171020.1048/flycheck-tip-autoloads.el" "elpa/flycheck-tip-20171020.1048/flycheck-tip-pkg.el" "elpa/flycheck-tip-20171020.1048/flycheck-tip.el" "elpa/flycheck-tip-20171020.1048/flycheck-tip.elc" "elpa/flycheck-tip-20171020.1048/flymake-tip.el" "elpa/flycheck-tip-20171020.1048/flymake-tip.elc" "elpa/ggtags-20181031.1803/ggtags-autoloads.el" "elpa/ggtags-20181031.1803/ggtags-pkg.el" "elpa/ggtags-20181031.1803/ggtags.el" "elpa/ggtags-20181031.1803/ggtags.elc" "elpa/ghub-20181112.1755/buck.el" "elpa/ghub-20181112.1755/buck.elc" "elpa/ghub-20181112.1755/dir" "elpa/ghub-20181112.1755/ghub-autoloads.el" "elpa/ghub-20181112.1755/ghub-graphql.el" "elpa/ghub-20181112.1755/ghub-graphql.elc" "elpa/ghub-20181112.1755/ghub-pkg.el" "elpa/ghub-20181112.1755/ghub.el" "elpa/ghub-20181112.1755/ghub.elc" "elpa/ghub-20181112.1755/" "elpa/ghub-20181112.1755/glab.el" "elpa/ghub-20181112.1755/glab.elc" "elpa/ghub-20181112.1755/gogs.el" "elpa/ghub-20181112.1755/gogs.elc" "elpa/ghub-20181112.1755/gtea.el" "elpa/ghub-20181112.1755/gtea.elc" "elpa/git-commit-20181116.1408/git-commit-autoloads.el" "elpa/git-commit-20181116.1408/git-commit-pkg.el" "elpa/git-commit-20181116.1408/git-commit.el" "elpa/git-commit-20181116.1408/git-commit.elc" "elpa/graphql-20180912.31/graphql-autoloads.el" "elpa/graphql-20180912.31/graphql-pkg.el" "elpa/graphql-20180912.31/graphql.el" "elpa/graphql-20180912.31/graphql.elc" "elpa/guide-key-20150108.635/guide-key-autoloads.el" "elpa/guide-key-20150108.635/guide-key-pkg.el" "elpa/guide-key-20150108.635/guide-key.el" "elpa/guide-key-20150108.635/guide-key.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-adaptive.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-adaptive.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-autoloads.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-bookmark.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-bookmark.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-buffers.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-buffers.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-color.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-color.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-command.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-command.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-config.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-config.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-dabbrev.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-dabbrev.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-easymenu.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-easymenu.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-elisp-package.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-elisp-package.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-elisp.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-elisp.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-eshell.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-eshell.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-eval.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-eval.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-external.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-external.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-files.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-files.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-find.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-find.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-font.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-font.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-for-files.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-for-files.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-grep.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-grep.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-help.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-help.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-id-utils.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-id-utils.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-imenu.el" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-imenu.elc" "elpa/helm-20181115.1728/helm-info.el" 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"recentf~" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!cedet!semantic!decorate!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!cedet!semantic!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!cedet!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!cedet!srecode!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!emacs-lisp!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!gnus!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!image!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!international!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!language!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!net!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!play!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!progmodes!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!term!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!custom!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!elpa!company-20181105.2312!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!elpa!diff-hl-20180201.1155!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!elpa!flycheck-20181018.1021!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!elpa!ggtags-20181031.1803!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!elpa!ghub-20181112.1755!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!elpa!git-commit-20181110.1201!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!elpa!git-commit-20181116.1408!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!elpa!graphql-20180912.31!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!elpa!guide-key-20150108.635!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!elpa!magit-20181116.1412!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!elpa!popwin-20150315.1300!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!elpa!undo-tree-0.6.5!semantic.cache" "semanticdb/!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!elpa!zenburn-theme-20181014.1555!semantic.cache" "srecode-map.el" "themes/zenburn-theme.el" "tmpiKD57q")))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recentf b/recentf
index c826cd3..d4e6ef6 100644
--- a/recentf
+++ b/recentf
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
-;;; Automatically generated by ‘recentf’ on Sat Nov 17 23:00:47 2018.
+;;; Automatically generated by ‘recentf’ on Sun Nov 18 19:54:13 2018.
 (setq recentf-list
+        "c:/Users/joelg/OneDrive - The University of Melbourne/INFO20003/Exams/"
+        "c:/Users/joelg/OneDrive - The University of Melbourne/INFO20003/Exams/SampleAnswers.tex"
+        "c:/Users/joelg/OneDrive - The University of Melbourne/SWEN20003/Exams/"
+        "c:/Users/joelg/.emacs.d/custom/setup-files.el"
+        #("/plink:joel@" 1 6 (helm-ff-file t) 7 11 (helm-ff-file t) 12 25 (helm-ff-file t))
diff --git a/recentf~ b/recentf~
index c0929c2..c826cd3 100644
--- a/recentf~
+++ b/recentf~
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-;;; Automatically generated by ‘recentf’ on Sat Nov 17 20:16:34 2018.
+;;; Automatically generated by ‘recentf’ on Sat Nov 17 23:00:47 2018.
 (setq recentf-list
+        "c:/Users/joelg/.emacs.d/custom/setup-environment.el"
diff --git "a/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Program Files\041Emacs 26.1\041share\041emacs\04126.1\041lisp\041cedet\041ede\041semantic.cache" "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Program Files\041Emacs 26.1\041share\041emacs\04126.1\041lisp\041cedet\041ede\041semantic.cache"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d392336
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Program Files\041Emacs 26.1\041share\041emacs\04126.1\041lisp\041cedet\041ede\041semantic.cache"
@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+;; Object semanticdb-project-database-file
+;; SEMANTICDB Tags save file
+(semanticdb-project-database-file "semanticdb-project-database-file"
+  :tables
+  (list
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("ede" include nil nil [1240 1254])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1256 1311])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1312 1371])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1372 1430])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1431 1484])
+            ("ede--disable-inode" variable nil nil [1486 1571])
+            ("ede-find-file" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("file"))
+                nil [1598 2030])
+            ("ede-flush-project-hash" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2032 2274])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [2340 2534])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [2536 2953])
+            ("ede-inode-directory-hash" variable (:default-value (make-hash-table :test (quote equal))) nil [3185 3357])
+            ("ede--put-inode-dir-hash" function (:arguments ("dir" "inode")) nil [3359 3548])
+            ("ede--get-inode-dir-hash" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [3550 3719])
+            ("ede--inode-for-dir" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [3721 4044])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [4046 4299])
+            ("ede--inode-get-toplevel-open-project" function (:arguments ("inode")) nil [4301 4716])
+            ("ede-directory-get-open-project" function (:arguments ("dir" "rootreturn")) nil [4953 5868])
+            ("ede-directory-get-toplevel-open-project" function (:arguments ("dir" "exact")) nil [5963 7965])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [7967 8777])
+            ("ede-project-directory-hash" variable (:default-value (make-hash-table :test (quote equal))) nil [9002 9196])
+            ("ede-flush-directory-hash" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [9198 9612])
+            ("ede-project-directory-remove-hash" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [9614 10218])
+            ("ede--directory-project-from-hash" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [10220 10457])
+            ("ede--directory-project-add-description-to-hash" function (:arguments ("dir" "desc")) nil [10459 10707])
+            ("ede-directory-project-p" function (:arguments ("dir" "force")) nil [10944 11727])
+            ("ede-directory-project-cons" function (:arguments ("dir" "force")) nil [11729 12590])
+            ("ede-toplevel-project" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [12792 13460])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [13462 13523])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [13559 14117])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [14119 14850])
+            ("ede-get-locator-object" function (:arguments ("proj")) nil [14878 15315])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [15317 17681])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [17683 18471])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [18473 18892])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [18894 19450])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [19452 19828])
+            ("ede-up-directory" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [19848 20167])
+            ("ede/files" package nil nil [20170 20190]))          
+      :file "files.el"
+      :pointmax 20335
+      :fsize 20334
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29529 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("eieio" include nil nil [924 940])
+            ("cl-generic" include nil nil [941 962])
+            ("eieio-speedbar" include nil nil [963 988])
+            ("ede/auto" include nil nil [989 1008])
+            ("ede-projects" variable nil nil [1032 1053])
+            ("ede-object" variable nil nil [1054 1073])
+            ("ede-object-root-project" variable nil nil [1074 1106])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1108 1161])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1162 1229])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1230 1289])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1290 1350])
+            ("ede-target" type
+               (:superclasses "eieio-speedbar-directory-button"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("buttonface" variable (:default-value "speedbar-file-face") nil nil)
+                    ("name" variable
+                       (:documentation "Name of this target."
+                        :type "string")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("path" variable
+                       (:documentation "The path to the sources of this target.
+Relative to the path of the project it belongs to."
+                        :type "string")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("source" variable
+                       (:documentation "Source files in this target."
+                        :default-value "nil"
+                        :type "list")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("versionsource" variable
+                       (:documentation "Source files with a version string in them.
+These files are checked for a version string whenever the EDE version
+of the master project is changed.  When strings are found, the version
+previously there is updated."
+                        :default-value "nil"
+                        :type "list")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("sourcetype" variable
+                       (:documentation "A list of `ede-sourcecode' objects this class will handle.
+This is used to match target objects with the compilers they can use, and
+which files this object is interested in."
+                        :static-flag t
+                        :type "list")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("keybindings" variable
+                       (:documentation "Keybindings specialized to this type of target."
+                        :static-flag t
+                        :default-value "((\"D\" . ede-debug-target))")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("menu" variable
+                       (:documentation "Menu specialized to this type of target."
+                        :static-flag t
+                        :default-value "([\"Debug target\" ede-debug-target (ede-buffer-belongs-to-target-p)] [\"Run target\" ede-run-target (ede-buffer-belongs-to-target-p)])")
+                        nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [1462 3742])
+            ("ede-project-placeholder" type
+               (:superclasses "eieio-speedbar-directory-button"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("name" variable
+                       (:documentation "The name used when generating distribution files."
+                        :default-value "Untitled"
+                        :type "string")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("version" variable
+                       (:documentation "The version number used when distributing files."
+                        :default-value "1.0"
+                        :type "string")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("directory" variable
+                       (:documentation "Directory this project is associated with."
+                        :type "string")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("dirinode" variable (:documentation "The inode id for :directory.") nil nil)
+                    ("file" variable
+                       (:documentation "The File uniquely tagging this project instance.
+For some project types, this will be the file that stores the project configuration.
+In other projects types, this file is merely a unique identifier to this type of project."
+                        :type "string")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("rootproject" variable
+                       (:documentation "Pointer to our root project."
+                        :default-value "nil"
+                        :type "(or null ede-project-placeholder-child)")
+                        nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [3980 5287])
+            ("unless" code nil nil [5721 5814])
+            ("ede-project" type
+               (:superclasses "ede-project-placeholder"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("subproj" variable
+                       (:documentation "Sub projects controlled by this project.
+For Automake based projects, each directory is treated as a project."
+                        :default-value "nil"
+                        :type "list")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("targets" variable
+                       (:documentation "List of top level targets in this project."
+                        :type "ede-target-list")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("locate-obj" variable
+                       (:documentation "A locate object to use as a backup to `ede-expand-filename'."
+                        :type "(or null ede-locate-base-child)")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("tool-cache" variable
+                       (:documentation "List of tool cache configurations in this project.
+This allows any tool to create, manage, and persist project-specific settings."
+                        :type "list")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("mailinglist" variable
+                       (:documentation "An email address where users might send email for help."
+                        :type "string")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("web-site-url" variable
+                       (:documentation "URL to this projects web site.
+This is a URL to be sent to a web site for documentation."
+                        :type "string")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("web-site-directory" variable (:documentation "A directory where web pages can be found by Emacs.
+For remote locations use a path compatible with ange-ftp or EFS.
+You can also use TRAMP for use with rcp & scp.") nil nil)
+                    ("web-site-file" variable (:documentation "A file which contains the home page for this project.
+This file can be relative to slot `web-site-directory'.
+This can be a local file, use ange-ftp, EFS, or TRAMP.") nil nil)
+                    ("ftp-site" variable
+                       (:documentation "FTP site where this project's distribution can be found.
+This FTP site should be in Emacs form, as needed by `ange-ftp', but can
+also be of a form used by TRAMP for use with scp, or rcp."
+                        :type "string")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("ftp-upload-site" variable
+                       (:documentation "FTP Site to upload new distributions to.
+This FTP site should be in Emacs form as needed by `ange-ftp'.
+If this slot is nil, then use `ftp-site' instead."
+                        :type "string")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("configurations" variable
+                       (:documentation "List of available configuration types.
+Individual target/project types can form associations between a configuration,
+and target specific elements such as build variables."
+                        :default-value "(\"debug\" \"release\")"
+                        :type "list")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("configuration-default" variable
+                       (:documentation "The default configuration."
+                        :default-value "debug")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("local-variables" variable
+                       (:documentation "Project local variables"
+                        :default-value "nil")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("keybindings" variable
+                       (:documentation "Keybindings specialized to this type of target."
+                        :static-flag t
+                        :default-value "((\"D\" . ede-debug-target) (\"R\" . ede-run-target))")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("menu" variable
+                       (:documentation "Menu specialized to this type of target."
+                        :static-flag t
+                        :default-value "([\"Update Version\" ede-update-version ede-object] [\"Version Control Status\" ede-vc-project-directory ede-object] [\"Edit Project Homepage\" ede-edit-web-page (and ede-object (oref (ede-toplevel) web-site-file))] [\"Browse Project URL\" ede-web-browse-home (and ede-object (not (string= \"\" (oref (ede-toplevel) web-site-url))))] \"--\" [\"Rescan Project Files\" ede-rescan-toplevel t] [\"Edit Projectfile\" ede-edit-file-target (ede-buffer-belongs-to-project-p)])")
+                        nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [5816 10357])
+            ("ede-with-projectfile" function (:arguments ("obj" "forms")) nil [10403 10975])
+            ("ede-project-placeholder-cache-file" variable (:default-value (locate-user-emacs-file "ede-projects.el" ".projects.ede")) nil [11168 11404])
+            ("ede-project-cache-files" variable nil nil [11406 11489])
+            ("ede-save-cache" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [11491 12531])
+            ("ede-load-cache" function nil nil [12533 13437])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [14048 14574])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [14576 14800])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [15011 15109])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [15111 15259])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [15261 15420])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [15422 15671])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [15673 15881])
+            ("ede-header-file" function nil nil [16156 16380])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [16382 16503])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [16505 17042])
+            ("ede-documentation-files" function nil nil [17044 17370])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [17372 17559])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [17561 18060])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [18062 18558])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [18560 18767])
+            ("ede-html-documentation-files" function nil nil [18769 18929])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [18931 19051])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [19203 19522])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [19524 19857])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [19859 20123])
+            ("ede-adebug-project" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [20145 20445])
+            ("ede-adebug-project-parent" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [20447 20759])
+            ("ede-adebug-project-root" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [20761 21059])
+            ("ede-toplevel" function (:arguments ("subproj")) nil [21193 21639])
+            ("ede-normalize-file/directory" function (:arguments ("this" "project-file-name")) nil [21669 22367])
+            ("ede/base" package nil nil [22594 22613]))          
+      :file "base.el"
+      :pointmax 22756
+      :fsize 22755
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29528 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("eieio" include nil nil [1091 1107])
+            ("cl-generic" include nil nil [1108 1129])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1131 1176])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1177 1232])
+            ("ede-project-autoload-dirmatch" type
+               (:members 
+                  ( ("fromconfig" variable
+                       (:documentation "A config file within which the match pattern lives."
+                        :default-value "nil")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("configregex" variable
+                       (:documentation "A regexp to identify the dirmatch pattern."
+                        :default-value "nil")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("configregexidx" variable
+                       (:documentation "An index into the match-data of `configregex'."
+                        :default-value "nil")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("subdir-only" variable
+                       (:documentation "Non-nil means an exact match to the found directory is a non-match.
+This implies projects exist only in subdirectories of the configuration path.
+If `:subdir-only' is nil, then the directory from the configuration file is the project."
+                        :default-value "t")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("configdatastash" variable (:documentation "Save discovered match string.") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [1234 2360])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [2362 2795])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [2798 4813])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [4815 4860])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [4861 4916])
+            ("ede-project-autoload" type
+               (:members 
+                  ( ("name" variable (:documentation "Name of this project type") nil nil)
+                    ("file" variable (:documentation "The lisp file belonging to this class.") nil nil)
+                    ("proj-file" variable (:documentation "Name of a project file of this type.") nil nil)
+                    ("root-only" variable
+                       (:documentation "Non-nil if project detection only finds proj-file @ project root."
+                        :default-value "t")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("proj-root-dirmatch" variable
+                       (:documentation "To avoid loading a project, check if the directory matches this.
+Specifying this matcher object will allow EDE to perform a complex
+check without loading the project.
+NOTE: If you use dirmatch, you may need to set :root-only to nil.
+While it may be a root based project, all subdirs will happen to return
+true for the dirmatch, so for scanning purposes, set it to nil."
+                        :default-value "nil"
+                        :type "(or null string ede-project-autoload-dirmatch)")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("proj-root" variable
+                       (:documentation "A function symbol to call for the project root.
+This function takes no arguments, and returns the current directories
+root, if available.  Leave blank to use the EDE directory walking
+routine instead."
+                        :type "function")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("initializers" variable
+                       (:documentation "Initializers passed to the project object.
+These are used so there can be multiple types of projects
+associated with a single object class, based on the initializers used."
+                        :default-value "nil")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("load-type" variable (:documentation "Fn symbol used to load this project file.") nil nil)
+                    ("class-sym" variable (:documentation "Symbol representing the project class to use.") nil nil)
+                    ("generic-p" variable
+                       (:documentation "Generic projects are added to the project list at the end.
+The add routine will set this to non-nil so that future non-generic placement will
+be successful."
+                        :default-value "nil")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("new-p" variable
+                       (:documentation "Non-nil if this is an option when a user creates a project."
+                        :default-value "t")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("safe-p" variable
+                       (:documentation "Non-nil if the project load files are \"safe\".
+An unsafe project is one that loads project variables via Emacs
+Lisp code.  A safe project is one that loads project variables by
+scanning files without loading Lisp code from them."
+                        :default-value "t")
+                        nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [4918 7513])
+            ("ede-project-class-files" variable (:default-value (list (ede-project-autoload :name "Make" :file (quote ede/proj) :proj-file "Project.ede" :root-only nil :load-type (quote ede-proj-load) :class-sym (quote ede-proj-project) :safe-p nil) (ede-project-autoload :name "Automake" :file (quote ede/proj) :proj-file "Project.ede" :root-only nil :initializers (quote (:makefile-type Makefile\.am)) :load-type (quote ede-proj-load) :class-sym (quote ede-proj-project) :safe-p nil) (ede-project-autoload :name "automake" :file (quote ede/project-am) :proj-file "" :root-only nil :load-type (quote project-am-load) :class-sym (quote project-am-makefile) :new-p nil :safe-p t))) nil [7515 8261])
+            ("put" code nil nil [8263 8317])
+            ("ede-show-supported-projects" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [8319 8675])
+            ("ede-add-project-autoload" function (:arguments ("projauto" "flag")) nil [8677 10349])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [10414 11055])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [11057 11856])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [11972 12143])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [12194 12289])
+            ("ede/auto" package nil nil [12291 12310]))          
+      :file "auto.el"
+      :pointmax 12338
+      :fsize 12337
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29528 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("ede" include nil nil [1072 1086])
+            ("ede-web-browse-home" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1138 1465])
+            ("ede-edit-web-page" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1482 2031])
+            ("ede-upload-distribution" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2048 3218])
+            ("ede-upload-html-documentation" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [3235 4317])
+            ("ede-vc-project-directory" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [4412 4589])
+            ("ede/system" package nil nil [4591 4612]))          
+      :file "system.el"
+      :pointmax 4759
+      :fsize 4758
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29530 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("eieio-base" include nil nil [1058 1079])
+            ("ede-sourcecode" type
+               (:superclasses "eieio-instance-inheritor"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("name" variable
+                       (:documentation "The name of this type of source code.
+Such as \"C\" or \"Emacs Lisp\""
+                        :type "string")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("sourcepattern" variable
+                       (:documentation "Emacs regexp matching sourcecode this target accepts."
+                        :default-value ".*"
+                        :type "string")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("auxsourcepattern" variable
+                       (:documentation "Emacs regexp matching auxiliary source code this target accepts.
+Aux source are source code files needed for compilation, which are not compiled
+                        :default-value "nil"
+                        :type "(or null string)")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("enable-subdirectories" variable
+                       (:documentation "Non nil if this sourcecode type uses subdirectories.
+If sourcecode always lives near the target creating it, this should be nil.
+If sourcecode can, or typically lives in a subdirectory of the owning
+target, set this to t."
+                        :default-value "nil"
+                        :type "boolean")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("garbagepattern" variable
+                       (:documentation "Shell file regexp matching files considered as garbage.
+This is a list of items added to an `rm' command when executing a `clean'
+type directive."
+                        :default-value "nil"
+                        :type "list")
+                        nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [1091 2465])
+            ("ede-sourcecode-list" variable nil nil [2467 2541])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [2558 3062])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [3064 3290])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [3292 3513])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [3515 3818])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [3820 4097])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [4099 4379])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [4381 4637])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [4639 5082])
+            ("when" code nil nil [5109 5591])
+            ("ede-source-scheme" variable (:default-value (ede-sourcecode "ede-source-scheme" :name "Scheme" :sourcepattern "\\.scm$")) nil [5698 5846])
+            ("ede/source" package nil nil [6017 6038]))          
+      :file "source.el"
+      :pointmax 6068
+      :fsize 6067
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29530 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("ede/auto" include nil nil [1185 1204])
+            ("when" code nil nil [1228 1578])
+            ("ede--detect-stop-scan-p" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [1607 1780])
+            ("ede--detect-found-project" variable nil nil [1843 1943])
+            ("ede--detect-ldf-predicate" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [1945 2475])
+            ("ede--detect-scan-directory-for-project" function (:arguments ("directory")) nil [2477 2943])
+            ("ede--detect-ldf-rootonly-predicate" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [3159 3745])
+            ("ede--detect-scan-directory-for-rootonly-project" function (:arguments ("directory")) nil [3747 4231])
+            ("ede--detect-nomatch-auto" variable nil nil [4361 4447])
+            ("ede--detect-ldf-root-predicate" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [4449 4980])
+            ("ede--detect-scan-directory-for-project-root" function (:arguments ("directory" "auto")) nil [4982 5458])
+            ("ede-detect-directory-for-project" function (:arguments ("directory")) nil [5530 6569])
+            ("ede-detect-qtest" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [6619 7025])
+            ("ede/detect" package nil nil [7028 7049]))          
+      :file "detect.el"
+      :pointmax 7079
+      :fsize 7078
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29528 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("ede" include nil nil [1087 1101])
+            ("ede-update-version" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("newversion"))
+                nil [1168 1785])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [1787 2006])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [2008 2320])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [2322 3050])
+            ("ede-make-buffer-writable" function (:arguments ("buffer")) nil [3175 3403])
+            ("ede/util" package nil nil [3405 3424]))          
+      :file "util.el"
+      :pointmax 3567
+      :fsize 3566
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29530 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl" include nil nil [990 1003])
+            ("speedbar" include nil nil [1005 1024])
+            ("eieio-speedbar" include nil nil [1025 1050])
+            ("ede" include nil nil [1051 1065])
+            ("ede-speedbar-key-map" variable nil nil [1096 1181])
+            ("ede-speedbar-make-map" function nil nil [1183 2178])
+            ("ede-speedbar-menu" variable (:default-value (quote (["Compile" ede-speedbar-compile-line t] ["Compile Project" ede-speedbar-compile-project (ede-project-child-p (speedbar-line-token))] "---" ["Edit File/Tag" speedbar-edit-line (not (eieio-object-p (speedbar-line-token)))] ["Expand" speedbar-expand-line (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at "[0-9]+: *.\\+. "))] ["Contract" speedbar-contract-line (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at "[0-9]+: *.-. "))] "---" ["Remove File from Target" ede-speedbar-remove-file-from-target (stringp (speedbar-line-token))] ["Customize Project/Target" eieio-speedbar-customize-line (eieio-object-p (speedbar-line-token))] ["Edit Project File" ede-speedbar-edit-projectfile t] ["Make Distribution" ede-speedbar-make-distribution (ede-project-child-p (speedbar-line-token))]))) nil [2180 3176])
+            ("eieio-speedbar-create" code nil nil [3178 3342])
+            ("ede-speedbar" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [3345 3551])
+            ("ede-speedbar-toplevel-buttons" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [3553 3739])
+            ("ede-speedbar-remove-file-from-target" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [3784 3987])
+            ("ede-speedbar-compile-line" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [3989 4396])
+            ("ede-speedbar-get-top-project-for-line" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [4398 4820])
+            ("ede-speedbar-compile-project" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [4822 4997])
+            ("ede-speedbar-compile-file-project" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [4999 5417])
+            ("ede-speedbar-make-distribution" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5419 5584])
+            ("ede-speedbar-edit-projectfile" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5586 5757])
+            ("ede-find-nearest-file-line" function nil nil [5791 6170])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [6172 6366])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [6368 6969])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [6971 7100])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [7102 7230])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [7232 7500])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [7502 7748])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [7750 7899])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [7901 8133])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [8135 8280])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [8282 8681])
+            ("ede-file-find" function (:arguments ("text" "token" "indent")) nil [8726 8980])
+            ("ede-create-tag-buttons" function (:arguments ("filename" "indent")) nil [8982 9452])
+            ("ede-tag-expand" function (:arguments ("text" "token" "indent")) nil [9454 10220])
+            ("ede-tag-find" function (:arguments ("text" "token" "indent")) nil [10222 10828])
+            ("ede-speedbar-file-menu-additions" variable (:default-value (quote ("----" ["Create EDE Target" ede-new-target (ede-current-project)] ["Add to project" ede-speedbar-file-add-to-project (ede-current-project)] ["Compile project" ede-speedbar-compile-project (ede-current-project)] ["Compile file target" ede-speedbar-compile-file-target (ede-current-project)] ["Make distribution" ede-make-dist (ede-current-project)]))) nil [10964 11444])
+            ("ede-speedbar-file-keymap" variable (:default-value (let ((km (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key km "a" (quote ede-speedbar-file-add-to-project)) (define-key km "t" (quote ede-new-target)) (define-key km "s" (quote ede-speedbar)) (define-key km "C" (quote ede-speedbar-compile-project)) (define-key km "c" (quote ede-speedbar-compile-file-target)) (define-key km "d" (quote ede-make-dist)) km)) nil [11446 11854])
+            ("ede-speedbar-file-setup" function nil nil [11871 12414])
+            ("ede/speedbar" package nil nil [12416 12439]))          
+      :file "speedbar.el"
+      :pointmax 12590
+      :fsize 12589
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29530 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 1003 . 1004) (symbol 972 . 989) (open-paren 971 . 972)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl" include nil nil [1180 1193])
+            ("ede" include nil nil [1196 1210])
+            ("ede/make" include nil nil [1211 1230])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1232 1293])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1294 1353])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1354 1411])
+            ("project-linux" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1423 1531])
+            ("project-linux-build-directory-default" variable (:default-value (quote ask)) nil [1533 1762])
+            ("project-linux-architecture-default" variable (:default-value (quote ask)) nil [1764 2016])
+            ("project-linux-compile-target-command" variable (:default-value (concat ede-make-command " -k -C %s SUBDIRS=%s")) nil [2019 2202])
+            ("project-linux-compile-project-command" variable (:default-value (concat ede-make-command " -k -C %s")) nil [2204 2378])
+            ("ede-linux-version" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [2380 3058])
+            ("ede-linux-project" type
+               (:superclasses "ede-project"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("build-directory" variable
+                       (:documentation "Build directory."
+                        :type "string")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("architecture" variable
+                       (:documentation "Target architecture."
+                        :type "string")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("include-path" variable
+                       (:documentation "Include directories.
+Contains both common and target architecture-specific directories."
+                        :type "list")
+                        nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [3060 3638])
+            ("ede-linux--get-build-directory" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [3641 4102])
+            ("ede-linux--get-archs" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [4105 4716])
+            ("ede-linux--detect-architecture" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [4719 5517])
+            ("ede-linux--get-architecture" function (:arguments ("dir" "bdir")) nil [5519 5972])
+            ("ede-linux--include-path" function (:arguments ("dir" "bdir" "arch")) nil [5975 6673])
+            ("ede-linux-load" function (:arguments ("dir" "_rootproj")) nil [6690 7417])
+            ("ede-add-project-autoload" code nil nil [7434 7765])
+            ("ede-linux-target-c" type
+               (:superclasses "ede-target"
+                :type "class")
+                nil [7767 7897])
+            ("ede-linux-target-misc" type
+               (:superclasses "ede-target"
+                :type "class")
+                nil [7899 8036])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [8038 8281])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [8301 8541])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [8543 8628])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [8630 8819])
+            ("ede-linux-find-matching-target" function (:arguments ("class" "dir" "targets")) nil [8846 9134])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [9136 9849])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [9877 10542])
+            ("ede-linux-file-exists-name" function (:arguments ("name" "root" "subdir")) nil [10544 10770])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [10772 11747])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [11772 12284])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [12286 12890])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [12892 13361])
+            ("ede/linux" package nil nil [13363 13383]))          
+      :file "linux.el"
+      :pointmax 13528
+      :fsize 13527
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29529 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 1193 . 1194) (symbol 1162 . 1179) (open-paren 1161 . 1162)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "make.el"
+      :fsize 3591
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29529 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("ede" include nil nil [6133 6147])
+            ("semantic-lex-spp-project-macro-symbol-obarray" variable nil nil [6149 6203])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [6204 6269])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [6270 6331])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [6332 6391])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [6392 6449])
+            ("ede-cpp-root-project-list" variable nil nil [6687 6788])
+            ("ede-cpp-root-target" type
+               (:superclasses "ede-target"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("project" variable (:default-value "nil") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [7473 7642])
+            ("ede-cpp-root-project" type
+               (:interfaces ("eieio-instance-tracker")
+                :superclasses "ede-project"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("tracking-symbol" variable (:default-value "(quote ede-cpp-root-project-list)") nil nil)
+                    ("include-path" variable
+                       (:documentation "The default locate function expands filenames within a project.
+If a header file (.h, .hh, etc) name is expanded, and
+the :locate-fcn slot is nil, then the include path is checked
+first, and other directories are ignored.  For very large
+projects, this optimization can save a lot of time.
+Directory names in the path can be relative to the current
+buffer's `default-directory' (not starting with a /).  Directories
+that are relative to the project's root should start with a /, such
+as  \"/include\", meaning the directory `include' off the project root
+                        :default-value "(quote (\"/include\" \"../include/\"))"
+                        :type "list")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("system-include-path" variable
+                       (:documentation "The system include path for files in this project.
+C files initialized in an ede-cpp-root-project have their semantic
+system include path set to this value.  If this is nil, then the
+semantic path is not modified."
+                        :default-value "nil"
+                        :type "list")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("spp-table" variable
+                       (:documentation "C Preprocessor macros for your files.
+Preprocessor symbols will be used while parsing your files.
+These macros might be passed in through the command line compiler, or
+are critical symbols derived from header files.  Providing header files
+macro values through this slot improves accuracy and performance.
+Use `:spp-files' to use these files directly."
+                        :default-value "nil"
+                        :type "list")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("spp-files" variable
+                       (:documentation "C header file with Preprocessor macros for your files.
+The PreProcessor symbols appearing in these files will be used while
+parsing files in this project.
+See `semantic-lex-c-preprocessor-symbol-map' for more on how this works."
+                        :default-value "nil"
+                        :type "list")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("header-match-regexp" variable
+                       (:documentation "Regexp used to identify C/C++ header files."
+                        :default-value "\\.\\(h\\(h\\|xx\\|pp\\|\\+\\+\\)?\\|H\\)$\\|\\<\\w+$"
+                        :type "string")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("locate-fcn" variable
+                       (:documentation "The locate function can be used in place of
+`ede-expand-filename' so you can quickly customize your custom target
+to use specialized local routines instead of the EDE routines.
+The function symbol must take two arguments:
+  NAME - The name of the file to find.
+  DIR - The directory root for this cpp-root project.
+It should return the fully qualified file name passed in from NAME.  If that file does not
+exist, it should return nil."
+                        :default-value "nil"
+                        :type "(or null function)")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("compile-command" variable
+                       (:documentation "Compilation command that will be used for this project.
+It could be string or function that will accept proj argument and should return string.
+The string will be passed to `compile' function that will be issued in root
+directory of project."
+                        :default-value "nil"
+                        :type "(or null string function)")
+                        nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [7659 10837])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [11078 12290])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [12448 12601])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [12778 13304])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [13605 14679])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [14681 14769])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [14771 14886])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [15028 15234])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [15236 15844])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [15846 16002])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [16004 16971])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [16973 17146])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [17148 17311])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [17313 17949])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [17951 18222])
+            ("cl-defmethod" code nil nil [18225 18378])
+            ("ede-create-lots-of-projects-under-dir" function (:arguments ("dir" "projfile" "attributes")) nil [18395 18972])
+            ("ede/cpp-root" package nil nil [18974 18997]))          
+      :file "cpp-root.el"
+      :pointmax 19148
+      :fsize 19147
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29528 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil))
+  :file "!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!cedet!ede!semantic.cache"
+  :semantic-tag-version "2.0"
+  :semanticdb-version "2.2")
diff --git "a/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Program Files\041Emacs 26.1\041share\041emacs\04126.1\041lisp\041erc\041semantic.cache" "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Program Files\041Emacs 26.1\041share\041emacs\04126.1\041lisp\041erc\041semantic.cache"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be99690
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Program Files\041Emacs 26.1\041share\041emacs\04126.1\041lisp\041erc\041semantic.cache"
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+;; Object semanticdb-project-database-file
+;; SEMANTICDB Tags save file
+(semanticdb-project-database-file "semanticdb-project-database-file"
+  :tables
+  (list
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("erc" include nil nil [923 937])
+            ("erc-ezbounce" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [939 1045])
+            ("erc-ezb-regexp" variable (:default-value "^ezbounce!srv$") nil [1047 1194])
+            ("erc-ezb-login-alist" variable (:default-value (quote nil)) nil [1196 1579])
+            ("erc-ezb-action-alist" variable (:default-value (quote (("^\\[awaiting login/pass command\\]$" . erc-ezb-identify) ("^\\[use /quote CONN <server> to connect\\]$" . erc-ezb-select) ("^ID +IRC NICK +TO +TIME$" . erc-ezb-init-session-list) ("^$" . erc-ezb-end-of-session-list) (".*" . erc-ezb-add-session)))) nil [1581 2002])
+            ("erc-ezb-session-list" variable (:default-value (quote nil)) nil [2005 2078])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [2079 2129])
+            ("erc-ezb-inside-session-listing" variable nil nil [2131 2252])
+            ("erc-cmd-ezb" function (:arguments ("line" "force")) nil [2269 2401])
+            ("put" code nil nil [2402 2441])
+            ("erc-ezb-get-login" function (:arguments ("server" "port")) nil [2458 3094])
+            ("erc-ezb-lookup-action" function (:arguments ("message")) nil [3111 3452])
+            ("erc-ezb-notice-autodetect" function (:arguments ("proc" "parsed")) nil [3469 3804])
+            ("erc-ezb-identify" function (:arguments ("message")) nil [3821 4130])
+            ("erc-ezb-init-session-list" function (:arguments ("message")) nil [4147 4310])
+            ("erc-ezb-end-of-session-list" function (:arguments ("message")) nil [4327 4470])
+            ("erc-ezb-add-session" function (:arguments ("message")) nil [4487 4883])
+            ("erc-ezb-select" function (:arguments ("message")) nil [4900 5336])
+            ("erc-ezb-select-session" function nil nil [5354 5632])
+            ("erc-ezb-initialize" function nil nil [5650 5796])
+            ("erc-ezbounce" package nil nil [5798 5821]))          
+      :file "erc-ezbounce.el"
+      :pointmax 5853
+      :fsize 5852
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29546 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "erc.el"
+      :fsize 258462
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29548 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("erc" include nil nil [1056 1070])
+            ("erc-networks" include nil nil [1071 1094])
+            ("pcomplete" include nil nil [1114 1134])
+            ("erc-notify" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1166 1251])
+            ("erc-notify-list" variable nil nil [1253 1412])
+            ("erc-notify-interval" variable (:default-value 60) nil [1414 1564])
+            ("erc-notify-signon-hook" variable nil nil [1566 1807])
+            ("erc-notify-signoff-hook" variable nil nil [1809 2053])
+            ("erc-notify-signon" function (:arguments ("server" "nick")) nil [2055 2139])
+            ("erc-notify-signoff" function (:arguments ("server" "nick")) nil [2141 2229])
+            ("erc-last-ison" variable nil nil [2256 2345])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [2346 2389])
+            ("erc-last-ison-time" variable nil nil [2391 2485])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [2486 2534])
+            ("erc-notify-install-message-catalogs" function nil nil [2548 2842])
+            ("define-erc-module" code nil nil [2906 3476])
+            ("erc-notify-timer" function (:arguments ("now")) nil [3498 4727])
+            ("erc-notify-JOIN" function (:arguments ("proc" "parsed")) nil [4729 5433])
+            ("erc-notify-NICK" function (:arguments ("proc" "parsed")) nil [5435 6116])
+            ("erc-notify-QUIT" function (:arguments ("proc" "parsed")) nil [6118 6952])
+            ("erc-cmd-NOTIFY" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [6994 8424])
+            ("pcomplete-erc-all-nicks" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [8426 8477])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [8502 8591])
+            ("pcomplete/erc-mode/NOTIFY" function nil nil [8608 8712])
+            ("erc-notify-install-message-catalogs" code nil nil [8714 8751])
+            ("erc-notify" package nil nil [8753 8774]))          
+      :file "erc-notify.el"
+      :pointmax 8874
+      :fsize 8873
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29548 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 1134 . 1135) (symbol 1096 . 1113) (open-paren 1095 . 1096)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "erc-networks.el"
+      :fsize 42299
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29547 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("erc" include nil nil [1931 1945])
+            ("pcomplete" include nil nil [1965 1985])
+            ("define-erc-module" code nil nil [2038 2247])
+            ("erc-dcc" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2249 2617])
+            ("erc-dcc-verbose" variable nil nil [2619 2742])
+            ("erc-dcc-connection-types" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ("CHAT" "GET" "SEND")))
+                nil [2744 2894])
+            ("erc-dcc-list" variable nil nil [2896 4096])
+            ("erc-dcc-list-add" function (:arguments ("type" "nick" "peer" "parent" "args")) nil [4098 4372])
+            ("erc-dcc-connect-function" variable (:default-value (quote erc-dcc-open-network-stream)) nil [4520 4582])
+            ("erc-dcc-open-network-stream" function (:arguments ("procname" "buffer" "addr" "port" "entry")) nil [4584 4908])
+            ("erc-define-catalog" code nil nil [4910 6665])
+            ("erc-dcc-member" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [6706 8319])
+            ("erc-pack-int" function (:arguments ("value")) nil [8321 8977])
+            ("erc-most-positive-int-bytes" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (ceiling (/ (ceiling (/ (log most-positive-fixnum) (log 2))) 8.0)))
+                nil [8979 9128])
+            ("erc-most-positive-int-msb" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (lsh most-positive-fixnum (- 0 (* 8 (1- erc-most-positive-int-bytes)))))
+                nil [9130 9306])
+            ("erc-unpack-int" function (:arguments ("str")) nil [9308 10152])
+            ("erc-dcc-ipv4-regexp" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "^" (mapconcat (function identity) (make-list 4 "\\([0-9]\\{1,3\\}\\)") "\\.") "$"))
+                nil [10154 10289])
+            ("erc-ip-to-decimal" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("ip"))
+                nil [10291 11124])
+            ("erc-decimal-to-ip" function (:arguments ("dec")) nil [11126 11714])
+            ("erc-dcc-listen-host" variable nil nil [11733 12107])
+            ("erc-dcc-public-host" variable nil nil [12109 12469])
+            ("erc-dcc-send-request" variable (:default-value (quote ask)) nil [12471 12897])
+            ("erc-dcc-get-host" function (:arguments ("proc")) nil [12899 13048])
+            ("erc-dcc-host" function nil nil [13050 13340])
+            ("erc-dcc-port-range" variable nil nil [13342 13726])
+            ("erc-dcc-auto-masks" variable nil nil [13728 14070])
+            ("erc-dcc-server" function (:arguments ("name" "filter" "sentinel")) nil [14072 15736])
+            ("erc-dcc-server-accept" function (:arguments ("server" "client" "message")) nil [15738 16408])
+            ("erc-dcc-get-default-directory" variable nil nil [16444 16698])
+            ("erc-cmd-DCC" function (:arguments ("cmd" "args")) nil [16715 17288])
+            ("pcomplete-erc-all-nicks" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [17290 17341])
+            ("pcomplete/erc-mode/DCC" function nil nil [17358 19053])
+            ("erc-dcc-do-CHAT-command" function (:arguments ("proc" "nick")) nil [19055 19707])
+            ("erc-dcc-do-CLOSE-command" function (:arguments ("proc" "type" "nick")) nil [19709 21163])
+            ("erc-dcc-do-GET-command" function (:arguments ("proc" "nick" "file")) nil [21165 22658])
+            ("erc-dcc-byte-count" variable nil nil [22660 22691])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [22692 22740])
+            ("erc-dcc-do-LIST-command" function (:arguments ("proc")) nil [22742 24563])
+            ("erc-dcc-do-SEND-command" function (:arguments ("proc" "nick" "file")) nil [24565 25074])
+            ("erc-ctcp-query-DCC-hook" variable (:default-value (quote (erc-ctcp-query-DCC))) nil [25154 25248])
+            ("erc-dcc-query-handler-alist" variable (:default-value (quote (("SEND" . erc-dcc-handle-ctcp-send) ("CHAT" . erc-dcc-handle-ctcp-chat)))) nil [25250 25367])
+            ("erc-ctcp-query-DCC" function (:arguments ("proc" "nick" "login" "host" "to" "query")) nil [25384 25977])
+            ("erc-dcc-ctcp-query-send-regexp" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (concat "^DCC SEND \\(" "\"\\(\\(.*?\\(\\\\\"\\)?\\)+?\\)\"\\|\\([^ ]+\\)" "\\) \\([0-9]+\\) \\([0-9]+\\) *\\([0-9]*\\)"))
+                nil [25979 26344])
+            ("erc-dcc-unquote-filename" function (:arguments ("filename")) nil [26346 26535])
+            ("erc-dcc-handle-ctcp-send" function (:arguments ("proc" "query" "nick" "login" "host" "to")) nil [26537 28341])
+            ("erc-dcc-auto-mask-p" function (:arguments ("spec")) nil [28343 28716])
+            ("erc-dcc-ctcp-query-chat-regexp" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "^DCC CHAT +chat +\\([0-9]+\\) +\\([0-9]+\\)")
+                nil [28718 28807])
+            ("erc-dcc-chat-request" variable (:default-value (quote ask)) nil [28809 29170])
+            ("erc-dcc-handle-ctcp-chat" function (:arguments ("proc" "query" "nick" "login" "host" "to")) nil [29172 30989])
+            ("erc-dcc-entry-data" variable nil nil [30992 31083])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [31084 31132])
+            ("erc-dcc-block-size" variable (:default-value 1024) nil [31153 31268])
+            ("erc-dcc-pump-bytes" variable nil nil [31270 31443])
+            ("erc-dcc-get-parent" function (:arguments ("proc")) nil [31445 31531])
+            ("erc-dcc-send-block" function (:arguments ("proc")) nil [31533 32442])
+            ("erc-dcc-send-filter" function (:arguments ("proc" "string")) nil [32444 33905])
+            ("erc-dcc-display-send" function (:arguments ("proc")) nil [33907 34114])
+            ("erc-dcc-send-connect-hook" variable (:default-value (quote (erc-dcc-display-send erc-dcc-send-block))) nil [34116 34321])
+            ("erc-dcc-nick" function (:arguments ("plist")) nil [34323 34467])
+            ("erc-dcc-send-sentinel" function (:arguments ("proc" "event")) nil [34469 34867])
+            ("erc-dcc-find-file" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [34869 35073])
+            ("erc-dcc-file-to-name" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [35075 35253])
+            ("erc-dcc-send-file" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("nick" "file" "pproc"))
+                nil [35255 36604])
+            ("erc-dcc-receive-cache" variable (:default-value (* 1024 512)) nil [36624 36776])
+            ("erc-dcc-file-name" variable nil nil [36778 36808])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [36809 36856])
+            ("erc-dcc-get-file" function (:arguments ("entry" "file" "parent-proc")) nil [36858 38775])
+            ("erc-dcc-append-contents" function (:arguments ("buffer" "file")) nil [38777 39387])
+            ("erc-dcc-get-filter" function (:arguments ("proc" "str")) nil [39389 40794])
+            ("erc-dcc-get-sentinel" function (:arguments ("proc" "event")) nil [40797 41655])
+            ("erc-dcc-chat-buffer-name-format" variable (:default-value "DCC-CHAT-%s") nil [41676 41812])
+            ("erc-dcc-chat-mode-hook" variable nil nil [41814 41956])
+            ("erc-dcc-chat-connect-hook" variable nil nil [41958 42036])
+            ("erc-dcc-chat-exit-hook" variable nil nil [42038 42113])
+            ("erc-cmd-CREQ" function (:arguments ("line" "force")) nil [42115 42731])
+            ("erc-cmd-SREQ" function (:arguments ("line" "force")) nil [42733 43349])
+            ("pcomplete/erc-mode/CREQ" function nil nil [43351 43429])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [43430 43490])
+            ("erc-dcc-chat-filter-functions" variable (:default-value (quote (erc-dcc-chat-parse-output))) nil [43492 43720])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [43722 43820])
+            ("erc-dcc-chat-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map (kbd "RET") (quote erc-send-current-line)) (define-key map "	" (quote completion-at-point)) map)) nil [43822 44031])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [44033 44365])
+            ("erc-dcc-chat-send-input-line" function (:arguments ("recipient" "line" "force")) nil [44367 44777])
+            ("erc-dcc-chat" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("nick" "pproc"))
+                nil [44779 45534])
+            ("erc-dcc-from" variable nil nil [45536 45557])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [45558 45600])
+            ("erc-dcc-unprocessed-output" variable nil nil [45602 45637])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [45638 45694])
+            ("erc-dcc-chat-setup" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [45696 46584])
+            ("erc-dcc-chat-accept" function (:arguments ("entry" "parent-proc")) nil [46586 47312])
+            ("erc-dcc-chat-filter" function (:arguments ("proc" "str")) nil [47314 47730])
+            ("erc-dcc-chat-parse-output" function (:arguments ("proc" "str")) nil [47732 48236])
+            ("erc-dcc-chat-buffer-killed" function nil nil [48238 48314])
+            ("erc-dcc-chat-close" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [48316 48903])
+            ("erc-dcc-chat-sentinel" function (:arguments ("proc" "event")) nil [48905 49349])
+            ("erc-dcc-no-such-nick" function (:arguments ("proc" "parsed")) nil [49351 49991])
+            ("erc-dcc" package nil nil [49993 50011]))          
+      :file "erc-dcc.el"
+      :pointmax 50094
+      :fsize 50093
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29546 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 1985 . 1986) (symbol 1947 . 1964) (open-paren 1946 . 1947)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("erc-dcc" include nil nil [994 1012])
+            ("erc-xdcc-files" variable nil nil [1014 1190])
+            ("erc-xdcc-verbose-flag" variable (:default-value t) nil [1192 1314])
+            ("erc-xdcc-handler-alist" variable (:default-value (quote (("help" . erc-xdcc-help) ("list" . erc-xdcc-list) ("send" . erc-xdcc-send)))) nil [1316 1585])
+            ("erc-xdcc-help-text" variable (:default-value (quote (("Hey " nick ", wondering how this works?  Pretty easy.") ("Available commands: XDCC [" (mapconcat (quote car) erc-xdcc-handler-alist "|") "]") ("Type \"/ctcp " (erc-current-nick) " XDCC list\" to see the list of offered files, then type \"/ctcp " (erc-current-nick) " XDCC send #\" to get a particular file number.")))) nil [1587 2209])
+            ("define-erc-module" code nil nil [2263 2333])
+            ("erc-xdcc-add-file" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("file"))
+                nil [2350 2532])
+            ("erc-xdcc-reply" function (:arguments ("proc" "nick" "msg")) nil [2534 2641])
+            ("erc-ctcp-query-XDCC-hook" variable (:default-value (quote (erc-xdcc))) nil [2667 2770])
+            ("erc-xdcc" function (:arguments ("proc" "nick" "login" "host" "to" "query")) nil [2772 3360])
+            ("erc-xdcc-help" function (:arguments ("proc" "nick" "login" "host" "args")) nil [3362 3607])
+            ("erc-xdcc-list" function (:arguments ("proc" "nick" "login" "host" "args")) nil [3609 4064])
+            ("erc-xdcc-send" function (:arguments ("proc" "nick" "login" "host" "args")) nil [4066 4461])
+            ("erc-xdcc" package nil nil [4463 4482]))          
+      :file "erc-xdcc.el"
+      :pointmax 4580
+      :fsize 4579
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29548 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("erc" include nil nil [1063 1077])
+            ("define-erc-module" code nil nil [1131 1216])
+            ("erc-define-catalog-entry" code nil nil [1218 1291])
+            ("erc-page" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1293 1363])
+            ("erc-page-function" variable nil nil [1365 1860])
+            ("erc-ctcp-query-PAGE-hook" variable (:default-value (quote (erc-ctcp-query-PAGE))) nil [1862 2295])
+            ("erc-ctcp-query-PAGE" function (:arguments ("proc" "nick" "login" "host" "to" "msg")) nil [2297 3172])
+            ("erc-cmd-PAGE" function (:arguments ("line" "force")) nil [3174 3557])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3559 3599])
+            ("erc-page" package nil nil [3601 3620]))          
+      :file "erc-page.el"
+      :pointmax 3718
+      :fsize 3717
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29548 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("erc" include nil nil [1020 1034])
+            ("xml" include nil nil [1035 1049])
+            ("notifications" include nil nil [1050 1074])
+            ("erc-match" include nil nil [1075 1095])
+            ("dbus" include nil nil [1096 1111])
+            ("erc-notifications" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1113 1224])
+            ("erc-notifications-last-notification" variable nil nil [1226 1300])
+            ("erc-notifications-icon" variable nil nil [1302 1452])
+            ("erc-notifications-bus" variable (:default-value :session) nil [1454 1642])
+            ("dbus-debug" variable nil nil [1644 1663])
+            ("erc-notifications-notify" function (:arguments ("nick" "msg")) nil [1716 2234])
+            ("erc-notifications-PRIVMSG" function (:arguments ("proc" "parsed")) nil [2236 2770])
+            ("erc-notifications-notify-on-match" function (:arguments ("match-type" "nickuserhost" "msg")) nil [2772 3141])
+            ("define-erc-module" code nil nil [3225 3647])
+            ("erc-desktop-notifications" package nil nil [3649 3685]))          
+      :file "erc-desktop-notifications.el"
+      :pointmax 3730
+      :fsize 3729
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29546 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "erc-match.el"
+      :fsize 21205
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29547 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("erc" include nil nil [1168 1182])
+            ("erc-stamp" include nil nil [1183 1203])
+            ("erc-fill" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1230 1327])
+            ("erc-define-minor-mode" code nil nil [1387 1818])
+            ("erc-fill-enable" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1820 1991])
+            ("erc-fill-disable" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1993 2178])
+            ("erc-fill-prefix" variable nil nil [2180 2390])
+            ("erc-fill-function" variable (:default-value (quote erc-fill-variable)) nil [2392 3349])
+            ("erc-fill-static-center" variable (:default-value 27) nil [3351 3651])
+            ("erc-fill-variable-maximum-indentation" variable (:default-value 17) nil [3653 3847])
+            ("erc-fill-column" variable (:default-value 78) nil [3849 3969])
+            ("erc-fill" function nil nil [3986 4575])
+            ("erc-fill-static" function nil nil [4577 5176])
+            ("erc-fill-variable" function nil nil [5178 6295])
+            ("erc-fill-regarding-timestamp" function nil nil [6297 6563])
+            ("erc-timestamp-offset" function nil nil [6565 6891])
+            ("erc-fill" package nil nil [6893 6912]))          
+      :file "erc-fill.el"
+      :pointmax 6993
+      :fsize 6992
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29546 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "erc-stamp.el"
+      :fsize 15795
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29548 0 0)))
+  :file "!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!erc!semantic.cache"
+  :semantic-tag-version "2.0"
+  :semanticdb-version "2.2")
diff --git "a/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Program Files\041Emacs 26.1\041share\041emacs\04126.1\041lisp\041eshell\041semantic.cache" "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Program Files\041Emacs 26.1\041share\041emacs\04126.1\041lisp\041eshell\041semantic.cache"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3107d9
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Program Files\041Emacs 26.1\041share\041emacs\04126.1\041lisp\041eshell\041semantic.cache"
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+;; Object semanticdb-project-database-file
+;; SEMANTICDB Tags save file
+(semanticdb-project-database-file "semanticdb-project-database-file"
+  :tables
+  (list
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("esh-mode" package nil nil [2495 2514])
+            ("esh-util" include nil nil [2516 2535])
+            ("esh-module" include nil nil [2536 2557])
+            ("esh-cmd" include nil nil [2558 2576])
+            ("esh-io" include nil nil [2577 2594])
+            ("esh-var" include nil nil [2595 2613])
+            ("eshell-mode" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2615 2746])
+            ("eshell-mode-unload-hook" variable nil nil [2769 2901])
+            ("eshell-mode-hook" variable nil nil [2903 3027])
+            ("eshell-first-time-mode-hook" variable nil nil [3029 3230])
+            ("eshell-exit-hook" variable nil nil [3232 3490])
+            ("eshell-kill-on-exit" variable (:default-value t) nil [3492 3671])
+            ("eshell-input-filter-functions" variable nil nil [3673 3899])
+            ("eshell-send-direct-to-subprocesses" variable nil nil [3901 4044])
+            ("eshell-expand-input-functions" variable nil nil [4046 4263])
+            ("eshell-scroll-to-bottom-on-input" variable nil nil [4265 4745])
+            ("eshell-scroll-to-bottom-on-output" variable nil nil [4747 5415])
+            ("eshell-scroll-show-maximum-output" variable (:default-value t) nil [5417 5735])
+            ("eshell-buffer-maximum-lines" variable (:default-value 1024) nil [5737 6028])
+            ("eshell-output-filter-functions" variable (:default-value (quote (eshell-postoutput-scroll-to-bottom eshell-handle-control-codes eshell-handle-ansi-color eshell-watch-for-password-prompt))) nil [6030 6412])
+            ("eshell-preoutput-filter-functions" variable nil nil [6414 6693])
+            ("eshell-password-prompt-regexp" variable (:default-value (format "\\(%s\\).*:\\s *\\'" (regexp-opt password-word-equivalents))) nil [6695 6965])
+            ("eshell-skip-prompt-function" variable nil nil [6967 7136])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [7138 7234])
+            ("eshell-status-in-mode-line" variable (:default-value t) nil [7236 7388])
+            ("eshell-first-time-p" variable (:default-value t) nil [7390 7485])
+            ("eshell-mode" variable nil nil [7640 7664])
+            ("eshell-mode-map" variable nil nil [7665 7693])
+            ("eshell-command-running-string" variable (:default-value "--") nil [7694 7737])
+            ("eshell-command-map" variable nil nil [7738 7769])
+            ("eshell-command-prefix" variable nil nil [7770 7804])
+            ("eshell-last-input-start" variable nil nil [7805 7841])
+            ("eshell-last-input-end" variable nil nil [7842 7876])
+            ("eshell-last-output-start" variable nil nil [7877 7914])
+            ("eshell-last-output-block-begin" variable nil nil [7915 7958])
+            ("eshell-last-output-end" variable nil nil [7959 7994])
+            ("eshell-currently-handling-window" variable nil nil [7996 8041])
+            ("define-abbrev-table" code nil nil [8043 8093])
+            ("eshell-mode-syntax-table" variable (:default-value (let ((st (make-syntax-table)) (i 0)) (while (< i 48) (modify-syntax-entry i "_   " st) (setq i (1+ i))) (setq i (1+ 57)) (while (< i 65) (modify-syntax-entry i "_   " st) (setq i (1+ i))) (setq i (1+ 90)) (while (< i 97) (modify-syntax-entry i "_   " st) (setq i (1+ i))) (setq i (1+ 122)) (while (< i 128) (modify-syntax-entry i "_   " st) (setq i (1+ i))) (modify-syntax-entry 32 "    " st) (modify-syntax-entry 9 "    " st) (modify-syntax-entry 12 "    " st) (modify-syntax-entry 10 ">   " st) (modify-syntax-entry 13 ">   " st) (modify-syntax-entry 96 "'   " st) (modify-syntax-entry 39 "'   " st) (modify-syntax-entry 44 "'   " st) (modify-syntax-entry 46 "_   " st) (modify-syntax-entry 45 "_   " st) (modify-syntax-entry 124 ".   " st) (modify-syntax-entry 35 "'   " st) (modify-syntax-entry 34 "\"    " st) (modify-syntax-entry 92 "/   " st) (modify-syntax-entry 40 "()  " st) (modify-syntax-entry 41 ")(  " st) (modify-syntax-entry 123 "(}  " st) (modify-syntax-entry 125 "){  " st) (modify-syntax-entry 91 "(]  " st) (modify-syntax-entry 93 ")[  " st) (map-char-table (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) (lambda (key _val) (and (characterp key) (>= (char-int key) 256) (/= (char-syntax key) 119) (modify-syntax-entry key "_   " st))) (lambda (key _val) (and (if (consp key) (and (>= (car key) 128) (/= (char-syntax (car key)) 119)) (and (>= key 256) (/= (char-syntax key) 119))) (modify-syntax-entry key "_   " st)))) (standard-syntax-table)) st)) nil [8095 10162])
+            ("eshell-kill-buffer-function" function nil nil [10185 10679])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [10696 16674])
+            ("put" code nil nil [16676 16715])
+            ("eshell-command-started" function nil nil [16717 16879])
+            ("eshell-command-finished" function nil nil [16881 17045])
+            ("eshell-toggle-direct-send" function nil nil [17072 17496])
+            ("eshell-self-insert-command" function nil nil [17498 17738])
+            ("eshell-intercept-commands" function nil nil [17740 18542])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [18544 18621])
+            ("eshell-find-tag" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("tagname" "next-p" "regexp-p"))
+                nil [18623 18998])
+            ("eshell-move-argument" function (:arguments ("limit" "func" "property" "arg")) nil [19000 19550])
+            ("eshell-forward-argument" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [19552 19715])
+            ("eshell-backward-argument" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [19717 19885])
+            ("eshell-repeat-argument" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [19887 20079])
+            ("eshell-bol" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [20081 20292])
+            ("eshell-push-command-mark" function nil nil [20294 20426])
+            ("custom-add-option" code nil nil [20428 20498])
+            ("eshell-goto-input-start" function nil nil [20500 20708])
+            ("custom-add-option" code nil nil [20710 20780])
+            ("eshell-interactive-print" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [20782 20909])
+            ("eshell-begin-on-new-line" function nil nil [20911 21121])
+            ("eshell-reset" function (:arguments ("no-hooks")) nil [21123 21651])
+            ("eshell-parse-command-input" function (:arguments ("beg" "end" "args")) nil [21653 22418])
+            ("eshell-update-markers" function (:arguments ("pmark")) nil [22420 22662])
+            ("eshell-queue-input" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("use-region"))
+                nil [22664 22916])
+            ("eshell-send-input" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("use-region" "queue-p" "no-newline"))
+                nil [22918 25895])
+            ("eshell-kill-new" function nil nil [25897 26037])
+            ("custom-add-option" code nil nil [26039 26106])
+            ("eshell-output-filter" function (:arguments ("process" "string")) nil [26108 27779])
+            ("eshell-run-output-filters" function nil nil [27781 28039])
+            ("eshell-preinput-scroll-to-bottom" function nil nil [28082 29041])
+            ("eshell-postoutput-scroll-to-bottom" function nil nil [29084 30422])
+            ("eshell-beginning-of-input" function nil nil [30424 30546])
+            ("eshell-beginning-of-output" function nil nil [30548 30674])
+            ("eshell-end-of-output" function nil nil [30676 30874])
+            ("eshell-kill-output" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [30876 31159])
+            ("eshell-show-output" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [31161 31719])
+            ("eshell-mark-output" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [31721 32015])
+            ("eshell-kill-input" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [32017 32299])
+            ("eshell-show-maximum-output" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("interactive"))
+                nil [32301 32561])
+            ("eshell/clear" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("scrollback"))
+                nil [32563 32992])
+            ("eshell/clear-scrollback" function nil nil [32994 33134])
+            ("eshell-get-old-input" function (:arguments ("use-current-region")) nil [33136 33545])
+            ("eshell-copy-old-input" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [33547 33776])
+            ("eshell/exit" function nil nil [33778 33902])
+            ("eshell-life-is-too-much" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [33904 34102])
+            ("eshell-truncate-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [34104 34849])
+            ("custom-add-option" code nil nil [34851 34931])
+            ("eshell-send-invisible" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [34933 35401])
+            ("eshell-watch-for-password-prompt" function nil nil [35403 36039])
+            ("custom-add-option" code nil nil [36041 36131])
+            ("eshell-handle-control-codes" function nil nil [36133 37076])
+            ("custom-add-option" code nil nil [37078 37163])
+            ("ansi-color-apply-on-region" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [37165 37216])
+            ("eshell-handle-ansi-color" function nil nil [37218 37391])
+            ("custom-add-option" code nil nil [37393 37475]))          
+      :file "esh-mode.el"
+      :pointmax 37503
+      :fsize 37502
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29550 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [885 902])
+            ("eshell-util" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [905 1041])
+            ("eshell-stringify-t" variable (:default-value t) nil [1064 1396])
+            ("eshell-group-file" variable (:default-value "/etc/group") nil [1398 1577])
+            ("eshell-passwd-file" variable (:default-value "/etc/passwd") nil [1579 1762])
+            ("eshell-hosts-file" variable (:default-value "/etc/hosts") nil [1764 1921])
+            ("eshell-handle-errors" variable (:default-value t) nil [1923 2106])
+            ("eshell-private-file-modes" variable (:default-value 384) nil [2108 2264])
+            ("eshell-private-directory-modes" variable (:default-value 448) nil [2266 2433])
+            ("eshell-tar-regexp" variable (:default-value "\\.t\\(ar\\(\\.\\(gz\\|bz2\\|xz\\|Z\\)\\)?\\|gz\\|a[zZ]\\|z2\\)\\'") nil [2435 2657])
+            ("eshell-convert-numeric-arguments" variable (:default-value t) nil [2659 3364])
+            ("eshell-number-regexp" variable (:default-value "-?\\([0-9]*\\.\\)?[0-9]+\\(e[-0-9.]+\\)?") nil [3366 3700])
+            ("eshell-ange-ls-uids" variable nil nil [3702 4034])
+            ("eshell-group-names" variable nil nil [4061 4133])
+            ("eshell-group-timestamp" variable nil nil [4135 4219])
+            ("eshell-user-names" variable nil nil [4221 4291])
+            ("eshell-user-timestamp" variable nil nil [4293 4375])
+            ("eshell-host-names" variable nil nil [4377 4459])
+            ("eshell-host-timestamp" variable nil nil [4461 4544])
+            ("eshell-under-windows-p" function nil nil [4562 4699])
+            ("eshell-condition-case" function (:arguments ("tag" "form" "handlers")) nil [4701 5033])
+            ("eshell-find-delimiter" function (:arguments ("open" "close" "bound" "reverse-p" "backslash-p")) nil [5035 6611])
+            ("eshell-convert" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [6613 7147])
+            ("eshell-sublist" function (:arguments ("l" "n" "m")) nil [7149 7463])
+            ("eshell-path-env" variable (:default-value (getenv "PATH")) nil [7465 7624])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [7625 7670])
+            ("eshell-parse-colon-path" function (:arguments ("path-env")) nil [7672 7994])
+            ("eshell-split-path" function (:arguments ("path")) nil [7996 8713])
+            ("eshell-to-flat-string" function (:arguments ("value")) nil [8715 9041])
+            ("eshell-for" function (:arguments ("for-var" "for-list" "forms")) nil [9043 9331])
+            ("eshell-flatten-list" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [9333 9626])
+            ("eshell-uniqify-list" function (:arguments ("l")) nil [9628 9873])
+            ("eshell-stringify" function (:arguments ("object")) nil [9875 10275])
+            ("eshell-stringify-list" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [10277 10404])
+            ("eshell-flatten-and-stringify" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [10406 10585])
+            ("eshell-directory-files" function (:arguments ("regexp" "directory")) nil [10587 10791])
+            ("eshell-regexp-arg" function (:arguments ("prompt")) nil [10793 11243])
+            ("eshell-printable-size" function (:arguments ("filesize" "human-readable" "block-size" "use-colors")) nil [11245 12338])
+            ("eshell-winnow-list" function (:arguments ("entries" "exclude" "predicates")) nil [12340 13083])
+            ("eshell-redisplay" function nil nil [13085 13440])
+            ("eshell-read-passwd-file" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [13442 14046])
+            ("eshell-read-passwd" function (:arguments ("file" "result-var" "timestamp-var")) nil [14048 14453])
+            ("eshell-read-group-names" function nil nil [14455 14661])
+            ("eshell-group-id" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [14663 14782])
+            ("eshell-group-name" function (:arguments ("gid")) nil [14784 14909])
+            ("eshell-read-user-names" function nil nil [14911 15116])
+            ("eshell-user-id" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [15118 15235])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [15237 15282])
+            ("eshell-read-hosts-file" function (:arguments ("filename")) nil [15284 15897])
+            ("eshell-read-hosts" function (:arguments ("file" "result-var" "timestamp-var")) nil [15899 16302])
+            ("eshell-read-host-names" function nil nil [16304 16504])
+            ("and" code nil nil [16506 16995])
+            ("eshell-copy-environment" function nil nil [16997 17128])
+            ("eshell-subgroups" function (:arguments ("groupsym")) nil [17130 17447])
+            ("eshell-with-file-modes" function (:arguments ("modes" "forms")) nil [17449 17645])
+            ("eshell-with-private-file-modes" function (:arguments ("forms")) nil [17647 17806])
+            ("eshell-make-private-directory" function (:arguments ("dir" "parents")) nil [17808 18026])
+            ("eshell-substring" function (:arguments ("string" "sublen")) nil [18028 18218])
+            ("ange-cache" variable nil nil [18220 18239])
+            ("and" code nil nil [18350 19198])
+            ("eshell-directory-files-and-attributes" function (:arguments ("dir" "full" "match" "nosort" "id-format")) nil [19200 19698])
+            ("eshell-current-ange-uids" function nil nil [19700 20050])
+            ("if" code nil nil [20093 20217])
+            ("ange-ftp" include nil nil [20240 20265])
+            ("tramp-file-name-structure" variable nil nil [20295 20329])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [20330 20423])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [20424 20482])
+            ("eshell-parse-ange-ls" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [20484 22541])
+            ("eshell-file-attributes" function (:arguments ("file" "id-format")) nil [22543 23524])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [23526 23565])
+            ("eshell-processp" function (:arguments ("proc")) nil [23567 23714])
+            ("esh-util" package nil nil [25976 25995]))          
+      :file "esh-util.el"
+      :pointmax 26023
+      :fsize 26022
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29550 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 20265 . 20266) (symbol 20220 . 20237) (open-paren 20219 . 20220) (close-paren 902 . 903) (symbol 867 . 884) (open-paren 866 . 867)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("esh-module" package nil nil [882 903])
+            ("eshell" include nil nil [905 922])
+            ("esh-util" include nil nil [923 942])
+            ("eshell-module" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [944 1199])
+            ("load" code nil nil [1499 1533])
+            ("eshell-module-unload-hook" variable (:default-value (quote (eshell-unload-extension-modules))) nil [1556 1717])
+            ("eshell-modules-list" variable (:default-value (quote (eshell-alias eshell-banner eshell-basic eshell-cmpl eshell-dirs eshell-glob eshell-hist eshell-ls eshell-pred eshell-prompt eshell-script eshell-term eshell-unix))) nil [1719 2620])
+            ("eshell-using-module" function (:arguments ("module")) nil [2633 2888])
+            ("eshell-unload-extension-modules" function nil nil [2890 3215]))          
+      :file "esh-module.el"
+      :pointmax 3245
+      :fsize 3244
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29550 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("esh-util" include nil nil [3447 3466])
+            ("unless" code nil nil [3467 3513])
+            ("esh-arg" include nil nil [3514 3532])
+            ("esh-proc" include nil nil [3533 3552])
+            ("esh-ext" include nil nil [3553 3571])
+            ("pcomplete" include nil nil [3614 3634])
+            ("cl-lib" include nil nil [3594 3611])
+            ("eshell-cmd" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [3638 3899])
+            ("eshell-prefer-lisp-functions" variable nil nil [3901 4043])
+            ("eshell-lisp-regexp" variable (:default-value "\\([(`]\\|#'\\)") nil [4045 4263])
+            ("eshell-pre-command-hook" variable nil nil [4265 4398])
+            ("eshell-post-command-hook" variable nil nil [4400 4533])
+            ("eshell-prepare-command-hook" variable nil nil [4535 4932])
+            ("eshell-named-command-hook" variable nil nil [4934 5866])
+            ("eshell-pre-rewrite-command-hook" variable (:default-value (quote (eshell-no-command-conversion eshell-subcommand-arg-values))) nil [5868 6186])
+            ("eshell-rewrite-command-hook" variable (:default-value (quote (eshell-rewrite-for-command eshell-rewrite-while-command eshell-rewrite-if-command eshell-rewrite-sexp-command eshell-rewrite-initial-subcommand eshell-rewrite-named-command))) nil [6188 7005])
+            ("eshell-post-rewrite-command-function" variable (:default-value (function identity)) nil [7007 7218])
+            ("eshell-post-rewrite-command-hook" variable nil nil [7219 7447])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [7448 7575])
+            ("eshell-complex-commands" variable (:default-value (quote ("ls"))) nil [7577 8201])
+            ("eshell-cmd-load-hook" variable nil nil [8224 8407])
+            ("eshell-debug-command" variable nil nil [8409 8814])
+            ("eshell-deferrable-commands" variable (:default-value (quote (eshell-named-command eshell-lisp-command eshell-process-identity))) nil [8816 9196])
+            ("eshell-subcommand-bindings" variable (:default-value (quote ((eshell-in-subcommand-p t) (default-directory default-directory) (process-environment (eshell-copy-environment))))) nil [9198 9455])
+            ("put" code nil nil [9457 9514])
+            ("eshell-ensure-newline-p" variable nil nil [9516 9703])
+            ("eshell-current-command" variable nil nil [9730 9765])
+            ("eshell-command-name" variable nil nil [9766 9798])
+            ("eshell-command-arguments" variable nil nil [9799 9836])
+            ("eshell-in-pipeline-p" variable nil nil [9837 10015])
+            ("eshell-in-subcommand-p" variable nil nil [10016 10051])
+            ("eshell-last-arguments" variable nil nil [10052 10086])
+            ("eshell-last-command-name" variable nil nil [10087 10124])
+            ("eshell-last-async-proc" variable nil nil [10125 10231])
+            ("eshell-interactive-process" function nil nil [10249 10373])
+            ("eshell-cmd-initialize" function nil nil [10375 11589])
+            ("eshell-complete-lisp-symbols" function nil nil [11591 11967])
+            ("eshell--sep-terms" variable nil nil [11989 12015])
+            ("eshell-parse-command" function (:arguments ("command" "args" "toplevel")) nil [12017 13856])
+            ("eshell-debug-command" function (:arguments ("tag" "subform")) nil [13858 14234])
+            ("eshell-debug-show-parsed-args" function (:arguments ("terms")) nil [14236 14426])
+            ("eshell-no-command-conversion" function (:arguments ("terms")) nil [14428 14637])
+            ("eshell-subcommand-arg-values" function (:arguments ("terms")) nil [14639 15035])
+            ("eshell-rewrite-sexp-command" function (:arguments ("terms")) nil [15037 15305])
+            ("eshell-rewrite-initial-subcommand" function (:arguments ("terms")) nil [15307 15516])
+            ("eshell-rewrite-named-command" function (:arguments ("terms")) nil [15518 15845])
+            ("eshell-command-body" variable nil nil [15847 15875])
+            ("eshell-test-body" variable nil nil [15876 15901])
+            ("eshell-invokify-arg" function (:arguments ("arg" "share-output" "silent")) nil [15903 16936])
+            ("eshell-last-command-status" variable nil nil [16938 16973])
+            ("eshell--local-vars" variable nil nil [17000 17105])
+            ("eshell-rewrite-for-command" function (:arguments ("terms")) nil [17107 18229])
+            ("eshell-structure-basic-command" function (:arguments ("func" "names" "keyword" "test" "body" "else")) nil [18231 19514])
+            ("eshell-rewrite-while-command" function (:arguments ("terms")) nil [19516 20110])
+            ("eshell-rewrite-if-command" function (:arguments ("terms")) nil [20112 20862])
+            ("eshell-last-command-result" variable nil nil [20864 20899])
+            ("eshell-exit-success-p" function nil nil [20928 21080])
+            ("eshell--cmd" variable nil nil [21082 21102])
+            ("eshell-parse-pipeline" function (:arguments ("terms")) nil [21104 22691])
+            ("eshell-parse-subcommand-argument" function nil nil [22693 23260])
+            ("eshell-parse-lisp-argument" function nil nil [23262 23760])
+            ("eshell-separate-commands" function (:arguments ("terms" "separator" "reversed" "last-terms-sym")) nil [23762 24916])
+            ("eshell-do-subjob" function (:arguments ("object")) nil [25624 25847])
+            ("eshell-commands" function (:arguments ("object" "silent")) nil [25849 26095])
+            ("eshell-trap-errors" function (:arguments ("object")) nil [26097 26790])
+            ("eshell-output-handle" variable nil nil [26792 26821])
+            ("eshell-error-handle" variable nil nil [26855 26883])
+            ("eshell-copy-handles" function (:arguments ("object")) nil [26919 27249])
+            ("eshell-protect" function (:arguments ("object")) nil [27251 27436])
+            ("eshell-do-pipelines" function (:arguments ("pipeline" "notfirst")) nil [27438 28714])
+            ("eshell-do-pipelines-synchronously" function (:arguments ("pipeline")) nil [28716 30333])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [30335 30380])
+            ("eshell-execute-pipeline" function (:arguments ("pipeline")) nil [30382 30922])
+            ("eshell-as-subcommand" function (:arguments ("command")) nil [30924 31202])
+            ("eshell-do-command-to-value" function (:arguments ("object")) nil [31204 31482])
+            ("eshell-command-to-value" function (:arguments ("object")) nil [31484 31737])
+            ("eshell/eshell-debug" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [32461 33335])
+            ("pcomplete/eshell-mode/eshell-debug" function nil nil [33337 33472])
+            ("eshell-invoke-directly" function (:arguments ("command")) nil [33474 34004])
+            ("eshell-eval-command" function (:arguments ("command" "input")) nil [34006 35160])
+            ("eshell-resume-command" function (:arguments ("proc" "status")) nil [35162 35460])
+            ("eshell-resume-eval" function nil nil [35462 35950])
+            ("eshell-manipulate" function (:arguments ("tag" "commands")) nil [35952 36418])
+            ("eshell-do-eval" function (:arguments ("form" "synchronous-p")) nil [36420 42405])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [42430 42496])
+            ("eshell/which" function (:arguments ("command" "names")) nil [42498 43736])
+            ("put" code nil nil [43738 43790])
+            ("eshell-named-command" function (:arguments ("command" "args")) nil [43792 44391])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [44393 44448])
+            ("eshell-find-alias-function" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [44450 45220])
+            ("eshell-plain-command" function (:arguments ("command" "args")) nil [45222 45698])
+            ("eshell-exec-lisp" function (:arguments ("printer" "errprint" "func-or-form" "args" "form-p")) nil [45700 46679])
+            ("eshell-apply*" function (:arguments ("printer" "errprint" "func" "args")) nil [46681 46940])
+            ("eshell-funcall*" function (:arguments ("printer" "errprint" "func" "args")) nil [46942 47117])
+            ("eshell-eval*" function (:arguments ("printer" "errprint" "form")) nil [47119 47270])
+            ("eshell-apply" function (:arguments ("func" "args")) nil [47272 47517])
+            ("eshell-funcall" function (:arguments ("func" "args")) nil [47519 47658])
+            ("eshell-eval" function (:arguments ("form")) nil [47660 47794])
+            ("eshell-applyn" function (:arguments ("func" "args")) nil [47796 48044])
+            ("eshell-funcalln" function (:arguments ("func" "args")) nil [48046 48187])
+            ("eshell-evaln" function (:arguments ("form")) nil [48189 48326])
+            ("eshell-last-output-end" variable nil nil [48328 48359])
+            ("eshell-lisp-command" function (:arguments ("object" "args")) nil [48394 49581])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [49583 49636])
+            ("esh-cmd" package nil nil [49638 49656]))          
+      :file "esh-cmd.el"
+      :pointmax 49683
+      :fsize 49682
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29550 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 3634 . 3635) (symbol 3574 . 3591) (open-paren 3573 . 3574)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("esh-io" package nil nil [2402 2419])
+            ("esh-arg" include nil nil [2421 2439])
+            ("esh-util" include nil nil [2440 2459])
+            ("cl-lib" include nil nil [2482 2499])
+            ("eshell-io" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2502 2726])
+            ("eshell-io-load-hook" variable nil nil [2749 2922])
+            ("eshell-number-of-handles" variable (:default-value 3) nil [2924 3272])
+            ("eshell-output-handle" variable (:default-value 1) nil [3274 3390])
+            ("eshell-error-handle" variable (:default-value 2) nil [3392 3506])
+            ("eshell-print-queue-size" variable (:default-value 5) nil [3508 3759])
+            ("eshell-virtual-targets" variable (:default-value (quote (("/dev/eshell" eshell-interactive-print nil) ("/dev/kill" (lambda (mode) (if (eq mode (quote overwrite)) (kill-new "")) (quote eshell-kill-append)) t) ("/dev/clip" (lambda (mode) (if (eq mode (quote overwrite)) (let ((select-enable-clipboard t)) (kill-new ""))) (quote eshell-clipboard-append)) t)))) nil [3761 5032])
+            ("put" code nil nil [5034 5087])
+            ("eshell-current-handles" variable nil nil [5114 5149])
+            ("eshell-last-command-status" variable nil nil [5151 5247])
+            ("eshell-last-command-result" variable nil nil [5249 5349])
+            ("eshell-output-file-buffer" variable nil nil [5351 5449])
+            ("eshell-print-count" variable nil nil [5451 5478])
+            ("eshell-current-redirections" variable nil nil [5479 5515])
+            ("eshell-io-initialize" function nil nil [5533 5941])
+            ("eshell-parse-redirection" function nil nil [5943 6610])
+            ("eshell-strip-redirections" function (:arguments ("terms")) nil [6612 7209])
+            ("eshell--apply-redirections" function (:arguments ("cmd")) nil [7211 7422])
+            ("eshell-create-handles" function (:arguments ("stdout" "output-mode" "stderr" "error-mode")) nil [7424 8127])
+            ("eshell-protect-handles" function (:arguments ("handles")) nil [8129 8419])
+            ("eshell-close-target" function (:arguments ("target" "status")) nil [8421 9650])
+            ("eshell-close-handles" function (:arguments ("exit-code" "result" "handles")) nil [9652 10743])
+            ("eshell-kill-append" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [10745 10897])
+            ("eshell-clipboard-append" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [10899 11093])
+            ("eshell-get-target" function (:arguments ("target" "mode")) nil [11095 12455])
+            ("grep-null-device" variable nil nil [12457 12482])
+            ("eshell-set-output-handle" function (:arguments ("index" "mode" "target")) nil [12484 13293])
+            ("eshell-interactive-output-p" function nil nil [13295 13564])
+            ("eshell-print-queue" variable nil nil [13566 13597])
+            ("eshell-print-queue-count" variable (:default-value -1) nil [13598 13634])
+            ("eshell-print" function (:arguments ("object")) nil [13636 13770])
+            ("eshell-flush" function (:arguments ("reset-p")) nil [13772 14174])
+            ("eshell-init-print-buffer" function nil nil [14176 14275])
+            ("eshell-buffered-print" function (:arguments ("strings")) nil [14277 14714])
+            ("eshell-error" function (:arguments ("object")) nil [14716 14848])
+            ("eshell-errorn" function (:arguments ("object")) nil [14850 14999])
+            ("eshell-printn" function (:arguments ("object")) nil [15001 15151])
+            ("eshell-output-filter" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [15153 15196])
+            ("eshell-output-object-to-target" function (:arguments ("object" "target")) nil [15198 16471])
+            ("eshell-output-object" function (:arguments ("object" "handle-index" "handles")) nil [16473 16901]))          
+      :file "esh-io.el"
+      :pointmax 16927
+      :fsize 16926
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29550 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 2499 . 2500) (symbol 2462 . 2479) (open-paren 2461 . 2462)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("esh-var" package nil nil [3427 3445])
+            ("esh-util" include nil nil [3447 3466])
+            ("esh-cmd" include nil nil [3467 3485])
+            ("esh-opt" include nil nil [3486 3504])
+            ("pcomplete" include nil nil [3506 3526])
+            ("env" include nil nil [3527 3541])
+            ("ring" include nil nil [3542 3557])
+            ("eshell-var" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [3559 3887])
+            ("eshell-var-load-hook" variable nil nil [3910 4092])
+            ("eshell-prefer-lisp-variables" variable nil nil [4094 4240])
+            ("eshell-complete-export-definition" variable (:default-value t) nil [4242 4399])
+            ("eshell-modify-global-environment" variable nil nil [4401 4554])
+            ("eshell-variable-name-regexp" variable (:default-value "[A-Za-z0-9_-]+") nil [4556 4893])
+            ("eshell-variable-aliases-list" variable (:default-value (quote (("COLUMNS" (lambda (indices) (window-width)) t) ("LINES" (lambda (indices) (window-height)) t) ("_" (lambda (indices) (if (not indices) (car (last eshell-last-arguments)) (eshell-apply-indices eshell-last-arguments indices)))) ("?" eshell-last-command-status) ("$" eshell-last-command-result) ("0" eshell-command-name) ("1" (lambda (indices) (nth 0 eshell-command-arguments))) ("2" (lambda (indices) (nth 1 eshell-command-arguments))) ("3" (lambda (indices) (nth 2 eshell-command-arguments))) ("4" (lambda (indices) (nth 3 eshell-command-arguments))) ("5" (lambda (indices) (nth 4 eshell-command-arguments))) ("6" (lambda (indices) (nth 5 eshell-command-arguments))) ("7" (lambda (indices) (nth 6 eshell-command-arguments))) ("8" (lambda (indices) (nth 7 eshell-command-arguments))) ("9" (lambda (indices) (nth 8 eshell-command-arguments))) ("*" (lambda (indices) (if (not indices) eshell-command-arguments (eshell-apply-indices eshell-command-arguments indices))))))) nil [4895 6936])
+            ("put" code nil nil [6938 6997])
+            ("eshell-var-initialize" function nil nil [7015 8042])
+            ("eshell-handle-local-variables" function nil nil [8044 9722])
+            ("eshell-interpolate-variable" function nil nil [9724 10016])
+            ("eshell/define" function (:arguments ("var-alias" "definition")) nil [10018 10698])
+            ("eshell/export" function (:arguments ("sets")) nil [10700 11008])
+            ("pcomplete/eshell-mode/export" function nil nil [11010 11219])
+            ("eshell/unset" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [11221 11388])
+            ("pcomplete/eshell-mode/unset" function nil nil [11390 11523])
+            ("eshell/setq" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [11525 11767])
+            ("pcomplete/eshell-mode/setq" function nil nil [11769 11969])
+            ("eshell/env" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [11971 12347])
+            ("eshell-insert-envvar" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("envvar-name"))
+                nil [12349 12567])
+            ("eshell-envvar-names" function (:arguments ("environment")) nil [12569 12809])
+            ("eshell-environment-variables" function nil nil [12811 13289])
+            ("eshell-parse-variable" function nil nil [13291 13977])
+            ("eshell-parse-variable-ref" function nil nil [13979 16745])
+            ("eshell-glob-function" variable nil nil [16747 16776])
+            ("eshell-parse-indices" function nil nil [16778 17186])
+            ("eshell-get-variable" function (:arguments ("name" "indices")) nil [17188 17839])
+            ("eshell-apply-indices" function (:arguments ("value" "indices")) nil [17841 19432])
+            ("eshell-index-value" function (:arguments ("value" "index")) nil [19434 20118])
+            ("eshell-complete-variable-reference" function nil nil [20152 20517])
+            ("eshell-variables-list" function nil nil [20519 21191])
+            ("eshell-complete-variable-assignment" function nil nil [21193 21639]))          
+      :file "esh-var.el"
+      :pointmax 21666
+      :fsize 21665
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29550 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("esh-arg" package nil nil [1054 1072])
+            ("esh-mode" include nil nil [1074 1093])
+            ("eshell-arg" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1095 1328])
+            ("eshell-parse-argument-hook" variable (:default-value (list (quote eshell-parse-special-reference) (function (lambda nil (when (and (not eshell-current-argument) (not eshell-current-quoted) (looking-at eshell-number-regexp) (eshell-arg-delimiter (match-end 0))) (goto-char (match-end 0)) (let ((str (match-string 0))) (if (> (length str) 0) (add-text-properties 0 (length str) (quote (number t)) str)) str)))) (function (lambda nil (unless eshell-inside-quote-regexp (setq eshell-inside-quote-regexp (format "[^%s]+" (apply (quote string) eshell-special-chars-inside-quoting)))) (unless eshell-outside-quote-regexp (setq eshell-outside-quote-regexp (format "[^%s]+" (apply (quote string) eshell-special-chars-outside-quoting)))) (when (looking-at (if eshell-current-quoted eshell-inside-quote-regexp eshell-outside-quote-regexp)) (goto-char (match-end 0)) (let ((str (match-string 0))) (if str (set-text-properties 0 (length str) nil str)) str)))) (function (lambda nil (let (comment-p) (when (or (looking-at "[ 	]+") (and (not eshell-current-argument) (looking-at "#\\([^<'].*\\|$\\)") (setq comment-p t))) (if comment-p (add-text-properties (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) (quote (comment t)))) (goto-char (match-end 0)) (eshell-finish-arg))))) (quote eshell-parse-backslash) (quote eshell-parse-literal-quote) (quote eshell-parse-double-quote) (quote eshell-parse-delimiter))) nil [1330 3818])
+            ("eshell-arg-load-hook" variable nil nil [3852 4035])
+            ("eshell-delimiter-argument-list" variable (:default-value (quote (59 38 124 62 32 9 10))) nil [4037 4218])
+            ("eshell-special-chars-inside-quoting" variable (:default-value (quote (92 34))) nil [4220 4388])
+            ("eshell-special-chars-outside-quoting" variable (:default-value (append eshell-delimiter-argument-list (quote (35 33 92 34 39)))) nil [4390 4682])
+            ("eshell-current-argument" variable nil nil [4709 4745])
+            ("eshell-current-modifiers" variable nil nil [4746 4783])
+            ("eshell-arg-listified" variable nil nil [4784 4817])
+            ("eshell-nested-argument" variable nil nil [4818 4853])
+            ("eshell-current-quoted" variable nil nil [4854 4888])
+            ("eshell-inside-quote-regexp" variable nil nil [4889 4928])
+            ("eshell-outside-quote-regexp" variable nil nil [4929 4969])
+            ("eshell-arg-initialize" function nil nil [4987 5259])
+            ("eshell-insert-buffer-name" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("buffer-name"))
+                nil [5261 5452])
+            ("eshell-escape-arg" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [5454 5643])
+            ("eshell-resolve-current-argument" function nil nil [5645 6403])
+            ("eshell-finish-arg" function (:arguments ("argument")) nil [6405 6591])
+            ("eshell-arg-delimiter" function (:arguments ("pos")) nil [6593 6859])
+            ("eshell-quote-argument" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [6861 7205])
+            ("eshell-parse-arguments" function (:arguments ("beg" "end")) nil [7228 8407])
+            ("eshell-parse-argument" function nil nil [8409 9527])
+            ("eshell-operator" function (:arguments ("_args")) nil [9529 9691])
+            ("eshell-looking-at-backslash-return" function (:arguments ("pos")) nil [9693 9944])
+            ("eshell-quote-backslash" function (:arguments ("string" "index")) nil [9946 10536])
+            ("eshell-parse-backslash" function nil nil [10538 11651])
+            ("eshell-parse-literal-quote" function nil nil [11653 12116])
+            ("eshell-parse-double-quote" function nil nil [12118 12631])
+            ("eshell-parse-special-reference" function nil nil [12633 13775])
+            ("eshell-parse-delimiter" function nil nil [13777 14484]))          
+      :file "esh-arg.el"
+      :pointmax 14511
+      :fsize 14510
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29550 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("esh-proc" package nil nil [867 886])
+            ("esh-cmd" include nil nil [888 906])
+            ("eshell-proc" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [908 1119])
+            ("eshell-proc-load-hook" variable nil nil [1142 1323])
+            ("eshell-process-wait-seconds" variable nil nil [1325 1475])
+            ("eshell-process-wait-milliseconds" variable (:default-value 50) nil [1477 1638])
+            ("eshell-done-messages-in-minibuffer" variable (:default-value t) nil [1640 1796])
+            ("eshell-delete-exited-processes" variable (:default-value t) nil [1798 2626])
+            ("eshell-reset-signals" variable (:default-value "^\\(interrupt\\|killed\\|quit\\|stopped\\)") nil [2628 2822])
+            ("eshell-exec-hook" variable nil nil [2824 3263])
+            ("eshell-kill-hook" variable nil nil [3265 3757])
+            ("eshell-current-subjob-p" variable nil nil [3784 3820])
+            ("eshell-process-list" variable nil nil [3822 3904])
+            ("eshell-kill-process-function" function (:arguments ("proc" "status")) nil [3922 4403])
+            ("eshell-proc-initialize" function nil nil [4405 5102])
+            ("eshell-reset-after-proc" function (:arguments ("status")) nil [5104 5390])
+            ("eshell-wait-for-process" function (:arguments ("procs")) nil [5392 5821])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [5823 5871])
+            ("eshell/jobs" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [5873 6021])
+            ("eshell/kill" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [6023 7219])
+            ("eshell-read-process-name" function (:arguments ("prompt")) nil [7221 7512])
+            ("eshell-insert-process" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("process"))
+                nil [7514 7771])
+            ("eshell-record-process-object" function (:arguments ("object")) nil [7773 8163])
+            ("eshell-remove-process-entry" function (:arguments ("entry")) nil [8165 8517])
+            ("eshell-scratch-buffer" variable (:default-value " *eshell-scratch*") nil [8519 8623])
+            ("eshell-last-sync-output-start" variable nil nil [8624 8801])
+            ("eshell-needs-pipe" variable (:default-value (quote ("bc"))) nil [8803 9112])
+            ("eshell-needs-pipe-p" function (:arguments ("command")) nil [9114 9645])
+            ("eshell-gather-process-output" function (:arguments ("command" "args")) nil [9647 13431])
+            ("eshell-insertion-filter" function (:arguments ("proc" "string")) nil [13433 14107])
+            ("eshell-sentinel" function (:arguments ("proc" "string")) nil [14109 15676])
+            ("eshell-process-interact" function (:arguments ("func" "all" "query")) nil [15678 16663])
+            ("eshell-kill-process-wait-time" variable (:default-value 5) nil [16665 16820])
+            ("eshell-kill-process-signals" variable (:default-value (quote (SIGINT SIGQUIT SIGKILL))) nil [16822 17233])
+            ("eshell-kill-processes-on-exit" variable nil nil [17235 18143])
+            ("eshell-round-robin-kill" function (:arguments ("query")) nil [18145 18640])
+            ("eshell-query-kill-processes" function nil nil [18642 19298])
+            ("eshell-interrupt-process" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [19300 19483])
+            ("eshell-kill-process" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [19485 19650])
+            ("eshell-quit-process" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [19652 19828])
+            ("eshell-send-eof-to-process" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [20371 20527]))          
+      :file "esh-proc.el"
+      :pointmax 20555
+      :fsize 20554
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29550 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("esh-ext" package nil nil [1223 1241])
+            ("esh-util" include nil nil [1243 1262])
+            ("esh-cmd" include nil nil [1325 1343])
+            ("esh-io" include nil nil [1305 1322])
+            ("cl-lib" include nil nil [1285 1302])
+            ("esh-arg" include nil nil [1345 1363])
+            ("esh-opt" include nil nil [1364 1382])
+            ("esh-proc" include nil nil [1383 1402])
+            ("eshell-ext" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1404 1595])
+            ("eshell-ext-load-hook" variable nil nil [1618 1795])
+            ("eshell-binary-suffixes" variable (:default-value exec-suffixes) nil [1797 1956])
+            ("eshell-force-execution" variable (:default-value (not (null (memq system-type (quote (windows-nt ms-dos)))))) nil [1958 2573])
+            ("eshell-search-path" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [2575 3249])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [3400 3454])
+            ("eshell-windows-shell-file" variable (:default-value (if (eshell-under-windows-p) (if (string-match "\\(cmdproxy\\|sh\\)\\.\\(com\\|exe\\)" shell-file-name) (or (eshell-search-path "cmd.exe") (eshell-search-path "")) shell-file-name))) nil [3456 3918])
+            ("eshell-parse-command" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [3920 3962])
+            ("eshell-invoke-batch-file" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [3964 4336])
+            ("eshell-interpreter-alist" variable (:default-value (if (eshell-under-windows-p) (quote (("\\.\\(bat\\|cmd\\)\\'" . eshell-invoke-batch-file))))) nil [4338 5417])
+            ("eshell-alternate-command-hook" variable nil nil [5419 5985])
+            ("eshell-command-interpreter-max-length" variable (:default-value 256) nil [5987 6147])
+            ("eshell-explicit-command-char" variable (:default-value 42) nil [6149 6384])
+            ("eshell-ext-initialize" function nil nil [6402 6556])
+            ("eshell-explicit-command" function (:arguments ("command" "args")) nil [6558 7051])
+            ("eshell-close-handles" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [7053 7094])
+            ("eshell-remote-command" function (:arguments ("command" "args")) nil [7096 8067])
+            ("eshell-external-command" function (:arguments ("command" "args")) nil [8069 8781])
+            ("eshell/addpath" function (:arguments ("args")) nil [8783 9453])
+            ("put" code nil nil [9455 9509])
+            ("eshell-script-interpreter" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [9511 10075])
+            ("eshell-find-interpreter" function (:arguments ("file" "args" "no-examine-p")) nil [10077 12235]))          
+      :file "esh-ext.el"
+      :pointmax 12262
+      :fsize 12261
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29550 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 1343 . 1344) (symbol 1265 . 1282) (open-paren 1264 . 1265)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "esh-opt.el"
+      :fsize 10032
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29550 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [7787 7804])
+            ("esh-util" include nil nil [7806 7825])
+            ("esh-mode" include nil nil [7826 7845])
+            ("eshell" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7847 8162])
+            ("eshell-buffer-name" variable nil nil [8255 8282])
+            ("eshell-add-to-window-buffer-names" function nil nil [8284 8483])
+            ("eshell-remove-from-window-buffer-names" function nil nil [8485 8721])
+            ("eshell-load-hook" variable nil nil [8723 8830])
+            ("eshell-unload-hook" variable (:default-value (quote (eshell-unload-all-modules))) nil [8832 8974])
+            ("eshell-buffer-name" variable (:default-value "*eshell*") nil [8976 9092])
+            ("eshell-directory-name" variable (:default-value (locate-user-emacs-file "eshell/" ".eshell/")) nil [9094 9272])
+            ("eshell" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [9478 10438])
+            ("eshell-return-exits-minibuffer" function nil nil [10440 10864])
+            ("eshell-non-interactive-p" variable nil nil [10866 11100])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [11102 11166])
+            ("eshell-command" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("command" "arg"))
+                nil [11183 13863])
+            ("eshell-command-result" function (:arguments ("command" "status-var")) nil [13880 14765])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [15006 15082])
+            ("eshell-unload-all-modules" function nil nil [15095 16083])
+            ("run-hooks" code nil nil [16085 16114])
+            ("eshell" package nil nil [16116 16133]))          
+      :file "eshell.el"
+      :pointmax 16159
+      :fsize 16158
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29550 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 7804 . 7805) (symbol 7767 . 7784) (open-paren 7766 . 7767)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("eshell" include nil nil [3767 3784])
+            ("progn" code nil nil [3801 4004])
+            ("eshell-aliases-file" variable (:default-value (expand-file-name "alias" eshell-directory-name)) nil [4006 4459])
+            ("eshell-bad-command-tolerance" variable (:default-value 3) nil [4461 4683])
+            ("eshell-alias-load-hook" variable nil nil [4685 4870])
+            ("eshell-command-aliases-list" variable nil nil [4872 5380])
+            ("put" code nil nil [5382 5440])
+            ("eshell-failed-commands-alist" variable nil nil [5442 5522])
+            ("eshell-alias-initialize" function nil nil [5524 5945])
+            ("eshell-command-aliased-p" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [5947 6029])
+            ("eshell/alias" function (:arguments ("alias" "definition")) nil [6031 6882])
+            ("pcomplete-stub" variable nil nil [6884 6907])
+            ("pcomplete-here" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [6908 6946])
+            ("pcomplete/eshell-mode/alias" function nil nil [6948 7101])
+            ("eshell-read-aliases-list" function nil nil [7103 7690])
+            ("eshell-write-aliases-list" function nil nil [7692 7999])
+            ("eshell-lookup-alias" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [8001 8151])
+            ("eshell-prevent-alias-expansion" variable nil nil [8153 8196])
+            ("eshell-maybe-replace-by-alias" function (:arguments ("command" "_args")) nil [8198 8832])
+            ("eshell-alias-completions" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [8834 9170])
+            ("eshell-fix-bad-commands" function (:arguments ("name")) nil [9172 10118])
+            ("em-alias" package nil nil [10120 10139]))          
+      :file "em-alias.el"
+      :pointmax 10240
+      :fsize 10239
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29548 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil))
+  :file "!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!eshell!semantic.cache"
+  :semantic-tag-version "2.0"
+  :semanticdb-version "2.2")
diff --git "a/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Program Files\041Emacs 26.1\041share\041emacs\04126.1\041lisp\041textmodes\041semantic.cache" "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Program Files\041Emacs 26.1\041share\041emacs\04126.1\041lisp\041textmodes\041semantic.cache"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..132f757
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Program Files\041Emacs 26.1\041share\041emacs\04126.1\041lisp\041textmodes\041semantic.cache"
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+;; Object semanticdb-project-database-file
+;; SEMANTICDB Tags save file
+(semanticdb-project-database-file "semanticdb-project-database-file"
+  :tables
+  (list
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("enriched" package nil nil [1607 1626])
+            ("enriched" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1675 1762])
+            ("enriched-verbose" variable (:default-value t) nil [1764 1899])
+            ("fixed" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:weight bold))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [2108 2397])
+            ("excerpt" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:slant italic))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [2399 2597])
+            ("enriched-display-table" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (or (copy-sequence standard-display-table) (make-display-table)))
+                nil [2599 2706])
+            ("aset" code nil nil [2707 2776])
+            ("enriched-par-props" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote (left-margin right-margin justification)))
+                nil [2778 2972])
+            ("enriched-initial-annotation" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (lambda nil (format "Content-Type: text/enriched
+Text-Width: %d
+" fill-column)))
+                nil [3043 3369])
+            ("enriched-annotation-format" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "<%s%s>")
+                nil [3371 3466])
+            ("enriched-annotation-regexp" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "<\\(/\\)?\\([-A-Za-z0-9]+\\)>")
+                nil [3468 3596])
+            ("enriched-translations" variable (:default-value (quote ((face (bold-italic "bold" "italic") (bold "bold") (italic "italic") (underline "underline") (fixed "fixed") (excerpt "excerpt") (default) (nil enriched-encode-other-face)) (left-margin (4 "indent")) (right-margin (4 "indentright")) (justification (none "nofill") (right "flushright") (left "flushleft") (full "flushboth") (center "center")) (PARAMETER (t "param")) (FUNCTION (enriched-decode-foreground "x-color") (enriched-decode-background "x-bg-color") (enriched-decode-display-prop "x-display")) (read-only (t "x-read-only")) (display (nil enriched-handle-display-prop)) (unknown (nil format-annotate-value))))) nil [3598 4829])
+            ("enriched-ignore" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote (front-sticky rear-nonsticky hard)))
+                nil [4831 5074])
+            ("enriched-mode-hook" variable nil nil [5100 5428])
+            ("enriched-allow-eval-in-display-props" variable nil nil [5430 6138])
+            ("enriched-old-bindings" variable nil nil [6140 6289])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [6290 6341])
+            ("enriched-default-text-properties-local-flag" variable (:default-value t) nil [6608 6662])
+            ("enriched-rerun-flag" variable nil nil [6859 6891])
+            ("enriched-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map [remap move-beginning-of-line] (quote beginning-of-line-text)) (define-key map "
" (quote reindent-then-newline-and-indent)) (define-key map [remap newline-and-indent] (quote reindent-then-newline-and-indent)) (define-key map "\352" (quote facemenu-justification-menu)) (define-key map "\323" (quote set-justification-center)) (define-key map "	" (quote increase-left-margin)) (define-key map "[" (quote set-left-margin)) (define-key map "]" (quote set-right-margin)) map)) nil [6918 7501])
+            ("put" code nil nil [7532 7571])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [7587 9950])
+            ("enriched-before-change-major-mode" function nil nil [9952 10121])
+            ("enriched-after-change-major-mode" function nil nil [10123 10249])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [10251 10325])
+            ("fset" code nil nil [10328 10371])
+            ("enriched-map-property-regions" function (:arguments ("prop" "func" "from" "to")) nil [10454 11444])
+            ("put" code nil nil [11446 11502])
+            ("enriched-insert-indentation" function (:arguments ("from" "to")) nil [11504 11935])
+            ("enriched-encode" function (:arguments ("from" "to" "orig-buf")) nil [11980 13149])
+            ("enriched-make-annotation" function (:arguments ("internal-ann" "positive")) nil [13151 13874])
+            ("enriched-encode-other-face" function (:arguments ("old" "new")) nil [13876 14120])
+            ("enriched-face-ans" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [14122 15194])
+            ("enriched-decode" function (:arguments ("from" "to")) nil [15239 16305])
+            ("enriched-next-annotation" function nil nil [16307 17165])
+            ("enriched-get-file-width" function nil nil [17167 17355])
+            ("enriched-remove-header" function nil nil [17357 17563])
+            ("enriched-decode-foreground" function (:arguments ("from" "to" "color")) nil [17565 17757])
+            ("enriched-decode-background" function (:arguments ("from" "to" "color")) nil [17759 17954])
+            ("enriched-handle-display-prop" function (:arguments ("old" "new")) nil [17996 18547])
+            ("enriched-decode-display-prop" function (:arguments ("start" "end" "param")) nil [18549 19202]))          
+      :file "enriched.el"
+      :pointmax 19230
+      :fsize 19229
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29607 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil))
+  :file "!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!textmodes!semantic.cache"
+  :semantic-tag-version "2.0"
+  :semanticdb-version "2.2")
diff --git "a/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Program Files\041Emacs 26.1\041share\041emacs\04126.1\041lisp\041vc\041semantic.cache" "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Program Files\041Emacs 26.1\041share\041emacs\04126.1\041lisp\041vc\041semantic.cache"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..097ff7c
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Program Files\041Emacs 26.1\041share\041emacs\04126.1\041lisp\041vc\041semantic.cache"
@@ -0,0 +1,1309 @@
+;; Object semanticdb-project-database-file
+;; SEMANTICDB Tags save file
+(semanticdb-project-database-file "semanticdb-project-database-file"
+  :tables
+  (list
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("ediff-mult" package nil nil [5246 5267])
+            ("ediff-mult" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5269 5382])
+            ("ediff-init" include nil nil [5384 5405])
+            ("ediff-diff" include nil nil [5406 5427])
+            ("ediff-wind" include nil nil [5428 5449])
+            ("ediff-util" include nil nil [5450 5471])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [5489 5534])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [5535 5587])
+            ("ediff-registry-buffer" variable nil nil [5611 5645])
+            ("ediff-meta-buffer-brief-message" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "Ediff Session Group Panel: %s
+     Type ? to show useful commands in this buffer
+                nil [5647 5775])
+            ("ediff-meta-buffer-verbose-message" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "Ediff Session Group Panel: %s
+Useful commands (type ? to hide them and free up screen):
+     button2, v, or RET over session record:   start that Ediff session
+     M:	in sessions invoked from here, brings back this group panel
+     R:	display the registry of active Ediff sessions
+     h:	mark session for hiding (toggle)
+     x:	hide marked sessions; with prefix arg: unhide
+     m:	mark session for a non-hiding operation (toggle)
+ uh/um:	unmark all sessions marked for hiding/operation
+ n,SPC:	next session
+ p,DEL:	previous session
+     E:	browse Ediff manual
+     T:	toggle truncation of long file names
+     q:	quit this session group
+                nil [5777 6477])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [6479 6561])
+            ("ediff-dir-diffs-buffer-map" variable (:default-value (make-sparse-keymap)) nil [6562 6704])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [6863 6917])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [6969 7023])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [7144 7201])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [7203 7249])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [7328 7378])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [7457 7516])
+            ("ediff-filtering-regexp-history" variable nil nil [7570 7616])
+            ("ediff-default-filtering-regexp" variable nil nil [7618 7932])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [8461 8504])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [8506 8559])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [8634 8687])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [8688 8738])
+            ("ediff-session-registry" variable nil nil [8803 8838])
+            ("ediff-meta-truncate-filenames" variable (:default-value t) nil [8840 9053])
+            ("ediff-meta-mode-hook" variable nil nil [9055 9173])
+            ("ediff-registry-setup-hook" variable nil nil [9175 9314])
+            ("ediff-before-session-group-setup-hooks" variable nil nil [9316 9748])
+            ("ediff-after-session-group-setup-hook" variable nil nil [9749 9939])
+            ("ediff-quit-session-group-hook" variable nil nil [9940 10071])
+            ("ediff-show-registry-hook" variable nil nil [10072 10202])
+            ("ediff-show-session-group-hook" variable (:default-value (quote (delete-other-windows))) nil [10203 10361])
+            ("ediff-meta-buffer-keymap-setup-hook" variable nil nil [10362 10675])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [10743 10792])
+            ("ediff-get-group-buffer" function (:arguments ("meta-list")) nil [11474 11545])
+            ("ediff-get-group-regexp" function (:arguments ("meta-list")) nil [11547 11618])
+            ("ediff-get-group-objA" function (:arguments ("meta-list")) nil [11636 11705])
+            ("ediff-get-group-objB" function (:arguments ("meta-list")) nil [11706 11775])
+            ("ediff-get-group-objC" function (:arguments ("meta-list")) nil [11776 11845])
+            ("ediff-get-group-merge-autostore-dir" function (:arguments ("meta-list")) nil [11846 11930])
+            ("ediff-get-group-comparison-func" function (:arguments ("meta-list")) nil [11931 12011])
+            ("ediff-get-session-buffer" function (:arguments ("elt")) nil [12456 12511])
+            ("ediff-get-session-status" function (:arguments ("elt")) nil [12512 12567])
+            ("ediff-set-session-status" function (:arguments ("session-info" "new-status")) nil [12568 12670])
+            ("ediff-get-session-objA" function (:arguments ("elt")) nil [12690 12743])
+            ("ediff-get-session-objB" function (:arguments ("elt")) nil [12744 12797])
+            ("ediff-get-session-objC" function (:arguments ("elt")) nil [12798 12851])
+            ("ediff-get-session-objA-name" function (:arguments ("elt")) nil [12964 13028])
+            ("ediff-get-session-objB-name" function (:arguments ("elt")) nil [13029 13093])
+            ("ediff-get-session-objC-name" function (:arguments ("elt")) nil [13094 13158])
+            ("ediff-get-file-eqstatus" function (:arguments ("elt")) nil [13182 13236])
+            ("ediff-set-file-eqstatus" function (:arguments ("elt" "value")) nil [13237 13310])
+            ("ediff-make-new-meta-list-element" function (:arguments ("obj1" "obj2" "obj3")) nil [13864 13986])
+            ("ediff-make-new-meta-list-header" function (:arguments ("regexp" "objA" "objB" "objC" "merge-auto-store-dir" "comparison-func")) nil [14195 14378])
+            ("ediff-get-session-activity-marker" function (:arguments ("session")) nil [14603 14834])
+            ("ediff-meta-session-p" function (:arguments ("session-info")) nil [14879 15314])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [15317 15496])
+            ("ediff-toggle-verbose-help-meta-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [15599 15850])
+            ("ediff-setup-meta-map" function nil nil [15892 18871])
+            ("ediff-meta-mode" function nil nil [18874 19626])
+            ("suppress-keymap" code nil nil [19688 19732])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [19733 19805])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [19806 19860])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [19861 19915])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [19916 19977])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [19978 20036])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [20037 20106])
+            ("if" code nil nil [20107 20287])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [20288 20351])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [20352 20418])
+            ("ediff-next-meta-item" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("count"))
+                nil [20420 20978])
+            ("ediff-next-meta-item1" function nil nil [21010 21398])
+            ("ediff-previous-meta-item" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("count"))
+                nil [21401 21975])
+            ("ediff-previous-meta-item1" function nil nil [21977 22561])
+            ("ediff-add-slash-if-directory" function (:arguments ("dir" "file")) nil [22563 22702])
+            ("ediff-toggle-filename-truncation" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [22704 23053])
+            ("ediff-membership-code1" variable (:default-value 2) nil [23218 23251])
+            ("ediff-membership-code2" variable (:default-value 3) nil [23252 23285])
+            ("ediff-membership-code3" variable (:default-value 5) nil [23286 23319])
+            ("ediff-product-of-memcodes" variable (:default-value (* ediff-membership-code1 ediff-membership-code2 ediff-membership-code3)) nil [23320 23445])
+            ("ediff-intersect-directories" function (:arguments ("jobname" "regexp" "dir1" "dir2" "dir3" "merge-autostore-dir" "comparison-func")) nil [24921 29038])
+            ("ediff-get-directory-files-under-revision" function (:arguments ("jobname" "regexp" "dir1" "merge-autostore-dir")) nil [29288 30984])
+            ("ediff-prepare-meta-buffer" function (:arguments ("action-func" "meta-list" "meta-buffer-name" "redraw-function" "jobname" "startup-hooks")) nil [32208 37361])
+            ("ediff-insert-session-activity-marker-in-meta-buffer" function (:arguments ("session")) nil [37633 37799])
+            ("ediff-insert-session-status-in-meta-buffer" function (:arguments ("session")) nil [38054 38256])
+            ("ediff-replace-session-activity-marker-in-meta-buffer" function (:arguments ("point" "new-marker")) nil [38376 38960])
+            ("ediff-replace-session-status-in-meta-buffer" function (:arguments ("point" "new-status")) nil [39078 39693])
+            ("ediff-insert-session-info-in-meta-buffer" function (:arguments ("session-info" "sessionNum")) nil [39754 40508])
+            ("ediff-redraw-directory-group-buffer" function (:arguments ("meta-list")) nil [40588 43492])
+            ("ediff-update-markers-in-dir-meta-buffer" function (:arguments ("meta-list")) nil [43494 44657])
+            ("ediff-update-session-marker-in-dir-meta-buffer" function (:arguments ("session-num")) nil [44659 46059])
+            ("ediff-problematic-session-p" function (:arguments ("session")) nil [46384 46856])
+            ("ediff-meta-insert-file-info1" function (:arguments ("fileinfo")) nil [46858 48131])
+            ("ediff-months" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((1 . "Jan") (2 . "Feb") (3 . "Mar") (4 . "Apr") (5 . "May") (6 . "Jun") (7 . "Jul") (8 . "Aug") (9 . "Sep") (10 . "Oct") (11 . "Nov") (12 . "Dec"))))
+                nil [48133 48343])
+            ("ediff-fill-leading-zero" function (:arguments ("num")) nil [48369 48479])
+            ("ediff-format-date" function (:arguments ("time")) nil [48523 48833])
+            ("ediff-insert-dirs-in-meta-buffer" function (:arguments ("meta-list")) nil [48859 49368])
+            ("ediff-draw-dir-diffs" function (:arguments ("diff-list" "buf-name")) nil [49370 53115])
+            ("ediff-bury-dir-diffs-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [53117 53593])
+            ("ediff-show-dir-diffs" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [53662 54133])
+            ("ediff-dir-diff-copy-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [54245 56720])
+            ("ediff-up-meta-hierarchy" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [56722 57010])
+            ("ediff-redraw-registry-buffer" function (:arguments ("_ignore")) nil [57036 60434])
+            ("ediff-set-meta-overlay" function (:arguments ("b" "e" "prop" "session-number" "hidden")) nil [60789 61290])
+            ("ediff-mark-for-hiding-at-pos" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("unmark"))
+                nil [61292 61854])
+            ("ediff-mark-session-for-hiding" function (:arguments ("info" "unmark")) nil [61906 62455])
+            ("ediff-mark-for-operation-at-pos" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("unmark"))
+                nil [62458 63037])
+            ("ediff-mark-session-for-operation" function (:arguments ("info" "unmark")) nil [63114 63497])
+            ("ediff-hide-marked-sessions" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("unhide"))
+                nil [63500 64478])
+            ("ediff-operate-on-marked-sessions" function (:arguments ("operation")) nil [64707 65820])
+            ("ediff-append-custom-diff" function (:arguments ("session" "sessionNum")) nil [65822 67830])
+            ("ediff-collect-custom-diffs" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [67832 68987])
+            ("ediff-meta-show-patch" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [68989 69812])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [69814 69957])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [69959 70100])
+            ("ediff-filegroup-action" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [70177 77743])
+            ("ediff-registry-action" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [77745 78643])
+            ("ediff-show-meta-buffer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("meta-buf" "session-number"))
+                nil [78704 80874])
+            ("ediff-show-current-session-meta-buffer" function nil nil [80876 80998])
+            ("ediff-show-meta-buff-from-registry" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [81000 81399])
+            ("ediff-show-registry" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [81416 83030])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [83047 83089])
+            ("ediff-update-meta-buffer" function (:arguments ("meta-buf" "must-redraw" "session-number")) nil [83497 84293])
+            ("ediff-update-registry" function nil nil [84295 84643])
+            ("ediff-cleanup-meta-buffer" function (:arguments ("meta-buffer")) nil [84732 85052])
+            ("ediff-safe-to-quit" function (:arguments ("meta-buffer")) nil [85088 85548])
+            ("ediff-quit-meta-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [85550 86876])
+            ("ediff-dispose-of-meta-buffer" function (:arguments ("buf")) nil [86878 87132])
+            ("ediff-get-meta-info" function (:arguments ("buf" "point" "noerror")) nil [87381 88073])
+            ("ediff-get-meta-overlay-at-pos" function (:arguments ("point")) nil [88076 88428])
+            ("ediff-get-session-number-at-pos" function (:arguments ("point" "meta-buffer")) nil [88430 88735])
+            ("ediff-next-meta-overlay-start" function (:arguments ("point")) nil [88794 89308])
+            ("ediff-previous-meta-overlay-start" function (:arguments ("point")) nil [89311 90218])
+            ("ediff-patch-file-internal" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [90220 90270])
+            ("ediff-patch-file-form-meta" function (:arguments ("file" "startup-hooks")) nil [90357 91407])
+            ("ediff-unmark-all-for-operation" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [91410 91732])
+            ("ediff-unmark-all-for-hiding" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [91734 92047])
+            ("ediff-meta-mark-equal-files" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("action"))
+                nil [92159 93771])
+            ("ediff-mark-if-equal" function (:arguments ("fileinfo1" "fileinfo2")) nil [93856 94127]))          
+      :file "ediff-mult.el"
+      :pointmax 94383
+      :fsize 94382
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29614 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [899 916])
+            ("ediff-metajob-name" variable nil nil [945 972])
+            ("ediff-meta-buffer" variable nil nil [973 999])
+            ("ediff-grab-mouse" variable nil nil [1000 1025])
+            ("ediff-mouse-pixel-position" variable nil nil [1026 1061])
+            ("ediff-mouse-pixel-threshold" variable nil nil [1062 1098])
+            ("ediff-whitespace" variable nil nil [1099 1124])
+            ("ediff-multiframe" variable nil nil [1125 1150])
+            ("ediff-use-toolbar-p" variable nil nil [1151 1179])
+            ("mswindowsx-bitmap-file-path" variable nil nil [1180 1216])
+            ("ediff-force-faces" variable nil nil [1234 1449])
+            ("ediff-device-type" function nil nil [1506 1619])
+            ("ediff-window-display-p" function nil nil [1682 1793])
+            ("ediff-has-face-support-p" function nil nil [1821 2055])
+            ("ediff-has-toolbar-support-p" function nil nil [2119 2243])
+            ("ediff-has-gutter-support-p" function nil nil [2246 2368])
+            ("ediff-use-toolbar-p" function nil nil [2370 2518])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" function (:arguments ("var" "value" "doc")) nil [2899 3126])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [3273 3315])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [3364 3406])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [3487 3529])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [3549 3598])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [3627 3675])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [3677 3829])
+            ("ediff-buffer-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((65 . ediff-buffer-A) (66 . ediff-buffer-B) (67 . ediff-buffer-C))))
+                nil [3884 3992])
+            ("ediff-buffer-live-p" function (:arguments ("buf")) nil [4005 4101])
+            ("ediff-get-buffer" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [4103 4289])
+            ("ediff-get-value-according-to-buffer-type" function (:arguments ("buf-type" "list")) nil [4291 4477])
+            ("ediff-char-to-buftype" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [4479 4612])
+            ("ediff-get-symbol-from-alist" function (:arguments ("buf-type" "alist")) nil [4880 4966])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [5792 5845])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [5846 5899])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [5900 5953])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [5954 6014])
+            ("ediff-difference-vector-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((A . ediff-difference-vector-A) (B . ediff-difference-vector-B) (C . ediff-difference-vector-C) (Ancestor . ediff-difference-vector-Ancestor))))
+                nil [6075 6274])
+            ("ediff-get-difference" function (:arguments ("n" "buf-type")) nil [6276 6437])
+            ("ediff-no-fine-diffs-p" function (:arguments ("n")) nil [7453 7530])
+            ("ediff-get-diff-overlay-from-diff-record" function (:arguments ("diff-rec")) nil [7532 7615])
+            ("ediff-get-diff-overlay" function (:arguments ("n" "buf-type")) nil [7617 7748])
+            ("ediff-get-fine-diff-vector-from-diff-record" function (:arguments ("diff-rec")) nil [7750 7837])
+            ("ediff-set-fine-diff-vector" function (:arguments ("n" "buf-type" "fine-vec")) nil [7839 7956])
+            ("ediff-get-state-of-diff" function (:arguments ("n" "buf-type")) nil [7958 8102])
+            ("ediff-set-state-of-diff" function (:arguments ("n" "buf-type" "val")) nil [8103 8207])
+            ("ediff-get-state-of-merge" function (:arguments ("n")) nil [8209 8324])
+            ("ediff-set-state-of-merge" function (:arguments ("n" "val")) nil [8325 8449])
+            ("ediff-get-state-of-ancestor" function (:arguments ("n")) nil [8451 8569])
+            ("ediff-mark-diff-as-space-only" function (:arguments ("n" "flag")) nil [8794 8890])
+            ("ediff-get-fine-diff-vector" function (:arguments ("n" "buf-type")) nil [8892 9031])
+            ("ediff-with-current-buffer" function (:arguments ("buffer" "body")) nil [9214 9524])
+            ("ediff-multiframe-setup-p" function nil nil [9527 9615])
+            ("ediff-narrow-control-frame-p" function nil nil [9617 9750])
+            ("ediff-3way-comparison-job" function nil nil [9752 9855])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [9856 9909])
+            ("ediff-merge-job" function nil nil [9911 10168])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [10169 10212])
+            ("ediff-patch-job" function nil nil [10214 10274])
+            ("ediff-merge-with-ancestor-job" function nil nil [10276 10469])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [10470 10527])
+            ("ediff-3way-job" function nil nil [10529 10607])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [10608 10650])
+            ("ediff-diff3-job" function nil nil [10740 10840])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [10841 10884])
+            ("ediff-windows-job" function nil nil [10886 10991])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [10992 11037])
+            ("ediff-word-mode-job" function nil nil [11039 11146])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [11147 11194])
+            ("ediff-narrow-job" function nil nil [11196 11361])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [11362 11406])
+            ("ediff-ancestor-metajob" function (:arguments ("metajob")) nil [11535 11711])
+            ("ediff-revision-metajob" function (:arguments ("metajob")) nil [11712 11920])
+            ("ediff-patch-metajob" function (:arguments ("metajob")) nil [11921 12038])
+            ("ediff-one-filegroup-metajob" function (:arguments ("metajob")) nil [12130 12294])
+            ("ediff-collect-diffs-metajob" function (:arguments ("metajob")) nil [12373 12699])
+            ("ediff-merge-metajob" function (:arguments ("metajob")) nil [12700 13008])
+            ("ediff-metajob3" function (:arguments ("metajob")) nil [13010 13221])
+            ("ediff-comparison-metajob3" function (:arguments ("metajob")) nil [13222 13360])
+            ("ediff-in-control-buffer-p" function (:arguments ("meta-buf-p")) nil [13480 13663])
+            ("ediff-barf-if-not-control-buffer" function (:arguments ("meta-buf-p")) nil [13665 13867])
+            ("ediff-highlighting" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [13869 13986])
+            ("ediff-merge" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [13988 14072])
+            ("ediff-hook" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [14074 14158])
+            ("ediff-before-setup-hook" variable nil nil [14179 14433])
+            ("ediff-before-setup-windows-hook" variable nil nil [14434 14720])
+            ("ediff-after-setup-windows-hook" variable nil nil [14721 14932])
+            ("ediff-before-setup-control-frame-hook" variable nil nil [14933 15180])
+            ("ediff-after-setup-control-frame-hook" variable nil nil [15181 15392])
+            ("ediff-startup-hook" variable nil nil [15393 15555])
+            ("ediff-select-hook" variable nil nil [15556 15679])
+            ("ediff-unselect-hook" variable nil nil [15680 15807])
+            ("ediff-prepare-buffer-hook" variable nil nil [15808 16003])
+            ("ediff-load-hook" variable nil nil [16004 16139])
+            ("ediff-mode-hook" variable nil nil [16141 16412])
+            ("ediff-keymap-setup-hook" variable nil nil [16413 16560])
+            ("ediff-display-help-hook" variable nil nil [16562 16684])
+            ("ediff-suspend-hook" variable nil nil [16686 16825])
+            ("ediff-quit-hook" variable nil nil [16826 16960])
+            ("ediff-cleanup-hook" variable nil nil [16961 17116])
+            ("ediff-KILLED-VITAL-BUFFER" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "You have killed a vital Ediff buffer---you must leave Ediff now!")
+                nil [17136 17241])
+            ("ediff-NO-DIFFERENCES" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "Sorry, comparison of identical variants is not what I am made for...")
+                nil [17242 17346])
+            ("ediff-BAD-DIFF-NUMBER" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "%S: Bad diff region number, %d.  Valid numbers are 1 to %d")
+                nil [17347 17507])
+            ("ediff-BAD-INFO" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (format "
+*** The Info file for Ediff, a part of the standard distribution
+*** of %sEmacs, does not seem to be properly installed.
+*** Please contact your system administrator. " (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) "X" "")))
+                nil [17508 17753])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [17778 18136])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [18138 18353])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [18354 18585])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [18661 18708])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [18783 18830])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [18905 18952])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [19049 19107])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [19181 19227])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [19300 19346])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [19419 19465])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [19561 19618])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [19924 19976])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [20167 20213])
+            ("ediff-before-flag-bol" variable (:default-value (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) (make-glyph "->>") "->>")) nil [20232 20495])
+            ("ediff-after-flag-eol" variable (:default-value (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) (make-glyph "<<-") "<<-")) nil [20497 20744])
+            ("ediff-before-flag-mol" variable (:default-value (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) (make-glyph "->>") "->>")) nil [20746 20999])
+            ("ediff-after-flag-mol" variable (:default-value (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) (make-glyph "<<-") "<<-")) nil [21000 21249])
+            ("ediff-use-faces" variable (:default-value t) nil [21252 21578])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [21579 21624])
+            ("put" code nil nil [21625 21666])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [21817 21860])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [21915 21957])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [22164 22211])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [22315 22360])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [22573 22621])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [22623 22744])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [22745 22920])
+            ("ediff-keep-variants" variable (:default-value t) nil [22922 23163])
+            ("ediff-highlight-all-diffs" variable (:default-value t) nil [23165 23413])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [23414 23469])
+            ("put" code nil nil [23470 23521])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [23566 23621])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [23716 23771])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [23839 23893])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [23959 24013])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [24079 24133])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [24206 24267])
+            ("ediff-buffer-values-orig-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((A . ediff-buffer-values-orig-A) (B . ediff-buffer-values-orig-B) (C . ediff-buffer-values-orig-C) (Ancestor . ediff-buffer-values-orig-Ancestor))))
+                nil [24333 24537])
+            ("ediff-protected-variables" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote (mode-line-format)))
+                nil [24613 24709])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [25009 25057])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [25105 25156])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [25189 25244])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [25336 25381])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [25513 25565])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [25630 25680])
+            ("ediff-tmp-buffer" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value " *ediff-tmp*")
+                nil [25738 25783])
+            ("ediff-msg-buffer" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value " *ediff-message*")
+                nil [25812 25861])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [25928 25974])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [26007 26065])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [26198 26259])
+            ("ediff-disturbed-overlays" variable nil nil [26365 26405])
+            ("ediff-version-control-package" variable (:default-value (quote vc)) nil [26407 26820])
+            ("ediff-coding-system-for-read" variable (:default-value (quote raw-text)) nil [26822 27294])
+            ("ediff-coding-system-for-write" variable (:default-value (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) (quote escape-quoted) (quote emacs-internal))) nil [27296 27593])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [27596 27682])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [27684 27755])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [27757 27840])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [27842 27931])
+            ("ediff-check-version" function (:arguments ("op" "major" "minor" "type-of-emacs")) nil [28006 28824])
+            ("ediff-color-display-p" function nil nil [28826 29021])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [29196 29315])
+            ("if" code nil nil [29318 29607])
+            ("ediff-current-diff-overlay-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((A . ediff-current-diff-overlay-A) (B . ediff-current-diff-overlay-B) (C . ediff-current-diff-overlay-C) (Ancestor . ediff-current-diff-overlay-Ancestor))))
+                nil [29677 29891])
+            ("ediff-current-diff-face-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((A . ediff-current-diff-A) (B . ediff-current-diff-B) (C . ediff-current-diff-C) (Ancestor . ediff-current-diff-Ancestor))))
+                nil [29960 30139])
+            ("ediff-set-overlay-face" function (:arguments ("extent" "face")) nil [30142 30300])
+            ("ediff-region-help-echo" function (:arguments ("extent-or-window" "overlay" "_point")) nil [30302 31054])
+            ("ediff-set-face-pixmap" function (:arguments ("face" "pixmap")) nil [31057 31373])
+            ("ediff-hide-face" function (:arguments ("face")) nil [31375 31559])
+            ("ediff-current-diff-A" variable
+               (:default-value (if (featurep (quote emacs)) (quote ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :background "#ffdddd") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :background "#553333") (((class color) (min-colors 16)) (:foreground "firebrick" :background "pale green")) (((class color)) (:foreground "blue3" :background "yellow3")) (t (:inverse-video t)))) (quote ((((type tty)) (:foreground "blue3" :background "yellow3")) (((class color)) (:foreground "firebrick" :background "pale green")) (t (:inverse-video t)))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [31563 32240])
+            ("ediff-current-diff-face-A" variable (:default-value (quote ediff-current-diff-A)) nil [32389 32661])
+            ("ediff-hide-face" code nil nil [32662 32705])
+            ("and" code nil nil [32840 32984])
+            ("ediff-current-diff-B" variable
+               (:default-value (if (featurep (quote emacs)) (quote ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :background "#ddffdd") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :background "#335533") (((class color) (min-colors 16)) (:foreground "DarkOrchid" :background "Yellow")) (((class color)) (:foreground "magenta3" :background "yellow3" :weight bold)) (t (:inverse-video t)))) (quote ((((type tty)) (:foreground "magenta3" :background "yellow3" :weight bold)) (((class color)) (:foreground "DarkOrchid" :background "Yellow")) (t (:inverse-video t)))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [32988 33707])
+            ("ediff-current-diff-face-B" variable (:default-value (quote ediff-current-diff-B)) nil [33856 34108])
+            ("ediff-hide-face" code nil nil [34109 34152])
+            ("and" code nil nil [34287 34431])
+            ("ediff-current-diff-C" variable
+               (:default-value (if (featurep (quote emacs)) (quote ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :background "#ffffaa") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :background "#888833") (((class color) (min-colors 16)) (:foreground "Navy" :background "Pink")) (((class color)) (:foreground "cyan3" :background "yellow3" :weight bold)) (t (:inverse-video t)))) (quote ((((type tty)) (:foreground "cyan3" :background "yellow3" :weight bold)) (((class color)) (:foreground "Navy" :background "Pink")) (t (:inverse-video t)))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [34434 35115])
+            ("ediff-current-diff-face-C" variable (:default-value (quote ediff-current-diff-C)) nil [35264 35536])
+            ("ediff-hide-face" code nil nil [35537 35580])
+            ("and" code nil nil [35715 35859])
+            ("ediff-current-diff-Ancestor" variable
+               (:default-value (if (featurep (quote emacs)) (quote ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :background "#cfdeee") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :background "#004151") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light)) :background "#cfdeee") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark)) :background "#004151") (((class color)) (:foreground "black" :background "magenta3")) (t (:inverse-video t)))) (quote ((((type tty)) (:foreground "black" :background "magenta3")) (((class color)) (:foreground "Black" :background "VioletRed")) (t (:inverse-video t)))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [35862 36670])
+            ("ediff-current-diff-face-Ancestor" variable (:default-value (quote ediff-current-diff-Ancestor)) nil [36819 37119])
+            ("ediff-hide-face" code nil nil [37120 37170])
+            ("and" code nil nil [37305 37456])
+            ("ediff-fine-diff-A" variable
+               (:default-value (if (featurep (quote emacs)) (quote ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :background "#ffbbbb") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :background "#aa2222") (((class color) (min-colors 16)) (:foreground "Navy" :background "sky blue")) (((class color)) (:foreground "white" :background "sky blue" :weight bold)) (t (:underline t :stipple "gray3")))) (quote ((((type tty)) (:foreground "white" :background "sky blue" :weight bold)) (((class color)) (:foreground "Navy" :background "sky blue")) (t (:underline t :stipple "gray3")))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [37459 38168])
+            ("ediff-fine-diff-face-A" variable (:default-value (quote ediff-fine-diff-A)) nil [38317 38577])
+            ("ediff-hide-face" code nil nil [38578 38618])
+            ("ediff-fine-diff-B" variable
+               (:default-value (if (featurep (quote emacs)) (quote ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :background "#aaffaa") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :background "#22aa22") (((class color) (min-colors 16)) (:foreground "Black" :background "cyan")) (((class color)) (:foreground "magenta3" :background "cyan3")) (t (:underline t :stipple "gray3")))) (quote ((((type tty)) (:foreground "magenta3" :background "cyan3")) (((class color)) (:foreground "Black" :background "cyan")) (t (:underline t :stipple "gray3")))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [38620 39314])
+            ("ediff-fine-diff-face-B" variable (:default-value (quote ediff-fine-diff-B)) nil [39463 39723])
+            ("ediff-hide-face" code nil nil [39724 39764])
+            ("ediff-fine-diff-C" variable
+               (:default-value (if (featurep (quote emacs)) (quote ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :background "#ffff55") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :background "#aaaa22") (((type pc)) (:foreground "white" :background "Turquoise")) (((class color) (min-colors 16)) (:foreground "Black" :background "Turquoise")) (((class color)) (:foreground "yellow3" :background "Turquoise" :weight bold)) (t (:underline t :stipple "gray3")))) (quote ((((type tty)) (:foreground "yellow3" :background "Turquoise" :weight bold)) (((type pc)) (:foreground "white" :background "Turquoise")) (((class color)) (:foreground "Black" :background "Turquoise")) (t (:underline t :stipple "gray3")))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [39766 40634])
+            ("ediff-fine-diff-face-C" variable (:default-value (quote ediff-fine-diff-C)) nil [40783 41043])
+            ("ediff-hide-face" code nil nil [41044 41084])
+            ("ediff-fine-diff-Ancestor" variable
+               (:default-value (if (featurep (quote emacs)) (quote ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :background "#00c5c0") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) :background "#009591") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light)) :background "#00c5c0") (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark)) :background "#009591") (((class color)) (:foreground "red3" :background "green")) (t (:underline t :stipple "gray3")))) (quote ((((type tty)) (:foreground "red3" :background "green")) (((class color)) (:foreground "Black" :background "Green")) (t (:underline t :stipple "gray3")))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [41086 42034])
+            ("ediff-fine-diff-face-Ancestor" variable (:default-value (quote ediff-fine-diff-Ancestor)) nil [42183 42471])
+            ("ediff-hide-face" code nil nil [42472 42519])
+            ("stipple-pixmap" variable (:default-value (cond ((not (ediff-has-face-support-p)) nil) ((and (boundp (quote x-bitmap-file-path)) (locate-library "stipple" t x-bitmap-file-path)) "stipple") ((and (boundp (quote mswindowsx-bitmap-file-path)) (locate-library "stipple" t mswindowsx-bitmap-file-path)) "stipple") (t "Stipple"))) nil [42591 42901])
+            ("ediff-even-diff-A" variable
+               (:default-value (if (featurep (quote emacs)) (\` ((((type pc)) (:foreground "green3" :background "light grey")) (((class color) (min-colors 88)) (:background "light grey")) (((class color) (min-colors 16)) (:foreground "Black" :background "light grey")) (((class color)) (:foreground "red3" :background "light grey" :weight bold)) (t (:italic t :stipple (\, stipple-pixmap))))) (\` ((((type tty)) (:foreground "red3" :background "light grey" :weight bold)) (((type pc)) (:foreground "green3" :background "light grey")) (((class color)) (:foreground "Black" :background "light grey")) (t (:italic t :stipple (\, stipple-pixmap))))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [42903 43711])
+            ("ediff-even-diff-face-A" variable (:default-value (quote ediff-even-diff-A)) nil [43860 44137])
+            ("ediff-hide-face" code nil nil [44138 44178])
+            ("ediff-even-diff-B" variable
+               (:default-value (if (featurep (quote emacs)) (\` ((((class color) (min-colors 88)) (:background "Grey")) (((class color) (min-colors 16)) (:foreground "White" :background "Grey")) (((class color)) (:foreground "blue3" :background "Grey" :weight bold)) (t (:italic t :stipple (\, stipple-pixmap))))) (\` ((((type tty)) (:foreground "blue3" :background "Grey" :weight bold)) (((class color)) (:foreground "White" :background "Grey")) (t (:italic t :stipple (\, stipple-pixmap))))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [44180 44807])
+            ("ediff-even-diff-face-B" variable (:default-value (quote ediff-even-diff-B)) nil [44956 45233])
+            ("ediff-hide-face" code nil nil [45234 45274])
+            ("ediff-even-diff-C" variable
+               (:default-value (if (featurep (quote emacs)) (\` ((((type pc)) (:foreground "yellow3" :background "light grey")) (((class color) (min-colors 88)) (:background "light grey")) (((class color) (min-colors 16)) (:foreground "Black" :background "light grey")) (((class color)) (:foreground "yellow3" :background "light grey" :weight bold)) (t (:italic t :stipple (\, stipple-pixmap))))) (\` ((((type tty)) (:foreground "yellow3" :background "light grey" :weight bold)) (((type pc)) (:foreground "yellow3" :background "light grey")) (((class color)) (:foreground "Black" :background "light grey")) (t (:italic t :stipple (\, stipple-pixmap))))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [45276 46092])
+            ("ediff-even-diff-face-C" variable (:default-value (quote ediff-even-diff-C)) nil [46241 46518])
+            ("ediff-hide-face" code nil nil [46519 46559])
+            ("ediff-even-diff-Ancestor" variable
+               (:default-value (if (featurep (quote emacs)) (\` ((((type pc)) (:foreground "cyan3" :background "light grey")) (((class color) (min-colors 88)) (:background "Grey")) (((class color) (min-colors 16)) (:foreground "White" :background "Grey")) (((class color)) (:foreground "cyan3" :background "light grey" :weight bold)) (t (:italic t :stipple (\, stipple-pixmap))))) (\` ((((type tty)) (:foreground "cyan3" :background "light grey" :weight bold)) (((type pc)) (:foreground "cyan3" :background "light grey")) (((class color)) (:foreground "White" :background "Grey")) (t (:italic t :stipple (\, stipple-pixmap))))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [46561 47352])
+            ("ediff-even-diff-face-Ancestor" variable (:default-value (quote ediff-even-diff-Ancestor)) nil [47501 47806])
+            ("ediff-hide-face" code nil nil [47807 47854])
+            ("ediff-even-diff-face-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((A . ediff-even-diff-A) (B . ediff-even-diff-B) (C . ediff-even-diff-C) (Ancestor . ediff-even-diff-Ancestor))))
+                nil [47919 48083])
+            ("ediff-odd-diff-A" variable
+               (:default-value (if (featurep (quote emacs)) (quote ((((type pc)) (:foreground "green3" :background "gray40")) (((class color) (min-colors 88)) (:background "Grey")) (((class color) (min-colors 16)) (:foreground "White" :background "Grey")) (((class color)) (:foreground "red3" :background "black" :weight bold)) (t (:italic t :stipple "gray1")))) (quote ((((type tty)) (:foreground "red3" :background "black" :weight bold)) (((type pc)) (:foreground "green3" :background "gray40")) (((class color)) (:foreground "White" :background "Grey")) (t (:italic t :stipple "gray1")))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [48085 48823])
+            ("ediff-odd-diff-face-A" variable (:default-value (quote ediff-odd-diff-A)) nil [48972 49245])
+            ("ediff-hide-face" code nil nil [49246 49285])
+            ("ediff-odd-diff-B" variable
+               (:default-value (if (featurep (quote emacs)) (quote ((((type pc)) (:foreground "White" :background "gray40")) (((class color) (min-colors 88)) (:background "light grey")) (((class color) (min-colors 16)) (:foreground "Black" :background "light grey")) (((class color)) (:foreground "cyan3" :background "black" :weight bold)) (t (:italic t :stipple "gray1")))) (quote ((((type tty)) (:foreground "cyan3" :background "black" :weight bold)) (((type pc)) (:foreground "White" :background "gray40")) (((class color)) (:foreground "Black" :background "light grey")) (t (:italic t :stipple "gray1")))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [49288 50044])
+            ("ediff-odd-diff-face-B" variable (:default-value (quote ediff-odd-diff-B)) nil [50193 50466])
+            ("ediff-hide-face" code nil nil [50467 50506])
+            ("ediff-odd-diff-C" variable
+               (:default-value (if (featurep (quote emacs)) (quote ((((type pc)) (:foreground "yellow3" :background "gray40")) (((class color) (min-colors 88)) (:background "Grey")) (((class color) (min-colors 16)) (:foreground "White" :background "Grey")) (((class color)) (:foreground "yellow3" :background "black" :weight bold)) (t (:italic t :stipple "gray1")))) (quote ((((type tty)) (:foreground "yellow3" :background "black" :weight bold)) (((type pc)) (:foreground "yellow3" :background "gray40")) (((class color)) (:foreground "White" :background "Grey")) (t (:italic t :stipple "gray1")))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [50508 51254])
+            ("ediff-odd-diff-face-C" variable (:default-value (quote ediff-odd-diff-C)) nil [51403 51676])
+            ("ediff-hide-face" code nil nil [51677 51716])
+            ("ediff-odd-diff-Ancestor" variable
+               (:default-value (if (featurep (quote emacs)) (quote ((((class color) (min-colors 88)) (:background "gray40")) (((class color) (min-colors 16)) (:foreground "cyan3" :background "gray40")) (((class color)) (:foreground "green3" :background "black" :weight bold)) (t (:italic t :stipple "gray1")))) (quote ((((type tty)) (:foreground "green3" :background "black" :weight bold)) (((class color)) (:foreground "cyan3" :background "gray40")) (t (:italic t :stipple "gray1")))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [51718 52355])
+            ("ediff-odd-diff-face-Ancestor" variable (:default-value (quote ediff-odd-diff-Ancestor)) nil [52504 52805])
+            ("ediff-hide-face" code nil nil [52806 52852])
+            ("ediff-odd-diff-face-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((A . ediff-odd-diff-A) (B . ediff-odd-diff-B) (C . ediff-odd-diff-C) (Ancestor . ediff-odd-diff-Ancestor))))
+                nil [52916 53075])
+            ("ediff-fine-diff-face-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((A . ediff-fine-diff-A) (B . ediff-fine-diff-B) (C . ediff-fine-diff-C) (Ancestor . ediff-fine-diff-Ancestor))))
+                nil [53142 53306])
+            ("put" code nil nil [53321 53421])
+            ("put" code nil nil [53422 53522])
+            ("put" code nil nil [53523 53623])
+            ("put" code nil nil [53624 53731])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [53733 53780])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [53781 53843])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [53860 53972])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [53973 54085])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [54086 54198])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [54199 54329])
+            ("ediff-toggle-read-only-function" variable (:default-value (quote read-only-mode)) nil [54331 54509])
+            ("ediff-make-buffers-readonly-at-startup" variable nil nil [54511 54703])
+            ("ediff-verbose-p" variable (:default-value t) nil [54755 54781])
+            ("ediff-show-ancestor" variable (:default-value t) nil [54783 54938])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [55058 55111])
+            ("ediff-autostore-merges" variable (:default-value (quote group-jobs-only)) nil [55113 55531])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [55532 55584])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [55657 55707])
+            ("ediff-merge-filename-prefix" variable (:default-value "merge_") nil [55709 55845])
+            ("ediff-no-emacs-help-in-control-buffer" variable nil nil [55847 56051])
+            ("ediff-temp-file-prefix" variable (:default-value (file-name-as-directory (cond ((boundp (quote temporary-file-directory)) temporary-file-directory) ((fboundp (quote temp-directory)) (temp-directory)) (t "/tmp/")))) nil [56181 56727])
+            ("ediff-temp-file-mode" variable (:default-value 384) nil [56729 56846])
+            ("ediff-metachars" variable (:default-value "[ 	
+!\"#$&'()*;<=>?[\\^`{|~]") nil [56947 57169])
+            ("ediff-H-glyph" variable (:default-value (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) (make-glyph "H"))) nil [57221 57284])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [57355 57400])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [57469 57514])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [57583 57628])
+            ("ediff-file-remote-p" function (:arguments ("file-name")) nil [57631 57698])
+            ("ediff-listable-file" function (:arguments ("file-name")) nil [57762 57928])
+            ("ediff-frame-unsplittable-p" function (:arguments ("frame")) nil [57931 58030])
+            ("ediff-get-next-window" function (:arguments ("wind" "prev-wind")) nil [58032 58175])
+            ("ediff-kill-buffer-carefully" function (:arguments ("buf")) nil [58178 58326])
+            ("ediff-background-face" function (:arguments ("buf-type" "dif-num")) nil [58328 58631])
+            ("ediff-paint-background-regions-in-one-buffer" function (:arguments ("buf-type" "unhighlight")) nil [58678 59241])
+            ("ediff-paint-background-regions" function (:arguments ("unhighlight")) nil [59293 59630])
+            ("ediff-clear-fine-diff-vector" function (:arguments ("diff-record")) nil [59726 59896])
+            ("ediff-clear-fine-differences-in-one-buffer" function (:arguments ("n" "buf-type")) nil [59898 60077])
+            ("ediff-clear-fine-differences" function (:arguments ("n")) nil [60079 60304])
+            ("ediff-mouse-event-p" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [60307 60466])
+            ("ediff-key-press-event-p" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [60469 60619])
+            ("ediff-event-point" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [60621 60848])
+            ("ediff-event-buffer" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [60850 61105])
+            ("ediff-event-key" function (:arguments ("event-or-key")) nil [61107 61345])
+            ("ediff-last-command-char" function nil nil [61347 61420])
+            ("ediff-frame-iconified-p" function (:arguments ("frame")) nil [61423 61617])
+            ("ediff-window-visible-p" function (:arguments ("wind")) nil [61619 61832])
+            ("ediff-frame-char-width" function (:arguments ("frame")) nil [61835 61987])
+            ("ediff-reset-mouse" function (:arguments ("frame" "do-not-grab-mouse")) nil [61989 62845])
+            ("ediff-spy-after-mouse" function nil nil [62847 62941])
+            ("ediff-user-grabbed-mouse" function nil nil [63160 63792])
+            ("ediff-frame-char-height" function (:arguments ("frame")) nil [63794 63957])
+            ("ediff-overlay-start" function (:arguments ("overl")) nil [63986 64140])
+            ("ediff-overlay-end" function (:arguments ("overl")) nil [64142 64291])
+            ("ediff-empty-overlay-p" function (:arguments ("overl")) nil [64293 64393])
+            ("ediff-overlay-buffer" function (:arguments ("overl")) nil [64515 64660])
+            ("ediff-overlay-get" function (:arguments ("overl" "property")) nil [64775 64943])
+            ("ediff-move-overlay" function (:arguments ("overlay" "beg" "end" "buffer")) nil [65051 65532])
+            ("ediff-overlay-put" function (:arguments ("overlay" "prop" "value")) nil [65534 65895])
+            ("ediff-abbreviate-file-name" function (:arguments ("file" "dir")) nil [65985 66291])
+            ("ediff-strip-last-dir" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [66439 66831])
+            ("ediff-truncate-string-left" function (:arguments ("str" "newlen")) nil [66833 67114])
+            ("ediff-nonempty-string-p" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [67116 67210])
+            ("unless" code nil nil [67212 67661])
+            ("unless" code nil nil [67663 67734])
+            ("ediff-abbrev-jobname" function (:arguments ("jobname")) nil [67736 68546])
+            ("ediff-strip-mode-line-format" function nil nil [68604 68820])
+            ("ediff-valid-difference-p" function (:arguments ("n")) nil [68868 69011])
+            ("ediff-show-all-diffs" function (:arguments ("_n")) nil [69013 69090])
+            ("ediff-message-if-verbose" function (:arguments ("string" "args")) nil [69092 69205])
+            ("ediff-file-attributes" function (:arguments ("filename" "attr-number")) nil [69207 69358])
+            ("ediff-file-size" function (:arguments ("filename")) nil [69360 69434])
+            ("ediff-file-modtime" function (:arguments ("filename")) nil [69435 69512])
+            ("ediff-convert-standard-filename" function (:arguments ("fname")) nil [69515 69656])
+            ("if" code nil nil [69658 70294])
+            ("ediff-init" package nil nil [70297 70318]))          
+      :file "ediff-init.el"
+      :pointmax 70574
+      :fsize 70573
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29613 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "ediff-diff.el"
+      :fsize 53276
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29613 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("icon-title-format" variable nil nil [915 941])
+            ("top-toolbar-height" variable nil nil [942 969])
+            ("bottom-toolbar-height" variable nil nil [970 1000])
+            ("left-toolbar-height" variable nil nil [1001 1029])
+            ("right-toolbar-height" variable nil nil [1030 1059])
+            ("left-toolbar-width" variable nil nil [1060 1087])
+            ("right-toolbar-width" variable nil nil [1088 1116])
+            ("default-menubar" variable nil nil [1117 1141])
+            ("top-gutter" variable nil nil [1142 1161])
+            ("frame-icon-title-format" variable nil nil [1162 1194])
+            ("ediff-diff-status" variable nil nil [1195 1221])
+            ("unless" code nil nil [1288 1364])
+            ("ediff-init" include nil nil [1367 1388])
+            ("ediff-help" include nil nil [1389 1410])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1479 1575])
+            ("ediff-window" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1578 1688])
+            ("ediff-choose-window-setup-function-automatically" function nil nil [1771 1989])
+            ("ediff-window-setup-function" variable (:default-value (quote ediff-setup-windows-default)) nil [1991 3607])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [3654 3698])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [3762 3815])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [3840 3888])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [3921 3963])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [3996 4038])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [4071 4113])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [4153 4202])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [4287 4339])
+            ("ediff-window-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((A . ediff-window-A) (65 . ediff-window-A) (B . ediff-window-B) (66 . ediff-window-B) (C . ediff-window-C) (67 . ediff-window-C) (Ancestor . ediff-window-Ancestor))))
+                nil [4393 4615])
+            ("ediff-split-window-function" variable (:default-value (quote split-window-vertically)) nil [4618 5266])
+            ("ediff-merge-split-window-function" variable (:default-value (quote split-window-horizontally)) nil [5268 5924])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [5986 6043])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [6044 6102])
+            ("ediff-control-frame-parameters" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (list (quote (name . "Ediff")) (quote (minibuffer)) (quote (user-position . t)) (quote (vertical-scroll-bars)) (quote (scrollbar-width . 0)) (quote (scrollbar-height . 0)) (quote (menu-bar-lines . 0)) (quote (tool-bar-lines . 0)) (quote (left-fringe . 0)) (quote (right-fringe . 0)) (quote (auto-lower)) (quote (auto-raise . t)) (quote (visibility)) (quote (width . 1)) (quote (height . 1)) (quote (fullscreen)) (cons (quote top) (if (fboundp (quote ediff-display-pixel-height)) (1+ (ediff-display-pixel-height)) 3000)) (cons (quote left) (if (fboundp (quote ediff-display-pixel-width)) (1+ (ediff-display-pixel-width)) 3000))))
+                nil [6104 7323])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [7410 7464])
+            ("ediff-mouse-pixel-threshold" variable (:default-value 30) nil [7486 7625])
+            ("ediff-grab-mouse" variable (:default-value t) nil [7627 7932])
+            ("ediff-control-frame-position-function" variable (:default-value (quote ediff-make-frame-position)) nil [7934 8313])
+            ("ediff-control-frame-upward-shift" variable (:default-value 42) nil [8315 8679])
+            ("ediff-narrow-control-frame-leftward-shift" variable (:default-value (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) 7 3)) nil [8681 9136])
+            ("ediff-wide-control-frame-rightward-shift" variable (:default-value 7) nil [9138 9565])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [9630 9678])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [9727 9874])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [9875 9963])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [9964 10418])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [10479 10526])
+            ("ediff-prefer-iconified-control-frame" variable nil nil [10528 11057])
+            ("ediff-get-window-by-clicking" function (:arguments ("_wind" "_prev-wind" "wind-number")) nil [11074 11596])
+            ("ediff-select-lowest-window" function nil nil [11641 12347])
+            ("ediff-setup-windows" function (:arguments ("buffer-A" "buffer-B" "buffer-C" "control-buffer")) nil [12607 13274])
+            ("ediff-setup-windows-default" function (:arguments ("buffer-A" "buffer-B" "buffer-C" "control-buffer")) nil [13276 13511])
+            ("ediff-setup-windows-plain" function (:arguments ("buffer-A" "buffer-B" "buffer-C" "control-buffer")) nil [13633 13986])
+            ("ediff-setup-control-buffer" function (:prototype-flag t) nil [13988 14039])
+            ("ediff-setup-windows-plain-merge" function (:arguments ("buf-A" "buf-B" "buf-C" "control-buffer")) nil [14041 16342])
+            ("ediff-setup-windows-plain-compare" function (:arguments ("buf-A" "buf-B" "buf-C" "control-buffer")) nil [16411 18956])
+            ("ediff-setup-windows-multiframe" function (:arguments ("buf-A" "buf-B" "buf-C" "control-buf")) nil [19008 19323])
+            ("ediff-setup-windows-multiframe-merge" function (:arguments ("buf-A" "buf-B" "buf-C" "control-buf")) nil [19325 27140])
+            ("ediff-setup-windows-multiframe-compare" function (:arguments ("buf-A" "buf-B" "buf-C" "control-buf")) nil [27210 33395])
+            ("ediff-skip-unsuitable-frames" function (:arguments ("ok-unsplittable")) nil [33515 34351])
+            ("ediff-frame-has-dedicated-windows" function (:arguments ("frame")) nil [34353 34546])
+            ("ediff-window-ok-for-display" function (:arguments ("wind")) nil [34780 35075])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [35077 35152])
+            ("ediff-setup-control-frame" function (:arguments ("ctl-buffer" "designated-minibuffer-frame")) nil [35190 40254])
+            ("ediff-destroy-control-frame" function (:arguments ("ctl-buffer")) nil [40257 40713])
+            ("ediff-make-frame-position" function (:arguments ("ctl-buffer" "ctl-frame-width" "ctl-frame-height")) nil [40760 42616])
+            ("ediff-xemacs-select-frame-hook" function nil nil [42618 42795])
+            ("ediff-make-wide-display" function nil nil [42797 43746])
+            ("ediff-refresh-mode-lines" function nil nil [43922 47007])
+            ("ediff-refresh-control-frame" function nil nil [47010 47551])
+            ("ediff-make-narrow-control-buffer-id" function (:arguments ("skip-name")) nil [47554 47982])
+            ("ediff-make-base-title" function nil nil [47984 48112])
+            ("ediff-make-wide-control-buffer-id" function nil nil [48114 48548])
+            ("ediff-get-visible-buffer-window" function (:arguments ("buff")) nil [48587 48762])
+            ("ediff-keep-window-config" function (:arguments ("control-buf")) nil [48813 50118])
+            ("ediff-wind" package nil nil [50121 50142]))          
+      :file "ediff-wind.el"
+      :pointmax 50397
+      :fsize 50396
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29614 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 1575 . 1576) (symbol 1460 . 1476) (open-paren 1459 . 1460) (close-paren 1364 . 1365) (symbol 1269 . 1285) (open-paren 1268 . 1269)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "ediff-util.el"
+      :fsize 158125
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29614 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("ediff-multiframe" variable nil nil [931 956])
+            ("ediff-init" include nil nil [974 995])
+            ("ediff-long-help-message-head" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "    Move around      |      Toggle features      |        Manipulate
+                nil [1015 1246])
+            ("ediff-long-help-message-tail" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "=====================|===========================|=============================
+    R -show registry |     = -compare regions    |  M   -show session group
+    D -diff output   |     E -browse Ediff manual|  G   -send bug report
+    i -status info   |     ? -help off           |  z/q -suspend/quit
+For help on a specific command:  Click Button 2 over it; or
+              			 Put the cursor over it and type RET.")
+                nil [1247 1823])
+            ("ediff-long-help-message-compare3" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "
+p,DEL -previous diff |     | -vert/horiz split   | xy -copy buf X's region to Y
+n,SPC -next diff     |     h -highlighting       | rx -restore buf X's old diff
+    j -jump to diff  |     @ -auto-refinement    |  * -refine current region
+   gx -goto X's point|    ## -ignore whitespace  |  ! -update diff regions
+  C-l -recenter      |    #c -ignore case        |
+  v/V -scroll up/dn  | #f/#h -focus/hide regions | wx -save buf X
+  </> -scroll lt/rt  |     X -read-only in buf X | wd -save diff output
+    ~ -rotate buffers|     m -wide display       |
+                nil [1825 2546])
+            ("ediff-long-help-message-compare2" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "
+p,DEL -previous diff |     | -vert/horiz split   |a/b -copy A/B's region to B/A
+n,SPC -next diff     |     h -highlighting       | rx -restore buf X's old diff
+    j -jump to diff  |     @ -auto-refinement    |  * -refine current region
+   gx -goto X's point|    ## -ignore whitespace  |  ! -update diff regions
+  C-l -recenter      |    #c -ignore case        |
+  v/V -scroll up/dn  | #f/#h -focus/hide regions | wx -save buf X
+  </> -scroll lt/rt  |     X -read-only in buf X | wd -save diff output
+    ~ -swap variants |     m -wide display       |
+                nil [2548 3269])
+            ("ediff-long-help-message-narrow2" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "
+p,DEL -previous diff |     | -vert/horiz split   |a/b -copy A/B's region to B/A
+n,SPC -next diff     |     h -highlighting       | rx -restore buf X's old diff
+    j -jump to diff  |     @ -auto-refinement    |  * -refine current region
+   gx -goto X's point|    ## -ignore whitespace  |  ! -update diff regions
+  C-l -recenter      |    #c -ignore case        |  % -narrow/widen buffs
+  v/V -scroll up/dn  | #f/#h -focus/hide regions | wx -save buf X
+  </> -scroll lt/rt  |     X -read-only in buf X | wd -save diff output
+    ~ -swap variants |     m -wide display       |
+                nil [3271 4027])
+            ("ediff-long-help-message-word-mode" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "
+p,DEL -previous diff |     | -vert/horiz split   | xy -copy buf X's region to Y
+n,SPC -next diff     |     h -highlighting       | rx -restore buf X's old diff
+    j -jump to diff  |                           |
+   gx -goto X's point|    % -narrow/widen buffs  |  ! -recompute diffs
+  C-l -recenter      |    #c -ignore case        |
+  v/V -scroll up/dn  | #f/#h -focus/hide regions | wx -save buf X
+  </> -scroll lt/rt  |     X -read-only in buf X | wd -save diff output
+    ~ -swap variants |     m -wide display       |
+                nil [4029 4734])
+            ("ediff-long-help-message-merge" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "
+p,DEL -previous diff |     | -vert/horiz split   |  x -copy buf X's region to C
+n,SPC -next diff     |     h -highlighting       |  r -restore buf C's old diff
+    j -jump to diff  |     @ -auto-refinement    |  * -refine current region
+   gx -goto X's point|    ## -ignore whitespace  |  ! -update diff regions
+  C-l -recenter      | #f/#h -focus/hide regions |  + -combine diff regions
+  v/V -scroll up/dn  |     X -read-only in buf X | wx -save buf X
+  </> -scroll lt/rt  |     m -wide display       | wd -save diff output
+    ~ -swap variants |     s -shrink window C    |  / -show/hide ancestor buff
+                     |  $$ -show clashes only    |  & -merge w/new default
+                     |  $* -skip changed regions |
+                nil [4736 5618])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [5653 5772])
+            ("ediff-brief-message-string" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value " Type ? for help")
+                nil [5774 5872])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [5906 6026])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [6028 6284])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [6285 6447])
+            ("ediff-use-long-help-message" variable nil nil [6449 6609])
+            ("ediff-defvar-local" code nil nil [6639 6948])
+            ("ediff-help-region-map" variable (:default-value (make-sparse-keymap)) nil [7013 7064])
+            ("define-key" code nil nil [7066 7176])
+            ("ediff-set-help-overlays" function nil nil [7208 7720])
+            ("ediff-help-for-quick-help" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7723 11001])
+            ("ediff-help-message-line-length" function nil nil [11096 11278])
+            ("ediff-indent-help-message" function nil nil [11281 11589])
+            ("ediff-set-help-message" function nil nil [11632 13305])
+            ("ediff-customize" function nil nil [13322 13392])
+            ("ediff-help" package nil nil [13395 13416]))          
+      :file "ediff-help.el"
+      :pointmax 13447
+      :fsize 13610
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29613 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("ediff-version" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "2.81.5")
+                nil [554 618])
+            ("ediff-date" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "July 4, 2013")
+                nil [619 677])
+            ("ediff" package nil nil [5070 5086])
+            ("unless" code nil nil [5129 5205])
+            ("ediff-util" include nil nil [5208 5229])
+            ("ediff-init" include nil nil [5247 5268])
+            ("ediff-mult" include nil nil [5269 5290])
+            ("ediff" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5334 5443])
+            ("ediff-use-last-dir" variable nil nil [5446 5592])
+            ("ediff-last-dir-A" variable nil nil [5649 5678])
+            ("ediff-last-dir-B" variable nil nil [5734 5763])
+            ("ediff-last-dir-C" variable nil nil [5819 5848])
+            ("ediff-last-dir-ancestor" variable nil nil [5915 5951])
+            ("ediff-last-merge-autostore-dir" variable nil nil [6030 6073])
+            ("ediff-set-read-only-in-buf-A" function nil nil [6139 6253])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [6255 6359])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [6360 6480])
+            ("ediff-get-default-file-name" function (:arguments ("default" "fileno")) nil [6799 7560])
+            ("ediff-files" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("file-A" "file-B" "startup-hooks"))
+                nil [7604 8660])
+            ("ediff-files3" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("file-A" "file-B" "file-C" "startup-hooks"))
+                nil [8677 10267])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [10284 10316])
+            ("ediff-find-file" function (:arguments ("file-var" "buffer-name" "last-dir" "hooks-var")) nil [10319 12460])
+            ("ediff-files-internal" function (:arguments ("file-A" "file-B" "file-C" "startup-hooks" "job-name" "merge-buffer-file")) nil [12534 13582])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [13584 13638])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [13655 13685])
+            ("ediff-current-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [13702 15382])
+            ("ediff-backup" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("file"))
+                nil [15400 15969])
+            ("ediff-buffers" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("buffer-A" "buffer-B" "startup-hooks" "job-name"))
+                nil [15986 16947])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [16964 16999])
+            ("ediff-buffers3" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("buffer-A" "buffer-B" "buffer-C" "startup-hooks" "job-name"))
+                nil [17017 18284])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [18301 18338])
+            ("ediff-buffers-internal" function (:arguments ("buf-A" "buf-B" "buf-C" "startup-hooks" "job-name" "merge-buffer-file")) nil [18414 20312])
+            ("ediff-get-default-directory-name" function nil nil [20557 20831])
+            ("ediff-directories" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("dir1" "dir2" "regexp"))
+                nil [20849 21890])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [21907 21943])
+            ("ediff-directory-revisions" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("dir1" "regexp"))
+                nil [21961 22863])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [22880 22933])
+            ("ediff-directories3" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("dir1" "dir2" "dir3" "regexp"))
+                nil [22951 24166])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [24183 24221])
+            ("ediff-merge-directories" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("dir1" "dir2" "regexp" "merge-autostore-dir"))
+                nil [24238 25414])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [25431 25479])
+            ("ediff-merge-directories-with-ancestor" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("dir1" "dir2" "ancestor-dir" "regexp" "merge-autostore-dir"))
+                nil [25496 27061])
+            ("ediff-merge-directory-revisions" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("dir1" "regexp" "merge-autostore-dir"))
+                nil [27078 28132])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [28149 28214])
+            ("ediff-merge-directory-revisions-with-ancestor" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("dir1" "regexp" "merge-autostore-dir"))
+                nil [28231 29373])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [29390 29487])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [29504 29580])
+            ("ediff-directories-internal" function (:arguments ("dir1" "dir2" "dir3" "regexp" "action" "jobname" "startup-hooks" "merge-autostore-dir")) nil [29985 32710])
+            ("ediff-directory-revisions-internal" function (:arguments ("dir1" "regexp" "action" "jobname" "startup-hooks" "merge-autostore-dir")) nil [32797 34421])
+            ("ediff-windows-wordwise" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("dumb-mode" "wind-A" "wind-B" "startup-hooks"))
+                nil [34472 35013])
+            ("ediff-windows-linewise" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("dumb-mode" "wind-A" "wind-B" "startup-hooks"))
+                nil [35030 35564])
+            ("ediff-windows" function (:arguments ("dumb-mode" "wind-A" "wind-B" "startup-hooks" "job-name" "word-mode")) nil [35806 36852])
+            ("ediff-regions-wordwise" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("buffer-A" "buffer-B" "startup-hooks"))
+                nil [36870 38508])
+            ("ediff-regions-linewise" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("buffer-A" "buffer-B" "startup-hooks"))
+                nil [38525 40756])
+            ("ediff-regions-internal" function (:arguments ("buffer-A" "beg-A" "end-A" "buffer-B" "beg-B" "end-B" "startup-hooks" "job-name" "word-mode" "setup-parameters")) nil [40860 42571])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [42618 42660])
+            ("ediff-merge-on-startup" function nil nil [42662 42937])
+            ("ediff-merge-files" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("file-A" "file-B" "startup-hooks" "merge-buffer-file"))
+                nil [42954 44351])
+            ("ediff-merge-files-with-ancestor" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("file-A" "file-B" "file-ancestor" "startup-hooks" "merge-buffer-file"))
+                nil [44368 46364])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [46381 46451])
+            ("ediff-merge-buffers" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("buffer-A" "buffer-B" "startup-hooks" "job-name" "merge-buffer-file"))
+                nil [46468 47768])
+            ("ediff-merge-buffers-with-ancestor" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("buffer-A" "buffer-B" "buffer-ancestor" "startup-hooks" "job-name" "merge-buffer-file"))
+                nil [47785 49482])
+            ("ediff-merge-revisions" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("file" "startup-hooks" "merge-buffer-file"))
+                nil [49500 50596])
+            ("ediff-merge-revisions-with-ancestor" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("file" "startup-hooks" "merge-buffer-file"))
+                nil [50614 51972])
+            ("ediff-last-dir-patch" variable nil nil [51990 52019])
+            ("ediff-patch-default-directory" variable nil nil [52020 52058])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [52059 52157])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [52158 52285])
+            ("ediff-patch-file" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg" "patch-buf"))
+                nil [52302 53370])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [53372 53503])
+            ("ediff-patch-buffer" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg" "patch-buf"))
+                nil [53520 54348])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [54366 54402])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [54418 54463])
+            ("ediff-revision" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("file" "startup-hooks"))
+                nil [54516 55869])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [55887 55924])
+            ("ediff-load-version-control" function (:arguments ("silent")) nil [56057 56497])
+            ("ediff-version" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [56515 56850])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [56901 56979])
+            ("ediff-documentation" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("node"))
+                nil [56996 57793])
+            ("ediff-files-command" function nil nil [57840 58120])
+            ("ediff3-files-command" function nil nil [58137 58470])
+            ("ediff-merge-command" function nil nil [58487 58785])
+            ("ediff-merge-with-ancestor-command" function nil nil [58802 59196])
+            ("ediff-directories-command" function nil nil [59213 59567])
+            ("ediff-directories3-command" function nil nil [59584 59988])
+            ("ediff-merge-directories-command" function nil nil [60005 60377])
+            ("ediff-merge-directories-with-ancestor-command" function nil nil [60394 60859])
+            ("ediff-util" include nil nil [60863 60884])
+            ("run-hooks" code nil nil [60886 60914]))          
+      :file "ediff.el"
+      :pointmax 61164
+      :fsize 61163
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29614 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 5205 . 5206) (symbol 5110 . 5126) (open-paren 5109 . 5110)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("A-begin" variable nil nil [1008 1024])
+            ("A-end" variable nil nil [1025 1039])
+            ("B-begin" variable nil nil [1040 1056])
+            ("B-end" variable nil nil [1057 1071])
+            ("diff-vector" variable nil nil [1072 1092])
+            ("merge-begin" variable nil nil [1093 1113])
+            ("merge-end" variable nil nil [1114 1132])
+            ("valid-diff" variable nil nil [1133 1152])
+            ("emerge-defvar-local" function (:arguments ("var" "value" "doc")) nil [1166 1610])
+            ("emerge-minor-modes-list" variable (:default-value (quote ((emerge-mode " Emerge") (emerge-fast-mode " F") (emerge-edit-mode " E") (emerge-auto-advance " A") (emerge-skip-prefers " S")))) nil [1683 1862])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1863 1995])
+            ("emerge-mode" function nil nil [2075 2594])
+            ("emerge" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2632 2706])
+            ("emerge-diff-program" variable (:default-value "diff") nil [3318 3439])
+            ("emerge-diff3-program" variable (:default-value "diff3") nil [3440 3628])
+            ("emerge-diff-options" variable nil nil [3629 3769])
+            ("emerge-match-diff-line" variable (:default-value (let ((x "\\([0-9]+\\)\\(\\|,\\([0-9]+\\)\\)")) (concat "^" x "\\([acd]\\)" x "$"))) nil [3770 4049])
+            ("emerge-diff-ok-lines-regexp" variable (:default-value "^\\([0-9,]+[acd][0-9,]+$\\|[<>] \\|---\\)") nil [4050 4298])
+            ("emerge-diff3-ok-lines-regexp" variable (:default-value "^\\([1-3]:\\|====\\|  \\)") nil [4299 4533])
+            ("emerge-rcs-ci-program" variable (:default-value "ci") nil [4535 4660])
+            ("emerge-rcs-co-program" variable (:default-value "co") nil [4661 4787])
+            ("emerge-process-local-variables" variable nil nil [4789 5046])
+            ("emerge-execute-line-deletions" variable nil nil [5047 5467])
+            ("emerge-before-flag" variable (:default-value "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
+") nil [5469 5720])
+            ("emerge-after-flag" variable (:default-value "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+") nil [5721 5971])
+            ("emerge-startup-hook" variable nil nil [5992 6127])
+            ("emerge-select-hook" variable nil nil [6128 6311])
+            ("emerge-unselect-hook" variable nil nil [6312 6499])
+            ("emerge-default-last-directories" variable nil nil [6590 6862])
+            ("emerge-last-dir-A" variable nil nil [6864 6965])
+            ("emerge-last-dir-B" variable nil nil [6966 7068])
+            ("emerge-last-dir-ancestor" variable nil nil [7069 7180])
+            ("emerge-last-dir-output" variable nil nil [7181 7288])
+            ("emerge-last-revision-A" variable nil nil [7289 7403])
+            ("emerge-last-revision-B" variable nil nil [7404 7519])
+            ("emerge-last-revision-ancestor" variable nil nil [7520 7644])
+            ("emerge-before-flag-length" variable nil nil [7646 7680])
+            ("emerge-before-flag-lines" variable nil nil [7681 7714])
+            ("emerge-before-flag-match" variable nil nil [7715 7748])
+            ("emerge-after-flag-length" variable nil nil [7749 7782])
+            ("emerge-after-flag-lines" variable nil nil [7783 7815])
+            ("emerge-after-flag-match" variable nil nil [7816 7848])
+            ("emerge-diff-buffer" variable nil nil [7849 7876])
+            ("emerge-diff-error-buffer" variable nil nil [7877 7910])
+            ("emerge-prefix-argument" variable nil nil [7911 7942])
+            ("emerge-file-out" variable nil nil [7943 7967])
+            ("emerge-exit-func" variable nil nil [7968 7993])
+            ("emerge-globalized-difference-list" variable nil nil [7994 8036])
+            ("emerge-globalized-number-of-differences" variable nil nil [8037 8085])
+            ("emerge-new-flags" function nil nil [8233 8849])
+            ("emerge-count-matches-string" function (:arguments ("string" "regexp")) nil [8851 9096])
+            ("emerge-new-flags" code nil nil [9131 9149])
+            ("emerge-min-visible-lines" variable (:default-value 3) nil [9151 9327])
+            ("emerge-temp-file-prefix" variable (:default-value (expand-file-name "emerge" temporary-file-directory)) nil [9329 9542])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [9544 9659])
+            ("emerge-temp-file-mode" variable (:default-value 384) nil [9661 9781])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [9783 9904])
+            ("emerge-combine-versions-template" variable (:default-value "#ifdef NEW
+%b#else /* not NEW */
+%a#endif /* not NEW */
+") nil [9906 10477])
+            ("emerge-basic-keymap" variable nil nil [10497 10677])
+            ("emerge-fast-keymap" variable nil nil [10679 10797])
+            ("emerge-options-menu" variable (:default-value (make-sparse-keymap "Options")) nil [10799 10860])
+            ("emerge-merge-menu" variable (:default-value (make-sparse-keymap "Merge")) nil [10862 10919])
+            ("emerge-move-menu" variable (:default-value (make-sparse-keymap "Move")) nil [10921 10976])
+            ("emerge-command-prefix" variable (:default-value "") nil [10978 11147])
+            ("emerge-setup-fixed-keymaps" function nil nil [11302 18224])
+            ("emerge-defvar-local" code nil nil [18322 18390])
+            ("emerge-defvar-local" code nil nil [18391 18477])
+            ("emerge-defvar-local" code nil nil [18478 18564])
+            ("emerge-defvar-local" code nil nil [18565 18655])
+            ("emerge-defvar-local" code nil nil [18656 18746])
+            ("emerge-defvar-local" code nil nil [18747 18848])
+            ("emerge-defvar-local" code nil nil [18849 18978])
+            ("emerge-saved-variables" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((buffer-modified-p set-buffer-modified-p) buffer-read-only buffer-auto-save-file-name)))
+                nil [18980 19208])
+            ("emerge-merging-values" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote (nil t nil)))
+                nil [19209 19322])
+            ("emerge-defvar-local" code nil nil [19324 19430])
+            ("emerge-defvar-local" code nil nil [19431 19537])
+            ("emerge-defvar-local" code nil nil [19539 20999])
+            ("emerge-defvar-local" code nil nil [21000 21097])
+            ("emerge-defvar-local" code nil nil [21098 21185])
+            ("emerge-defvar-local" code nil nil [21186 21419])
+            ("emerge-defvar-local" code nil nil [21420 21515])
+            ("emerge-defvar-local" code nil nil [21516 21664])
+            ("emerge-defvar-local" code nil nil [21665 21802])
+            ("emerge-defvar-local" code nil nil [21803 22076])
+            ("emerge-defvar-local" code nil nil [22077 22197])
+            ("emerge-files-internal" function (:arguments ("file-A" "file-B" "startup-hooks" "quit-hooks" "output-file")) nil [22239 23706])
+            ("emerge-setup" function (:arguments ("buffer-A" "file-A" "buffer-B" "file-B" "startup-hooks" "quit-hooks" "output-file")) nil [23740 25328])
+            ("emerge-make-diff-list" function (:arguments ("file-A" "file-B")) nil [25387 25956])
+            ("emerge-extract-diffs" function (:arguments ("diff-buffer")) nil [25958 27433])
+            ("emerge-prepare-error-list" function (:arguments ("ok-regexp")) nil [27482 27776])
+            ("emerge-files-with-ancestor-internal" function (:arguments ("file-A" "file-B" "file-ancestor" "startup-hooks" "quit-hooks" "output-file")) nil [27834 29954])
+            ("emerge-setup-with-ancestor" function (:arguments ("buffer-A" "file-A" "buffer-B" "file-B" "buffer-ancestor" "file-ancestor" "startup-hooks" "quit-hooks" "output-file")) nil [30005 31783])
+            ("emerge-make-diff3-list" function (:arguments ("file-A" "file-B" "file-ancestor")) nil [31859 32491])
+            ("emerge-extract-diffs3" function (:arguments ("diff-buffer")) nil [32493 33377])
+            ("emerge-get-diff3-group" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [33379 34524])
+            ("emerge-files" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_arg" "file-A" "file-B" "file-out" "startup-hooks" "quit-hooks"))
+                nil [34581 35206])
+            ("emerge-files-with-ancestor" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_arg" "file-A" "file-B" "file-ancestor" "file-out" "startup-hooks" "quit-hooks"))
+                nil [35223 36024])
+            ("emerge-files-exit" function (:arguments ("file-out")) nil [36103 36269])
+            ("emerge-buffers" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("buffer-A" "buffer-B" "startup-hooks" "quit-hooks"))
+                nil [36328 37093])
+            ("emerge-buffers-with-ancestor" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("buffer-A" "buffer-B" "buffer-ancestor" "startup-hooks" "quit-hooks"))
+                nil [37110 38452])
+            ("emerge-files-command" function nil nil [38522 38863])
+            ("emerge-files-with-ancestor-command" function nil nil [38880 39881])
+            ("emerge-command-exit" function (:arguments ("file-out")) nil [39883 40005])
+            ("emerge-files-remote" function (:arguments ("file-a" "file-b" "file-out")) nil [40072 40317])
+            ("emerge-files-with-ancestor-remote" function (:arguments ("file-a" "file-b" "file-anc" "file-out")) nil [40334 40625])
+            ("emerge-remote-exit" function (:arguments ("file-out" "emerge-exit-func")) nil [40627 40815])
+            ("emerge-revisions" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg" "file" "revision-A" "revision-B" "startup-hooks" "quit-hooks"))
+                nil [40879 41558])
+            ("emerge-revisions-with-ancestor" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg" "file" "revision-A" "revision-B" "ancestor" "startup-hooks" "quit-hooks"))
+                nil [41575 42569])
+            ("emerge-revisions-internal" function (:arguments ("file" "revision-A" "revision-B" "startup-hooks" "quit-hooks" "_output-file")) nil [42571 43824])
+            ("emerge-revision-with-ancestor-internal" function (:arguments ("file" "revision-A" "revision-B" "ancestor" "startup-hooks" "quit-hooks" "output-file")) nil [43826 45693])
+            ("emerge-execute-line" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [45751 50083])
+            ("emerge-merge-directories-filename-regexp" variable (:default-value "[^.]") nil [50155 50322])
+            ("emerge-merge-directories" function (:arguments ("a-dir" "b-dir" "ancestor-dir" "output-dir")) nil [50339 53248])
+            ("emerge-setup-windows" function (:arguments ("buffer-A" "buffer-B" "merge-buffer" "pos")) nil [53383 54309])
+            ("emerge-set-keys" function nil nil [54352 55733])
+            ("emerge-remember-buffer-characteristics" function nil nil [55735 56701])
+            ("emerge-restore-buffer-characteristics" function nil nil [56703 57145])
+            ("emerge-goto-line" function (:arguments ("desired-line" "current-line")) nil [57238 57352])
+            ("emerge-convert-diffs-to-markers" function (:arguments ("A-buffer" "B-buffer" "merge-buffer" "lineno-list")) nil [57354 59402])
+            ("emerge-select-prefer-Bs" function nil nil [59468 59838])
+            ("emerge-handle-local-variables" function nil nil [59924 60143])
+            ("emerge-write-and-delete" function (:arguments ("file-out")) nil [60171 60712])
+            ("emerge-recenter" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [60728 62458])
+            ("emerge-operate-on-windows" function (:arguments ("operation" "arg")) nil [63058 63724])
+            ("emerge-scroll-up" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [63726 64714])
+            ("emerge-scroll-down" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [64716 65712])
+            ("emerge-scroll-left" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [65714 66722])
+            ("emerge-scroll-right" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [66724 67736])
+            ("emerge-scroll-reset" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [67738 68028])
+            ("emerge-position-region" function (:arguments ("beg" "end" "pos")) nil [68405 69344])
+            ("emerge-next-difference" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [69346 69819])
+            ("emerge-previous-difference" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [69821 70251])
+            ("emerge-jump-to-difference" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("difference-number"))
+                nil [70253 70642])
+            ("emerge-abort" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [70644 70731])
+            ("emerge-quit" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [70733 71552])
+            ("emerge-really-quit" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [71586 72539])
+            ("emerge-select-A" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("force"))
+                nil [72541 73158])
+            ("emerge-select-A-edit" function (:arguments ("merge-begin" "merge-end" "A-begin" "A-end")) nil [73193 73517])
+            ("emerge-select-B" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("force"))
+                nil [73519 74136])
+            ("emerge-select-B-edit" function (:arguments ("merge-begin" "merge-end" "B-begin" "B-end")) nil [74171 74495])
+            ("emerge-default-A" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [74497 75357])
+            ("emerge-default-B" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [75359 76219])
+            ("emerge-fast-mode" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [76221 76640])
+            ("emerge-edit-mode" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [76642 77060])
+            ("emerge-auto-advance" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [77062 77607])
+            ("emerge-skip-prefers" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [77609 78195])
+            ("emerge-copy-as-kill-A" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [78197 78627])
+            ("emerge-copy-as-kill-B" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [78629 79059])
+            ("emerge-insert-A" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [79061 79640])
+            ("emerge-insert-B" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [79642 80221])
+            ("emerge-mark-difference" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [80223 80732])
+            ("emerge-file-names" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [80734 81980])
+            ("emerge-join-differences" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [81982 83754])
+            ("emerge-split-difference" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [83756 85992])
+            ("emerge-trim-difference" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [85994 89331])
+            ("emerge-find-difference" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [89697 90203])
+            ("emerge-find-difference-merge" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [90205 90693])
+            ("emerge-find-difference-A" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [90695 91268])
+            ("emerge-find-difference-B" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [91270 91843])
+            ("emerge-find-difference1" function (:arguments ("arg" "location" "begin" "end")) nil [91845 93214])
+            ("emerge-line-numbers" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [93216 93928])
+            ("emerge-line-diff" variable nil nil [93930 93955])
+            ("emerge-line-number-in-buf" function (:arguments ("begin-marker" "end-marker")) nil [93957 94378])
+            ("emerge-set-combine-template" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("string" "localize"))
+                nil [94380 95069])
+            ("emerge-set-combine-versions-template" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("start" "end" "localize"))
+                nil [95071 95797])
+            ("emerge-combine-versions" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("force"))
+                nil [95799 96213])
+            ("emerge-combine-versions-register" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("char" "force"))
+                nil [96215 96989])
+            ("emerge-combine-versions-internal" function (:arguments ("emerge-combine-template" "force")) nil [96991 97308])
+            ("emerge-combine-template" variable nil nil [97310 97342])
+            ("emerge-combine-versions-edit" function (:arguments ("merge-begin" "merge-end" "A-begin" "A-end" "B-begin" "B-end")) nil [97344 98202])
+            ("emerge-set-merge-mode" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("mode"))
+                nil [98204 98627])
+            ("emerge-one-line-window" function nil nil [98629 98752])
+            ("emerge-select-difference" function (:arguments ("n")) nil [98899 99269])
+            ("emerge-place-flags-in-buffer" function (:arguments ("buffer" "difference" "before-index" "after-index")) nil [99271 99564])
+            ("emerge-place-flags-in-buffer1" function (:arguments ("difference" "before-index" "after-index")) nil [99566 101697])
+            ("emerge-unselect-difference" function (:arguments ("n")) nil [101769 102206])
+            ("emerge-remove-flags-in-buffer" function (:arguments ("buffer" "before" "after")) nil [102208 102815])
+            ("emerge-unselect-and-select-difference" function (:arguments ("n" "suppress-display")) nil [102876 103590])
+            ("emerge-select-version" function (:arguments ("force" "a-version" "b-version" "neither-version")) nil [104006 104892])
+            ("emerge-read-file-name" function (:arguments ("prompt" "alternative-default-dir" "default-file" "A-file" "must-match")) nil [104962 107135])
+            ("emerge-refresh-mode-line" function nil nil [107207 107813])
+            ("emerge-compare-buffers" function (:arguments ("buffer-x" "x-begin" "x-end" "buffer-y" "y-begin" "y-end")) nil [107882 108677])
+            ("emerge-unique-buffer-name" function (:arguments ("prefix" "suffix")) nil [108801 109069])
+            ("emerge-validate-difference" function nil nil [109117 109306])
+            ("emerge-save-variables" function (:arguments ("vars")) nil [109805 109933])
+            ("emerge-restore-variables" function (:arguments ("vars" "values")) nil [109935 110184])
+            ("emerge-make-temp-file" function (:arguments ("prefix")) nil [110310 110477])
+            ("emerge-query-write-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [110558 110817])
+            ("emerge-query-save-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [110819 111076])
+            ("emerge-query-and-call" function (:arguments ("command")) nil [111078 112177])
+            ("emerge-verify-file-buffer" function nil nil [112440 113282])
+            ("emerge-copy-modes" function (:arguments ("buffer")) nil [113425 113535])
+            ("emerge-force-define-key" function (:arguments ("keymap" "key" "definition")) nil [113588 114020])
+            ("emerge-define-key-if-possible" function (:arguments ("keymap" "key" "definition")) nil [117098 117590])
+            ("emerge-show-file-name" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [118208 119021])
+            ("emerge-make-auto-save-file-name" function nil nil [119679 120828])
+            ("emerge-hash-string-into-string" function (:arguments ("s")) nil [120966 121333])
+            ("emerge-unslashify-name" function (:arguments ("s")) nil [121444 121793])
+            ("emerge-metachars" variable nil nil [121795 121942])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [121943 121996])
+            ("emerge" package nil nil [121998 122015]))          
+      :file "emerge.el"
+      :pointmax 122041
+      :fsize 122040
+      :lastmodtime '(23525 29614 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil))
+  :file "!drive_c!Program Files!Emacs 26.1!share!emacs!26.1!lisp!vc!semantic.cache"
+  :semantic-tag-version "2.0"
+  :semanticdb-version "2.2")
diff --git "a/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Users\041joelg\041.emacs.d\041custom\041semantic.cache" "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Users\041joelg\041.emacs.d\041custom\041semantic.cache"
index e331864..c63cd2e 100644
--- "a/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Users\041joelg\041.emacs.d\041custom\041semantic.cache"
+++ "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Users\041joelg\041.emacs.d\041custom\041semantic.cache"
@@ -21,12 +21,11 @@
       :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
         '( ("setup-files" package nil nil [1 23])
-            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [40 98])
-            ("when" code nil nil [99 386]))          
+            ("when" code nil nil [40 108]))          
       :file "setup-files.el"
-      :pointmax 387
-      :fsize 417
-      :lastmodtime '(23537 8397 0 0)
+      :pointmax 109
+      :fsize 113
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 8854 0 0)
       :unmatched-syntax nil))
   :file "!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!custom!semantic.cache"
   :semantic-tag-version "2.0"
diff --git "a/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Users\041joelg\041.emacs.d\041elpa\041flycheck-tip-20171020.1048\041semantic.cache" "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Users\041joelg\041.emacs.d\041elpa\041flycheck-tip-20171020.1048\041semantic.cache"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e28284
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Users\041joelg\041.emacs.d\041elpa\041flycheck-tip-20171020.1048\041semantic.cache"
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+;; Object semanticdb-project-database-file
+;; SEMANTICDB Tags save file
+(semanticdb-project-database-file "semanticdb-project-database-file"
+  :tables
+  (list
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [982 999])
+            ("popup" include nil nil [1000 1016])
+            ("notifications" include nil nil [1017 1041])
+            ("error-tip-notify-keep-messages" variable nil nil [1075 1254])
+            ("error-tip-notify-last-notification" variable nil nil [1256 1329])
+            ("error-tip-notify-timeout" variable (:default-value (* 60 1000)) nil [1331 1432])
+            ("error-tip-notify-parametors" variable (:default-value (quote (:title "flycheck-tip" :category "im.error"))) nil [1434 1775])
+            ("error-tip-popup-object" variable nil nil [1798 1833])
+            ("error-tip-timer-object" variable nil nil [1834 1869])
+            ("error-tip-current-errors" variable nil nil [1870 1907])
+            ("error-tip-timer-delay" variable (:default-value 0.3) nil [1908 2052])
+            ("error-tip-newline-character" variable nil nil [2053 2175])
+            ("error-tip-state" variable nil nil [2176 2204])
+            ("error-tip-cycle" function (:arguments ("errors" "reverse")) nil [2206 3333])
+            ("error-tip-get" function (:arguments ("err" "element")) nil [3335 3444])
+            ("error-tip-collect-current-file-errors" function (:arguments ("errors")) nil [3446 4375])
+            ("error-tip-popup-error-message" function (:arguments ("errors" "point")) nil [4377 4949])
+            ("error-tip-get-point" function nil nil [4951 5053])
+            ("error-tip-format" function (:arguments ("errors")) nil [5055 5307])
+            ("error-tip-get-errors" function nil nil [5309 6118])
+            ("error-tip-delete-popup" function nil nil [6120 6437])
+            ("error-tip-register-timer" function nil nil [6439 6697])
+            ("error-tip-cancel-timer" function nil nil [6699 6852])
+            ("error-tip-error-p" function nil nil [6869 7238])
+            ("error-tip-cycle-dwim" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("reverse"))
+                nil [7255 7652])
+            ("error-tip-cycle-dwim-reverse" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7669 7822])
+            ("error-tip-notify" function nil nil [7872 8544])
+            ("error-tip" package nil nil [8839 8859]))          
+      :file "error-tip.el"
+      :pointmax 8954
+      :fsize 8969
+      :lastmodtime '(23534 43242 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil))
+  :file "!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!elpa!flycheck-tip-20171020.1048!semantic.cache"
+  :semantic-tag-version "2.0"
+  :semanticdb-version "2.2")
diff --git "a/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Users\041joelg\041.emacs.d\041semantic.cache" "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Users\041joelg\041.emacs.d\041semantic.cache"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbe5080
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Users\041joelg\041.emacs.d\041semantic.cache"
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+;; Object semanticdb-project-database-file
+;; SEMANTICDB Tags save file
+(semanticdb-project-database-file "semanticdb-project-database-file"
+  :tables
+  (list
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("init" package nil nil [1 16])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [46 90])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [91 139])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [140 209])
+            ("setenv" code nil nil [210 273])
+            ("add-to-list" code nil nil [306 351])
+            ("setup-applications" include nil nil [374 403])
+            ("setup-communication" include nil nil [404 434])
+            ("setup-convenience" include nil nil [435 463])
+            ("setup-data" include nil nil [464 485])
+            ("setup-development" include nil nil [486 514])
+            ("setup-editing" include nil nil [515 539])
+            ("setq" code nil nil [541 591])
+            ("setq" code nil nil [592 638])
+            ("guide-key-mode" code nil nil [639 657])
+            ("custom-set-variables" code nil nil [684 1205])
+            ("custom-set-faces" code nil nil [1206 1445]))          
+      :file "init.el"
+      :pointmax 1447
+      :fsize 1481
+      :lastmodtime '(23536 43282 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((symbol 540 . 541))))
+  :file "!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!semantic.cache"
+  :semantic-tag-version "2.0"
+  :semanticdb-version "2.2")
diff --git "a/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041plink\041\041joel@\041\041\041home\041joel\041Documents\041Code\041semantic.cache" "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041plink\041\041joel@\041\041\041home\041joel\041Documents\041Code\041semantic.cache"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03e9766
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041plink\041\041joel@\041\041\041home\041joel\041Documents\041Code\041semantic.cache"
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+;; Object semanticdb-project-database-file
+;; SEMANTICDB Tags save file
+(semanticdb-project-database-file "semanticdb-project-database-file"
+  :tables
+  (list
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode c-mode
+      :tags nil
+      :file "loop.c"
+      :pointmax 77
+      :fsize 94
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 8813)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil))
+  :file "!drive_c!plink!!joel@!!!home!joel!Documents!Code!semantic.cache"
+  :semantic-tag-version "2.0"
+  :semanticdb-version "2.2")
diff --git a/tramp b/tramp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7741e5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tramp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+;; -*- emacs-lisp -*- <18/11/18 19:54:13 c:/Users/joelg/.emacs.d/tramp>
+;; Tramp connection history.  Don't change this file.
+;; You can delete it, forcing Tramp to reapply the checks.
+(((tramp-file-name "plink" "joel" nil "" nil nil nil)
+  ("uname" "Linux 4.18.0-11-generic")
+  ("locale" "LC_ALL=en_US.utf8")
+  ("test" "test")
+  ("remote-path"
+   ("/bin" "/usr/bin" "/sbin" "/usr/sbin" "/usr/local/bin" "/usr/local/sbin"))
+  ("remote-shell" "/bin/sh")
+  ("~" "/home/joel")
+  ("file-exists" "test -e")
+  ("stat" "env QUOTING_STYLE=locale \\stat")
+  ("id" "/usr/bin/id")
+  ("gid-integer" 1000)
+  ("gid-string" "joel")
+  ("perl-file-spec" t)
+  ("perl-cwd-realpath" t)
+  ("perl" "\\perl")
+  ("case-insensitive" nil)
+  ("readlink" "\\readlink")
+  ("git" "\\git")
+  ("uid-integer" 1000)
+  ("tmpdir" "/plink:joel@")
+  ("touch-t" t)
+  ("touch" "\\touch")))

Gitblit v1.9.3