From 7074318d7ab58aca124f590c42fd820e8eb258a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chizi123 <>
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2018 12:36:38 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] changed init to use use-package instead of require

 semanticdb/!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!elpa!magit-20181116.1412!semantic.cache |   80 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git "a/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Users\041joelg\041.emacs.d\041elpa\041magit-20181116.1412\041semantic.cache" "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Users\041joelg\041.emacs.d\041elpa\041magit-20181116.1412\041semantic.cache"
index 3784d0c..4b5adcf 100644
--- "a/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Users\041joelg\041.emacs.d\041elpa\041magit-20181116.1412\041semantic.cache"
+++ "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Users\041joelg\041.emacs.d\041elpa\041magit-20181116.1412\041semantic.cache"
@@ -190,7 +190,85 @@
       :pointmax 22627
       :fsize 22626
       :lastmodtime '(23535 16490 0 0)
-      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 2954 . 2955) (symbol 2918 . 2935) (open-paren 2917 . 2918))))
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 2954 . 2955) (symbol 2918 . 2935) (open-paren 2917 . 2918)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [1611 1628])
+            ("dash" include nil nil [1629 1644])
+            ("subr-x" include nil nil [1667 1684])
+            ("crm" include nil nil [1687 1701])
+            ("ido" include nil nil [1722 1736])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1738 1968])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1969 2047])
+            ("vc-git" include nil nil [2068 2085])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [2087 2159])
+            ("magit-wip-before-change-mode" variable nil nil [2161 2198])
+            ("magit-popup" include nil nil [2200 2222])
+            ("magit-completing-read-function" variable (:default-value (quote magit-builtin-completing-read)) nil [2237 3337])
+            ("magit-dwim-selection" variable (:default-value (quote ((magit-stash-apply nil t) (magit-stash-branch nil t) (magit-stash-branch-here nil t) (magit-stash-format-patch nil t) (magit-stash-drop nil ask) (magit-stash-pop nil ask) (forge-browse-commit nil t) (forge-browse-branch nil t) (forge-browse-remote nil t) (forge-browse-issue nil t) (forge-browse-pullreq nil t) (forge-edit-topic-title nil t) (forge-edit-topic-labels nil t) (forge-edit-topic-assignees nil t) (forge-visit-issue nil t) (forge-visit-pullreq nil t)))) nil [3339 5678])
+            ("magit--confirm-actions" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote ((const reverse) (const discard) (const rename) (const resurrect) (const untrack) (const trash) (const delete) (const abort-rebase) (const abort-merge) (const merge-dirty) (const drop-stashes) (const reset-bisect) (const kill-process) (const delete-unmerged-branch) (const delete-pr-branch) (const remove-modules) (const stage-all-changes) (const unstage-all-changes) (const safe-with-wip))))
+                nil [5680 6202])
+            ("magit-no-confirm" variable nil nil [6204 12744])
+            ("magit-slow-confirm" variable (:default-value (quote (drop-stashes))) nil [12746 13527])
+            ("magit-no-message" variable nil nil [13529 14525])
+            ("magit-ellipsis" variable (:default-value 8230) nil [14527 14809])
+            ("magit-update-other-window-delay" variable (:default-value 0.2) nil [14811 15568])
+            ("magit-view-git-manual-method" variable (:default-value (quote info)) nil [15570 16308])
+            ("helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn" variable nil nil [16326 16376])
+            ("ivy-sort-functions-alist" variable nil nil [16377 16410])
+            ("magit-completing-read--silent-default" variable nil nil [16412 16462])
+            ("magit-completing-read" function (:arguments ("prompt" "collection" "predicate" "require-match" "initial-input" "hist" "def" "fallback")) nil [16464 19612])
+            ("magit--completion-table" function (:arguments ("collection")) nil [19614 19835])
+            ("magit-builtin-completing-read" function (:arguments ("prompt" "choices" "predicate" "require-match" "initial-input" "hist" "def")) nil [19837 20501])
+            ("magit-completing-read-multiple" function (:arguments ("prompt" "choices" "sep" "default" "hist" "keymap")) nil [20503 21902])
+            ("magit-completing-read-multiple*" function (:arguments ("prompt" "table" "predicate" "require-match" "initial-input" "hist" "def" "inherit-input-method")) nil [21904 23597])
+            ("magit-ido-completing-read" function (:arguments ("prompt" "choices" "predicate" "require-match" "initial-input" "hist" "def")) nil [23599 24475])
+            ("magit-prompt-with-default" function (:arguments ("prompt" "def")) nil [24477 24689])
+            ("magit-minibuffer-local-ns-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map minibuffer-local-map) (define-key map " " (quote magit-whitespace-disallowed)) (define-key map "	" (quote magit-whitespace-disallowed)) map)) nil [24691 24933])
+            ("magit-whitespace-disallowed" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [24935 25159])
+            ("magit-read-string" function (:arguments ("prompt" "initial-input" "history" "default-value" "inherit-input-method" "no-whitespace")) nil [25161 26835])
+            ("magit-read-string-ns" function (:arguments ("prompt" "initial-input" "history" "default-value" "inherit-input-method")) nil [26837 27143])
+            ("magit-read-char-case" function (:arguments ("prompt" "verbose" "clauses")) nil [27145 27559])
+            ("magit-y-or-n-p" function (:arguments ("prompt" "action")) nil [27561 27923])
+            ("magit--no-confirm-alist" variable (:default-value (quote ((safe-with-wip magit-wip-before-change-mode discard reverse stage-all-changes unstage-all-changes)))) nil [27925 28080])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [28082 29546])
+            ("magit-confirm-files" function (:arguments ("action" "files" "prompt")) nil [29548 29802])
+            ("magit-confirm-make-prompt" function (:arguments ("action")) nil [29804 29992])
+            ("magit-read-number-string" function (:arguments ("prompt" "default")) nil [29994 30306])
+            ("magit-emacs-Q-command" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [30344 32265])
+            ("magit-bind-match-strings" function (:arguments ("varlist" "string" "body")) nil [32287 32877])
+            ("magit-delete-line" function nil nil [32879 32999])
+            ("magit-delete-match" function (:arguments ("num")) nil [33001 33232])
+            ("magit-file-line" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [33234 33508])
+            ("magit-file-lines" function (:arguments ("file" "keep-empty-lines")) nil [33510 33861])
+            ("magit-set-header-line-format" function (:arguments ("string")) nil [33863 35257])
+            ("magit-face-property-all" function (:arguments ("face" "string")) nil [35259 35685])
+            ("magit--format-spec" function (:arguments ("format" "specification")) nil [35687 37197])
+            ("magit-kill-this-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [37223 37334])
+            ("magit-file-accessible-directory-p" function (:arguments ("filename")) nil [37364 37673])
+            ("when" code nil nil [37675 38404])
+            ("when" code nil nil [38406 39497])
+            ("magit-completion-pcm--all-completions" function (:arguments ("prefix" "pattern" "table" "pred")) nil [39692 40580])
+            ("whitespace-mode" variable nil nil [40618 40642])
+            ("whitespace-dont-turn-on-in-magit-mode" function (:arguments ("fn")) nil [40644 41464])
+            ("advice-add" code nil nil [41466 41557])
+            ("magit-custom-initialize-reset" function (:arguments ("symbol" "exp")) nil [41583 42285])
+            ("magit-hook-custom-get" function (:arguments ("symbol")) nil [42287 43303])
+            ("Info-follow-nearest-node--magit-gitman" function (:arguments ("fn" "fork")) nil [43350 44044])
+            ("advice-add" code nil nil [44061 44159])
+            ("org-man-export--magit-gitman" function (:arguments ("fn" "link" "description" "format")) nil [44176 44580])
+            ("advice-add" code nil nil [44597 44675])
+            ("magit-message" function (:arguments ("format-string" "args")) nil [44696 45078])
+            ("magit-msg" function (:arguments ("format-string" "args")) nil [45080 45329])
+            ("magit-utils" package nil nil [45337 45359]))          
+      :file "magit-utils.el"
+      :pointmax 45389
+      :fsize 45392
+      :lastmodtime '(23535 16490 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 2085 . 2086) (symbol 2050 . 2067) (open-paren 2049 . 2050) (close-paren 1736 . 1737) (symbol 1704 . 1721) (open-paren 1703 . 1704) (close-paren 1684 . 1685) (symbol 1647 . 1664) (open-paren 1646 . 1647))))
   :file "!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!elpa!magit-20181116.1412!semantic.cache"
   :semantic-tag-version "2.0"
   :semanticdb-version "2.2")

Gitblit v1.9.3