From 5ddac8bd2392ec5b64392e8750d725029bf5aa79 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chizi123 <>
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2018 12:49:41 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] removed themes folder

 semanticdb/!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!elpa!helm-20181117.731!semantic.cache | 4267 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 4,266 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git "a/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Users\041joelg\041.emacs.d\041elpa\041helm-20181117.731\041semantic.cache" "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Users\041joelg\041.emacs.d\041elpa\041helm-20181117.731\041semantic.cache"
index e85fdd7..cc26bcf 100644
--- "a/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Users\041joelg\041.emacs.d\041elpa\041helm-20181117.731\041semantic.cache"
+++ "b/semanticdb/\041drive_c\041Users\041joelg\041.emacs.d\041elpa\041helm-20181117.731\041semantic.cache"
@@ -12,9 +12,4274 @@
       :lastmodtime '(23537 22014 0 0)
       :unmatched-syntax nil)
     (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("declare-function" code nil nil [839 909])
+            ("when" code nil nil [910 1034])
+            ("helm-config" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1038 1116])
+            ("helm-command-prefix-key" variable (:default-value "C-x c") nil [1118 1604])
+            ("helm-minibuffer-history-key" variable (:default-value "C-r") nil [1606 2661])
+            ("helm-command-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map (kbd "a") (quote helm-apropos)) (define-key map (kbd "e") (quote helm-etags-select)) (define-key map (kbd "l") (quote helm-locate)) (define-key map (kbd "s") (quote helm-surfraw)) (define-key map (kbd "r") (quote helm-regexp)) (define-key map (kbd "m") (quote helm-man-woman)) (define-key map (kbd "t") (quote helm-top)) (define-key map (kbd "/") (quote helm-find)) (define-key map (kbd "i") (quote helm-semantic-or-imenu)) (define-key map (kbd "I") (quote helm-imenu-in-all-buffers)) (define-key map (kbd "<tab>") (quote helm-lisp-completion-at-point)) (define-key map (kbd "p") (quote helm-list-emacs-process)) (define-key map (kbd "C-x r b") (quote helm-filtered-bookmarks)) (define-key map (kbd "M-y") (quote helm-show-kill-ring)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c <SPC>") (quote helm-all-mark-rings)) (define-key map (kbd "C-x C-f") (quote helm-find-files)) (define-key map (kbd "f") (quote helm-multi-files)) (define-key map (kbd "C-:") (quote helm-eval-expression-with-eldoc)) (define-key map (kbd "C-,") (quote helm-calcul-expression)) (define-key map (kbd "M-x") (quote helm-M-x)) (define-key map (kbd "M-s o") (quote helm-occur)) (define-key map (kbd "M-g a") (quote helm-do-grep-ag)) (define-key map (kbd "c") (quote helm-colors)) (define-key map (kbd "F") (quote helm-select-xfont)) (define-key map (kbd "8") (quote helm-ucs)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c f") (quote helm-recentf)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c g") (quote helm-google-suggest)) (define-key map (kbd "h i") (quote helm-info-at-point)) (define-key map (kbd "h r") (quote helm-info-emacs)) (define-key map (kbd "h g") (quote helm-info-gnus)) (define-key map (kbd "h h") (quote helm-documentation)) (define-key map (kbd "C-x C-b") (quote helm-buffers-list)) (define-key map (kbd "C-x r i") (quote helm-register)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-x") (quote helm-run-external-command)) (define-key map (kbd "b") (quote helm-resume)) (define-key map (kbd "M-g i") (quote helm-gid)) (define-key map (kbd "@") (quote helm-list-elisp-packages)) map)) nil [2689 4877])
+            ("helm-command-prefix" variable nil nil [4998 5026])
+            ("define-prefix-command" code nil nil [5027 5071])
+            ("fset" code nil nil [5072 5116])
+            ("setq" code nil nil [5117 5161])
+            ("helm-easymenu" include nil nil [5175 5199])
+            ("helm-configuration" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5218 5312])
+            ("cl-dolist" code nil nil [5329 6550])
+            ("load" code nil nil [6659 6688])
+            ("helm-config" package nil nil [6690 6712]))          
       :file "helm-config.el"
+      :pointmax 6855
       :fsize 6854
-      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)))
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [819 836])
+            ("bookmark" include nil nil [837 856])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [857 872])
+            ("helm-lib" include nil nil [873 892])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [893 913])
+            ("helm-types" include nil nil [914 935])
+            ("helm-utils" include nil nil [936 957])
+            ("helm-info" include nil nil [958 978])
+            ("helm-adaptive" include nil nil [979 1003])
+            ("helm-net" include nil nil [1004 1023])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1025 1082])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1083 1168])
+            ("helm-bookmark" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1171 1259])
+            ("helm-bookmark-show-location" variable nil nil [1261 1387])
+            ("helm-bookmark-default-filtered-sources" variable (:default-value (append (quote (helm-source-bookmark-org helm-source-bookmark-files&dirs helm-source-bookmark-helm-find-files helm-source-bookmark-info helm-source-bookmark-gnus helm-source-bookmark-man helm-source-bookmark-images helm-source-bookmark-w3m)) (list (quote helm-source-bookmark-uncategorized) (quote helm-source-bookmark-set)))) nil [1389 1971])
+            ("helm-bookmark-info" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "green"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [1975 2119])
+            ("helm-bookmark-w3m" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "yellow"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [2121 2265])
+            ("helm-bookmark-gnus" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "magenta"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [2267 2388])
+            ("helm-bookmark-man" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "Orange4"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [2390 2515])
+            ("helm-bookmark-file" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "Deepskyblue2"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [2517 2643])
+            ("helm-bookmark-file-not-found" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "Slategray4"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [2645 2779])
+            ("helm-bookmark-directory" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:inherit helm-ff-directory))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [2781 2912])
+            ("helm-bookmark-addressbook" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "tomato"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [2914 3048])
+            ("helm-bookmark-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "C-c o") (quote helm-bookmark-run-jump-other-window)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o") (quote helm-bookmark-run-jump-other-frame)) (define-key map (kbd "C-d") (quote helm-bookmark-run-delete)) (define-key map (kbd "C-]") (quote helm-bookmark-toggle-filename)) (define-key map (kbd "M-e") (quote helm-bookmark-run-edit)) map)) nil [3052 3546])
+            ("helm-source-basic-bookmarks" type
+               (:interfaces ("helm-type-bookmark")
+                :superclasses "helm-source-in-buffer"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("init" variable (:default-value "(lambda nil (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file) (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer (quote global) (bookmark-all-names)))") nil nil)
+                    ("filtered-candidate-transformer" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-bookmark-transformer)") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [3548 3928])
+            ("helm-source-bookmarks" variable (:default-value (helm-make-source "Bookmarks" (quote helm-source-basic-bookmarks))) nil [3930 4059])
+            ("helm-bookmark-transformer" function (:arguments ("candidates" "_source")) nil [4061 4666])
+            ("helm-bookmark-toggle-filename-1" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [4668 5363])
+            ("helm-bookmark-toggle-filename" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5365 5641])
+            ("put" code nil nil [5642 5691])
+            ("helm-bookmark-jump" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [5693 5867])
+            ("helm-bookmark-jump-other-frame" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [5869 6100])
+            ("helm-bookmark-jump-other-window" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [6102 6265])
+            ("helm-source-bookmark-set" variable (:default-value (helm-build-dummy-source "Set Bookmark" :filtered-candidate-transformer (lambda (_candidates _source) (list (or (and (not (string= helm-pattern "")) helm-pattern) "Enter a bookmark name to record"))) :action (quote (("Set bookmark" lambda (candidate) (if (string= helm-pattern "") (message "No bookmark name given for record") (bookmark-set candidate))))))) nil [6289 6880])
+            ("helm-bookmark--non-file-filename" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value "   - no file -")
+                nil [6902 7024])
+            ("helm-bookmark-gnus-bookmark-p" function (:arguments ("bookmark")) nil [7026 7372])
+            ("helm-bookmark-w3m-bookmark-p" function (:arguments ("bookmark")) nil [7374 7716])
+            ("helm-bookmark-woman-bookmark-p" function (:arguments ("bookmark")) nil [7718 8061])
+            ("helm-bookmark-man-bookmark-p" function (:arguments ("bookmark")) nil [8063 8396])
+            ("helm-bookmark-woman-man-bookmark-p" function (:arguments ("bookmark")) nil [8398 8655])
+            ("helm-bookmark-info-bookmark-p" function (:arguments ("bookmark")) nil [8657 8866])
+            ("helm-bookmark-image-bookmark-p" function (:arguments ("bookmark")) nil [8868 9087])
+            ("helm-bookmark-file-p" function (:arguments ("bookmark")) nil [9089 9514])
+            ("helm-bookmark-org-file-p" function (:arguments ("bookmark")) nil [9516 9711])
+            ("helm-bookmark-helm-find-files-p" function (:arguments ("bookmark")) nil [9713 9945])
+            ("helm-bookmark-addressbook-p" function (:arguments ("bookmark")) nil [9947 10305])
+            ("helm-bookmark-uncategorized-bookmark-p" function (:arguments ("bookmark")) nil [10307 11003])
+            ("helm-bookmark-filter-setup-alist" function (:arguments ("fn")) nil [11005 11281])
+            ("w3m-async-exec" variable nil nil [11309 11332])
+            ("helm-bookmark-jump-w3m" function (:arguments ("bookmark")) nil [11333 12463])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [12694 12756])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [12872 12922])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [12923 12969])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [12970 13021])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [13022 13078])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [13079 13138])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [13139 13193])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [13194 13247])
+            ("defalias" code nil nil [13248 13297])
+            ("helm-source-filtered-bookmarks" type
+               (:interfaces ("helm-type-bookmark")
+                :superclasses "helm-source-in-buffer"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("filtered-candidate-transformer" variable (:default-value "(quote (helm-adaptive-sort helm-highlight-bookmark))") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [13338 13535])
+            ("helm-bookmark-w3m-setup-alist" function nil nil [13559 13717])
+            ("helm-source-bookmark-w3m" variable (:default-value (helm-make-source "Bookmark W3m" (quote helm-source-filtered-bookmarks) :init (lambda nil (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file) (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer (quote global) (helm-bookmark-w3m-setup-alist))))) nil [13719 13990])
+            ("helm-bookmark-images-setup-alist" function nil nil [14006 14172])
+            ("helm-source-bookmark-images" variable (:default-value (helm-make-source "Bookmark Images" (quote helm-source-filtered-bookmarks) :init (lambda nil (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file) (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer (quote global) (helm-bookmark-images-setup-alist))))) nil [14174 14454])
+            ("helm-bookmark-man-setup-alist" function nil nil [14473 14637])
+            ("helm-source-bookmark-man" variable (:default-value (helm-make-source "Bookmark Woman&Man" (quote helm-source-filtered-bookmarks) :init (lambda nil (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file) (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer (quote global) (helm-bookmark-man-setup-alist))))) nil [14639 14916])
+            ("helm-bookmark-org-setup-alist" function nil nil [14935 15094])
+            ("helm-source-bookmark-org" variable (:default-value (helm-make-source " Bookmarked Org files" (quote helm-source-filtered-bookmarks) :init (lambda nil (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file) (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer (quote global) (helm-bookmark-org-setup-alist))))) nil [15096 15376])
+            ("helm-bookmark-gnus-setup-alist" function nil nil [15390 15551])
+            ("helm-source-bookmark-gnus" variable (:default-value (helm-make-source "Bookmark Gnus" (quote helm-source-filtered-bookmarks) :init (lambda nil (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file) (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer (quote global) (helm-bookmark-gnus-setup-alist))))) nil [15553 15827])
+            ("helm-bookmark-info-setup-alist" function nil nil [15841 16002])
+            ("helm-source-bookmark-info" variable (:default-value (helm-make-source "Bookmark Info" (quote helm-source-filtered-bookmarks) :init (lambda nil (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file) (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer (quote global) (helm-bookmark-info-setup-alist))))) nil [16004 16278])
+            ("helm-bookmark-local-files-setup-alist" function nil nil [16309 16476])
+            ("helm-source-bookmark-files&dirs" variable (:default-value (helm-make-source "Bookmark Files&Directories" (quote helm-source-filtered-bookmarks) :init (lambda nil (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file) (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer (quote global) (helm-bookmark-local-files-setup-alist))))) nil [16478 16778])
+            ("helm-bookmark-helm-find-files-setup-alist" function nil nil [16813 17000])
+            ("helm-bookmark-browse-project" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [17002 17197])
+            ("helm-bookmark-run-browse-project" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [17199 17399])
+            ("put" code nil nil [17400 17452])
+            ("helm-bookmark-find-files-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-bookmark-map) (define-key map (kbd "C-x C-d") (quote helm-bookmark-run-browse-project)) map)) nil [17454 17653])
+            ("helm-bookmark-override-inheritor" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source"
+                :type "class")
+                nil [17655 17715])
+            ("helm--setup-source" function
+               (:parent "helm-bookmark-override-inheritor"
+                :arguments ("source"))
+                nil [17717 18321])
+            ("helm-bookmark-find-files-class" type
+               (:interfaces ("helm-bookmark-override-inheritor")
+                :superclasses "helm-source-filtered-bookmarks"
+                :type "class")
+                nil [18323 18477])
+            ("helm-source-bookmark-helm-find-files" variable (:default-value (helm-make-source "Bookmark helm-find-files sessions" (quote helm-bookmark-find-files-class) :init (lambda nil (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file) (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer (quote global) (helm-bookmark-helm-find-files-setup-alist))) :persistent-action (lambda (_candidate) (ignore)) :persistent-help "Do nothing")) nil [18479 18895])
+            ("helm-bookmark-uncategorized-setup-alist" function nil nil [18928 19116])
+            ("helm-source-bookmark-uncategorized" variable (:default-value (helm-make-source "Bookmark uncategorized" (quote helm-source-filtered-bookmarks) :init (lambda nil (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file) (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer (quote global) (helm-bookmark-uncategorized-setup-alist))))) nil [19118 19419])
+            ("helm-highlight-bookmark" function (:arguments ("bookmarks" "_source")) nil [19442 24878])
+            ("helm-bookmark-edit-bookmark" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name")) nil [24920 25414])
+            ("helm-bookmark-edit-bookmark-1" function (:arguments ("bookmark-name" "handler")) nil [25416 26785])
+            ("helm-bookmark-maybe-save-bookmark" function nil nil [26787 27024])
+            ("helm-bookmark-rename" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("old" "new" "batch"))
+                nil [27026 28292])
+            ("helm-bookmark-run-edit" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [28294 28482])
+            ("put" code nil nil [28483 28525])
+            ("helm-bookmark-run-jump-other-frame" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [28529 28727])
+            ("put" code nil nil [28728 28782])
+            ("helm-bookmark-run-jump-other-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [28784 28972])
+            ("put" code nil nil [28973 29028])
+            ("helm-bookmark-run-delete" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [29030 29249])
+            ("put" code nil nil [29250 29294])
+            ("helm-bookmark-get-bookmark-from-name" function (:arguments ("bmk")) nil [29296 29553])
+            ("helm-delete-marked-bookmarks" function (:arguments ("_ignore")) nil [29555 29785])
+            ("helm-bookmarks" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [29803 30057])
+            ("helm-filtered-bookmarks" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [30074 30549])
+            ("helm-bookmark" package nil nil [30551 30575]))          
+      :file "helm-bookmark.el"
+      :pointmax 30720
+      :fsize 30719
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("helm" include nil nil [805 820])
+            ("helm-org-headings--nofilename" variable nil nil [822 860])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [861 928])
+            ("helm-help" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [932 1001])
+            ("helm-helper" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit helm-header)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [1003 1119])
+            ("helm-help--string-list" variable (:default-value (quote (helm-help-message helm-buffer-help-message helm-ff-help-message helm-read-file-name-help-message helm-generic-file-help-message helm-grep-help-message helm-pdfgrep-help-message helm-etags-help-message helm-ucs-help-message helm-bookmark-help-message helm-esh-help-message helm-buffers-ido-virtual-help-message helm-moccur-help-message helm-top-help-message helm-el-package-help-message helm-M-x-help-message helm-imenu-help-message helm-colors-help-message helm-semantic-help-message helm-kmacro-help-message))) nil [1122 2292])
+            ("helm-documentation-buffer-name" variable (:default-value "*helm documentation*") nil [2294 2356])
+            ("helm-documentation" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2374 3191])
+            ("helm-buffer-help-message" variable (:default-value "* Helm Buffer
+** Tips
+*** Completion
+**** Major-mode
+You can enter a partial major-mode name (e.g. lisp, sh) to narrow down buffers.
+To specify the major-mode, prefix it with \"*\" e.g. \"*lisp\".
+If you want to match all buffers but the ones with a specific major-mode
+(negation), prefix the major-mode with \"!\" e.g. \"*!lisp\".
+If you want to specify more than one major-mode, separate them with \",\",
+e.g. \"*!lisp,!sh,!fun\" lists all buffers but the ones in lisp-mode, sh-mode
+and fundamental-mode.
+Then enter a space followed by a pattern to narrow down to buffers matching this
+**** Search inside buffers
+If you enter a space and a pattern prefixed by \"@\", Helm searches for text
+matching this pattern *inside* the buffer (i.e. not in the name of the buffer).
+If you enter a pattern prefixed with an escaped \"@\", Helm searches for a
+buffer matching \"@pattern\" but does not search inside.
+**** Search by directory name
+If you prefix the pattern with \"/\", Helm matches over the directory names
+of the buffers.
+This feature can be used to narrow down the search to one directory while
+subsequent strings entered after a space match over the buffer name only.
+Note that negation is not supported for matching on buffer filename.
+Starting from Helm v1.6.8, you can specify more than one directory.
+**** Fuzzy matching
+`helm-buffers-fuzzy-matching' turns on fuzzy matching on buffer names, but not
+on directory names or major modes.  A pattern starting with \"^\" disables fuzzy
+matching and matches by exact regexp.
+**** Examples
+With the following pattern
+    \"*lisp ^helm @moc\"
+Helm narrows down the list by selecting only the buffers that are in lisp mode,
+start with \"helm\" and which content matches \"moc\".
+Without the \"@\"
+    \"*lisp ^helm moc\"
+Helm looks for lisp mode buffers starting with \"helm\" and containing \"moc\"
+in their name.
+With this other pattern
+    \"*!lisp !helm\"
+Helm narrows down to buffers that are not in \"lisp\" mode and that do not match
+With this last pattern
+    /helm/ w3
+Helm narrows down to buffers that are in any \"helm\" subdirectory and
+matching \"w3\".
+*** Creating buffers
+When creating a new buffer, use `\\[universal-argument]' to choose a mode from a
+list.  This list is customizable, see `helm-buffers-favorite-modes'.
+*** Killing buffers
+You can kill buffers either one by one or all the marked buffers at once.
+One kill-buffer command leaves Helm while the other is persistent.  Run the
+persistent kill-buffer command either with the regular
+`helm-execute-persistent-action' called with a prefix argument (`\\[universal-argument] \\<helm-map>\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]')
+or with its specific command `helm-buffer-run-kill-persistent'.  See the
+bindings below.
+*** Switching to buffers
+To switch to a buffer, press RET, to switch to a buffer in another window, select this buffer
+and press \\<helm-buffer-map>\\[helm-buffer-switch-other-window], when called with a prefix arg
+the buffer will be displayed vertically in other window.
+If you mark more than one buffer, the marked buffers will be displayed in different windows.
+*** Meaning of colors and prefixes for buffers
+Remote buffers are prefixed with '@'.
+Red        => Buffer's file was modified on disk by an external process.
+Indianred2 => Buffer exists but its file has been deleted.
+Orange     => Buffer is modified and not saved to disk.
+Italic     => A non-file buffer.
+Yellow     => Tramp archive buffer.
+** Commands
+\\[helm-buffer-run-zgrep]		Grep Buffer(s) works as zgrep too (`\\[universal-argument]' to grep all buffers but non-file buffers).
+\\[helm-buffers-run-multi-occur]		Multi-Occur buffer or marked buffers (`\\[universal-argument]' to toggle force-searching current-buffer).
+\\[helm-buffer-switch-other-window]		Switch to other window.
+\\[helm-buffer-switch-other-frame]		Switch to other frame.
+\\[helm-buffers-run-browse-project]		Browse project from buffer.
+\\[helm-buffer-run-query-replace-regexp]		Query-replace-regexp in marked buffers.
+\\[helm-buffer-run-query-replace]		Query-replace in marked buffers.
+\\[helm-buffer-run-ediff]		Ediff current buffer with candidate.  With two marked buffers, ediff those buffers.
+\\[helm-buffer-run-ediff-merge]		Ediff-merge current buffer with candidate.  With two marked buffers, ediff-merge those buffers.
+\\[helm-buffer-diff-persistent]		Toggle Diff-buffer with saved file without leaving Helm.
+\\[helm-buffer-revert-persistent]		Revert buffer without leaving Helm.
+\\[helm-buffer-save-persistent]		Save buffer without leaving Helm.
+\\[helm-buffer-run-kill-buffers]		Delete marked buffers and leave Helm.
+\\[helm-buffer-run-kill-persistent]		Delete buffer without leaving Helm.
+\\[helm-buffer-run-rename-buffer]		Rename buffer.
+\\[helm-toggle-all-marks]		Toggle all marks.
+\\[helm-mark-all]		Mark all.
+\\[helm-toggle-buffers-details]		Toggle details.
+\\[helm-buffers-toggle-show-hidden-buffers]		Show hidden buffers.
+\\[helm-buffers-mark-similar-buffers]		Mark all buffers of the same type (color) as current buffer.") nil [3254 8427])
+            ("helm-ff-help-message" variable (:default-value "* Helm Find Files
+** Tips
+*** Navigation summary
+For a better experience you can enable auto completion by setting
+`helm-ff-auto-update-initial-value' to non-nil in your init file.  It is not
+enabled by default to not confuse new users.
+**** Use `\\<helm-find-files-map>\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]' (persistent action) on a directory to go down one level
+On a symlinked directory a prefix argument expands to its true name.
+**** Use `\\<helm-find-files-map>\\[helm-find-files-up-one-level]' on a directory to go up one level
+**** Use `\\<helm-find-files-map>\\[helm-find-files-down-last-level]' to walk back the resulting tree of all the `\\<helm-map>\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]' you did
+The tree is reinitialized each time you browse a new tree with
+`\\<helm-map>\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]' or by entering some pattern in the prompt.
+**** `RET' behavior
+It behaves differently depending on `helm-selection' (current candidate in helm-buffer):
+- candidate basename is \".\" => Open it in dired.
+- candidate is a directory    => Expand it.
+- candidate is a file         => Open it.
+If you have marked candidates and you press RET on a directory,
+helm will navigate to this directory, if you want to exit with
+RET with default action with these marked candidates, press RET
+on a second time while you are on the root of this directory
+e.g. \"/home/you/dir/.\" or press RET on any file which is not a
+directory.  You can also exit with default action at any moment
+with `f1'.
+Note that when copying, renaming, etc. from `helm-find-files' the
+destination file is selected with `helm-read-file-name'.
+To avoid confusion when using `read-file-name' or `read-directory-name', `RET'
+follows its standard Emacs behaviour, i.e. it exits the minibuffer as soon as
+you press `RET'.  If you want the same behavior as in `helm-find-files', bind
+`helm-ff-RET' to the `helm-read-file-map':
+    (define-key helm-read-file-map (kbd \"RET\") 'helm-ff-RET)
+*** Find file at point
+Helm uses `ffap' partially or completely to find file at point depending on the
+value of `helm-ff-guess-ffap-filenames': if non-nil, support is complete
+(annoying), if nil, support is partial.
+**** Find file at line number
+When text at point is in the form of
+    ~/elisp/helm/helm.el:1234
+Helm finds this file at the indicated line number, here 1234.
+**** Find URL at point
+When a URL is found at point, Helm expands to that URL only.
+Pressing `RET' opens that URL using `browse-url-browser-function'.
+**** Find e-mail address at point
+When an e-mail address is found at point, Helm expands to this e-mail address
+prefixed with \"mailto:\".  Pressing `RET' opens a message buffer with that
+e-mail address.
+*** Quick pattern expansion
+**** Enter `~/' at end of pattern to quickly reach home directory
+**** Enter `/' at end of pattern to quickly reach the file system root
+**** Enter `./' at end of pattern to quickly reach `default-directory'
+(As per its value at the beginning of the session.)
+If you already are in the `default-directory' this will move the cursor to the top.
+**** Enter `../' at end of pattern will reach upper directory, moving cursor to the top
+This is different from using `\\<helm-find-files-map>\\[helm-find-files-up-one-level]' in that it moves
+the cursor to the top instead of remaining on the previous subdir name.
+**** Enter `' at end of pattern to start a recursive search
+It searches directories matching \"name\" under the current directory, see the
+\"Recursive completion on subdirectories\" section below for more details.
+**** Any environment variable (e.g. `$HOME') at end of pattern gets expanded
+**** Any valid filename yanked after pattern gets expanded
+**** Special case: URL at point
+The quick expansions do not take effect after end a URL, you must kill the
+pattern first (`\\[helm-delete-minibuffer-contents]').
+*** Helm-find-files supports fuzzy matching
+It starts from the third character of the pattern.
+For instance \"fob\" or \"fbr\" will complete \"foobar\" but \"fb\" needs a
+third character in order to complete it.
+*** Use `\\[universal-argument] \\[helm-execute-persistent-action]' or `\\[helm-follow-action-forward]' to display an image
+*** `\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]' on a filename expands to that filename in the Helm buffer
+Second hit displays the buffer filename.
+Third hit kills the buffer filename.
+Note: `\\[universal-argument] \\[helm-execute-persistent-action]' displays the buffer directly.
+*** Browse images directories with `helm-follow-mode' and navigate up/down
+You can also use `helm-follow-action-forward' and `helm-follow-action-backward' with
+`\\[helm-follow-action-forward]' and `\\[helm-follow-action-backward]' respectively.
+*** Toggle auto-completion with `\\[helm-ff-run-toggle-auto-update]'
+It is useful when trying to create a new file or directory and you don't want
+Helm to complete what you are writing.
+Note: On a terminal, the default binding `C-<backspace>' may not work.
+In this case use `C-c <backspace>'.
+*** You can create a new directory and a new file at the same time
+Simply write the path in the prompt and press `RET', e.g.
+*** To create a new directory, append a \"/\" to the new name and press `RET'
+*** To create a new file, enter a filename not ending with \"/\"
+Note that when you enter a new name, this one is prefixed with
+[?] if you are in a writable directory.  If you are in a directory
+where you have no write permission the new file name is not
+prefixed and is colored in red.  There is not such distinction
+when using tramp, new filename just appear on top of buffer.
+*** Recursive search from Helm-find-files
+**** You can use Helm-browse-project (see binding below)
+- With no prefix argument:
+If the current directory is under version control with either git or hg and
+helm-ls-git and/or helm-ls-hg are installed, it lists all the files under
+version control.  Otherwise it falls back to Helm-find-files.  See
+ and
+- With one prefix argument:
+List all the files under this directory and other subdirectories
+(recursion) and this list of files will be cached.
+- With two prefix arguments:
+Same but the cache is refreshed.
+**** You can start a recursive search with \"locate\" or \"find\"
+See \"Note\" in the [[Recusive completion on subdirectories][section on subdirectories]].
+Using \"locate\", you can enable the local database with a prefix argument. If the
+local database doesn't already exists, you will be prompted for its creation.
+If it exists and you want to refresh it, give it two prefix args.
+When using locate the helm-buffer remains empty until you type something.
+Regardless Helm uses the basename of the pattern entered in the helm-find-files
+session by default.  Hitting `\\[next-history-element]' should just kick in the
+locate search with this pattern.  If you want Helm to automatically do this, add
+`helm-source-locate' to `helm-sources-using-default-as-input'.
+**** Recursive completion on subdirectories
+Starting from the directory you are currently browsing, it is possible to have
+completion of all directories underneath.  Say you are at \"/home/you/foo/\" and
+you want to go to \"/home/you/foo/bar/baz/somewhere/else\", simply type
+\"/home/you/foo/..else\" and hit `\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]' or enter
+the final \"/\".  Helm will then list all possible directories under \"foo\"
+matching \"else\".
+Entering two spaces before \"else\" instead of two dots also works.
+Note: Completion on subdirectories uses \"locate\" as backend, you can configure
+the command with `helm-locate-recursive-dirs-command'.  Because this completion
+uses an index, the directory tree displayed may be out-of-date and not reflect
+the latest change until you update the index (using \"updatedb\" for \"locate\").
+If for some reason you cannot use an index, the \"find\" command from
+\"findutils\" can be used instead.  It will be slower though.  You need to pass
+the basedir as first argument of \"find\" and the subdir as the value for
+'-(i)regex' or '-(i)name' with the two format specs that are mandatory in
+- \"find %s -type d -name '*%s*'\"
+- \"find %s -type d -regex .*%s.*$\"
+*** Insert filename at point or complete filename at point
+On insertion (not on completion, i.e. there is nothing at point):
+- `\\[helm-ff-run-complete-fn-at-point]': insert absolute file name.
+- `\\[universal-argument] \\[helm-ff-run-complete-fn-at-point]': insert abbreviated file name.
+- `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument] \\[helm-ff-run-complete-fn-at-point]': insert relative file name.
+On completion:
+- Target starts with \"~/\": insert abbreviate file name.
+- target starts with \"/\" or \"[a-z]:/\": insert full path.
+- Otherwise: insert relative file name.
+*** Use the wildcard to select multiple files
+Use of wilcard is supported to run an action over a set of files.
+Example: You can copy all the files with \".el\" extension by using \"*.el\" and
+then run copy action.
+Similarly, \"**.el\" (note the two stars) will recursively select all \".el\"
+files under the current directory.
+Note that when recursively copying files, you may have files with same name
+dispatched across different subdirectories, so when copying them in the same
+directory they will get overwritten.  To avoid this Helm has a special action
+called \"backup files\" that has the same behavior as the command line \"cp -f
+--backup=numbered\": it allows you to copy many files with the same name from
+different subdirectories into one directory.  Files with same name are renamed
+as follows: \"foo.txt.~1~\".  Like with the --force option of cp, it is possible
+to backup files in current directory.
+This command is available only when `dired-async-mode' is active.
+When using an action that involves an external backend (e.g. grep), using \"**\"
+is not recommended (even thought it works fine) because it will be slower to
+select all the files.  You are better off leaving the backend to do it, it will
+be faster.  However, if you know you have not many files it is reasonable to use
+this, also using not recursive wilcard (e.g. \"*.el\") is perfectly fine for
+The \"**\" feature is active by default in the option `helm-file-globstar'.  It
+is different from the Bash \"shopt globstar\" feature in that to list files with
+a named extension recursively you would write \"**.el\" whereas in Bash it would
+be \"**/*.el\".  Directory selection with \"**/\" like Bash \"shopt globstar\"
+option is not supported yet.
+*** Query replace regexp on filenames
+Replace different parts of a file basename with something else.
+When calling this action you will be prompted twice as with
+`query-replace', first for the matching expression of the text to
+replace and second for the replacement text.  Several facilities,
+however, are provided to make the two prompts more powerfull.
+**** Syntax of the first prompt
+In addition to simple regexps, these shortcuts are available:
+- Basename without extension => \"%.\"
+- Only extension             => \".%\"
+- Substring                  => \"%:<from>:<to>\"
+- Whole basename             => \"%\"
+**** Syntax of the second prompt
+In addition to a simple string to use as replacement, here is what you can use:
+- A placeholder refering to what you have selected in the first prompt: \"\\@\".
+After this placeholder you can use a search-and-replace syntax à-la sed:
+    \"\\@/<regexp>/<replacement>/
+You can select a substring from the string represented by the placeholder:
+    \"\\@:<from>:<to>\"
+- A special character representing a number which is incremented: \"\\#\".
+- Shortcuts for `upcase', `downcase' and `capitalize'
+are available as`%u', `%d' and `%c' respectively.
+**** Examples
+***** Recursively rename all files with \".JPG\" extension to \".jpg\"
+Use the `helm-file-globstar' feature described in [[Using wildcard to select multiple files][recursive globbing]]
+by entering \"**.JPG\" at the end of the Helm-find-files pattern, then hit
+\\<helm-map>\\[helm-ff-query-replace-on-filenames]: First \"JPG\", then \"jpg\"
+and hit `RET'.
+Alternatively you can enter \".%\" at the first prompt, then \"jpg\" and hit
+`RET'.  Note that when using this instead of using \"JPG\" at the first prompt,
+all extensions will be renamed to \"jpg\" even if the extension of one of the
+files is, say, \"png\".  If you want to keep the original extension you can use
+\"%d\" at the second prompt (downcase).
+***** Batch-rename files from number 001 to 00x
+Use \"\\#\" inside the second prompt.
+Example 1: To rename the files
+    foo.jpg
+    bar.jpg
+    baz.jpg
+    foo-001.jpg
+    foo-002.jpg
+    foo-003.jpg
+use \"%.\" as matching regexp and \"foo-\\#\" as replacement string.
+Example 2: To rename the files
+    foo.jpg
+    bar.jpg
+    baz.jpg
+    foo-001.jpg
+    bar-002.jpg
+    baz-003.jpg
+use as matching regexp \"%.\" and as replacement string \"\\@-\\#\".
+***** Replace a substring
+Use \"%:<from>:<to>\".
+Example: To rename files
+    foo.jpg
+    bar.jpg
+    baz.jpg
+    fOo.jpg
+    bAr.jpg
+    bAz.jpg
+use as matching regexp \"%:1:2\" and as replacement string \"%u\" (upcase).
+Note that you *cannot* use \"%.\" and \".%\" along with substring replacement.
+***** Modify the string from the placeholder (\\@)
+- By substring, i.e. only using the substring of the placeholder: \"\\@:<from>:<to>\".
+The length of placeholder is used for <to> when unspecified.
+Example 1: \"\\@:0:2\" replaces from the beginning to the second char of the placeholder.
+Example 2: \\@:2: replaces from the second char of the placeholder to the end.
+- By search-and-replace: \"\\@/<regexp>/<replacement>/\".
+Incremental replacement is also handled in <replacement>.
+Example 3: \"\\@/foo/bar/\" replaces \"foo\" by \"bar\" in the placeholder.
+Example 4: \"\\@/foo/-\\#/\" replaces \"foo\" in the placeholder by 001, 002, etc.
+***** Clash in replacements (avoid overwriting files)
+When performing any of these replacement operations you may end up with same
+names as replacement.  In such cases Helm numbers the file that would otherwise
+overwritten.  For instance, should you remove the \"-m<n>\" part from the files
+\"emacs-m1.txt\", \"emacs-m2.txt\" and \"emacs-m3.txt\" you would end up with
+three files named \"emacs.txt\", the second renaming overwriting first file, and
+the third renaming overwriting second file and so on.  Instead Helm will
+automatically rename the second and third files as \"emacs(1).txt\" and
+\"emacs(2).txt\" respectively.
+***** Query-replace on filenames vs. serial-rename action
+Unlike the [[Serial renaming][serial rename]] actions, the files renamed with
+the query-replace action stay in their initial directory and are not moved to
+the current directory.  As such, using \"\\#\" to serial-rename files only makes
+sense for files inside the same directory.  It even keeps renaming files
+with an incremental number in the next directories.
+*** Serial-rename
+You can use the serial-rename actions to rename, copy or symlink marked files to
+a specific directory or in the current directory with all the files numbered
+- Serial-rename by renaming:
+Rename all marked files with incremental numbering to a specific directory.
+- Serial-rename by copying:
+Copy all marked files with incremental numbering to a specific directory.
+- Serial-rename by symlinking:
+Symlink all marked files with incremental numbering to a specific directory.
+*** Edit marked files in a dired buffer
+You can open a dired buffer containing only marked files with `\\<helm-find-files-map>\\[helm-ff-run-marked-files-in-dired]'.
+With a prefix argument you can open this same dired buffer in wdired mode for
+editing.  Note that wildcards are supported as well, so you can use e.g.
+\"*.txt\" to select all \".txt\" files in the current directory or \"**.txt\" to
+select all files recursively from the current directory.
+See [[Use the wildcard to select multiple files]] section above.
+*** Defining default target directory for copying, renaming, etc
+You can customize `helm-dwim-target' to behave differently depending on the
+windows open in the current frame.  Default is to provide completion on all
+directories associated to each window.
+*** Copying and renaming asynchronously
+If you have the async library installed (if you got Helm from MELPA you do), you
+can use it for copying/renaming files by enabling `dired-async-mode'.
+Note that even when async is enabled, running a copy/rename action with a prefix
+argument will execute action synchronously. Moreover it will follow the first
+file of the marked files in its destination directory.
+When `dired-async-mode' is enabled, an additional action named \"Backup files\"
+will be available. (Such command is not natively available in Emacs).
+See [[Use the wildcard to select multiple files]] for details.
+*** Bookmark the `helm-find-files' session
+You can bookmark the `helm-find-files' session with `\\[helm-ff-bookmark-set]'.
+You can later retrieve these bookmarks by calling `helm-filtered-bookmarks'
+or, from the current `helm-find-files' session, by hitting `\\[helm-find-files-toggle-to-bookmark]'.
+*** Grep files from `helm-find-files'
+You can grep individual files from `helm-find-files' by using
+`\\<helm-find-files-map>\\[helm-ff-run-grep]'.  This same command can also
+recursively grep files from the current directory when called with a prefix
+argument.  In this case you will be prompted for the file extensions to use
+(grep backend) or the types of files to use (ack-grep backend).  See the
+`helm-grep-default-command' documentation to set this up.  For compressed files
+or archives, use zgrep with `\\<helm-find-files-map>\\[helm-ff-run-zgrep]'.
+Otherwise you can use recursive commands like `\\<helm-find-files-map>\\[helm-ff-run-grep-ag]' or `\\<helm-find-files-map>\\[helm-ff-run-git-grep]'
+that are much faster than using `\\<helm-find-files-map>\\[helm-ff-run-grep]' with a prefix argument.
+See `helm-grep-ag-command' and `helm-grep-git-grep-command' to set this up.
+You can also use \"id-utils\"' GID with `\\<helm-find-files-map>\\[helm-ff-run-gid]'
+by creating an ID index file with the \"mkid\" shell command.
+All those grep commands use the symbol at point as the default pattern.
+Note that default is different from input (nothing is added to the prompt until
+you hit `\\[next-history-element]').
+**** Grepping on remote files
+On remote files grep is not well supported by TRAMP unless you suspend updates before
+entering the pattern and re-enable it once your pattern is ready.
+To toggle suspend-update, use `\\<helm-map>\\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]'.
+*** Setting up aliases in Eshell allows you to set up powerful customized commands
+Adding Eshell aliases to your `eshell-aliases-file' or using the
+`alias' command from Eshell allows you to create personalized
+commands not available in `helm-find-files' actions and use them
+from `\\<helm-find-files-map>\\[helm-ff-run-eshell-command-on-file]'.
+Example: You want a command to uncompress some \"*.tar.gz\" files from `helm-find-files':
+1) Create an Eshell alias named, say, \"untargz\" with the command
+\"alias untargz tar zxvf $*\".
+2) Now from `helm-find-files' select the \"*.tar.gz\" file (you can also
+mark files if needed) and hit `\\<helm-find-files-map>\\[helm-ff-run-eshell-command-on-file]'.
+Note: When using marked files with this, the meaning of the prefix argument is
+quite subtle.  Say you have \"foo\", \"bar\" and \"baz\" marked; when you run
+the alias command `example' on these files with no prefix argument it will run
+`example' sequentially on each file:
+$ example foo
+$ example bar
+$ example baz
+With a prefix argument however it will apply `example' on all files at once:
+$ example foo bar baz
+Of course the alias command should support this.
+*** Using TRAMP with `helm-find-files' to read remote directories
+`helm-find-files' works fine with TRAMP despite some limitations.
+- Grepping files is not very well supported when used incrementally.
+See [[Grepping on remote files]].
+- Locate does not work on remote directories.
+**** A TRAMP syntax crash course
+Please refer to TRAMP's documentation for more details.
+- Connect to host as user \"foo\":
+- Connect to host as user \"foo\" on port 2222:
+- Connect to host as root using multihops syntax:
+Note: You can also use `tramp-default-proxies-alist' when connecting often to
+the same hosts.
+As a rule of thumb, prefer the scp method unless using multihops (which only
+works with the ssh method), especially when copying large files.
+You need to hit `C-j' once on top of a directory on the first connection
+to complete the pattern in the minibuffer.
+**** Display color for directories, symlinks etc... with tramp
+Starting at helm version 2.9.7 it is somewhat possible to
+colorize fnames by listing files without loosing performances with
+external commands (ls and awk) if your system is compatible.
+For this you can use `helm-list-dir-external' as value
+for `helm-list-directory-function'.
+See `helm-list-directory-function' documentation for more infos.
+**** Completing host
+As soon as you enter the first \":\" after method e.g =/scp:= you will
+have some completion about previously used hosts or from your =~/.ssh/config=
+file, hitting `\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]' or `right' on a candidate will insert this host in minibuffer
+without addind the ending \":\", second hit insert the last \":\".
+As soon the last \":\" is entered TRAMP will kick in and you should see the list
+of candidates soon after.
+When connection fails, be sure to delete your TRAMP connection with M-x
+`helm-delete-tramp-connection' before retrying.
+**** Editing local files as root
+Use the sudo method:
+\"/sudo:host:\" or simply \"/sudo::\".
+*** Attach files to a mail buffer (message-mode)
+If you are in a `message-mode' or `mail-mode' buffer, that action will appear
+in action menu, otherwise it is available at any time with \\<helm-find-files-map>\\[helm-ff-run-mail-attach-files].
+It behaves as follows:
+- If you are in a (mail or message) buffer, files are attached there.
+- If you are not in a mail buffer but one or more mail buffers exist, you are
+prompted to attach files to one of these mail buffers.
+- If you are not in a mail buffer and no mail buffer exists,
+a new mail buffer is created with the attached files in it.
+*** Open files in separate windows
+When [[Marked candidates][marking]] multiple files or using [[Use the wildcard to select multiple files][wildcard]], helm allow opening all
+this files in separate windows using an horizontal layout or a
+vertical layout if you used a prefix arg, when no more windows can be
+displayed in frame, next files are opened in background without being
+displayed.  When using \\<helm-find-files-map>\\[helm-ff-run-switch-other-window] the current
+buffer is kept and files are displayed next to it with same behavior as above.
+When using two prefix args, files are opened in background without beeing displayed.
+*** Expand archives as directories in a avfs directory
+If you have mounted your filesystem with mountavfs,
+you can expand archives in the \"~/.avfs\" directory with \\<helm-map>\\[helm-execute-persistent-action].
+*** Tramp archive support (emacs-27+ only)
+If your emacs have library tramp-archive.el, you can browse the
+content of archives with emacs and BTW helm-find-files. However this beeing
+experimental and not very fast, helm doesn't provide an automatic
+expansion and detection of archives, you will have to add the final /
+manually and may have to force update (\\<helm-map>\\[helm-refresh])
+or remove and add again the final / until tramp finish decompressing archive.
+*** Touch files
+In the completion buffer, you can choose the default which is the current-time, it is
+the first candidate or the timestamp of one of the selected files.
+If you need to use something else, use \\<helm-map>\\[next-history-element] and edit
+the date in minibuffer.
+It is also a way to quickly create a new file without opening a buffer, saving it
+and killing it.
+To touch more than one new file, separate you filenames with a comma (\",\").
+If one wants to create (touch) a new file with comma inside the name use a prefix arg,
+this will prevent splitting the name and create multiple files.
+*** Delete files
+You can delete files without quitting helm with
+`\\<helm-find-files-map>\\[helm-ff-persistent-delete]' or delete files and quit helm with `\\[helm-ff-run-delete-file]'.
+In the second method you can choose to
+make this command asynchronous by customizing
+_WARNING_: When deleting files asynchronously you will NOT be
+WARNED if directories are not empty, that's mean non empty directories will
+be deleted in background without asking.
+A good compromise is to trash your files
+when using asynchronous method (see [[Trashing files][Trashing files]]).
+When choosing synchronous delete, you can allow recursive
+deletion of directories with `helm-ff-allow-recursive-deletes'.
+Note that when trashing (synchronous) you are not asked for recursive deletion.
+Note that `helm-ff-allow-recursive-deletes' have no effect when
+deleting asynchronously.
+First method (persistent delete) is always synchronous.
+Note that when a prefix arg is given, trashing behavior is inversed.
+See [[Trashing files][Trashing files]].
+**** Trashing files
+If you want to trash your files instead of deleting them you can
+set `delete-by-moving-to-trash' to non nil, like this your files
+will be moved to trash instead of beeing deleted.
+You can reverse at any time the behavior of `delete-by-moving-to-trash' by using
+a prefix arg with any of the delete files command.
+On GNULinux distribution, when navigating to a Trash directory you
+can restore any file in ..Trash/files directory with the 'Restore
+from trash' action you will find in action menu (needs the
+trash-cli package installed).
+You can as well delete files from Trash directories with the 'delete files from trash'
+Tip: Navigate to your Trash/files directories with `helm-find-files' and set a bookmark
+there with \\<helm-find-files-map>\\[helm-ff-bookmark-set] for fast access to Trash.
+If you have an ENV var XDG_DATA_HOME in your .profile or .bash_profile
+and this var is set to something like $HOME/.local/share (like preconized)
+`move-file-to-trash' may try to create $HOME/.local/share/Trash (literally)
+and its subdirs in the directory where you are actually trying to trash files.
+because `move-file-to-trash' is interpreting XDG_DATA_HOME literally instead
+of evaling its value (with `substitute-in-file-name').
+***** Trashing remote files with tramp
+Trashing remote files (or local files with sudo method) is disabled by default
+because tramp is requiring the 'trash' command to be installed, if you want to
+trash your remote files, customize `helm-trash-remote-files'.
+The package on most GNU/Linux based distributions is trash-cli, it is available [[][here]].
+When deleting your files with sudo method, your trashed files will not be listed
+with trash-list until you log in as root.
+** Commands
+\\[helm-ff-run-locate]		Run `locate' (`\\[universal-argument]' to specify locate database, `M-n' to insert basename of candidate).
+\\[helm-ff-run-browse-project]		Browse project (`\\[universal-argument]' to recurse, `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]' to recurse and refresh database).
+\\[helm-ff-run-find-sh-command]		Run `find' shell command from this directory.
+\\[helm-ff-run-grep]		Run Grep (`\\[universal-argument]' to recurse).
+\\[helm-ff-run-pdfgrep]		Run Pdfgrep on marked files.
+\\[helm-ff-run-zgrep]		Run zgrep (`\\[universal-argument]' to recurse).
+\\[helm-ff-run-grep-ag]		Run AG grep on current directory.
+\\[helm-ff-run-git-grep]		Run git-grep on current directory.
+\\[helm-ff-run-gid]		Run gid (id-utils).
+\\[helm-ff-run-etags]		Run Etags (`\\[universal-argument]' to use thing-at-point, `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]' to reload cache).
+\\[helm-ff-run-rename-file]		Rename Files (`\\[universal-argument]' to follow).
+\\[helm-ff-run-query-replace-fnames-on-marked]		Query replace on marked files.
+\\[helm-ff-run-copy-file]		Copy Files (`\\[universal-argument]' to follow).
+\\[helm-ff-run-byte-compile-file]		Byte Compile Files (`\\[universal-argument]' to load).
+\\[helm-ff-run-load-file]		Load Files.
+\\[helm-ff-run-symlink-file]		Symlink Files.
+\\[helm-ff-run-hardlink-file]		Hardlink files.
+\\[helm-ff-run-relsymlink-file]		Relative symlink Files.
+\\[helm-ff-run-delete-file]		Delete Files.
+\\[helm-ff-run-touch-files]		Touch files.
+\\[helm-ff-run-kill-buffer-persistent]		Kill buffer candidate without leaving Helm.
+\\[helm-ff-persistent-delete]		Delete file without leaving Helm.
+\\[helm-ff-run-switch-to-eshell]		Switch to Eshell.
+\\[helm-ff-run-eshell-command-on-file]		Eshell command on file (`\\[universal-argument]' to apply on marked files, otherwise treat them sequentially).
+\\[helm-ff-run-ediff-file]		Ediff file.
+\\[helm-ff-run-ediff-merge-file]		Ediff merge file.
+\\[helm-ff-run-complete-fn-at-point]		Complete file name at point.
+\\[helm-ff-run-switch-other-window]		Switch to other window.
+\\[helm-ff-run-switch-other-frame]		Switch to other frame.
+\\[helm-ff-run-open-file-externally]		Open file with external program (`\\[universal-argument]' to choose).
+\\[helm-ff-run-preview-file-externally]		Preview file with external program.
+\\[helm-ff-run-open-file-with-default-tool]		Open file externally with default tool.
+\\[helm-ff-rotate-left-persistent]		Rotate image left.
+\\[helm-ff-rotate-right-persistent]		Rotate image right.
+\\[helm-find-files-up-one-level]		Go to parent directory.
+\\[helm-find-files-history]		Switch to the visited-directory history.
+\\[helm-ff-file-name-history]		Switch to file name history.
+\\[helm-ff-properties-persistent]		Show file properties in a tooltip.
+\\[helm-mark-all]		Mark all visible candidates.
+\\[helm-ff-run-toggle-auto-update]		Toggle auto-expansion of directories.
+\\[helm-unmark-all]		Unmark all candidates, visible and invisible ones.
+\\[helm-ff-run-gnus-attach-files]		Gnus' attach files to message buffer.
+\\[helm-ff-run-print-file]		Print file, (`\\[universal-argument]' to refresh printer list).
+\\[helm-enlarge-window]		Enlarge Helm window.
+\\[helm-narrow-window]		Narrow Helm window.
+\\[helm-ff-run-toggle-basename]		Toggle basename/fullpath.
+\\[helm-ff-run-find-file-as-root]		Find file as root.
+\\[helm-ff-run-find-alternate-file]		Find alternate file.
+\\[helm-ff-run-insert-org-link]		Insert org link.
+\\[helm-ff-bookmark-set]		Set bookmark to current directory.
+\\[helm-find-files-toggle-to-bookmark]		Jump to bookmark list.") nil [8475 39627])
+            ("helm-read-file-name-help-message" function nil nil [39670 43283])
+            ("helm-generic-file-help-message" variable (:default-value "* Helm Generic files
+** Tips
+*** Locate
+You can append to the search pattern any of the locate command line options,
+e.g. -b, -e, -n <number>, etc.  See the locate(1) man page for more details.
+Some other sources (at the moment \"recentf\" and \"file in current directory\")
+support the -b flag for compatibility with locate when they are used with it.
+When you enable fuzzy matching on locate with `helm-locate-fuzzy-match', the
+search will be performed on basename only for efficiency (so don't add \"-b\" at
+prompt).  As soon as you separate the patterns with spaces, fuzzy matching will
+be disabled and search will be done on the full filename.  Note that in
+multi-match, fuzzy is completely disabled, which means that each pattern is a
+match regexp (i.e. \"helm\" will match \"helm\" but \"hlm\" will *not* match
+*** Browse project
+When the current directory is not under version control, don't forget to refresh
+the cache when files have been added/removed in the directory.
+*** Find command
+Recursively search files using the \"find\" shell command.
+Candidates are all filenames that match all given globbing patterns.  This
+respects the options `helm-case-fold-search' and
+You can pass arbitrary \"find\" options directly after a \"*\" separator.
+For example, this would find all files matching \"book\" that are larger
+than 1 megabyte:
+    book * -size +1M
+** Commands
+\\[helm-ff-run-toggle-basename]		Toggle basename.
+\\[helm-ff-run-grep]		Run grep (`\\[universal-argument]' to recurse).
+\\[helm-ff-run-zgrep]		Run zgrep.
+\\[helm-ff-run-gid]		Run GID (id-utils).
+\\[helm-ff-run-pdfgrep]		Run PDFgrep on marked files.
+\\[helm-ff-run-copy-file]		Copy file(s)
+\\[helm-ff-run-rename-file]		Rename file(s).
+\\[helm-ff-run-symlink-file]		Symlink file(s).
+\\[helm-ff-run-hardlink-file]		Hardlink file(s).
+\\[helm-ff-run-delete-file]		Delete file(s).
+\\[helm-ff-run-byte-compile-file]		Byte compile Elisp file(s) (`\\[universal-argument]' to load).
+\\[helm-ff-run-load-file]		Load Elisp file(s).
+\\[helm-ff-run-ediff-file]		Ediff file.
+\\[helm-ff-run-ediff-merge-file]		Ediff-merge file.
+\\[helm-ff-run-switch-other-window]		Switch to other window.
+\\[helm-ff-properties-persistent]		Show file properties.
+\\[helm-ff-run-etags]		Run etags (`\\[universal-argument]' to use tap, `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]' to reload the database).
+\\[helm-yank-text-at-point]		Yank text at point.
+\\[helm-ff-run-open-file-externally]		Open file with external program (`\\[universal-argument]' to choose).
+\\[helm-ff-run-open-file-with-default-tool]		Open file externally with default tool.
+\\[helm-ff-run-insert-org-link]		Insert org link.") nil [43331 46147])
+            ("helm-grep-help-message" variable (:default-value "* Helm Grep
+** Tips
+*** Use a prefix argument to grep recursively
+With Helm supporting git-grep and AG however, you are better off using one of
+them for recursive searches.
+*** You can use wild cards when selecting files (e.g. \"*.el\")
+*** You can grep in many different directories by marking files or using wild cards
+*** You can save the result in a `helm-grep-mode' buffer
+See [[Commands][commands]] below.
+Once in that buffer you can use \"emacs-wgrep\" (external package not bundled with Helm)
+to edit your changes.
+*** Helm-grep supports multi-matching
+(Starting from version 1.9.4.)
+Simply add a space between each pattern as for most Helm commands.
+*** See full path of selected candidate
+Add (helm-popup-tip-mode 1) in your init file or enable it interactively with
+M-x helm-popup-tip-mode.
+*** Open file in other window
+The command \\<helm-grep-map>\\[helm-grep-run-other-window-action] allow you to open file
+in other window horizontally or vertically if a prefix arg is supplied.
+*** Performance over TRAMP
+Grepping works but it is badly supported as TRAMP doesn't support multiple
+processes running in a short delay (less than 5s) among other things.
+Helm uses a special hook to suspend the process automatically while you are
+typing.  Even if Helm handles this automatically by delaying each process by 5s,
+you are adviced to this manually by hitting `\\<helm-map>\\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]' (suspend process) before
+typing, and hit again `\\<helm-map>\\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]' when the regexp is ready to send to the remote
+process.  For simple regexps, there should be no need for this.
+Another solution is to not use TRAMP at all and mount your remote file system via
+* Helm GID
+** Tips
+Helm-GID reads the database created with the `mkid' command from id-utils.
+The name of the database file can be customized with `helm-gid-db-file-name', it
+is usually \"ID\".
+Helm-GID use the symbol at point as default-input.  This command is also
+accessible from `helm-find-files' which allow you to navigate to another
+directory to consult its database.
+Note: Helm-GID supports multi-matches but only the last pattern entered will be
+highlighted since there is no ~--color~-like option in GID itself.
+* Helm AG
+** Tips
+Helm-AG is different from grep or ack-grep in that it works on a directory and
+not on a list of files.
+You can ignore files and directories with a \".agignore\" file, local to a
+directory or global when placed in the home directory. (See the AG man page for
+more details.)  That file follows the same syntax as `helm-grep-ignored-files'
+and `helm-grep-ignored-directories'.
+As always you can access Helm AG from `helm-find-files'.
+Starting with version 0.30, AG accepts one or more TYPE arguments on its command
+line.  Helm provides completion on these TYPE arguments when available with your
+AG version.  Use a prefix argument when starting a Helm-AG session to enable this
+Note: You can mark several types to match in the AG query.  The first AG
+versions providing this feature allowed only one type, so in this case only the
+last mark will be used.
+* Helm git-grep
+Helm-git-grep searches the current directory, i.e the default directory or the
+directory in Helm-find-files.  If this current directory is a subdirectory of a
+project and you want to also match parent directories (i.e the whole project),
+use a prefix argument.
+** Commands
+\\[helm-goto-next-file]		Next File.
+\\[helm-goto-precedent-file]		Previous File.
+\\[helm-yank-text-at-point]		Yank text at point in minibuffer.
+\\[helm-grep-run-other-window-action]		Jump to other window.
+\\[helm-grep-run-other-frame-action]		Jump to other frame.
+\\[helm-grep-run-default-action]		Run default action (same as `RET').
+\\[helm-grep-run-save-buffer]		Save to a `helm-grep-mode' enabled buffer.") nil [46169 50078])
+            ("helm-pdfgrep-help-message" variable (:default-value "* Helm PDFgrep Map
+** Commands
+\\[helm-goto-next-file]		Next file.
+\\[helm-goto-precedent-file]		Previous file.
+\\[helm-yank-text-at-point]		Yank text at point in minibuffer.") nil [50104 50345])
+            ("helm-etags-help-message" variable (:default-value "* Helm Etags Map
+** Commands
+\\[helm-goto-next-file]		Next file.
+\\[helm-goto-precedent-file]		Previous file.
+\\[helm-yank-text-at-point]		Yank text at point in minibuffer.") nil [50368 50603])
+            ("helm-ucs-help-message" variable (:default-value "* Helm UCS
+** Tips
+Use commands below to insert unicode characters in current buffer without
+leaving Helm.
+** Commands
+\\[helm-ucs-persistent-insert]		Insert character.
+\\[helm-ucs-persistent-forward]		Forward character.
+\\[helm-ucs-persistent-backward]		Backward character.
+\\[helm-ucs-persistent-delete]		Delete character backward.
+\\[helm-ucs-persistent-insert-space]		Insert space.") nil [50624 51074])
+            ("helm-bookmark-help-message" variable (:default-value "* Helm bookmark name
+** Commands
+\\[helm-bookmark-run-jump-other-window]		Jump other window.
+\\[helm-bookmark-run-delete]		Delete bookmark.
+\\[helm-bookmark-run-edit]		Edit bookmark.
+\\[helm-bookmark-toggle-filename]		Toggle bookmark location visibility.") nil [51100 51425])
+            ("helm-esh-help-message" variable (:default-value "* Helm Eshell on file
+** Tips
+*** Pass extra arguments after filename
+Normally the command or alias will be called with file as argument.  For instance
+    <command> candidate_file
+But you can also pass an argument or more after \"candidate_file\" like this:
+    <command> %s [extra_args]
+\"candidate_file\" will be added at \"%s\" and the command will look at this:
+    <command> candidate_file [extra_args]
+*** Specify marked files as arguments
+    <command> file1 file2...
+Call `helm-find-files-eshell-command-on-file' with one prefix argument.  Otherwise
+you can pass one prefix argument from the command selection buffer.
+Note: This does not work on remote files.
+With two prefix-args the output is printed to the `current-buffer'.
+With no prefix argument or a prefix argument value of '(16) (`\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]')
+the command is called once for each file like this:
+    <command> file1
+    <command> file2
+    ...
+** Commands
+\\<helm-esh-on-file-map>") nil [51465 52509])
+            ("helm-buffers-ido-virtual-help-message" variable (:default-value "* Helm Ido virtual buffers
+** Commands
+\\[helm-ff-run-switch-other-window]		Switch to other window.
+\\[helm-ff-run-switch-other-frame]		Switch to other frame.
+\\[helm-ff-run-grep]		Grep file.
+\\[helm-ff-run-zgrep]		Zgrep file.
+\\[helm-ff-run-delete-file]		Delete file.
+\\[helm-ff-run-open-file-externally]		Open file externally.") nil [52545 52970])
+            ("helm-moccur-help-message" variable (:default-value "* Helm Moccur
+** Tips
+*** Matching
+Multiple regexp matching is allowed, simply enter a space to separate the regexps.
+Matching empty lines is supported with the regexp \"^$\", you then get the
+results displayed as the buffer-name and the line number only.  You can
+save and edit these results, i.e. add text to the empty line.
+*** Automatically match symbol at point
+Helm can automatically match the symbol at point while keeping the minibuffer
+empty, ready to be written to.  This behaviour is disabled by default.  To
+enable this you need to add `helm-source-occur' and `helm-source-moccur' to
+*** Jump to the corresponding line in the searched buffer
+You can do this with `\\<helm-map>\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]' (persistent-action), to do it repeatedly
+you can use `\\<helm-map>\\[helm-follow-action-forward]' and `\\<helm-map>\\[helm-follow-action-backward]' or enable `helm-follow-mode' with `\\<helm-map>\\[helm-follow-mode]'.
+*** Switch to buffer in other window
+The command \\<helm-moccur-map>\\[helm-moccur-run-goto-line-ow] allow you to switch to buffer
+in other window horizontally or vertically if a prefix arg is supplied.
+*** Save the results
+Similarly to Helm-grep, you can save the results with `\\<helm-map>\\[helm-moccur-run-save-buffer]'.
+Once in the saved buffer, you can edit it, see [[Edit a saved buffer][below]].
+Of course if you don't save the results, you can resume the Helm session with
+*** Refresh the resumed session
+When the buffer(s) where you ran helm-(m)occur get(s) modified, the Helm buffer
+will flash red as a warning.  You can refresh the buffer by running `\\<helm-map>\\[helm-refresh]'.
+This can be done automatically by customizing `helm-moccur-auto-update-on-resume'.
+*** Refresh a saved buffer
+Type `g' to update the buffer.
+*** Edit a saved buffer
+First, install wgrep ( and then:
+1) `C-c C-p' (`wgrep-change-to-wgrep-mode') to edit the buffer(s).
+2) `C-x C-s' to save your changes.
+Tip: Use the excellent iedit ( to modify all
+occurences at once in the buffer.
+*** Search in region
+When searching in current-buffer with `helm-occur', if a region
+is found helm will search in this region only.  If you marked
+this region with `mark-defun' the symbol that was at point before
+marking defun will be used when `helm-source-occur' is member of
+** Commands
+\\[helm-goto-next-file]		Next buffer.
+\\[helm-goto-precedent-file]		Previous buffer.
+\\[helm-yank-text-at-point]		Yank text at point in minibuffer.
+\\[helm-moccur-run-goto-line-ow]		Go to line in other window.
+\\[helm-moccur-run-goto-line-of]		Go to line in new frame.") nil [52994 55831])
+            ("helm-top-help-message" variable (:default-value "* Helm Top
+** Commands
+\\[helm-top-run-sort-by-com]		Sort by commands.
+\\[helm-top-run-sort-by-cpu]		Sort by CPU usage.
+\\[helm-top-run-sort-by-user]		Sort alphabetically by user.
+\\[helm-top-run-sort-by-mem]		Sort by memory.") nil [55852 56138])
+            ("helm-el-package-help-message" variable (:default-value "* Helm Elisp package
+** Tips
+*** Compile all your packages asynchronously
+If you use async (if you have installed Helm from MELPA you do), only \"helm\",
+\"helm-core\", and \"magit\" are compiled asynchronously.  If you want all your
+packages compiled asynchronously, add this to your init file:
+     (setq async-bytecomp-allowed-packages '(all))
+*** Upgrade Elisp packages
+On initialization (when Emacs is fetching packages on remote), if Helm finds
+packages to upgrade, it will start in the upgradable packages view showing the packages
+available for upgrade.
+On subsequent runs, you will have to refresh the list with `C-c \\[universal-argument]'.  If Helm
+finds upgrades you can switch to upgrade view (see below) to see what packages
+are available for upgrade or simply hit `C-c U' to upgrade them all.
+To see upgradable packages hit `M-U'.
+Then you can install all upgradable packages with the \"upgrade all\" action
+(`C-c \\[universal-argument]'), or upgrade only specific packages by marking them and running the
+\"upgrade\" action (visible only when there are upgradable packages).  Of course
+you can upgrade a single package by just running the \"upgrade\" action without
+marking it (`C-c u' or `RET') .
+*Warning:* You are strongly advised to *restart* Emacs after *upgrading* packages.
+*** Meaning of flags prefixing packages
+(Emacs ≥25)
+- The flag \"S\" that prefixes package names means that the packages belong to `package-selected-packages'.
+- The flag \"U\" that prefix package names mean that this package is no more needed.
+** Commands
+\\[helm-el-package-show-all]		Show all packages.
+\\[helm-el-package-show-installed]		Show installed packages only.
+\\[helm-el-package-show-uninstalled]		Show non-installed packages only.
+\\[helm-el-package-show-upgrade]		Show upgradable packages only.
+\\[helm-el-package-show-built-in]		Show built-in packages only.
+\\[helm-el-run-package-install]		Install package(s).
+\\[helm-el-run-package-reinstall]		Reinstall package(s).
+\\[helm-el-run-package-uninstall]		Uninstall package(s).
+\\[helm-el-run-package-upgrade]		Upgrade package(s).
+\\[helm-el-run-package-upgrade-all]		Upgrade all packages.
+\\[helm-el-run-visit-homepage]		Visit package homepage.") nil [56169 58481])
+            ("helm-M-x-help-message" variable (:default-value "* Helm M-x
+** Tips
+*** You can get help on any command with persistent action (\\[helm-execute-persistent-action])
+*** Prefix arguments
+You must pass prefix arguments *after* starting `helm-M-x'.  A mode-line
+counter will display the number of given prefix arguments.
+If you pass prefix arguments before running `helm-M-x', it will be displayed in the prompt.
+The first `\\[universal-argument]' after `helm-M-x' clears those prefix arguments.") nil [58502 58985])
+            ("helm-imenu-help-message" variable (:default-value "* Helm Imenu
+** Commands
+\\[helm-imenu-next-section]		Go to next section.
+\\[helm-imenu-previous-section]		Go to previous section.") nil [59008 59199])
+            ("helm-colors-help-message" variable (:default-value "* Helm colors
+** Commands
+\\[helm-color-run-insert-name]		Insert the entry name.
+\\[helm-color-run-kill-name]		Kill the entry name.
+\\[helm-color-run-insert-rgb]		Insert entry in RGB format.
+\\[helm-color-run-kill-rgb]		Kill entry in RGB format.") nil [59223 59534])
+            ("helm-semantic-help-message" variable (:default-value "* Helm Semantic
+** Commands
+\\<helm-semantic-map>") nil [59560 59650])
+            ("helm-kmacro-help-message" variable (:default-value "* Helm kmacro
+** Tips
+- Start recording a kmacro with `f3'.
+- End the kmacro recording with `f4'.
+- Run `helm-execute-kmacro' to list all your kmacros.
+Use persistent action to run your kmacro as many time as needed.
+You can browse the kmacros with `helm-next-line' and `helm-previous-line'.
+Note: You can't record keys running Helm commands except `helm-M-x', under the
+condition that you don't choose a command using Helm completion.
+** Commands
+\\<helm-kmacro-map>") nil [59674 60184])
+            ("helm-kill-ring-help-message" variable (:default-value "* Helm kill ring
+** Tips
+Every Helm session lets you save a candidate to the kill-ring / clipboard /
+primary-selection with `\\<helm-map>\\[helm-kill-selection-and-quit]'.
+To save space, Helm-kill-ring truncates the candidates longer than
+`\\<helm-kill-ring-map>\\[helm-kill-ring-kill-selection]' then saves the whole
+text and not the truncated value.  The view of truncated candidates can be
+toggled; see the command list below.
+As opposed to `yank', numeric prefix arguments are ignored with
+`helm-show-kill-ring': there is no need for them since selection happens within
+Helm.  Moreover Helm has [[Shortcuts for executing Default Action on the nth
+candidate][Shortcuts for executing Default Action on the nth candidate]].
+It is recommended to globally bind `M-y' to `helm-show-kill-ring'.  Once in the
+Helm-kill-ring session you can navigate to next/previous line with `M-y' and
+`M-u' for convenience.  Of course `\\[helm-next-line]' and `\\[helm-previous-line]' are still available.
+It is possible to delete candidates from the kill ring.
+You can concatenate marked candidates and yank them in the current
+buffer, thus creating a new entry in the kill ring.  Candidates are
+concatenated with `helm-kill-ring-separator' as default but you can
+change interactively the separator while yanking by using two prefix
+args.  When you have something else than \"\\n\" as default value for
+`helm-kill-ring-separator' and you want to use \"\\n\" from prompt, use
+`C-q C-j' to enter a newline in prompt.
+To not push a new entry in the kill ring, use `\\<helm-map>\\[helm-copy-to-buffer]' instead of RET
+(note that you can't change separator with this).
+When inserting candidates with the default action (`RET'), `point' is placed at
+the end of the candidate and `mark' at the beginning.  You can revert this behavior
+by using a prefix argument, i.e. `C-u RET', like the regular `yank' command does.
+** Commands
+\\[helm-next-line]		Next line.
+\\[helm-previous-line]		Previous line.
+\\[helm-kill-ring-delete]		Delete entry.
+\\[helm-kill-ring-toggle-truncated]		Toggle truncated view of candidate.
+\\[helm-kill-ring-kill-selection]		Kill non-truncated of selection.") nil [60206 62475])
+            ("helm-org-headings-help-message" variable (:default-value "* Helm Org headings
+** Tips
+*** Refiling
+You can refile one or more headings at a time.
+To refile one heading, move the point to the entry you want to refile and run
+\\[helm-org-in-buffer-headings].  Then select the heading you want to refile to
+and press \\<helm-org-headings-map>\\[helm-org-run-refile-heading-to] or select the refile action from the actions menu.
+To refile multiple headings, run \\[helm-org-in-buffer-headings] and mark the
+headings you want to refile.  Then select the heading you want to refile to
+(without marking it) and press \\<helm-org-headings-map>\\[helm-org-run-refile-heading-to] or select the refile action from the
+actions menu.
+*** Tags completion
+Tags completion use `completing-read-multiple', perhaps have a
+look at its docstring.
+**** Single tag
+From an org heading hit C-c C-c which provide a
+\"Tags\" prompt, then hit TAB and RET if you want to enter an
+existing tag or write a new tag in prompt.  At this point you end
+up with an entry in your prompt, if you enter RET, the entry is
+added as tag in your org header.
+**** Multiple tags
+If you want to add more tag to your org header, add a separator[1] after
+your tag and write a new tag or hit TAB to find another existing
+tag, and so on until you have all the tags you want
+e.g \"foo,bar,baz\" then press RET to finally add the tags to your
+org header.
+Note: [1] A separator can be a comma, a colon i.e. [,:] or a space.
+** Commands
+\\[helm-org-run-open-heading-in-indirect-buffer]		Open heading in indirect buffer.
+\\[helm-org-run-refile-heading-to]		Refile current or marked headings to selection.
+\\[helm-org-run-insert-link-to-heading-at-marker]		Insert link at point to selection.") nil [62500 64270])
+            ("helm-comp-read-help-message" function nil nil [64295 65214])
+            ("helm-comp-read-mode-line" variable (:default-value "\\<helm-comp-read-map>C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\<helm-map>\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend") nil [65261 65516])
+            ("helm-read-file-name-mode-line-string" variable (:default-value "\\<helm-read-file-map>\\[helm-help]:Help C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\<helm-map>\\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend") nil [65533 65863])
+            ("helm-top-mode-line" variable (:default-value "\\<helm-top-map>\\[helm-help]:Help \\<helm-map>\\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend") nil [65880 66088])
+            ("helm-help" package nil nil [66091 66111]))          
+      :file "helm-help.el"
+      :pointmax 66252
+      :fsize 66254
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [919 936])
+            ("eieio" include nil nil [937 953])
+            ("helm-type-file" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source"
+                :type "class")
+                nil [967 1047])
+            ("helm-source-get-action-from-type" function
+               (:parent "helm-type-file"
+                :arguments ("object"))
+                nil [1049 1149])
+            ("helm-actions-from-type-file" function nil nil [1151 1318])
+            ("helm-generic-files-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "C-]") (quote helm-ff-run-toggle-basename)) (define-key map (kbd "C-s") (quote helm-ff-run-grep)) (define-key map (kbd "M-g s") (quote helm-ff-run-grep)) (define-key map (kbd "M-g z") (quote helm-ff-run-zgrep)) (define-key map (kbd "M-g p") (quote helm-ff-run-pdfgrep)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c g") (quote helm-ff-run-gid)) (define-key map (kbd "M-R") (quote helm-ff-run-rename-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-C") (quote helm-ff-run-copy-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-B") (quote helm-ff-run-byte-compile-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-L") (quote helm-ff-run-load-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-S") (quote helm-ff-run-symlink-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-H") (quote helm-ff-run-hardlink-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-D") (quote helm-ff-run-delete-file)) (define-key map (kbd "C-=") (quote helm-ff-run-ediff-file)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c =") (quote helm-ff-run-ediff-merge-file)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c o") (quote helm-ff-run-switch-other-window)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c r") (quote helm-ff-run-find-file-as-root)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o") (quote helm-ff-run-switch-other-frame)) (define-key map (kbd "M-i") (quote helm-ff-properties-persistent)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-x") (quote helm-ff-run-open-file-externally)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c X") (quote helm-ff-run-open-file-with-default-tool)) (define-key map (kbd "M-.") (quote helm-ff-run-etags)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c @") (quote helm-ff-run-insert-org-link)) (define-key map (kbd "C-x C-q") (quote helm-ff-run-marked-files-in-dired)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-a") (quote helm-ff-run-mail-attach-files)) map)) nil [1320 3060])
+            ("helm-type-file-actions" variable (:default-value (helm-make-actions "Find file" (quote helm-find-many-files) "Find file as root" (quote helm-find-file-as-root) "Find file other window" (quote helm-find-files-other-window) "Find file other frame" (quote find-file-other-frame) "Open dired in file's directory" (quote helm-open-dired) "Attach file(s) to mail buffer `C-c C-a'" (quote helm-ff-mail-attach-files) "Marked files in dired" (quote helm-marked-files-in-dired) "Grep File(s) `C-u recurse'" (quote helm-find-files-grep) "Zgrep File(s) `C-u Recurse'" (quote helm-ff-zgrep) "Pdfgrep File(s)" (quote helm-ff-pdfgrep) "Insert as org link" (quote helm-files-insert-as-org-link) "Checksum File" (quote helm-ff-checksum) "Ediff File" (quote helm-find-files-ediff-files) "Ediff Merge File" (quote helm-find-files-ediff-merge-files) "Etags `M-., C-u reload tag file'" (quote helm-ff-etags-select) "View file" (quote view-file) "Insert file" (quote insert-file) "Add marked files to file-cache" (quote helm-ff-cache-add-file) "Delete file(s)" (quote helm-ff-delete-files) "Copy file(s) `M-C, C-u to follow'" (quote helm-find-files-copy) "Rename file(s) `M-R, C-u to follow'" (quote helm-find-files-rename) "Symlink files(s) `M-S, C-u to follow'" (quote helm-find-files-symlink) "Relsymlink file(s) `C-u to follow'" (quote helm-find-files-relsymlink) "Hardlink file(s) `M-H, C-u to follow'" (quote helm-find-files-hardlink) "Open file externally (C-u to choose)" (quote helm-open-file-externally) "Open file with default tool" (quote helm-open-file-with-default-tool) "Find file in hex dump" (quote hexl-find-file))) nil [3062 5104])
+            ("helm--setup-source" function
+               (:parent "helm-type-file"
+                :arguments ("_source"))
+                nil [5106 5172])
+            ("helm--setup-source" function
+               (:parent "helm-type-file"
+                :arguments ("source"))
+                nil [5174 6006])
+            ("helm-type-bookmark" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source"
+                :type "class")
+                nil [6023 6107])
+            ("helm-type-bookmark-actions" variable (:default-value (helm-make-actions "Jump to bookmark" (quote helm-bookmark-jump) "Jump to BM other window" (quote helm-bookmark-jump-other-window) "Jump to BM other frame" (quote helm-bookmark-jump-other-frame) "Bookmark edit annotation" (quote bookmark-edit-annotation) "Bookmark show annotation" (quote bookmark-show-annotation) "Delete bookmark(s)" (quote helm-delete-marked-bookmarks) "Edit Bookmark" (quote helm-bookmark-edit-bookmark) "Rename bookmark" (quote helm-bookmark-rename) "Relocate bookmark" (quote bookmark-relocate))) nil [6109 6770])
+            ("helm-source-get-action-from-type" function
+               (:parent "helm-type-bookmark"
+                :arguments ("object"))
+                nil [6772 6876])
+            ("helm--setup-source" function
+               (:parent "helm-type-bookmark"
+                :arguments ("_source"))
+                nil [6878 6948])
+            ("helm--setup-source" function
+               (:parent "helm-type-bookmark"
+                :arguments ("source"))
+                nil [6950 7426])
+            ("helm-type-buffer" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source"
+                :type "class")
+                nil [7441 7520])
+            ("helm-type-buffer-actions" variable (:default-value (helm-make-actions "Switch to buffer(s)" (quote helm-buffer-switch-buffers) "Switch to buffer(s) other window `C-c o'" (quote helm-buffer-switch-buffers-other-window) "Switch to buffer other frame `C-c C-o'" (quote switch-to-buffer-other-frame) "Browse project from buffer" (quote helm-buffers-browse-project) "Query replace regexp `C-M-%'" (quote helm-buffer-query-replace-regexp) "Query replace `M-%'" (quote helm-buffer-query-replace) "View buffer" (quote view-buffer) "Display buffer" (quote display-buffer) "Rename buffer" (quote helm-buffers-rename-buffer) "Grep buffers `M-g s' (C-u grep all buffers)" (quote helm-zgrep-buffers) "Multi occur buffer(s) `C-s'" (quote helm-multi-occur-as-action) "Revert buffer(s) `M-U'" (quote helm-revert-marked-buffers) "Insert buffer" (quote insert-buffer) "Kill buffer(s) `M-D'" (quote helm-kill-marked-buffers) "Diff with file `C-='" (quote diff-buffer-with-file) "Ediff Marked buffers `C-c ='" (quote helm-ediff-marked-buffers) "Ediff Merge marked buffers `M-='" (lambda (candidate) (helm-ediff-marked-buffers candidate t)))) nil [7522 8708])
+            ("helm-source-get-action-from-type" function
+               (:parent "helm-type-buffer"
+                :arguments ("object"))
+                nil [8710 8812])
+            ("helm--setup-source" function
+               (:parent "helm-type-buffer"
+                :arguments ("_source"))
+                nil [8814 8882])
+            ("helm--setup-source" function
+               (:parent "helm-type-buffer"
+                :arguments ("source"))
+                nil [8884 9379])
+            ("helm-type-function" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source"
+                :type "class")
+                nil [9395 9483])
+            ("helm-type-function-actions" variable (:default-value (helm-make-actions "Describe command" (quote describe-function) "Add command to kill ring" (quote helm-kill-new) "Go to command's definition" (quote find-function) "Debug on entry" (quote debug-on-entry) "Cancel debug on entry" (quote cancel-debug-on-entry) "Trace function" (quote trace-function) "Trace function (background)" (quote trace-function-background) "Untrace function" (quote untrace-function))) nil [9485 10018])
+            ("helm-source-get-action-from-type" function
+               (:parent "helm-type-function"
+                :arguments ("object"))
+                nil [10020 10124])
+            ("helm-actions-from-type-function" function nil nil [10126 10301])
+            ("helm--setup-source" function
+               (:parent "helm-type-function"
+                :arguments ("_source"))
+                nil [10303 10373])
+            ("helm--setup-source" function
+               (:parent "helm-type-function"
+                :arguments ("source"))
+                nil [10375 10755])
+            ("helm-type-command" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source"
+                :type "class")
+                nil [10771 10857])
+            ("helm-actions-from-type-command" function nil nil [10859 11032])
+            ("helm-type-command-actions" variable (:default-value (append (helm-make-actions "Call interactively" (quote helm-call-interactively)) (helm-actions-from-type-function))) nil [11034 11319])
+            ("helm--setup-source" function
+               (:parent "helm-type-command"
+                :arguments ("_source"))
+                nil [11321 11390])
+            ("helm--setup-source" function
+               (:parent "helm-type-command"
+                :arguments ("source"))
+                nil [11392 11693])
+            ("helm-type-timers" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source"
+                :type "class")
+                nil [11705 11789])
+            ("helm-type-timers-actions" variable (:default-value (quote (("Cancel Timer" lambda (_timer) (let ((mkd (helm-marked-candidates))) (cl-loop for timer in mkd do (cancel-timer timer)))) ("Describe Function" lambda (tm) (describe-function (timer--function tm))) ("Find Function" lambda (tm) (helm-aif (timer--function tm) (if (byte-code-function-p it) (message "Can't find anonymous function `%s'" it) (find-function it))))))) nil [11791 12559])
+            ("helm--setup-source" function
+               (:parent "helm-type-timers"
+                :arguments ("_source"))
+                nil [12561 12629])
+            ("helm--setup-source" function
+               (:parent "helm-type-timers"
+                :arguments ("source"))
+                nil [12631 12995])
+            ("helm-build-type-file" function nil nil [13011 13077])
+            ("helm-build-type-function" function nil nil [13079 13153])
+            ("helm-build-type-command" function nil nil [13155 13227])
+            ("helm-types" package nil nil [13229 13250]))          
+      :file "helm-types.el"
+      :pointmax 13392
+      :fsize 13391
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [813 830])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [831 846])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [847 867])
+            ("dired" include nil nil [887 903])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [906 986])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [987 1027])
+            ("winner-boring-buffers" variable nil nil [1028 1058])
+            ("helm-show-completion-overlay" variable nil nil [1059 1096])
+            ("helm-utils" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1100 1173])
+            ("helm-su-or-sudo" variable (:default-value "sudo") nil [1175 1287])
+            ("helm-default-kbsize" variable (:default-value 1024.0) nil [1289 1480])
+            ("define-obsolete-variable-alias" code nil nil [1482 1620])
+            ("helm-highlight-matches-around-point-max-lines" variable (:default-value 15) nil [1622 1790])
+            ("helm-buffers-to-resize-on-pa" variable nil nil [1792 1981])
+            ("helm-resize-on-pa-text-height" variable (:default-value 12) nil [1983 2133])
+            ("helm-sources-using-help-echo-popup" variable (:default-value (quote ("Moccur" "Imenu in all buffers" "Ack-Grep" "AG" "RG" "Gid" "Git-Grep"))) nil [2135 2423])
+            ("helm-html-decode-entities-function" variable (:default-value (function helm-html-decode-entities-string)) nil [2425 2878])
+            ("helm-goto-line-before-hook" variable (:default-value (quote (helm-save-current-pos-to-mark-ring))) nil [2882 3469])
+            ("helm-save-pos-before-jump-register" variable (:default-value 95) nil [3471 3595])
+            ("helm-html-entities-alist" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value (quote (("&quot;" . 34) ("&gt;" . 62) ("&lt;" . 60) ("&amp;" . 38) ("&euro;" . 8364) ("&Yuml;" . 89) ("&iexcl;" . 161) ("&cent;" . 162) ("&pound;" . 163) ("&curren;" . 164) ("&yen" . 165) ("&brvbar;" . 166) ("&sect;" . 167) ("&uml;" . 32) ("&copy;" . 169) ("&ordf;" . 97) ("&laquo;" . 171) ("&not;" . 172) ("&masr;" . 174) ("&deg;" . 176) ("&plusmn;" . 177) ("&sup2;" . 50) ("&sup3;" . 51) ("&acute;" . 39) ("&micro;" . 956) ("&para;" . 182) ("&middot;" . 183) ("&cedil;" . 32) ("&sup1;" . 49) ("&ordm;" . 111) ("&raquo;" . 187) ("&frac14;" . 49) ("&frac12;" . 49) ("&frac34;" . 51) ("&iquest;" . 191) ("&Agrave;" . 192) ("&Aacute;" . 193) ("&Acirc;" . 194) ("&Atilde;" . 195) ("&Auml;" . 196) ("&Aring;" . 197) ("&Aelig" . 198) ("&Ccedil;" . 199) ("&Egrave;" . 200) ("&Eacute;" . 201) ("&Ecirc;" . 202) ("&Euml;" . 203) ("&Igrave;" . 204) ("&Iacute;" . 205) ("&Icirc;" . 206) ("&Iuml;" . 207) ("&eth;" . 208) ("&Ntilde;" . 209) ("&Ograve;" . 210) ("&Oacute;" . 211) ("&Ocirc;" . 212) ("&Otilde;" . 213) ("&Ouml;" . 214) ("&times;" . 215) ("&Oslash;" . 216) ("&Ugrave;" . 217) ("&Uacute;" . 218) ("&Ucirc;" . 219) ("&Uuml;" . 220) ("&Yacute;" . 221) ("&thorn;" . 222) ("&szlig;" . 223) ("&agrave;" . 224) ("&aacute;" . 225) ("&acirc;" . 226) ("&atilde;" . 227) ("&auml;" . 228) ("&aring;" . 229) ("&aelig;" . 230) ("&ccedil;" . 231) ("&egrave;" . 232) ("&eacute;" . 233) ("&ecirc;" . 234) ("&euml;" . 235) ("&igrave;" . 236) ("&iacute;" . 237) ("&icirc;" . 238) ("&iuml;" . 239) ("&eth;" . 240) ("&ntilde;" . 241) ("&ograve;" . 242) ("&oacute;" . 243) ("&ocirc;" . 244) ("&otilde;" . 245) ("&ouml;" . 246) ("&divide;" . 247) ("&oslash;" . 248) ("&ugrave;" . 249) ("&uacute;" . 250) ("&ucirc;" . 251) ("&uuml;" . 252) ("&yacute;" . 253) ("&thorn;" . 254) ("&yuml;" . 255) ("&reg;" . 174) ("&shy;" . 173))))
+                nil [3597 6615])
+            ("helm-find-many-files-after-hook" variable nil nil [6617 6713])
+            ("helm-selection-line" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:inherit highlight :distant-foreground "black"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [6730 6910])
+            ("helm-match-item" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:inherit isearch))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [6912 7048])
+            ("helm-window-prefer-horizontal-split" variable nil nil [7078 7784])
+            ("helm-window-show-buffers-function" variable (:default-value (function helm-window-default-split-fn)) nil [7786 8332])
+            ("helm-window-show-buffers" function (:arguments ("buffers" "other-window")) nil [8334 9051])
+            ("helm-window-default-split-fn" function (:arguments ("candidates" "other-window-fn")) nil [9053 9825])
+            ("helm-window-alternate-split-fn" function (:arguments ("candidates" "other-window-fn")) nil [9827 10772])
+            ("helm-window-mosaic-fn" function (:arguments ("candidates" "other-window-fn")) nil [10774 14599])
+            ("helm-window-other-window" function (:arguments ("buffer-or-name" "balance")) nil [14601 15506])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [15508 15862])
+            ("helm-goto-char" function (:arguments ("loc")) nil [15864 16403])
+            ("helm-goto-line" function (:arguments ("lineno" "noanim")) nil [16405 16869])
+            ("helm-save-pos-to-register-before-jump" function nil nil [16871 17174])
+            ("helm-save-current-pos-to-mark-ring" function nil nil [17176 17462])
+            ("helm-show-all-in-this-source-only" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [17464 17951])
+            ("put" code nil nil [17952 18005])
+            ("helm-display-all-sources" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [18007 18184])
+            ("put" code nil nil [18185 18229])
+            ("helm-displaying-source-names" function nil nil [18231 18633])
+            ("helm-handle-winner-boring-buffers" function nil nil [18635 18951])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [18952 19017])
+            ("helm-quit-and-find-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [19019 22417])
+            ("put" code nil nil [22418 22461])
+            ("helm-generic-sort-fn" function (:arguments ("s1" "s2")) nil [22463 24174])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [24176 24866])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [24868 29642])
+            ("helm-split-mode-file-attributes" function (:arguments ("str" "string")) nil [29644 30350])
+            ("helm-format-columns-of-files" function (:arguments ("files")) nil [30352 30588])
+            ("with-helm-display-marked-candidates" function (:arguments ("buffer-or-name" "candidates" "body")) nil [30590 31565])
+            ("helm-match-line-overlay" variable nil nil [31615 31651])
+            ("helm--match-item-overlays" variable nil nil [31652 31690])
+            ("helm-highlight-current-line" function (:arguments ("start" "end" "buf" "face")) nil [31692 34550])
+            ("helm--translate-pcre-to-elisp" function (:arguments ("regexp")) nil [34552 35352])
+            ("helm-match-line-cleanup" function nil nil [35354 35593])
+            ("helm-match-line-cleanup-maybe" function nil nil [35595 35696])
+            ("helm-match-line-update" function nil nil [35698 35843])
+            ("helm-persistent-autoresize-hook" function nil nil [35845 36119])
+            ("helm-match-line-cleanup-pulse" function nil nil [36121 36214])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [36216 36281])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [36282 36360])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [36361 36415])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [36416 36481])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [36482 36551])
+            ("helm--show-help-echo-timer" variable nil nil [36616 36655])
+            ("helm-cancel-help-echo-timer" function nil nil [36657 36819])
+            ("helm-maybe-show-help-echo" function nil nil [36821 37741])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [37758 38222])
+            ("helm-open-file-with-default-tool" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [38224 38824])
+            ("helm-open-dired" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [38826 39064])
+            ("helm-require-or-error" function (:arguments ("feature" "function")) nil [39066 39199])
+            ("helm-find-file-as-root" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [39201 39854])
+            ("helm-find-many-files" function (:arguments ("_ignore")) nil [39856 40149])
+            ("helm-read-repeat-string" function (:arguments ("prompt" "count")) nil [40151 40575])
+            ("helm-html-bookmarks-to-alist" function (:arguments ("file" "url-regexp" "bmk-regexp")) nil [40577 41339])
+            ("helm-html-entity-to-string" function (:arguments ("entity")) nil [41341 41677])
+            ("helm-html-decode-entities-string" function (:arguments ("str")) nil [41679 42032])
+            ("helm-utils" package nil nil [42034 42055]))          
+      :file "helm-utils.el"
+      :pointmax 42197
+      :fsize 42282
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 903 . 904) (symbol 869 . 886) (open-paren 868 . 869)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [810 827])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [828 843])
+            ("helm-lib" include nil nil [844 863])
+            ("helm-utils" include nil nil [864 885])
+            ("info" include nil nil [886 901])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [903 962])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [963 1020])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1021 1108])
+            ("Info-history" variable nil nil [1109 1130])
+            ("Info-directory-list" variable nil nil [1131 1159])
+            ("helm-info" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1177 1270])
+            ("helm-info-default-sources" variable (:default-value (quote (helm-source-info-elisp helm-source-info-cl helm-source-info-eieio helm-source-info-pages))) nil [1272 1569])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [1633 3154])
+            ("helm-info-goto" function (:arguments ("node-line")) nil [3156 3260])
+            ("helm-info-display-to-real" function (:arguments ("line")) nil [3262 3624])
+            ("helm-info-source" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source-in-buffer"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("info-file" variable (:default-value "nil") nil nil)
+                    ("init" variable (:default-value "(function helm-info-init)") nil nil)
+                    ("display-to-real" variable (:default-value "(function helm-info-display-to-real)") nil nil)
+                    ("get-line" variable (:default-value "(function buffer-substring)") nil nil)
+                    ("action" variable (:default-value "(quote ((\"Goto node\" . helm-info-goto)))") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [3626 3966])
+            ("helm-build-info-source" function (:arguments ("fname" "args")) nil [3968 4121])
+            ("helm-build-info-index-command" function (:arguments ("name" "doc" "source" "buffer")) nil [4123 4548])
+            ("helm-define-info-index-sources" function (:arguments ("var-value" "commands")) nil [4550 5213])
+            ("helm-info-index-set" function (:arguments ("var" "value")) nil [5215 5315])
+            ("helm-info-searched" variable (:default-value (make-ring 32)) nil [5472 5558])
+            ("helm-get-info-files" function nil nil [5560 6207])
+            ("helm-default-info-index-list" variable (:default-value (helm-get-info-files)) nil [6209 6404])
+            ("helm-info-search-index" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [6406 6746])
+            ("helm-def-source--info-files" function nil nil [6748 7140])
+            ("helm-info" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("refresh"))
+                nil [7157 8119])
+            ("helm-info--pages-cache" variable nil nil [8320 8399])
+            ("helm-source-info-pages" variable (:default-value (helm-build-sync-source "Info Pages" :init (function helm-info-pages-init) :candidates (lambda nil helm-info--pages-cache) :action (quote (("Show with Info" lambda (node-str) (info (replace-regexp-in-string "^[^:]+: " "" node-str))))) :requires-pattern 2)) nil [8401 8781])
+            ("helm-info-pages-init" function nil nil [8783 9295])
+            ("helm-info-at-point" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [9312 9775])
+            ("helm-info" package nil nil [9778 9798]))          
+      :file "helm-info.el"
+      :pointmax 9939
+      :fsize 9938
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [893 910])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [911 926])
+            ("helm-adapt" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [930 1017])
+            ("helm-adaptive-history-file" variable (:default-value "~/.emacs.d/helm-adaptive-history") nil [1019 1342])
+            ("helm-adaptive-history-length" variable (:default-value 50) nil [1344 1478])
+            ("helm-adaptive-sort-by-frequent-recent-usage" variable (:default-value t) nil [1480 2015])
+            ("helm-adaptive-done" variable nil nil [2030 2137])
+            ("helm-adaptive-history" variable nil nil [2139 2301])
+            ("helm-adaptive-freq-coefficient" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value 5)
+                nil [2303 2346])
+            ("helm-adaptive-recent-coefficient" variable
+               (:constant-flag t
+                :default-value 2)
+                nil [2347 2392])
+            ("helm-adaptive-done-reset" function nil nil [2394 2461])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [2478 3567])
+            ("helm-adapt-use-adaptive-p" function (:arguments ("source-name")) nil [3569 4108])
+            ("helm-adaptive-store-selection" function nil nil [4110 7514])
+            ("helm-adaptive-maybe-load-history" function nil nil [7516 7838])
+            ("helm-adaptive-save-history" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [7840 8437])
+            ("helm-adaptive-sort" function (:arguments ("candidates" "source")) nil [8439 12109])
+            ("helm-reset-adaptive-history" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [12126 12456])
+            ("helm-adaptive-compare" function (:arguments ("x" "y")) nil [12458 12689])
+            ("helm-adaptive" package nil nil [12692 12716]))          
+      :file "helm-adaptive.el"
+      :pointmax 12861
+      :fsize 12860
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [813 830])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [831 846])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [847 867])
+            ("url" include nil nil [868 882])
+            ("xml" include nil nil [883 897])
+            ("browse-url" include nil nil [898 919])
+            ("helm-net" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [923 1014])
+            ("helm-google-suggest-default-browser-function" variable nil nil [1016 1274])
+            ("helm-home-url" variable (:default-value "") nil [1276 1397])
+            ("helm-surfraw-default-browser-function" variable nil nil [1399 1600])
+            ("helm-google-suggest-url" variable (:default-value "") nil [1602 1837])
+            ("helm-google-suggest-search-url" variable (:default-value "") nil [1839 2062])
+            ("defvaralias" code nil nil [2064 2131])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [2132 2218])
+            ("helm-net-prefer-curl" variable nil nil [2220 2399])
+            ("helm-surfraw-duckduckgo-url" variable (:default-value "") nil [2401 2705])
+            ("helm-wikipedia-suggest-url" variable (:default-value "") nil [2707 2946])
+            ("helm-search-suggest-action-wikipedia-url" variable (:default-value "") nil [2948 3172])
+            ("helm-wikipedia-summary-url" variable (:default-value "") nil [3174 3441])
+            ("helm-search-suggest-action-youtube-url" variable (:default-value "") nil [3443 3661])
+            ("helm-search-suggest-action-imdb-url" variable (:default-value "") nil [3663 3858])
+            ("helm-search-suggest-action-google-maps-url" variable (:default-value "") nil [3860 4082])
+            ("helm-search-suggest-action-google-news-url" variable (:default-value "") nil [4084 4335])
+            ("helm-google-suggest-actions" variable (:default-value (quote (("Google Search" . helm-google-suggest-action) ("Wikipedia" lambda (candidate) (helm-search-suggest-perform-additional-action helm-search-suggest-action-wikipedia-url candidate)) ("Youtube" lambda (candidate) (helm-search-suggest-perform-additional-action helm-search-suggest-action-youtube-url candidate)) ("IMDb" lambda (candidate) (helm-search-suggest-perform-additional-action helm-search-suggest-action-imdb-url candidate)) ("Google Maps" lambda (candidate) (helm-search-suggest-perform-additional-action helm-search-suggest-action-google-maps-url candidate)) ("Google News" lambda (candidate) (helm-search-suggest-perform-additional-action helm-search-suggest-action-google-news-url candidate))))) nil [4337 5560])
+            ("helm-browse-url-firefox-new-window" variable (:default-value "-new-tab") nil [5562 5858])
+            ("helm-search-suggest-perform-additional-action" function (:arguments ("url" "query")) nil [5927 6099])
+            ("helm-net--url-retrieve-sync" function (:arguments ("request" "parser")) nil [6101 6369])
+            ("helm-google-suggest-parser" function nil nil [6402 6714])
+            ("helm-google-suggest-fetch" function (:arguments ("input")) nil [6716 6986])
+            ("helm-google-suggest-set-candidates" function (:arguments ("request-prefix")) nil [6988 7702])
+            ("helm-ggs-set-number-result" function (:arguments ("num")) nil [7704 8204])
+            ("helm-google-suggest-action" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [8206 8532])
+            ("helm-google-suggest-default-function" variable (:default-value (quote helm-google-suggest-set-candidates)) nil [8534 8669])
+            ("helm-source-google-suggest" variable (:default-value (helm-build-sync-source "Google Suggest" :candidates (lambda nil (funcall helm-google-suggest-default-function)) :action (quote helm-google-suggest-actions) :volatile t :keymap helm-map :requires-pattern 3)) nil [8671 8945])
+            ("helm-google-suggest-emacs-lisp" function nil nil [8947 9096])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [9130 9186])
+            ("helm-wikipedia-suggest-fetch" function nil nil [9187 9495])
+            ("helm-wikipedia--parse-buffer" function nil nil [9497 10046])
+            ("helm-wikipedia--summary-cache" variable (:default-value (make-hash-table :test (quote equal))) nil [10048 10117])
+            ("helm-wikipedia-show-summary" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("input"))
+                nil [10118 10520])
+            ("helm-wikipedia-persistent-action" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [10522 11111])
+            ("helm-wikipedia--get-summary" function (:arguments ("input")) nil [11113 11864])
+            ("helm-wikipedia--fetch-summary" function (:arguments ("input")) nil [11866 12099])
+            ("helm-wikipedia--parse-summary" function nil nil [12101 13517])
+            ("helm-wikipedia-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (copy-keymap helm-map))) (define-key map (kbd "<C-return>") (quote helm-wikipedia-show-summary-action)) map)) nil [13520 13711])
+            ("helm-source-wikipedia-suggest" variable (:default-value (helm-build-sync-source "Wikipedia Suggest" :candidates (function helm-wikipedia-suggest-fetch) :action (quote (("Wikipedia" lambda (candidate) (helm-search-suggest-perform-additional-action helm-search-suggest-action-wikipedia-url candidate)) ("Show summary in new buffer (C-RET)" . helm-wikipedia-show-summary))) :persistent-action (function helm-wikipedia-persistent-action) :persistent-help "show summary" :volatile t :keymap helm-wikipedia-map :requires-pattern 3)) nil [13713 14339])
+            ("helm-wikipedia-show-summary-action" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [14341 14573])
+            ("helm-browse-url-chromium-program" variable (:default-value "chromium-browser") nil [14766 14826])
+            ("helm-browse-url-uzbl-program" variable (:default-value "uzbl-browser") nil [14827 14879])
+            ("helm-browse-url-conkeror-program" variable (:default-value "conkeror") nil [14880 14932])
+            ("helm-browse-url-opera-program" variable (:default-value "opera") nil [14933 14979])
+            ("helm-browse-url-default-browser-alist" variable
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :default-value (\` (((\, (or (and (boundp (quote w3m-command)) w3m-command) "/usr/bin/w3m")) . w3m-browse-url) ((\, browse-url-firefox-program) . browse-url-firefox) ((\, helm-browse-url-chromium-program) . helm-browse-url-chromium) ((\, helm-browse-url-conkeror-program) . helm-browse-url-conkeror) ((\, helm-browse-url-opera-program) . helm-browse-url-opera) ((\, helm-browse-url-uzbl-program) . helm-browse-url-uzbl) ((\, browse-url-kde-program) . browse-url-kde) ((\, browse-url-gnome-moz-program) . browse-url-gnome-moz) ((\, browse-url-mozilla-program) . browse-url-mozilla) ((\, browse-url-galeon-program) . browse-url-galeon) ((\, browse-url-netscape-program) . browse-url-netscape) ((\, browse-url-mosaic-program) . browse-url-mosaic) ((\, browse-url-xterm-program) . browse-url-text-xterm) ("emacs" . eww-browse-url))))
+                nil [14980 15920])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [15922 16354])
+            ("helm-browse-url-firefox" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("url" "_ignore"))
+                nil [16371 17043])
+            ("helm-browse-url-opera" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("url" "_ignore"))
+                nil [17060 17666])
+            ("helm-browse-url-chromium" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("url" "_ignore"))
+                nil [17683 17872])
+            ("helm-browse-url-uzbl" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("url" "_ignore"))
+                nil [17889 18063])
+            ("helm-browse-url-conkeror" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("url" "_ignore"))
+                nil [18080 18261])
+            ("helm-browse-url-default-browser" function (:arguments ("url" "args")) nil [18263 18669])
+            ("helm-browse-url" function (:arguments ("url" "args")) nil [18671 18856])
+            ("helm-surfraw-engines-history" variable nil nil [18961 19002])
+            ("helm-surfraw-input-history" variable nil nil [19003 19042])
+            ("helm-surfraw--elvi-cache" variable nil nil [19043 19080])
+            ("helm-build-elvi-list" function nil nil [19082 19405])
+            ("helm-surfraw" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("pattern" "engine"))
+                nil [19422 21062])
+            ("helm-google-suggest" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [21079 21255])
+            ("helm-wikipedia-suggest" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [21272 21475])
+            ("helm-net" package nil nil [21478 21497]))          
+      :file "helm-net.el"
+      :pointmax 21637
+      :fsize 21636
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [817 834])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [835 850])
+            ("helm-lib" include nil nil [851 870])
+            ("helm-files" include nil nil [871 892])
+            ("crm-separator" variable nil nil [894 916])
+            ("helm-mode" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [920 987])
+            ("helm-completing-read-handlers-alist" variable (:default-value (quote ((describe-function . helm-completing-read-symbols) (describe-variable . helm-completing-read-symbols) (describe-symbol . helm-completing-read-symbols) (debug-on-entry . helm-completing-read-symbols) (find-function . helm-completing-read-symbols) (disassemble . helm-completing-read-symbols) (trace-function . helm-completing-read-symbols) (trace-function-foreground . helm-completing-read-symbols) (trace-function-background . helm-completing-read-symbols) (find-tag . helm-completing-read-default-find-tag) (org-capture . helm-org-completing-read-tags) (org-set-tags . helm-org-completing-read-tags) (ffap-alternate-file) (tmm-menubar) (find-file) (find-file-at-point . helm-completing-read-sync-default-handler) (ffap . helm-completing-read-sync-default-handler) (execute-extended-command) (dired-do-rename . helm-read-file-name-handler-1) (dired-do-copy . helm-read-file-name-handler-1) (dired-do-symlink . helm-read-file-name-handler-1) (dired-do-relsymlink . helm-read-file-name-handler-1) (dired-do-hardlink . helm-read-file-name-handler-1) (basic-save-buffer . helm-read-file-name-handler-1) (write-file . helm-read-file-name-handler-1) (write-region . helm-read-file-name-handler-1)))) nil [989 5389])
+            ("helm-comp-read-case-fold-search" variable (:default-value helm-case-fold-search) nil [5391 5610])
+            ("helm-mode-handle-completion-in-region" variable (:default-value t) nil [5612 5855])
+            ("helm-mode-reverse-history" variable (:default-value t) nil [5857 6014])
+            ("helm-mode-no-completion-in-region-in-modes" variable nil nil [6016 6181])
+            ("helm-completion-in-region-fuzzy-match" variable nil nil [6183 6411])
+            ("helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn" variable (:default-value (quote helm-completion-in-region-sort-fn)) nil [6413 6865])
+            ("helm-mode-fuzzy-match" variable nil nil [6867 7255])
+            ("helm-mode-minibuffer-setup-hook-black-list" variable (:default-value (quote (minibuffer-completion-help))) nil [7257 7596])
+            ("helm-completing-read-dynamic-complete" variable nil nil [7598 8243])
+            ("helm-comp-read-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "<C-return>") (quote helm-cr-empty-string)) (define-key map (kbd "M-RET") (quote helm-cr-empty-string)) map)) nil [8247 8513])
+            ("helm-cr-empty-string" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [8541 8720])
+            ("put" code nil nil [8721 8761])
+            ("helm-mode--keyboard-quit" function nil nil [8763 8943])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [8945 13915])
+            ("helm-cr--pattern-in-candidates-p" function (:arguments ("candidates")) nil [13917 14192])
+            ("helm-cr-default-transformer" function (:arguments ("candidates" "source")) nil [14194 15932])
+            ("helm-comp-read--move-to-first-real-candidate" function nil nil [15934 16125])
+            ("helm-cr-default" function (:arguments ("default" "cands")) nil [16127 16687])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [16704 28812])
+            ("helm-completion-mode-string" variable (:default-value " Helm") nil [29212 29256])
+            ("helm-completion-mode-quit-message" variable (:default-value "Helm completion disabled") nil [29258 29329])
+            ("helm-completion-mode-start-message" variable (:default-value "Helm completion enabled") nil [29331 29402])
+            ("helm-completing-read-symbols" function (:arguments ("prompt" "_collection" "test" "_require-match" "init" "hist" "default" "_inherit-input-method" "name" "buffer")) nil [29435 30602])
+            ("helm-completing-read-default-1" function (:arguments ("prompt" "collection" "test" "require-match" "init" "hist" "default" "_inherit-input-method" "name" "buffer" "cands-in-buffer" "exec-when-only-one")) nil [30639 32543])
+            ("helm-completing-read-default-find-tag" function (:arguments ("prompt" "collection" "test" "require-match" "init" "hist" "default" "inherit-input-method" "name" "buffer")) nil [32545 33304])
+            ("helm-completing-read-sync-default-handler" function (:arguments ("prompt" "collection" "test" "require-match" "init" "hist" "default" "inherit-input-method" "name" "buffer")) nil [33306 33704])
+            ("helm-completing-read-default-handler" function (:arguments ("prompt" "collection" "test" "require-match" "init" "hist" "default" "inherit-input-method" "name" "buffer")) nil [33706 34183])
+            ("helm--generic-read-buffer" function (:arguments ("prompt" "default" "require-match" "predicate")) nil [34185 34498])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [34500 39911])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [39962 47480])
+            ("helm-mode--default-filename" function (:arguments ("fname" "dir" "initial")) nil [47482 48023])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [48025 52842])
+            ("helm-read-file-name-handler-1" function (:arguments ("prompt" "dir" "default-filename" "mustmatch" "initial" "predicate" "name" "buffer")) nil [52897 53946])
+            ("helm-mode--advice-lisp--local-variables" function (:arguments ("old--fn" "args")) nil [53978 54089])
+            ("helm-completion-in-region-sort-fn" function (:arguments ("candidates" "_source")) nil [54091 54247])
+            ("helm--completion-in-region" function (:arguments ("start" "end" "collection" "predicate")) nil [54249 61483])
+            ("helm-mode--in-file-completion-p" function nil nil [61485 61625])
+            ("when" code nil nil [61627 61756])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [61773 65142])
+            ("helm-mode" package nil nil [65144 65164]))          
+      :file "helm-mode.el"
+      :pointmax 65305
+      :fsize 65304
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [815 832])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [833 848])
+            ("helm-types" include nil nil [849 870])
+            ("helm-utils" include nil nil [871 892])
+            ("helm-grep" include nil nil [893 913])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [914 934])
+            ("helm-locate" include nil nil [935 957])
+            ("helm-tags" include nil nil [958 978])
+            ("helm-buffers" include nil nil [979 1002])
+            ("image-dired" include nil nil [1128 1150])
+            ("tramp" include nil nil [1109 1125])
+            ("dired-x" include nil nil [1088 1106])
+            ("dired-aux" include nil nil [1065 1085])
+            ("ffap" include nil nil [1047 1062])
+            ("thingatpt" include nil nil [1024 1044])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1153 1214])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1215 1318])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1319 1393])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1394 1486])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1487 1563])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1564 1618])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1619 1708])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1709 1756])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1757 1797])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1798 1843])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1844 1885])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1886 1938])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1939 1992])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1993 2044])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [2045 2110])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [2111 2157])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [2158 2200])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [2201 2269])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [2270 2330])
+            ("recentf-list" variable nil nil [2332 2353])
+            ("helm-mm-matching-method" variable nil nil [2354 2386])
+            ("dired-async-mode" variable nil nil [2387 2412])
+            ("org-directory" variable nil nil [2413 2435])
+            ("helm-files" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2438 2525])
+            ("helm-tramp-verbose" variable nil nil [2527 2758])
+            ("helm-ff-auto-update-initial-value" variable nil nil [2760 3162])
+            ("helm-ff-lynx-style-map" variable (:default-value t) nil [3164 3403])
+            ("helm-ff-history-max-length" variable (:default-value 100) nil [3405 3544])
+            ("helm-ff-fuzzy-matching" variable (:default-value t) nil [3546 3746])
+            ("helm-ff-exif-data-program" variable (:default-value "exiftran") nil [3748 3889])
+            ("helm-ff-exif-data-program-args" variable (:default-value "-d") nil [3891 4027])
+            ("helm-ff-newfile-prompt-p" variable (:default-value t) nil [4029 4188])
+            ("helm-ff-avfs-directory" variable (:default-value "~/.avfs") nil [4190 4489])
+            ("helm-ff-file-compressed-list" variable (:default-value (quote ("gz" "bz2" "zip" "7z"))) nil [4491 4660])
+            ("helm-ff-printer-list" variable nil nil [4662 5063])
+            ("helm-ff-transformer-show-only-basename" variable (:default-value t) nil [5065 5331])
+            ("helm-ff-signal-error-on-dot-files" variable (:default-value t) nil [5333 5593])
+            ("helm-ff-search-library-in-sexp" variable nil nil [5595 5745])
+            ("helm-tooltip-hide-delay" variable (:default-value 25) nil [5747 5880])
+            ("helm-ff-file-name-history-use-recentf" variable nil nil [5882 6049])
+            ("helm-ff-skip-boring-files" variable nil nil [6051 6387])
+            ("helm-ff-candidate-number-limit" variable (:default-value 5000) nil [6389 6868])
+            ("helm-ff-up-one-level-preselect" variable (:default-value t) nil [6870 7348])
+            ("helm-files-save-history-extra-sources" variable (:default-value (quote ("Find" "Locate" "Recentf" "Files from Current Directory" "File Cache"))) nil [7350 7595])
+            ("helm-find-files-before-init-hook" variable nil nil [7597 7742])
+            ("helm-find-files-after-init-hook" variable nil nil [7744 7887])
+            ("helm-find-files-bookmark-prefix" variable (:default-value "Helm-find-files: ") nil [7889 8045])
+            ("helm-ff-guess-ffap-filenames" variable nil nil [8047 8281])
+            ("helm-ff-guess-ffap-urls" variable (:default-value t) nil [8283 8584])
+            ("helm-ff-no-preselect" variable nil nil [8586 8733])
+            ("helm-find-files-ignore-thing-at-point" variable nil nil [8735 9045])
+            ("helm-substitute-in-filename-stay-on-remote" variable nil nil [9047 9222])
+            ("helm-ff-goto-first-real-dired-exceptions" variable (:default-value (quote (dired-goto-file))) nil [9224 9418])
+            ("helm-mounted-network-directories" variable nil nil [9420 9754])
+            ("helm-browse-project-default-find-files-fn" variable (:default-value (function helm-browse-project-walk-directory)) nil [9756 10006])
+            ("helm-ff-kill-or-find-buffer-fname-fn" variable (:default-value (function helm-ff-kill-or-find-buffer-fname)) nil [10008 10889])
+            ("helm-modes-using-escaped-strings" variable (:default-value (quote (eshell-mode shell-mode term-mode))) nil [10891 11077])
+            ("helm-ff-allow-recursive-deletes" variable nil nil [11079 11563])
+            ("helm-ff-delete-files-function" variable (:default-value (function helm-delete-marked-files)) nil [11565 12318])
+            ("helm-trash-remote-files" variable nil nil [12320 12866])
+            ("helm-list-directory-function" variable (:default-value (cl-case system-type (gnu/linux (function helm-list-dir-external)) (berkeley-unix (function helm-list-dir-external)) (windows-nt (function helm-list-dir-lisp)) (t (function helm-list-dir-lisp)))) nil [12868 13610])
+            ("helm-files-faces" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [13629 13764])
+            ("helm-ff-prefix" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:background "yellow" :foreground "black"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [13766 13939])
+            ("helm-ff-executable" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "green"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [13941 14086])
+            ("helm-ff-suid" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:background "red" :foreground "white"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [14088 14239])
+            ("helm-ff-directory" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "DarkRed" :background "LightGray"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [14241 14406])
+            ("helm-ff-dotted-directory" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "black" :background "DimGray"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [14408 14583])
+            ("helm-ff-dotted-symlink-directory" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "DarkOrange" :background "DimGray"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [14585 14783])
+            ("helm-ff-symlink" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [14785 14929])
+            ("helm-ff-invalid-symlink" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "black" :background "red"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [14931 15099])
+            ("helm-ff-denied" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "red" :background "black"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [15101 15264])
+            ("helm-ff-file" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [15266 15411])
+            ("helm-ff-truename" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:inherit font-lock-string-face))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [15413 15568])
+            ("helm-ff-dirs" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [15570 15750])
+            ("helm-ff-socket" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "DeepPink"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [15752 15892])
+            ("helm-ff-pipe" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "yellow" :background "black"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [15894 16076])
+            ("helm-history-deleted" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:inherit helm-ff-invalid-symlink))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [16078 16237])
+            ("helm-history-remote" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "Indianred1"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [16239 16388])
+            ("helm-delete-async-message" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "yellow"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [16390 16523])
+            ("helm-find-files-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "RET") (quote helm-ff-RET)) (define-key map (kbd "C-]") (quote helm-ff-run-toggle-basename)) (define-key map (kbd "C-x C-f") (quote helm-ff-run-locate)) (define-key map (kbd "C-x C-d") (quote helm-ff-run-browse-project)) (define-key map (kbd "C-x r m") (quote helm-ff-bookmark-set)) (define-key map (kbd "C-x r b") (quote helm-find-files-toggle-to-bookmark)) (define-key map (kbd "C-x C-q") (quote helm-ff-run-marked-files-in-dired)) (define-key map (kbd "C-s") (quote helm-ff-run-grep)) (define-key map (kbd "M-g s") (quote helm-ff-run-grep)) (define-key map (kbd "M-g p") (quote helm-ff-run-pdfgrep)) (define-key map (kbd "M-g z") (quote helm-ff-run-zgrep)) (define-key map (kbd "M-g a") (quote helm-ff-run-grep-ag)) (define-key map (kbd "M-g g") (quote helm-ff-run-git-grep)) (define-key map (kbd "M-g i") (quote helm-ff-run-gid)) (define-key map (kbd "M-.") (quote helm-ff-run-etags)) (define-key map (kbd "M-R") (quote helm-ff-run-rename-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-C") (quote helm-ff-run-copy-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-B") (quote helm-ff-run-byte-compile-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-L") (quote helm-ff-run-load-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-S") (quote helm-ff-run-symlink-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-Y") (quote helm-ff-run-relsymlink-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-H") (quote helm-ff-run-hardlink-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-D") (quote helm-ff-run-delete-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-K") (quote helm-ff-run-kill-buffer-persistent)) (define-key map (kbd "M-T") (quote helm-ff-run-touch-files)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c d") (quote helm-ff-persistent-delete)) (define-key map (kbd "M-e") (quote helm-ff-run-switch-to-eshell)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c i") (quote helm-ff-run-complete-fn-at-point)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c o") (quote helm-ff-run-switch-other-window)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o") (quote helm-ff-run-switch-other-frame)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-x") (quote helm-ff-run-open-file-externally)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-v") (quote helm-ff-run-preview-file-externally)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c X") (quote helm-ff-run-open-file-with-default-tool)) (define-key map (kbd "M-!") (quote helm-ff-run-eshell-command-on-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-@") (quote helm-ff-run-query-replace-fnames-on-marked)) (define-key map (kbd "M-%") (quote helm-ff-run-query-replace)) (define-key map (kbd "C-M-%") (quote helm-ff-run-query-replace-regexp)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c =") (quote helm-ff-run-ediff-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-=") (quote helm-ff-run-ediff-merge-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-p") (quote helm-find-files-history)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c h") (quote helm-ff-file-name-history)) (define-key map (kbd "M-i") (quote helm-ff-properties-persistent)) (define-key map (kbd "C-}") (quote helm-narrow-window)) (define-key map (kbd "C-{") (quote helm-enlarge-window)) (define-key map (kbd "C-<backspace>") (quote helm-ff-run-toggle-auto-update)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c <DEL>") (quote helm-ff-run-toggle-auto-update)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-a") (quote helm-ff-run-mail-attach-files)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c p") (quote helm-ff-run-print-file)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c /") (quote helm-ff-run-find-sh-command)) (define-key map (kbd "M-l") (quote helm-ff-rotate-left-persistent)) (define-key map (kbd "M-r") (quote helm-ff-rotate-right-persistent)) (define-key map (kbd "C-l") (quote helm-find-files-up-one-level)) (define-key map (kbd "C-r") (quote helm-find-files-down-last-level)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c r") (quote helm-ff-run-find-file-as-root)) (define-key map (kbd "C-x C-v") (quote helm-ff-run-find-alternate-file)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c @") (quote helm-ff-run-insert-org-link)) (helm-define-key-with-subkeys map (kbd "DEL") 127 (quote helm-ff-delete-char-backward) (quote ((C-backspace . helm-ff-run-toggle-auto-update) ([C-c DEL] . helm-ff-run-toggle-auto-update))) nil (quote helm-ff-delete-char-backward--exit-fn)) (when helm-ff-lynx-style-map (define-key map (kbd "<left>") (quote helm-find-files-up-one-level)) (define-key map (kbd "<right>") (quote helm-execute-persistent-action))) (delq nil map))) nil [16585 21285])
+            ("helm-read-file-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "<C-return>") (quote helm-cr-empty-string)) (define-key map (kbd "M-RET") (quote helm-cr-empty-string)) (define-key map (kbd "C-]") (quote helm-ff-run-toggle-basename)) (define-key map (kbd "C-.") (quote helm-find-files-up-one-level)) (define-key map (kbd "C-l") (quote helm-find-files-up-one-level)) (define-key map (kbd "C-r") (quote helm-find-files-down-last-level)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c h") (quote helm-ff-file-name-history)) (define-key map (kbd "C-<backspace>") (quote helm-ff-run-toggle-auto-update)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c <DEL>") (quote helm-ff-run-toggle-auto-update)) (helm-define-key-with-subkeys map (kbd "DEL") 127 (quote helm-ff-delete-char-backward) (quote ((C-backspace . helm-ff-run-toggle-auto-update) ([C-c DEL] . helm-ff-run-toggle-auto-update))) nil (quote helm-ff-delete-char-backward--exit-fn)) (when helm-ff-lynx-style-map (define-key map (kbd "<left>") (quote helm-find-files-up-one-level)) (define-key map (kbd "<right>") (quote helm-execute-persistent-action)) (define-key map (kbd "<M-left>") (quote helm-previous-source)) (define-key map (kbd "<M-right>") (quote helm-next-source))) (delq nil map))) nil [21287 22724])
+            ("helm-find-files-doc-header" variable
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :default-value " (\\<helm-find-files-map>\\[helm-find-files-up-one-level]: Go up one level)")
+                nil [22741 22936])
+            ("helm-ff-auto-update-flag" variable nil nil [22937 23114])
+            ("helm-ff-last-expanded" variable nil nil [23115 23192])
+            ("helm-ff-default-directory" variable nil nil [23193 23231])
+            ("helm-ff-history" variable nil nil [23232 23260])
+            ("helm-ff-cand-to-mark" variable nil nil [23261 23294])
+            ("helm-ff-url-regexp" variable (:default-value "\\`\\(news\\(post\\)?:\\|nntp:\\|mailto:\\|file:\\|\\(ftp\\|https?\\|telnet\\|gopher\\|www\\|wais\\):/?/?\\).*") nil [23295 23499])
+            ("helm-tramp-file-name-regexp" variable (:default-value "\\`/\\([^/:|]+\\):") nil [23710 23767])
+            ("helm-marked-buffer-name" variable (:default-value "*helm marked*") nil [23768 23816])
+            ("helm-ff--auto-update-state" variable nil nil [23817 23856])
+            ("helm-ff--deleting-char-backward" variable nil nil [23857 23901])
+            ("helm-multi-files--toggle-locate" variable nil nil [23902 23946])
+            ("helm-ff--move-to-first-real-candidate" variable (:default-value t) nil [23947 23995])
+            ("helm-find-files--toggle-bookmark" variable nil nil [23996 24041])
+            ("helm-ff--tramp-methods" variable nil nil [24042 24077])
+            ("helm-ff--directory-files-hash" variable (:default-value (make-hash-table :test (quote equal))) nil [24078 24147])
+            ("helm-ff-history-buffer-name" variable (:default-value "*helm-find-files history*") nil [24148 24212])
+            ("helm-find-files-actions" variable (:default-value (helm-make-actions "Find File" (quote helm-find-file-or-marked) "Find file in Dired" (quote helm-point-file-in-dired) "View file" (quote view-file) "Query replace fnames on marked `M-@'" (quote helm-ff-query-replace-fnames-on-marked) "Marked files in dired `C-x C-q, C-u wdired'" (quote helm-marked-files-in-dired) "Query replace contents on marked `M-%'" (quote helm-ff-query-replace) "Query replace regexp contents on marked `C-M-%'" (quote helm-ff-query-replace-regexp) "Attach file(s) to mail buffer `C-c C-a'" (quote helm-ff-mail-attach-files) "Serial rename files" (quote helm-ff-serial-rename) "Serial rename by symlinking files" (quote helm-ff-serial-rename-by-symlink) "Serial rename by copying files" (quote helm-ff-serial-rename-by-copying) "Open file with default tool" (quote helm-open-file-with-default-tool) "Find file in hex dump" (quote hexl-find-file) "Browse project `C-x C-d'" (quote helm-ff-browse-project) "Complete at point `C-c i'" (quote helm-insert-file-name-completion-at-point) "Insert as org link `C-c @'" (quote helm-files-insert-as-org-link) "Find shell command `C-c /'" (quote helm-ff-find-sh-command) "Add marked files to file-cache" (quote helm-ff-cache-add-file) "Open file externally `C-c C-x, C-u to choose'" (quote helm-open-file-externally) "Grep File(s) `C-s, C-u Recurse'" (quote helm-find-files-grep) "Grep current directory with AG `M-g a, C-u select type'" (quote helm-find-files-ag) "Git grep `M-g g, C-u from root'" (quote helm-ff-git-grep) "Zgrep File(s) `M-g z, C-u Recurse'" (quote helm-ff-zgrep) "Gid `M-g i'" (quote helm-ff-gid) "Switch to Eshell `M-e'" (quote helm-ff-switch-to-eshell) "Etags `M-., C-u reload tag file'" (quote helm-ff-etags-select) "Eshell command on file(s) `M-!, C-u take all marked as arguments.'" (quote helm-find-files-eshell-command-on-file) "Find file as root `C-c r'" (quote helm-find-file-as-root) "Find alternate file `C-x C-v'" (quote find-alternate-file) "Ediff File `C-c ='" (quote helm-find-files-ediff-files) "Ediff Merge File `M-='" (quote helm-find-files-ediff-merge-files) (lambda nil (format "Delete File(s)%s `M-D' (C-u reverse trash)" (if (eq helm-ff-delete-files-function (quote helm-delete-marked-files-async)) " async" ""))) (quote helm-ff-delete-files) "Touch File(s) `M-T'" (quote helm-ff-touch-files) "Copy file(s) `M-C, C-u to follow'" (quote helm-find-files-copy) "Rename file(s) `M-R, C-u to follow'" (quote helm-find-files-rename) "Backup files" (quote helm-find-files-backup) "Symlink files(s) `M-S, C-u to follow'" (quote helm-find-files-symlink) "Relsymlink file(s) `M-Y, C-u to follow'" (quote helm-find-files-relsymlink) "Hardlink file(s) `M-H, C-u to follow'" (quote helm-find-files-hardlink) "Find file other window `C-c o'" (quote helm-find-files-other-window) "Find file other frame `C-c C-o'" (quote find-file-other-frame) "Print File `C-c p, C-u to refresh'" (quote helm-ff-print) "Locate `C-x C-f, C-u to specify locate db'" (quote helm-ff-locate))) nil [24241 27255])
+            ("helm-source-find-files" variable nil nil [27257 27369])
+            ("helm-source-ffiles" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source-sync"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("header-name" variable (:default-value "(lambda (name) (concat name (substitute-command-keys helm-find-files-doc-header)))") nil nil)
+                    ("init" variable (:default-value "(lambda nil (setq helm-ff-auto-update-flag helm-ff-auto-update-initial-value) (setq helm-ff--auto-update-state helm-ff-auto-update-flag) (helm-set-local-variable (quote bookmark-make-record-function) (function helm-ff-make-bookmark-record)) (require (quote helm-external)))") nil nil)
+                    ("candidates" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-find-files-get-candidates)") nil nil)
+                    ("filtered-candidate-transformer" variable (:default-value "(quote (helm-ff-sort-candidates (lambda (candidates _source) (cl-loop for f in candidates for ff = (helm-ff-filter-candidate-one-by-one f) when ff collect ff))))") nil nil)
+                    ("persistent-action-if" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-find-files-persistent-action-if)") nil nil)
+                    ("persistent-help" variable (:default-value "Hit1 Expand Candidate, Hit2 or (C-u) Find file") nil nil)
+                    ("help-message" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-ff-help-message)") nil nil)
+                    ("mode-line" variable (:default-value "(list \"File(s)\" helm-mode-line-string)") nil nil)
+                    ("volatile" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("cleanup" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-find-files-cleanup)") nil nil)
+                    ("migemo" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("nohighlight" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("keymap" variable (:default-value "helm-find-files-map") nil nil)
+                    ("candidate-number-limit" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-ff-candidate-number-limit)") nil nil)
+                    ("action-transformer" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-find-files-action-transformer)") nil nil)
+                    ("action" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-find-files-actions)") nil nil)
+                    ("before-init-hook" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-find-files-before-init-hook)") nil nil)
+                    ("after-init-hook" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-find-files-after-init-hook)") nil nil)
+                    ("group" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-files)") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [27371 29145])
+            ("helm-ff-make-bookmark-record" function nil nil [29172 29421])
+            ("helm-ff-bookmark-jump" function (:arguments ("bookmark")) nil [29423 30050])
+            ("helm-ff-bookmark-set" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [30052 30381])
+            ("put" code nil nil [30382 30422])
+            ("helm-dwim-target" variable nil nil [30424 31097])
+            ("helm-dwim-target-directory" function nil nil [31099 32445])
+            ("helm-ff--count-and-collect-dups" function (:arguments ("files")) nil [32447 33184])
+            ("helm-find-files-do-action" function (:arguments ("action")) nil [33186 35578])
+            ("helm-find-files-copy" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [35580 35696])
+            ("helm-find-files-backup" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [35698 36026])
+            ("helm-find-files-rename" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [36028 36150])
+            ("helm-find-files-symlink" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [36152 36277])
+            ("helm-find-files-relsymlink" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [36279 36413])
+            ("helm-find-files-hardlink" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [36415 36543])
+            ("helm-find-files-other-window" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [36545 36870])
+            ("helm-find-files-byte-compile" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [36872 37157])
+            ("helm-find-files-load-files" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [37159 37373])
+            ("helm-find-files-ediff-files-1" function (:arguments ("candidate" "merge")) nil [37375 38365])
+            ("helm-find-files-ediff-files" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [38367 38458])
+            ("helm-find-files-ediff-merge-files" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [38460 38564])
+            ("helm-find-files-grep" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [38566 38767])
+            ("helm-ff-git-grep" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [38769 38936])
+            ("helm-find-files-ag" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [38938 39060])
+            ("helm-ff-zgrep" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [39062 39240])
+            ("helm-ff-pdfgrep" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [39242 39845])
+            ("helm-ff-etags-select" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [39847 40335])
+            ("eshell-command-aliases-list" variable nil nil [40337 40377])
+            ("helm-eshell-command-on-file-input-history" variable nil nil [40378 40432])
+            ("helm-find-files-eshell-command-on-file-1" function (:arguments ("map")) nil [40433 45677])
+            ("helm-find-files-eshell-command-on-file" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [45679 45929])
+            ("helm-ff-switch-to-eshell" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [45931 47062])
+            ("helm-ff--eshell-interactive-buffer-p" function (:arguments ("buffer")) nil [47064 47326])
+            ("helm-ff-touch-files" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [47328 49317])
+            ("helm-ff-run-touch-files" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [49319 49510])
+            ("put" code nil nil [49511 49554])
+            ("helm-ff-serial-rename-action" function (:arguments ("method")) nil [49556 51385])
+            ("helm-ff-member-directory-p" function (:arguments ("file" "directory")) nil [51387 51653])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [51655 54178])
+            ("helm-ff-serial-rename" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [54180 54449])
+            ("helm-ff-serial-rename-by-symlink" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [54451 54732])
+            ("helm-ff-serial-rename-by-copying" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [54734 55009])
+            ("helm-ff-query-replace-fnames-history-from" variable nil nil [55011 55065])
+            ("helm-ff-query-replace-fnames-history-to" variable nil nil [55066 55118])
+            ("helm-ff-query-replace-on-filenames" function (:arguments ("candidates")) nil [55119 63086])
+            ("helm-ff--prepare-str-with-regexp" function (:arguments ("str" "rep1" "rep2")) nil [63088 64229])
+            ("helm-ff-query-replace-fnames-on-marked" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [64246 64414])
+            ("helm-ff-run-query-replace-fnames-on-marked" function nil nil [64458 64624])
+            ("put" code nil nil [64625 64687])
+            ("helm-ff-query-replace" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [64689 64920])
+            ("helm-ff-query-replace-regexp" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [64922 65164])
+            ("helm-ff-run-query-replace" function nil nil [65166 65298])
+            ("put" code nil nil [65299 65344])
+            ("helm-ff-run-query-replace-regexp" function nil nil [65346 65492])
+            ("put" code nil nil [65493 65545])
+            ("helm-ff-toggle-auto-update" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [65547 66003])
+            ("helm-ff-run-toggle-auto-update" function nil nil [66005 66224])
+            ("put" code nil nil [66225 66275])
+            ("helm-ff-delete-char-backward" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [66277 66640])
+            ("put" code nil nil [66641 66689])
+            ("helm-ff-delete-char-backward--exit-fn" function nil nil [66691 66845])
+            ("helm-ff-RET-1" function (:arguments ("must-match")) nil [66847 67410])
+            ("helm-ff-RET" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [67412 67706])
+            ("helm-ff-RET-must-match" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [67708 67831])
+            ("helm-ff-run-grep" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [67833 68006])
+            ("put" code nil nil [68007 68043])
+            ("helm-ff-run-git-grep" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [68045 68222])
+            ("put" code nil nil [68223 68263])
+            ("helm-ff-run-grep-ag" function nil nil [68265 68388])
+            ("put" code nil nil [68389 68428])
+            ("helm-ff-run-pdfgrep" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [68430 68604])
+            ("put" code nil nil [68605 68644])
+            ("helm-ff-run-zgrep" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [68646 68813])
+            ("put" code nil nil [68814 68851])
+            ("helm-ff-run-copy-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [68853 69036])
+            ("put" code nil nil [69037 69078])
+            ("helm-ff-run-rename-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [69080 69269])
+            ("put" code nil nil [69270 69313])
+            ("helm-ff-run-byte-compile-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [69315 69522])
+            ("put" code nil nil [69523 69572])
+            ("helm-ff-run-load-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [69574 69763])
+            ("put" code nil nil [69764 69805])
+            ("helm-ff-run-eshell-command-on-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [69807 70039])
+            ("put" code nil nil [70040 70094])
+            ("helm-ff-run-ediff-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [70096 70288])
+            ("put" code nil nil [70289 70331])
+            ("helm-ff-run-ediff-merge-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [70333 70548])
+            ("put" code nil nil [70549 70597])
+            ("helm-ff-run-symlink-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [70599 70791])
+            ("put" code nil nil [70792 70836])
+            ("helm-ff-run-relsymlink-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [70838 71036])
+            ("put" code nil nil [71037 71084])
+            ("helm-ff-run-hardlink-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [71086 71281])
+            ("put" code nil nil [71282 71327])
+            ("helm-ff-delete-files" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [71329 71454])
+            ("helm-ff-run-delete-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [71456 71644])
+            ("put" code nil nil [71645 71688])
+            ("helm-ff-run-complete-fn-at-point" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [71690 71919])
+            ("put" code nil nil [71920 71972])
+            ("helm-ff-run-switch-to-eshell" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [71974 72175])
+            ("put" code nil nil [72176 72224])
+            ("helm-ff-run-switch-other-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [72226 72497])
+            ("put" code nil nil [72498 72549])
+            ("helm-ff-run-switch-other-frame" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [72551 72756])
+            ("put" code nil nil [72757 72807])
+            ("helm-ff-run-open-file-externally" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [72809 73027])
+            ("put" code nil nil [73028 73080])
+            ("helm-ff-run-open-file-with-default-tool" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [73082 73314])
+            ("put" code nil nil [73315 73374])
+            ("helm-ff-locate" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [73376 74218])
+            ("helm-ff-run-locate" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [74220 74391])
+            ("put" code nil nil [74392 74430])
+            ("helm-files-insert-as-org-link" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [74432 74550])
+            ("helm-ff-run-insert-org-link" function nil nil [74552 74694])
+            ("put" code nil nil [74695 74742])
+            ("helm-ff-run-find-file-as-root" function nil nil [74744 74881])
+            ("put" code nil nil [74882 74931])
+            ("helm-ff-run-find-alternate-file" function nil nil [74933 75069])
+            ("put" code nil nil [75070 75121])
+            ("helm-ff-run-mail-attach-files" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [75123 75335])
+            ("put" code nil nil [75336 75385])
+            ("helm-ff-run-etags" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [75387 75570])
+            ("put" code nil nil [75571 75608])
+            ("lpr-printer-switch" variable nil nil [75610 75637])
+            ("helm-ff-print" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [75638 77671])
+            ("helm-ff-run-print-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [77673 77851])
+            ("put" code nil nil [77852 77894])
+            ("helm-ff-checksum" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [77896 78594])
+            ("helm-ff-toggle-basename" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [78596 78989])
+            ("helm-ff-run-toggle-basename" function nil nil [78991 79138])
+            ("put" code nil nil [79139 79186])
+            ("helm-reduce-file-name" function (:arguments ("fname" "level")) nil [79188 79603])
+            ("helm-find-files--level-tree" variable nil nil [79605 79645])
+            ("helm-find-files--level-tree-iterator" variable nil nil [79646 79695])
+            ("helm-find-files-up-one-level" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [79696 81727])
+            ("put" code nil nil [81728 81776])
+            ("helm-find-files-down-last-level" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [81778 82398])
+            ("put" code nil nil [82399 82450])
+            ("helm-find-files--reset-level-tree" function nil nil [82452 82586])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [82588 82652])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [82653 82721])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [82722 82802])
+            ("helm-ff-retrieve-last-expanded" function nil nil [82804 83466])
+            ("helm-ff-move-to-first-real-candidate" function nil nil [83468 84560])
+            ("helm-ff-update-when-only-one-matched" function nil nil [84633 89571])
+            ("helm-ff-auto-expand-to-home-or-root" function nil nil [89573 91645])
+            ("helm-ff--expand-file-name-no-dot" function (:arguments ("name" "directory")) nil [91647 92089])
+            ("helm-ff--expand-substitued-pattern" function (:arguments ("pattern")) nil [92091 92729])
+            ("helm-substitute-in-filename" function (:arguments ("fname")) nil [92731 94119])
+            ("helm-point-file-in-dired" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [94121 94445])
+            ("helm-marked-files-in-dired" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [94447 95239])
+            ("helm-ff-run-marked-files-in-dired" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [95241 95442])
+            ("put" code nil nil [95443 95496])
+            ("helm-ff--create-tramp-name" function (:arguments ("fname")) nil [95498 96251])
+            ("helm-ff--tramp-cons-or-vector" function (:arguments ("vector-or-cons")) nil [96253 96438])
+            ("helm-ff--get-tramp-methods" function nil nil [96440 96621])
+            ("helm-ff--previous-mh-tramp-method" function (:arguments ("str")) nil [96623 97096])
+            ("helm-ff--get-host-from-tramp-invalid-fname" function (:arguments ("fname")) nil [97098 98207])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [98209 99558])
+            ("helm-ff-before-action-hook-fn" function nil nil [99560 100047])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [100048 100114])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [100116 100333])
+            ("helm-ff--tramp-postfixed-p" function (:arguments ("str")) nil [100335 100803])
+            ("helm-ff-set-pattern" function (:arguments ("pattern")) nil [100805 103716])
+            ("helm-find-files-get-candidates" function (:arguments ("require-match")) nil [103718 109231])
+            ("helm-list-directory" function (:arguments ("directory")) nil [109233 109552])
+            ("helm-list-dir-lisp" function (:arguments ("directory")) nil [109554 110625])
+            ("helm-list-dir-external" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [110627 112682])
+            ("helm-ff-directory-files" function (:arguments ("directory")) nil [112684 114004])
+            ("helm-ff-handle-backslash" function (:arguments ("fname")) nil [114006 114237])
+            ("helm-ff-fuzzy-matching-p" function nil nil [114239 114367])
+            ("helm-ff--transform-pattern-for-completion" function (:arguments ("pattern")) nil [114369 116952])
+            ("helm-dir-is-dot" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [116954 117037])
+            ("helm-ff-save-history" function nil nil [117039 117515])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [117516 117567])
+            ("helm-files-save-file-name-history" function (:arguments ("force")) nil [117569 118484])
+            ("add-hook" code nil nil [118485 118557])
+            ("helm-ff-valid-symlink-p" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [118559 118830])
+            ("helm-get-default-mode-for-file" function (:arguments ("filename")) nil [118832 119096])
+            ("helm-ff-properties" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [119098 121535])
+            ("helm-ff-properties-persistent" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [121537 121788])
+            ("put" code nil nil [121789 121838])
+            ("helm-ff-persistent-delete" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [121840 122083])
+            ("put" code nil nil [122084 122129])
+            ("helm-ff-dot-file-p" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [122131 122242])
+            ("helm-ff-kill-buffer-fname" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [122244 122656])
+            ("helm-ff-kill-or-find-buffer-fname" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [122658 123815])
+            ("helm-ff-run-kill-buffer-persistent" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [123817 124079])
+            ("put" code nil nil [124080 124134])
+            ("helm-ff-persistent-open-file-externally" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [124166 124485])
+            ("helm-ff-run-preview-file-externally" function nil nil [124487 124728])
+            ("put" code nil nil [124729 124784])
+            ("helm-ff-prefix-filename" function (:arguments ("fname" "file-or-symlinkp" "new-file")) nil [124786 125673])
+            ("helm-ff-score-candidate-for-pattern" function (:arguments ("str" "pattern")) nil [125675 125827])
+            ("helm-ff-sort-candidates-1" function (:arguments ("candidates" "input")) nil [125829 127469])
+            ("helm-ff-sort-candidates" function (:arguments ("candidates" "_source")) nil [127471 127687])
+            ("helm-ff-boring-file-p" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [127689 127913])
+            ("helm-ff-filter-candidate-one-by-one" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [127915 133647])
+            ("helm-find-files-action-transformer" function (:arguments ("actions" "candidate")) nil [133649 135942])
+            ("helm-ff-trash-action" function (:arguments ("fn" "names" "args")) nil [135944 137559])
+            ("helm-ff-trash-rm" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [137561 137916])
+            ("helm-restore-file-from-trash" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [137918 138649])
+            ("helm-ff-trash-rm-1" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [138651 139163])
+            ("helm-restore-file-from-trash-1" function (:arguments ("file" "trashed-files")) nil [139165 139871])
+            ("helm-ff--get-dest-file-from-trash" function (:arguments ("trashed-files" "file")) nil [139873 140264])
+            ("helm-ff-goto-linum" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [140266 140857])
+            ("helm-ff-mail-attach-files" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [140859 142021])
+            ("image-dired-display-image-buffer" variable nil nil [142023 142064])
+            ("helm-ff-rotate-current-image-1" function (:arguments ("file" "num-arg")) nil [142065 142927])
+            ("helm-ff-rotate-image-left" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [142929 143098])
+            ("helm-ff-rotate-image-right" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [143100 143267])
+            ("helm-ff-rotate-left-persistent" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [143269 143506])
+            ("put" code nil nil [143507 143557])
+            ("helm-ff-rotate-right-persistent" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [143559 143799])
+            ("put" code nil nil [143800 143851])
+            ("helm-ff-exif-data" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [143853 144386])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [144388 152030])
+            ("helm-find-files-recursive-dirs" function (:arguments ("directory" "input")) nil [152067 153825])
+            ("helm-ff-recursive-dirs" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [153827 154105])
+            ("helm-ff-file-compressed-p" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [154107 154285])
+            ("helm-ff--fname-at-point" function nil nil [154287 154682])
+            ("helm-insert-file-name-completion-at-point" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [154684 156552])
+            ("helm-ff--insert-fname" function (:arguments ("candidate" "beg" "end" "full-path" "guess")) nil [156554 157379])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [157381 158695])
+            ("put" code nil nil [158696 158739])
+            ("helm-find-files-1" function (:arguments ("fname" "preselect")) nil [158741 160819])
+            ("helm-ff--update-resume-after-hook" function (:arguments ("sources" "nohook")) nil [160821 161522])
+            ("helm-ff-clean-initial-input" function nil nil [161524 161754])
+            ("helm-ff-setup-update-hook" function nil nil [161756 162075])
+            ("helm-find-files-cleanup" function nil nil [162077 162368])
+            ("helm-find-files-toggle-to-bookmark" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [162370 163022])
+            ("put" code nil nil [163023 163077])
+            ("helm-find-files-initial-input" function (:arguments ("input")) nil [163079 163434])
+            ("helm-ffap-guesser" function nil nil [163436 165451])
+            ("helm-find-files-input" function (:arguments ("file-at-pt" "thing-at-pt")) nil [165453 167071])
+            ("helm-ff-find-url-at-point" function nil nil [167073 167755])
+            ("helm-find-library-at-point" function nil nil [167757 168825])
+            ("helm-ff--valid-default-directory" function nil nil [168904 169152])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [169154 172864])
+            ("helm-get-dest-fnames-from-list" function (:arguments ("flist" "dest-cand" "rename-dir-flag")) nil [172866 173681])
+            ("helm-ff-maybe-mark-candidates" function nil nil [173683 174430])
+            ("helm-file-buffers" function (:arguments ("filename")) nil [174463 174763])
+            ("helm-ff--delete-by-moving-to-trash" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [174765 175336])
+            ("helm-ff-quick-delete" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [175338 177011])
+            ("helm-delete-file" function (:arguments ("file" "error-if-dot-file-p" "synchro" "trash")) nil [177013 179981])
+            ("helm-delete-marked-files" function (:arguments ("_ignore")) nil [179983 181284])
+            ("helm-ff-delete-log-file" variable (:default-value (expand-file-name "helm-delete-file.log" user-emacs-directory)) nil [181315 181488])
+            ("helm-ff--trash-flag" variable nil nil [181490 181522])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [181524 182298])
+            ("helm-delete-async-mode-line-message" function (:arguments ("text" "face" "args")) nil [182300 182777])
+            ("helm-delete-marked-files-async" function (:arguments ("_ignore")) nil [182779 186372])
+            ("helm-find-file-or-marked" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [186374 188231])
+            ("helm-ff--mkdir" function (:arguments ("dir" "helm-ff")) nil [188233 189117])
+            ("helm-transform-file-load-el" function (:arguments ("actions" "candidate")) nil [189119 189415])
+            ("helm-transform-file-browse-url" function (:arguments ("actions" "candidate")) nil [189417 189860])
+            ("helm-file-on-mounted-network-p" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [189862 190196])
+            ("file-cache-alist" variable nil nil [190240 190265])
+            ("helm-ff-cache-add-file" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [190267 190427])
+            ("helm-ff-file-cache-remove-file-1" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [190429 190821])
+            ("helm-ff-file-cache-remove-file" function (:arguments ("_file")) nil [190823 191008])
+            ("helm-source-file-name-history" variable (:default-value (helm-build-sync-source "File Name History" :candidates (quote file-name-history) :persistent-action (function ignore) :filtered-candidate-transformer (function helm-file-name-history-transformer) :action (quote helm-type-file-actions))) nil [191040 191301])
+            ("helm-source--ff-file-name-history" variable nil nil [191303 191486])
+            ("helm-file-name-history-transformer" function (:arguments ("candidates" "_source")) nil [191488 191976])
+            ("helm-ff-file-name-history" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [191978 193573])
+            ("put" code nil nil [193574 193619])
+            ("helm--browse-project-cache" variable (:default-value (make-hash-table :test (quote equal))) nil [193798 193864])
+            ("helm-buffers-in-project-p" variable nil nil [193865 193899])
+            ("helm-browse-project-get-buffers" function (:arguments ("root-directory")) nil [193901 194483])
+            ("helm-browse-project-build-buffers-source" function (:arguments ("directory")) nil [194485 194830])
+            ("helm-browse-project-walk-directory" function (:arguments ("directory")) nil [194832 195041])
+            ("helm-browse-project-ag-find-files" function (:arguments ("directory")) nil [195043 195414])
+            ("helm-browse-project-find-files" function (:arguments ("directory" "refresh")) nil [195416 197049])
+            ("helm-browse-project-history" variable nil nil [197051 197091])
+            ("helm-projects-history" function nil nil [197108 197472])
+            ("helm-browse-project" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [197489 199474])
+            ("helm-browse-project-get--root-dir" function (:arguments ("directory")) nil [199476 199893])
+            ("helm-ff-browse-project" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [199895 200116])
+            ("helm-ff-run-browse-project" function nil nil [200118 200252])
+            ("put" code nil nil [200253 200299])
+            ("helm-ff-gid" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [200301 200408])
+            ("helm-ff-run-gid" function nil nil [200410 200522])
+            ("put" code nil nil [200523 200558])
+            ("helm-ff-find-sh-command" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [200603 200756])
+            ("helm-ff-run-find-sh-command" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [200758 200961])
+            ("put" code nil nil [200962 201009])
+            ("helm-find-files" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [201028 204019])
+            ("helm-delete-tramp-connection" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [204036 205779])
+            ("helm-files" package nil nil [205782 205803]))          
+      :file "helm-files.el"
+      :pointmax 205945
+      :fsize 205944
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 1150 . 1151) (symbol 1004 . 1021) (open-paren 1003 . 1004)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [804 821])
+            ("format-spec" include nil nil [822 844])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [845 860])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [861 881])
+            ("helm-regexp" include nil nil [882 904])
+            ("wgrep-helm" include nil nil [945 972])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [974 1024])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1025 1060])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1061 1116])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1117 1189])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1190 1249])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1250 1302])
+            ("helm--ansi-color-regexp" variable nil nil [1303 1335])
+            ("helm-grep" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1339 1432])
+            ("helm-grep-default-command" variable (:default-value "grep --color=always -a -d skip %e -n%cH -e %p %f") nil [1434 4079])
+            ("helm-grep-default-recurse-command" variable (:default-value "grep --color=always -a -d recurse %e -n%cH -e %p %f") nil [4081 4358])
+            ("helm-default-zgrep-command" variable (:default-value "zgrep --color=always -a -n%cH -e %p %f") nil [4360 4723])
+            ("helm-pdfgrep-default-command" variable (:default-value "pdfgrep --color always -niH %s %s") nil [4725 5012])
+            ("helm-pdfgrep-default-recurse-command" variable (:default-value "pdfgrep --color always -rniH %s %s") nil [5014 5318])
+            ("helm-grep-use-ioccur-style-keys" variable (:default-value t) nil [5320 5445])
+            ("helm-pdfgrep-default-read-command" variable nil nil [5447 5817])
+            ("helm-grep-max-length-history" variable (:default-value 100) nil [5819 5959])
+            ("helm-zgrep-file-extension-regexp" variable (:default-value ".*\\(\\.gz\\|\\.bz\\|\\.xz\\|\\.lzma\\)$") nil [5961 6136])
+            ("helm-grep-preferred-ext" variable nil nil [6138 6268])
+            ("helm-grep-save-buffer-name-no-confirm" variable nil nil [6270 6412])
+            ("helm-grep-ignored-files" variable (:default-value (cons ".#*" (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (s) (unless (string-match-p "/\\'" s) (concat "*" s))) completion-ignored-extensions)))) nil [6414 6780])
+            ("helm-grep-ignored-directories" variable (:default-value helm-walk-ignore-directories) nil [6782 6978])
+            ("helm-grep-truncate-lines" variable (:default-value t) nil [6980 7118])
+            ("helm-grep-file-path-style" variable (:default-value (quote basename)) nil [7120 7588])
+            ("helm-grep-actions" variable (:default-value (helm-make-actions "Find File" (quote helm-grep-action) "Find file other frame" (quote helm-grep-other-frame) "Save results in grep buffer" (quote helm-grep-save-results) "Find file other window (C-u vertically)" (quote helm-grep-other-window))) nil [7590 7952])
+            ("helm-grep-pipe-cmd-switches" variable nil nil [7954 8516])
+            ("helm-grep-ag-pipe-cmd-switches" variable nil nil [8518 8841])
+            ("helm-grep-faces" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [8861 8993])
+            ("helm-grep-match" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((background light)) :foreground "#b00000") (((background dark)) :foreground "gold1")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [8995 9235])
+            ("helm-grep-file" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "BlueViolet" :underline t))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [9237 9399])
+            ("helm-grep-lineno" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "Darkorange1"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [9401 9538])
+            ("helm-grep-finish" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "Green"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [9540 9673])
+            ("helm-grep-cmd-line" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:inherit font-lock-type-face))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [9675 9833])
+            ("helm-grep-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "M-<down>") (quote helm-goto-next-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-<up>") (quote helm-goto-precedent-file)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c o") (quote helm-grep-run-other-window-action)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o") (quote helm-grep-run-other-frame-action)) (define-key map (kbd "C-x C-s") (quote helm-grep-run-save-buffer)) (define-key map (kbd "DEL") (quote helm-delete-backward-no-update)) (when helm-grep-use-ioccur-style-keys (define-key map (kbd "<right>") (quote helm-execute-persistent-action)) (define-key map (kbd "<left>") (quote helm-grep-run-default-action))) (delq nil map))) nil [9855 10590])
+            ("helm-pdfgrep-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "M-<down>") (quote helm-goto-next-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-<up>") (quote helm-goto-precedent-file)) (define-key map (kbd "DEL") (quote helm-delete-backward-no-update)) map)) nil [10592 10920])
+            ("helm-grep-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map (kbd "RET") (quote helm-grep-mode-jump)) (define-key map (kbd "C-o") (quote helm-grep-mode-jump-other-window)) (define-key map (kbd "<C-down>") (quote helm-grep-mode-jump-other-window-forward)) (define-key map (kbd "<C-up>") (quote helm-grep-mode-jump-other-window-backward)) (define-key map (kbd "<M-down>") (quote helm-gm-next-file)) (define-key map (kbd "<M-up>") (quote helm-gm-precedent-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-n") (quote helm-grep-mode-jump-other-window-forward)) (define-key map (kbd "M-p") (quote helm-grep-mode-jump-other-window-backward)) (define-key map (kbd "M-N") (quote helm-gm-next-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-P") (quote helm-gm-precedent-file)) map)) nil [10922 11685])
+            ("helm-rzgrep-cache" variable (:default-value (make-hash-table :test (quote equal))) nil [11714 11771])
+            ("helm-grep-default-function" variable (:default-value (quote helm-grep-init)) nil [11772 11823])
+            ("helm-zgrep-recurse-flag" variable nil nil [11824 11860])
+            ("helm-grep-history" variable nil nil [11861 11891])
+            ("helm-grep-ag-history" variable nil nil [11892 11925])
+            ("helm-grep-last-targets" variable nil nil [11926 11961])
+            ("helm-grep-include-files" variable nil nil [11962 11998])
+            ("helm-grep-in-recurse" variable nil nil [11999 12032])
+            ("helm-grep-use-zgrep" variable nil nil [12033 12065])
+            ("helm-grep-default-directory-fn" variable nil nil [12066 12250])
+            ("helm-pdfgrep-targets" variable nil nil [12251 12284])
+            ("helm-grep-last-cmd-line" variable nil nil [12285 12321])
+            ("helm-grep-split-line-regexp" variable (:default-value "^\\([[:lower:][:upper:]]?:?.*?\\):\\([0-9]+\\):\\(.*\\)") nil [12322 12416])
+            ("helm-grep-prepare-candidates" function (:arguments ("candidates" "in-directory")) nil [12435 16260])
+            ("helm-grep-command" function (:arguments ("recursive" "grep")) nil [16262 16615])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [16617 17243])
+            ("helm-grep--pipe-command-for-grep-command" function (:arguments ("smartcase" "pipe-switches" "grep-cmd")) nil [17245 17760])
+            ("helm-grep--prepare-cmd-line" function (:arguments ("only-files" "include" "zgrep")) nil [17762 20861])
+            ("helm-grep-init" function (:arguments ("cmd-line")) nil [20863 25263])
+            ("helm-grep-collect-candidates" function nil nil [25265 25595])
+            ("helm-grep-action" function (:arguments ("candidate" "where")) nil [25617 28496])
+            ("helm-grep-persistent-action" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [28498 28703])
+            ("helm-grep-other-window" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [28705 28843])
+            ("helm-grep-other-frame" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [28845 28980])
+            ("helm-goto-next-or-prec-file" function (:arguments ("n")) nil [28982 30935])
+            ("helm-goto-precedent-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [30952 31140])
+            ("put" code nil nil [31141 31185])
+            ("helm-goto-next-file" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [31202 31358])
+            ("helm-grep-run-default-action" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [31360 31541])
+            ("put" code nil nil [31542 31590])
+            ("helm-grep-run-other-window-action" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [31592 31794])
+            ("put" code nil nil [31795 31848])
+            ("helm-grep-run-other-frame-action" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [31850 32049])
+            ("put" code nil nil [32050 32102])
+            ("helm-grep-run-save-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [32104 32293])
+            ("put" code nil nil [32294 32339])
+            ("helm-grep-save-results" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [32368 32447])
+            ("helm-grep-save-results-1" function nil nil [32449 34892])
+            ("helm-grep-mode-mouse-jump" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [34894 35189])
+            ("put" code nil nil [35190 35235])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [35237 35622])
+            ("put" code nil nil [35623 35657])
+            ("helm-grep-mode--revert-buffer-function" function (:arguments ("_ignore-auto" "_noconfirm")) nil [35659 36300])
+            ("helm-grep-mode--sentinel" function (:arguments ("process" "event")) nil [36302 37196])
+            ("helm-gm-next-file" function nil nil [37198 37276])
+            ("helm-gm-precedent-file" function nil nil [37278 37362])
+            ("helm-grep-mode-jump" function nil nil [37364 37517])
+            ("helm-grep-mode-jump-other-window-1" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [37519 37881])
+            ("helm-grep-mode-jump-other-window-forward" function nil nil [37883 37991])
+            ("helm-grep-mode-jump-other-window-backward" function nil nil [37993 38103])
+            ("helm-grep-mode-jump-other-window" function nil nil [38105 38384])
+            ("helm-grep-hack-types" function nil nil [38413 39364])
+            ("helm-grep-ack-types-transformer" function (:arguments ("candidates" "_source")) nil [39366 39565])
+            ("helm-grep-ack-types-cache" variable nil nil [39567 39605])
+            ("helm-grep-read-ack-type" function nil nil [39606 40228])
+            ("helm-grep-guess-extensions" function (:arguments ("files")) nil [40258 41213])
+            ("helm-grep-get-file-extensions" function (:arguments ("files")) nil [41215 42198])
+            ("helm-grep-before-init-hook" variable nil nil [42226 42326])
+            ("helm-grep-after-init-hook" variable nil nil [42328 42426])
+            ("helm-grep-class" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source-async"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("candidates-process" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-grep-collect-candidates)") nil nil)
+                    ("filter-one-by-one" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-grep-filter-one-by-one)") nil nil)
+                    ("keymap" variable (:default-value "helm-grep-map") nil nil)
+                    ("pcre" variable
+                       (:documentation "  Backend is using pcre regexp engine when non--nil."
+                        :default-value "nil")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("nohighlight" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("nomark" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("backend" variable
+                       (:documentation "  The grep backend that will be used.
+  It is actually used only as an internal flag
+  and don't set the backend by itself.
+  You probably don't want to modify this."
+                        :default-value "nil")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("candidate-number-limit" variable (:default-value "9999") nil nil)
+                    ("help-message" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-grep-help-message)") nil nil)
+                    ("history" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-grep-history)") nil nil)
+                    ("action" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-grep-actions)") nil nil)
+                    ("persistent-action" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-grep-persistent-action)") nil nil)
+                    ("persistent-help" variable (:default-value "Jump to line (`C-u' Record in mark ring)") nil nil)
+                    ("requires-pattern" variable (:default-value "2") nil nil)
+                    ("before-init-hook" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-grep-before-init-hook)") nil nil)
+                    ("after-init-hook" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-grep-after-init-hook)") nil nil)
+                    ("group" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-grep)") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [42428 43579])
+            ("helm-source-grep" variable nil nil [43581 43610])
+            ("helm--setup-source" function
+               (:parent "helm-grep-class"
+                :arguments ("source"))
+                nil [43612 43958])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [43960 47989])
+            ("helm-ff-zgrep-1" function (:arguments ("flist" "recursive")) nil [48009 48790])
+            ("helm-grep-split-line" function (:arguments ("line")) nil [48817 49293])
+            ("helm-grep--filter-candidate-1" function (:arguments ("candidate" "dir")) nil [49295 51088])
+            ("helm-grep-filter-one-by-one" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [51090 51718])
+            ("helm-grep-highlight-match" function (:arguments ("str" "multi-match")) nil [51720 53046])
+            ("helm-grep-buffers-1" function (:arguments ("candidate" "zgrep")) nil [53082 54684])
+            ("helm-grep-buffers" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [54686 54785])
+            ("helm-zgrep-buffers" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [54787 54895])
+            ("helm-pdfgrep-default-function" variable (:default-value (quote helm-pdfgrep-init)) nil [55031 55088])
+            ("helm-pdfgrep-init" function (:arguments ("only-files" "recurse")) nil [55089 57256])
+            ("helm-do-pdfgrep-1" function (:arguments ("only" "recurse")) nil [57258 58870])
+            ("helm-pdfgrep-action" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [58872 58947])
+            ("helm-pdfgrep-action-1" function (:arguments ("_split" "pageno" "fname")) nil [58949 59197])
+            ("helm-grep-ag-command" variable (:default-value "ag --line-numbers -S --hidden --color --nogroup %s %s %s") nil [59373 60599])
+            ("helm-grep--ag-command" function nil nil [60601 60721])
+            ("helm-grep-ag-get-types" function nil nil [60723 61519])
+            ("helm-grep-ag-prepare-cmd-line" function (:arguments ("pattern" "directory" "type")) nil [61521 62625])
+            ("helm-grep-ag-init" function (:arguments ("directory" "type")) nil [62627 65889])
+            ("helm-grep-ag-class" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source-async"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("nohighlight" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("pcre" variable
+                       (:documentation "  Backend is using pcre regexp engine when non--nil."
+                        :default-value "t")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("keymap" variable (:default-value "helm-grep-map") nil nil)
+                    ("history" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-grep-ag-history)") nil nil)
+                    ("help-message" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-grep-help-message)") nil nil)
+                    ("filter-one-by-one" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-grep-filter-one-by-one)") nil nil)
+                    ("persistent-action" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-grep-persistent-action)") nil nil)
+                    ("persistent-help" variable (:default-value "Jump to line (`C-u' Record in mark ring)") nil nil)
+                    ("candidate-number-limit" variable (:default-value "99999") nil nil)
+                    ("requires-pattern" variable (:default-value "2") nil nil)
+                    ("nomark" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("action" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-grep-actions)") nil nil)
+                    ("group" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-grep)") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [65891 66601])
+            ("helm-source-grep-ag" variable nil nil [66603 66635])
+            ("helm--setup-source" function
+               (:parent "helm-grep-ag-class"
+                :arguments ("source"))
+                nil [66637 66907])
+            ("helm-grep-ag-1" function (:arguments ("directory" "type")) nil [66909 67596])
+            ("helm-grep-ag" function (:arguments ("directory" "with-types")) nil [67598 68158])
+            ("helm-source-grep-git" variable nil nil [68179 68212])
+            ("helm-grep-git-grep-command" variable (:default-value "git --no-pager grep -n%cH --color=always --full-name -e %p -- %f") nil [68214 68869])
+            ("helm-grep-git-1" function (:arguments ("directory" "all" "default" "input")) nil [68871 69853])
+            ("helm-do-grep-ag" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [69872 70138])
+            ("helm-grep-do-git-grep" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [70155 70390])
+            ("helm-grep" package nil nil [70393 70413]))          
+      :file "helm-grep.el"
+      :pointmax 70554
+      :fsize 70553
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [952 969])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [970 985])
+            ("helm-types" include nil nil [986 1007])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [1008 1028])
+            ("helm-locate" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1032 1129])
+            ("helm-locate-db-file-regexp" variable (:default-value "m?locate.db$") nil [1131 1297])
+            ("helm-ff-locate-db-filename" variable (:default-value "locate.db") nil [1299 1685])
+            ("helm-locate-command" variable nil nil [1687 2779])
+            ("helm-locate-create-db-command" variable (:default-value "updatedb -l 0 -o '%s' -U '%s'") nil [2781 2946])
+            ("helm-locate-case-fold-search" variable (:default-value helm-case-fold-search) nil [2948 3389])
+            ("helm-locate-fuzzy-match" variable nil nil [3391 3575])
+            ("helm-locate-fuzzy-sort-fn" variable (:default-value (function helm-locate-default-fuzzy-sort-fn)) nil [3577 3744])
+            ("helm-locate-project-list" variable nil nil [3746 3983])
+            ("helm-locate-recursive-dirs-command" variable (:default-value "locate -i -e -A --regex '^%s' '%s.*$'") nil [3985 4509])
+            ("helm-locate-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-generic-files-map) (define-key map (kbd "DEL") (quote helm-delete-backward-no-update)) map)) nil [4513 4698])
+            ("helm-locate-finish" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "Green"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [4701 4842])
+            ("helm-ff-find-locatedb" function (:arguments ("from-ff")) nil [4846 5373])
+            ("helm-locate-create-db-default-function" function (:arguments ("db-name" "directory")) nil [5375 5684])
+            ("helm-locate-create-db-function" variable (:default-value (function helm-locate-create-db-default-function)) nil [5686 5903])
+            ("helm-locate-1" function (:arguments ("localdb" "init" "from-ff" "default")) nil [5905 8205])
+            ("helm-locate-set-command" function nil nil [8207 8554])
+            ("helm-locate-initial-setup" function nil nil [8556 8648])
+            ("helm-file-name-history" variable nil nil [8650 8685])
+            ("helm-locate-with-db" function (:arguments ("db" "initial-input" "default")) nil [8686 10546])
+            ("helm-locate-init" function nil nil [10548 13758])
+            ("helm-locate-default-fuzzy-sort-fn" function (:arguments ("candidates")) nil [13760 13968])
+            ("helm-locate-override-inheritor" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-type-file"
+                :type "class")
+                nil [13970 14031])
+            ("helm-locate-source" type
+               (:interfaces ("helm-locate-override-inheritor")
+                :superclasses "helm-source-async"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("init" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-locate-initial-setup)") nil nil)
+                    ("candidates-process" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-locate-init)") nil nil)
+                    ("requires-pattern" variable (:default-value "3") nil nil)
+                    ("history" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-file-name-history)") nil nil)
+                    ("persistent-action" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-ff-kill-or-find-buffer-fname)") nil nil)
+                    ("candidate-number-limit" variable (:default-value "9999") nil nil)
+                    ("redisplay" variable (:default-value "(progn helm-locate-fuzzy-sort-fn)") nil nil)
+                    ("group" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-locate)") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [14033 14498])
+            ("helm--setup-source" function
+               (:parent "helm-locate-override-inheritor"
+                :arguments ("source"))
+                nil [14541 14673])
+            ("helm-source-locate" variable (:default-value (helm-make-source "Locate" (quote helm-locate-source) :pattern-transformer (quote helm-locate-pattern-transformer) :match-part (lambda (candidate) (if (or (string-match-p " -b\\'" helm-pattern) (and helm-locate-fuzzy-match (not (string-match "\\s-" helm-pattern)))) (helm-basename candidate) candidate)))) nil [14675 15217])
+            ("helm-locate-pattern-transformer" function (:arguments ("pattern")) nil [15219 15917])
+            ("helm-locate-find-dbs-in-projects" function (:arguments ("update")) nil [15919 16673])
+            ("helm-locate-subdirs-source" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source-in-buffer"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("basedir" variable (:default-value "nil") nil nil)
+                    ("subdir" variable (:default-value "nil") nil nil)
+                    ("data" variable (:default-value "(function helm-locate-init-subdirs)") nil nil)
+                    ("group" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-locate)") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [16712 17020])
+            ("helm-locate-init-subdirs" function nil nil [17022 17449])
+            ("helm-projects-find-files" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("update"))
+                nil [17466 18018])
+            ("helm-locate" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [18035 19020])
+            ("helm-locate" package nil nil [19022 19044]))          
+      :file "helm-locate.el"
+      :pointmax 19187
+      :fsize 19186
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [798 815])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [816 831])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [832 852])
+            ("helm-utils" include nil nil [853 874])
+            ("helm-grep" include nil nil [875 895])
+            ("helm-tags" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [899 992])
+            ("helm-etags-tag-file-name" variable (:default-value "TAGS") nil [994 1099])
+            ("helm-etags-tag-file-search-limit" variable (:default-value 10) nil [1101 1290])
+            ("helm-etags-match-part-only" variable (:default-value (quote tag)) nil [1292 1722])
+            ("helm-etags-execute-action-at-once-if-one" variable (:default-value t) nil [1724 1891])
+            ("helm-tags-faces" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1895 2033])
+            ("helm-etags-file" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "Lightgoldenrod4" :underline t))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [2035 2196])
+            ("helm-etags-run-switch-other-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2216 2481])
+            ("put" code nil nil [2482 2536])
+            ("helm-etags-run-switch-other-frame" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2538 2800])
+            ("put" code nil nil [2801 2854])
+            ("helm-etags-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "M-<down>") (quote helm-goto-next-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-<up>") (quote helm-goto-precedent-file)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c o") (quote helm-etags-run-switch-other-window)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o") (quote helm-etags-run-switch-other-frame)) map)) nil [2856 3257])
+            ("helm-etags-mtime-alist" variable nil nil [3259 3352])
+            ("helm-etags-cache" variable (:default-value (make-hash-table :test (quote equal))) nil [3353 3471])
+            ("helm-etags-get-tag-file" function (:arguments ("directory")) nil [3473 3954])
+            ("helm-etags-all-tag-files" function nil nil [3956 4450])
+            ("helm-etags-find-tag-file-directory" function (:arguments ("current-dir")) nil [4452 5422])
+            ("helm-etags-get-header-name" function (:arguments ("_x")) nil [5424 5613])
+            ("helm-etags-create-buffer" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [5615 6995])
+            ("helm-etags-init" function nil nil [6997 8044])
+            ("helm-source-etags-select" variable nil nil [8046 8110])
+            ("helm-etags-build-source" function nil nil [8112 9543])
+            ("helm-etags-fuzzy-match" variable nil nil [9545 9799])
+            ("find-tag-marker-ring" variable nil nil [9801 9830])
+            ("helm-etags--file-from-tag" function (:arguments ("fname")) nil [9832 10060])
+            ("helm-etags-action-goto" function (:arguments ("switcher" "candidate")) nil [10062 11043])
+            ("helm-etags-mtime" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [11045 11162])
+            ("helm-etags-file-modified-p" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [11164 11463])
+            ("helm-etags-select" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("reinit"))
+                nil [11480 13285])
+            ("helm-tags" package nil nil [13287 13307]))          
+      :file "helm-tags.el"
+      :pointmax 13448
+      :fsize 13447
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [812 829])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [830 845])
+            ("helm-types" include nil nil [846 867])
+            ("helm-utils" include nil nil [868 889])
+            ("helm-grep" include nil nil [890 910])
+            ("helm-regexp" include nil nil [911 933])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [934 954])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [956 1011])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1012 1068])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1069 1114])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1115 1166])
+            ("helm-buffers" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1170 1269])
+            ("helm-boring-buffer-regexp-list" variable (:default-value (quote ("\\` " "\\`\\*helm" "\\`\\*Echo Area" "\\`\\*Minibuf"))) nil [1271 1639])
+            ("helm-white-buffer-regexp-list" variable nil nil [1641 1878])
+            ("helm-buffers-favorite-modes" variable (:default-value (quote (lisp-interaction-mode emacs-lisp-mode text-mode org-mode))) nil [1880 2214])
+            ("helm-buffer-max-length" variable (:default-value 20) nil [2216 2484])
+            ("helm-buffer-details-flag" variable (:default-value t) nil [2486 2618])
+            ("helm-buffers-fuzzy-matching" variable nil nil [2620 2855])
+            ("helm-buffer-skip-remote-checking" variable nil nil [2857 3002])
+            ("helm-buffers-truncate-lines" variable (:default-value t) nil [3004 3142])
+            ("helm-mini-default-sources" variable (:default-value (quote (helm-source-buffers-list helm-source-recentf helm-source-buffer-not-found))) nil [3144 3554])
+            ("helm-buffers-end-truncated-string" variable (:default-value "...") nil [3556 3706])
+            ("helm-buffers-column-separator" variable (:default-value "  ") nil [3708 3838])
+            ("helm-buffer--pretty-names" variable (:default-value (quote ((dired-mode . "Dired") (lisp-interaction-mode . "Lisp Inter")))) nil [3840 4461])
+            ("helm-buffers-faces" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [4480 4621])
+            ("helm-buffer-saved-out" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "red" :background "black"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [4623 4792])
+            ("helm-buffer-not-saved" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "Indianred2"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [4794 4950])
+            ("helm-buffer-modified" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [4952 5090])
+            ("helm-buffer-size" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((background dark)) :foreground "RosyBrown") (((background light)) :foreground "SlateGray")))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [5092 5284])
+            ("helm-buffer-process" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "Sienna3"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [5286 5423])
+            ("helm-buffer-directory" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "DarkRed" :background "LightGray"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [5425 5598])
+            ("helm-buffer-file" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit font-lock-builtin-face)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [5600 5753])
+            ("helm-buffer-archive" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "Gold"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [5755 5901])
+            ("helm-non-file-buffer" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:inherit italic))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [5903 6050])
+            ("helm-buffers-tick-counter" variable nil nil [6052 6440])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [6441 6496])
+            ("helm-buffer-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "M-g s") (quote helm-buffer-run-zgrep)) (define-key map (kbd "C-s") (quote helm-buffers-run-multi-occur)) (define-key map (kbd "C-x C-d") (quote helm-buffers-run-browse-project)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c o") (quote helm-buffer-switch-other-window)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o") (quote helm-buffer-switch-other-frame)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c =") (quote helm-buffer-run-ediff)) (define-key map (kbd "M-=") (quote helm-buffer-run-ediff-merge)) (define-key map (kbd "C-=") (quote helm-buffer-diff-persistent)) (define-key map (kbd "M-G") (quote helm-buffer-revert-persistent)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c d") (quote helm-buffer-run-kill-persistent)) (define-key map (kbd "M-D") (quote helm-buffer-run-kill-buffers)) (define-key map (kbd "C-x C-s") (quote helm-buffer-save-persistent)) (define-key map (kbd "C-M-%") (quote helm-buffer-run-query-replace-regexp)) (define-key map (kbd "M-%") (quote helm-buffer-run-query-replace)) (define-key map (kbd "M-R") (quote helm-buffer-run-rename-buffer)) (define-key map (kbd "M-m") (quote helm-toggle-all-marks)) (define-key map (kbd "M-a") (quote helm-mark-all)) (define-key map (kbd "C-]") (quote helm-toggle-buffers-details)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c a") (quote helm-buffers-toggle-show-hidden-buffers)) (define-key map (kbd "C-M-SPC") (quote helm-buffers-mark-similar-buffers)) map)) nil [6522 8231])
+            ("helm-buffers-ido-virtual-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "C-c o") (quote helm-ff-run-switch-other-window)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o") (quote helm-ff-run-switch-other-frame)) (define-key map (kbd "M-g s") (quote helm-ff-run-grep)) (define-key map (kbd "M-g z") (quote helm-ff-run-zgrep)) (define-key map (kbd "M-D") (quote helm-ff-run-delete-file)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-x") (quote helm-ff-run-open-file-externally)) map)) nil [8233 8735])
+            ("helm-buffer-max-len-mode" variable nil nil [8739 8776])
+            ("helm-buffers-in-project-p" variable nil nil [8777 8815])
+            ("helm-source-buffers-list" variable nil nil [8816 8853])
+            ("helm-buffers-list--init" function nil nil [8855 10442])
+            ("helm-source-buffers" type
+               (:interfaces ("helm-type-buffer")
+                :superclasses "helm-source-sync"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("buffer-list" variable
+                       (:documentation "  A function with no arguments to create buffer list."
+                        :default-value "(function helm-buffer-list)")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("init" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-buffers-list--init)") nil nil)
+                    ("multimatch" variable (:default-value "nil") nil nil)
+                    ("match" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-buffers-match-function)") nil nil)
+                    ("persistent-action" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-buffers-list-persistent-action)") nil nil)
+                    ("keymap" variable (:default-value "helm-buffer-map") nil nil)
+                    ("migemo" variable (:default-value "(quote nomultimatch)") nil nil)
+                    ("volatile" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("nohighlight" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("resume" variable (:default-value "(lambda nil (setq helm-buffers-in-project-p nil))") nil nil)
+                    ("help-message" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-buffer-help-message)") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [10444 11136])
+            ("helm-source-buffer-not-found" variable (:default-value (helm-build-dummy-source "Create buffer" :action (helm-make-actions "Create buffer (C-u choose mode)" (lambda (candidate) (let ((mjm (or (and helm-current-prefix-arg (intern-soft (helm-comp-read "Major-mode: " helm-buffers-favorite-modes))) (cl-loop for (r . m) in auto-mode-alist when (string-match r candidate) return m))) (buffer (get-buffer-create candidate))) (if mjm (with-current-buffer buffer (funcall mjm)) (set-buffer-major-mode buffer)) (switch-to-buffer buffer)))))) nil [11138 12014])
+            ("ido-temp-list" variable nil nil [12016 12038])
+            ("ido-ignored-list" variable nil nil [12039 12064])
+            ("ido-process-ignore-lists" variable nil nil [12065 12098])
+            ("ido-use-virtual-buffers" variable nil nil [12099 12131])
+            ("ido-virtual-buffers" variable nil nil [12132 12160])
+            ("helm-source-ido-virtual-buffers" variable (:default-value (helm-build-sync-source "Ido virtual buffers" :candidates (lambda nil (let (ido-temp-list ido-ignored-list (ido-process-ignore-lists t)) (when ido-use-virtual-buffers (ido-add-virtual-buffers-to-list) ido-virtual-buffers))) :fuzzy-match helm-buffers-fuzzy-matching :keymap helm-buffers-ido-virtual-map :help-message (quote helm-buffers-ido-virtual-help-message) :action (quote (("Find file" . helm-find-many-files) ("Find file other window" . find-file-other-window) ("Find file other frame" . find-file-other-frame) ("Find file as root" . helm-find-file-as-root) ("Grep File(s) `C-u recurse'" . helm-find-files-grep) ("Zgrep File(s) `C-u Recurse'" . helm-ff-zgrep) ("View file" . view-file) ("Delete file(s)" . helm-delete-marked-files) ("Open file externally (C-u to choose)" . helm-open-file-externally))))) nil [12162 13276])
+            ("ido-use-virtual-buffers" variable nil nil [13280 13312])
+            ("ido-ignore-buffers" variable nil nil [13313 13340])
+            ("helm-buffer-list" function nil nil [13341 13680])
+            ("helm-buffer-size" function (:arguments ("buffer")) nil [13682 13918])
+            ("helm-buffer--show-details" function (:arguments ("buf-name" "prefix" "help-echo" "size" "mode" "dir" "face1" "face2" "proc" "details" "type")) nil [13920 14569])
+            ("helm-buffer--format-mode-name" function (:arguments ("buf")) nil [14571 14886])
+            ("helm-buffer--details" function (:arguments ("buffer" "details")) nil [14888 18424])
+            ("helm-highlight-buffers" function (:arguments ("buffers" "_source")) nil [18426 20760])
+            ("helm-buffer--get-preselection" function (:arguments ("buffer")) nil [20762 21591])
+            ("helm-toggle-buffers-details" function nil nil [21593 22090])
+            ("put" code nil nil [22091 22138])
+            ("helm-buffers--pattern-sans-filters" function (:arguments ("separator")) nil [22140 22427])
+            ("helm-buffers-sort-transformer" function (:arguments ("candidates" "source")) nil [22429 22823])
+            ("helm-buffers-mark-similar-buffers-1" function nil nil [22825 23972])
+            ("helm-buffers-mark-similar-buffers" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [23974 24363])
+            ("put" code nil nil [24364 24417])
+            ("helm-buffer--match-mjm" function (:arguments ("pattern" "mjm")) nil [24444 25132])
+            ("helm-buffer--memo-hash" variable (:default-value (make-hash-table :test (quote equal))) nil [25134 25196])
+            ("helm-buffer--memo-pattern" function (:arguments ("pattern")) nil [25197 25384])
+            ("helm-buffer--match-pattern" function (:arguments ("pattern" "candidate" "nofuzzy")) nil [25386 26014])
+            ("helm-buffers--match-from-mjm" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [26016 26568])
+            ("helm-buffers--match-from-pat" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [26570 27093])
+            ("helm-buffers--match-from-inside" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [27095 27758])
+            ("helm-buffers--match-from-directory" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [27760 28470])
+            ("helm-buffers-match-function" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [28472 28760])
+            ("helm-buffer-query-replace-1" function (:arguments ("regexp-flag" "buffers")) nil [28764 29630])
+            ("helm-buffer-query-replace-regexp" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [29632 29725])
+            ("helm-buffer-query-replace" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [29727 29805])
+            ("helm-buffer-toggle-diff" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [29807 30094])
+            ("helm-buffer-diff-persistent" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [30096 30325])
+            ("put" code nil nil [30326 30373])
+            ("helm-revert-buffer" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [30375 30534])
+            ("helm-revert-marked-buffers" function (:arguments ("_ignore")) nil [30536 30634])
+            ("helm-buffer-revert-and-update" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [30636 31003])
+            ("helm-buffer-revert-persistent" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [31005 31257])
+            ("put" code nil nil [31258 31307])
+            ("helm-buffer-save-and-update" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [31309 31763])
+            ("helm-buffer-save-persistent" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [31765 32007])
+            ("put" code nil nil [32008 32055])
+            ("helm-buffers-rename-buffer" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [32057 32205])
+            ("helm-buffer-run-rename-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [32207 32410])
+            ("put" code nil nil [32411 32460])
+            ("helm-buffer-run-kill-persistent" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [32462 32709])
+            ("put" code nil nil [32710 32761])
+            ("helm-kill-marked-buffers" function (:arguments ("_ignore")) nil [32763 33102])
+            ("helm-buffer-run-kill-buffers" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [33104 33302])
+            ("put" code nil nil [33303 33351])
+            ("helm-buffer-run-grep" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [33353 33529])
+            ("put" code nil nil [33530 33570])
+            ("helm-buffer-run-zgrep" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [33572 33750])
+            ("put" code nil nil [33751 33792])
+            ("helm-buffer-run-query-replace-regexp" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [33794 34017])
+            ("put" code nil nil [34018 34074])
+            ("helm-buffer-run-query-replace" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [34076 34278])
+            ("put" code nil nil [34279 34328])
+            ("helm-buffer-switch-other-window" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [34330 34557])
+            ("put" code nil nil [34558 34609])
+            ("helm-buffer-switch-other-frame" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [34611 34825])
+            ("put" code nil nil [34826 34876])
+            ("helm-buffer-switch-buffers" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [34878 35197])
+            ("helm-buffer-switch-buffers-other-window" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [35199 35392])
+            ("helm-buffer-run-ediff" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [35394 35580])
+            ("put" code nil nil [35581 35622])
+            ("helm-buffer-run-ediff-merge" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [35624 35822])
+            ("put" code nil nil [35823 35870])
+            ("helm-buffers-persistent-kill-1" function (:arguments ("buffer-or-name")) nil [35872 36436])
+            ("helm-buffers--quote-truncated-buffer" function (:arguments ("buffer")) nil [36438 37014])
+            ("helm-buffers-persistent-kill" function (:arguments ("_buffer")) nil [37016 37904])
+            ("helm-buffers-list-persistent-action" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [37906 38493])
+            ("helm-ediff-marked-buffers" function (:arguments ("_candidate" "merge")) nil [38495 39204])
+            ("helm-ediff-marked-buffers-merge" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [39206 39386])
+            ("helm-multi-occur-as-action" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [39388 39997])
+            ("helm-buffers-run-multi-occur" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [39999 40184])
+            ("put" code nil nil [40185 40233])
+            ("helm-buffers-toggle-show-hidden-buffers" function nil nil [40235 41091])
+            ("put" code nil nil [41092 41151])
+            ("helm-buffers-browse-project" function (:arguments ("buf")) nil [41153 41304])
+            ("helm-buffers-run-browse-project" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [41306 41604])
+            ("helm-skip-boring-buffers" function (:arguments ("buffers" "_source")) nil [41640 41823])
+            ("helm-shadow-boring-buffers" function (:arguments ("buffers" "_source")) nil [41825 42054])
+            ("helm-buffers-list" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [42073 42553])
+            ("helm-mini" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [42570 43005])
+            ("helm-quit-and-helm-mini" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [43007 43155])
+            ("helm-buffers" package nil nil [43157 43180]))          
+      :file "helm-buffers.el"
+      :pointmax 43324
+      :fsize 43323
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22014 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [837 854])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [855 870])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [871 891])
+            ("helm-utils" include nil nil [892 913])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [915 974])
+            ("helm-regexp" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [978 1075])
+            ("helm-moccur-always-search-in-current" variable nil nil [1077 1236])
+            ("helm-moccur-use-ioccur-style-keys" variable (:default-value t) nil [1238 1394])
+            ("helm-moccur-auto-update-on-resume" variable nil nil [1396 2078])
+            ("helm-source-multi-occur-actions" variable (:default-value (quote (("Go to Line" . helm-moccur-goto-line) ("Goto line other window (C-u vertically)" . helm-moccur-goto-line-ow) ("Goto line new frame" . helm-moccur-goto-line-of) ("Save buffer" . helm-moccur-save-results)))) nil [2080 2465])
+            ("helm-moccur-truncate-lines" variable (:default-value t) nil [2467 2613])
+            ("helm-moccur-show-buffer-fontification" variable nil nil [2615 3127])
+            ("helm-moccur-buffer-substring-fn-for-modes" variable (:default-value (quote ((mu4e-headers-mode . buffer-substring) (package-menu-mode . buffer-substring-no-properties)))) nil [3129 3792])
+            ("helm-occur-show-buffer-name" variable nil nil [3794 4055])
+            ("helm-moccur-buffer" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "DarkTurquoise" :underline t))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [4058 4210])
+            ("helm-resume-need-update" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:background "red"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [4212 4357])
+            ("helm-moccur-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "M-<down>") (quote helm-goto-next-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-<up>") (quote helm-goto-precedent-file)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c o") (quote helm-moccur-run-goto-line-ow)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o") (quote helm-moccur-run-goto-line-of)) (define-key map (kbd "C-x C-s") (quote helm-moccur-run-save-buffer)) (when helm-moccur-use-ioccur-style-keys (define-key map (kbd "<right>") (quote helm-execute-persistent-action)) (define-key map (kbd "<left>") (quote helm-moccur-run-default-action))) (delq nil map))) nil [4361 5027])
+            ("helm-build-regexp-history" variable nil nil [5047 5085])
+            ("helm-occur-history" variable nil nil [5086 5117])
+            ("helm-query-replace-regexp" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [5119 5461])
+            ("helm-kill-regexp-as-sexp" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [5463 5614])
+            ("helm-kill-regexp" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [5616 5733])
+            ("helm-query-replace-args" function (:arguments ("regexp")) nil [5735 6302])
+            ("helm-source-regexp" variable (:default-value (helm-build-in-buffer-source "Regexp Builder" :init (lambda nil (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer (quote global) (with-temp-buffer (insert-buffer-substring helm-current-buffer) (buffer-string)))) :get-line (function helm-regexp-get-line) :persistent-action (function helm-regexp-persistent-action) :persistent-help "Show this line" :multiline t :multimatch nil :requires-pattern 2 :group (quote helm-regexp) :mode-line "Press TAB to select action." :action (quote (("Kill Regexp as sexp" . helm-kill-regexp-as-sexp) ("Query Replace Regexp (C-u Not inside word.)" . helm-query-replace-regexp) ("Kill Regexp" . helm-kill-regexp))))) nil [6304 7084])
+            ("helm-regexp-get-line" function (:arguments ("s" "e")) nil [7086 7572])
+            ("helm-regexp-persistent-action" function (:arguments ("pt")) nil [7574 7670])
+            ("helm-regexp-kill-new" function (:arguments ("input")) nil [7672 7784])
+            ("helm-source-occur" variable nil nil [7804 7834])
+            ("helm-occur-init-source" function nil nil [7835 7988])
+            ("helm-multi-occur-buffer-list" variable nil nil [8027 8068])
+            ("helm-multi-occur-buffer-tick" variable nil nil [8069 8110])
+            ("helm-occur--invisible" variable nil nil [8111 8258])
+            ("helm-moccur-init" function nil nil [8260 9516])
+            ("helm-moccur--next-or-previous-char" function nil nil [9518 9662])
+            ("helm-moccur-get-line" function (:arguments ("beg" "end")) nil [9664 10925])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [10927 12157])
+            ("helm-moccur-persistent-action" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [12159 12276])
+            ("helm-moccur-goto-line" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [12278 12434])
+            ("helm-moccur-goto-line-ow" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [12436 12635])
+            ("helm-moccur-goto-line-of" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [12637 12829])
+            ("helm-moccur-run-goto-line-ow" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [12831 13034])
+            ("put" code nil nil [13035 13083])
+            ("helm-moccur-run-goto-line-of" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [13085 13285])
+            ("put" code nil nil [13286 13334])
+            ("helm-moccur-run-default-action" function nil nil [13336 13473])
+            ("put" code nil nil [13474 13524])
+            ("helm-moccur-before-init-hook" variable nil nil [13526 13628])
+            ("helm-moccur-after-init-hook" variable nil nil [13630 13730])
+            ("helm-source-moccur" variable nil nil [13732 13763])
+            ("helm-source-multi-occur" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source-in-buffer"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("init" variable (:default-value "(lambda nil (require (quote helm-grep)) (helm-moccur-init))") nil nil)
+                    ("filter-one-by-one" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-moccur-filter-one-by-one)") nil nil)
+                    ("get-line" variable (:default-value "helm-moccur-get-line") nil nil)
+                    ("nohighlight" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("nomark" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("migemo" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("action" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-source-multi-occur-actions)") nil nil)
+                    ("persistent-action" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-moccur-persistent-action)") nil nil)
+                    ("persistent-help" variable (:default-value "Go to line") nil nil)
+                    ("resume" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-moccur-resume-fn)") nil nil)
+                    ("candidate-number-limit" variable (:default-value "9999") nil nil)
+                    ("help-message" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-moccur-help-message)") nil nil)
+                    ("keymap" variable (:default-value "helm-moccur-map") nil nil)
+                    ("history" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-occur-history)") nil nil)
+                    ("requires-pattern" variable (:default-value "2") nil nil)
+                    ("before-init-hook" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-moccur-before-init-hook)") nil nil)
+                    ("after-init-hook" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-moccur-after-init-hook)") nil nil)
+                    ("group" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-regexp)") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [13764 14699])
+            ("helm-moccur-resume-fn" function nil nil [14701 17657])
+            ("helm-moccur-filter-one-by-one" function (:arguments ("candidate" "outside-helm")) nil [17659 18734])
+            ("helm-multi-occur-1" function (:arguments ("buffers" "input")) nil [18736 19831])
+            ("helm-moccur-run-save-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [19833 20025])
+            ("put" code nil nil [20026 20073])
+            ("helm-moccur-mode-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map (kbd "RET") (quote helm-moccur-mode-goto-line)) (define-key map (kbd "C-o") (quote helm-moccur-mode-goto-line-ow)) (define-key map (kbd "<C-down>") (quote helm-moccur-mode-goto-line-ow-forward)) (define-key map (kbd "<C-up>") (quote helm-moccur-mode-goto-line-ow-backward)) (define-key map (kbd "<M-down>") (quote helm-gm-next-file)) (define-key map (kbd "<M-up>") (quote helm-gm-precedent-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-n") (quote helm-moccur-mode-goto-line-ow-forward)) (define-key map (kbd "M-p") (quote helm-moccur-mode-goto-line-ow-backward)) (define-key map (kbd "M-N") (quote helm-gm-next-file)) (define-key map (kbd "M-P") (quote helm-gm-precedent-file)) map)) nil [20104 20861])
+            ("helm-moccur-mode-goto-line" function nil nil [20863 21044])
+            ("helm-moccur-mode-goto-line-ow" function nil nil [21046 21233])
+            ("helm-moccur-mode-goto-line-ow-forward-1" function (:arguments ("arg")) nil [21235 21462])
+            ("helm-moccur-mode-goto-line-ow-forward" function nil nil [21464 21574])
+            ("helm-moccur-mode-goto-line-ow-backward" function nil nil [21576 21688])
+            ("helm-moccur-save-results" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [21690 23603])
+            ("helm-moccur-mode-mouse-goto-line" function (:arguments ("event")) nil [23605 23916])
+            ("put" code nil nil [23917 23969])
+            ("define-derived-mode" code nil nil [23986 24391])
+            ("put" code nil nil [24392 24428])
+            ("helm-moccur-mode--revert-buffer-function" function (:arguments ("_ignore-auto" "_noconfirm")) nil [24430 26458])
+            ("helm-regexp" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [26508 27063])
+            ("helm-occur" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [27080 29374])
+            ("helm-occur-from-isearch" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [29391 30286])
+            ("helm-multi-occur-from-isearch" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_arg"))
+                nil [30303 31306])
+            ("helm-regexp" package nil nil [31309 31331]))          
+      :file "helm-regexp.el"
+      :pointmax 31474
+      :fsize 31473
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [817 834])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [835 850])
+            ("helm-lib" include nil nil [851 870])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [871 891])
+            ("helm-types" include nil nil [892 913])
+            ("helm-utils" include nil nil [914 935])
+            ("helm-info" include nil nil [936 956])
+            ("helm-eval" include nil nil [957 977])
+            ("helm-files" include nil nil [978 999])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1001 1054])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1055 1108])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1109 1158])
+            ("helm-elisp" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1187 1282])
+            ("helm-turn-on-show-completion" variable (:default-value t) nil [1284 1445])
+            ("helm-show-completion-min-window-height" variable (:default-value 7) nil [1447 1651])
+            ("helm-lisp-quoted-function-list" variable (:default-value (quote (funcall apply mapc cl-mapc mapcar cl-mapcar callf callf2 cl-callf cl-callf2 fset fboundp fmakunbound symbol-function))) nil [1653 1990])
+            ("helm-lisp-unquoted-function-list" variable (:default-value (quote (function defadvice))) nil [1992 2227])
+            ("helm-apropos-fuzzy-match" variable nil nil [2229 2366])
+            ("helm-lisp-fuzzy-completion" variable nil nil [2368 2699])
+            ("helm-apropos-function-list" variable (:default-value (quote (helm-def-source--emacs-commands helm-def-source--emacs-functions helm-def-source--eieio-classes helm-def-source--eieio-generic helm-def-source--emacs-variables helm-def-source--emacs-faces))) nil [2701 3260])
+            ("helm-apropos-defaut-info-lookup-sources" variable (:default-value (quote (helm-source-info-elisp helm-source-info-cl helm-source-info-eieio))) nil [3262 3616])
+            ("helm-show-completion-display-function" variable (:default-value (if (display-graphic-p) (function helm-display-buffer-in-own-frame) (function helm-show-completion-default-display-function))) nil [3618 4121])
+            ("helm-elisp-faces" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [4140 4275])
+            ("helm-lisp-show-completion" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:background "DarkSlateGray"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [4277 4444])
+            ("helm-lisp-completion-info" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "red"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [4446 4597])
+            ("helm-elisp-help-function" variable (:default-value (quote helm-elisp-show-help)) nil [4599 4942])
+            ("helm-locate-library-fuzzy-match" variable (:default-value t) nil [4944 5093])
+            ("helm-show-completion-overlay" variable nil nil [5189 5230])
+            ("helm-show-completion" function nil nil [5280 5487])
+            ("helm-show-completion-init-overlay" function (:arguments ("beg" "end")) nil [5489 5694])
+            ("helm-show-completion-default-display-function" function (:arguments ("buffer" "_args")) nil [5696 6731])
+            ("with-helm-show-completion" function (:arguments ("beg" "end" "body")) nil [6733 8029])
+            ("helm-lisp-completion--predicate-at-point" function (:arguments ("beg")) nil [8067 9771])
+            ("helm-thing-before-point" function (:arguments ("limits" "regexp")) nil [9773 10442])
+            ("helm-bounds-of-thing-before-point" function (:arguments ("regexp")) nil [10444 10645])
+            ("helm-insert-completion-at-point" function (:arguments ("beg" "end" "str")) nil [10647 11226])
+            ("helm-lisp-completion--cache" variable nil nil [11228 11268])
+            ("helm-lgst-len" variable nil nil [11269 11295])
+            ("helm-lisp-completion-at-point" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [11311 13961])
+            ("helm-lisp-completion-persistent-action" function (:arguments ("candidate" "name")) nil [13963 14257])
+            ("helm-lisp-completion-persistent-help" function nil nil [14259 14556])
+            ("helm-elisp--show-help-1" function (:arguments ("candidate" "name")) nil [14558 15107])
+            ("helm-elisp-show-help" function (:arguments ("candidate" "name")) nil [15109 15511])
+            ("helm-elisp-show-doc-modeline" function (:arguments ("candidate" "name")) nil [15513 15875])
+            ("helm-lisp-completion-transformer" function (:arguments ("candidates" "_source")) nil [15877 16521])
+            ("helm-get-first-line-documentation" function (:arguments ("sym" "name")) nil [16523 17475])
+            ("helm-complete-file-name-at-point" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("force"))
+                nil [17549 18707])
+            ("helm-lisp-indent" function nil nil [18724 19108])
+            ("helm-lisp-completion-or-file-name-at-point" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [19125 19648])
+            ("helm-apropos-history" variable nil nil [19670 19703])
+            ("helm-apropos-init" function (:arguments ("test" "default")) nil [19705 20144])
+            ("helm-apropos-init-faces" function (:arguments ("default")) nil [20146 20795])
+            ("helm-apropos-default-sort-fn" function (:arguments ("candidates" "_source")) nil [20797 20951])
+            ("helm-apropos-clean-history-variable" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [20953 21613])
+            ("helm-apropos-clean-ring" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [21615 22391])
+            ("helm-apropos-action-transformer" function (:arguments ("actions" "candidate")) nil [22393 23514])
+            ("helm-def-source--emacs-variables" function (:arguments ("default")) nil [23516 24431])
+            ("helm-def-source--emacs-faces" function (:arguments ("default")) nil [24433 25451])
+            ("helm-def-source--emacs-commands" function (:arguments ("default")) nil [25453 26205])
+            ("helm-def-source--emacs-functions" function (:arguments ("default")) nil [26207 27218])
+            ("helm-def-source--eieio-classes" function (:arguments ("default")) nil [27220 28047])
+            ("helm-def-source--eieio-generic" function (:arguments ("default")) nil [28049 28899])
+            ("helm-info-lookup-fallback-source" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [28901 29874])
+            ("helm-info-lookup-symbol-1" function (:arguments ("c")) nil [29876 30197])
+            ("helm-info-lookup-symbol" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [30199 30455])
+            ("helm-apropos" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("default"))
+                nil [30472 31048])
+            ("helm-source-advice" variable (:default-value (helm-build-sync-source "Function Advice" :init (lambda nil (require (quote advice))) :candidates (quote helm-advice-candidates) :action (helm-make-actions "Toggle Enable/Disable" (quote helm-advice-toggle)) :persistent-action (quote helm-advice-persistent-action) :nomark t :multiline t :persistent-help "Toggle describe function / C-u C-j: Toggle advice")) nil [31070 31456])
+            ("helm-advice-candidates" function nil nil [31458 32168])
+            ("helm-advice-persistent-action" function (:arguments ("func-class-advice")) nil [32170 32346])
+            ("helm-advice-toggle" function (:arguments ("func-class-advice")) nil [32348 32786])
+            ("helm-advice-update-current-display-string" function nil nil [32788 33110])
+            ("helm-manage-advice" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [33127 33291])
+            ("helm-locate-library-scan-list" function nil nil [33326 33621])
+            ("helm-locate-library" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [33638 34975])
+            ("helm-set-variable" function (:arguments ("var")) nil [34977 35408])
+            ("helm-absolute-time-timers-class" type
+               (:interfaces ("helm-type-timers")
+                :superclasses "helm-source-sync"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("candidates" variable (:default-value "timer-list") nil nil)
+                    ("allow-dups" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("candidate-transformer" variable (:default-value "(lambda (candidates) (cl-loop for timer in candidates collect (cons (helm-elisp--format-timer timer) timer)))") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [35436 35756])
+            ("helm-source-absolute-time-timers" variable (:default-value (helm-make-source "Absolute Time Timers" (quote helm-absolute-time-timers-class))) nil [35758 35876])
+            ("helm-idle-time-timers-class" type
+               (:interfaces ("helm-type-timers")
+                :superclasses "helm-source-sync"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("candidates" variable (:default-value "timer-idle-list") nil nil)
+                    ("allow-dups" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("candidate-transformer" variable (:default-value "(lambda (candidates) (cl-loop for timer in candidates collect (cons (helm-elisp--format-timer timer) timer)))") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [35878 36199])
+            ("helm-source-idle-time-timers" variable (:default-value (helm-make-source "Idle Time Timers" (quote helm-idle-time-timers-class))) nil [36201 36307])
+            ("helm-elisp--format-timer" function (:arguments ("timer")) nil [36309 36852])
+            ("helm-timers" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [36869 37078])
+            ("helm-btf--usable-p" function nil nil [37116 37329])
+            ("if" code nil nil [37331 38746])
+            ("helm-source-complex-command-history" variable (:default-value (helm-build-sync-source "Complex Command History" :candidates (lambda nil (cl-loop for i in command-history unless (equal i (quote (helm-complex-command-history))) collect (prin1-to-string i))) :action (helm-make-actions "Eval" (lambda (candidate) (and (boundp (quote helm-sexp--last-sexp)) (setq helm-sexp--last-sexp candidate)) (let ((command (read candidate))) (unless (equal command (car command-history)) (setq command-history (cons command command-history)))) (run-with-timer 0.1 nil (function helm-sexp-eval) candidate)) "Edit and eval" (lambda (candidate) (edit-and-eval-command "Eval: " (read candidate)))) :persistent-action (function helm-sexp-eval) :multiline t)) nil [38748 39827])
+            ("helm-complex-command-history" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [39844 40048])
+            ("helm-elisp" package nil nil [40050 40071]))          
+      :file "helm-elisp.el"
+      :pointmax 40213
+      :fsize 40212
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [809 826])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [827 842])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [843 863])
+            ("eldoc" include nil nil [864 880])
+            ("edebug" include nil nil [881 898])
+            ("helm-eval" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [902 995])
+            ("helm-eldoc-in-minibuffer-show-fn" variable (:default-value (quote helm-show-info-in-mode-line)) nil [997 1191])
+            ("helm-show-info-in-mode-line-delay" variable (:default-value 12) nil [1193 1352])
+            ("if" code nil nil [1413 2341])
+            ("helm-eldoc-active-minibuffers-list" variable nil nil [2383 2430])
+            ("helm-eval-expression-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "<C-return>") (quote helm-eval-new-line-and-indent)) (define-key map (kbd "<M-tab>") (quote lisp-indent-line)) (define-key map (kbd "<C-tab>") (quote helm-lisp-completion-at-point)) (define-key map (kbd "C-p") (quote previous-line)) (define-key map (kbd "C-n") (quote next-line)) (define-key map (kbd "<up>") (quote previous-line)) (define-key map (kbd "<down>") (quote next-line)) (define-key map (kbd "<right>") (quote forward-char)) (define-key map (kbd "<left>") (quote backward-char)) map)) nil [2432 3070])
+            ("helm-build-evaluation-result-source" function nil nil [3072 4542])
+            ("helm-eval-new-line-and-indent" function nil nil [4544 4631])
+            ("helm-eldoc-store-minibuffer" function nil nil [4633 4853])
+            ("helm-eldoc-show-in-eval" function nil nil [4855 5742])
+            ("helm-show-info-in-mode-line" function (:arguments ("str")) nil [5744 6051])
+            ("helm-source-calculation-result" variable (:default-value (helm-build-dummy-source "Calculation Result" :filtered-candidate-transformer (lambda (_candidates _source) (list (condition-case nil (calc-eval helm-pattern) (error "error")))) :nohighlight t :action (quote (("Copy result to kill-ring" lambda (candidate) (kill-new candidate) (message "Result \"%s\" copied to kill-ring" candidate)) ("Copy operation to kill-ring" lambda (_candidate) (kill-new helm-input) (message "Calculation copied to kill-ring")))))) nil [6082 7011])
+            ("helm-eval-expression" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [7028 7358])
+            ("eldoc-idle-delay" variable nil nil [7360 7385])
+            ("helm-eval-expression-with-eldoc" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7401 7958])
+            ("helm-calcul-expression" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [7975 8167])
+            ("helm-eval" package nil nil [8169 8189]))          
+      :file "helm-eval.el"
+      :pointmax 8330
+      :fsize 8329
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22014 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("helm-files" include nil nil [815 836])
+            ("helm-external" include nil nil [837 861])
+            ("helm-bookmark" include nil nil [862 886])
+            ("helm-multi-files-toggle-locate-binding" variable (:default-value "C-c p") nil [888 1058])
+            ("helm-for-files-preferred-list" variable (:default-value (quote (helm-source-buffers-list helm-source-recentf helm-source-bookmarks helm-source-file-cache helm-source-files-in-current-dir helm-source-locate))) nil [1060 1510])
+            ("helm-for-files-tramp-not-fancy" variable (:default-value t) nil [1512 1697])
+            ("file-cache-alist" variable nil nil [1720 1745])
+            ("helm-file-cache" type
+               (:interfaces ("helm-type-file")
+                :superclasses "helm-source-in-buffer"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("init" variable (:default-value "(lambda nil (require (quote filecache)))") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [1747 1866])
+            ("helm-file-cache-get-candidates" function nil nil [1868 2102])
+            ("helm-source-file-cache" variable nil nil [2104 2139])
+            ("helm-file-cache-fuzzy-match" variable nil nil [2141 2556])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [2558 2933])
+            ("helm-transform-file-cache" function (:arguments ("actions" "_candidate")) nil [2935 3247])
+            ("helm-recentf--basename-flag" variable nil nil [3273 3313])
+            ("helm-recentf-pattern-transformer" function (:arguments ("pattern")) nil [3315 3827])
+            ("helm-turn-on-recentf" variable (:default-value t) nil [3829 3956])
+            ("helm-recentf-source" type
+               (:interfaces ("helm-type-file")
+                :superclasses "helm-source-sync"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("init" variable (:default-value "(lambda nil (require (quote recentf)) (when helm-turn-on-recentf (recentf-mode 1)))") nil nil)
+                    ("candidates" variable (:default-value "(lambda nil recentf-list)") nil nil)
+                    ("pattern-transformer" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-recentf-pattern-transformer)") nil nil)
+                    ("match-part" variable (:default-value "(lambda (candidate) (if (or helm-ff-transformer-show-only-basename helm-recentf--basename-flag) (helm-basename candidate) candidate))") nil nil)
+                    ("migemo" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("persistent-action" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-ff-kill-or-find-buffer-fname)") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [3958 4626])
+            ("helm--setup-source" function
+               (:parent "helm-recentf-source"
+                :arguments ("source"))
+                nil [4628 5037])
+            ("helm-source-recentf" variable nil nil [5039 5189])
+            ("helm-recentf-fuzzy-match" variable nil nil [5191 5633])
+            ("helm-highlight-files" function (:arguments ("files" "_source")) nil [5668 7887])
+            ("helm-files-in-current-dir-source" type
+               (:interfaces ("helm-type-file")
+                :superclasses "helm-source-sync"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("candidates" variable (:default-value "(lambda nil (with-helm-current-buffer (let ((dir (helm-current-directory))) (when (file-accessible-directory-p dir) (directory-files dir t)))))") nil nil)
+                    ("pattern-transformer" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-recentf-pattern-transformer)") nil nil)
+                    ("match-part" variable (:default-value "(lambda (candidate) (if (or helm-ff-transformer-show-only-basename helm-recentf--basename-flag) (helm-basename candidate) candidate))") nil nil)
+                    ("fuzzy-match" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("migemo" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [7889 8631])
+            ("helm-source-files-in-current-dir" variable (:default-value (helm-make-source "Files from Current Directory" (quote helm-files-in-current-dir-source))) nil [8633 8766])
+            ("helm-for-files" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [8783 9268])
+            ("helm-multi-files-toggle-to-locate" function nil nil [9270 9953])
+            ("put" code nil nil [9954 10007])
+            ("helm-multi-files" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [10024 11903])
+            ("helm-recentf" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [11920 12118])
+            ("helm-for-files" package nil nil [12120 12145]))          
+      :file "helm-for-files.el"
+      :pointmax 12291
+      :fsize 12290
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [844 861])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [862 877])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [878 898])
+            ("helm-net" include nil nil [899 918])
+            ("helm-external" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [922 1024])
+            ("helm-raise-command" variable nil nil [1026 1269])
+            ("helm-external-programs-associations" variable nil nil [1271 1577])
+            ("helm-default-external-file-browser" variable (:default-value "nautilus") nil [1579 1954])
+            ("helm-external-command-history" variable nil nil [1972 2014])
+            ("helm-external-commands-list" variable nil nil [2015 2191])
+            ("helm-external-commands-list-1" function (:arguments ("sort")) nil [2193 3277])
+            ("helm-run-or-raise" function (:arguments ("exe" "file")) nil [3279 4918])
+            ("helm-get-mailcap-for-file" function (:arguments ("filename")) nil [4920 5390])
+            ("helm-get-default-program-for-file" function (:arguments ("filename")) nil [5392 5973])
+            ("helm-open-file-externally" function (:arguments ("file")) nil [5975 8295])
+            ("helm-run-external-command" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("program"))
+                nil [8312 9115])
+            ("helm-external" package nil nil [9118 9142]))          
+      :file "helm-external.el"
+      :pointmax 9284
+      :fsize 9283
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [808 825])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [826 841])
+            ("helm-lib" include nil nil [842 861])
+            ("imenu" include nil nil [862 878])
+            ("helm-utils" include nil nil [879 900])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [901 921])
+            ("helm-imenu" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [925 1020])
+            ("helm-imenu-delimiter" variable (:default-value " / ") nil [1022 1161])
+            ("helm-imenu-execute-action-at-once-if-one" variable (:default-value (function helm-imenu--execute-action-at-once-p)) nil [1163 1346])
+            ("helm-imenu-lynx-style-map" variable (:default-value t) nil [1348 1468])
+            ("helm-imenu-all-buffer-assoc" variable nil nil [1470 1876])
+            ("helm-imenu-in-all-buffers-separate-sources" variable (:default-value t) nil [1878 2433])
+            ("helm-imenu-type-faces" variable (:default-value (quote (("^Variables$" . font-lock-variable-name-face) ("^\\(Function\\|Functions\\|Defuns\\)$" . font-lock-function-name-face) ("^\\(Types\\|Provides\\|Requires\\|Classes\\|Class\\|Includes\\|Imports\\|Misc\\|Code\\)$" . font-lock-type-face)))) nil [2435 3091])
+            ("helm-imenu-extra-modes" variable nil nil [3093 3243])
+            ("helm-imenu-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "M-<down>") (quote helm-imenu-next-section)) (define-key map (kbd "M-<up>") (quote helm-imenu-previous-section)) (when helm-imenu-lynx-style-map (define-key map (kbd "<left>") (quote helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer)) (define-key map (kbd "<right>") (quote helm-execute-persistent-action)) (define-key map (kbd "M-<left>") (quote helm-previous-source)) (define-key map (kbd "M-<right>") (quote helm-next-source))) (delq nil map))) nil [3257 3804])
+            ("helm-imenu-next-or-previous-section" function (:arguments ("n")) nil [3806 4436])
+            ("helm-imenu-next-section" function nil nil [4438 4530])
+            ("helm-imenu-previous-section" function nil nil [4532 4629])
+            ("helm-cached-imenu-alist" variable nil nil [4647 4683])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [4684 4737])
+            ("helm-cached-imenu-candidates" variable nil nil [4739 4780])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [4781 4839])
+            ("helm-cached-imenu-tick" variable nil nil [4841 4876])
+            ("make-variable-buffer-local" code nil nil [4877 4929])
+            ("helm-imenu--in-all-buffers-cache" variable nil nil [4931 4976])
+            ("helm-source-imenu" variable nil nil [4979 5039])
+            ("helm-source-imenu-all" variable nil nil [5040 5074])
+            ("helm-imenu-source" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source-sync"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("candidates" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-imenu-candidates)") nil nil)
+                    ("candidate-transformer" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-imenu-transformer)") nil nil)
+                    ("persistent-action" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-imenu-persistent-action)") nil nil)
+                    ("persistent-help" variable (:default-value "Show this entry") nil nil)
+                    ("nomark" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("keymap" variable (:default-value "helm-imenu-map") nil nil)
+                    ("help-message" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-imenu-help-message)") nil nil)
+                    ("action" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-imenu-action)") nil nil)
+                    ("group" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-imenu)") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [5076 5534])
+            ("helm-imenu-fuzzy-match" variable nil nil [5536 5860])
+            ("helm-imenu--maybe-switch-to-buffer" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [5863 6037])
+            ("helm-imenu--execute-action-at-once-p" function nil nil [6039 6391])
+            ("helm-imenu-action" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [6393 6881])
+            ("helm-imenu-persistent-action" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [6883 7087])
+            ("helm-imenu-candidates" function (:arguments ("buffer")) nil [7089 7633])
+            ("helm-imenu-candidates-in-all-buffers" function (:arguments ("build-sources")) nil [7635 8997])
+            ("helm-imenu--candidates-1" function (:arguments ("alist")) nil [8999 10453])
+            ("helm-imenu--get-prop" function (:arguments ("item")) nil [10455 10917])
+            ("helm-imenu-transformer" function (:arguments ("candidates")) nil [10919 12133])
+            ("helm-imenu" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [12151 12733])
+            ("helm-imenu-in-all-buffers" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [12750 14402])
+            ("helm-imenu" package nil nil [14404 14425]))          
+      :file "helm-imenu.el"
+      :pointmax 14567
+      :fsize 14566
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [811 828])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [829 844])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [845 865])
+            ("helm-font" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [869 959])
+            ("helm-ucs-recent-size" variable (:default-value 10) nil [961 1069])
+            ("helm-ucs-actions" variable (:default-value (quote (("Insert character" . helm-ucs-insert-char) ("Insert character name" . helm-ucs-insert-name) ("Insert character code in hex" . helm-ucs-insert-code) ("Kill marked characters" . helm-ucs-kill-char) ("Kill name" . helm-ucs-kill-name) ("Kill code" . helm-ucs-kill-code)))) nil [1071 1564])
+            ("helm-ucs-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "<C-backspace>") (quote helm-ucs-persistent-delete)) (define-key map (kbd "<C-left>") (quote helm-ucs-persistent-backward)) (define-key map (kbd "<C-right>") (quote helm-ucs-persistent-forward)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c SPC") (quote helm-ucs-persistent-insert-space)) map)) nil [1566 1989])
+            ("helm-ucs-char" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "Gold"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [1991 2138])
+            ("helm-xfonts-cache" variable nil nil [2167 2197])
+            ("helm-previous-font" variable nil nil [2198 2229])
+            ("helm-source-xfonts" variable (:default-value (helm-build-sync-source "X Fonts" :init (lambda nil (unless helm-xfonts-cache (setq helm-xfonts-cache (x-list-fonts "*"))) (setq helm-previous-font (cdr (assq (quote font) (frame-parameters))))) :candidates (quote helm-xfonts-cache) :action (quote (("Copy font to kill ring" lambda (elm) (kill-new elm)) ("Set font" lambda (elm) (kill-new elm) (set-frame-font elm (quote keep-size)) (message "Font copied to kill ring")))) :cleanup (lambda nil (set-frame-font helm-previous-font (quote keep-size))) :persistent-action (lambda (new-font) (set-frame-font new-font (quote keep-size)) (kill-new new-font)) :persistent-help "Preview font and copy to kill-ring")) nil [2230 3281])
+            ("helm-ucs--max-len" variable nil nil [3317 3347])
+            ("helm-ucs--names" variable nil nil [3348 3376])
+            ("helm-ucs-history" variable nil nil [3377 3406])
+            ("helm-ucs-recent" variable nil nil [3407 3477])
+            ("helm-calculate-ucs-alist-max-len" function (:arguments ("names")) nil [3479 3793])
+            ("helm-calculate-ucs-hash-table-max-len" function (:arguments ("names")) nil [3795 4167])
+            ("helm-calculate-ucs-max-len" function nil nil [4169 4446])
+            ("helm-ucs-collect-symbols-alist" function (:arguments ("names")) nil [4448 5520])
+            ("helm-ucs-collect-symbols-hash-table" function (:arguments ("names")) nil [5522 6413])
+            ("helm-ucs-collect-symbols" function (:arguments ("ucs-struct")) nil [6415 6735])
+            ("helm-ucs-init" function nil nil [6737 7043])
+            ("helm-ucs-match" function (:arguments ("candidate" "n")) nil [7069 7344])
+            ("helm-ucs-save-recentest" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [7346 7584])
+            ("helm-ucs-insert" function (:arguments ("candidate" "n")) nil [7586 7770])
+            ("helm-ucs-insert-char" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [7772 7892])
+            ("helm-ucs-insert-code" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [7894 8014])
+            ("helm-ucs-insert-name" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [8016 8136])
+            ("helm-ucs-kill-char" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [8154 8496])
+            ("helm-ucs-kill-code" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [8498 8616])
+            ("helm-ucs-kill-name" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [8618 8736])
+            ("helm-ucs-forward-char" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [8784 8876])
+            ("helm-ucs-backward-char" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [8878 8972])
+            ("helm-ucs-delete-backward" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [8974 9069])
+            ("helm-ucs-insert-space" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [9071 9159])
+            ("helm-ucs-persistent-forward" function nil nil [9161 9348])
+            ("put" code nil nil [9349 9396])
+            ("helm-ucs-persistent-backward" function nil nil [9398 9581])
+            ("put" code nil nil [9582 9630])
+            ("helm-ucs-persistent-delete" function nil nil [9632 9819])
+            ("put" code nil nil [9820 9866])
+            ("helm-ucs-persistent-insert-space" function nil nil [9868 10070])
+            ("helm-source-ucs-recent" variable (:default-value (helm-build-sync-source "Recent UCS" :action helm-ucs-actions :candidates (lambda nil helm-ucs-recent) :help-message helm-ucs-help-message :keymap helm-ucs-map :volatile t)) nil [10072 10297])
+            ("helm-source-ucs" variable (:default-value (helm-build-in-buffer-source "UCS names" :data (function helm-ucs-init) :get-line (function buffer-substring) :help-message (quote helm-ucs-help-message) :filtered-candidate-transformer (lambda (candidates _source) (sort candidates (function helm-generic-sort-fn))) :action helm-ucs-actions :persistent-action (lambda (candidate) (helm-ucs-insert-char candidate) (helm-force-update)) :keymap helm-ucs-map)) nil [10299 10831])
+            ("helm-select-xfont" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [10849 11011])
+            ("helm-ucs" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [11028 11505])
+            ("helm-font" package nil nil [11507 11527]))          
+      :file "helm-font.el"
+      :pointmax 11668
+      :fsize 11724
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [820 837])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [838 853])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [854 874])
+            ("package" include nil nil [875 893])
+            ("helm-el-package" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [895 965])
+            ("helm-el-package-initial-filter" variable (:default-value (quote all)) nil [967 1389])
+            ("helm-el-truncate-lines" variable (:default-value t) nil [1391 1519])
+            ("helm-el-package--show-only" variable (:default-value (quote all)) nil [1539 1579])
+            ("helm-el-package--initialized-p" variable nil nil [1580 1623])
+            ("helm-el-package--tabulated-list" variable nil nil [1624 1668])
+            ("helm-el-package--upgrades" variable nil nil [1669 1707])
+            ("helm-el-package--removable-packages" variable nil nil [1708 1756])
+            ("package-menu-async" variable nil nil [1795 1822])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1853 1926])
+            ("helm-el-package--init" function nil nil [1928 4000])
+            ("helm-el-package-describe" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [4002 4251])
+            ("helm-el-package-visit-homepage" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [4253 4835])
+            ("helm-el-run-visit-homepage" function nil nil [4837 4979])
+            ("put" code nil nil [4980 5026])
+            ("helm-el-package-install-1" function (:arguments ("pkg-list")) nil [5028 5926])
+            ("helm-el-package-install" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [5928 6027])
+            ("helm-el-run-package-install" function nil nil [6029 6165])
+            ("put" code nil nil [6166 6213])
+            ("helm-el-package-uninstall-1" function (:arguments ("pkg-list" "force")) nil [6215 8618])
+            ("helm-el-package-uninstall" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [8620 8747])
+            ("helm-el-run-package-uninstall" function nil nil [8749 8889])
+            ("put" code nil nil [8890 8939])
+            ("helm-el-package-menu--find-upgrades" function nil nil [8941 9835])
+            ("helm-el-package-upgrade-1" function (:arguments ("pkg-list")) nil [9837 10677])
+            ("helm-el-package-upgrade" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [10679 10975])
+            ("helm-el-run-package-upgrade" function nil nil [10977 11113])
+            ("put" code nil nil [11114 11161])
+            ("helm-el-package-upgrade-all" function nil nil [11163 11592])
+            ("helm-el-package-upgrade-all-action" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [11594 11681])
+            ("helm-el-run-package-upgrade-all" function nil nil [11683 11834])
+            ("put" code nil nil [11835 11886])
+            ("helm-el-package--transformer" function (:arguments ("candidates" "_source")) nil [11888 13688])
+            ("helm-el-package-show-built-in" function nil nil [13690 13834])
+            ("put" code nil nil [13835 13884])
+            ("helm-el-package-show-upgrade" function nil nil [13886 14028])
+            ("put" code nil nil [14029 14077])
+            ("helm-el-package-show-installed" function nil nil [14079 14225])
+            ("put" code nil nil [14226 14276])
+            ("helm-el-package-show-all" function nil nil [14278 14412])
+            ("put" code nil nil [14413 14457])
+            ("helm-el-package-show-uninstalled" function nil nil [14459 14609])
+            ("put" code nil nil [14610 14662])
+            ("helm-el-package-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "M-I") (quote helm-el-package-show-installed)) (define-key map (kbd "M-O") (quote helm-el-package-show-uninstalled)) (define-key map (kbd "M-U") (quote helm-el-package-show-upgrade)) (define-key map (kbd "M-B") (quote helm-el-package-show-built-in)) (define-key map (kbd "M-A") (quote helm-el-package-show-all)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c i") (quote helm-el-run-package-install)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c r") (quote helm-el-run-package-reinstall)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c d") (quote helm-el-run-package-uninstall)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c u") (quote helm-el-run-package-upgrade)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c U") (quote helm-el-run-package-upgrade-all)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c @") (quote helm-el-run-visit-homepage)) map)) nil [14664 15493])
+            ("helm-source-list-el-package" variable nil nil [15495 15535])
+            ("helm-list-el-package-source" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source-in-buffer"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("init" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-el-package--init)") nil nil)
+                    ("get-line" variable (:default-value "(quote buffer-substring)") nil nil)
+                    ("filtered-candidate-transformer" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-el-package--transformer)") nil nil)
+                    ("action-transformer" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-el-package--action-transformer)") nil nil)
+                    ("help-message" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-el-package-help-message)") nil nil)
+                    ("keymap" variable (:default-value "helm-el-package-map") nil nil)
+                    ("update" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-el-package--update)") nil nil)
+                    ("candidate-number-limit" variable (:default-value "9999") nil nil)
+                    ("action" variable (:default-value "(quote ((\"Describe package\" . helm-el-package-describe) (\"Visit homepage\" . helm-el-package-visit-homepage)))") nil nil)
+                    ("group" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-el-package)") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [15536 16207])
+            ("helm-el-package--action-transformer" function (:arguments ("actions" "candidate")) nil [16209 18058])
+            ("helm-el-package--update" function nil nil [18060 18138])
+            ("helm-el-package-recompile" function (:arguments ("_pkg")) nil [18140 18664])
+            ("helm-el-package-reinstall" function (:arguments ("_pkg")) nil [18666 19762])
+            ("helm-el-run-package-reinstall" function nil nil [19764 19904])
+            ("put" code nil nil [19905 19954])
+            ("helm-list-elisp-packages" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [19971 20455])
+            ("helm-list-elisp-packages-no-fetch" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [20472 20801])
+            ("helm-elisp-package" package nil nil [20803 20832]))          
+      :file "helm-elisp-package.el"
+      :pointmax 20870
+      :fsize 20869
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("helm-for-files" include nil nil [823 848])
+            ("helm-files-in-all-dired-candidates" function nil nil [908 1224])
+            ("helm-files-dired-source" type
+               (:interfaces ("helm-type-file")
+                :superclasses "helm-source-sync"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("candidates" variable (:default-value "(function helm-files-in-all-dired-candidates)") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [1300 1432])
+            ("helm-source-files-in-all-dired" variable (:default-value (helm-make-source "Files in all dired buffer." (quote helm-files-dired-source))) nil [1434 1548])
+            ("session-file-alist" variable nil nil [1705 1732])
+            ("helm-source-session-class" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source-sync"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("candidates" variable (:default-value "(lambda nil (cl-delete-if-not (lambda (f) (or (string-match helm-tramp-file-name-regexp f) (file-exists-p f))) (mapcar (quote car) session-file-alist)))") nil nil)
+                    ("keymap" variable (:default-value "helm-generic-files-map") nil nil)
+                    ("help-message" variable (:default-value "helm-generic-file-help-message") nil nil)
+                    ("action" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-type-file-actions)") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [1733 2269])
+            ("helm-source-session" variable nil nil [2271 2337])
+            ("helm-session-fuzzy-match" variable nil nil [2339 2673])
+            ("helm-source-tracker-transformer" function (:arguments ("candidates" "_source")) nil [2742 3150])
+            ("helm-source-tracker-search" variable (:default-value (helm-build-async-source "Tracker Search" :candidates-process (lambda nil (start-process "tracker-search-process" nil "tracker" "search" "--disable-snippets" "--disable-color" "--limit=512" helm-pattern)) :filtered-candidate-transformer (function helm-source-tracker-transformer) :keymap helm-generic-files-map :action (quote helm-type-file-actions) :action-transformer (quote (helm-transform-file-load-el helm-transform-file-browse-url)) :requires-pattern 3)) nil [3152 4181])
+            ("helm-mac-spotlight-source" type
+               (:interfaces ("helm-type-file")
+                :superclasses "helm-source-async"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("candidates-process" variable (:default-value "(lambda nil (start-process \"mdfind-process\" nil \"mdfind\" helm-pattern))") nil nil)
+                    ("requires-pattern" variable (:default-value "3") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [4221 4506])
+            ("helm-source-mac-spotlight" variable (:default-value (helm-make-source "mdfind" (quote helm-mac-spotlight-source))) nil [4508 4676])
+            ("helm-x-files" package nil nil [4678 4701]))          
+      :file "helm-x-files.el"
+      :pointmax 4845
+      :fsize 4844
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [808 825])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [826 841])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [842 862])
+            ("helm-types" include nil nil [863 884])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [886 941])
+            ("display-time-world-list" variable nil nil [942 974])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [975 1024])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1025 1076])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1077 1131])
+            ("helm-misc" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1135 1223])
+            ("helm-time-zone-home-location" variable (:default-value "Paris") nil [1225 1340])
+            ("helm-timezone-actions" variable (:default-value (quote (("Set timezone env (TZ)" lambda (candidate) (setenv "TZ" candidate))))) nil [1342 1592])
+            ("helm-time-zone-current" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "green"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [1594 1740])
+            ("helm-time-zone-home" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "red"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [1742 1880])
+            ("LaTeX-math-menu" variable nil nil [2334 2358])
+            ("helm-latex-math-candidates" function nil nil [2359 2731])
+            ("helm-source-latex-math" variable (:default-value (helm-build-sync-source "Latex Math Menu" :init (lambda nil (with-helm-current-buffer (LaTeX-math-mode 1))) :candidate-number-limit 9999 :candidates (quote helm-latex-math-candidates) :action (lambda (candidate) (call-interactively candidate)))) nil [2733 3059])
+            ("helm-jabber-online-contacts" function nil nil [3095 3410])
+            ("helm-source-jabber-contacts" variable (:default-value (helm-build-sync-source "Jabber Contacts" :init (lambda nil (require (quote jabber))) :candidates (lambda nil (mapcar (quote car) (helm-jabber-online-contacts))) :action (lambda (x) (jabber-chat-with (jabber-read-account) (symbol-name (cdr (assoc x (helm-jabber-online-contacts)))))))) nil [3412 3791])
+            ("zoneinfo-style-world-list" variable nil nil [3811 3845])
+            ("legacy-style-world-list" variable nil nil [3846 3878])
+            ("helm-time-zone-transformer" function (:arguments ("candidates" "_source")) nil [3880 4366])
+            ("helm-source-time-world" variable (:default-value (helm-build-in-buffer-source "Time World List" :init (lambda nil (require (quote time)) (unless (and display-time-world-list (listp display-time-world-list)) (setq display-time-world-list (let ((nyt (format-time-string "%z" nil "America/New_York")) (gmt (format-time-string "%z" nil "Europe/London"))) (if (string-equal nyt gmt) legacy-style-world-list zoneinfo-style-world-list))))) :data (lambda nil (with-temp-buffer (display-time-world-display display-time-world-list) (buffer-string))) :action (quote helm-timezone-actions) :filtered-candidate-transformer (quote helm-time-zone-transformer))) nil [4368 5588])
+            ("helm-call-interactively" function (:arguments ("cmd-or-name")) nil [5606 6209])
+            ("helm-minibuffer-history-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map [remap helm-minibuffer-history] (quote undefined)) map)) nil [6240 6422])
+            ("helm-minibuffer-history-must-match" variable (:default-value t) nil [6424 6696])
+            ("helm-comint-input-ring-action" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [6722 6927])
+            ("helm-source-comint-input-ring" variable (:default-value (helm-build-sync-source "Comint history" :candidates (lambda nil (with-helm-current-buffer (ring-elements comint-input-ring))) :action (quote helm-comint-input-ring-action))) nil [6929 7250])
+            ("helm-source-ratpoison-commands" variable (:default-value (helm-build-in-buffer-source "Ratpoison Commands" :init (quote helm-ratpoison-commands-init) :action (helm-make-actions "Execute the command" (quote helm-ratpoison-commands-execute)) :display-to-real (quote helm-ratpoison-commands-display-to-real) :candidate-number-limit 999999)) nil [7282 7611])
+            ("helm-ratpoison-commands-init" function nil nil [7613 8240])
+            ("helm-ratpoison-commands-display-to-real" function (:arguments ("display")) nil [8242 8376])
+            ("helm-ratpoison-commands-execute" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [8378 8486])
+            ("helm-source-stumpwm-commands" variable (:default-value (helm-build-in-buffer-source "Stumpwm Commands" :init (quote helm-stumpwm-commands-init) :action (helm-make-actions "Execute the command" (quote helm-stumpwm-commands-execute)) :candidate-number-limit 999999)) nil [8514 8773])
+            ("helm-stumpwm-commands-init" function nil nil [8775 9150])
+            ("helm-stumpwm-commands-execute" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [9152 9252])
+            ("helm-world-time" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [9269 9486])
+            ("helm-insert-latex-math" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [9503 9671])
+            ("helm-ratpoison-commands" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [9688 9897])
+            ("helm-stumpwm-commands" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [9914 10105])
+            ("helm-minibuffer-history" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [10122 11930])
+            ("helm-comint-input-ring" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [11947 12345])
+            ("helm-misc" package nil nil [12348 12368]))          
+      :file "helm-misc.el"
+      :pointmax 12509
+      :fsize 12508
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22014 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [815 832])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [833 848])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [849 869])
+            ("helm-mode" include nil nil [870 890])
+            ("helm-elisp" include nil nil [891 912])
+            ("helm-command" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [916 1021])
+            ("helm-M-x-requires-pattern" variable nil nil [1023 1197])
+            ("helm-M-x-always-save-history" variable nil nil [1199 1361])
+            ("helm-M-x-reverse-history" variable nil nil [1363 1521])
+            ("helm-M-x-fuzzy-match" variable nil nil [1523 1654])
+            ("helm-M-x-default-sort-fn" variable (:default-value (function helm-M-x-fuzzy-sort-candidates)) nil [1656 1915])
+            ("helm-command-faces" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1934 2075])
+            ("helm-M-x-key" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "orange" :underline t))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [2077 2217])
+            ("helm-M-x-input-history" variable nil nil [2221 2256])
+            ("helm-M-x-prefix-argument" variable nil nil [2257 2341])
+            ("helm-M-x-get-major-mode-command-alist" function (:arguments ("mode-map")) nil [2345 2695])
+            ("helm-get-mode-map-from-mode" function (:arguments ("mode")) nil [2697 3522])
+            ("helm-M-x-current-mode-map-alist" function nil nil [3524 3789])
+            ("helm-M-x-transformer-1" function (:arguments ("candidates" "sort")) nil [3792 5172])
+            ("helm-M-x-transformer" function (:arguments ("candidates" "_source")) nil [5174 5335])
+            ("helm-M-x-transformer-hist" function (:arguments ("candidates" "_source")) nil [5337 5481])
+            ("helm-M-x--notify-prefix-arg" function nil nil [5483 5676])
+            ("helm-cmd--get-current-function-name" function nil nil [5678 5882])
+            ("helm-cmd--get-preconfigured-commands" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [5884 6377])
+            ("helm-M-x-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-comp-read-map) (define-key map (kbd "C-u") nil) (define-key map (kbd "C-u") (quote helm-M-x-universal-argument)) map)) nil [6379 6591])
+            ("helm-M-x-universal-argument" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [6593 7154])
+            ("put" code nil nil [7155 7202])
+            ("helm-M-x-fuzzy-sort-candidates" function (:arguments ("candidates" "_source")) nil [7204 7318])
+            ("helm-M-x-read-extended-command" function (:arguments ("collection" "history")) nil [7320 10348])
+            ("helm-M-x" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("_arg" "command-name"))
+                nil [10365 12045])
+            ("put" code nil nil [12046 12096])
+            ("helm-command" package nil nil [12098 12121]))          
+      :file "helm-command.el"
+      :pointmax 12265
+      :fsize 12264
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [836 853])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [854 869])
+            ("helm-utils" include nil nil [870 891])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [892 912])
+            ("helm-elisp" include nil nil [913 934])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [936 1022])
+            ("helm-ring" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1026 1119])
+            ("helm-kill-ring-threshold" variable (:default-value 3) nil [1121 1271])
+            ("helm-kill-ring-max-offset" variable (:default-value 400) nil [1273 1767])
+            ("helm-kill-ring-actions" variable (:default-value (quote (("Yank marked" . helm-kill-ring-action-yank) ("Delete marked" . helm-kill-ring-action-delete)))) nil [1769 2023])
+            ("helm-kill-ring-separator" variable (:default-value "
+") nil [2025 2169])
+            ("helm-register-max-offset" variable (:default-value 160) nil [2171 2308])
+            ("helm-kill-ring-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "M-y") (quote helm-next-line)) (define-key map (kbd "M-u") (quote helm-previous-line)) (define-key map (kbd "M-D") (quote helm-kill-ring-delete)) (define-key map (kbd "C-]") (quote helm-kill-ring-toggle-truncated)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-k") (quote helm-kill-ring-kill-selection)) map)) nil [2331 2786])
+            ("helm-source-kill-ring" variable (:default-value (helm-build-sync-source "Kill Ring" :init (lambda nil (helm-attrset (quote last-command) last-command) (helm-attrset (quote multiline) helm-kill-ring-max-offset)) :candidates (function helm-kill-ring-candidates) :filtered-candidate-transformer (function helm-kill-ring-transformer) :action (quote helm-kill-ring-actions) :persistent-action (quote ignore) :help-message (quote helm-kill-ring-help-message) :persistent-help "DoNothing" :keymap helm-kill-ring-map :migemo t :multiline (quote helm-kill-ring-max-offset) :group (quote helm-ring))) nil [2788 3418])
+            ("helm-kill-ring-candidates" function nil nil [3420 3673])
+            ("helm-kill-ring-transformer" function (:arguments ("candidates" "_source")) nil [3675 3943])
+            ("helm-kill-ring--truncated-flag" variable nil nil [3945 3988])
+            ("helm-kill-ring-toggle-truncated" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [3989 4562])
+            ("put" code nil nil [4563 4614])
+            ("helm-kill-ring-kill-selection" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [4616 4824])
+            ("put" code nil nil [4825 4874])
+            ("helm-kill-ring--preselect-fn" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [4876 5378])
+            ("helm-kill-ring-action-yank" function (:arguments ("_str")) nil [5380 5964])
+            ("helm-kill-ring-action-yank-1" function (:arguments ("str")) nil [5966 8700])
+            ("define-obsolete-function-alias" code nil nil [8701 8792])
+            ("helm-kill-ring-action-delete" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [8794 9008])
+            ("helm-kill-ring-delete" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [9010 9237])
+            ("helm-mark-ring-line-string-at-pos" function (:arguments ("pos")) nil [9405 9756])
+            ("helm-mark-ring-get-candidates" function nil nil [9758 10474])
+            ("helm-mark-ring-default-action" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [10476 11111])
+            ("helm-source-mark-ring" variable (:default-value (helm-build-sync-source "mark-ring" :candidates (function helm-mark-ring-get-candidates) :action (quote (("Goto line" . helm-mark-ring-default-action))) :persistent-help "Show this line" :group (quote helm-ring))) nil [11113 11351])
+            ("helm-source-global-mark-ring" variable (:default-value (helm-build-sync-source "global-mark-ring" :candidates (function helm-global-mark-ring-get-candidates) :action (quote (("Goto line" . helm-mark-ring-default-action))) :persistent-help "Show this line" :group (quote helm-ring))) nil [11374 11633])
+            ("helm-global-mark-ring-format-buffer" function (:arguments ("marker")) nil [11635 12196])
+            ("helm-global-mark-ring-get-candidates" function nil nil [12198 12711])
+            ("helm-source-register" variable (:default-value (helm-build-sync-source "Registers" :candidates (function helm-register-candidates) :action-transformer (function helm-register-action-transformer) :persistent-help "" :multiline t :action (quote (("Delete Register(s)" lambda (_candidate) (cl-loop for candidate in (helm-marked-candidates) for register = (car candidate) do (setq register-alist (delq (assoc register register-alist) register-alist)))))) :group (quote helm-ring))) nil [12755 13402])
+            ("helm-register-candidates" function nil nil [13404 16262])
+            ("helm-register-action-transformer" function (:arguments ("actions" "register-and-functions")) nil [16264 17706])
+            ("helm-mark-ring" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [17723 17915])
+            ("helm-global-mark-ring" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [17932 18152])
+            ("helm-all-mark-rings" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [18169 18458])
+            ("helm-register" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [18475 18661])
+            ("helm-show-kill-ring" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [18678 19095])
+            ("helm-execute-kmacro" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [19112 20560])
+            ("helm-kbd-macro-execute" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [20562 20829])
+            ("helm-kbd-macro-concat-macros" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [20831 21464])
+            ("helm-kbd-macro-delete-macro" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [21466 21688])
+            ("helm-kbd-macro-edit-macro" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [21690 21870])
+            ("helm-ring" package nil nil [21872 21892]))          
+      :file "helm-ring.el"
+      :pointmax 22033
+      :fsize 22032
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :file "helm-easymenu.el"
+      :fsize 3108
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [827 844])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [845 860])
+            ("helm-utils" include nil nil [861 882])
+            ("org" include nil nil [883 897])
+            ("org-macs" include nil nil [968 987])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [990 1045])
+            ("helm-org" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1047 1121])
+            ("helm-org-headings-fontify" variable nil nil [1123 1348])
+            ("helm-org-format-outline-path" variable nil nil [1350 1462])
+            ("helm-org-show-filename" variable nil nil [1464 1671])
+            ("helm-org-headings-min-depth" variable (:default-value 1) nil [1673 1799])
+            ("helm-org-headings-max-depth" variable (:default-value 8) nil [1801 1929])
+            ("helm-org-headings-actions" variable (:default-value (quote (("Go to heading" . helm-org-goto-marker) ("Open in indirect buffer `C-c i'" . helm-org--open-heading-in-indirect-buffer) ("Refile heading(s) (marked-to-selected|current-to-selected) `C-c w`" . helm-org--refile-heading-to) ("Insert link to this heading `C-c l`" . helm-org-insert-link-to-heading-at-marker)))) nil [1931 2435])
+            ("helm-org-truncate-lines" variable (:default-value t) nil [2437 2553])
+            ("helm-org-ignore-autosaves" variable nil nil [2555 2706])
+            ("org-capture-templates" variable nil nil [2742 2772])
+            ("helm-source-org-capture-templates" function nil nil [2773 3136])
+            ("helm-org-goto-marker" function (:arguments ("marker")) nil [3162 3360])
+            ("helm-org--open-heading-in-indirect-buffer" function (:arguments ("marker")) nil [3362 3757])
+            ("helm-org-run-open-heading-in-indirect-buffer" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [3759 3984])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3985 4049])
+            ("helm-org-headings-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "C-c i") (quote helm-org-run-open-heading-in-indirect-buffer)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c w") (quote helm-org-run-refile-heading-to)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c l") (quote helm-org-run-insert-link-to-heading-at-marker)) map)) nil [4051 4446])
+            ("helm-org-headings-class" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source-sync"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("parents" variable (:default-value "nil") nil nil)
+                    ("match" variable (:default-value "(lambda (candidate) (string-match helm-pattern (helm-aif (get-text-property 0 (quote helm-real-display) candidate) it candidate)))") nil nil)
+                    ("help-message" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-org-headings-help-message)") nil nil)
+                    ("action" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-org-headings-actions)") nil nil)
+                    ("keymap" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-org-headings-map)") nil nil)
+                    ("group" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-org)") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [4448 4985])
+            ("helm--setup-source" function
+               (:parent "helm-org-headings-class"
+                :arguments ("source"))
+                nil [4987 5317])
+            ("helm-source-org-headings-for-files" function (:arguments ("filenames" "parents")) nil [5319 5564])
+            ("helm-org-startup-visibility" function (:arguments ("candidates" "_source")) nil [5566 7954])
+            ("helm-org-get-candidates" function (:arguments ("filenames" "parents")) nil [7956 8321])
+            ("helm-org--get-candidates-in-file" function (:arguments ("filename" "fontify" "nofname" "parents")) nil [8323 11553])
+            ("helm-org-insert-link-to-heading-at-marker" function (:arguments ("marker")) nil [11555 11979])
+            ("helm-org-run-insert-link-to-heading-at-marker" function nil nil [11981 12158])
+            ("helm-org--refile-heading-to" function (:arguments ("marker")) nil [12160 13070])
+            ("helm-org-in-buffer-preselect" function nil nil [13072 13345])
+            ("helm-org-run-refile-heading-to" function nil nil [13347 13490])
+            ("put" code nil nil [13491 13541])
+            ("helm-org-agenda-files-headings" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [13559 14427])
+            ("helm-org-in-buffer-headings" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [14444 14862])
+            ("helm-org-parent-headings" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [14879 15399])
+            ("helm-org-capture-templates" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [15416 15698])
+            ("crm-separator" variable nil nil [15862 15884])
+            ("helm-org-completing-read-tags" function (:arguments ("prompt" "collection" "pred" "req" "initial" "hist" "def" "inherit-input-method" "_name" "_buffer")) nil [15901 17468])
+            ("helm-org" package nil nil [17470 17489]))          
+      :file "helm-org.el"
+      :pointmax 17629
+      :fsize 17628
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax '((close-paren 987 . 988) (symbol 948 . 965) (open-paren 947 . 948)))
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("helm" include nil nil [817 832])
+            ("helm-lib" include nil nil [833 852])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [853 873])
+            ("helm-elisp" include nil nil [874 895])
+            ("helm-dabbrev" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [921 1020])
+            ("helm-dabbrev-always-search-all" variable (:default-value t) nil [1022 1285])
+            ("helm-dabbrev-candidates-number-limit" variable (:default-value 1000) nil [1287 1615])
+            ("helm-dabbrev-ignored-buffers-regexps" variable (:default-value (quote ("\\*helm" "\\*Messages" "\\*Echo Area" "\\*Buffer List"))) nil [1617 1856])
+            ("helm-dabbrev-related-buffer-fn" variable (:default-value (function helm-dabbrev--same-major-mode-p)) nil [1858 2340])
+            ("helm-dabbrev-major-mode-assoc" variable nil nil [2342 3047])
+            ("helm-dabbrev-lineno-around" variable (:default-value 30) nil [3049 3194])
+            ("helm-dabbrev-cycle-threshold" variable (:default-value 5) nil [3196 3427])
+            ("helm-dabbrev-case-fold-search" variable (:default-value (quote smart)) nil [3429 3843])
+            ("helm-dabbrev-use-thread" variable nil nil [3845 4649])
+            ("defvaralias" code nil nil [4651 4717])
+            ("make-obsolete-variable" code nil nil [4718 4827])
+            ("helm-dabbrev-separator-regexp" variable (:default-value "\\s-\\|	\\|[(\\[\\{\"'`=<$;,@.#+]\\|\\s\\\\|^
+\\|^") nil [4890 5039])
+            ("helm-dabbrev-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "M-/") (quote helm-next-line)) (define-key map (kbd "M-:") (quote helm-previous-line)) map)) nil [5043 5252])
+            ("helm-dabbrev--cache" variable nil nil [5266 5298])
+            ("helm-dabbrev--data" variable nil nil [5299 5330])
+            ("cl-defstruct" code nil nil [5331 5387])
+            ("helm-dabbrev--already-tried" variable nil nil [5388 5428])
+            ("helm-dabbrev--current-thread" variable nil nil [5429 5470])
+            ("helm-dabbrev--buffer-list" function nil nil [5474 5714])
+            ("helm-dabbrev--same-major-mode-p" function (:arguments ("start-buffer")) nil [5716 5897])
+            ("helm-dabbrev--collect" function (:arguments ("str" "limit" "ignore-case" "all")) nil [5899 9149])
+            ("helm-dabbrev--search" function (:arguments ("pattern" "beg" "sep-regexp")) nil [9151 10041])
+            ("helm-dabbrev--get-candidates" function (:arguments ("dabbrev" "limit")) nil [10043 10396])
+            ("helm-dabbrev-default-action" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [10399 10742])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [10759 16739])
+            ("helm-dabbrev" package nil nil [16741 16764]))          
+      :file "helm-dabbrev.el"
+      :pointmax 16908
+      :fsize 16907
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [798 815])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [816 831])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [832 852])
+            ("woman-topic-all-completions" variable nil nil [854 890])
+            ("woman-manpath" variable nil nil [891 913])
+            ("woman-path" variable nil nil [914 933])
+            ("woman-expanded-directory-path" variable nil nil [934 972])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [973 1045])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1046 1115])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1116 1177])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1178 1260])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1261 1325])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1326 1389])
+            ("helm-man" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1391 1470])
+            ("helm-man-or-woman-function" variable (:default-value (quote Man-getpage-in-background)) nil [1472 1755])
+            ("helm-man-format-switches" variable (:default-value (cl-case system-type ((darwin macos) "%s") (t "-l %s"))) nil [1757 2068])
+            ("helm-man--pages" variable nil nil [2082 2207])
+            ("helm-man-default-action" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [2209 3219])
+            ("helm-man--init" function nil nil [3221 3659])
+            ("helm-source-man-pages" variable (:default-value (helm-build-in-buffer-source "Manual Pages" :init (function helm-man--init) :persistent-action (function ignore) :filtered-candidate-transformer (lambda (candidates _source) (sort candidates (function helm-generic-sort-fn))) :action (quote (("Display Man page" . helm-man-default-action))) :group (quote helm-man))) nil [3661 4000])
+            ("helm-man-woman" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [4017 4277])
+            ("helm-man" package nil nil [4279 4298]))          
+      :file "helm-man.el"
+      :pointmax 4438
+      :fsize 4437
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22014 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [979 996])
+            ("semantic" include nil nil [997 1016])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [1017 1037])
+            ("helm-imenu" include nil nil [1038 1059])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1061 1148])
+            ("helm-semantic" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1150 1256])
+            ("helm-semantic-lynx-style-map" variable (:default-value t) nil [1258 1384])
+            ("helm-semantic-display-style" variable (:default-value (quote ((python-mode . semantic-format-tag-summarize) (c-mode . semantic-format-tag-concise-prototype-c-mode) (emacs-lisp-mode . semantic-format-tag-abbreviate-emacs-lisp-mode)))) nil [1386 2235])
+            ("helm-semantic-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (when helm-semantic-lynx-style-map (define-key map (kbd "<left>") (quote helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer)) (define-key map (kbd "<right>") (quote helm-execute-persistent-action))) (delq nil map))) nil [2248 2545])
+            ("helm-semantic--tags-cache" variable nil nil [2565 2603])
+            ("helm-semantic--fetch-candidates" function (:arguments ("tags" "depth" "class")) nil [2605 4148])
+            ("helm-semantic-default-action" function (:arguments ("_candidate" "persistent")) nil [4150 4710])
+            ("helm-semantic--maybe-set-needs-update" function nil nil [4712 4882])
+            ("helm-source-semantic" variable nil nil [4884 4917])
+            ("helm-semantic-source" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source-in-buffer"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("init" variable (:default-value "(lambda nil (helm-semantic--maybe-set-needs-update) (setq helm-semantic--tags-cache (semantic-fetch-tags)) (with-current-buffer (helm-candidate-buffer (quote global)) (let ((major-mode (with-helm-current-buffer major-mode))) (helm-semantic--fetch-candidates helm-semantic--tags-cache 0))))") nil nil)
+                    ("get-line" variable (:default-value "(quote buffer-substring)") nil nil)
+                    ("persistent-help" variable (:default-value "Show this entry") nil nil)
+                    ("keymap" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-semantic-map)") nil nil)
+                    ("help-message" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-semantic-help-message)") nil nil)
+                    ("persistent-action" variable (:default-value "(lambda (elm) (helm-semantic-default-action elm t) (helm-highlight-current-line))") nil nil)
+                    ("action" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-semantic-default-action)") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [4919 5811])
+            ("helm-semantic-fuzzy-match" variable nil nil [5813 6163])
+            ("helm-semantic" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [6180 7145])
+            ("helm-semantic-or-imenu" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [7162 8903])
+            ("helm-semantic" package nil nil [8905 8929]))          
+      :file "helm-semantic.el"
+      :pointmax 9074
+      :fsize 9077
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [1233 1250])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [1251 1266])
+            ("helm-lib" include nil nil [1267 1286])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [1287 1307])
+            ("helm-elisp" include nil nil [1308 1329])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1331 1385])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1386 1475])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1476 1516])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1517 1578])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1579 1649])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1650 1701])
+            ("declare-function" code nil nil [1702 1751])
+            ("eshell-special-chars-outside-quoting" variable nil nil [1752 1797])
+            ("helm-eshell" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [1801 1882])
+            ("helm-eshell-fuzzy-match" variable nil nil [1886 2029])
+            ("helm-eshell-history-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "M-p") (quote helm-next-line)) map)) nil [2033 2234])
+            ("helm-esh-completion-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "TAB") (quote helm-next-line)) map)) nil [2236 2436])
+            ("helm-eshell--quit-flag" variable nil nil [2438 2473])
+            ("helm-esh-source" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source-sync"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("init" variable (:default-value "(lambda nil (setq pcomplete-current-completions nil pcomplete-last-completion-raw nil) (remove-hook (quote minibuffer-setup-hook) (quote eshell-mode)))") nil nil)
+                    ("candidates" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-esh-get-candidates)") nil nil)
+                    ("persistent-action" variable (:default-value "(quote ignore)") nil nil)
+                    ("nohighlight" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("filtered-candidate-transformer" variable (:default-value "(lambda (candidates _sources) (cl-loop for i in candidates collect (cond ((string-match \"\\\\`~/?\" helm-ec-target) (abbreviate-file-name i)) ((string-match \"\\\\`/\" helm-ec-target) i) (t (file-relative-name i))) into lst finally return (sort lst (quote helm-generic-sort-fn))))") nil nil)
+                    ("action" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-ec-insert)") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [2477 3547])
+            ("helm-ec-target" variable nil nil [3562 3588])
+            ("helm-ec-insert" function (:arguments ("_candidate")) nil [3589 4978])
+            ("helm-esh-get-candidates" function nil nil [4980 8065])
+            ("helm-eshell-history-source" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source-sync"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("init" variable (:default-value "(lambda nil (remove-hook (quote minibuffer-setup-hook) (quote eshell-mode)))") nil nil)
+                    ("candidates" variable (:default-value "(lambda nil (with-helm-current-buffer (cl-loop for c from 0 to (ring-length eshell-history-ring) collect (eshell-get-history c))))") nil nil)
+                    ("nomark" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("multiline" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("keymap" variable (:default-value "helm-eshell-history-map") nil nil)
+                    ("candidate-number-limit" variable (:default-value "9999") nil nil)
+                    ("action" variable (:default-value "(lambda (candidate) (eshell-kill-input) (insert candidate))") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [8094 8820])
+            ("helm-esh-pcomplete" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [8839 14517])
+            ("helm-eshell--quit-hook-fn" function nil nil [14519 14589])
+            ("helm-eshell-history" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [14606 15340])
+            ("helm-eshell-prompts-promptidx" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "cyan"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [15366 15511])
+            ("helm-eshell-prompts-buffer-name" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t (:foreground "green"))))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [15513 15660])
+            ("helm-eshell-prompts-promptidx-p" variable (:default-value t) nil [15662 15770])
+            ("helm-eshell-prompts-keymap" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "C-c o") (quote helm-eshell-prompts-other-window)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o") (quote helm-eshell-prompts-other-frame)) map)) nil [15772 16071])
+            ("eshell-prompt-regexp" variable nil nil [16073 16102])
+            ("eshell-highlight-prompt" variable nil nil [16103 16135])
+            ("helm-eshell-prompts-list" function (:arguments ("buffer")) nil [16137 17051])
+            ("helm-eshell-prompts-list-all" function nil nil [17053 17250])
+            ("helm-eshell-prompts-transformer" function (:arguments ("candidates" "all")) nil [17252 18049])
+            ("helm-eshell-prompts-all-transformer" function (:arguments ("candidates")) nil [18051 18156])
+            ("cl-defun" code nil nil [18158 18493])
+            ("helm-eshell-prompts-goto-other-window" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [18495 18622])
+            ("helm-eshell-prompts-goto-other-frame" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [18624 18749])
+            ("helm-eshell-prompts-other-window" function nil nil [18751 18906])
+            ("put" code nil nil [18907 18959])
+            ("helm-eshell-prompts-other-frame" function nil nil [18961 19114])
+            ("put" code nil nil [19115 19166])
+            ("helm-eshell-prompts" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [19183 19703])
+            ("helm-eshell-prompts-all" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [19720 20435])
+            ("helm-eshell" package nil nil [20437 20459]))          
+      :file "helm-eshell.el"
+      :pointmax 20599
+      :fsize 20598
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [799 816])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [817 832])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [833 853])
+            ("helm-elisp" include nil nil [854 875])
+            ("helm-custom-faces-init" function nil nil [902 1342])
+            ("helm-source-customize-face" variable (:default-value (helm-build-in-buffer-source "Customize Face" :init (quote helm-custom-faces-init) :get-line (quote buffer-substring) :persistent-action (lambda (candidate) (helm-elisp--persistent-help (intern (car (split-string candidate))) (quote helm-describe-face))) :persistent-help "Describe face" :action (quote (("Customize" lambda (line) (customize-face (intern (car (split-string line))))) ("Copy name" lambda (line) (kill-new (car (split-string line " " t)))))))) nil [1344 2030])
+            ("helm-colors-init" function nil nil [2057 2352])
+            ("helm-color-insert-name" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [2354 2471])
+            ("helm-color-kill-name" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [2473 2559])
+            ("helm-color-insert-rgb" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [2561 2676])
+            ("helm-color-kill-rgb" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [2678 2762])
+            ("helm-color-run-insert-name" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2764 2945])
+            ("put" code nil nil [2946 2992])
+            ("helm-color-run-kill-name" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [2994 3169])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3170 3214])
+            ("helm-color-run-insert-rgb" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [3216 3394])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3395 3440])
+            ("helm-color-run-kill-rgb" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [3442 3614])
+            ("put" code nil nil [3615 3658])
+            ("helm-color-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "C-c n") (quote helm-color-run-insert-name)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c N") (quote helm-color-run-kill-name)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c r") (quote helm-color-run-insert-rgb)) (define-key map (kbd "C-c R") (quote helm-color-run-kill-rgb)) map)) nil [3660 4011])
+            ("helm-source-colors" variable (:default-value (helm-build-in-buffer-source "Colors" :init (quote helm-colors-init) :get-line (quote buffer-substring) :keymap helm-color-map :persistent-help "Kill entry in RGB format." :persistent-action (quote helm-color-kill-rgb) :help-message (quote helm-colors-help-message) :action (quote (("Copy Name (C-c N)" . helm-color-kill-name) ("Copy RGB (C-c R)" . helm-color-kill-rgb) ("Insert Name (C-c n)" . helm-color-insert-name) ("Insert RGB (C-c r)" . helm-color-insert-rgb))))) nil [4013 4526])
+            ("helm-colors-get-name" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [4528 4821])
+            ("helm-colors-get-rgb" function (:arguments ("candidate")) nil [4823 5115])
+            ("helm-colors" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [5132 5305])
+            ("helm-color" package nil nil [5307 5328]))          
+      :file "helm-color.el"
+      :pointmax 5470
+      :fsize 5469
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("cl-lib" include nil nil [816 833])
+            ("helm" include nil nil [834 849])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [850 870])
+            ("helm-utils" include nil nil [871 892])
+            ("helm-sys" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [896 967])
+            ("helm-top-columns" variable
+               (:default-value (quote ((t :inherit helm-header)))
+                :type "face")
+                nil [969 1091])
+            ("helm-top-command" variable (:default-value (cl-case system-type (darwin "env COLUMNS=%s ps -axo pid,user,pri,nice,ucomm,tty,start_time,vsz,%%cpu,%%mem,etime,command") (t "env COLUMNS=%s top -b -n 1"))) nil [1095 2244])
+            ("helm-top-sort-columns-alist" variable (:default-value (quote ((com . 11) (mem . 9) (cpu . 8) (user . 1)))) nil [2246 2810])
+            ("helm-top-poll-delay" variable (:default-value 1.5) nil [2812 3030])
+            ("helm-top-poll-delay-post-command" variable (:default-value 1.0) nil [3032 3238])
+            ("helm-top-poll-preselection" variable (:default-value (quote linum)) nil [3240 3644])
+            ("helm-top-sort-fn" variable nil nil [3671 3700])
+            ("helm-top-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "M-P") (quote helm-top-run-sort-by-cpu)) (define-key map (kbd "M-C") (quote helm-top-run-sort-by-com)) (define-key map (kbd "M-M") (quote helm-top-run-sort-by-mem)) (define-key map (kbd "M-U") (quote helm-top-run-sort-by-user)) map)) nil [3701 4049])
+            ("helm-top-after-init-hook" variable nil nil [4051 4117])
+            ("helm-top--poll-timer" variable nil nil [4119 4152])
+            ("helm-top-poll" function (:arguments ("no-update" "delay")) nil [4154 5277])
+            ("helm-top--poll-delay" function nil nil [5279 5342])
+            ("helm-top-poll-no-update" function nil nil [5344 5480])
+            ("helm-top-initialize-poll-hooks" function nil nil [5482 6017])
+            ("define-minor-mode" code nil nil [6034 6497])
+            ("helm-source-top" variable (:default-value (helm-build-in-buffer-source "Top" :header-name (lambda (name) (concat name (if helm-top-poll-mode " (auto updating)" " (Press C-c C-u to refresh)"))) :init (function helm-top-init) :after-init-hook (quote helm-top-after-init-hook) :cleanup (lambda nil (when helm-top--poll-timer (cancel-timer helm-top--poll-timer)) (remove-hook (quote post-command-hook) (quote helm-top-poll-no-update)) (remove-hook (quote focus-in-hook) (quote helm-top-poll-no-update))) :display-to-real (function helm-top-display-to-real) :persistent-action (quote (helm-top-sh-persistent-action . never-split)) :persistent-help "SIGTERM" :help-message (quote helm-top-help-message) :mode-line (quote helm-top-mode-line) :follow (quote never) :keymap helm-top-map :filtered-candidate-transformer (function helm-top-sort-transformer) :action-transformer (function helm-top-action-transformer) :group (quote helm-sys))) nil [6499 7516])
+            ("helm-top--line" variable nil nil [7518 7545])
+            ("helm-top-transformer" function (:arguments ("candidates" "_source")) nil [7546 8064])
+            ("helm-top--skip-top-line" function nil nil [8066 8394])
+            ("helm-top-action-transformer" function (:arguments ("actions" "_candidate")) nil [8396 9962])
+            ("helm-top--marked-pids" function nil nil [9964 10065])
+            ("helm-top-sh" function (:arguments ("sig" "pids")) nil [10067 10353])
+            ("helm-top-sh-persistent-action" function (:arguments ("pid")) nil [10355 10466])
+            ("helm-top-init" function nil nil [10468 10795])
+            ("helm-top-display-to-real" function (:arguments ("line")) nil [10797 10895])
+            ("helm-top-set-mode-line" function (:arguments ("str")) nil [10918 11183])
+            ("helm-top-sort-transformer" function (:arguments ("candidates" "source")) nil [11185 11642])
+            ("helm-top-sort-by-com" function (:arguments ("s1" "s2")) nil [11644 11913])
+            ("helm-top-sort-by-mem" function (:arguments ("s1" "s2")) nil [11915 12216])
+            ("helm-top-sort-by-cpu" function (:arguments ("s1" "s2")) nil [12218 12519])
+            ("helm-top-sort-by-user" function (:arguments ("s1" "s2")) nil [12521 12796])
+            ("helm-top--preselect-fn" function nil nil [12798 13094])
+            ("helm-top-run-sort-by-com" function nil nil [13096 13269])
+            ("helm-top-run-sort-by-cpu" function nil nil [13271 13552])
+            ("helm-top-run-sort-by-mem" function nil nil [13554 13727])
+            ("helm-top-run-sort-by-user" function nil nil [13729 13905])
+            ("helm-xrandr-info" function nil nil [13985 14508])
+            ("helm-xrandr-screen" function nil nil [14510 14602])
+            ("helm-xrandr-output" function nil nil [14604 14696])
+            ("helm-source-xrandr-change-resolution" variable (:default-value (helm-build-sync-source "Change Resolution" :candidates (lambda nil (with-temp-buffer (call-process "xrandr" nil (current-buffer) nil "--screen" (helm-xrandr-screen) "-q") (goto-char 1) (cl-loop while (re-search-forward "   \\([0-9]+x[0-9]+\\)" nil t) for mode = (match-string 1) unless (member mode modes) collect mode into modes finally return modes))) :action (helm-make-actions "Change Resolution" (lambda (mode) (call-process "xrandr" nil nil nil "--screen" (helm-xrandr-screen) "--output" (helm-xrandr-output) "--mode" mode))))) nil [14698 15579])
+            ("helm-source-emacs-process" variable (:default-value (helm-build-sync-source "Emacs Process" :init (lambda nil (let (tabulated-list-use-header-line) (list-processes--refresh))) :candidates (lambda nil (mapcar (function process-name) (process-list))) :persistent-action (lambda (elm) (delete-process (get-process elm)) (helm-delete-current-selection)) :persistent-help "Kill Process" :action (helm-make-actions "Kill Process" (lambda (_elm) (cl-loop for p in (helm-marked-candidates) do (delete-process (get-process p))))))) nil [15607 16304])
+            ("helm-top" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [16323 16872])
+            ("helm-list-emacs-process" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [16889 17049])
+            ("helm-xrandr-set" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [17066 17231])
+            ("helm-sys" package nil nil [17233 17252]))          
+      :file "helm-sys.el"
+      :pointmax 17392
+      :fsize 17391
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("helm-grep" include nil nil [815 835])
+            ("helm-help" include nil nil [836 856])
+            ("helm-id-utils" customgroup (:user-visible-flag t) nil [858 959])
+            ("helm-gid-program" variable (:default-value "gid") nil [961 1317])
+            ("helm-gid-db-file-name" variable (:default-value "ID") nil [1319 1468])
+            ("helm-gid-candidates-process" function nil nil [1470 3099])
+            ("helm-gid-filtered-candidate-transformer" function (:arguments ("candidates" "_source")) nil [3101 3338])
+            ("helm-gid-source" type
+               (:superclasses "helm-source-async"
+                :members 
+                  ( ("header-name" variable (:default-value "(lambda (name) (concat name \" [\" (helm-attr (quote db-dir)) \"]\"))") nil nil)
+                    ("db-dir" variable
+                       (:documentation " Location of ID file."
+                        :default-value "nil")
+                        nil nil)
+                    ("candidates-process" variable (:default-value "(function helm-gid-candidates-process)") nil nil)
+                    ("filtered-candidate-transformer" variable (:default-value "(function helm-gid-filtered-candidate-transformer)") nil nil)
+                    ("candidate-number-limit" variable (:default-value "99999") nil nil)
+                    ("action" variable (:default-value "(helm-make-actions \"Find File\" (quote helm-grep-action) \"Find file other frame\" (quote helm-grep-other-frame) \"Save results in grep buffer\" (quote helm-grep-save-results) \"Find file other window\" (quote helm-grep-other-window))") nil nil)
+                    ("persistent-action" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-grep-persistent-action)") nil nil)
+                    ("history" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-grep-history)") nil nil)
+                    ("nohighlight" variable (:default-value "t") nil nil)
+                    ("help-message" variable (:default-value "(quote helm-grep-help-message)") nil nil)
+                    ("requires-pattern" variable (:default-value "2") nil nil))                  
+                :type "class")
+                nil [3340 4346])
+            ("helm-gid" function (:user-visible-flag t) nil [4363 5154])
+            ("helm-id-utils" package nil nil [5156 5180]))          
+      :file "helm-id-utils.el"
+      :pointmax 5322
+      :fsize 5321
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil)
+    (semanticdb-table "semanticdb-table"
+      :major-mode emacs-lisp-mode
+      :tags 
+        '( ("helm-files" include nil nil [815 836])
+            ("helm-external" include nil nil [837 861])
+            ("helm-findutils-skip-boring-files" variable (:default-value t) nil [863 997])
+            ("helm-findutils-search-full-path" variable nil nil [999 1213])
+            ("helm-find-map" variable (:default-value (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-generic-files-map) (define-key map (kbd "DEL") (quote helm-delete-backward-no-update)) map)) nil [1215 1398])
+            ("helm-source-findutils" variable (:default-value (helm-build-async-source "Find" :header-name (lambda (name) (concat name " in [" (helm-default-directory) "]")) :candidates-process (quote helm-find-shell-command-fn) :filtered-candidate-transformer (quote helm-findutils-transformer) :action-transformer (quote helm-transform-file-load-el) :persistent-action (quote helm-ff-kill-or-find-buffer-fname) :action (quote helm-type-file-actions) :help-message (quote helm-generic-file-help-message) :keymap helm-find-map :candidate-number-limit 9999 :requires-pattern 3)) nil [1400 1964])
+            ("helm-findutils-transformer" function (:arguments ("candidates" "_source")) nil [1966 2969])
+            ("helm-find--build-cmd-line" function nil nil [2971 4530])
+            ("helm-find-shell-command-fn" function nil nil [4532 5892])
+            ("helm-find-1" function (:arguments ("dir")) nil [5894 6162])
+            ("helm-find" function
+               (:user-visible-flag t
+                :arguments ("arg"))
+                nil [6214 7127])
+            ("helm-find" package nil nil [7129 7149]))          
+      :file "helm-find.el"
+      :pointmax 7290
+      :fsize 7289
+      :lastmodtime '(23537 22013 0 0)
+      :unmatched-syntax nil))
   :file "!drive_c!Users!joelg!.emacs.d!elpa!helm-20181117.731!semantic.cache"
   :semantic-tag-version "2.0"
   :semanticdb-version "2.2")

Gitblit v1.9.3