""".#test.py main module."""
import json
import time
import httpx
from whereismysock import all
import book
import protocol
HOST: str = 'sytev070'
PORT: str = '9000'
USER: str = 'test'
PASS: str = 'none'
def send(message):
"""Send message to exchange."""
return httpx.post(f"http://{HOST}:{PORT}/execution",
data={"message": json.dumps(message),
"username": USER,
"password": PASS}).json()
def logAllIncomingMessages():
"""Test function to print websocket."""
messages = all(f"ws://{HOST}:{PORT}/information")
while True:
for message in next(messages):
def printRecoveryLog():
"""Test function to print recovery log."""
so_far_today = httpx.get(f"http://{HOST}:{PORT}/recover").json()
for message in so_far_today:
def recoverBook(bs: {str, book.Book}):
"""Recover book from completely lost state."""
so_far_today = httpx.get(f"http://{HOST}:{PORT}/recover").json()
for message in so_far_today:
protocol.handleMessage(bs, message)
message = {"type": "ADD", "product": "F_SOH_APP0104T1700", "price": 99.0,
"side": "BUY", "volume": 1000000}
# print(json.dumps(message))
# print(send(message))
# printRecoveryLog()
# logAllIncomingMessages()
# print(getInformation())
# wstest()
bs = {}
# recoverBook(bs)
# print(list(bs))
# for i in bs:
# print(bs[i].product)
# bs[i].printBook()