;;; Compiled
;;; in Emacs version 26.1
;;; with all optimizations.
;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.
;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\305\306\307\"\210\305\310\307\"\207" [require cl recentf eieio semantic/format autoload srefactor--refactor-based-on-tag-class "srefactor" srefactor--insert-tag] 3)
#@60 Store the current active window where the menu is invoked.
(defvar srefactor-ui--current-active-window nil (#$ . 638))
#@63 Store the start of an active region of current window if any.
(defvar srefactor-ui--current-active-region-start nil (#$ . 763))
#@61 Store the end of an active region of current window if any.
(defvar srefactor-ui--current-active-region-end nil (#$ . 897))
#@33 Current menu object biing used.
(defvar srefactor-ui--current-active-menu nil (#$ . 1027))
#@38 What type of refactoring to perform.
(defvar srefactor-ui--func-type nil (#$ . 1124))
#@56 Overlay of tag in srefactor-ui--current-active-window.
(defvar srefactor-ui--current-active-tag-overlay nil (#$ . 1216))
#@27 Turn on/off help message.
(custom-declare-variable 'srefactor-ui-menu-show-help t '(#$ . 1343) :group 'srefactor-ui :type 'boolean)
(defalias 'srefactor-ui--menu-label #[(e) "@\207" [e] 1])
(put 'srefactor-ui--menu-label 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
(defalias 'srefactor-ui--menu-value-item #[(e) "A\207" [e] 1])
(put 'srefactor-ui--menu-value-item 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
#@111 Return a command name to open the Nth most recent file.
See also the command `recentf-open-most-recent-file'.
(defalias 'srefactor-ui--digit-shortcut-command-name #[(n) "\301\302\303\"!\207" [n intern format "srefactor-ui--refactor-based-on-tag-class-%d"] 4 (#$ . 1762)])
(put 'srefactor-ui--digit-shortcut-command-name 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)
#@211 Create a new menu-element.
A menu element is a pair (MENU-ITEM . MENU-VALUE), where MENU-ITEM is
the menu item string displayed. MENU-VALUE is the file to be open
when the corresponding MENU-ITEM is selected.
(defalias 'srefactor-ui--make-menu-element #[(menu-item menu-value) " B\207" [menu-item menu-value] 2 (#$ . 2135)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\307!\"\210\304\310\311\307!\"\210\304\312\310\"\210\313\312\314\315#\210\316\307\317\310#\320\307\321\322\323$\210\324\325\321\326\321\327%\210\324\330\321\331\321\332%\210\324\333\321\334\321\335%\210\324\336\321\337\321\340%\210\324\341\321\342\321\343%\210\324\344\321\345\321\346%\210\324\347\321\350\321\351%\210\324\352\321\353\321\354%\210\324\355\321\356\321\357%\210\324\360\321\361\321\362%\210\324\363\321\364\321\365%\210\324\366\321\367\321\370%\210\324\371\321\372\321\373%\210\324\374\321\375\321\376%\210\324\377\321\201@ \321\201A %\210\324\201B \321\201C \321\201D %\207" [put srefactor-ui--make-menu-element byte-optimizer byte-compile-inline-expand defalias srefactor-ui-menu-p eieio-make-class-predicate srefactor-ui-menu srefactor-ui-menu--eieio-childp eieio-make-child-predicate srefactor-ui-menu-child-p make-obsolete "use (cl-typep ... \\='srefactor-ui-menu) instead" "25.1" define-symbol-prop cl-deftype-satisfies eieio-defclass-internal nil ((name :initarg :name :initform "*Srefactor Menu*" :accessor name :type string :documentation "Name of the menu to be displayed in the modeline.") (items :initarg :items :initform nil :accessor items :type list :documentation "Item list to be displayed in a menu. Item is a list\n '(DISPLAY REAL OPTIONS).") (action :initarg :action :initform nil :accessor action :documentation "An action to run when a menu item is selected.") (context :initarg :context :initform nil :accessor context :documentation "Current Semantic tag in scope, used as context to\n select appropriate refactor actions.") (shortcut-p :initarg :shortcut-p :initform nil :accessor shortcut-p :type boolean :documentation "If t, first 9 actions can be executed by digit keys 1-9.") (persistent-action :initarg :persistent-action :initform nil :accessor persistent-action :documentation "An action to execute without exiting the menu.") (keymap :initarg :keymap :initform nil :accessor keymap :documentation "A function that set define keys in srefactor-ui-menu-mode-map.") (post-handler :initarg :post-handler :initform nil :accessor post-handler :documentation "A function to be executed after the menu is created.")) (:documentation "Class srefactor-ui-menu ") cl-generic-define-method post-handler ((this srefactor-ui-menu)) #[(this) "\301\302\"\205 \303\302\"\207" [this slot-boundp post-handler eieio-oref] 3 "Retrieve the slot `post-handler' from an object of class `srefactor-ui-menu'."] \(setf\ post-handler\) (value (this srefactor-ui-menu)) #[(value this) "\302\303 #\207" [this value eieio-oset post-handler] 4] keymap ((this srefactor-ui-menu)) #[(this) "\301\302\"\205 \303\302\"\207" [this slot-boundp keymap eieio-oref] 3 "Retrieve the slot `keymap' from an object of class `srefactor-ui-menu'."] \(setf\ keymap\) (value (this srefactor-ui-menu)) #[(value this) "\302\303 #\207" [this value eieio-oset keymap] 4] persistent-action ((this srefactor-ui-menu)) #[(this) "\301\302\"\205 \303\302\"\207" [this slot-boundp persistent-action eieio-oref] 3 "Retrieve the slot `persistent-action' from an object of class `srefactor-ui-menu'."] \(setf\ persistent-action\) (value (this srefactor-ui-menu)) #[(value this) "\302\303 #\207" [this value eieio-oset persistent-action] 4] shortcut-p ((this srefactor-ui-menu)) #[(this) "\301\302\"\205 \303\302\"\207" [this slot-boundp shortcut-p eieio-oref] 3 "Retrieve the slot `shortcut-p' from an object of class `srefactor-ui-menu'."] \(setf\ shortcut-p\) (value (this srefactor-ui-menu)) #[(value this) "\302\303 #\207" [this value eieio-oset shortcut-p] 4] context ((this srefactor-ui-menu)) #[(this) "\301\302\"\205 \303\302\"\207" [this slot-boundp context eieio-oref] 3 "Retrieve the slot `context' from an object of class `srefactor-ui-menu'."] \(setf\ context\) (value (this srefactor-ui-menu)) #[(value this) "\302\303 #\207" [this value eieio-oset context] 4] action ((this srefactor-ui-menu)) #[(this) "\301\302\"\205 \303\302\"\207" [this slot-boundp action eieio-oref] 3 "Retrieve the slot `action' from an object of class `srefactor-ui-menu'."] \(setf\ action\) (value (this srefactor-ui-menu)) #[(value this) "\302\303 #\207" [this value eieio-oset action] 4] items ((this srefactor-ui-menu)) #[(this) "\301\302\"\205 \303\302\"\207" [this slot-boundp items eieio-oref] 3 "Retrieve the slot `items' from an object of class `srefactor-ui-menu'."] \(setf\ items\) (value (this srefactor-ui-menu)) #[(value this) "\302\303 #\207" [this value eieio-oset items] 4] name ((this srefactor-ui-menu)) #[(this) "\301\302\"\205 \303\302\"\207" [this slot-boundp name eieio-oref] 3 "Retrieve the slot `name' from an object of class `srefactor-ui-menu'."] \(setf\ name\) (value (this srefactor-ui-menu)) #[(value this) "\302\303 #\207" [this value eieio-oset name] 4]] 7)
#@56 Create a new object of class type `srefactor-ui-menu'.
(defalias 'srefactor-ui-menu #[(&rest slots) "\301\302\303#\207" [slots apply make-instance srefactor-ui-menu] 4 (#$ . 7324)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put srefactor-ui-menu compiler-macro srefactor-ui-menu--anon-cmacro] 4)
(defalias 'srefactor-ui-menu--anon-cmacro #[(whole &rest slots) "@;\204 \207\302\303\304@ @# @\305@DABB\"\207" [slots whole macroexp--warn-and-return format "Obsolete name arg %S to constructor %S" identity] 5])
#@51 Show a dialog buffer with NAME, setup with FORMS.
(defalias 'srefactor-ui--menu '(macro . #[(name &rest forms) "\302\303D\304\305\306 \307\"BBBB\207" [name forms with-current-buffer get-buffer-create (let ((inhibit-read-only t) (ol (overlay-lists))) (mapc 'delete-overlay (car ol)) (mapc 'delete-overlay (cdr ol)) (erase-buffer)) (srefactor-ui-menu-mode) append ((widget-setup) (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer)) (hl-line-mode 1))] 7 (#$ . 7852)]))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put srefactor-ui--menu lisp-indent-function 1 put edebug-form-spec t] 5)
(defalias 'srefactor-ui-create-menu #[(menu) "\306!\204\n \307\310!\210\311 @\312 \203 \313 \314 \202\" |