;;; Compiled
;;; in Emacs version 26.1
;;; with all optimizations.
;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.
;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\303\304\305\306\307\301%\210\310\311\305\312\313\314\315\316&\207" [require company cl-lib custom-declare-group company-files nil "Completion backend for file names." :group custom-declare-variable company-files-exclusions "File name extensions and directory names to ignore.\nThe values should use the same format as `completion-ignored-extensions'." :type (const string) :package-version (company . "0.9.1")] 8)
(defalias 'company-files--directory-files #[(dir prefix) "\3041( \305\306 \"\307\"\203 \310\n!\311\232\203$ \312\313\312\314\n\"\"\202% \n)0\207\210\315\207" [prefix dir comp company-files-exclusions (file-error) sort file-name-all-completions #[(s1 s2) "\227 \227\231\207" [s1 s2] 2] company-files--exclusions-filtered "" delete "../" "./" nil] 5])
(defalias 'company-files--exclusions-filtered #[(completions) "\306\307\"\310 \"\311\211\f\f:\2039 \f@\307 !\203% \235\202) \312\313\n\"\2042 \fB\f\fA\211\202 \f\237-\207" [company-files-exclusions dir-exclusions file-exclusions completions #1=#:--cl-var-- c cl-delete-if-not company-files--trailing-slash-p cl-set-difference nil cl-find-if #[(exclusion) "\302 \"\207" [exclusion c string-suffix-p] 3] #2=#:--cl-var--] 4])
(defvar company-files--regexps (byte-code "\303=\203\n \304\202 \305\306 \307Q\310\n\311Q\312\n\313Q\314\n\315QE*\207" [system-type root begin windows-nt "[a-zA-Z]:/" "/" "\\(?:\\.\\{1,2\\}/\\|~/\\|" "\\)" "\"\\(" "[^\"\n]*\\)" "'\\(" "[^'\n]*\\)" "\\(?:[ =]\\|^\\)\\(" "[^ \n]*\\)"] 5))
(defalias 'company-files--grab-existing-name #[nil "\305\211\3062+ \n\305\211\205) \f@\307\310\"\211\203! \311\306 \"\210\fA\211\204 \305*0\205K \312 !\205K \313 !\211\205K \314\315\"?\205K \316!\205K *\207" [dir file company-files--regexps regexp --dolist-tail-- nil --cl-block-nil-- company-grab-line 1 throw company-files--connected-p file-name-directory string-match "//" file-exists-p] 4])
(defalias 'company-files--connected-p #[(file) "\301!?\206\f \301\302\303#\207" [file file-remote-p nil t] 4])
(defalias 'company-files--trailing-slash-p #[(file) "G\211\302V\205 SH\303=)\207" [file len 0 47] 3])
(defvar company-files--completion-cache nil)
(defalias 'company-files--complete #[(prefix) "\306!\307!\211\310 !\311\312 !8E\f\313@\"\204K \314\315\316 \n\"\"\317 !?\2053 \320\321\"\211\205> |