;;; Compiled
;;; in Emacs version 26.1
;;; with all optimizations.
;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.
;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.
(require 'cl-lib)
(defconst popup-version "0.5.3")
#@103 Determines whether the width desired is
character or window proportion based, And returns the result.
(defalias 'popup-calculate-max-width #[(max-width) "\250\203 \207\301!\205 \302\303\304 _!\305\245!\306_\207" [max-width floatp ceiling round window-width 10.0 10] 4 (#$ . 460)])
#@89 Use the optimized column computation routine.
If there is a problem, please set it nil.
(defvar popup-use-optimized-column-computation t (#$ . 753))
#@15 Anaphoric if.
(defalias 'popup-aif '(macro . #[(test then &rest else) "\303\304DC\305\304 \nBBBE\207" [test then else let it if] 6 (#$ . 908)]))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put popup-aif lisp-indent-function 2] 4)
#@17 Anaphoric when.
(defalias 'popup-awhen '(macro . #[(test &rest body) "\302\303DC\304\303 BBE\207" [test body let it when] 5 (#$ . 1150)]))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put popup-awhen lisp-indent-function 1] 4)
#@96 Convert any object to string effeciently.
This is faster than `prin1-to-string' in many cases.
(defalias 'popup-x-to-string #[(x) ";\203 \2079\203 \301!\207\250\203 \302!\207\303!\203# \302!\207\304\305\"\207" [x symbol-name number-to-string floatp format "%s"] 3 (#$ . 1388)])
#@79 Return a cons cell of substring and remaining string by
splitting with WIDTH.
(defalias 'popup-substring-by-width #[(string width) "\306\307\310#\211G\311\211\312\313\"\313\f:\2033 \f@\n\314 !\\\211 X\2033 T\fA\211\202 W\203E \311O\313OB\202G C-\207" [string len w l #1=#:--cl-var-- c replace-regexp-in-string " " " " 0 append nil char-width width] 5 (#$ . 1684)])
#@727 Split STRING into fixed width strings and return a cons cell
like (WIDTH . ROWS). Here, the car WIDTH indicates the actual
maxim width of ROWS.
The argument WIDTH specifies the width of filling each
paragraph. WIDTH nil means don't perform any justification and
word wrap. Note that this function doesn't add any padding
characters at the end of each row.
MAX-WIDTH, if WIDTH is nil, specifies the maximum number of
The optional fourth argument JUSTIFY specifies which kind of
justification to do: `full', `left', `right', `center', or
`none' (equivalent to nil). A value of t means handle each
paragraph as specified by its text properties.
SQUEEZE nil means leave whitespaces other than line breaks
(defalias 'popup-fill-string #[(string &optional width max-width justify squeeze) "\306=\203\n \307\310!\210\203 \311\312!r\nq\210\313\216\314\306\315\316\211\211c\210\317ed\"\210\203C \320ed?$\210eb\210\306`\316\210`{ \203| \321 \"\322\f!]\fB\fGGU\204\210 \fG\316O\211\204T \202\210 \322!]B)`dW\323\324!\210\204H \237.\nB\207" [width max-width #1=#:temp-buffer rows row indent-tabs-mode 0 error "Can't fill string with 0 width" generate-new-buffer " *temp*" #[nil "\301!\205 |