;;; Compiled
;;; in Emacs version 26.1
;;; with all optimizations.
;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.
;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\304\305\306\307\310\302%\210\311\312\313\314\315DD\316\317\320\310\305&\210\311\321\313\314\322DD\323\310\305\317\324&\210\325\326\327\306#\210\330\211\203Z \211@\326N\203S \327N\204S \331\327\326N#\210A\266\202\2029 \210\332\326\327\333#\210\311\327\313\314\334DD\335\310\305\317\336&\210\311\337\313\314\340DD\341\310\305\317\342&\210\311\343\313\314\344DD\345\310\305\317\336&\210\311\346\313\314\347DD\350\310\305\317\351&\210\311\352\313\314\353DD\354\310\305\317\314&\207" [require cl-lib helm helm-help custom-declare-group helm-utils nil "Utilities routines for Helm." :group custom-declare-variable helm-su-or-sudo funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [#1="sudo"] 1 #1#] "What command to use for root access." :type string helm-default-kbsize #[0 "\300\207" [1024.0] 1] "Default Kbsize to use for showing files size.\nIt is a float, usually 1024.0 but could be 1000.0 on some systems." float defvaralias helm-highlight-number-lines-around-point helm-highlight-matches-around-point-max-lines (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "20160119" #[0 "\300\207" [15] 1] "Number of lines around point where matched items are highlighted." integer helm-buffers-to-resize-on-pa #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of helm buffers where the helm-window should be reduced on persistent actions." (repeat (choice string)) helm-resize-on-pa-text-height #[0 "\300\207" [12] 1] "The size of the helm-window when resizing on persistent action." helm-sources-using-help-echo-popup #[0 "\300\207" [("Moccur" "Imenu in all buffers" "Ack-Grep" "AG" "RG" "Gid" "Git-Grep")] 1] "Show the buffer name or the filename in a popup at selection." (repeat (choice string)) helm-html-decode-entities-function #[0 "\300\207" [helm-html-decode-entities-string] 1] "Function used to decode html entities in html bookmarks.\nHelm comes by default with `helm-html-decode-entities-string', if you need something\nmore sophisticated you can use `w3m-decode-entities-string' if available.\n\nIn emacs itself org-entities seems broken and `xml-substitute-numeric-entities'\nsupports only numeric entities."] 8)
#@511 Run before jumping to line.
This hook run when jumping from `helm-goto-line', `helm-etags-default-action',
and `helm-imenu-default-action'.
This allow you to retrieve a previous position after using the different helm
tools for searching (etags, grep, gid, (m)occur etc...).
By default positions are added to `mark-ring' you can also add to register
by using instead (or adding) `helm-save-pos-to-register-before-jump'.
In this case last position is added to the register
(defvar helm-goto-line-before-hook '(helm-save-current-pos-to-mark-ring) (#$ . 2571))
#@75 The register where `helm-save-pos-to-register-before-jump' save position.
(defvar helm-save-pos-before-jump-register 95 (#$ . 3173))
#@46 Table of html character entities and values.
(defconst helm-html-entities-alist '((""" . 34) (">" . 62) ("<" . 60) ("&" . 38) ("€" . 8364) ("Ÿ" . 89) ("¡" . 161) ("¢" . 162) ("£" . 163) ("¤" . 164) ("¥" . 165) ("¦" . 166) ("§" . 167) ("¨" . 32) ("©" . 169) ("ª" . 97) ("«" . 171) ("¬" . 172) ("&masr;" . 174) ("°" . 176) ("±" . 177) ("²" . 50) ("³" . 51) ("´" . 39) ("µ" . 956) ("¶" . 182) ("·" . 183) ("¸" . 32) ("¹" . 49) ("º" . 111) ("»" . 187) ("¼" . 49) ("½" . 49) ("¾" . 51) ("¿" . 191) ("À" . 192) ("Á" . 193) ("Â" . 194) ("Ã" . 195) ("Ä" . 196) ("Å" . 197) ("&Aelig" . 198) ("Ç" . 199) ("È" . 200) ("É" . 201) ("Ê" . 202) ("Ë" . 203) ("Ì" . 204) ("Í" . 205) ("Î" . 206) ("Ï" . 207) ("ð" . 208) ("Ñ" . 209) ("Ò" . 210) ("Ó" . 211) ("Ô" . 212) ("Õ" . 213) ("Ö" . 214) ("×" . 215) ("Ø" . 216) ("Ù" . 217) ("Ú" . 218) ("Û" . 219) ("Ü" . 220) ("Ý" . 221) ("þ" . 222) ("ß" . 223) ("à" . 224) ("á" . 225) ("â" . 226) ("ã" . 227) ("ä" . 228) ("å" . 229) ("æ" . 230) ("ç" . 231) ("è" . 232) ("é" . 233) ("ê" . 234) ("ë" . 235) ("ì" . 236) ("í" . 237) ("î" . 238) ("ï" . 239) ("ð" . 240) ("ñ" . 241) ("ò" . 242) ("ó" . 243) ("ô" . 244) ("õ" . 245) ("ö" . 246) ("÷" . 247) ("ø" . 248) ("ù" . 249) ("ú" . 250) ("û" . 251) ("ü" . 252) ("ý" . 253) ("þ" . 254) ("ÿ" . 255) ("®" . 174) ("­" . 173)) (#$ . 3312))
#@49 Hook that run at end of `helm-find-many-files'.
(defvar helm-find-many-files-after-hook nil (#$ . 5209))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305%\210\300\306\307\310\304\305%\210\311\312\313\314\315DD\316\304\317\320\321&\210\311\322\313\314\323DD\324\304\317\320\325&\207" [custom-declare-face helm-selection-line ((t (:inherit highlight :distant-foreground "black"))) "Face used in the `helm-current-buffer' when jumping to candidate." :group helm-faces helm-match-item ((t (:inherit isearch))) "Face used to highlight item matched in a selected line." custom-declare-variable helm-window-prefer-horizontal-split funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Maybe switch to other window vertically when non nil.\n\nPossible values are t, nil and `decide'.\n\nWhen t switch vertically.\nWhen nil switch horizontally.\nWhen `decide' try to guess if it is possible to switch vertically\naccording to the setting of `split-width-threshold' and the size of\nthe window from where splitting is done.\n\nNote that when using `decide' and `split-width-threshold' is nil, the\nbehavior is the same that with a nil value." helm-utils :type (choice (const :tag "Split window vertically" t) (const :tag "Split window horizontally" nil) (symbol :tag "Guess how to split window" 'decide)) helm-window-show-buffers-function #[0 "\300\207" [helm-window-default-split-fn] 1] "The default function to use when opening several buffers at once.\nIt is typically used to rearrange windows." (choice (function :tag "Split windows vertically or horizontally" helm-window-default-split-fn) (function :tag "Split in alternate windows" helm-window-alternate-split-fn) (function :tag "Split windows in mosaic" helm-window-mosaic-fn))] 8)
#@278 Show BUFFERS.
If more than one buffer marked switch to these buffers in separate windows.
If OTHER-WINDOW is non-nil, keep current buffer and switch to others buffers
in separate windows.
If a prefix arg is given split windows vertically.
(defalias 'helm-window-show-buffers #[513 "\301 A\203\n \302\202 \303A\203 \205 \"\202* \203& |