;;; Compiled
;;; in Emacs version 26.1
;;; with all optimizations.
;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.
;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\210\306\307\310\311\312\302%\210\313\314\315\316\317DD\320\321\322\312\307&\210\313\323\315\316\324DD\325\321\326\312\307&\210\313\327\315\316\330DD\331\321\332\312\307&\210\313\333\315\316\334DD\335\321\336\312\307&\210\306\337\310\340\341\342\312\307\312\343& \210\344\345\346\347\312\337%\207" [require cl-lib helm helm-help helm-utils helm-grep custom-declare-group helm-tags nil "Tags related Applications and libraries for Helm." :group custom-declare-variable helm-etags-tag-file-name funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [#1="TAGS"] 1 #1#] "Etags tag file name." :type string helm-etags-tag-file-search-limit #[0 "\300\207" [10] 1] "The limit level of directory to search tag file.\nDon't search tag file deeply if outside this value." number helm-etags-match-part-only #[0 "\300\207" [tag] 1] "Allow choosing the tag part of CANDIDATE in `helm-source-etags-select'.\nA tag looks like this:\n filename: (defun foo\nYou can choose matching against the tag part (i.e \"(defun foo\"),\nor against the whole candidate (i.e \"(filename:5:(defun foo\")." (choice (const :tag "Match only tag" tag) (const :tag "Match all file+tag" all)) helm-etags-execute-action-at-once-if-one #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to jump straight to the selected tag if there's only\none match." boolean helm-tags-faces "Customize the appearance of helm-tags faces." :prefix "helm-" helm-faces custom-declare-face helm-etags-file ((t (:foreground "Lightgoldenrod4" :underline t))) "Face used to highlight etags filenames."] 10)
#@68 Run switch to other window action from `helm-source-etags-select'.
(defalias 'helm-etags-run-switch-other-window #[0 "\203 \301\302!\207\303\304!\207" [helm-alive-p helm-exit-and-execute-action #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [helm-etags-action-goto find-file-other-window] 4 "\n\n(fn C)"] error "Running helm command outside of context"] 2 (#$ . 1992) nil])
(put 'helm-etags-run-switch-other-window 'helm-only t)
#@67 Run switch to other frame action from `helm-source-etags-select'.
(defalias 'helm-etags-run-switch-other-frame #[0 "\203 \301\302!\207\303\304!\207" [helm-alive-p helm-exit-and-execute-action #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [helm-etags-action-goto find-file-other-frame] 4 "\n\n(fn C)"] error "Running helm command outside of context"] 2 (#$ . 2406) nil])
(put 'helm-etags-run-switch-other-frame 'helm-only t)
#@23 Keymap used in Etags.
(defvar helm-etags-map (byte-code "\301 \302\"\210\303\304\305#\210\303\306\307#\210\303\310\311#\210\303\312\313#\210\211\207" [helm-map make-sparse-keymap set-keymap-parent define-key [M-down] helm-goto-next-file [M-up] helm-goto-precedent-file "o" helm-etags-run-switch-other-window "" helm-etags-run-switch-other-frame] 5) (#$ . 2816))
#@55 Store the last modification time of etags files here.
(defvar helm-etags-mtime-alist nil (#$ . 3193))
#@59 Cache content of etags files used here for faster access.
(defvar helm-etags-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal) (#$ . 3301))
#@147 Return the path of etags file if found.
Lookes recursively in parents directorys for a
`helm-etags-tag-file-name' file.
(fn &optional DIRECTORY)
(defalias 'helm-etags-get-tag-file #[256 "\302\206 !\211\205 \303 \"\207" [default-directory helm-etags-tag-file-name helm-etags-find-tag-file-directory expand-file-name] 5 (#$ . 3435)])
#@278 Return files from the following sources;
1) An automatically located file in the parent directories, by `helm-etags-get-tag-file'.
2) `tags-file-name', which is commonly set by `find-tag' command.
3) `tags-table-list' which is commonly set by `visit-tags-table' command.
(defalias 'helm-etags-all-tag-files #[0 "\302\303\304\305\306 D \"\"\307\310#\207" [tags-file-name tags-table-list helm-fast-remove-dups delq nil append helm-etags-get-tag-file :test equal] 6 (#$ . 3780)])
#@121 Try to find the directory containing tag file.
If not found in CURRENT-DIR search in upper directory.
(defalias 'helm-etags-find-tag-file-directory #[257 "\301\3022, \303!\204( \211U\203 \304\302\305\"\210\202 \211T\262\306\307P!\262\202 \2620\207" [helm-etags-tag-file-search-limit #[257 "\301\"\211;\205 \302!\205 \303!\207" [helm-etags-tag-file-name expand-file-name file-regular-p file-readable-p] 4 "\n\n(fn DIR)"] --cl-block-nil-- 0 throw nil expand-file-name "../"] 6 (#$ . 4271)])
#@57 Create header name for this helm etags session.
(fn X)
(defalias 'helm-etags-get-header-name #[257 "\301r\302!\203\f \206 p\211q\210\303 )P\207" [helm-current-buffer "Etags in " buffer-live-p helm-etags-get-tag-file] 4 (#$ . 4801)])
#@74 Create the `helm-buffer' based on contents of etags tag FILE.
(fn FILE)
(defalias 'helm-etags-create-buffer #[257 "\300\301\302!r\211q\210\303\304\305\306\307!\310\"\311$\216\312!\210\313\314 \315\316#\317d!\262*\262\320\321\304#\300\211\300\304\300\211:\203\302 @\262\322\323\"?\205U \322\324\"\211\203R \304O\202S \262\262\322\325\"\205g \313\326\304\"\327\"@\262\203\201 \322\330\"\203\201 \331\326\332\"\333\334#\262\202\224 \203\221 \335\336$\262\202\224 \300\262\203\267 \331\315P\337#c\210\211\247\203\261 \211@Y\205\265 \340\"\266A\262T\262\2022 \300\266\207\207" [nil generate-new-buffer " *temp*" make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\205 |