;;; Compiled
;;; in Emacs version 26.1
;;; with all optimizations.
;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.
;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\210\306\307\310\311\312\302%\210\313\314\315\316\317DD\320\321\322\312\307&\210\313\323\315\316\324DD\325\321\326\312\307&\210\313\327\315\316\330DD\331\312\307\321\332&\210\313\333\315\316\334DD\335\312\307\321\336&\210\313\337\315\316\340DD\341\312\307\321\322&\207" [require cl-lib helm helm-utils helm-help helm-elisp custom-declare-group helm-ring nil "Ring related Applications and libraries for Helm." :group custom-declare-variable helm-kill-ring-threshold funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [3] 1] "Minimum length of a candidate to be listed by `helm-source-kill-ring'." :type integer helm-kill-ring-max-offset #[0 "\300\207" [400] 1] "Max number of chars displayed per candidate in kill-ring browser.\nWhen `t', don't truncate candidate, show all.\nBy default it is approximatively the number of bits contained in five lines\nof 80 chars each i.e 80*5.\nNote that if you set this to nil multiline will be disabled, i.e you\nwill not have anymore separators between candidates." (choice (const :tag "Disabled" t) (integer :tag "Max candidate offset")) helm-kill-ring-actions #[0 "\300\207" [(("Yank marked" . helm-kill-ring-action-yank) ("Delete marked" . helm-kill-ring-action-delete))] 1] "List of actions for kill ring source." (alist :key-type string :value-type function) helm-kill-ring-separator #[0 "\300\207" [#1="\n"] 1 #1#] "The separator used to separate marked candidates when yanking." string helm-register-max-offset #[0 "\300\207" [160] 1] "Max size of string register entries before truncating."] 8)
#@35 Keymap for `helm-show-kill-ring'.
(defvar helm-kill-ring-map (byte-code "\301 \302\"\210\303\304\305#\210\303\306\307#\210\303\310\311#\210\303\312\313#\210\303\314\315#\210\211\207" [helm-map make-sparse-keymap set-keymap-parent define-key [134217849] helm-next-line [134217845] helm-previous-line [134217796] helm-kill-ring-delete "" helm-kill-ring-toggle-truncated "" helm-kill-ring-kill-selection] 5) (#$ . 2009))
#@53 Source for browse and insert contents of kill-ring.
(defvar helm-source-kill-ring (helm-make-source "Kill Ring" 'helm-source-sync :init #[0 "\302\300\"\210\302\303 \"\207" [last-command helm-kill-ring-max-offset helm-attrset multiline] 3] :candidates 'helm-kill-ring-candidates :filtered-candidate-transformer 'helm-kill-ring-transformer :action 'helm-kill-ring-actions :persistent-action 'ignore :help-message 'helm-kill-ring-help-message :persistent-help "DoNothing" :keymap helm-kill-ring-map :migemo t :multiline 'helm-kill-ring-max-offset :group 'helm-ring) (#$ . 2443))
(defalias 'helm-kill-ring-candidates #[0 "\302\303\304#\305\211:\203* @\262G W\204# \306\307\"\204# B\262A\262\202 \211\237\207" [kill-ring helm-kill-ring-threshold helm-fast-remove-dups :test equal nil string-match "\\`[\n[:blank:]]+\\'"] 6])
#@62 Ensure CANDIDATES are not read-only.
(defalias 'helm-kill-ring-transformer #[514 "\300\211:\203( @\262\301\302\303#\203 \304\302G\305$\210B\262A\262\202 \211\237\207" [nil get-text-property 0 read-only set-text-properties (read-only nil)] 10 (#$ . 3282)])
(defvar helm-kill-ring--truncated-flag nil)
#@64 Toggle truncated view of candidates in helm kill-ring browser.
(defalias 'helm-kill-ring-toggle-truncated #[0 "\203% ?\303 \304\305\306\307\310!\311\"\312$\313\314 \203 \315\202 \n\"\210\316!\207\317\320!\207" [helm-alive-p helm-kill-ring--truncated-flag helm-kill-ring-max-offset helm-get-selection make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\207" vconcat vector [helm-kill-ring--preselect-fn] 2 helm-attrset multiline 15000000 helm-update error "Running helm command outside of context"] 7 (#$ . 3626) nil])
(put 'helm-kill-ring-toggle-truncated 'helm-only t)
#@114 Store the real value of candidate in kill-ring.
Same as `helm-kill-selection-and-quit' called with a prefix arg.
(defalias 'helm-kill-ring-kill-selection #[0 "\300\301!\207" [helm-kill-selection-and-quit t] 2 (#$ . 4186) nil])
(put 'helm-kill-ring-kill-selection 'helm-only t)
#@85 Internal, used to preselect CANDIDATE when toggling truncated view.
(defalias 'helm-kill-ring--preselect-fn #[257 "\300\3012; \211\205: \3021 \303 ?\205 \304 0\202 \210\305\211\2033 \211\230\203- \306\301\305\"\210\2026 \307 \210\2026 \305\262\210\202 0\207" [t --cl-block-nil-- (debug error) helm-pos-header-line-p helm-get-selection nil throw helm-next-line] 6 (#$ . 4469)])
#@181 Insert concatenated marked candidates in current-buffer.
When two prefix args are given prompt to choose separator, otherwise
use `helm-kill-ring-separator' as default.
(fn STR)
(defalias 'helm-kill-ring-action-yank #[257 "\302 \303\232\203 \304\305!\202 \306\307!\310\311:\203- @\262\211PP\262A\262\202 \211\312!@P\266\203!\207" [helm-current-prefix-arg helm-kill-ring-separator helm-marked-candidates (16) read-string "Separator: " helm-kill-ring-action-yank-1 butlast nil "" last] 10 (#$ . 4875)])
#@231 Insert STR in `kill-ring' and set STR to the head.
When called with a prefix arg, point and mark are exchanged without
activating region.
If this action is executed just after `yank',
replace with STR as yanked string.
(fn STR)
(defalias 'helm-kill-ring-action-yank-1 #[257 "\306\307\310\311\312!\313\"\314\315%\316\317G\320$\210r\321!\203 \206\" |