;;; Compiled
;;; in Emacs version 26.1
;;; with all optimizations.
;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.
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(byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\305\306\307\310\311\302%\210\312\313\314\315\316DD\317\320\321\311\306&\210\312\322\314\315\323DD\324\311\306\320\321&\210\312\325\314\315\326DD\327\320\321\311\306&\210\312\330\314\315\331DD\332\320\321\311\306&\210\312\333\314\315\334DD\335\311\306\320\336&\210\312\337\314\315\340DD\341\311\306\320\342&\210\312\343\314\315\344DD\345\311\306\320\342&\210\312\346\314\315\347DD\350\311\306\320\351&\210\312\352\314\315\353DD\354\320\321\311\355&\207" [require cl-lib helm helm-types helm-help custom-declare-group helm-locate nil "Locate related Applications and libraries for Helm." :group custom-declare-variable helm-locate-db-file-regexp funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [#1="m?locate.db$"] 1 #1#] "Default regexp to match locate database.\nIf nil Search in all files." :type string helm-ff-locate-db-filename #[0 "\300\207" [#2="locate.db"] 1 #2#] "The basename of the locatedb file you use locally in your directories.\nWhen this is set and `helm' find such a file in the directory from\nwhere you launch locate, it will use this file and will not prompt you\nfor a db file.\nNote that this happen only when locate is launched with a prefix arg." helm-locate-command #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of arguments for locate program.\n\nHelm will calculate a default value for your system on startup unless\n`helm-locate-command' is non-nil, here the default values it will use\naccording to your system:\n\nGnu/linux: \"locate %s -e -A --regex %s\"\nberkeley-unix: \"locate %s %s\"\nwindows-nt: \"es %s %s\"\nOthers: \"locate %s %s\"\n\nThis string will be passed to format so it should end with `%s'.\nThe first format spec is used for the \"-i\" value of locate/es,\nSo don't set it directly but use `helm-locate-case-fold-search'\nfor this.\n\nThe last option must be the one preceding pattern i.e \"-r\" or \"--regex\".\n\nYou will be able to pass other options such as \"-b\" or \"l\"\nduring helm invocation after entering pattern only when multi matching,\nnot when fuzzy matching.\n\nNote that the \"-b\" option is added automatically by helm when\nvar `helm-locate-fuzzy-match' is non-nil and switching back from\nmultimatch to fuzzy matching (this is done automatically when a space\nis detected in pattern)." helm-locate-create-db-command #[0 "\300\207" [#3="updatedb -l 0 -o '%s' -U '%s'"] 1 #3#] "Command used to create a locale locate db file." helm-locate-case-fold-search #[0 "\207" [helm-case-fold-search] 1] "It have the same meaning as `helm-case-fold-search'.\nThe -i option of locate will be used depending of value of\n`helm-pattern' when this is set to 'smart.\nWhen nil \"-i\" will not be used at all.\nand when non--nil it will always be used.\nNOTE: the -i option of the \"es\" command used on windows does\nthe opposite of \"locate\" command." symbol helm-locate-fuzzy-match #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Enable fuzzy matching in `helm-locate'.\nNote that when this is enabled searching is done on basename." boolean helm-locate-fuzzy-sort-fn #[0 "\300\207" [helm-locate-default-fuzzy-sort-fn] 1] "Default fuzzy matching sort function for locate." helm-locate-project-list #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of directories, your projects.\nWhen set, allow browsing recursively files in all\ndirectories of this list with `helm-projects-find-files'." (repeat string) helm-locate-recursive-dirs-command #[0 "\300\207" [#4="locate -i -e -A --regex '^%s' '%s.*$'"] 1 #4#] "Command used for recursive directories completion in `helm-find-files'.\n\nFor Windows and `es' use something like \"es -r ^%s.*%s.*$\"\n\nThe two format specs are mandatory.\n\nIf for some reasons you can't use locate because your filesystem\ndoesn't have a data base, you can use find command from findutils but\nbe aware that it will be much slower, see `helm-find-files' embebded\nhelp for more infos." helm-files] 8)
(defvar helm-locate-map (byte-code "\301 \302\"\210\303\304\305#\210\211\207" [helm-generic-files-map make-sparse-keymap set-keymap-parent define-key "" helm-delete-backward-no-update] 5))
(custom-declare-face 'helm-locate-finish '((t (:foreground "Green"))) "Face used in mode line when locate process is finish." :group 'helm-locate)
#@181 Try to find if a local locatedb file is available.
The search is done in `helm-ff-default-directory' or
fall back to `default-directory' if FROM-FF is nil.
(fn &optional FROM-FF)
(defalias 'helm-ff-find-locatedb #[256 "\205 \303\203 \206 \n\"\211\205 \304\"\207" [helm-ff-locate-db-filename helm-ff-default-directory default-directory locate-dominating-file expand-file-name] 5 (#$ . 4654)])
#@176 Default function used to create a locale locate db file.
Argument DB-NAME name of the db file.
Argument DIRECTORY root of file system subtree to scan.
(defalias 'helm-locate-create-db-default-function #[514 "\301\302!#\207" [helm-locate-create-db-command format expand-file-name] 7 (#$ . 5064)])
#@132 Function used to create a locale locate db file.
It should receive the same arguments as
(defvar helm-locate-create-db-function 'helm-locate-create-db-default-function (#$ . 5394))
#@376 Generic function to run Locate.
Prefix arg LOCALDB when (4) search and use a local locate db file when it
exists or create it, when (16) force update of existing db file
even if exists.
It have no effect when locate command is 'es'.
INIT is a string to use as initial input in prompt.
See `helm-locate-with-db' and `helm-locate'.
(defalias 'helm-locate-1 #[1024 "\304\305!\210\306 \210\307\2051 \310\311\"?\2051 \312\232\203 |