;;; Compiled
;;; in Emacs version 26.1
;;; with all optimizations.
;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.
;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\303&\207" [require org-macs org-compat org cl-lib custom-declare-group org-indent nil "Options concerning dynamic virtual outline indentation." :tag "Org Indent" :group] 8)
#@48 First star of inline tasks, with correct face.
(defvar org-indent-inlinetask-first-star (org-add-props "*" '(face org-warning)) (#$ . 675))
#@37 Timer running the initialize agent.
(defvar org-indent-agent-timer nil (#$ . 821))
#@50 List of buffers watched by the initialize agent.
(defvar org-indent-agentized-buffers nil (#$ . 910))
#@68 Timer to reschedule agent after switching to other idle processes.
(defvar org-indent-agent-resume-timer nil (#$ . 1018))
#@114 Time to run agent before switching to other idle processes.
Delay used when the buffer to initialize is current.
(defvar org-indent-agent-active-delay '(0 2 0) (#$ . 1147))
#@117 Time to run agent before switching to other idle processes.
Delay used when the buffer to initialize isn't current.
(defvar org-indent-agent-passive-delay '(0 0 400000) (#$ . 1327))
#@71 Minimal time for other idle processes before switching back to agent.
(defvar org-indent-agent-resume-delay '(0 0 100000) (#$ . 1515))
#@101 Position of initialization before interrupt.
This is used locally in each buffer being initialized.
(defvar org-indent--initial-marker nil (#$ . 1657))
#@15 Used locally.
(defvar org-hide-leading-stars-before-indent-mode nil (#$ . 1815))
#@114 Non-nil means the last deletion operated on a headline.
It is modified by `org-indent-notify-modified-headline'.
(defvar org-indent-modified-headline-flag nil (#$ . 1903))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\210\300\312\302\303\313DD\314\306\307\310\315&\210\300\316\302\303\317DD\320\306\307\310\315&\210\300\321\302\303\322DD\323\306\307\310\324&\210\325\307\326\327\306\330%\207" [custom-declare-variable org-indent-boundary-char funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [32] 1] "The end of the virtual indentation strings, a single-character string.\nThe default is just a space, but if you wish, you can use \"|\" or so.\nThis can be useful on a terminal window - under a windowing system,\nit may be prettier to customize the `org-indent' face." :group org-indent :type character org-indent-mode-turns-off-org-adapt-indentation #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Non-nil means setting the variable `org-indent-mode' will turn off indentation adaptation.\nFor details see the variable `org-adapt-indentation'." boolean org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Non-nil means setting the variable `org-indent-mode' will turn on `org-hide-leading-stars'." org-indent-indentation-per-level #[0 "\300\207" [2] 1] "Indentation per level in number of characters." integer custom-declare-face ((t (:inherit org-hide))) "Face for outline indentation.\nThe default is to make it look like whitespace. But you may find it\nuseful to make it ever so slightly different." org-faces] 8)
#@59 Vector containing line prefixes strings for regular text.
(defvar org-indent--text-line-prefixes nil (#$ . 3411))
#@54 Vector containing line prefix strings for headlines.
(defvar org-indent--heading-line-prefixes nil (#$ . 3531))
#@57 Vector containing line prefix strings for inline tasks.
(defvar org-indent--inlinetask-line-prefixes nil (#$ . 3649))
#@37 Maximum theoretical headline depth.
(defconst org-indent--deepest-level 50 (#$ . 3773))
#@56 Compute prefix strings for regular text and headlines.
(defalias 'org-indent--compute-prefixes #[0 "\306\307\"\306\307\"\306\307\"\310\211W\205\200 \211\211\311X\203\" |