;;; Compiled
;;; in Emacs version 26.1
;;; with all optimizations.
;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.
;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.
(require 'magit)
#@55 Popup console for reset commands.
(fn &optional ARG)
(defalias 'magit-reset-popup #[256 "\300\301\302#\207" [magit-invoke-popup magit-reset-popup nil] 5 (#$ . 425) "P"])
(defvar magit-reset-popup (list :variable 'magit-reset-arguments :man-page "git-reset" :actions '((109 "reset mixed (HEAD and index)" magit-reset-mixed) (115 "reset soft (HEAD only)" magit-reset-soft) (104 "reset hard (HEAD, index, and files)" magit-reset-hard) (105 "reset index (only)" magit-reset-index) (119 "reset worktree (only)" magit-reset-worktree) nil (102 "reset a file" magit-file-checkout)) :max-action-columns 1))
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306DD\307\310\311\312\313&\207" [magit-define-popup-keys-deferred magit-reset-popup custom-declare-variable magit-reset-arguments funcall function #[0 "\301\302\"\207" [magit-reset-popup plist-get :default-arguments] 3] "" :group magit-git-arguments :type (repeat (string :tag "Argument"))] 8)
(defalias 'magit-reset-arguments #[0 "\303=\203 \207\n\207" [magit-current-popup magit-current-popup-args magit-reset-arguments magit-reset-popup] 2])
(put 'magit-reset-arguments 'definition-name 'magit-reset-popup)
#@106 Reset the `HEAD' and index to COMMIT, but not the working tree.
(git reset --mixed COMMIT)
(defalias 'magit-reset-mixed #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [magit-reset-internal "--mixed"] 4 (#$ . 1603) (byte-code "\300\301!C\207" [magit-reset-read-branch-or-commit "Reset %s to"] 2)])
#@107 Reset the `HEAD' to COMMIT, but not the index and working tree.
(git reset --soft REVISION)
(defalias 'magit-reset-soft #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [magit-reset-internal "--soft"] 4 (#$ . 1898) (byte-code "\300\301!C\207" [magit-reset-read-branch-or-commit "Soft reset %s to"] 2)])
#@96 Reset the `HEAD', index, and working tree to COMMIT.
(git reset --hard REVISION)
(defalias 'magit-reset-hard #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [magit-reset-internal "--hard"] 4 (#$ . 2196) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304#\305P!C\207" [magit-reset-read-branch-or-commit propertize "Hard" face bold " reset %s to"] 5)])
#@174 Reset the index to COMMIT.
Keep the `HEAD' and working tree as-is, so if COMMIT refers to the
head this effectively unstages all changes.
(git reset COMMIT .)
(defalias 'magit-reset-index #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [magit-reset-internal nil "."] 5 (#$ . 2526) (byte-code "\300\301!C\207" [magit-read-branch-or-commit "Reset index to"] 2)])
#@77 Reset the worktree to COMMIT.
Keep the `HEAD' and index as-is.
(defalias 'magit-reset-worktree #[257 "\304\305\306\307\310!!!\311\312\313\314\315!\316\"\317$\216\320 \211\203n \211\211\2034 \321\322\304\323P$\2044 \324\325\"\210\210\326 !\203T \327P\nB\330\304\331\"\210\332\333\334\335#\210\336\304\337\")\202j \327PB\330\304\331\"\210\332\333\334\335#\210\336\304\337\"))\202p \340 \262*\207" [magit--refresh-cache default-directory magit-tramp-process-environment process-environment nil magit-convert-filename-for-git make-temp-name magit-git-dir "index.magit." make-byte-code 0 "\3021 \303\304 !\300P!0\207\210\305\207" vconcat vector [default-directory (error) delete-file file-remote-p nil] 3 magit-toplevel magit-git-success "read-tree" "--index-output=" error "Cannot read tree %s" file-remote-p "GIT_INDEX_FILE=" magit-wip-commit-before-change " before reset" magit-run-git "checkout-index" "--all" "--force" magit-wip-commit-after-apply " after reset" magit--not-inside-repository-error] 11 (#$ . 2886) (byte-code "\300\301!C\207" [magit-read-branch-or-commit "Reset worktree to"] 2)])
#@196 Reset the `HEAD' and index to COMMIT, and possibly the working tree.
With a prefix argument reset the working tree otherwise don't.
(git reset --mixed|--hard COMMIT)
(fn COMMIT &optional HARD)
(defalias 'magit-reset-quickly #[513 "\300\203 |