;;; Compiled
;;; in Emacs version 26.1
;;; with all optimizations.
;;; This file contains utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so cannot be loaded into Emacs 22 or earlier.
(and (boundp 'emacs-version)
(< (aref emacs-version (1- (length emacs-version))) ?A)
(string-lessp emacs-version "23")
(error "`%s' was compiled for Emacs 23 or later" #$))
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\304\305!\204 \306\305\307\"\210\310\311\312\313\314\315\314\316\314\317& \210\320\321\322\323#\210\320\324\325\326#\210\320\327\330\331#\210\320\332\333\334#\210\320\335\336\337#\210\320\340\341\342#\210\320\343\344\345#\210\320\346\347\350#\210\320\351\352\353#\210\320\354\355\356#\210\320\357\360\361#\210\320\362\363\364#\210\320\365\366\367#\210\320\370\371\372#\210\320\373\312\374#\210\320\375\376\377#\207" [require cl-lib newcomment pcase fboundp string-suffix-p defalias #[770 "GGZ\211\300Y\205 \301\302\211\302&\303=\207" [0 compare-strings nil t] 12 "Return non-nil if SUFFIX is a suffix of STRING.\nIf IGNORE-CASE is non-nil, the comparison is done without paying\nattention to case differences.\n\n(fn SUFFIX STRING &optional IGNORE-CASE)"] custom-declare-group company nil "Extensible inline text completion mechanism" :group abbrev convenience matching custom-declare-face company-tooltip ((default :foreground "black") (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) (:background "cornsilk")) (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:background "yellow"))) "Face used for the tooltip." company-tooltip-selection ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) (:background "light blue")) (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:background "orange1")) (t (:background "green"))) "Face used for the selection in the tooltip." company-tooltip-search ((default :inherit highlight)) "Face used for the search string in the tooltip." company-tooltip-search-selection ((default :inherit highlight)) "Face used for the search string inside the selection in the tooltip." company-tooltip-mouse ((default :inherit highlight)) "Face used for the tooltip item under the mouse." company-tooltip-common ((((background light)) :foreground "darkred") (((background dark)) :foreground "red")) "Face used for the common completion in the tooltip." company-tooltip-common-selection ((default :inherit company-tooltip-common)) "Face used for the selected common completion in the tooltip." company-tooltip-annotation ((((background light)) :foreground "firebrick4") (((background dark)) :foreground "red4")) "Face used for the completion annotation in the tooltip." company-tooltip-annotation-selection ((default :inherit company-tooltip-annotation)) "Face used for the selected completion annotation in the tooltip." company-scrollbar-fg ((((background light)) :background "darkred") (((background dark)) :background "red")) "Face used for the tooltip scrollbar thumb." company-scrollbar-bg ((((background light)) :background "wheat") (((background dark)) :background "gold")) "Face used for the tooltip scrollbar background." company-preview ((((background light)) :inherit (company-tooltip-selection company-tooltip)) (((background dark)) :background "blue4" :foreground "wheat")) "Face used for the completion preview." company-preview-common ((((background light)) :inherit company-tooltip-common-selection) (((background dark)) :inherit company-preview :foreground "red")) "Face used for the common part of the completion preview." company-preview-search ((((background light)) :inherit company-tooltip-common-selection) (((background dark)) :inherit company-preview :background "blue1")) "Face used for the search string in the completion preview." company-echo "Face used for completions in the echo area." company-echo-common ((((background dark)) (:foreground "firebrick1")) (((background light)) (:background "firebrick4"))) "Face used for the common part of completions in the echo area."] 10)
(defalias 'company-frontends-set #[514 "\300\301!!\302>\203 \303>\204) \304>\203 \303>\204) \304>\203- \302>\203- \305\306!\210\307>\2039 \310>\204Q \307>\203E \311>\204Q \310>\203U \311>\203U \305\312!\210\313>\203e \314>\203e \305\315!\210\316\211\203\204 \211@\211>A\203} \317\320\"C\"\262A\266\202\202f \210L\207" [delete-dups copy-sequence company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend-with-delay user-error "Pseudo tooltip frontend cannot be used more than once" company-preview-if-just-one-frontend company-preview-frontend company-preview-common-frontend "Preview frontend cannot be used twice" company-echo company-echo-metadata-frontend "Echo area cannot be used twice" (company-preview-if-just-one-frontend company-preview-frontend company-preview-common-frontend) append delq] 9 (#$ . 4008)])
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\210\300\312\302\303\313DD\314\310\315%\210\300\316\302\303\317DD\320\310\315%\210\300\321\302\303\322DD\323\310\315\324\325&\210\300\326\302\303\327DD\330\310\315\324\331&\210\300\332\302\303\333DD\334\310\315%\210\300\335\302\303\336DD\337\310\340%\210\300\341\302\303\342DD\343\310\344\324\345&\210\300\346\302\303\347DD\350\310\344\324\351&\207" [custom-declare-variable company-frontends funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [(company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend company-preview-if-just-one-frontend company-echo-metadata-frontend)] 1] "The list of active frontends (visualizations).\nEach frontend is a function that takes one argument. It is called with\none of the following arguments:\n\n`show': When the visualization should start.\n\n`hide': When the visualization should end.\n\n`update': When the data has been updated.\n\n`pre-command': Before every command that is executed while the\nvisualization is active.\n\n`post-command': After every command that is executed while the\nvisualization is active.\n\nThe visualized data is stored in `company-prefix', `company-candidates',\n`company-common', `company-selection', `company-point' and\n`company-search-string'." :set company-frontends-set :type (repeat (choice (const :tag "echo" company-echo-frontend) (const :tag "echo, strip common" company-echo-strip-common-frontend) (const :tag "show echo meta-data in echo" company-echo-metadata-frontend) (const :tag "pseudo tooltip" company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend) (const :tag "pseudo tooltip, multiple only" company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend) (const :tag "pseudo tooltip, multiple only, delayed" company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend-with-delay) (const :tag "preview" company-preview-frontend) (const :tag "preview, unique only" company-preview-if-just-one-frontend) (const :tag "preview, common" company-preview-common-frontend) (function :tag "custom function" nil))) company-tooltip-limit #[0 "\300\207" [10] 1] "The maximum number of candidates in the tooltip." integer company-tooltip-minimum #[0 "\300\207" [6] 1] "The minimum height of the tooltip.\nIf this many lines are not available, prefer to display the tooltip above." company-tooltip-minimum-width #[0 "\300\207" [0] 1] "The minimum width of the tooltip's inner area.\nThis doesn't include the margins and the scroll bar." :package-version (company . "0.8.0") company-tooltip-maximum-width #[0 "\207" [most-positive-fixnum] 1] "The maximum width of the tooltip's inner area.\nThis doesn't include the margins and the scroll bar." (company . "0.9.5") company-tooltip-margin #[0 "\300\207" [1] 1] "Width of margin columns to show around the toolip." company-tooltip-offset-display #[0 "\300\207" [scrollbar] 1] "Method using which the tooltip displays scrolling position.\n`scrollbar' means draw a scrollbar to the right of the items.\n`lines' means wrap items in lines with \"before\" and \"after\" counters." (choice (const :tag "Scrollbar" scrollbar) (const :tag "Two lines" lines)) company-tooltip-align-annotations #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "When non-nil, align annotations to the right tooltip border." boolean (company . "0.7.1") company-tooltip-flip-when-above #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to flip the tooltip when it's above the current line." (company . "0.8.1")] 8)
(defvar company-safe-backends '((company-abbrev . "Abbrev") (company-bbdb . "BBDB") (company-capf . "completion-at-point-functions") (company-clang . "Clang") (company-cmake . "CMake") (company-css . "CSS") (company-dabbrev . "dabbrev for plain text") (company-dabbrev-code . "dabbrev for code") (company-eclim . "Eclim (an Eclipse interface)") (company-elisp . "Emacs Lisp") (company-etags . "etags") (company-files . "Files") (company-gtags . "GNU Global") (company-ispell . "Ispell") (company-keywords . "Programming language keywords") (company-nxml . "nxml") (company-oddmuse . "Oddmuse") (company-semantic . "Semantic") (company-tempo . "Tempo templates") (company-xcode . "Xcode")))
(put 'company-safe-backends 'risky-local-variable t)
(defalias 'company-safe-backends-p #[257 "\211:\2051 \30120 \211\211\205- \211@\211:\203 \302!\202 \211\236\204& |