;;; Compiled
;;; in Emacs version 26.1
;;; with all optimizations.
;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.
;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.
(defconst popwin:version "1.0.0")
#@82 Return a singleton list of OBJECT if OBJECT is an atom,
otherwise OBJECT itself.
(defalias 'popwin:listify #[(object) ":\204 C\207\207" [object] 1 (#$ . 442)])
(defalias 'popwin:subsitute-in-tree #[(map tree) ":\203 \302 @\"\302 A\"B\207 \236A\206 \207" [tree map popwin:subsitute-in-tree] 4])
#@332 Return a buffer named BUFFER-OR-NAME or BUFFER-OR-NAME itself
if BUFFER-OR-NAME is a buffer. If BUFFER-OR-NAME is a string and
such a buffer named BUFFER-OR-NAME not found, a new buffer will
be returned when IF-NOT-FOUND is :create, or an error reported
when IF-NOT-FOUND is :error. The default of value of IF-NOT-FOUND
is :error.
(defalias 'popwin:get-buffer #[(buffer-or-name &optional if-not-found) "\206 \303\304 \305\"\203 \306\n!\2020 \304 \303\"\203' \307\n!\2060 \310\311\n\"\2020 \310\312 \313#\2050 \314)\207" [if-not-found #1=#:temp buffer-or-name :error eql :create get-buffer-create get-buffer error "No buffer named %s" "cl-ecase failed: %s, %s" (:create :error) nil] 4 (#$ . 754)])
#@85 Call `switch-to-buffer' forcing BUFFER-OF-NAME be displayed in
the selected window.
(defalias 'popwin:switch-to-buffer #[(buffer-or-name &optional norecord) "\303Y\203\f \304 \n\305#\207\304 \n\"\207" [emacs-major-version buffer-or-name norecord 24 switch-to-buffer t] 4 (#$ . 1461)])
#@54 Call `select-window' with saving the current buffer.
(defalias 'popwin:select-window #[(window &optional norecord) "r\302 \")\207" [window norecord select-window] 3 (#$ . 1753)])
#@60 Return t if BUFFER might be thought of as a buried buffer.
(defalias 'popwin:buried-buffer-p #[(buffer) "\301\302 !@=\207" [buffer last buffer-list] 2 (#$ . 1939)])
#@99 Return window-point of WINDOW. If WINDOW is currently
selected, then return buffer-point instead.
(defalias 'popwin:window-point #[(window) "\301 =\203 r\302!q\210`)\207\303!\207" [window selected-window window-buffer window-point] 2 (#$ . 2111)])
#@129 Return t if WINDOW is deletable, meaning that WINDOW is alive
and not a minibuffer's window, plus there is two or more windows.
(defalias 'popwin:window-deletable-p #[(window) "\301!\205 \302!?\205 \303 ?\207" [window window-live-p window-minibuffer-p one-window-p] 2 (#$ . 2370)])
#@43 Evaluate BODY saving the selected window.
(defalias 'popwin:save-selected-window '(macro . #[(&rest body) "\301\302BB\207" [body with-selected-window (selected-window)] 3 (#$ . 2662)]))
#@44 Return t if minibuffer window is selected.
(defalias 'popwin:minibuffer-window-selected-p #[nil "\300\301 !\207" [minibuffer-window-active-p selected-window] 2 (#$ . 2855)])
#@94 Return currently selected window or lastly selected window if
minibuffer window is selected.
(defalias 'popwin:last-selected-window #[nil "\300 \203 \301 \207\302 \207" [popwin:minibuffer-window-selected-p minibuffer-selected-window selected-window] 1 (#$ . 3035)])
(defvar popwin:debug nil)
(defvar popwin:dummy-buffer nil)
(defalias 'popwin:dummy-buffer #[nil "\301!\203 \207\302\303!\211\207" [popwin:dummy-buffer buffer-live-p get-buffer-create " *popwin-dummy*"] 2])
(defalias 'popwin:kill-dummy-buffer #[nil "\301!\203\n \302!\210\303\211\207" [popwin:dummy-buffer buffer-live-p kill-buffer nil] 2])
#@54 Return t if a trailing edge of WINDOW is adjustable.
(defalias 'popwin:window-trailing-edge-adjustable-p #[(window) "\301!\211\302 =?\205 \303 !\304 =?)\207" [window next-window frame-first-window window-buffer popwin:dummy-buffer] 3 (#$ . 3655)])
#@154 Adjust edges of WINDOW to EDGES accoring to horizontal factor
HFACTOR, and vertical factor VFACTOR.
(fn WINDOW EDGES &optional (HFACTOR 1) (VFACTOR 1))
(defalias 'popwin:adjust-window-edges #[(window edges &rest #1=#:--cl-rest--) "\203\f \211A\242\202 \306\203 \211A\242\202 \306\203* \307\310\311\312G\\D\"\210\313!\205\375 \f\314!D\211G\315U\203E \211A\242\202L \307\310\316 GD\"\211G\312U\203_ \211A\242\202g \307\310\316GD\"\211A\242\211A\242@ @\211G\312U\203\225 \211A\242\202\235 \307\310\316GD\"\211A\242\211A\242@\317Z _ZZ!\317Z\n_ZZ!\3201\346 \321\322#0\202\352 \210\202\353 \210\3231\371 \321\316#0\202\373 \210\316. *\207" [#1# hfactor vfactor window edges #2=#:--cl-rest-- 1 signal wrong-number-of-arguments popwin:adjust-window-edges 4 popwin:window-trailing-edge-adjustable-p window-edges 2 nil floor (error) adjust-window-trailing-edge t (error) #3=#:--cl-rest-- left top right bottom #4=#:--cl-rest-- cur-left cur-top cur-right cur-bottom vdelta hdelta] 6 (#$ . 3913)])
(defalias 'popwin:window-config-tree-1 #[(node) "\306!\203 \305\307!\310!\311!\312!\313 =\314!\257\207\211A\203- \211A\242\2024 \315\316\317 GD\" \211A\242\320\nD \317\211\f:\203j \f@\306 !\203[ \321 \322\"\204c \323 !B\fA\211\202G \237+\"+\207" [node windows dir edges #1=#:--cl-var-- window windowp window-buffer popwin:window-point window-start window-edges selected-window window-dedicated-p signal wrong-number-of-arguments nil append window-parameter window-side popwin:window-config-tree-1 #2=#:--cl-var--] 10])
#@96 Return `window-tree' with replacing window values in the tree
with persistent representations.
(defalias 'popwin:window-config-tree #[nil "\303 \211G\304U\203 \211A\242\202 \305\306\307GD\"@\310 !\n+D\207" [#1=#:--cl-rest-- root mini window-tree 2 signal wrong-number-of-arguments nil popwin:window-config-tree-1] 5 (#$ . 5551)])
#@192 Replicate NODE of window configuration on WINDOW with
horizontal factor HFACTOR, and vertical factor VFACTOR. The
return value is a association list of mapping from old-window to
(defalias 'popwin:replicate-window-config #[(window node hfactor vfactor) "@\306=\203\226 A\211G\307U\203 \211A\242\202 |