;;; Compiled
;;; in Emacs version 26.1
;;; with all optimizations.
;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.
;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.
(require 'org)
#@288 The level at which years should be placed in the date tree.
This is normally one, but if the buffer has an entry with a
DATE_TREE (or WEEK_TREE for ISO week entries) property (any
value), the date tree will become a subtree under that entry, so
the base level will be properly adjusted.
(defvar org-datetree-base-level 1 (#$ . 424))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \207" [custom-declare-variable org-datetree-add-timestamp funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "When non-nil, add a time stamp matching date of entry.\nAdded time stamp is active unless value is `inactive'." :group org-capture :version "24.3" :type (choice (const :tag "Do not add a time stamp" nil) (const :tag "Add an inactive time stamp" inactive) (const :tag "Add an active time stamp" active))] 10)
#@319 Find or create an entry for date D.
If KEEP-RESTRICTION is non-nil, do not widen the buffer.
When it is nil, the buffer will be widened to make sure an existing date
tree can be found. If it is the symbol `subtree-at-point', then the tree
will be built under the headline at point.
(fn D &optional KEEP-RESTRICTION)
(defalias 'org-datetree-find-date-create #[513 "\302\300!\210\303\214\211\304=\203( \305 \204 \306\307!\210~\210\310 \210\302\300!\210\311\312 \303\"\202F \211\204. ~\210\313\314!\211\203E \211b\210\302\300!\210\311\312 \303\"\310 \210\210eb\210\315 8)\211@)\211A@)\316\317\"\210\316\320#\210\316\321$\266\203)\207" [org-datetree-base-level date make-local-variable 1 subtree-at-point org-at-heading-p error "Not at heading" org-narrow-to-subtree org-get-valid-level org-current-level org-find-property "DATE_TREE" 2 org-datetree--find-create "^\\*+[ ]+\\([12][0-9]\\{3\\}\\)\\(\\s-*?\\([ ]:[[:alnum:]:_@#%%]+:\\)?\\s-*$\\)" "^\\*+[ ]+%d-\\([01][0-9]\\) \\w+$" "^\\*+[ ]+%d-%02d-\\([0123][0-9]\\) \\w+$"] 11 (#$ . 1236)])
#@380 Find or create an ISO week entry for date D.
Compared to `org-datetree-find-date-create' this function creates
entries ordered by week instead of months.
When it is nil, the buffer will be widened to make sure an existing date
tree can be found. If it is the symbol `subtree-at-point', then the tree
will be built under the headline at point.
(fn D &optional KEEP-RESTRICTION)
(defalias 'org-datetree-find-iso-week-create #[513 "\306\300!\210\307\214\211\310=\203( \311 \204 \312\313!\210~\210\314 \210\306\300!\210\315\316 \307\"\202F \211\204. ~\210\317\320!\211\203E \211b\210\306\300!\210\315\316 \307\"\314 \210\210eb\210\321\322!\210\323 8)\211@)\211A@)\324\325\211\211&\326\211\323 8)\327\211\325U\203\202 \330\331!\202\317\325V\203\374 S\332 \211\211@) \211A@) \323 8) \fS\333_\\,\f\323V\203\350 ,\334\f\335_\\\336\245Z,\211\325W\203\311 \337!S\335\246\325U\205\337 \340\246\325U?\206\337 \341\246\325U)\203\350 ,T,,-\n\342_\n\335\245\n\340\245[\n\341\245%\202\317\337T!\343 \211\211@) \211A@) \323 8) \fS\333_\\,\f\323V\203^,\334\f\335_\\\336\245Z,\211\325W\203?\337!S\335\246\325U\205U\340\246\325U?\206U\341\246\325U)\203^,T,,-\n\342_\n\335\245\n\340\245[\n\341\245\344\211\211@) \211A@) \323 8) \fS\333_\\,\f\323V\203\312,\334\f\335_\\\336\245Z,\211\325W\203\253\337!S\335\246\325U\205\301\340\246\325U?\206\301\341\246\325U)\203\312,T,,-&+!\3238@\345\346\327\211\347\350\n\"%\210\345\351\327\347\352\n\"%\210\345\353$\266\207)\207" [org-datetree-base-level date offset-years year month day make-local-variable 1 subtree-at-point org-at-heading-p error "Not at heading" org-narrow-to-subtree org-get-valid-level org-current-level org-find-property "WEEK_TREE" require cal-iso 2 encode-time 0 calendar-iso-from-absolute nil user-error "There was no year zero" + 31 23 4 10 abs 100 400 365 - (12 31 -1) org-datetree--find-create "^\\*+[ ]+\\([12][0-9]\\{3\\}\\)\\(\\s-*?\\([ ]:[[:alnum:]:_@#%%]+:\\)?\\s-*$\\)" format-time-string "%G" "^\\*+[ ]+%d-W\\([0-5][0-9]\\)$" "%G-W%V" "^\\*+[ ]+%d-%02d-\\([0123][0-9]\\) \\w+$" day-of-year] 18 (#$ . 2303)])
#@319 Find the datetree matched by REGEX for YEAR, MONTH, or DAY.
REGEX is passed to `format' with YEAR, MONTH, and DAY as
arguments. Match group 1 is compared against the specified date
component. If INSERT is non-nil and there is no match then it is
inserted into the buffer.
(defalias 'org-datetree--find-create #[1282 "\204 \203 \300 \210\301$\302eb\210\303\302\304#\211\262\2039 \305\224b\2039 \306\307\305!!\2065 \2065 W\204 \211\204T db\210n\204G \310c\210\311$\202y \306\307\305!!\206c \206c U\203l \312 \202y \312 \210\311$\207" [org-narrow-to-subtree format nil re-search-forward t 1 string-to-number match-string "\n" org-datetree-insert-line beginning-of-line] 12 (#$ . 4489)])
(fn YEAR &optional MONTH DAY TEXT)
(defalias 'org-datetree-insert-line #[1025 "\212\302\303x\210`)`|\210\304\305\306\"\307\261\210\310u\210\203 \311 \210\203$ \311 \210\211\203. \211c\210\202^ \312\313\"c\210\203^ \203N \314\315\316\317\211\211 &\"\202\\ \314\320\316\317\211\211\321 &\"c\210\203\201 \203\201 \212\304c\210\322 \210\323\316\317\211\211\n&\303 \324=#\210)\325 \207" [org-datetree-base-level org-datetree-add-timestamp " \n" nil "\n" make-string 42 " \n" -1 org-do-demote format "%d" format-time-string "-%m-%d %A" encode-time 0 "-%m %B" 1 org-indent-line org-insert-time-stamp inactive beginning-of-line] 13 (#$ . 5260)])
#@64 Insert a node TXT into the date tree under date D.
(fn TXT D)
(defalias 'org-datetree-file-entry-under #[514 "\301!\210\302 \303\"\304\305\211\"\210\306 \210\307\"\207" [outline-level org-datetree-find-date-create org-get-valid-level 1 org-end-of-subtree t org-back-over-empty-lines org-paste-subtree] 6 (#$ . 5933)])
#@209 Make sure all entries in the current tree are under the correct date.
It may be useful to restrict the buffer to the applicable portion
before running this command, even though the command tries to be smart.
(defalias 'org-datetree-cleanup #[0 "eb\210\304\305Q\304 \305Q\306\n\307\310#\205\244 \3112\240 \312 \313\224Z]\313\224{\314\315\"\2046 \316\"\2046 \316\"\203; \317\311\307\"\210\320\321\322\313!!!\3238\3248\3258E\3268@A@`\327\310!\210`\330 \204g b\210\317\311\307\"\210\331\332!\204u b\210\317\311\307\"\210\331\333\334$!\203\213 b\210\317\311\307\"\210\211b\210\335 \210\212\214\336\337\313!\"*\266\207\2620\210\202 \207" [org-deadline-string org-scheduled-string org-ts-regexp org-ds-keyword-length "\\<" "\\>[ ]*\\'" re-search-forward nil t next line-beginning-position 0 string-suffix-p "-" string-match throw decode-time org-time-string-to-time match-string 4 3 5 2 org-back-to-heading org-up-heading-safe looking-at "\\*+[ ]+[0-9]+-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]" format "\\*+[ ]+%d-%02d-%02d" org-cut-subtree org-datetree-file-entry-under current-kill] 16 (#$ . 6263) nil])
(provide 'org-datetree)