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(require 'magit)
#@58 Popup console for worktree commands.
(fn &optional ARG)
(defalias 'magit-worktree-popup #[256 "\300\301\302#\207" [magit-invoke-popup magit-worktree-popup nil] 5 (#$ . 425) "P"])
(defvar magit-worktree-popup (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313#?\205 \314\315\"BB\316\317\257\207" [:variable magit-worktree-arguments :man-page "git-worktree" :actions (98 "Create new worktree" magit-worktree-checkout) (99 "Create new branch and worktree" magit-worktree-branch) append require forge nil t ((112 "Create new worktree from pull-request" magit-worktree-checkout-pull-request)) ((107 "Delete worktree" magit-worktree-delete) (103 "Show status for worktree" magit-worktree-status)) :max-action-columns 1] 12))
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306DD\307\310\311\312\313&\207" [magit-define-popup-keys-deferred magit-worktree-popup custom-declare-variable magit-worktree-arguments funcall function #[0 "\301\302\"\207" [magit-worktree-popup plist-get :default-arguments] 3] "" :group magit-git-arguments :type (repeat (string :tag "Argument"))] 8)
(defalias 'magit-worktree-arguments #[0 "\303=\203 \207\n\207" [magit-current-popup magit-current-popup-args magit-worktree-arguments magit-worktree-popup] 2])
(put 'magit-worktree-arguments 'definition-name 'magit-worktree-popup)
#@62 Checkout BRANCH in a new worktree at PATH.
(defalias 'magit-worktree-checkout #[514 "\300\301\302\303!$\210\304!\207" [magit-run-git "worktree" "add" expand-file-name magit-diff-visit-directory] 7 (#$ . 1745) (byte-code "\300\301!\302\303\304\"!D\207" [magit-read-local-branch-or-commit "Checkout" read-directory-name format "Checkout %s in new worktree: "] 5)])
#@214 Create, configure and checkout a new worktree from a pull-request.
This is like `magit-checkout-pull-request', except that it
also creates a new worktree. Please see the manual for more
(fn PATH PR)
(defalias 'magit-worktree-checkout-pull-request #[514 "\301!\203 \302!\203 \303\304!G\305U\204 \306\307\"\210\310\311\312!)\"\207" [inhibit-magit-refresh file-exists-p file-directory-p directory-files "/tmp/testing/" 2 user-error "%s already exists and isn't empty" magit-worktree-checkout t magit-branch-pull-request] 6 (#$ . 2138) (byte-code "\302\303!\211\304\236A\305\306\236A\236A\307\310\"\311\312\313#\314\315!!\316\211\317\316\310\320#)\266\203\2038 \321!\202? \312\322 #%\262\211\323\232\203L \324\325!\210\211D\262\266\202\262\207" [default-directory inhibit-changing-match-data magit-read-pull-request "Checkout pull request" number ref head magit--pullreq-branch t read-directory-name format "Checkout #%s as `%s' in new worktree: " file-name-directory directory-file-name nil "\\`pr-[0-9]+\\'" string-match number-to-string "%s-%s" "" user-error "The empty string isn't a valid path"] 17)])
#@111 Create a new BRANCH and check it out in a new worktree at PATH.
(defalias 'magit-worktree-branch #[1027 "\300\301\302\203 \303\202\f \304\305 !&\210\306!\207" [magit-run-git "worktree" "add" "-B" "-b" expand-file-name magit-diff-visit-directory] 11 (#$ . 3292) (byte-code "\301\302!\303\304\305\306!!C\"B\207" [current-prefix-arg read-directory-name "Create worktree: " append butlast magit-branch-read-args "Create and checkout branch"] 5)])
#@112 Delete a worktree, defaulting to the worktree at point.
The primary worktree cannot be deleted.
(defalias 'magit-worktree-delete #[257 "\303\304\305\"!\203 \306\307\"\207\310\311 @@!\312\203 \313\202 \314\315C\"\210\316!\2031 \317\320#\210)\316\n!\203> |