;;; Compiled
;;; in Emacs version 26.1
;;; with all optimizations.
;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.
;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314&\210\315\316\317\320\321\322\313\306&\210\315\323\324\325\321\326\313\306&\207" [require ibuffer ibuf-ext vc-hooks cl-lib custom-declare-group ibuffer-vc nil "Group ibuffer entries according to their version control status." :prefix "ibuffer-vc-" :group convenience custom-declare-variable ibuffer-vc-skip-if-remote t "If non-nil, don't query the VC status of remote files." :type boolean ibuffer-vc-include-function 'identity "A function which tells whether a given file should be grouped.\n\nThe function is passed a filename, and should return non-nil if the file\nis to be grouped.\n\nThis option can be used to exclude certain files from the grouping mechanism." function] 8)
#@65 Return t iff FILE should be included in ibuffer-vc's filtering.
(defalias 'ibuffer-vc--include-file-p #[(file) "\205 \203 \303!?\205 \n!\207" [file ibuffer-vc-skip-if-remote ibuffer-vc-include-function file-remote-p] 2 (#$ . 1189)])
#@69 Return the vc backend for FILE, or nil if not under VC supervision.
(defalias 'ibuffer-vc--deduce-backend #[(file) "\306\307!\203 \3101 \307!0\207\210\311\207\312!\206E \311\313\311\n:\203C \n@\314\315#\2038 \311\211\2029 \313\203C \nA\211\202! ,\207" [file vc-handled-backends #1=#:--cl-var-- backend #2=#:--cl-var-- #3=#:--cl-var-- fboundp vc-responsible-backend (error) nil vc-backend t vc-call-backend responsible-p] 5 (#$ . 1435)])
#@122 Return a cons cell (backend-name . root-dir) for BUF.
If the file is not under version control, nil is returned instead.
(defalias 'ibuffer-vc-root #[(buf) "rq\210\306 \206\n \n!)\307!\205| \310!\211\205{ \311\312\313\314\f!\227\"!\315 !\2031 !\202t \f\316>\203= \317!\202t \f\320>\203J \321\322\"\202t \f\323>\203] \321\324\"\206t \325P\202t \f\326>\203p \321\327\"\206t \325P\202t \330\331\f\"\f*B))\207" [buf buffer-file-name default-directory file-name backend root-fn-name file-truename ibuffer-vc--include-file-p ibuffer-vc--deduce-backend intern format "vc-%s-root" symbol-name fboundp (darcs DARCS) vc-darcs-find-root (cvs CVS) vc-find-root "CVS" (rcs RCS) "RCS" ",v" (src SRC) ".src" error "ibuffer-vc: don't know how to find root for vc backend '%s' - please submit a bug report or patch" root-dir] 6 (#$ . 1896)])
#@48 Read a cons cell of (backend-name . root-dir).
(defalias 'ibuffer-vc-read-filter #[nil "\301\302\303\304\305$!@\306\307\304\211\305$B\207" [vc-handled-backends read-from-string completing-read "VC backend: " nil t read-directory-name "Root directory: "] 6 (#$ . 2745)])
#@60 Toggle current view to buffers with vc root dir QUALIFIER.
(defalias 'ibuffer-filter-by-vc-root #[(qualifier) "\301\302B!\210\303\304\305\306\"\"\210\307\310\311\"\207" [qualifier ibuffer-push-filter vc-root message "%s" format "Filter by vc root dir added: %s" ibuffer-update nil t] 5 (#$ . 3022) (list (ibuffer-vc-read-filter))])
(byte-code "\301\302\303EB\301\207" [ibuffer-filtering-alist vc-root "vc root dir" #[(buf qualifier) "\3041 \305!\211\205 \n\232))0\207\210\306 \210\307\207" [buf #:ibuffer-aif-sym it qualifier (error) ibuffer-vc-root ibuffer-pop-filter nil] 3]] 3)
#@77 Create a set of ibuffer filter groups based on the vc root dirs of buffers.
(defalias 'ibuffer-vc-generate-filter-groups-by-vc-root #[nil "\301\302\303\304\305\306 \"\"!\304\307\")\207" [roots ibuffer-remove-duplicates delq nil mapcar ibuffer-vc-root buffer-list #[(vc-root) "\301\302@A#\300BCB\207" [vc-root format "%s:%s"] 4]] 6 (#$ . 3621)])
#@57 Set the current filter groups to filter by vc root dir.
(defalias 'ibuffer-vc-set-filter-groups-by-vc-root #[nil "\302 \303\304!\210\305\306!\211\205 r q\210\307 !\210\310\311\312\"))\207" [ibuffer-filter-groups ibuf ibuffer-vc-generate-filter-groups-by-vc-root message "ibuffer-vc: groups set" get-buffer "*Ibuffer*" pop-to-buffer ibuffer-update nil t] 4 (#$ . 3977) nil])
#@57 Return the `vc-state' for FILE, or nil if unregistered.
(defalias 'ibuffer-vc--state #[(file) "\3011 |