;;; Compiled
;;; in Emacs version 26.1
;;; with all optimizations.
;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.
;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\207" [require ztree-view ztree-diff-model] 2)
#@86 Hidden files regexp.
By default all filest starting with dot `.', including . and ..
(defconst ztree-diff-hidden-files-regexp "^\\." (#$ . 489))
(custom-declare-face 'ztreep-diff-header-face '((((type tty pc) (class color)) :foreground "lightblue" :weight bold) (((background dark)) (:height 1.2 :foreground "lightblue" :weight bold)) (t :height 1.2 :foreground "darkblue" :weight bold)) "*Face used for the header in Ztree Diff buffer." :group 'Ztree-diff :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
(defvar ztreep-diff-header-face 'ztreep-diff-header-face)
(custom-declare-face 'ztreep-diff-header-small-face '((((type tty pc) (class color)) :foreground "lightblue" :weight bold) (((background dark)) (:foreground "lightblue" :weight bold)) (t :weight bold :foreground "darkblue")) "*Face used for the header in Ztree Diff buffer." :group 'Ztree-diff :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
(defvar ztreep-diff-header-small-face 'ztreep-diff-header-small-face)
(custom-declare-face 'ztreep-diff-model-diff-face '((t (:foreground "red"))) "*Face used for different files in Ztree-diff." :group 'Ztree-diff :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
(defvar ztreep-diff-model-diff-face 'ztreep-diff-model-diff-face)
(custom-declare-face 'ztreep-diff-model-add-face '((t (:foreground "blue"))) "*Face used for added files in Ztree-diff." :group 'Ztree-diff :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
(defvar ztreep-diff-model-add-face 'ztreep-diff-model-add-face)
(custom-declare-face 'ztreep-diff-model-ignored-face '((((type tty pc) (class color) (min-colors 256)) :foreground "#2f2f2f") (((type tty pc) (class color) (min-colors 8)) :foreground "white") (t (:foreground "#7f7f7f" :strike-through t))) "*Face used for non-modified files in Ztree-diff." :group 'Ztree-diff :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
(defvar ztreep-diff-model-ignored-face 'ztreep-diff-model-ignored-face)
(custom-declare-face 'ztreep-diff-model-normal-face '((((type tty pc) (class color) (min-colors 8)) :foreground "white") (t (:foreground "#7f7f7f"))) "*Face used for non-modified files in Ztree-diff." :group 'Ztree-diff :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
(defvar ztreep-diff-model-normal-face 'ztreep-diff-model-normal-face)
#@101 List of regexp file names to filter out.
By default paths starting with dot (like .git) are ignored
(defvar ztree-diff-filter-list (list ztree-diff-hidden-files-regexp) (#$ . 2689))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ztree-diff-filter-list)
#@67 Pair of the directories stored. Used to perform the full rescan.
(defvar ztree-diff-dirs-pair nil (#$ . 2930))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ztree-diff-dirs-pair)
#@52 Show or not equal files/directories on both sides.
(defvar ztree-diff-show-equal-files t (#$ . 3099))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ztree-diff-show-equal-files)
#@43 Show or not files from the filtered list.
(defvar ztree-diff-show-filtered-files nil (#$ . 3265))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ztree-diff-show-filtered-files)
#@53 Show or not orphan files/directories on right side.
(defvar ztree-diff-show-right-orphan-files t (#$ . 3430))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ztree-diff-show-right-orphan-files)
#@52 Show or not orphan files/directories on left side.
(defvar ztree-diff-show-left-orphan-files t (#$ . 3611))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ztree-diff-show-left-orphan-files)
#@51 Message showing while constructing the diff tree.
(defvar ztree-diff-wait-message nil (#$ . 3789))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ztree-diff-wait-message)
#@168 Window configurations prior to calling `ediff'.
A queue of window configurations, allowing
to restore last configuration even if there were a couple of ediff sessions
(defvar ztree-diff-ediff-previous-window-configurations nil (#$ . 3949))
#@97 Non-nil if ZtreeDiff mode is enabled.
Use the command `ztreediff-mode' to change this variable.
(defvar ztreediff-mode nil (#$ . 4195))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ztreediff-mode)
#@101 A minor mode for displaying the difference of the directory trees in text mode.
(fn &optional ARG)
(defalias 'ztreediff-mode #[256 "\301 \302=\203 ?\202 \303!\304V\305\306\203 \307\202 \310\"\210\311\312!\203B \301 \2032 \211\301 \232\203B \313\314\315\203= \316\202> |