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2018-11-18 9d27fc972e84736015ab3b1c331888a8fe3d1276
commit | author | age
5cb5f7 1 ;;; Srefactor --- A refactoring tool based on Semantic parser framework
C 2 ;;
3 ;; Filename: srefactor-lisp.el
4 ;; Description: A refactoring tool based on Semantic parser framework
5 ;; Author: Tu, Do Hoang <tuhdo1710@gmail.com>
6 ;; URL      : https://github.com/tuhdo/semantic-refactor
7 ;; Maintainer: Tu, Do Hoang
8 ;; Created: Wed Feb 11 21:25:51 2015 (+0700)
9 ;; Version: 0.3
10 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3+"))
11 ;; Last-Updated: Wed Feb 11 21:25:51 2015 (+0700)
12 ;;           By: Tu, Do Hoang
13 ;;     Update #: 1
14 ;; URL:
15 ;; Doc URL:
16 ;; Keywords: emacs-lisp, languages, tools
17 ;; Compatibility: GNU Emacs: 24.3+
18 ;;
19 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
20 ;;
21 ;;; Commentary:
22 ;;
23 ;; Semantic is a package that provides a framework for writing
24 ;; parsers. Parsing is a process of analyzing source code based on
25 ;; programming language syntax. This package relies on Semantic for
26 ;; analyzing source code and uses its results to perform smart code
27 ;; refactoring that based on code structure of the analyzed language,
28 ;; instead of plain text structure.
29 ;;
30 ;; This package provides the following features for Emacs Lisp:
31 ;;
32 ;; - `srefactor-lisp-format-buffer': Format whole buffer.
33 ;; - `srefactor-lisp-format-defun': Format the current defun point is in.
34 ;; - `srefactor-lisp-one-line': Transform all sub-sexpressions current sexpression at
35 ;; point into one line separated each one by a space.
36 ;;
37 ;; - `srefactor-lisp-format-sexp': Transform all sub-sexpressions current sexpression
38 ;; at point into multiple lines separated. If the head symbol belongs to the
39 ;; list `srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip', then the first N next symbol/sexpressions
40 ;; (where N is the nummber associated with the head symbol as stated in the
41 ;;  list) are skipped before a newline is inserted.
42 ;;
43 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
44 ;;
45 ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
46 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
47 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
48 ;; your option) any later version.
49 ;;
50 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
51 ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
53 ;; General Public License for more details.
54 ;;
55 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
56 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
57 ;;
58 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
59 ;;
60 ;;; Code:
61 (require 'semantic/bovine/el)
63 (defcustom srefactor-newline-threshold 40
64   "If a token is about to be inserted, if the current posistion
65   exceeds this threshold characters, insert the token in the next
66   line isntead. Note that this does not account for indentation
67   but the total number of characters in a line."
68   :group 'srefactor)
70 (defcustom srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip '(("progn" . 0)
71                                            ("cond" . 0)
72                                            ("save-excursion" . 0)
73                                            ("unwind-protect" . 0)
74                                            ("with-temp-buffer" . 0)
75                                            ;; ("condition-case" . 1)
76                                            ;; ("with-current-buffer" . 1)
77                                            ;; ("with-open-file" . 1)
78                                            ;; ("let" . 1)
79                                            ;; ("let*" . 1)
80                                            ;; ("if" . 1)
81                                            ;; ("while" . 1)
82                                            ;; ("dolist" . 1)
83                                            ;; ("do" . 1)
84                                            ;; ("when" . 1)
85                                            ;; ("buffer-substring-no-properties" . 1)
86                                            ;; ("unless" . 1)
87                                            ;; ("not" . 1)
88                                            ;; ("null" . 1)
89                                            ;; ("null?" . 1)
90                                            ;; ("concat" . 1)
91                                            ;; ("or" . 1)
92                                            ;; ("and" . 1)
93                                            ;; ("catch" . 1)
94                                            ;; ("mapcar" . 1)
95                                            ;; ("mapcan" . 1)
96                                            ;; ("mapc" . 1)
97                                            ;; ("+" . 1)
98                                            ;; ("-" . 1)
99                                            ;; ("*" . 1)
100                                            ;; ("/" . 1)
101                                            ;; ("error" . 1)
102                                            ;; ("goto-char" . 1)
103                                            ;; ("insert" . 1)
104                                            ;; ("car" . 1)
105                                            ;; ("cdr" . 1)
106                                            ;; ("lambda" . 1)
107                                            ;; ("1+" . 1)
108                                            ;; ("1-" . 1)
109                                            ("defmethod" . 1)
110                                            ("cons" . 2)
111                                            ("kill-region" . 2)
112                                            ("equal" . 2)
113                                            ("member" . 2)
114                                            ("eq?" . 2)
115                                            ("eq" . 2)
116                                            ("get" . 2)
117                                            ("assoc" . 2)
118                                            ("defun" . 2)
119                                            ("defclass" . 2)
120                                            ("defstruct" . 2)
121                                            ("defmacro" . 2)
122                                            ("defsubst" . 2)
123                                            ("defface" . 2)
124                                            ("defalias" . 2)
125                                            ("defcustom" . 2)
126                                            ("declare" . 2)
127                                            ("defvar" . 2)
128                                            ("defparameter" . 2)
129                                            ("defconst" . 2)
130                                            ("string-match" . 2)
131                                            ("defcustom" . 2)
132                                            ("setq" . 2)
133                                            ("setq-default" . 2)
134                                            ("member" . 2)
135                                            ("setf" . 2)
136                                            (">" . 2)
137                                            ("<" . 2)
138                                            ("<=" . 2)
139                                            (">=" . 2)
140                                            ("/=" . 2)
141                                            ("=" . 2)
142                                            ("some" . 2)
143                                            ("define-key" . 3)
144                                            ("modify-syntax-entry" . 3))
145   "A list of pairs of a symbol and a number that denotes how many
146   sexp to skip before inserting the first newline. "
147   :group 'srefactor)
149 (defcustom srefactor-clojure-symbol-to-skip '(("fn" . 1)
150                                               ("ns" . 1)
151                                               (":require" . 1)
152                                               (":import" . 1)
153                                               ("def" . 2)
154                                               ("struct-map" . 1)
155                                               ("defmacro" . 1)
156                                               ("binding" . 1)
157                                               ("with-bindings" . 1)
158                                               ("doseq" . 1)
159                                               ("catch" . 2)
160                                               ("defn" . 2))
161   "A list of pairs of a symbol and a number that denotes how many
162   sexp to skip before inserting a newline. This will be merged
163   with `srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip'. Symbols in this list
164   overrides symbols in `srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip'."
165   :group 'srefactor)
167 ;; Internal variables of parser state
168 (defvar token nil)
169 (defvar token-type nil)
170 (defvar token-str nil)
171 (defvar ignore-num nil)
172 (defvar tok-start nil)
173 (defvar next-token nil)
174 (defvar next-token-start nil)
175 (defvar next-token-end nil)
176 (defvar next-token-type nil)
177 (defvar next-token-str nil)
178 (defvar tok-end nil)
179 (defvar cur-buf nil)
180 (defvar first-token nil)
181 (defvar first-token-name nil)
182 (defvar second-token nil)
183 (defvar lexemes nil)
184 (defvar comment-token nil)
185 (defvar comment-content nil)
186 (defvar token-real-line nil)
187 (defvar next-token-real-line nil)
188 (defvar comment-real-line-start nil)
189 (defvar comment-real-line-end nil)
190 (defvar comment-token-start nil)
191 (defvar comment-token-end nil)
192 (defvar format-type nil)
193 (defvar recursive-p nil)
194 (defvar orig-format-type nil)
197 (defun srefactor--appropriate-major-mode (major-mode)
198   (cond
199    ((eq major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode)
200     (emacs-lisp-mode))
201    ((eq major-mode 'scheme-mode)
202     (scheme-mode))
203    ((eq major-mode 'common-lisp-mode)
204     (common-lisp-mode))
205    ((and (fboundp 'clojure-mode)
206          (eq major-mode 'clojure-mode))
207     (clojure-mode))
208    (t (emacs-lisp-mode))))
210 (defun srefactor--define-skip-list-for-mode (major-mode)
211   (cond
212    ((and (fboundp 'clojure-mode)
213          (eq major-mode 'clojure-mode))
214     (cl-remove-duplicates (append srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip srefactor-clojure-symbol-to-skip)
215                           :test (lambda (a b)
216                                   (equal (car a) (car b)))))
217    (t srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip)))
219 (defun srefactor-lisp-format-buffer ()
220   "Format current buffer."
221   (interactive)
222   (let ((cur-pos (point))
223         (buf-content (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
224                                                      (point-max)))
225         (cur-major-mode major-mode)
226         (orig-skip-list srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip)
227         (cur-indent-mode indent-tabs-mode))
228     (setq buf-content (with-temp-buffer
229                         (semantic-default-elisp-setup)
230                         (emacs-lisp-mode)
231                         (setq indent-tabs-mode cur-indent-mode)
232                         (setq srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip (srefactor--define-skip-list-for-mode cur-major-mode))
233                         (semantic-lex-init)
234                         (insert buf-content)
235                         (goto-char (point-max))
236                         (while (beginning-of-defun-raw)
237                           (let ((beg (point))
238                                 (end (save-excursion
239                                        (forward-sexp)
240                                        (point))))
241                             (srefactor--lisp-format-one-or-multi-lines
242                              beg end beg 'multi-line nil t)
243                             (goto-char beg)))
244                         (srefactor--appropriate-major-mode cur-major-mode)
245                         (indent-region (point-min)
246                                        (point-max))
247                         (setq srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip orig-skip-list)
248                         (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
249                                                         (point-max))))
250     (kill-region (point-min) (point-max))
251     (insert buf-content)
252     (goto-char cur-pos)))
254 (defun srefactor-lisp-format-defun ()
255   "Format current defun point is in."
256   (interactive)
257   (let* ((orig-point (point))
258          (beg (save-excursion
259                 (forward-char 1)
260                 (beginning-of-defun-raw)
261                 (point)))
262          (end (save-excursion
263                 (goto-char beg)
264                 (forward-sexp)
265                 (point)))
266          (orig-skip-list srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip)
267          (cur-indent-mode indent-tabs-mode)
268          (cur-major-mode major-mode)
269          (content (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
270     (progn
271       (setq content (with-temp-buffer
272                       (semantic-default-elisp-setup)
273                       (emacs-lisp-mode)
274                       (setq indent-tabs-mode cur-indent-mode)
275                       (setq srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip (srefactor--define-skip-list-for-mode cur-major-mode))
276                       (semantic-lex-init)
277                       (insert content)
278                       (srefactor--lisp-format-one-or-multi-lines (point-min)
279                                                                  (point-max)
280                                                                  (point-min)'multi-line
281                                                                  nil
282                                                                  t)
283                       (srefactor--appropriate-major-mode cur-major-mode)
284                       (setq srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip orig-skip-list)
285                       (indent-region (point-min)
286                                      (point-max))
287                       (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
288                                                       (point-max))))
289       (kill-region beg end)
290       (insert content)
291       (goto-char orig-point))))
293 (defun srefactor-lisp-format-sexp ()
294   "Transform all sub-sexpressions current sexpression at point
295 into multiple lines separatedly. If the head symbol belongs to the
296 list `srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip', then the first N next
297 symbol/sexpressions (where N is the nummber associated with the
298 head symbol as stated in the list) are skipped before a newline
299 is inserted."
300   (interactive)
301   (let* ((orig-point (point))
302          (beg (save-excursion
303                 (unless (looking-at "[({[]")
304                   (backward-up-list))
305                 (point)))
306          (end (save-excursion
307                 (goto-char beg)
308                 (forward-sexp)
309                 (point)))
310          (orig-skip-list srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip)
311          (cur-indent-mode indent-tabs-mode)
312          (cur-major-mode major-mode)
313          (content (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
314     (progn
315       (setq content (with-temp-buffer
316                       (semantic-default-elisp-setup)
317                       (emacs-lisp-mode)
318                       (setq indent-tabs-mode cur-indent-mode)
319                       (setq srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip (srefactor--define-skip-list-for-mode cur-major-mode))
320                       (semantic-lex-init)
321                       (insert content)
322                       (srefactor--lisp-format-one-or-multi-lines (point-min)
323                                                                  (point-max)
324                                                                  (point-min)'multi-line
325                                                                  nil
326                                                                  t)
327                       (srefactor--appropriate-major-mode cur-major-mode)
328                       (setq srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip orig-skip-list)
329                       (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
330                                                       (point-max))))
331       (kill-region beg end)
332       (insert content)
333       (goto-char beg)
334       (forward-sexp)
335       (setq end (point))
336       (indent-region beg end)
337       (goto-char orig-point))))
339 (defun srefactor-lisp-one-line (recursive-p)
340   "Transform all sub-sexpressions current sexpression at point
341 into one line separated each one by a space."
342   (interactive "P")
343   (let* ((orig-point (point))
344          (beg (save-excursion
345                 (unless (looking-at "[({[]")
346                   (backward-up-list))
347                 (point)))
348          (end (save-excursion
349                 (goto-char beg)
350                 (forward-sexp)
351                 (point)))
352          (orig-skip-list srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip)
353          (cur-indent-mode indent-tabs-mode)
354          (cur-major-mode major-mode)
355          (content (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
356     (progn
357       (setq content (with-temp-buffer
358                       (semantic-default-elisp-setup)
359                       (emacs-lisp-mode)
360                       (setq indent-tabs-mode cur-indent-mode)
361                       (setq srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip (srefactor--define-skip-list-for-mode cur-major-mode))
362                       (semantic-lex-init)
363                       (insert content)
364                       (srefactor--lisp-format-one-or-multi-lines (point-min)
365                                                                  (point-max)
366                                                                  (point-min)'one-line
367                                                                  nil
368                                                                  recursive-p)
369                       (srefactor--appropriate-major-mode cur-major-mode)
370                       (setq srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip orig-skip-list)
371                       (indent-region (point-min)
372                                      (point-max))
373                       (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
374                                                       (point-max))))
375       (kill-region beg end)
376       (insert content)
377       (goto-char orig-point))))
379 (defun srefactor--lisp-format-one-or-multi-lines (beg end orig-point format-type &optional
380                                                       newline-betwen-semantic-lists recursive-p)
381   "Turn the current sexpression into one line/multi-line depends
382 on the value of FORMAT-TYPE. If FORMAT-TYPE is 'one-line,
383 transforms all sub-sexpressions of the same level into one
384 line. If FORMAT-TYPE is 'multi-line, transforms all
385 sub-sexpressions of the same level into multiple lines.
387 Return the position of last closing sexp."
388   (let* ((lexemes (semantic-emacs-lisp-lexer beg end 1))
389          (cur-buf (current-buffer))
390          (first-token (cadr lexemes))
391          (first-token-name (srefactor--lisp-token-text first-token))
392          (second-token (caddr lexemes))
393          (tmp-buf (generate-new-buffer (make-temp-name "")))
394          (orig-format-type format-type)
395          token-str
396          ignore-pair
397          ignore-num
398          token)
399     (unwind-protect
400         (progn
401           (unless (assoc 'semantic-list lexemes)
402             (setq format-type 'one-line))
403           (if (or (eq (car first-token) 'semantic-list)
404                   (assoc first-token-name srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip))
405               (setq newline-betwen-semantic-lists t))
406           (setq ignore-pair (assoc first-token-name srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip))
407           (setq ignore-num (cdr ignore-pair))
408           (while lexemes
409             (let* (token-type tok-start tok-end next-token next-token-start
410                               next-token-type next-token-str)
411               (srefactor--lisp-forward-token)
412               (with-current-buffer tmp-buf
413                 (insert token-str)
414                 (srefactor--lisp-comment-formatter)
415                 (cond
416                  ((and (eq token-type 'number)
417                        (member next-token-str '("+" "-" "*" "/")))
418                   (srefactor--lisp-number-formatter))
419                  ((or (eq token-type 'punctuation)
420                       (eq token-type 'open-paren)
421                       (eq token-type 'close-paren)
422                       (eq next-token-type 'close-paren))
423                   (srefactor--lisp-punctuation-formatter))
424                  ((eq token-type 'symbol)
425                   (srefactor--lisp-symbol-formatter))
426                  ((eq format-type 'one-line)
427                   (srefactor--lisp-oneline-formatter))
428                  ((eq format-type 'multi-line)
429                   (srefactor--lisp-multiline-formatter))))))
430           (kill-region beg end)
431           (setq beg (point))
432           (insert (with-current-buffer tmp-buf
433                     (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
434                                                     (point-max))))
435           (setq end (point))
436           ;; descend into sub-sexpressions
437           (setq lexemes (semantic-emacs-lisp-lexer beg end 1))
438           (when recursive-p
439             (srefactor--lisp-visit-semantic-list-lex (nreverse lexemes))))
440       (kill-buffer tmp-buf))))
442 (defun srefactor--lisp-number-formatter ()
443   "Make use of dynamic scope of its parent
444 function `srefactor--lisp-format-one-or-multi-lines'"
445   (goto-char (semantic-lex-token-end token))
446   (insert next-token-str)
447   (srefactor--lisp-comment-formatter)
448   (insert " ")
449   (setq first-token (semantic-lex-token 'symbol
450                                         (semantic-lex-token-start token)
451                                         (1+ (semantic-lex-token-end token))))
452   (setq first-token-name (concat token-str next-token-str))
453   (setq second-token (cadr lexemes))
454   (srefactor--lisp-forward-token))
456 (defun srefactor--lisp-punctuation-formatter ()
457   "Make use of dynamic scope of its parent
458 function `srefactor--lisp-format-one-or-multi-lines'"
459   (let ((orig-token token)
460         token
461         token-str)
462     (while (srefactor--lisp-token-in-punctuation-p (srefactor--lisp-forward-token))
463       (insert token-str)
464       (srefactor--lisp-comment-formatter))
465     (when (eq first-token-name (srefactor--lisp-token-text orig-token))
466       (srefactor--lisp-forward-first-second-token))
467     (when token
468       (push token lexemes))))
470 (defun srefactor--lisp-symbol-formatter ()
471   "Insert additional text based on symbol appearance. Make use of
472 dynamic scope of its parent function `srefactor--lisp-format-one-or-multi-lines'"
473   (cond
474    ((and (not (equal token-str first-token-name))
475          (eq orig-format-type 'multi-line)
476          (string-match ":.*" token-str))
477     (insert " ")
478     (srefactor--lisp-forward-token)
479     (while (member token-type '(punctuation open-paren semantic-list))
480       (insert token-str)
481       (srefactor--lisp-forward-token))
482     (insert token-str)
483     (cond
484      ((or (equal next-token-str "}"))
485       (insert next-token-str "\n" " ")
486       (srefactor--lisp-comment-formatter)
487       (srefactor--lisp-forward-token))
488      ((not (or (srefactor--lisp-token-in-punctuation-p next-token)
489                (null next-token)))
490       (insert "\n"))
491      (t)))
492    ((member token-str '("~@" "?")) "")
493    ((string-equal token-str ".") (insert " "))
494    ((eq format-type 'one-line)
495     (srefactor--lisp-oneline-formatter))
496    ((eq format-type 'multi-line)
497     (srefactor--lisp-multiline-formatter))))
499 (defun srefactor--lisp-forward-first-second-token ()
500   (setq first-token token)
501   (setq first-token-name (srefactor--lisp-token-text first-token))
502   (setq second-token (car lexemes)))
504 (defun srefactor--lisp-forward-token ()
505   (setq token (pop lexemes))
506   (when token
507     (setq token-type (semantic-lex-token-class token))
508     (setq tok-start (semantic-lex-token-start token))
509     (setq tok-end (semantic-lex-token-end token))
510     (setq token-str (srefactor--lisp-token-text token))
511     (setq next-token (car lexemes))
512     (setq next-token-type (semantic-lex-token-class next-token))
513     (setq next-token-start (semantic-lex-token-start next-token))
514     (setq next-token-end (semantic-lex-token-end next-token))
515     (setq next-token-str (if next-token
516                              (srefactor--lisp-token-text next-token)
517                            ""))
518     token))
520 (defun srefactor--lisp-comment-formatter ()
521   (let (comment-token comment-token-start comment-token-end
522                       comment-content next-token-real-line token-real-line
523                       comment-real-line-start comment-real-line-end)
524     (when (and tok-end next-token-start)
525       (setq comment-token (with-current-buffer cur-buf ;; asdf
526                             (condition-case nil
527                                 (car (semantic-comment-lexer tok-end next-token-start))
528                               (error nil))))
529       (when comment-token
530         (setq comment-content (with-current-buffer cur-buf
531                                 ;; set values inside the buffer to avoid global variable
532                                 (setq comment-token-start (semantic-lex-token-start comment-token))
533                                 (setq comment-token-end (semantic-lex-token-end comment-token))
534                                 (setq comment-real-line-start (line-number-at-pos comment-token-start))
535                                 (setq comment-real-line-end (line-number-at-pos comment-token-end))
536                                 (setq token-real-line (line-number-at-pos tok-end))
537                                 (setq next-token-real-line (line-number-at-pos next-token-start))
538                                 (buffer-substring-no-properties comment-token-start
539                                                                 comment-token-end)))
540         (cond
541          ;; if comment token is next to a string, chances are it is below the
542          ;; docstring. Add a newlien in between.
543          ((eq token-type 'string)
544           (insert "\n" comment-content))
545          ((= token-real-line comment-real-line-start)
546           (insert " " comment-content))
547          ((not (= token-real-line comment-real-line-start))
548           (insert "\n" comment-content))
549          (t))
550         ;; If the current/next token is a punctuation (open/close paren,
551         ;; punctuation) add a newline no matter what; otherwise it destroys the
552         ;; layout of sexp because nonewline is inserted after the current/next
553         ;; token and it will be in the same line with the just inserted comment
554         ;; and be part of it, which is dangerous
555         (when (or (srefactor--lisp-token-in-punctuation-p token)
556                   (srefactor--lisp-token-in-punctuation-p next-token)
557                   (string-match "[]}]" token-str))
558           (insert "\n"))))))
560 (defun srefactor--lisp-oneline-formatter ()
561   (unless (srefactor--lisp-token-in-punctuation-p token)
562     (let ((distance (- (point)
563                        (line-beginning-position))))
564       (if (or (eq orig-format-type 'one-line)
565               (<= distance srefactor-newline-threshold))
566           (insert " ")
567         (insert "\n")))))
569 (defun srefactor--lisp-multiline-formatter ()
570   (cond
571    (ignore-num (when (and (equal first-token-name token-str))
572                  (insert " ")
573                  (when (and ignore-num
574                             (= ignore-num 0))
575                    (setq ignore-num (1- ignore-num))))
576                (while (> ignore-num 0)
577                  (if (srefactor--lisp-token-paren-p token)
578                      (progn
579                        (delete-char -1)
580                        (push token lexemes)
581                        (setq ignore-num 0))
582                    (srefactor--lisp-forward-token)
583                    (insert token-str)
584                    (srefactor--lisp-comment-formatter)
585                    (if (srefactor--lisp-token-in-punctuation-p token)
586                        (srefactor--lisp-forward-first-second-token)
587                      (setq ignore-num (1- ignore-num))
588                      (insert " "))))
589                (delete-char -1)
590                (if (srefactor--lisp-token-paren-p (car lexemes))
591                    (srefactor--lisp-punctuation-formatter)
592                  (insert "\n"))
593                (setq ignore-num nil))
594    ((and (equal first-token-name token-str)
595          (not (eq next-token-type 'semantic-list)))
596     (insert " "))
597    ((and (eq next-token-type 'semantic-list)
598          (eq token-type 'symbol)
599          (equal first-token-name token-str))
600     (insert " "))
601    ((eq token-type 'semantic-list)
602     (insert "\n"))
603    ((or (null ignore-num)
604         (= ignore-num 0))
605     (insert "\n"))
606    (t (insert "\n"))))
608 (defun srefactor--lisp-token-name-in-skip-list-p (token-name)
609   (member token-name srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip))
611 (defun srefactor--lisp-token-in-punctuation-p (token)
612   (member (semantic-lex-token-class token) '(open-paren charquote close-paren punctuation)))
614 (defun srefactor--lisp-token-paren-p (token)
615   (member (semantic-lex-token-class token) '(open-paren close-paren)))
617 (defun srefactor--lisp-token-text (token)
618   (if token
619       (with-current-buffer cur-buf
620         (buffer-substring-no-properties (semantic-lex-token-start token)
621                                         (semantic-lex-token-end token)))
622     ""))
624 (defun srefactor--lisp-visit-semantic-list-lex (lexemes)
625   "Visit and format all sub-sexpressions (semantic list) in LEXEMES."
626   (dolist (token lexemes)
627     (let ((tok-start (semantic-lex-token-start token))
628           (tok-end (semantic-lex-token-end token))
629           tok-str)
630       (when (and (eq (car token) 'semantic-list)
631                  (> (- tok-end tok-start) 2))
632         (goto-char (semantic-lex-token-start token))
633         (srefactor--lisp-format-one-or-multi-lines tok-start
634                                                    tok-end
635                                                    tok-start
636                                                    format-type
637                                                    (assoc tok-str srefactor-lisp-symbol-to-skip)
638                                                    recursive-p)))))
640 (defun srefactor--lisp-comment-debug-messages ()
641   (message "comment-token: %s" comment-token)
642   (message "comment-start: %s" comment-token-start)
643   (message "comment-end: %s" comment-token-end)
644   (message "comment-content: %s" comment-content)
645   (message "comment-content: %s" comment-content)
646   (message "token-real-line: %s" token-real-line)
647   (message "next-token-real-line: %s" next-token-real-line)
648   (message "comment-real-line-start: %s" comment-real-line-start)
649   (message "comment-real-line-end %s" comment-real-line-end))
651 (defun srefactor--lisp-debug-messages ()
652   (message "token: %s" token)
653   (message "token-type: %s" token-type)
654   (message "token-str: %s" token-str)
655   (when ignore-num
656     (message "ignore-num: %s" ignore-num))
657   (message "next-token: %s" next-token)
658   (message "next-token-type: %s" next-token-type)
659   (message "next-token-str: %s" next-token-str))
661 (provide 'srefactor-lisp)