commit | author | age
1 |
;ELC |
C |
2 |
;;; Compiled |
3 |
;;; in Emacs version 26.1 |
4 |
;;; with all optimizations. |
5 |
6 |
;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29. |
7 |
8 |
;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters, |
9 |
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23. |
10 |
11 |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
12 |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
13 |
14 |
15 |
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\210\300\306!\210\300\307!\210\300\310!\210\300\311!\210\300\312!\210\300\313\314\315#\207" [require cl-lib dash with-editor git-commit magit-core magit-diff magit-apply magit-log magit-repos format-spec package nil t] 4) |
16 |
(defconst magit--minimal-git "2.0.0") |
17 |
(defconst magit--minimal-emacs "25.1") |
18 |
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305%\210\300\306\307\310\304\305%\210\300\311\312\313\304\305%\210\300\314\315\316\304\305%\210\300\317\320\321\304\305%\210\300\322\323\324\304\305%\210\300\325\326\327\304\305%\210\300\330\331\332\304\305%\210\300\333\334\327\304\305%\210\300\335\336\337\304\305%\210\300\340\341\342\304\305%\210\300\343\344\345\304\305%\210\300\346\347\350\304\305%\210\300\351\352\353\304\305%\210\300\354\355\356\304\305%\210\300\357\360\361\304\305%\210\300\362\363\364\304\305%\210\300\365\366\367\304\305%\210\300\370\371\372\304\305%\210\300\373\374\375\304\305%\210\300\376\377\201@ \304\305%\210\300\201A \201B \201C \304\305%\210\300\201D \201E \201F \304\305%\210\300\201G \201H \201I \304\305%\210\300\201J \201K \201L \304\305%\210\300\201M \201N \201O \304\305%\210\300\201P \201Q \201R \304\305%\207" [custom-declare-face magit-header-line ((t :inherit magit-section-heading)) "Face for the `header-line' in some Magit modes.\nNote that some modes, such as `magit-log-select-mode', have their\nown faces for the `header-line', or for parts of the\n`header-line'." :group magit-faces magit-header-line-key ((t :inherit magit-popup-key)) "Face for keys in the `header-line'." magit-dimmed ((((class color) (background light)) :foreground "grey50") (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "grey50")) "Face for text that shouldn't stand out." magit-hash ((((class color) (background light)) :foreground "grey60") (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "grey40")) "Face for the sha1 part of the log output." magit-tag ((((class color) (background light)) :foreground "Goldenrod4") (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "LightGoldenrod2")) "Face for tag labels shown in log buffer." magit-branch-remote ((((class color) (background light)) :foreground "DarkOliveGreen4") (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "DarkSeaGreen2")) "Face for remote branch head labels shown in log buffer." magit-branch-remote-head ((((class color) (background light)) :inherit magit-branch-remote :box t) (((class color) (background dark)) :inherit magit-branch-remote :box t)) "Face for current branch." magit-branch-local ((((class color) (background light)) :foreground "SkyBlue4") (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "LightSkyBlue1")) "Face for local branches." magit-branch-current ((((class color) (background light)) :inherit magit-branch-local :box t) (((class color) (background dark)) :inherit magit-branch-local :box t)) magit-branch-upstream ((t :slant italic)) "Face for upstream branch.\nThis face is only used in logs and it gets combined\n with `magit-branch-local', `magit-branch-remote'\nand/or `magit-branch-remote-head'." magit-head ((((class color) (background light)) :inherit magit-branch-local) (((class color) (background dark)) :inherit magit-branch-local)) "Face for the symbolic ref `HEAD'." magit-refname ((((class color) (background light)) :foreground "grey30") (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "grey80")) "Face for refnames without a dedicated face." magit-refname-stash ((t :inherit magit-refname)) "Face for stash refnames." magit-refname-wip ((t :inherit magit-refname)) "Face for wip refnames." magit-refname-pullreq ((t :inherit magit-refname)) "Face for pullreq refnames." magit-keyword ((t :inherit font-lock-string-face)) "Face for parts of commit messages inside brackets." magit-keyword-squash ((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face)) "Face for squash! and fixup! keywords in commit messages." magit-signature-good ((t :foreground "green")) "Face for good signatures." magit-signature-bad ((t :foreground "red" :weight bold)) "Face for bad signatures." magit-signature-untrusted ((t :foreground "cyan")) "Face for good untrusted signatures." magit-signature-expired ((t :foreground "orange")) "Face for signatures that have expired." magit-signature-expired-key ((t :inherit magit-signature-expired)) "Face for signatures made by an expired key." magit-signature-revoked ((t :foreground "violet red")) "Face for signatures made by a revoked key." magit-signature-error ((t :foreground "firebrick3")) "Face for signatures that cannot be checked (e.g. missing key)." magit-cherry-unmatched ((t :foreground "cyan")) "Face for unmatched cherry commits." magit-cherry-equivalent ((t :foreground "magenta")) "Face for equivalent cherry commits." magit-filename ((t :weight normal)) "Face for filenames."] 6) |
19 |
#@65 Popup console for dispatching other popups. |
20 |
21 |
(fn &optional ARG) |
22 |
(defalias 'magit-dispatch-popup #[256 "\300\301\302#\207" [magit-invoke-popup magit-dispatch-popup nil] 5 (#$ . 5186) "P"]) |
23 |
(defvar magit-dispatch-popup (list :variable 'magit-dispatch-arguments :actions '("Popup and dwim commands" (65 "Cherry-picking" magit-cherry-pick-popup) (98 "Branching" magit-branch-popup) (66 "Bisecting" magit-bisect-popup) (99 "Committing" magit-commit-popup) (100 "Diffing" magit-diff-popup) (68 "Change diffs" magit-diff-refresh-popup) (101 "Ediff dwimming" magit-ediff-dwim) (69 "Ediffing" magit-ediff-popup) (102 "Fetching" magit-fetch-popup) (70 "Pulling" magit-pull-popup) (108 "Logging" magit-log-popup) (76 "Change logs" magit-log-refresh-popup) (109 "Merging" magit-merge-popup) (77 "Remoting" magit-remote-popup) (111 "Submodules" magit-submodule-popup) (79 "Subtrees" magit-subtree-popup) (80 "Pushing" magit-push-popup) (114 "Rebasing" magit-rebase-popup) (116 "Tagging" magit-tag-popup) (84 "Notes" magit-notes-popup) (86 "Reverting" magit-revert-popup) (119 "Apply patches" magit-am-popup) (87 "Format patches" magit-patch-popup) (88 "Resetting" magit-reset-popup) (121 "Show Refs" magit-show-refs-popup) (122 "Stashing" magit-stash-popup) (33 "Running" magit-run-popup) (37 "Worktree" magit-worktree-popup) (lambda nil (and (with-current-buffer magit-pre-popup-buffer (derived-mode-p 'magit-mode)) (propertize "Applying changes" 'face 'magit-popup-heading))) (97 "Apply" magit-apply) (115 "Stage" magit-stage) (117 "Unstage" magit-unstage) (118 "Reverse" magit-reverse) (83 "Stage all" magit-stage-modified) (85 "Unstage all" magit-unstage-all) (107 "Discard" magit-discard) (lambda nil (and (with-current-buffer magit-pre-popup-buffer (derived-mode-p 'magit-mode)) (propertize "Essential commands" 'face 'magit-popup-heading))) (103 " refresh current buffer" magit-refresh) (9 " toggle section at point" magit-section-toggle) (13 " visit thing at point" magit-visit-thing) ("C-h m" "show all key bindings" describe-mode)) :setup-function 'magit-dispatch-popup-setup :max-action-columns #[257 "\211\300\267\202\f \301\207\302\207\303\207\304\207" [#s(hash-table size 3 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data ("Popup and dwim commands" 6 "Applying changes" 8 "Essential commands" 10)) 4 3 1 nil] 3 "\n\n(fn HEADING)"])) |
24 |
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306DD\307\310\311\312\313&\207" [magit-define-popup-keys-deferred magit-dispatch-popup custom-declare-variable magit-dispatch-arguments funcall function #[0 "\301\302\"\207" [magit-dispatch-popup plist-get :default-arguments] 3] "" :group magit-git-arguments :type (repeat (string :tag "Argument"))] 8) |
25 |
(defalias 'magit-dispatch-arguments #[0 "\303=\203 \207\n\207" [magit-current-popup magit-current-popup-args magit-dispatch-arguments magit-dispatch-popup] 2]) |
26 |
(put 'magit-dispatch-arguments 'definition-name 'magit-dispatch-popup) |
27 |
#@40 Keymap used by `magit-dispatch-popup'. |
28 |
(defvar magit-dispatch-popup-map (byte-code "\301 \302\"\210\303\304!\203 \305\306\307#\210\305\310\307#\210\202( \305\311\307#\210\305\312\307#\210\211\207" [magit-popup-mode-map make-sparse-keymap set-keymap-parent featurep jkl define-key [tab] magit-invoke-popup-action [return] " " "
"] 5) (#$ . 8132)) |
29 |
#@16 |
30 |
31 |
(fn VAL DEF) |
32 |
(defalias 'magit-dispatch-popup-setup #[514 "\301\"\210\302!\210\303\304\305\304!\306\307\310\311\211\312\311\211&\306\307\313\311\211\314\311\211&D\244\"\207" [magit-dispatch-popup-map magit-popup-default-setup use-local-map magit-popup-put :actions magit-popup-get record magit-popup-event tab nil magit-section-toggle return magit-visit-thing] 14 (#$ . 8491)]) |
33 |
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \207" [custom-declare-variable magit-shell-command-verbose-prompt funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to show the working directory when reading a command.\nThis affects `magit-git-command', `magit-git-command-topdir',\n`magit-shell-command', and `magit-shell-command-topdir'." :package-version (magit . "2.11.0") :group magit-commands :type boolean] 10) |
34 |
(defvar magit-git-command-history nil) |
35 |
#@65 Popup console for running raw Git commands. |
36 |
37 |
(fn &optional ARG) |
38 |
(defalias 'magit-run-popup #[256 "\300\301\302#\207" [magit-invoke-popup magit-run-popup nil] 5 (#$ . 9351) "P"]) |
39 |
(defvar magit-run-popup (list :variable 'magit-run-arguments :actions '((33 "Git Subcommand (in topdir)" magit-git-command-topdir) (107 "Gitk" magit-run-gitk) (112 "Git Subcommand (in pwd)" magit-git-command) (97 "Gitk --all" magit-run-gitk-all) (115 "Shell command (in topdir)" magit-shell-command-topdir) (98 "Gitk --branches" magit-run-gitk-branches) (83 "Shell command (in pwd)" magit-shell-command) (103 "Git Gui" magit-run-git-gui)) :default-action 'magit-git-command :max-action-columns 2)) |
40 |
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306DD\307\310\311\312\313&\207" [magit-define-popup-keys-deferred magit-run-popup custom-declare-variable magit-run-arguments funcall function #[0 "\301\302\"\207" [magit-run-popup plist-get :default-arguments] 3] "" :group magit-git-arguments :type (repeat (string :tag "Argument"))] 8) |
41 |
(defalias 'magit-run-arguments #[0 "\303=\203 \207\n\207" [magit-current-popup magit-current-popup-args magit-run-arguments magit-run-popup] 2]) |
42 |
(put 'magit-run-arguments 'definition-name 'magit-run-popup) |
43 |
#@322 Execute COMMAND asynchronously; display output. |
44 |
45 |
Interactively, prompt for COMMAND in the minibuffer. "git " is |
46 |
used as initial input, but can be deleted to run another command. |
47 |
48 |
With a prefix argument COMMAND is run in the top-level directory |
49 |
of the current working tree, otherwise in `default-directory'. |
50 |
51 |
(fn COMMAND) |
52 |
(defalias 'magit-git-command #[257 "\300!\207" [magit--shell-command] 3 (#$ . 10576) (byte-code "\300\301\302\"C\207" [magit-read-shell-command nil "git "] 3)]) |
53 |
#@265 Execute COMMAND asynchronously; display output. |
54 |
55 |
Interactively, prompt for COMMAND in the minibuffer. "git " is |
56 |
used as initial input, but can be deleted to run another command. |
57 |
58 |
COMMAND is run in the top-level directory of the current |
59 |
working tree. |
60 |
61 |
(fn COMMAND) |
62 |
(defalias 'magit-git-command-topdir #[257 "\300\301 \"\207" [magit--shell-command magit-toplevel] 4 (#$ . 11066) (byte-code "\300\301\302\"C\207" [magit-read-shell-command t "git "] 3)]) |
63 |
#@246 Execute COMMAND asynchronously; display output. |
64 |
65 |
Interactively, prompt for COMMAND in the minibuffer. With a |
66 |
prefix argument COMMAND is run in the top-level directory of |
67 |
the current working tree, otherwise in `default-directory'. |
68 |
69 |
(fn COMMAND) |
70 |
(defalias 'magit-shell-command #[257 "\300!\207" [magit--shell-command] 3 (#$ . 11525) (byte-code "\300 C\207" [magit-read-shell-command] 1)]) |
71 |
#@189 Execute COMMAND asynchronously; display output. |
72 |
73 |
Interactively, prompt for COMMAND in the minibuffer. COMMAND |
74 |
is run in the top-level directory of the current working tree. |
75 |
76 |
(fn COMMAND) |
77 |
(defalias 'magit-shell-command-topdir #[257 "\300\301 \"\207" [magit--shell-command magit-toplevel] 4 (#$ . 11921) (byte-code "\300\301!C\207" [magit-read-shell-command t] 2)]) |
78 |
#@36 |
79 |
80 |
(fn COMMAND &optional DIRECTORY) |
81 |
(defalias 'magit--shell-command #[513 "\211\206 \304 B\305\n\306$\210*\307 \207" [default-directory process-environment shell-file-name shell-command-switch "GIT_PAGER=cat" magit-start-process nil magit-process-buffer] 7 (#$ . 12293)]) |
82 |
#@41 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
(defalias 'magit-read-shell-command #[512 "\303\204 |